File: class.t3lib_tsparser.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2011 Kasper Skårhøj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Contains the TypoScript parser class * * $Id$ * Revised for TYPO3 3.6 July/2003 by Kasper Skårhøj * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 80: class t3lib_TSparser * 133: function parse($string,$matchObj='') * 169: function nextDivider() * 185: function parseSub(&$setup) * 389: function rollParseSub($string,&$setup) * 413: function getVal($string,$setup) * 439: function setVal($string,&$setup,$value,$wipeOut=0) * 485: function error($err,$num=2) * 497: function checkIncludeLines($string, $cycle_counter=1, $returnFiles=false) * 541: function checkIncludeLines_array($array) * * SECTION: Syntax highlighting * 584: function doSyntaxHighlight($string,$lineNum='',$highlightBlockMode=0) * 605: function regHighLight($code,$pointer,$strlen=-1) * 623: function syntaxHighlight_print($lineNumDat,$highlightBlockMode) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 12 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * The TypoScript parser * * @author Kasper Skårhøj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib * @see t3lib_tstemplate, t3lib_matchcondition, t3lib_BEfunc::getPagesTSconfig(), t3lib_userAuthGroup::fetchGroupData(), t3lib_TStemplate::generateConfig() */ class t3lib_TSparser { var $strict = 1; // If set, then key names cannot contain characters other than [:alnum:]_\.- // Internal var $setup = array(); // TypoScript hierarchy being build during parsing. var $raw; // raw data, the input string exploded by LF var $rawP; // pointer to entry in raw data array var $lastComment = ''; // Holding the value of the last comment var $commentSet = 0; // Internally set, used as internal flag to create a multi-line comment (one of those like /*... */) var $multiLineEnabled = 0; // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated var $multiLineObject = ''; // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated var $multiLineValue = array(); // Internally set, when multiline value is accumulated var $inBrace = 0; // Internally set, when in brace. Counter. var $lastConditionTrue = 1; // For each condition this flag is set, if the condition is true, else it's cleared. Then it's used by the [ELSE] condition to determine if the next part should be parsed. var $sections = array(); // Tracking all conditions found var $sectionsMatch = array(); // Tracking all matching conditions found var $syntaxHighLight = 0; // If set, then syntax highlight mode is on; Call the function syntaxHighlight() to use this function var $highLightData = array(); // Syntax highlight data is accumulated in this array. Used by syntaxHighlight_print() to construct the output. var $highLightData_bracelevel = array(); // Syntax highlight data keeping track of the curly brace level for each line // Debugging, analysis: var $regComments = 0; // DO NOT register the comments. This is default for the ordinary sitetemplate! var $regLinenumbers = 0; // DO NOT register the linenumbers. This is default for the ordinary sitetemplate! var $errors = array(); // Error accumulation array. var $lineNumberOffset = 0; // Used for the error messages line number reporting. Set externally. var $breakPointLN = 0; // Line for break point. var $highLightStyles = array( 'prespace' => array('<span class="ts-prespace">', '</span>'), // Space before any content on a line 'objstr_postspace' => array('<span class="ts-objstr_postspace">', '</span>'), // Space after the object string on a line 'operator_postspace' => array('<span class="ts-operator_postspace">', '</span>'), // Space after the operator on a line 'operator' => array('<span class="ts-operator">', '</span>'), // The operator char 'value' => array('<span class="ts-value">', '</span>'), // The value of a line 'objstr' => array('<span class="ts-objstr">', '</span>'), // The object string of a line 'value_copy' => array('<span class="ts-value_copy">', '</span>'), // The value when the copy syntax (<) is used; that means the object reference 'value_unset' => array('<span class="ts-value_unset">', '</span>'), // The value when an object is unset. Should not exist. 'ignored' => array('<span class="ts-ignored">', '</span>'), // The "rest" of a line which will be ignored. 'default' => array('<span class="ts-default">', '</span>'), // The default style if none other is applied. 