File: xoopstopic.php
<?php // $Id: xoopstopic.php 1394 2008-03-26 10:39:14Z phppp $ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // XOOPS - PHP Content Management System // // Copyright (c) 2000 XOOPS.org // // <http://www.xoops.org/> // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits // // of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting // // source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the // // original comment or credit authors. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Author: Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu) // // URL: http://www.myweb.ne.jp/, http://www.xoops.org/, http://jp.xoops.org/ // // Project: The XOOPS Project // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) { exit(); } include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopstree.php"; class XoopsTopic { var $table; var $topic_id; var $topic_pid; var $topic_title; var $topic_imgurl; var $prefix; // only used in topic tree var $use_permission=false; var $mid; // module id used for setting permission function XoopsTopic($table, $topicid=0) { $this->db =& Database::getInstance(); $this->table = $table; if ( is_array($topicid) ) { $this->makeTopic($topicid); } elseif ( $topicid != 0 ) { $this->getTopic(intval($topicid)); } else { $this->topic_id = $topicid; } } function setTopicTitle($value) { $this->topic_title = $value; } function setTopicImgurl($value) { $this->topic_imgurl = $value; } function setTopicPid($value) { $this->topic_pid = $value; } function getTopic($topicid) { $topicid = intval($topicid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table." WHERE topic_id=".$topicid.""; $array = $this->db->fetchArray($this->db->query($sql)); $this->makeTopic($array); } function makeTopic($array) { foreach($array as $key=>$value){ $this->$key = $value; } } function usePermission($mid) { $this->mid = $mid; $this->use_permission = true; } function store() { $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $title = ""; $imgurl = ""; if ( isset($this->topic_title) && $this->topic_title != "" ) { $title = $myts->addSlashes($this->topic_title); } if ( isset($this->topic_imgurl) && $this->topic_imgurl != "" ) { $imgurl = $myts->addSlashes($this->topic_imgurl); } if ( !isset($this->topic_pid) || !is_numeric($this->topic_pid) ) { $this->topic_pid = 0; } if ( empty($this->topic_id) ) { $this->topic_id = $this->db->genId($this->table."_topic_id_seq"); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (topic_id, topic_pid, topic_imgurl, topic_title) VALUES (%u, %u, '%s', '%s')", $this->table, $this->topic_id, $this->topic_pid, $imgurl, $title); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET topic_pid = %u, topic_imgurl = '%s', topic_title = '%s' WHERE topic_id = %u", $this->table, $this->topic_pid, $imgurl, $title, $this->topic_id); } if ( !$result = $this->db->query($sql) ) { ErrorHandler::show('0022'); } if ( $this->use_permission == true ) { if ( empty($this->topic_id) ) { $this->topic_id = $this->db->getInsertId(); } $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $parent_topics = $xt->getAllParentId($this->topic_id); if ( !empty($this->m_groups) && is_array($this->m_groups) ){ foreach ( $this->m_groups as $m_g ) { $moderate_topics = XoopsPerms::getPermitted($this->mid, "ModInTopic", $m_g); $add = true; // only grant this permission when the group has this permission in all parent topics of the created topic foreach($parent_topics as $p_topic){ if ( !in_array($p_topic, $moderate_topics) ) { $add = false; continue; } } if ( $add == true ) { $xp = new XoopsPerms(); $xp->setModuleId($this->mid); $xp->setName("ModInTopic"); $xp->setItemId($this->topic_id); $xp->store(); $xp->addGroup($m_g); } } } if ( !empty($this->s_groups) && is_array($this->s_groups) ){ foreach ( $s_groups as $s_g ) { $submit_topics = XoopsPerms::getPermitted($this->mid, "SubmitInTopic", $s_g); $add = true; foreach($parent_topics as $p_topic){ if ( !in_array($p_topic, $submit_topics) ) { $add = false; continue; } } if ( $add == true ) { $xp = new XoopsPerms(); $xp->setModuleId($this->mid); $xp->setName("SubmitInTopic"); $xp->setItemId($this->topic_id); $xp->store(); $xp->addGroup($s_g); } } } if ( !empty($this->r_groups) && is_array($this->r_groups) ){ foreach ( $r_groups as $r_g ) { $read_topics = XoopsPerms::getPermitted($this->mid, "ReadInTopic", $r_g); $add = true; foreach($parent_topics as $p_topic){ if ( !in_array($p_topic, $read_topics) ) { $add = false; continue; } } if ( $add == true ) { $xp = new XoopsPerms(); $xp->setModuleId($this->mid); $xp->setName("ReadInTopic"); $xp->setItemId($this->topic_id); $xp->store(); $xp->addGroup($r_g); } } } } return true; } function delete() { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE topic_id = %u", $this->table, $this->topic_id); $this->db->query($sql); } function topic_id() { return $this->topic_id; } function topic_pid() { return $this->topic_pid; } function topic_title($format="S") { $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); switch($format){ case "S": case "E": $title = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($this->topic_title); break; case "P": case "F": $title = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myts->stripSlashesGPC($this->topic_title)); break; } return $title; } function topic_imgurl($format="S") { $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); switch($format){ case "S": case "E": $imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($this->topic_imgurl); break; case "P": case "F": $imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myts->stripSlashesGPC($this->topic_imgurl)); break; } return $imgurl; } function prefix() { if ( isset($this->prefix) ) { return $this->prefix; } } function getFirstChildTopics() { $ret = array(); $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $topic_arr = $xt->getFirstChild($this->topic_id, "topic_title"); if ( is_array($topic_arr) && count($topic_arr) ) { foreach($topic_arr as $topic){ $ret[] = new XoopsTopic($this->table, $topic); } } return $ret; } function getAllChildTopics() { $ret = array(); $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $topic_arr = $xt->getAllChild($this->topic_id, "topic_title"); if ( is_array($topic_arr) && count($topic_arr) ) { foreach($topic_arr as $topic){ $ret[] = new XoopsTopic($this->table, $topic); } } return $ret; } function getChildTopicsTreeArray() { $ret = array(); $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $topic_arr = $xt->getChildTreeArray($this->topic_id, "topic_title"); if ( is_array($topic_arr) && count($topic_arr) ) { foreach($topic_arr as $topic){ $ret[] = new XoopsTopic($this->table, $topic); } } return $ret; } function makeTopicSelBox($none=0, $seltopic=-1, $selname="", $onchange="") { $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); if ( $seltopic != -1 ) { $xt->makeMySelBox("topic_title", "topic_title", $seltopic, $none, $selname, $onchange); } elseif ( !empty($this->topic_id) ) { $xt->makeMySelBox("topic_title", "topic_title", $this->topic_id, $none, $selname, $onchange); } else { $xt->makeMySelBox("topic_title", "topic_title", 0, $none, $selname, $onchange); } } //generates nicely formatted linked path from the root id to a given id function getNiceTopicPathFromId($funcURL) { $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $ret = $xt->getNicePathFromId($this->topic_id, "topic_title", $funcURL); return $ret; } function getAllChildTopicsId() { $xt = new XoopsTree($this->table, "topic_id", "topic_pid"); $ret = $xt->getAllChildId($this->topic_id, "topic_title"); return $ret; } function getTopicsList() { $result = $this->db->query('SELECT topic_id, topic_pid, topic_title FROM '.$this->table); $ret = array(); $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) { $ret[$myrow['topic_id']] = array('title' => $myts->htmlspecialchars($myrow['topic_title']), 'pid' => $myrow['topic_pid']); } return $ret; } function topicExists($pid, $title) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from ".$this->table." WHERE topic_pid = ".intval($pid)." AND topic_title = '".trim($title)."'"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); list($count) = $this->db->fetchRow($rs); if ($count > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } } ?>