File: pmlite.php
<?php // $Id: pmlite.php 1990 2008-08-30 10:36:31Z phppp $ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // XOOPS - PHP Content Management System // // Copyright (c) 2000 XOOPS.org // // <http://www.xoops.org/> // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits // // of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting // // source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the // // original comment or credit authors. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //$xoopsOption['pagetype'] = "pmsg"; include_once "mainfile.php"; $module_handler = xoops_gethandler('module'); $pm_module = $module_handler->getByDirname('pm'); if ($pm_module && $pm_module->getVar('isactive')) { header( "location: ./modules/pm/pmlite.php" . (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? "" : "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ); exit(); } xoops_loadLanguage('pmsg'); $reply = !empty($_GET['reply']) ? 1 : 0; $send = !empty($_GET['send']) ? 1 : 0; $send2 = !empty($_GET['send2']) ? 1 : 0; $to_userid = !empty($_GET['to_userid']) ? intval($_GET['to_userid']) : 0; $msg_id = !empty($_GET['msg_id']) ? intval($_GET['msg_id']) : 0; if ( empty($_GET['refresh'] ) && isset($_POST['op']) && $_POST['op'] != "submit" ) { $jump = "pmlite.php?refresh=".time().""; if ( $send == 1 ) { $jump .= "&send=".$send.""; } elseif ( $send2 == 1 ) { $jump .= "&send2=".$send2."&to_userid=".$to_userid.""; } elseif ( $reply == 1 ) { $jump .= "&reply=".$reply."&msg_id=".$msg_id.""; } else { } echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; url=".$jump."' /></head><body></body></html>"; exit(); } xoops_header(); if ($xoopsUser) { $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if (isset($_POST['op']) && $_POST['op'] == "submit") { if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) { $security_error = true; } $res = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("users")." WHERE uid=".intval($_POST['to_userid']).""); list($count) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($res); if ($count != 1) { echo "<br /><br /><div><h4>"._PM_USERNOEXIST."<br />"; echo _PM_PLZTRYAGAIN."</h4><br />"; if (isset($security_error) && $security_error == true) { echo implode('<br />', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()); } echo "[ <a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>"._PM_GOBACK."</a> ]</div>"; } else { $pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage'); $pm =& $pm_handler->create(); $pm->setVar("subject", $_POST['subject']); $pm->setVar("msg_text", $_POST['message']); $pm->setVar("to_userid", $_POST['to_userid']); $pm->setVar("from_userid", $xoopsUser->getVar("uid")); if (!$pm_handler->insert($pm)) { echo $pm->getHtmlErrors(); echo "<br /><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>"._PM_GOBACK."</a>"; } else { echo "<br /><br /><div style='text-align:center;'><h4>"._PM_MESSAGEPOSTED."</h4><br /><a href=\"javascript:window.opener.location='".XOOPS_URL."/viewpmsg.php';window.close();\">"._PM_CLICKHERE."</a><br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">"._PM_ORCLOSEWINDOW."</a></div>"; } } } elseif ($reply == 1 || $send == 1 || $send2 == 1) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/xoopscodes.php"; if ($reply == 1) { $pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage'); $pm =& $pm_handler->get($msg_id); if ($pm->getVar("to_userid") == $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')) { $pm_uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($pm->getVar("from_userid")); $message = "[quote]\n"; $message .= sprintf(_PM_USERWROTE,$pm_uname); $message .= "\n".$pm->getVar("msg_text", "E")."\n[/quote]"; } else { unset($pm); $reply = $send2 = 0; } } echo "<form action='pmlite.php' method='post' name='coolsus'>\n"; echo "<table width='300' align='center' class='outer'><tr><td class='head' width='25%'>"._PM_TO."</td>"; if ( $reply == 1 ) { echo "<td class='even'><input type='hidden' name='to_userid' value='".$pm->getVar("from_userid")."' />".$pm_uname."</td>"; } elseif ( $send2 == 1 ) { $to_username = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($to_userid); echo "<td class='even'><input type='hidden' name='to_userid' value='".$to_userid."' />".$to_username."</td>"; } else { require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsform/formelement.php"; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsform/formselect.php"; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsform/formlabel.php"; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsform/formselectuser.php"; $user_sel = new XoopsFormSelectUser("", "to_userid"); echo "<td class='even'>".$user_sel->render(); echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td class='head' width='25%'>"._PM_SUBJECTC."</td>"; if ( $reply == 1 ) { $subject = $pm->getVar('subject', 'E'); if (!preg_match("/^Re:/i",$subject)) { $subject = 'Re: '.$subject; } echo "<td class='even'><input type='text' name='subject' value='".$subject."' size='30' maxlength='100' /></td>"; } else { echo "<td class='even'><input type='text' name='subject' size='30' maxlength='100' /></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr valign='top'><td class='head' width='25%'>"._PM_MESSAGEC."</td>"; echo "<td class='even'>"; xoopsCodeTarea("message",37,8); xoopsSmilies("message"); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td class='head'> </td><td class='even'> <input type='hidden' name='op' value='submit' />".$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getTokenHTML()." <input type='submit' class='formButton' name='submit' value='"._PM_SUBMIT."' /> <input type='reset' class='formButton' value='"._PM_CLEAR."' /> <input type='button' class='formButton' name='cancel' value='"._PM_CANCELSEND."' onclick='javascript:window.close();' /> </td></tr></table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } } else { echo _PM_SORRY."<br /><br /><a href='".XOOPS_URL."/register.php'>"._PM_REGISTERNOW."</a>."; } xoops_footer(); ?>