File: globalsettings.inc.php
<?php define("ALLOWINCLUDES", TRUE); // in effect, any file that includes "globalsettings.inc.php" is also authorized to call other include files require_once('config.inc.php'); require_once('DB.php'); require_once('inputvalidation.inc.php'); // set the correct calendarid if ( isset($_GET['calendarid']) && isValidInput($_GET['calendarid'],'calendarid') ) { $calendarid = $_GET['calendarid']; } elseif ( isset($_GET['calendar']) && isValidInput($_GET['calendar'],'calendarid')) { $calendarid = $_GET['calendar']; } else { unset($calendarid); } if ( isset($calendarid) ) { if ( calendar_exists ( $calendarid ) ) { // switch to different calendar $_SESSION["CALENDARID"] = $calendarid; setCalendarPreferences(); logout(); } } if ( !isset($_SESSION["CALENDARID"]) ) { $_SESSION["CALENDARID"] = "default"; setCalendarPreferences(); logout(); } // exclude month view for certain browsers because of extremely slow load times if ( $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] == "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC)" ) { $enableViewMonth = false; } else { $enableViewMonth = true; } //sets variable to according to week starting day specified in "config.inc.php". Sunday is default week starting day if WEEK_STARTING_DAY isn't defined in "config.inc.php' if(WEEK_STARTING_DAY == 0 || WEEK_STARTING_DAY == 1 ) { $week_start = WEEK_STARTING_DAY; }else{ $week_start = 0; } if(USE_AMPM == false){ $use_ampm=false; $day_beg_h=0; // if 0:00 - 23:00 time format is used,appropriate day start, end hours will be passed to datetime2timestamp funtions where calculating day edges $day_end_h=23; }else{ $use_ampm=true; $day_beg_h=0; $day_end_h=11; } function calendar_exists ( $calendarid ) { $database = DB::connect( DATABASE ); $result = DBQuery($database, "SELECT count(id) FROM vtcal_calendar WHERE id='".sqlescape($calendarid)."'" ); $r = $result->fetchRow(0); $database->disconnect(); return ($r[0]==1); } function setCalendarPreferences() { $database = DB::connect( DATABASE ); $result = DBQuery($database, "SELECT * FROM vtcal_calendar WHERE id='".sqlescape($_SESSION["CALENDARID"])."'" ); $calendar = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC,0); $_SESSION["TITLE"] = $calendar['title']; $_SESSION["NAME"] = $calendar['name']; $_SESSION["HEADER"] = $calendar['header']; $_SESSION["FOOTER"] = $calendar['footer']; $_SESSION["VIEWAUTHREQUIRED"] = $calendar['viewauthrequired']; $_SESSION["FORWARDEVENTDEFAULT"] = $calendar['forwardeventdefault']; $_SESSION["BGCOLOR"] = $calendar['bgcolor']; $_SESSION["MAINCOLOR"] = $calendar['maincolor']; $_SESSION["TODAYCOLOR"] = $calendar['todaycolor']; $_SESSION["PASTCOLOR"] = $calendar['pastcolor']; $_SESSION["FUTURECOLOR"] = $calendar['futurecolor']; $_SESSION["TEXTCOLOR"] = $calendar['textcolor']; $_SESSION["LINKCOLOR"] = $calendar['linkcolor']; $_SESSION["GRIDCOLOR"] = $calendar['gridcolor']; $result = DBQuery($database, "SELECT * FROM vtcal_sponsor WHERE calendarid='".sqlescape($_SESSION["CALENDARID"])."' AND admin='1'" ); $sponsor = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC,0); $_SESSION["ADMINEMAIL"] = $sponsor['email']; } function logout() { unset($_SESSION["AUTH_USERID"]); unset($_SESSION["AUTH_SPONSORID"]); unset($_SESSION["AUTH_SPONSORNAME"]); unset($_SESSION["AUTH_ADMIN"]); } function DBQuery($database, $query) { $result = $database->query( $query ); if ( SQLLOGFILE!="" ) { $logfile = fopen(SQLLOGFILE, "a"); if (!empty($_SESSION["AUTH_USERID"])) { $user = $_SESSION["AUTH_USERID"]; } else { $user = "anonymous"; } fputs($logfile, date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time() )." ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]." ".$user." ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]." ".$query."\n"); fclose($logfile); } return $result; } // run a sanity check on incoming request variables and set particular variables if checks are passed function setVar(&$var,$value,$type) { if (isset($value)) { // first, remove any escaping that may have happened if magic_quotes_gpc is set to ON in php.ini if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key=>$v) { $value[$key] = stripslashes($v); } } else { $value = stripslashes($value); } } if (isValidInput($value, $type)) { $var = $value; return; } } // unless something is explicitly allowed unset the variable $var = NULL; return; } // escapes a value to make it safe for a SQL query function sqlescape($value) { if (preg_match("/^pgsql/",DATABASE)) { return pg_escape_string($value); } else { return mysql_escape_string($value); } } require_once('languages/'.LANGUAGE.'.inc.php'); // returns a string in a particular language function lang($sTextKey) { if (isset($GLOBALS['lang'][$sTextKey])) { return $GLOBALS['lang'][$sTextKey]; } else { require('languages/en.inc.php'); return $lang[$sTextKey]; } } ?>