File: view_help.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Document for viewing the online help texts, also known as TCA_DESCR. * See Inside TYPO3 for details. * * $Id: view_help.php 3439 2008-03-16 19:16:51Z flyguide $ * Revised for TYPO3 3.7 5/2004 by Kasper Skaarhoj * XHTML-trans compliant * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 91: class local_t3lib_parsehtml extends t3lib_parsehtml * 102: function processContent($value,$dir,$conf) * * * 122: class SC_view_help * 146: function init() * 167: function main() * 198: function printContent() * * SECTION: Rendering main modes * 221: function render_TOC() * 338: function render_TOC_el($table, $tocCat, &$outputSections, &$tocArray, &$CSHkeys) * 370: function render_TOC_makeTocList($tocArray) * 409: function render_Table($table) * 469: function render_Single($table,$field) * * SECTION: Rendering CSH items * 515: function make_seeAlso($value,$anchorTable='') * 564: function printImage($images,$descr) * 599: function headerLine($str,$type=0) * 620: function prepareContent($str) * 635: function printItem($table,$field,$anchors=0) * 668: function getTableFieldNames($table,$field) * 691: function getTableFieldLabel($table,$field='',$mergeToken=': ') * * SECTION: Glossary related * 726: function createGlossaryIndex() * 785: function substituteGlossaryWords($code) * 801: function substituteGlossaryWords_htmlcleaner_callback($code) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 19 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ require('init.php'); require('template.php'); $LANG->includeLLFile('EXT:lang/locallang_view_help.xml'); require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_loadmodules.php'); require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_parsehtml.php'); /** * Extension of the parse_html class. * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage core */ class local_t3lib_parsehtml extends t3lib_parsehtml { /** * Processing content between tags for HTML_cleaner * * @param string The value * @param integer Direction, either -1 or +1. 0 (zero) means no change to input value. * @param mixed Not used, ignore. * @return string The processed value. * @access private */ function processContent($value,$dir,$conf) { $value = $this->pObj->substituteGlossaryWords_htmlcleaner_callback($value); return $value; } } /** * Script Class for rendering the Context Sensitive Help documents, either the single display in the small pop-up window or the full-table view in the larger window. * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage core */ class SC_view_help { var $allowedHTML = '<strong><em><b><i>'; // For these vars, see init() var $limitAccess; // If set access to fields and tables is checked. Should be done for true database tables. var $table; // The "table" key var $field; // The "field" key // Internal, static: GPvar: var $tfID; // Table/FIeld id. var $ffID; // Flexform file/field information var $back; // Back (previous tfID) var $renderALL; // If set, then in TOC mode the FULL manual will be printed as well! // Internal, dynamic: var $content; // Content accumulation. var $glossaryWords; // Glossary words /** * Initialize the class for various input etc. * * @return void */ function init() { global $LANG, $TCA; // Setting GPvars: $this->tfID = t3lib_div::_GP('tfID'); if (!$this->tfID) { if (($this->ffID = t3lib_div::_GP('ffID'))) { $this->ffID = unserialize(base64_decode($this->ffID)); } } $this->back = t3lib_div::_GP('back'); $this->renderALL = t3lib_div::_GP('renderALL'); // Set internal table/field to the parts of "tfID" incoming var. list($this->table,$this->field) = explode('.',$this->tfID); // limitAccess is checked if the $this->table really IS a table (and if the user is NOT a translator who should see all!) $showAllToUser = t3lib_BEfunc::isModuleSetInTBE_MODULES('txllxmltranslateM1') && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('modules','txllxmltranslateM1'); $this->limitAccess = isset($TCA[$this->table]) ? !$showAllToUser : FALSE; } /** * Main function, rendering the display * * @return void */ function main() { global $BE_USER,$LANG,$TCA_DESCR,$TCA,$TBE_TEMPLATE; // Start HTML output accumulation: $TBE_TEMPLATE->docType = 'xhtml_trans'; $TBE_TEMPLATE->divClass = 'typo3-view-help'; $this->content.