File: search.php
<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * XOOPS global search * * @copyright The XOOPS Project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ * @license http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license * @package kernel * @since 2.0.0 * @author Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu) * @author Taiwen Jiang <phppp@users.sourceforge.net> * @version $Id: search.php 1529 2008-05-01 08:14:55Z phppp $ * @package core * @todo Modularize; Both search algorithms and interface will be redesigned */ $xoopsOption['pagetype'] = "search"; include 'mainfile.php'; $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $xoopsConfigSearch = $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_SEARCH); if ($xoopsConfigSearch['enable_search'] != 1) { header('Location: '.XOOPS_URL.'/index.php'); exit(); } $action = "search"; if (!empty($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } $query = ""; if (!empty($_GET['query'])) { $query = $_GET['query']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['query'])) { $query = $_POST['query']; } $andor = "AND"; if (!empty($_GET['andor'])) { $andor = $_GET['andor']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['andor'])) { $andor = $_POST['andor']; } $mid = $uid = $start = 0; if ( !empty($_GET['mid']) ) { $mid = intval($_GET['mid']); } elseif ( !empty($_POST['mid']) ) { $mid = intval($_POST['mid']); } if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) { $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['uid'])) { $uid = intval($_POST['uid']); } if (!empty($_GET['start'])) { $start = intval($_GET['start']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['start'])) { $start = intval($_POST['start']); } $queries = array(); if ($action == "results") { if ($query == "") { redirect_header("search.php", 1, _SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } elseif ($action == "showall") { if ($query == "" || empty($mid)) { redirect_header("search.php", 1, _SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } elseif ($action == "showallbyuser") { if (empty($mid) || empty($uid)) { redirect_header("search.php", 1, _SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } $groups = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser -> getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS; $gperm_handler = & xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' ); $available_modules = $gperm_handler->getItemIds('module_read', $groups); if ($action == 'search') { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php'; include 'include/searchform.php'; $search_form->display(); include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/footer.php'; exit(); } if ( $andor != "OR" && $andor != "exact" && $andor != "AND" ) { $andor = "AND"; } $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if ($action != 'showallbyuser') { if ( $andor != "exact" ) { $ignored_queries = array(); // holds kewords that are shorter than allowed minmum length $temp_queries = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $query); foreach ($temp_queries as $q) { $q = trim($q); if (strlen($q) >= $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']) { $queries[] = $myts->addSlashes($q); } else { $ignored_queries[] = $myts->addSlashes($q); } } if (count($queries) == 0) { redirect_header('search.php', 2, sprintf(_SR_KEYTOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min'])); exit(); } } else { $query = trim($query); if (strlen($query) < $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']) { redirect_header('search.php', 2, sprintf(_SR_KEYTOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min'])); exit(); } $queries = array($myts->addSlashes($query)); } } switch ($action) { case "results": $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('hassearch', 1)); $criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1)); $criteria->add(new Criteria('mid', "(".implode(',', $available_modules).")", 'IN')); $modules = $module_handler->getObjects($criteria, true); $mids = isset($_REQUEST['mids']) ? $_REQUEST['mids'] : array(); if (empty($mids) || !is_array($mids)) { unset($mids); $mids = array_keys($modules); } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php"; $nomatch = true; echo "<h3>"._SR_SEARCHRESULTS."</h3>\n"; echo _SR_KEYWORDS.':'; if ($andor != 'exact') { foreach ($queries as $q) { echo ' <strong>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).'</strong>'; } if (!empty($ignored_queries)) { echo '<br />'; printf(_SR_IGNOREDWORDS, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']); foreach ($ignored_queries as $q) { echo ' <strong>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).'</strong>'; } } } else { echo ' "<strong>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($queries[0])).'