'comment' => array('<span class="ts-comment">', '</span>'), // Comment lines 'condition' => array('<span class="ts-condition">', '</span>'), // Conditions 'error' => array('<span class="ts-error">', '</span>'), // Error messages 'linenum' => array('<span class="ts-linenum">', '</span>'), // Line numbers ); var $highLightBlockStyles = ''; // Additional attributes for the <span> tags for a blockmode line var $highLightBlockStyles_basecolor = '#cccccc'; // The hex-HTML color for the blockmode public $parentObject; //Instance of parentObject, used by t3lib_tsparser_ext /** * Start parsing the input TypoScript text piece. The result is stored in $this->setup * * @param string The TypoScript text * @param object If is object (instance of t3lib_matchcondition), then this is used to match conditions found in the TypoScript code. If matchObj not specified, then no conditions will work! (Except [GLOBAL]) * @return void */ function parse($string, $matchObj = '') { $this->raw = explode(LF, $string); $this->rawP = 0; $pre = '[GLOBAL]'; while ($pre) { if ($this->breakPointLN && $pre == '[_BREAK]') { $this->error('Breakpoint at ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 2) . ': Line content was "' . $this->raw[$this->rawP - 2] . '"', 1); break; } if (strtoupper($pre) == '[GLOBAL]' || strtoupper($pre) == '[END]' || (!$this->lastConditionTrue && strtoupper($pre) == '[ELSE]')) { $pre = trim($this->parseSub($this->setup)); $this->lastConditionTrue = 1; } else { if (strtoupper($pre) != '[ELSE]') { $this->sections[md5($pre)] = $pre; } // we're in a specific section. Therefore we log this section if ((is_object($matchObj) && $matchObj->match($pre)) || $this->syntaxHighLight) { if (strtoupper($pre) != '[ELSE]') { $this->sectionsMatch[md5($pre)] = $pre; } $pre = trim($this->parseSub($this->setup)); $this->lastConditionTrue = 1; } else { $pre = trim($this->nextDivider()); $this->lastConditionTrue = 0; } } } if ($this->inBrace) { $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': The script is short of ' . $this->inBrace . ' end brace(s)', 1); } if ($this->multiLineEnabled) { $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': A multiline value section is not ended with a parenthesis!', 1); } $this->lineNumberOffset += count($this->raw) + 1; } /** * Will search for the next condition. When found it will return the line content (the condition value) and have advanced the internal $this->rawP pointer to point to the next line after the condition. * * @return string The condition value * @see parse() */ function nextDivider() { while (isset($this->raw[$this->rawP])) { $line = ltrim($this->raw[$this->rawP]); $this->rawP++; if ($line && substr($line, 0, 1) == '[') { return $line; } } } /** * Parsing the $this->raw TypoScript lines from pointer, $this->rawP * * @param array Reference to the setup array in which to accumulate the values. * @return string Returns the string of the condition found, the exit signal or possible nothing (if it completed parsing with no interruptions) */ function parseSub(&$setup) { global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; while (isset($this->raw[$this->rawP])) { $line = ltrim($this->raw[$this->rawP]); $lineP = $this->rawP; $this->rawP++; if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("prespace", $lineP, strlen($line)); } // Breakpoint? if ($this->breakPointLN && ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) == ($this->breakPointLN + 1)) { // by adding 1 we get that line processed return '[_BREAK]'; } // Set comment flag? if (!$this->multiLineEnabled && substr($line, 0, 2) == '/*') { $this->commentSet = 1; } if (!$this->commentSet && ($line || $this->multiLineEnabled)) { // If $this->multiLineEnabled we will go and get the line values here because we know, the first if() will be true. if ($this->multiLineEnabled) { // If multiline is enabled. Escape by ')' if (substr($line, 0, 1) == ')') { // Multiline ends... if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("operator", $lineP, strlen($line) - 1); } $this->multiLineEnabled = 0; // Disable multiline $theValue = implode($this->multiLineValue, LF); if (strstr($this->multiLineObject, '.')) { $this->setVal($this->multiLineObject, $setup, array($theValue)); // Set the value deeper. } else { $setup[$this->multiLineObject] = $theValue; // Set value regularly if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { $setup[$this->multiLineObject . '..'] .