= $TBE_TEMPLATE->startPage($LANG->getLL('title')); if ($this->field=='*') { // If ALL fields is supposed to be shown: $this->createGlossaryIndex(); $this->content.= $this->render_Table($this->table); } elseif ($this->tfID) { // ... otherwise show only single field: $this->createGlossaryIndex(); $this->content.= $this->render_Single($this->table,$this->field); } elseif (is_array($this->ffID)) { $this->content.= $this->render_SingleFlex(); } else { // Render Table Of Contents if nothing else: $this->content.= $this->render_TOC(); } // Print close-button: # $this->content.='<br /><form action=""><input type="submit" value="'.htmlspecialchars($LANG->getLL('close')).'" onclick="self.close(); return false;" /></form><br/>'; // End page: $this->content.= '<br/>'; $this->content.= $TBE_TEMPLATE->endPage(); } /** * Outputting the accumulated content to screen * * @return void */ function printContent() { echo $this->content; } /************************************ * * Rendering main modes * ************************************/ /** * Creates Table Of Contents and possibly "Full Manual" mode if selected. * * @return string HTML content */ function render_TOC() { global $TCA_DESCR,$TCA,$LANG,$BE_USER,$TBE_MODULES; // Initialize: $CSHkeys = array_flip(array_keys($TCA_DESCR)); $TCAkeys = array_keys($TCA); $outputSections = array(); $tocArray = array(); // TYPO3 Core Features: $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription('xMOD_csh_corebe'); $this->render_TOC_el('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'core', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); // Backend Modules: $loadModules = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadModules'); $loadModules->load($TBE_MODULES); foreach($loadModules->modules as $mainMod => $info) { $cshKey = '_MOD_'.$mainMod; if ($CSHkeys[$cshKey]) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); $this->render_TOC_el($cshKey, 'modules', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } if (is_array($info['sub'])) { foreach($info['sub'] as $subMod => $subInfo) { $cshKey = '_MOD_'.$mainMod.'_'.$subMod; if ($CSHkeys[$cshKey]) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); $this->render_TOC_el($cshKey, 'modules', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } } } } // Database Tables: foreach($TCAkeys as $table) { // Load descriptions for table $table $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($table); if (is_array($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']) && $BE_USER->check('tables_select',$table)) { $this->render_TOC_el($table, 'tables', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } } // Extensions foreach($CSHkeys as $cshKey => $value) { if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cshKey, 'xEXT_') && !isset($TCA[$cshKey])) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); $this->render_TOC_el($cshKey, 'extensions', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } } // Glossary foreach($CSHkeys as $cshKey => $value) { if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cshKey, 'xGLOSSARY_') && !isset($TCA[$cshKey])) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); $this->render_TOC_el($cshKey, 'glossary', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } } // Other: foreach($CSHkeys as $cshKey => $value) { if (!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cshKey, '_MOD_') && !isset($TCA[$cshKey])) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); $this->render_TOC_el($cshKey, 'other', $outputSections, $tocArray, $CSHkeys); } } // COMPILE output: $output = ''; $output.= ' <h1>'.$LANG->getLL('manual_title',1).'</h1> <p>'.t3lib_BEfunc::TYPO3_copyRightNotice().'</p>'; $output.= ' <h1>'.$LANG->getLL('introduction',1).'</h1> <p>'.$LANG->getLL('description',1).'</p>'; $output.= ' <h1>'.$LANG->getLL('TOC',1).'</h1>'. $this->render_TOC_makeTocList($tocArray); if (!$this->renderALL) { $output.= ' <br/> <p class="c-nav"><a href="view_help.php?renderALL=1">'.$LANG->getLL('full_manual',1).'</a></p>'; } if ($this->renderALL) { $output.= ' <h1>'.$LANG->getLL('full_manual_chapters',1).'</h1>'. implode(' <!