</strong>"'; } echo '<br />'; foreach ($mids as $mid) { $mid = intval($mid); if ( in_array($mid, $available_modules) ) { $module = $modules[$mid]; $results = $module->search($queries, $andor, 5, 0); $count = count($results); if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) { $nomatch = false; echo "<h4>".$module->getVar('name')."</h4>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != "") { echo "<img src='modules/".$module->getVar('dirname')."/".$results[$i]['image']."' alt='" . $module->getVar('name') . "' /> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icons/posticon2.gif' alt='" . $module->getVar('name') . "' width='26' height='26' /> "; } if (!preg_match("/^http[s]*:\/\//i", $results[$i]['link'])) { $results[$i]['link'] = "modules/".$module->getVar('dirname')."/".$results[$i]['link']; } echo "<strong><a href='".$results[$i]['link']."'>" . $myts->htmlspecialchars($results[$i]['title']) . "</a></strong><br />\n"; echo "<small>"; $results[$i]['uid'] = @intval($results[$i]['uid']); if ( !empty($results[$i]['uid']) ) { $uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($results[$i]['uid']); echo " <a href='".XOOPS_URL."/userinfo.php?uid=".$results[$i]['uid']."'>".$uname."</a>\n"; } echo !empty($results[$i]['time']) ? " (". formatTimestamp(intval($results[$i]['time'])).")" : ""; echo "</small><br />\n"; } if ( $count >= 5 ) { $search_url = XOOPS_URL.'/search.php?query='.urlencode(stripslashes(implode(' ', $queries))); $search_url .= "&mid=$mid&action=showall&andor=$andor"; echo '<p><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($search_url).'" title="' . _SR_SHOWALLR . '">' . _SR_SHOWALLR . '</a></p>'; } } } unset($results); unset($module); } if ($nomatch) { echo "<p>"._SR_NOMATCH."</p>"; } include "include/searchform.php"; $search_form->display(); break; case "showall": case 'showallbyuser': include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php"; $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $module =& $module_handler->get($mid); $results = $module->search($queries, $andor, 20, $start, $uid); $count = count($results); if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) { $next_results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, 1, $start + 20, $uid); $next_count = count($next_results); $has_next = false; if (is_array($next_results) && $next_count == 1) { $has_next = true; } echo "<h4>"._SR_SEARCHRESULTS."</h4>\n"; if ($action == 'showall') { echo _SR_KEYWORDS.':'; if ($andor != 'exact') { foreach ($queries as $q) { echo ' <strong>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).'</strong>'; } } else { echo ' "<strong>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($queries[0])).'</strong>"'; } echo '<br />'; } printf(_SR_SHOWING, $start + 1, $start + $count); echo "<h5>" . $module->getVar('name') . "</h5>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != '') { echo "<img src='modules/" . $module->getVar('dirname', "n") . "/".$results[$i]['image']."' alt='" . $module->getVar('name') . "' /> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icons/posticon2.gif' alt='" . $module->getVar("name") . "' width='26' height='26' /> "; } if (!preg_match("/^http[s]*:\/\//i", $results[$i]['link'])) { $results[$i]['link'] = "modules/".$module->getVar('dirname')."/".$results[$i]['link']; } echo "<strong><a href='".$results[$i]['link']."'>".$myts->htmlspecialchars($results[$i]['title'])."</a></strong><br />\n"; echo "<small>"; $results[$i]['uid'] = @intval($results[$i]['uid']); if ( !empty($results[$i]['uid']) ) { $uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($results[$i]['uid']); echo " <a href='".XOOPS_URL."/userinfo.php?uid=".$results[$i]['uid']."'>".$uname."</a>\n"; } echo !empty($results[$i]['time']) ? " (". formatTimestamp(intval($results[$i]['time'])).")" : ""; echo "</small><br />\n"; } echo ' <table> <tr> '; $search_url = XOOPS_URL.'/search.php?query='.urlencode(stripslashes(implode(' ', $queries))); $search_url .= "&mid=$mid&action=$action&andor=$andor"; if ($action=='showallbyuser') { $search_url .= "&uid=$uid"; } if ( $start > 0 ) { $prev = $start - 20; echo '<td align="left"> '; $search_url_prev = $search_url."&start=$prev"; echo '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($search_url_prev).'">'._SR_PREVIOUS.'</a></td> '; } echo '<td> </td> '; if (false != $has_next) { $next = $start + 20; $search_url_next = $search_url."&start=$next"; echo '<td align="right"><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($search_url_next).'">'._SR_NEXT.'</a></td> '; } echo ' </tr> </table> '; } else { echo '<p>'._SR_NOMATCH.'</p>'; } include "include/searchform.php"; $search_form->display(); break; } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php"; ?>
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