= $this->lastComment; } if ($this->regLinenumbers) { $setup[$this->multiLineObject . '.ln..'][] = ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1); } } } else { if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("value", $lineP); } $this->multiLineValue[] = $this->raw[($this->rawP - 1)]; } } elseif ($this->inBrace == 0 && substr($line, 0, 1) == '[') { // Beginning of condition (only on level zero compared to brace-levels if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("condition", $lineP); } return $line; } else { if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '[' && strtoupper(trim($line)) == '[GLOBAL]') { // Return if GLOBAL condition is set - no matter what. if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("condition", $lineP); } $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': On return to [GLOBAL] scope, the script was short of ' . $this->inBrace . ' end brace(s)', 1); $this->inBrace = 0; return $line; } elseif (strcspn($line, '}#/') != 0) { // If not brace-end or comment $varL = strcspn($line, ' {=<>:('); // Find object name string until we meet an operator $objStrName = trim(substr($line, 0, $varL)); if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("objstr", $lineP, strlen(substr($line, $varL))); } if (strlen($objStrName)) { $r = array(); if ($this->strict && preg_match('/[^[:alnum:]_\.-]/i', $objStrName, $r)) { $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': Object Name String, "' . htmlspecialchars($objStrName) . '" contains invalid character "' . $r[0] . '". Must be alphanumeric or one of: "_-."'); } else { $line = ltrim(substr($line, $varL)); if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("objstr_postspace", $lineP, strlen($line)); if (strlen($line) > 0) { $this->regHighLight("operator", $lineP, strlen($line) - 1); $this->regHighLight("operator_postspace", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line, 1)))); } } // Checking for special TSparser properties (to change TS values at parsetime) $match = array(); if (preg_match('/^:=([^\(]+)\((.+)\).*/', $line, $match)) { $tsFunc = trim($match[1]); $tsFuncArg = $match[2]; list ($currentValue) = $this->getVal($objStrName, $setup); $tsFuncArg = str_replace( array('\\\\', '\n', '\t'), array('\\', LF, TAB), $tsFuncArg ); switch ($tsFunc) { case 'prependString': $newValue = $tsFuncArg . $currentValue; break; case 'appendString': $newValue = $currentValue . $tsFuncArg; break; case 'removeString': $newValue = str_replace($tsFuncArg, '', $currentValue); break; case 'replaceString': list($fromStr, $toStr) = explode('|', $tsFuncArg, 2); $newValue = str_replace($fromStr, $toStr, $currentValue); break; case 'addToList': $newValue = (strcmp('', $currentValue) ? $currentValue . ',' : '') . trim($tsFuncArg); break; case 'removeFromList': $existingElements = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $currentValue); $removeElements = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $tsFuncArg); if (count($removeElements)) { $newValue = implode(',', array_diff($existingElements, $removeElements)); } break; default: if (isset($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']['preParseFunc'][$tsFunc])) { $hookMethod = $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']['preParseFunc'][$tsFunc]; $params = array('currentValue' => $currentValue, 'functionArgument' => $tsFuncArg); $fakeThis = FALSE; $newValue = t3lib_div::callUserFunction($hookMethod, $params, $fakeThis); } else { t3lib_div::sysLog('Missing function definition for ' . $tsFunc . ' on TypoScript line ' . $lineP, 'Core', 2); } } if (isset($newValue)) { $line = '= ' . $newValue; } } switch (substr($line, 0, 1)) { case '=': if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight('value', $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line, 1))) - strlen(trim(substr($line, 1)))); } if (strstr($objStrName, '.')) { $value = array(); $value[0] = trim(substr($line, 1)); $this->setVal($objStrName, $setup, $value); } else { $setup[$objStrName] = trim(substr($line, 1)); if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { // Setting comment.. $setup[$objStrName . '..'] .= $this->lastComment; } if ($this->regLinenumbers) { $setup[$objStrName . '.ln..'][] = ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1); } } break; case '{': $this->inBrace++; if (strstr($objStrName, '.')) { $exitSig = $this->rollParseSub($objStrName, $setup); if ($exitSig) { return $exitSig; } } else { if (!isset($setup[$objStrName . '.'])) { $setup[$objStrName . '.'] = array(); } $exitSig = $this->parseSub($setup[$objStrName . '.']); if ($exitSig) { return $exitSig; } } break; case '(': $this->multiLineObject = $objStrName; $this->multiLineEnabled = 1; $this->multiLineValue = array(); break; case '<': if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("value_copy", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line, 1))) - strlen(trim(substr($line, 1)))); } $theVal = trim(substr($line, 1)); if (substr($theVal, 0, 1) == '.') { $res = $this->getVal(substr($theVal, 1), $setup); } else { $res = $this->getVal($theVal, $this->setup); } $this->setVal($objStrName, $setup, unserialize(serialize($res)), 1); // unserialize(serialize(...)) may look stupid but is needed because of some reference issues. See Kaspers reply to "[TYPO3-core] good question" from December 15 