-- NEW SECTION: --> ',$outputSections); } return $output; } /** * Creates a TOC list element and renders corresponding HELP content if "renderALL" mode is set. * * @param string CSH key / Table name * @param string TOC category keyword: "core", "modules", "tables", "other" * @param array Array for accumulation of rendered HELP Content (in "renderALL" mode). Passed by reference! * @param array TOC array; Here TOC index elements are created. Passed by reference! * @param array CSH keys array. Every item rendered will be unset in this array so finally we can see what CSH keys are not processed yet. Passed by reference! * @return void */ function render_TOC_el($table, $tocCat, &$outputSections, &$tocArray, &$CSHkeys) { global $LANG; if ($this->renderALL) { // Render full manual right here! $outputSections[$table] = $this->render_Table($table); if ($outputSections[$table]) { $outputSections[$table] = ' <!-- New CSHkey/Table: '.$table.' --> <p class="c-nav"><a name="ANCHOR_'.$table.'" href="#">'.$LANG->getLL('to_top',1).'</a></p> <h2>'.$this->getTableFieldLabel($table).'</h2> '.$outputSections[$table]; $tocArray[$tocCat][$table] = '<a href="#ANCHOR_'.$table.'">'.$this->getTableFieldLabel($table).'</a>'; } else { unset($outputSections[$table]); } } else { // Only TOC: $tocArray[$tocCat][$table] = '<p><a href="view_help.php?tfID='.rawurlencode($table.'.*').'">'.$this->getTableFieldLabel($table).'</a></p>'; } // Unset CSH key: unset($CSHkeys[$table]); } /** * Renders the TOC index as a HTML bullet list from TOC array * * @param array ToC Array. * @return string HTML bullet list for index. */ function render_TOC_makeTocList($tocArray) { global $LANG; // The Various manual sections: $keys = explode(',', 'core,modules,tables,extensions,glossary,other'); // Create TOC bullet list: $output = ''; foreach($keys as $tocKey) { if (is_array($tocArray[$tocKey])) { $output.=' <li>'.$LANG->getLL('TOC_'.$tocKey,1).' <ul> <li>'.implode('</li> <li>',$tocArray[$tocKey]).'</li> </ul> </li>'; } } // Compile TOC: $output = ' <!-- TOC: --> <div class="c-toc"> <ul> '.$output.' </ul> </div>'; return $output; } /** * Render CSH for a full cshKey/table * * @param string CSH key / table name * @return string HTML output */ function render_Table($table) { global $BE_USER,$TCA_DESCR,$TCA,$LANG; $output = ''; // Load table TCA t3lib_div::loadTCA($table); // Load descriptions for table $table $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($table); if (is_array($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']) && (!$this->limitAccess || $BE_USER->check('tables_select',$table))) { // Initialize variables: $parts = array(); $parts[0] = ''; // Reserved for header of table // Traverse table columns as listed in TCA_DESCR reset($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']); while(list($field) = each($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'])) { $fieldValue = isset($TCA[$table]) && strcmp($field,'') ? $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field] : array(); if (is_array($fieldValue) && (!$this->limitAccess || !$fieldValue['exclude'] || $BE_USER->check('non_exclude_fields',$table.':'.$field))) { if (!$field) { $parts[0] = $this->printItem($table,'',1); // Header } else { $parts[] = $this->printItem($table,$field,1); // Field } } } if (!strcmp($parts,'')) unset($parts[0]); $output.= implode('<br />',$parts); } // Substitute glossary words: $output = $this->substituteGlossaryWords($output); // TOC link: if (!$this->renderALL) { $tocLink = '<p class="c-nav"><a href="view_help.php">'.$LANG->getLL('goToToc',1).'</a></p>'; $output = $tocLink.' <br/>'. $output.' <br />'. $tocLink; } return $output; } /** * Renders CSH for a single field. * * @param string CSH key / table name * @param string Sub key / field name * @return string HTML output */ function render_Single($table,$field) { global $LANG, $TCA; $output = ''; // Load descriptions for table $table $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($table); // Render single item: $output.= $this->printItem($table,$field); // Substitute glossary words: $output = $this->substituteGlossaryWords($output); // Link to Full table description and TOC: $getLLKey = $this->limitAccess ? 'fullDescription' : 'fullDescription_module'; $output.= '<br /> <p class="c-nav"><a href="view_help.php?tfID='.rawurlencode($table.'.*').'">'.$LANG->getLL($getLLKey,1).'</a></p> <p class="c-nav"><a href="view_help.php">'.$LANG->getLL('goToToc',1).'