File: class.t3lib_tceforms_fe.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2011 Kasper Skårhøj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 60: class t3lib_TCEforms_FE extends t3lib_TCEforms * 68: public function wrapLabels($str) * 78: public function printPalette(array $paletteArray) * 102: public function setFancyDesign() * 131: public function loadJavascriptLib($lib) * 146: public function addStyleSheet($key, $href, $title='', $relation='stylesheet') * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 5 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * Contains a frontend version of the TYPO3 Core Form generator - AKA "TCEforms" * * $Id$ * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * Extension class for the rendering of TCEforms in the frontend * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ class t3lib_TCEforms_FE extends t3lib_TCEforms { /** * Constructs this object. */ public function __construct() { $this->initializeTemplateContainer(); parent::__construct(); } /** * Function for wrapping labels. * * @param string The string to wrap * @return string */ public function wrapLabels($str) { return '<font face="verdana" size="1" color="black">' . $str . '</font>'; } /** * Prints the palette in the frontend editing (forms-on-page?) * * @param array The palette array to print * @return string HTML output */ public function printPalette(array $paletteArray) { $out = ''; $bgColor = ' bgcolor="#D6DAD0"'; foreach ($paletteArray as $content) { $hRow[] = '<td' . $bgColor . '><font face="verdana" size="1"> </font></td><td nowrap="nowrap"' . $bgColor . '><font color="#666666" face="verdana" size="1">' . $content['NAME'] . '</font></td>'; $iRow[] = '<td valign="top">' . '<img name="req_' . $content['TABLE'] . '_' . $content['ID'] . '_' . $content['FIELD'] . '" src="clear.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="" />' . '<img name="cm_' . $content['TABLE'] . '_' . $content['ID'] . '_' . $content['FIELD'] . '" src="clear.gif" width="7" height="10" alt="" />' . '</td><td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">' . $content['ITEM'] . $content['HELP_ICON'] . '</td>'; } $out = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td><img src="clear.gif" width="' . intval($this->paletteMargin) . '" height="1" alt="" /></td>' . implode('', $hRow) . '</tr> <tr><td></td>' . implode('', $iRow) . '</tr> </table>'; return $out; } /** * Sets the fancy front-end design of the editor. * Frontend * * @return void */ public function setFancyDesign() { $this->fieldTemplate = ' <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#F6F2E6">###FIELD_HELP_ICON###<font face="verdana" size="1" color="black"><strong>###FIELD_NAME###</strong></font>###FIELD_HELP_TEXT###</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#ABBBB4"><img name="req_###FIELD_TABLE###_###FIELD_ID###_###FIELD_FIELD###" src="clear.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="" /><img name="cm_###FIELD_TABLE###_###FIELD_ID###_###FIELD_FIELD###" src="clear.gif" width="7" height="10" alt="" /><font face="verdana" size="1" color="black">###FIELD_ITEM###</font>###FIELD_PAL_LINK_ICON###</td> </tr> '; $this->totalWrap = '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="black"><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">|</table></td></tr></table>'; $this->palFieldTemplate = ' <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#ABBBB4"><font face="verdana" size="1" color="black">###FIELD_PALETTE###</font></td> </tr> '; $this->palFieldTemplateHeader = ' <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#F6F2E6"><font face="verdana" size="1" color="black"><strong>###FIELD_HEADER###</strong></font></td> </tr> '; } /** * Includes a javascript library that exists in the core /typo3/ directory. The * backpath is automatically applied. * This method adds the library to $GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData[$lib]. * * @param string $lib: Library name. Call it with the full path like "contrib/prototype/prototype.js" to load it * @return void */ public function loadJavascriptLib($lib) { /** @var $pageRenderer t3lib_PageRenderer */ $pageRenderer = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer(); $pageRenderer->addJsLibrary($lib, $this->prependBackPath($lib)); } /** * Insert additional style sheet link * * @param string $key: some key identifying the style sheet * @param string $href: uri to the style sheet file * @param string $title: value for the title attribute of the link element * @return string $relation: value for the rel attribute of the link element * @return void */ public function addStyleSheet($key, $href, $title = '', $relation = 'stylesheet') { /** @var $pageRenderer t3lib_PageRenderer */ $pageRenderer = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer(); $pageRenderer->addCssFile($this->prependBackPath($href), $relation, 'screen', $title); } /** * Initializes an anonymous template container. * The created container can be compared to alt_doc.php in backend-only disposal. * * @return void */ public function initializeTemplateContainer() { t3lib_div::requireOnce(PATH_typo3 . 'template.php'); $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE'] = t3lib_div::makeInstance('frontendDoc'); $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->getPageRenderer()->addInlineSetting( '', 'PATH_typo3', t3lib_div::dirname(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) . '/' . TYPO3_mainDir ); $GLOBALS['SOBE'] = new stdClass(); $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc = $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']; } /** * Prepends backPath to given URL if it's not an absolute URL * * @param string $url * @return string */ private function prependBackPath($url) { if (strpos($url, '://') !== FALSE || substr($url, 0, 1) === '/') { return $url; } else { return $this->backPath . $url; } } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_fe.php'])) { include_once($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_fe.php']); } ?>