2005. break; case '>': if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("value_unset", $lineP, strlen(ltrim(substr($line, 1))) - strlen(trim(substr($line, 1)))); } $this->setVal($objStrName, $setup, 'UNSET'); break; default: $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': Object Name String, "' . htmlspecialchars($objStrName) . '" was not preceded by any operator, =<>({'); break; } } $this->lastComment = ''; } } elseif (substr($line, 0, 1) == '}') { $this->inBrace--; $this->lastComment = ''; if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("operator", $lineP, strlen($line) - 1); } if ($this->inBrace < 0) { $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': An end brace is in excess.', 1); $this->inBrace = 0; } else { break; } } else { if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("comment", $lineP); } // Comment. The comments are concatenated in this temporary string: if ($this->regComments) { $this->lastComment .= trim($line) . LF; } } } } // Unset comment if ($this->commentSet) { if ($this->syntaxHighLight) { $this->regHighLight("comment", $lineP); } if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '*/') { $this->commentSet = 0; } } } } /** * Parsing of TypoScript keys inside a curly brace where the key is composite of at least two keys, thus having to recursively call itself to get the value * * @param string The object sub-path, eg "thisprop.another_prot" * @param array The local setup array from the function calling this function * @return string Returns the exitSignal * @see parseSub() */ function rollParseSub($string, &$setup) { if ((string) $string != '') { $keyLen = strcspn($string, '.'); if ($keyLen == strlen($string)) { $key = $string . '.'; if (!isset($setup[$key])) { $setup[$key] = array(); } $exitSig = $this->parseSub($setup[$key]); if ($exitSig) { return $exitSig; } } else { $key = substr($string, 0, $keyLen) . '.'; if (!isset($setup[$key])) { $setup[$key] = array(); } $exitSig = $this->rollParseSub(substr($string, $keyLen + 1), $setup[$key]); if ($exitSig) { return $exitSig; } } } } /** * Get a value/property pair for an object path in TypoScript, eg. "myobject.myvalue.mysubproperty". Here: Used by the "copy" operator, < * * @param string Object path for which to get the value * @param array Global setup code if $string points to a global object path. But if string is prefixed with "." then its the local setup array. * @return array An array with keys 0/1 being value/property respectively */ function getVal($string, $setup) { if ((string) $string != '') { $keyLen = strcspn($string, '.'); if ($keyLen == strlen($string)) { $retArr = array(); // Added 6/6/03. Shouldn't hurt if (isset($setup[$string])) { $retArr[0] = $setup[$string]; } if (isset($setup[$string . '.'])) { $retArr[1] = $setup[$string . '.']; } return $retArr; } else { $key = substr($string, 0, $keyLen) . '.'; if ($setup[$key]) { return $this->getVal(substr($string, $keyLen + 1), $setup[$key]); } } } } /** * Setting a value/property of an object string in the setup array. * * @param string The object sub-path, eg "thisprop.another_prot" * @param array The local setup array from the function calling this function. * @param array The value/property pair array to set. If only one of them is set, then the other is not touched (unless $wipeOut is set, which it is when copies are made which must include both value and property) * @param boolean If set, then both value and property is wiped out when a copy is made of another value. * @return void */ function setVal($string, &$setup, $value, $wipeOut = 0) { if ((string) $string != '') { $keyLen = strcspn($string, '.'); if ($keyLen == strlen($string)) { if ($value == 'UNSET') { unset($setup[$string]); unset($setup[$string . '.']); if ($this->regLinenumbers) { $setup[$string . '.ln..'][] = ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . '>'; } } else { $lnRegisDone = 0; if ($wipeOut && $this->strict) { if ((isset($setup[$string]) && !isset($value[0])) || (isset($setup[$string . '.']) && !isset($value[1]))) { $this->error('Line ' . ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . ': Object copied in this line "' . trim($this->raw[($this->rawP - 1)]) . '" would leave either the value or properties untouched in TypoScript Version 1. Please check that this is not a problem for you.', 1); } unset($setup[$string]); unset($setup[$string . '.']); if ($this->regLinenumbers) { $setup[$string . '.ln..'][] = ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1) . '<'; $lnRegisDone = 1; } } if (isset($value[0])) { $setup[$string] = $value[0]; } if (isset($value[1])) { $setup[$string . '.'] = $value[1]; } if ($this->lastComment && $this->regComments) { $setup[$string . '..'] .