File: class.t3lib_sqlengine.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 2004-2011 Kasper Skårhøj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * PHP SQL engine * EXPERIMENTAL! * * $Id$ * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @deprecated since TYPO3 4.3, this class will be removed in TYPO3 4.5, it has been integrated to extension DBAL. */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 104: class t3lib_sqlengine extends t3lib_sqlparser * 126: function init($config, &$pObj) * 134: function resetStatusVars() * 150: function processAccordingToConfig(&$value,$fInfo) * * SECTION: SQL queries * 205: function exec_INSERTquery($table,$fields_values) * 273: function exec_UPDATEquery($table,$where,$fields_values) * 332: function exec_DELETEquery($table,$where) * 383: function exec_SELECTquery($select_fields,$from_table,$where_clause,$groupBy,$orderBy,$limit) * 426: function sql_query($query) * 437: function sql_error() * 446: function sql_insert_id() * 455: function sql_affected_rows() * 465: function quoteStr($str) * * SECTION: SQL admin functions * 490: function admin_get_tables() * 501: function admin_get_fields($tableName) * 512: function admin_get_keys($tableName) * 523: function admin_query($query) * * SECTION: Data Source I/O * 548: function readDataSource($table) * 560: function saveDataSource($table) * * SECTION: SQL engine functions (PHP simulation of SQL) - still experimental * 590: function selectFromData($table,$where) * 628: function select_evalSingle($table,$config,&$itemKeys) * 747: function getResultSet($keys, $table, $fieldList) * * SECTION: Debugging * 790: function debug_printResultSet($array) * * * 829: class t3lib_sqlengine_resultobj * 843: function sql_num_rows() * 852: function sql_fetch_assoc() * 863: function sql_fetch_row() * 881: function sql_data_seek($pointer) * 894: function sql_field_type() * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 27 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * PHP SQL engine / server * Basically this is trying to emulation SQL record selection by PHP, thus allowing SQL queries into alternative data storages managed by PHP. * EXPERIMENTAL! * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_sqlengine extends t3lib_sqlparser { // array with data records: [table name][num.index] = records var $data = array(); // Data source storage // Internal, SQL Status vars: var $errorStatus = ''; // Set with error message of last operation var $lastInsertedId = 0; // Set with last inserted unique ID var $lastAffectedRows = 0; // Set with last number of affected rows. /** * Constrcutor */ function __construct() { t3lib_div::deprecationLog("Class t3lib_sqlengine is deprecated since TYPO3 4.3, will be removed in TYPO3 4.6, it has been integrated to extension DBAL."); } /** * Dummy function for initializing SQL handler. Create you own in derived classes. * * @param array Configuration array from handler * @param object Parent object * @return void */ function init($config, $pObj) { } /** * Reset SQL engine status variables (insert id, affected rows, error status) * * @return void */ function resetStatusVars() { $this->errorStatus = ''; $this->lastInsertedId = 0; $this->lastAffectedRows = 0; } /** * Processing of update/insert values based on field type. * * The input value is typecast and trimmed/shortened according to the field * type and the configuration options from the $fInfo parameter. * * @param mixed $value The input value to process * @param array $fInfo Field configuration data * @return mixed The processed input value */ function processAccordingToConfig(&$value, $fInfo) { $options = $this->parseFieldDef($fInfo['Type']); switch (strtolower($options['fieldType'])) { case 'int': case 'smallint': case 'tinyint': case 'mediumint': $value = intval($value); if ($options['featureIndex']['UNSIGNED']) { $value = t3lib_div::intInRange($value, 0); } break; case 'double': $value = (double) $value; break; case 'varchar': case 'char': $value = substr($value, 0, trim($options['value'])); break; case 'text': case 'blob': $value = substr($value, 0, 65536); break; case 'tinytext': case 'tinyblob': $value = substr($value, 0, 256); break; case 'mediumtext': case 'mediumblob': // ?? break; } } /******************************** * * SQL queries * This is the SQL access functions used when this class is instantiated as a SQL handler with DBAL. Override these in derived classes. * ********************************/ /** * Execute an INSERT query * * @param string Table name * @param array Field values as key=>value pairs. * @return boolean TRUE on success and FALSE on failure (error is set internally) */ function exec_INSERTquery($table, $fields_values) { // Initialize $this->resetStatusVars(); // Reading Data Source if not done already. $this->readDataSource($table); // If data source is set: if (is_array($this->data[$table])) { $fieldInformation = $this->admin_get_fields($table); // Should cache this...! // Looking for unique keys: $saveArray = array(); foreach ($fieldInformation as $fInfo) { // Field name: $fN = $fInfo['Field']; // Set value: // FIXME $options not defined $saveArray[$fN] = isset($fields_values[$fN]) ? $fields_values[$fN] : $options['Default']; // Process value: $this->processAccordingToConfig($saveArray[$fN], $fInfo); // If an auto increment field is found, find the largest current uid: if ($fInfo['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') { // Get all UIDs: $uidArray = array(); foreach ($this->data[$table] as $r) { $uidArray[] = $r[$fN]; } // If current value is blank or already in array, we create a new: if (!