File: class.t3lib_svbase.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2011 Kasper Skårhøj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the Typo3 project. The Typo3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Parent class for "Services" classes * * $Id$ * TODO: temp files are not removed * * @author René Fritz <r.fritz@colorcube.de> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 125: class t3lib_svbase * * SECTION: Get service meta information * 191: function getServiceInfo() * 201: function getServiceKey() * 211: function getServiceTitle() * 224: function getServiceOption($optionName, $defaultValue='', $includeDefaultConfig=TRUE) * * SECTION: Error handling * 259: function devLog($msg, $severity=0, $dataVar=FALSE) * 273: function errorPush($errNum=T3_ERR_SV_GENERAL, $errMsg='Unspecified error occured') * 288: function errorPull() * 300: function getLastError() * 315: function getLastErrorMsg() * 330: function getErrorMsgArray() * 348: function getLastErrorArray() * 357: function resetErrors() * * SECTION: General service functions * 377: function checkExec($progList) * 401: function deactivateService() * * SECTION: IO tools * 427: function checkInputFile ($absFile) * 448: function readFile ($absFile, $length=0) * 473: function writeFile ($content, $absFile='') * 499: function tempFile ($filePrefix) * 517: function registerTempFile ($absFile) * 527: function unlinkTempFiles () * * SECTION: IO input * 549: function setInput ($content, $type='') * 563: function setInputFile ($absFile, $type='') * 576: function getInput () * 591: function getInputFile ($createFile='') * * SECTION: IO output * 616: function setOutputFile ($absFile) * 626: function getOutput () * 640: function getOutputFile ($absFile='') * * SECTION: Service implementation * 664: function init() * 688: function reset() * 703: function __destruct() * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 30 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ define ('T3_ERR_SV_GENERAL', -1); // General error - something went wrong define ('T3_ERR_SV_NOT_AVAIL', -2); // During execution it showed that the service is not available and should be ignored. The service itself should call $this->setNonAvailable() define ('T3_ERR_SV_WRONG_SUBTYPE', -3); // passed subtype is not possible with this service define ('T3_ERR_SV_NO_INPUT', -4); // passed subtype is not possible with this service define ('T3_ERR_SV_FILE_NOT_FOUND', -20); // File not found which the service should process define ('T3_ERR_SV_FILE_READ', -21); // File not readable define ('T3_ERR_SV_FILE_WRITE', -22); // File not writable define ('T3_ERR_SV_PROG_NOT_FOUND', -40); // passed subtype is not possible with this service define ('T3_ERR_SV_PROG_FAILED', -41); // passed subtype is not possible with this service // define ('T3_ERR_SV_serviceType_myerr, -100); // All errors with prefix T3_ERR_SV_[serviceType]_ and lower than -99 are service type dependent error /** * Parent class for "Services" classes * * @author René Fritz <r.fritz@colorcube.de> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ abstract class t3lib_svbase { /** * @var array service description array */ var $info = array(); /** * @var array error stack */ var $error = array(); /** * @var bool Defines if debug messages should be written with t3lib_div::devLog */ var $writeDevLog = FALSE; /** * @var string The output content. That's what the services produced as result. */ var $out = ''; /** * @var string The file that should be processed. */ var $inputFile = ''; /** * @var string The content that should be processed. */ var $inputContent = ''; /** * @var string The type of the input content (or file). Might be the same as the service subtypes. */ var $inputType = ''; /** * @var string The file where the output should be written to. */ var $outputFile = ''; /** * Temporary files which have to be deleted * * @private */ var $tempFiles = array(); /** @var string Prefix for temporary files */ protected $prefixId = ''; /*************************************** * * Get service meta information * ***************************************/ /** * Returns internal information array for service * * @return array service description array */ function getServiceInfo() { return $this->info; } /** * Returns the service key of the service * * @return string service key */ function getServiceKey() { return $this->info['serviceKey']; } /** * Returns the title of the service * * @return string service title */ function getServiceTitle() { return $this->info['title']; } /** * Returns service configuration values from the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SVCONF'] array * * @param string Name of the config option * @param mixed Default configuration if no special config is available * @param bool If set the 'default' config will be returned if no special config for this service is available (default: true) * @return mixed configuration value for the service */ function getServiceOption($optionName, $defaultValue = '', $includeDefaultConfig = TRUE) { $config = NULL; $svOptions = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SVCONF'][$this->info['serviceType']]; if (isset($svOptions[$this->info['serviceKey']][$optionName])) { $config = $svOptions[$this->info['serviceKey']][$optionName]; } elseif ($includeDefaultConfig && isset($svOptions['default'][$optionName])) { $config = $svOptions['default'][$optionName]; } if (!isset($config)) { $config = $defaultValue; } return $config; } /*************************************** * * Error handling * ***************************************/ /** * Logs debug messages to t3lib_div::devLog() * * @param string Debug message * @param integer Severity: 0 is info, 1 is notice, 2 is warning, 3 is fatal error, -1 is "OK" message * @param array|bool Additional data you want to pass to the logger. * @return void */ function devLog($msg, $severity = 0, $dataVar = FALSE) { if ($this->writeDevLog) { t3lib_div::devLog($msg, $this->info['serviceKey'], $severity, $dataVar); } } /** * Puts an error on the error stack. Calling without parameter adds a general error. * * @param integer error number (see T3_ERR_SV_* constants) * @param string error message * @return void */ function errorPush($errNum = T3_ERR_SV_GENERAL, $errMsg = 'Unspecified error occured') { array_push($this->error, array('nr' => $errNum, 'msg' => $errMsg)); if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) { $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage($errMsg, 2); } } /** * Removes the last error from the error stack. * * @return void */ function errorPull() { array_pop($this->error); // pop for $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage is not supported } /** * Returns the last error number from the error stack. * * @return int|bool error number (or TRUE if no error) */ function getLastError() { $lastError = TRUE; // means all is ok - no error if (count($this->error)) { $error = end($this->error); $lastError = $error['nr']; } return $lastError; } /** * Returns the last message from the error stack. * * @return string error message */ function getLastErrorMsg() { $lastErrorMessage = ''; if (count($this->error)) { $error = end($this->error); $lastErrorMessage = $error['msg']; } return $lastErrorMessage; } /** * Returns all error messages as array. * * @return array error messages */ function getErrorMsgArray() { $errArr = array(); if (count($this->error)) { foreach ($this->error as $error) { $errArr[] = $error['msg']; } } return $errArr; } /** * Returns the last array from the error stack. * * @return array error nr and message */ function getLastErrorArray() { return end($this->error); } /** * Reset the error stack. * * @return void */ function resetErrors() { $this->error = array(); } /*************************************** * * General service functions * ***************************************/ /** * check the availability of external programs * * @param string comma list of programs 'perl,python,pdftotext' * @return boolean return FALSE if one program was not found */ function checkExec($progList) { $ret = TRUE; $progList = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $progList, 1); foreach ($progList as $prog) { if (!t3lib_exec::checkCommand($prog)) { // program not found $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_PROG_NOT_FOUND, 'External program not found: ' . $prog); $ret = FALSE; } } return $ret; } /** * Deactivate the service. Use this if the service fails at runtime and will not be available. * * @return void */ function deactivateService() { t3lib_extMgm::deactivateService($this->info['serviceType'], $this->info['serviceKey']); } /*************************************** * * IO tools * ***************************************/ /** * Check if a file exists and is readable. * * @param string File name with absolute path. * @return string|bool File name or FALSE. */ function checkInputFile($absFile) { $checkResult = FALSE; if (t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($absFile) && @is_file($absFile)) { if (@is_readable($absFile)) { $checkResult = $absFile; } else { $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_FILE_READ, 'File is not readable: ' . $absFile); } } else { $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 'File not found: ' . $absFile); } return $checkResult; } /** * Read content from a file a file. * * @param string File name to read from. * @param integer Maximum length to read. If empty the whole file will be read. * @return string|bool $content or FALSE */ function readFile($absFile, $length = 0) { $out = FALSE; if ($this->checkInputFile($absFile)) { $out = file_get_contents($absFile); if ($out === FALSE) { $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_FILE_READ, 'Can not read from file: ' . $absFile); } } return $out; } /** * Write content to a file. * * @param string Content to write to the file * @param string File name to write into. If empty a temp file will be created. * @return string|bool File name or FALSE */ function writeFile($content, $absFile = '') { if (!