= $this->lastComment; } if ($this->regLinenumbers && !$lnRegisDone) { $setup[$string . '.ln..'][] = ($this->lineNumberOffset + $this->rawP - 1); } } } else { $key = substr($string, 0, $keyLen) . '.'; if (!isset($setup[$key])) { $setup[$key] = array(); } $this->setVal(substr($string, $keyLen + 1), $setup[$key], $value); } } } /** * Stacks errors/messages from the TypoScript parser into an internal array, $this->error * If "TT" is a global object (as it is in the frontend when backend users are logged in) the message will be registered here as well. * * @param string The error message string * @param integer The error severity (in the scale of $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage: Approx: 2=warning, 1=info, 0=nothing, 3=fatal.) * @return void */ function error($err, $num = 2) { if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) { $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage($err, $num); } $this->errors[] = array($err, $num, $this->rawP - 1, $this->lineNumberOffset); } /** * Checks the input string (un-parsed TypoScript) for include-commands ("<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: ....") * Use: t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines() * * @param string Unparsed TypoScript * @param integer Counter for detecting endless loops * @param boolean When set an array containing the resulting typoscript and all included files will get returned * @return string Complete TypoScript with includes added. * @static */ function checkIncludeLines($string, $cycle_counter = 1, $returnFiles = FALSE) { $includedFiles = array(); if ($cycle_counter > 100) { t3lib_div::sysLog('It appears like TypoScript code is looping over itself. Check your templates for "<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: ..." tags', 'Core', 2); if ($returnFiles) { return array( 'typoscript' => '', 'files' => $includedFiles, ); } return "\n###\n### ERROR: Recursion!\n###\n"; } $splitStr = '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:'; if (strstr($string, $splitStr)) { $newString = ''; $allParts = explode($splitStr, LF . $string . LF); // adds line break char before/after foreach ($allParts as $c => $v) { if (!$c) { // first goes through $newString .= $v; } elseif (preg_match('/\r?\n\s*$/', $allParts[$c - 1])) { // There must be a line-break char before. $subparts = explode('>', $v, 2); if (preg_match('/^\s*\r?\n/', $subparts[1])) { // There must be a line-break char after // SO, the include was positively recognized: $newString .= '### ' . $splitStr . $subparts[0] . '> BEGIN:' . LF; $params = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes($subparts[0]); if ($params['source']) { $sourceParts = explode(':', $params['source'], 2); switch (strtolower(trim($sourceParts[0]))) { case 'file': $filename = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(trim($sourceParts[1])); if (strcmp($filename, '')) { // Must exist and must not contain '..' and must be relative if (t3lib_div::verifyFilenameAgainstDenyPattern($filename)) { // Check for allowed files if (@is_file($filename) && filesize($filename) < 100000) { // Max. 100 KB include files! // check for includes in included text $includedFiles[] = $filename; $included_text = self::checkIncludeLines(t3lib_div::getUrl($filename), $cycle_counter + 1, $returnFiles); // If the method also has to return all included files, merge currently included // files with files included by recursively calling itself if ($returnFiles && is_array($included_text)) { $includedFiles = array_merge($includedFiles, $included_text['files']); $included_text = $included_text['typoscript']; } $newString .= $included_text . LF; } } else { t3lib_div::sysLog('File "' . $filename . '" was not included since it is not allowed due to fileDenyPattern', 'Core', 2); } } break; } } $newString .= '### ' . $splitStr . $subparts[0] . '> END:' . LF; $newString .= $subparts[1]; } else { $newString .= $splitStr . $v; } } else { $newString .= $splitStr . $v; } } $string = substr($newString, 1, -1); // not the first/last linebreak char. } // When all included files should get returned, simply return an compound array containing // the TypoScript with all "includes" processed and the files which got included if ($returnFiles) { return array( 'typoscript' => $string, 'files' => $includedFiles, ); } return $string; } /** * Parses the string in each value of the input array for include-commands * * @param array Array with TypoScript in each value * @return array Same array but where the values has been parsed for include-commands */ function checkIncludeLines_array($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $array[$k] = t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines($array[$k]); } return $array; } /** * Search for commented INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT statements * and save the content between the BEGIN and the END line to the specified file * * @param string template content * @param int Counter for detecting endless loops * @return string template content with uncommented include statements * @author Fabrizio Branca <typo3@fabrizio-branca.de> */ function extractIncludes($string, $cycle_counter = 1, $extractedFileNames = array()) { if ($cycle_counter > 10) { t3lib_div::sysLog('It appears like TypoScript code is looping over itself. Check your templates for "<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: ..." tags', 'Core', 2); return "\n###\n### ERROR: Recursion!\n###\n"; } $fileContent = array(); $restContent = array(); $fileName = NULL; $inIncludePart = FALSE; $lines = explode("\n", $string); $skipNextLineIfEmpty = FALSE; $openingCommentedIncludeStatement = NULL; foreach ($lines as $line) { // t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines inserts an additional empty line, remove this again if ($skipNextLineIfEmpty) { if (trim($line) == '') { continue; } $skipNextLineIfEmpty = FALSE; } if (!$inIncludePart) { // outside commented include statements // search for beginning commented include statements $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/###\s*<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:\s*source\s*=\s*"\s*FILE\s*:\s*(.*)\s*">\s*BEGIN/i', $line, $matches)) { // save this line in case there is no ending tag $openingCommentedIncludeStatement = trim($line); $openingCommentedIncludeStatement = trim(preg_replace('/### Warning: .*###/', '', $openingCommentedIncludeStatement)); // found a commented include statement $fileName = trim($matches[1]); $inIncludePart = TRUE; $expectedEndTag = '### <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:' . $fileName . '"> END'; // strip all whitespace characters to make comparision safer $expectedEndTag = strtolower(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $expectedEndTag)); } else { // if this is not a beginning commented include statement this line goes into the rest content $restContent[] = $line; } } else { // inside commented include statements // search for the matching ending commented include statement $strippedLine = strtolower(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $line)); if (strpos($strippedLine, $expectedEndTag) !== FALSE) { // found the matching ending include statement $fileContentString = implode("\n", $fileContent); // write the content to the file $realFileName = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($fileName); // some file checks if (empty($realFileName)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid file location.', $fileName)); } if (!is_writable($realFileName)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('"%s" is not writable.', $fileName)); } if (in_array($realFileName, $extractedFileNames)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Recursive/multiple inclusion of file "%s"', $realFileName)); } $extractedFileNames[] = $realFileName; // recursive call to detected nested commented include statements $fileContentString = self::extractIncludes($fileContentString, $cycle_counter + 1, $extractedFileNames); if (!t3lib_div::writeFile($realFileName, $fileContentString)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not write file "%s"', $realFileName)); } // insert reference to the file in the rest content $restContent[] = "<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source=\"FILE:$fileName\">"; // reset variables (preparing for the next commented include statement) $fileContent = array(); $fileName = NULL; $inIncludePart = FALSE; $openingCommentedIncludeStatement = NULL; // t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines inserts an additional empty line, remove this again $skipNextLineIfEmpty = TRUE; } else { // if this is not a ending commented include statement this line goes into the file content $fileContent[] = $line; } } } // if we're still inside commented include statements copy the lines back to the rest content if ($inIncludePart) { $restContent[] = $openingCommentedIncludeStatement . ' ### Warning: Corresponding end line missing! ###'; $restContent = array_merge($restContent, $fileContent); } $restContentString = implode("\n", $restContent); return $restContentString; } /** * Processes the string in each value of the input array with extractIncludes * * @param array Array with TypoScript in each value * @return array Same array but where the values has been processed with extractIncludes * @author Fabrizio Branca <typo3@fabrizio-branca.de> */ function