</a></p>'; return $output; } /** * Renders CSH for a single field. * * @param string CSH key / table name * @param string Sub key / field name * @return string HTML output */ function render_SingleFlex() { $output = ''; // Render $output.= $this->printItemFlex(); // Substitute glossary words: return $this->substituteGlossaryWords($output); } /************************************ * * Rendering CSH items * ************************************/ /** * Make seeAlso links from $value * * @param string See-also input codes * @param string If $anchorTable is set to a tablename, then references to this table will be made as anchors, not URLs. * @return string See-also links HTML */ function make_seeAlso($value,$anchorTable='') { global $TCA,$BE_USER,$TCA_DESCR; // Split references by comma, vert.line or linebreak $items = split(',|'.chr(10),$value); $lines = array(); foreach($items as $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val) { $iP = explode(':',$val); $iPUrl = t3lib_div::trimExplode('|',$val); // URL reference: if (substr($iPUrl[1],0,4)=='http') { $lines[] = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($iPUrl[1]).'" target="_blank"><em>'.htmlspecialchars($iPUrl[0]).'</em></a>'; } elseif (substr($iPUrl[1],0,5)=='FILE:') { $fileName = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(substr($iPUrl[1],5),1,1); if ($fileName && @is_file($fileName)) { $fileName = '../'.substr($fileName,strlen(PATH_site)); $lines[] = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($fileName).'" target="_blank"><em>'.htmlspecialchars($iPUrl[0]).'</em></a>'; } } else { // "table" reference t3lib_div::loadTCA($iP[0]); if (!isset($TCA[$iP[0]]) || ((!$iP[1] || is_array($TCA[$iP[0]]['columns'][$iP[1]])) && (!$this->limitAccess || ($BE_USER->check('tables_select',$iP[0]) && (!$iP[1] || !$TCA[$iP[0]]['columns'][$iP[1]]['exclude'] || $BE_USER->check('non_exclude_fields',$iP[0].':'.$iP[1])))))) { // Checking read access: // Load table descriptions: #$LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($iP[0]); if (isset($TCA_DESCR[$iP[0]])) { // Make see-also link: $href = ($this->renderALL || ($anchorTable && $iP[0]==$anchorTable) ? '#'.implode('.',$iP) : 'view_help.php?tfID='.rawurlencode(implode('.',$iP)).'&back='.$this->tfID); $label = $this->getTableFieldLabel($iP[0],$iP[1],' / '); $lines[] = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'">'.htmlspecialchars($label).'</a>'; } } } } } return implode('<br />',$lines); } /** * Will return an image tag with description in italics. * * @param string Image file reference (list of) * @param string Description string (divided for each image by line break) * @return string Image HTML codes */ function printImage($images,$descr) { $code = ''; // Splitting: $imgArray = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $images, 1); if (count($imgArray)) { $descrArray = explode(chr(10),$descr,count($imgArray)); foreach($imgArray as $k => $image) { $descr = $descrArray[$k]; $absImagePath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($image,1,1); if ($absImagePath && @is_file($absImagePath)) { $imgFile = substr($absImagePath,strlen(PATH_site)); $imgInfo = @getimagesize($absImagePath); if (is_array($imgInfo)) { $imgFile = '../'.$imgFile; $code.= '<br /><img src="'.$imgFile.'" '.$imgInfo[3].' class="c-inlineimg" alt="" /><br /> '; $code.= '<p><em>'.$GLOBALS['LANG']->hscAndCharConv($descr,1).'</em></p> '; } else $code.= '<div style="background-color: red; border: 1px solid black; color: white;">NOT AN IMAGE: '.$imgFile.'</div>'; } else $code.= '<div style="background-color: red; border: 1px solid black; color: white;">IMAGE FILE NOT FOUND: '.$image.'</div>'; } } return $code; } /** * Returns header HTML content * * @param string Header text * @param string Header type (1, 0) * @return string The HTML for the header. */ function headerLine($str,$type=0) { switch($type) { case 1: $str='<h3>'.htmlspecialchars($str).'</h3> '; break; case 0: $str='<h4 class="uppercase">'.htmlspecialchars($str).'</h4> '; break; } return $str; } /** * Returns prepared content * * @param string Content to format. * @return string Formatted content. */ function prepareContent($str) { $str = $GLOBALS['LANG']->hscAndCharConv($str,0); return '<p>'.nl2br(trim(strip_tags($str,$this->allowedHTML))).'