File: userutility.php
<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * XOOPS methods for user handling * * @copyright The XOOPS Project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ * @license http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license * @package class * @since 2.3.0 * @author Taiwen Jiang <phppp@users.sourceforge.net> * @version $Id: userutility.php 1982 2008-08-24 13:39:55Z phppp $ */ class XoopsUserUtility { // Sending out welcoming message to a new member function sendWelcome($user) { global $xoopsConfigUser, $xoopsConfig; if (empty($xoopsConfigUser)) { $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $xoopsConfigUser = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_USER); } if (empty($xoopsConfigUser["welcome_type"])) { return true; } if (!empty($user) && !is_object($user)) { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $user =& $member_handler->getUser($user); } if (!is_object($user)) { return false; } xoops_loadLanguage("user"); $xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer(); if ($xoopsConfigUser["welcome_type"] == 1 || $xoopsConfigUser["welcome_type"] == 3) { $xoopsMailer->useMail(); } if ($xoopsConfigUser["welcome_type"] == 2 || $xoopsConfigUser["welcome_type"] == 3) { $xoopsMailer->usePM(); } $xoopsMailer->setTemplate('welcome.tpl'); $xoopsMailer->setSubject(sprintf(_US_WELCOME_SUBJECT, $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsMailer->setToUsers($user); if ( $xoopsConfigUser['reg_dispdsclmr'] && $xoopsConfigUser['reg_disclaimer'] ) { $xoopsMailer->assign('TERMSOFUSE', $xoopsConfigUser['reg_disclaimer']); } else { $xoopsMailer->assign('TERMSOFUSE', ""); } return $xoopsMailer->send(); } function validate(/*$uname, $email, $pass = null, $vpass = null*/) { global $xoopsConfigUser, $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser; $args = func_get_args(); $args_num = func_num_args(); $user = null; $uname = null; $email = null; $pass = null; $vpass = null; switch ($args_num) { case 1: $user = $args[0]; break; case 2: list($uname, $email) = $args; break; case 3: list($user, $pass, $vpass) = $args; break; case 4: list($uname, $email, $pass, $vpass) = $args; break; default: return false; } if (is_object($user)) { $uname = $user->getVar('uname', 'n'); $email = $user->getVar('email', 'n'); } if (empty($xoopsConfigUser)) { $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $xoopsConfigUser = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_USER); } xoops_loadLanguage("user"); $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $xoopsUser_isAdmin = is_object($xoopsUser) && $xoopsUser->isAdmin(); $stop = ''; // Invalid email address if (!checkEmail($email)) { $stop .= _US_INVALIDMAIL . '<br />'; } if (strrpos($email,' ') > 0) { $stop .= _US_EMAILNOSPACES . '<br />'; } // Check forbidden email address if current operator is not an administrator if (!$xoopsUser_isAdmin) { foreach ($xoopsConfigUser['bad_emails'] as $be) { if (!empty($be) && preg_match("/" . $be . "/i", $email)) { $stop .= _US_INVALIDMAIL . '<br />'; break; } } } $uname = xoops_trim($uname); switch ($xoopsConfigUser['uname_test_level']) { case 0: // strict $restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]/'; break; case 1: // medium $restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\<\>\,\.\$\%\#\@\!\\\'\"]/'; break; case 2: // loose $restriction = '/[\000-\040]/'; break; } if (empty($uname) || preg_match($restriction, $uname)) { $stop .= _US_INVALIDNICKNAME . "<br />"; } // Check uname settings if current operator is not an administrator if (!$xoopsUser_isAdmin) { if (strlen($uname) > $xoopsConfigUser['maxuname']) { $stop .= sprintf(_US_NICKNAMETOOLONG, $xoopsConfigUser['maxuname']) . "<br />"; } if (strlen($uname) < $xoopsConfigUser['minuname']) { $stop .= sprintf(_US_NICKNAMETOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigUser['minuname']) . "<br />"; } foreach ($xoopsConfigUser['bad_unames'] as $bu) { if (!empty($bu) && preg_match("/" . $bu . "/i", $uname)) { $stop .= _US_NAMERESERVED . "<br />"; break; } } /* if (strrpos($uname, ' ') > 0) { $stop .= _US_NICKNAMENOSPACES . "<br />"; } */ } // Check if uname/email already exists if the user is a new one $uid = is_object($user) ? $user->getVar('uid') : 0; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $xoopsDB->prefix('users') . "` WHERE `uname` = " . $xoopsDB->quote(addslashes($uname)) . ( ($uid > 0) ? " AND `uid` <> {$uid}" : "" ); $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql); list($count) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); if ($count > 0) { $stop .= _US_NICKNAMETAKEN . "<br />"; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $xoopsDB->prefix('users') . "` WHERE `email` = " . $xoopsDB->quote(addslashes($email)) . ( ($uid > 0) ? " AND `uid` <> {$uid}" : "" ); $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql); list($count) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); if ($count > 0) { $stop .= _US_EMAILTAKEN . "<br />"; } // If password is not set, skip password validation if ($pass === null && $vpass === null) { return $stop; } if ( !isset($pass) || $pass == '' || !isset($vpass) || $vpass == '' ) { $stop .= _US_ENTERPWD . '<br />'; } if ( (isset($pass)) && ($pass != $vpass) ) { $stop .= _US_PASSNOTSAME . '<br />'; } elseif ( ($pass != '') && (strlen($pass) < $xoopsConfigUser['minpass']) ) { $stop .= sprintf(_US_PWDTOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigUser['minpass']) . "<br />"; } return $stop; } /** * Get client IP * * Adapted from PMA_getIp() [phpmyadmin project] * * @param bool $asString requiring integer or dotted string * @return mixed string or integer value for the IP */ function getIP($asString = false) { // Gets the proxy ip sent by the user $proxy_ip = ''; if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_VIA"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_VIA"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_COMING_FROM"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_COMING_FROM"]; } else if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_COMING_FROM"])) { $proxy_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_COMING_FROM"]; } if (!empty($proxy_ip) && $is_ip = ereg('^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3,3}[0-9]{1,3}', $proxy_ip, $regs) && count($regs) > 0 ) { $the_IP = $regs[0]; }else{ $the_IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $the_IP = ($asString) ? $the_IP : ip2long($the_IP); return $the_IP; } function getUnameFromIds( $uid, $usereal = false, $linked = false ) { if (!is_array($uid)) { $uid = array($uid); } $userid = array_map("intval", array_filter($uid)); $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $users = array(); if (count($userid) > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT uid, uname, name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('users'). ' WHERE level > 0 AND uid IN(' . implode(",", array_unique($userid)) . ')'; if (!$result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query($sql)) { return $users; } while ($row = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchArray($result)) { $uid = $row["uid"]; if ( $usereal && $row["name"] ) { $users[$uid] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($row["name"]); } else { $users[$uid] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($row["uname"]); } if ($linked) { $users[$uid] = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid={$uid}' title='{$users[$uid]}'>{$users[$uid]}</a>"; } } } if (in_array(0, $users, true)) { $users[0] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['anonymous']); } return $users; } function getUnameFromId( $userid, $usereal = false, $linked = false) { $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $userid = intval($userid); $username = ""; if ($userid > 0) { $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member'); $user =& $member_handler->getUser($userid); if (is_object($user)) { if ( $usereal && $user->getVar('name') ) { $username = $user->getVar('name'); } else { $username = $user->getVar('uname'); } if (!empty($linked)) { $username = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid={$userid}' title='{$username}'>{$username}</a>"; } } } if (empty($username)){ $username = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['anonymous']); } return $username; } } ?>