extractIncludes_array($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $array[$k] = t3lib_TSparser::extractIncludes($array[$k]); } return $array; } /********************************** * * Syntax highlighting * *********************************/ /** * Syntax highlight a TypoScript text * Will parse the content. Remember, the internal setup array may contain invalid parsed content since conditions are ignored! * * @param string The TypoScript text * @param mixed If blank, linenumbers are NOT printed. If array then the first key is the linenumber offset to add to the internal counter. * @param boolean If set, then the highlighted output will be formatted in blocks based on the brace levels. prespace will be ignored and empty lines represented with a single no-break-space. * @return string HTML code for the syntax highlighted string */ function doSyntaxHighlight($string, $lineNum = '', $highlightBlockMode = 0) { $this->syntaxHighLight = 1; $this->highLightData = array(); $this->error = array(); $string = str_replace(CR, '', $string); // This is done in order to prevent empty <span>..</span> sections around CR content. Should not do anything but help lessen the amount of HTML code. $this->parse($string); return $this->syntaxHighlight_print($lineNum, $highlightBlockMode); } /** * Registers a part of a TypoScript line for syntax highlighting. * * @param string Key from the internal array $this->highLightStyles * @param integer Pointer to the line in $this->raw which this is about * @param integer The number of chars LEFT on this line before the end is reached. * @return void * @access private * @see parse() */ function regHighLight($code, $pointer, $strlen = -1) { if ($strlen == -1) { $this->highLightData[$pointer] = array(array($code, 0)); } else { $this->highLightData[$pointer][] = array($code, $strlen); } $this->highLightData_bracelevel[$pointer] = $this->inBrace; } /** * Formatting the TypoScript code in $this->raw based on the data collected by $this->regHighLight in $this->highLightData * * @param mixed If blank, linenumbers are NOT printed. If array then the first key is the linenumber offset to add to the internal counter. * @param boolean If set, then the highlighted output will be formatted in blocks based on the brace levels. prespace will be ignored and empty lines represented with a single no-break-space. * @return string HTML content * @access private * @see doSyntaxHighlight() */ function syntaxHighlight_print($lineNumDat, $highlightBlockMode) { // Registers all error messages in relation to their linenumber $errA = array(); foreach ($this->errors as $err) { $errA[$err[2]][] = $err[0]; } // Generates the syntax highlighted output: $lines = array(); foreach ($this->raw as $rawP => $value) { $start = 0; $strlen = strlen($value); $lineC = ''; if (is_array($this->highLightData[$rawP])) { foreach ($this->highLightData[$rawP] as $set) { $len = $strlen - $start - $set[1]; if ($len > 0) { $part = substr($value, $start, $len); $start += $len; $st = $this->highLightStyles[(isset($this->highLightStyles[$set[0]]) ? $set[0] : 'default')]; if (!$highlightBlockMode || $set[0] != 'prespace') { $lineC .= $st[0] . htmlspecialchars($part) . $st[1]; } } elseif ($len < 0) { debug(array($len, $value, $rawP)); } } } else { debug(array($value)); } if (strlen(substr($value, $start))) { $lineC .= $this->highLightStyles['ignored'][0] . htmlspecialchars(substr($value, $start)) . $this->highLightStyles['ignored'][1]; } if ($errA[$rawP]) { $lineC .= $this->highLightStyles['error'][0] . '<strong> - ERROR:</strong> ' . htmlspecialchars(implode(';', $errA[$rawP])) . $this->highLightStyles['error'][1]; } if ($highlightBlockMode && $this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP]) { $lineC = str_pad('', $this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP] * 2, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '<span style="' . $this->highLightBlockStyles . ($this->highLightBlockStyles_basecolor ? 'background-color: ' . t3lib_div::modifyHTMLColorAll($this->highLightBlockStyles_basecolor, -$this->highLightData_bracelevel[$rawP] * 16) : '') . '">' . (strcmp($lineC, '') ? $lineC : ' ') . '</span>'; } if (is_array($lineNumDat)) { $lineNum = $rawP + $lineNumDat[0]; if ($this->parentObject instanceof t3lib_tsparser_ext) { $lineNum = $this->parentObject->ext_lnBreakPointWrap($lineNum, $lineNum); } $lineC = $this->highLightStyles['linenum'][0] . str_pad($lineNum, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ':' . $this->highLightStyles['linenum'][1] . ' ' . $lineC; } $lines[] = $lineC; } return '<pre class="ts-hl">' . implode(LF, $lines) . '</pre>'; } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php'])) { include_once($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser.php']); } ?>