</p> '; } /** * Prints a single $table/$field information piece * If $anchors is set, then seeAlso references to the same table will be page-anchors, not links. * * @param string Table name * @param string Field name * @param boolean If anchors is to be shown. * @return string HTML content */ function printItem($table,$field,$anchors=0) { global $TCA_DESCR, $LANG, $TCA, $BE_USER; // Load full table definition in $TCA t3lib_div::loadTCA($table); if ($table && (!$field || is_array($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]))) { // Make seeAlso references. $seeAlsoRes = $this->make_seeAlso($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['seeAlso'],$anchors?$table:''); // Making item: $out= '<a name="'.$table.'.'.$field.'"></a> '. $this->headerLine($this->getTableFieldLabel($table,$field),1). $this->prepareContent($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['description']). ($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['details'] ? $this->headerLine($LANG->getLL('details').':').$this->prepareContent($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['details']) : ''). ($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['syntax'] ? $this->headerLine($LANG->getLL('syntax').':').$this->prepareContent($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['syntax']) : ''). ($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['image'] ? $this->printImage($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['image'],$TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['image_descr']) : ''). ($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['seeAlso'] && $seeAlsoRes ? $this->headerLine($LANG->getLL('seeAlso').':').'<p>'.$seeAlsoRes.'</p>' : ''). ($this->back ? '<br /><p><a href="'.htmlspecialchars('view_help.php?tfID='.rawurlencode($this->back)).'" class="typo3-goBack">'.htmlspecialchars($LANG->getLL('goBack')).'</a></p>' : ''). '<br />'; } return $out; } /** * Prints a single $table/$field information piece * If $anchors is set, then seeAlso references to the same table will be page-anchors, not links. * * @param string Table name * @param string Field name * @param boolean If anchors is to be shown. * @return string HTML content */ function printItemFlex() { // Get all texts foreach (explode(',', 'description,details,syntax,image,image_descr,seeAlso') as $var) { // Double $ below is not a error! $$var = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($this->ffID['cshFile'] . ':' . $this->ffID['field'] . '.' . $var); } // Make seeAlso references. $seeAlsoRes = $this->make_seeAlso($seeAlso); // Making item: $out= $this->headerLine($this->ffID['title'], 1) . $this->prepareContent($description) . ($details ? $this->headerLine($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('details').':') . $this->prepareContent($details) : '') . ($syntax ? $this->headerLine($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('syntax').':') . $this->prepareContent($syntax) : '') . ($image ? $this->printImage($image, $image_descr) : '') . ($seeAlso && $seeAlsoRes ? $this->headerLine($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('seeAlso').':').'<p>'.$seeAlsoRes.'</p>' : '') . '<br />'; return $out; } /** * Returns labels for $table and $field. * If $table is "_MOD_" prefixed, the part after "_MOD_" is returned (non-tables, fx. modules) * * @param string Table name * @param string Field name * @return array Table and field labels in a numeric array */ function getTableFieldNames($table,$field) { global $TCA, $TCA_DESCR, $LANG; $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($table); $tableName = is_array($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']['']) && $TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']['']['alttitle'] ? $TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns']['']['alttitle'] : (isset($TCA[$table]) ? $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['title'] : ereg_replace('^_MOD_','',$table)); $fieldName = is_array($TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]) && $TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['alttitle'] ? $TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$field]['alttitle'] : (isset($TCA[$table])&&isset($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]) ? $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['label'] : $field); return array($tableName,$fieldName); } /** * Returns composite label for table/field * * @param string Table name * @param string Field