$absFile) { $absFile = $this->tempFile($this->prefixId); } if ($absFile && t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($absFile)) { if ($fd = @fopen($absFile, 'wb')) { @fwrite($fd, $content); @fclose($fd); } else { $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_FILE_WRITE, 'Can not write to file: ' . $absFile); $absFile = FALSE; } } return $absFile; } /** * Create a temporary file. * * @param string File prefix. * @return string|bool File name or FALSE */ function tempFile($filePrefix) { $absFile = t3lib_div::tempnam($filePrefix); if ($absFile) { $ret = $absFile; $this->registerTempFile($absFile); } else { $ret = FALSE; $this->errorPush(T3_ERR_SV_FILE_WRITE, 'Can not create temp file.'); } return $ret; } /** * Register file which should be deleted afterwards. * * @param string File name with absolute path. * @return void */ function registerTempFile($absFile) { $this->tempFiles[] = $absFile; } /** * Delete registered temporary files. * * @param string File name with absolute path. * @return void */ function unlinkTempFiles() { foreach ($this->tempFiles as $absFile) { t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile($absFile); } $this->tempFiles = array(); } /*************************************** * * IO input * ***************************************/ /** * Set the input content for service processing. * * @param mixed Input content (going into ->inputContent) * @param string The type of the input content (or file). Might be the same as the service subtypes. * @return void */ function setInput($content, $type = '') { $this->inputContent = $content; $this->inputFile = ''; $this->inputType = $type; } /** * Set the input file name for service processing. * * @param string file name * @param string The type of the input content (or file). Might be the same as the service subtypes. * @return void */ function setInputFile($absFile, $type = '') { $this->inputContent = ''; $this->inputFile = $absFile; $this->inputType = $type; } /** * Get the input content. * Will be read from input file if needed. (That is if ->inputContent is empty and ->inputFile is not) * * @return mixed */ function getInput() { if ($this->inputContent == '') { $this->inputContent = $this->readFile($this->inputFile); } return $this->inputContent; } /** * Get the input file name. * If the content was set by setContent a file will be created. * * @param string File name. If empty a temp file will be created. * @return string File name or FALSE if no input or file error. */ function getInputFile($createFile = '') { if ($this->inputFile) { $this->inputFile = $this->checkInputFile($this->inputFile); } elseif ($this->inputContent) { $this->inputFile = $this->writeFile($this->inputContent, $createFile); } return $this->inputFile; } /*************************************** * * IO output * ***************************************/ /** * Set the output file name. * * @param string file name * @return void */ function setOutputFile($absFile) { $this->outputFile = $absFile; } /** * Get the output content. * * @return mixed */ function getOutput() { if ($this->outputFile) { $this->out = $this->readFile($this->outputFile); } return $this->out; } /** * Get the output file name. If no output file is set, the ->out buffer is written to the file given by input parameter filename * * @param string Absolute filename to write to * @return mixed */ function getOutputFile($absFile = '') { if (!$this->outputFile) { $this->outputFile = $this->writeFile($this->out, $absFile); } return $this->outputFile; } /*************************************** * * Service implementation * ***************************************/ /** * Initialization of the service. * * The class have to do a strict check if the service is available. * example: check if the perl interpreter is available which is needed to run an extern perl script. * * @return boolean TRUE if the service is available */ function init() { // do not work :-( but will not hurt // use it as inspiration for a service based on this class register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '__destruct')); // look in makeInstanceService() $this->reset(); // check for external programs which are defined by $info['exec'] if (trim($this->info['exec'])) { if (!$this->checkExec($this->info['exec'])) { // nothing todo here or? } } return ($this->getLastError() === TRUE); } /** * Resets the service. * Will be called by init(). Should be used before every use if a service instance is used multiple times. * * @return void */ function reset() { $this->unlinkTempFiles(); $this->resetErrors(); $this->out = ''; $this->inputFile = ''; $this->inputContent = ''; $this->inputType = ''; $this->outputFile = ''; } /** * Clean up the service. * Child classes should explicitly call parent::__destruct() in their destructors for this to work * * @return void */ function __destruct() { $this->unlinkTempFiles(); } } // XCLASS handling does not make sense, because this class is always extended by the service classes.. ?>