$saveArray[$fN] || in_array(intval($saveArray[$fN]), $uidArray)) { if (count($uidArray)) { $saveArray[$fN] = max($uidArray) + 1; } else { $saveArray[$fN] = 1; } } // Update "last inserted id": $this->lastInsertedId = $saveArray[$fN]; } } // Insert row in table: $this->data[$table][] = $saveArray; // Save data source $this->saveDataSource($table); return TRUE; } else { $this->errorStatus = 'No data loaded.'; } return FALSE; } /** * Execute UPDATE query on table * * @param string Table name * @param string WHERE clause * @param array Field values as key=>value pairs. * @return boolean TRUE on success and FALSE on failure (error is set internally) */ function exec_UPDATEquery($table, $where, $fields_values) { // Initialize: $this->resetStatusVars(); // Reading Data Source if not done already. $this->readDataSource($table); // If anything is there: if (is_array($this->data[$table])) { // Parse WHERE clause: $where = $this->parseWhereClause($where); if (is_array($where)) { // Field information $fieldInformation = $this->admin_get_fields($table); // Should cache this...! // Traverse fields to update: foreach ($fields_values as $fName => $fValue) { $this->processAccordingToConfig($fields_values[$fName], $fieldInformation[$fName]); } // Do query, returns array with keys to the data array of the result: $itemKeys = $this->selectFromData($table, $where); // Set "last affected rows": $this->lastAffectedRows = count($itemKeys); // Update rows: if ($this->lastAffectedRows) { // Traverse result set here: foreach ($itemKeys as $dataArrayKey) { // Traverse fields to update: foreach ($fields_values as $fName => $fValue) { $this->data[$table][$dataArrayKey][$fName] = $fValue; } } // Save data source $this->saveDataSource($table); } return TRUE; } else { $this->errorStatus = 'WHERE clause contained errors: ' . $where; } } else { $this->errorStatus = 'No data loaded.'; } return FALSE; } /** * Execute DELETE query * * @param string Table to delete from * @param string WHERE clause * @return boolean TRUE on success and FALSE on failure (error is set internally) */ function exec_DELETEquery($table, $where) { // Initialize: $this->resetStatusVars(); // Reading Data Source if not done already. $this->readDataSource($table); // If anything is there: if (is_array($this->data[$table])) { // Parse WHERE clause: $where = $this->parseWhereClause($where); if (is_array($where)) { // Do query, returns array with keys to the data array of the result: $itemKeys = $this->selectFromData($table, $where); // Set "last affected rows": $this->lastAffectedRows = count($itemKeys); // Remove rows: if ($this->lastAffectedRows) { // Traverse result set: foreach ($itemKeys as $dataArrayKey) { unset($this->data[$table][$dataArrayKey]); } // Saving data source $this->saveDataSource($table); } return TRUE; } else { $this->errorStatus = 'WHERE clause contained errors: ' . $where; } } else { $this->errorStatus = 'No data loaded.'; } return FALSE; } /** * Execute SELECT query * * @param string List of fields to select from the table. This is what comes right after "SELECT ...". Required value. * @param string Table(s) from which to select. This is what comes right after "FROM ...". Required value. * @param string Optional additional WHERE clauses put in the end of the query. NOTICE: You must escape values in this argument with $this->fullQuoteStr() yourself! DO NOT PUT IN GROUP BY, ORDER BY or LIMIT! * @param string Optional GROUP BY field(s), if none, supply blank string. * @param string Optional ORDER BY field(s), if none, supply blank string. * @param string Optional LIMIT value ([begin,]max), if none, supply blank string. * @return object Returns result object, but if errors, returns false */ function exec_SELECTquery($select_fields, $from_table, $where_clause, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit) { // Initialize: $this->resetStatusVars(); // Create result object $sqlObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_sqlengine_resultobj'); $sqlObj->result = array(); // Empty result as a beginning // Get table list: $tableArray = $this->parseFromTables($from_table); $table = $tableArray[0]['table']; // Reading Data Source if not done already. $this->readDataSource($table); // If anything is there: if (is_array($this->data[$table])) { // Parse WHERE clause: $where = $this->parseWhereClause($where_clause); if (is_array($where)) { // Do