name * @param string Token to merge the two strings with. * @return array Table and field labels in a numeric array * @see getTableFieldNames() */ function getTableFieldLabel($table,$field='',$mergeToken=': ') { global $LANG; // Get table / field parts: list($tableName,$fieldName) = $this->getTableFieldNames($table,$field); // Create label: $labelStr = $LANG->sL($tableName). ($field ? $mergeToken.ereg_replace(':$','', trim($LANG->sL($fieldName))):''); return $labelStr; } /****************************** * * Glossary related * ******************************/ /** * Creates glossary index in $this->glossaryWords * Glossary is cached in cache_hash table and so will be updated only when cache is cleared. * * @return void */ function createGlossaryIndex() { global $TCA_DESCR,$TCA,$LANG; // Create hash string and try to retrieve glossary array: $hash = md5('typo3/view_help.php:glossary'); list($this->glossaryWords,$this->substWords) = unserialize(t3lib_BEfunc::getHash($hash)); // Generate glossary words if not found: if (!is_array($this->glossaryWords)) { // Initialize: $this->glossaryWords = array(); $this->substWords = array(); $CSHkeys = array_flip(array_keys($TCA_DESCR)); // Glossary foreach($CSHkeys as $cshKey => $value) { if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cshKey, 'xGLOSSARY_') && !isset($TCA[$cshKey])) { $LANG->loadSingleTableDescription($cshKey); if (is_array($TCA_DESCR[$cshKey]['columns'])) { // Traverse table columns as listed in TCA_DESCR reset($TCA_DESCR[$cshKey]['columns']); while(list($field,$data) = each($TCA_DESCR[$cshKey]['columns'])) { if ($field) { $this->glossaryWords[$cshKey.'.'.$field] = array( 'title' => trim($data['alttitle'] ? $data['alttitle'] : $cshKey), 'description' => str_replace('%22','%23%23%23', rawurlencode($data['description'])), ); } } } } } // First, create unique list of words: foreach($this->glossaryWords as $key => $value) { $word = strtolower($value['title']); // Making word lowercase in order to filter out same words in different cases. if ($word!=='') { $this->substWords[$word] = $value; $this->substWords[$word]['key'] = $key; } } krsort($this->substWords); t3lib_BEfunc::storeHash($hash,serialize(array($this->glossaryWords,$this->substWords)),'Glossary'); } } /** * Processing of all non-HTML content in the output * Will be done by a call-back to ->substituteGlossaryWords_htmlcleaner_callback() * * @param string Input HTML code * @return string Output HTML code */ function substituteGlossaryWords($code) { $htmlParser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('local_t3lib_parsehtml'); $htmlParser->pObj = &$this; $code = $htmlParser->HTMLcleaner($code, array(), 1); return $code; } /** * Substituting glossary words in the CSH * (This is a call-back function from "class local_t3lib_parsehtml extends t3lib_parsehtml", see top of this script) * * @param string Input HTML string * @return string HTML with substituted words in. * @coauthor alex widschwendter, media.res kommunikationsloesungen */ function substituteGlossaryWords_htmlcleaner_callback($code) { if (is_array($this->substWords) && count($this->substWords) && strlen(trim($code))) { // Substitute words: foreach($this->substWords as $wordKey => $wordSet) { // quoteMeta used so special chars (which should not occur though) in words will not break the regex. Seemed to work (- kasper) $parts = preg_split('/( |[\(])('.quoteMeta($wordSet['title']).')([\.\!\)\?\:\,]+| )/i', ' '.$code.' ', 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (count($parts) == 5) { $parts[2] = '<a class="glossary-term" href="'.htmlspecialchars('view_help.php?tfID='.rawurlencode($wordSet['key']).'&back='.$this->tfID).'" title="'.rawurlencode(htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(rawurldecode($wordSet['description']),80))).'">'. htmlspecialchars($parts[2]). '</a>'; $code = substr(implode('',$parts),1,-1); // Disable entry so it doesn't get used next time: unset($this->substWords[$wordKey]); } } $code = str_replace('###', '"',rawurldecode($code)); } return $code; } } // Include extension? if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['typo3/view_help.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['typo3/view_help.php']); } // Make instance: $SOBE = t3lib_div::makeInstance('SC_view_help'); $SOBE->init(); $SOBE->main(); $SOBE->printContent(); ?>