query, returns array with keys to the data array of the result: $itemKeys = $this->selectFromData($table, $where); // Finally, read the result rows into this variable: $sqlObj->result = $this->getResultSet($itemKeys, $table, '*'); // Reset and return result: reset($sqlObj->result); return $sqlObj; } else { $this->errorStatus = 'WHERE clause contained errors: ' . $where; } } else { $this->errorStatus = 'No data loaded: ' . $this->errorStatus; } return FALSE; } /** * Performs an SQL query on the "database" * * @param string Query to execute * @return object Result object or false if error */ function sql_query($query) { $res = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_sqlengine_resultobj'); $res->result = array(); return $res; } /** * Returns most recent error * * @return string Error message, if any */ function sql_error() { return $this->errorStatus; } /** * Returns most recently create unique ID (of INSERT queries) * * @return integer Last unique id created. */ function sql_insert_id() { return $this->lastInsertedId; } /** * Returns affected rows (of UPDATE and DELETE queries) * * @return integer Last amount of affected rows. */ function sql_affected_rows() { return $this->lastAffectedRows; } /** * Quoting strings for insertion in SQL queries * * @param string Input String * @return string String, with quotes escaped */ function quoteStr($str) { return addslashes($str); } /************************************** * * SQL admin functions * (For use in the Install Tool and Extension Manager) * **************************************/ /** * (DUMMY) Returns the list of tables from the database * * @return array Tables in an array (tablename is in both key and value) * @todo Should return table details in value! see t3lib_db::admin_get_tables() */ function admin_get_tables() { $whichTables = array(); return $whichTables; } /** * (DUMMY) Returns information about each field in the $table * * @param string Table name * @return array Field information in an associative array with fieldname => field row */ function admin_get_fields($tableName) { $output = array(); return $output; } /** * (DUMMY) Returns information about each index key in the $table * * @param string Table name * @return array Key information in a numeric array */ function admin_get_keys($tableName) { $output = array(); return $output; } /** * (DUMMY) mysql() wrapper function, used by the Install Tool and EM for all queries regarding management of the database! * * @param string Query to execute * @return pointer Result pointer */ function admin_query($query) { return $this->sql_query($query); } /******************************** * * Data Source I/O * ********************************/ /** * Dummy function for setting table data. Create your own. * NOTICE: Handler to "table-locking" needs to be made probably! * * @param string Table name * @return void * @todo Table locking tools? */ function readDataSource($table) { $this->data[$table] = array(); } /** * Dummy function for setting table data. Create your own. * NOTICE: Handler to "table-locking" needs to be made probably! * * @param string Table name * @return void * @todo Table locking tools? */ function saveDataSource($table) { debug($this->data[$table]); } /******************************** * * SQL engine functions (PHP simulation of SQL) - still experimental * ********************************/ /** * PHP simulation of SQL "SELECT" * Yet EXPERIMENTAL! * * @param string Table name * @param array Where clause parsed into array * @return array Array of keys pointing to result rows in $this->data[$table] */ function selectFromData($table, $where) { $output = array(); if (is_array($this->data[$table])) { // All keys: $OR_index = 0; $itemKeys = array(); foreach ($where as $config) { if (strtoupper($config['operator']) == 'OR') { $OR_index++; } if (!isset($itemKeys[$OR_index])) { $itemKeys[$OR_index] = array_keys($this->data[$table]); } $this->select_evalSingle($table, $config, $itemKeys[$OR_index]); } foreach ($itemKeys as $uidKeys) { $output = array_merge($output, $uidKeys); } $output = array_unique($output); } return $output; } /** * Evalutaion of a WHERE-clause-array. * Yet EXPERIMENTAL * * @param string Tablename * @param array WHERE-configuration array * @param array Data array to work on. * @return void Data array passed by reference * @see selectFromData() */ function select_evalSingle($table, $config, &$itemKeys) { $neg = preg_match('/^AND[[:space:]]+NOT$/', trim($config['operator'])); if (is_array($config['sub'])) { $subSelKeys = $this->selectFromData($table, $config['sub']); if ($neg) { foreach ($itemKeys as $kk => $vv) { if (in_array($vv, $subSelKeys)) { unset($itemKeys[$kk]); } } } else { $itemKeys = array_intersect($itemKeys, $subSelKeys); } } else { $comp = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ', TAB, CR, LF), '', $config['comparator'])); $mod = strtoupper($config['modifier']); switch ($comp) { case 'NOTLIKE': case 'LIKE': $like_value = strtolower($config['value'][0]); if (substr($like_value, 0, 1) == '%') { $wildCard_begin = TRUE; $like_value = substr($like_value, 1); } if (substr($like_value, -1) == '%') { $wildCard_end = TRUE; $like_value = substr($like_value, 0, -1); } break; case 'NOTIN': case 'IN': $in_valueArray = array(); foreach ($config['value'] as $vParts) { $in_valueArray[] = (string) $vParts[0]; } break; } foreach ($itemKeys as $kk => $v) { $field_value = $this->data[$table][$v][$config['field']]; // Calculate it: if ($config['calc'] == '&') { $field_value &= intval($config['calc_value']); } // Compare it: switch ($comp) { case '<=': $bool = $field_value <= $config['value'][0]; break; case '>=': $bool = $field_value >= $config['value'][0]; break; case '<': $bool = $field_value < $config['value'][0]; break; case '>': $bool = $field_value > $config['value'][0]; break; case '=': $bool = !strcmp($field_value, $config['value'][0]); break; case '!=': $bool = strcmp($field_value, $config['value'][0]); break; case 'NOTIN': case 'IN': $bool = in_array((string) $field_value, $in_valueArray); if ($comp == 'NOTIN') { $bool = !$bool; } break; case 'NOTLIKE': case 'LIKE': if (!strlen($like_value)) { $bool = TRUE; } elseif ($wildCard_begin && !$wildCard_end) { $bool = !strcmp(substr(strtolower($field_value), -strlen($like_value)), $like_value); } elseif (!$wildCard_begin && $wildCard_end) { $bool = !strcmp(substr(strtolower($field_value), 0, strlen($like_value)), $like_value); } elseif ($wildCard_begin && $wildCard_end) { $bool = strstr($field_value, $like_value); } else { $bool = !strcmp(strtolower($field_value), $like_value); } if ($comp == 'NOTLIKE') { $bool = !$bool; } break; default: $bool = $field_value ? TRUE : FALSE; break; } // General negation: if ($neg) { $bool = !$bool; } // Modify? switch ($mod) { case 'NOT': case '!': $bool = !$bool; break; } // Action: if (!$bool) { unset($itemKeys[$kk]); } } } } /** * Returning result set based on result keys, table and field list * * @param array Result keys * @param string Tablename * @param string Fieldlist (commaseparated) * @return array Result array with "rows" */ function getResultSet($keys, $table, $fieldList) { $fields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $fieldList); $output = array(); foreach ($keys as $kValue) { if ($fieldList == '*') { $output[$kValue] = $this->data[$table][$kValue]; } else { foreach ($fields as $fieldName) { $output[$kValue][$fieldName] = $this->data[$table][$kValue][$fieldName]; } } } return $output; } /************************* * * Debugging * *************************/ /** * Returns the result set (in array) as HTML table. For debugging. * * @param array Result set array (array of rows) * @return string HTML table */ function debug_printResultSet($array) { if (count($array)) { $tRows = array(); $fields = array_keys(current($array)); $tCell[] = ' <td>IDX</td>'; foreach ($fields as $fieldName) { $tCell[] = ' <td>' . htmlspecialchars($fieldName) . '</td>'; } $tRows[] = '<tr>' . implode('', $tCell) . '</tr>'; foreach ($array as $index => $rec) { $tCell = array(); $tCell[] = ' <td>' . htmlspecialchars($index) . '</td>'; foreach ($fields as $fieldName) { $tCell[] = ' <td>' . htmlspecialchars($rec[$fieldName]) . '</td>'; } $tRows[] = '<tr>' . implode('', $tCell) . '</tr>'; } return '<table border="1">' . implode('', $tRows) . '</table>'; } else { 'Empty resultset'; } } } /** * PHP SQL engine, result object * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_sqlengine_resultobj { // Result array, must contain the fields in the order they were selected in the SQL statement (for sql_fetch_row()) var $result = array(); var $TYPO3_DBAL_handlerType = ''; var $TYPO3_DBAL_tableList = ''; /** * Constrcutor */ function __construct() { t3lib_div::deprecationLog("Class t3lib_sqlengine_resultobj is deprecated since TYPO3 4.3, will be removed in TYPO3 4.6, it has been integrated to extension DBAL."); } /** * Counting number of rows * * @return integer */ function sql_num_rows() { return count($this->result); } /** * Fetching next row in result array * * @return array Associative array */ function sql_fetch_assoc() { $row = current($this->result); next($this->result); return $row; } /** * Fetching next row, numerical indices * * @return array Numerical array */ function sql_fetch_row() { $resultRow = $this->sql_fetch_assoc(); if (is_array($resultRow)) { $numArray = array(); foreach ($resultRow as $value) { $numArray[] = $value; } return $numArray; } } /** * Seeking position in result * * @param integer Position pointer. * @return boolean Returns true on success */ function sql_data_seek($pointer) { reset($this->result); for ($a = 0; $a < $pointer; $a++) { next($this->result); } return TRUE; } /** * Returning SQL field type * * @return string Blank string, not supported (it seems) */ function sql_field_type() { return ''; } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_sqlengine.php'])) { include_once($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_sqlengine.php']); } ?>