File: theme.php
<?php /** * xos_opal_Theme component class file * * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @copyright The XOOPS project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ * @license GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * @author Skalpa Keo <skalpa@xoops.org> * @author Taiwen Jiang <phppp@users.sourceforge.net> * @since 2.3.0 * @package kernel * @subpackage xos_opal_Theme * @version $Id: theme.php 6342 2011-03-12 06:43:19Z phppp $ */ defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') or die('Restricted access'); /** * xos_opal_ThemeFactory * * @author Skalpa Keo * @package xos_opal * @subpackage xos_opal_Theme * @since 2.3.0 */ class xos_opal_ThemeFactory { var $xoBundleIdentifier = 'xos_opal_ThemeFactory'; /** * Currently enabled themes (if empty, all the themes in themes/ are allowed) * * @var array */ var $allowedThemes = array(); /** * Default theme to instanciate if none specified * * @var string */ var $defaultTheme = 'default'; /** * If users are allowed to choose a custom theme * * @var bool */ var $allowUserSelection = true; /** * Instanciate the specified theme */ function &createInstance($options = array(), $initArgs = array()) { // Grab the theme folder from request vars if present if (empty($options['folderName'])) { if (($req = @$_REQUEST['xoops_theme_select']) && $this->isThemeAllowed($req)) { $options['folderName'] = $req; if (isset($_SESSION) && $this->allowUserSelection) { $_SESSION[$this->xoBundleIdentifier]['defaultTheme'] = $req; } } else if (isset($_SESSION[$this->xoBundleIdentifier]['defaultTheme'])) { $options['folderName'] = $_SESSION[$this->xoBundleIdentifier]['defaultTheme']; } else if (empty($options['folderName']) || ! $this->isThemeAllowed($options['folderName'])) { $options['folderName'] = $this->defaultTheme; } $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set'] = $options['folderName']; } $options['path'] = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . '/' . $options['folderName']; $inst = null; $inst = new xos_opal_Theme(); foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $inst->$k = $v; } $inst->xoInit(); return $inst; } /** * Checks if the specified theme is enabled or not * * @param string $name * @return bool */ function isThemeAllowed($name) { return (empty($this->allowedThemes) || in_array($name, $this->allowedThemes)); } } /** * xos_opal_AdminThemeFactory * * @author Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS) * @author trabis * @package xos_opal * @subpackage xos_opal_Theme * @since 2.4.0 */ class xos_opal_AdminThemeFactory extends xos_opal_ThemeFactory { function &createInstance($options = array(), $initArgs = array()) { $options["plugins"] = array(); $options['renderBanner'] = false; $inst =& parent::createInstance($options, $initArgs); $inst->path = XOOPS_ADMINTHEME_PATH . '/' . $inst->folderName; $inst->url = XOOPS_ADMINTHEME_URL . '/' . $inst->folderName; $inst->template->assign(array( 'theme_path' => $inst->path, 'theme_tpl' => $inst->path.'/xotpl', 'theme_url' => $inst->url, 'theme_img' => $inst->url.'/img', 'theme_icons' => $inst->url.'/icons', 'theme_css' => $inst->url.'/css', 'theme_js' => $inst->url.'/js', 'theme_lang' => $inst->url.'/language', )); return $inst; } } class xos_opal_Theme { /** * Should we render banner? Not for redirect pages or admin side * * @var bool */ var $renderBanner = true; /** * The name of this theme * * @var string */ var $folderName = ''; /** * Physical path of this theme folder * * @var string */ var $path = ''; var $url = ''; /** * Whether or not the theme engine should include the output generated by php * * @var string */ var $bufferOutput = true; /** * Canvas-level template to use * * @var string */ var $canvasTemplate = 'theme.html'; /** * Theme folder path * * @var string */ var $themesPath = 'themes'; /** * Content-level template to use * * @var string */ var $contentTemplate = ''; var $contentCacheLifetime = 0; var $contentCacheId = null; /** * Text content to display right after the contentTemplate output * * @var string */ var $content = ''; /** * Page construction plug-ins to use * * @var array * @access public */ var $plugins = array( 'xos_logos_PageBuilder'); var $renderCount = 0; /** * Pointer to the theme template engine * * @var XoopsTpl */ var $template = false; /** * Array containing the document meta-information * * @var array */ var $metas = array( //'http' => array( // 'Content-Script-Type' => 'text/javascript' , // 'Content-Style-Type' => 'text/css') , 'meta' => array() , 'link' => array() , 'script' => array()); /** * Array of strings to be inserted in the head tag of HTML documents * * @var array */ var $htmlHeadStrings = array(); /** * Custom variables that will always be assigned to the template * * @var array */ var $templateVars = array(); /** * User extra information for cache id, like language, user groups * * @var boolean */ var $use_extra_cache_id = true; /** * *#@- */ /** * *#@+ * * @tasktype 10 Initialization */ /** * Initializes this theme * * Upon initialization, the theme creates its template engine and instanciates the * plug-ins from the specified {@link $plugins} list. If the theme is a 2.0 theme, that does not * display redirection messages, the HTTP redirections system is disabled to ensure users will * see the redirection screen. * * @param array $options * @return bool */ function xoInit($options = array()) { $this->path = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . '/' . $this->folderName; $this->url = XOOPS_THEME_URL . '/' . $this->folderName; $this->template = null; $this->template = new XoopsTpl(); $this->template->currentTheme =& $this; $this->template->assign_by_ref('xoTheme', $this); $this->template->assign(array( 'xoops_theme' => $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set'] , 'xoops_imageurl' => XOOPS_THEME_URL . '/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set'] . '/', 'xoops_themecss' => xoops_getcss($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set']), 'xoops_requesturi' => htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ENT_QUOTES), 'xoops_sitename' => htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename'], ENT_QUOTES), 'xoops_slogan' => htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['slogan'], ENT_QUOTES), 'xoops_dirname' => isset($GLOBALS['xoopsModule'])&& is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('dirname') : 'system', 'xoops_banner' => ($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['banners'] && $this->renderBanner) ? xoops_getbanner() : ' ', 'xoops_pagetitle' => isset($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) && is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsModule']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsModule']->getVar('name') : htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['slogan'], ENT_QUOTES))); if (isset($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) && is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) { $this->template->assign(array( 'xoops_isuser' => true, 'xoops_avatar' => XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . "/" . $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('user_avatar'), 'xoops_userid' => $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid'), 'xoops_uname' => $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uname'), 'xoops_name' => $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('name'), 'xoops_isadmin' => $GLOBALS['xoopsUserIsAdmin'], 'xoops_usergroups' => $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups())); } else { $this->template->assign(array( 'xoops_isuser' => false, 'xoops_isadmin' => false, 'xoops_usergroups' => array(XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS))); } // Meta tags $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('conf_modid', 0)); $criteria->add(new Criteria('conf_catid', XOOPS_CONF_METAFOOTER)); $config = $config_handler->getConfigs($criteria, true); foreach (array_keys($config) as $i) { $name = $config[$i]->getVar('conf_name', 'n'); $value = $config[$i]->getVar('conf_value', 'n'); if (substr($name, 0, 5) == 'meta_') { $this->addMeta('meta', substr($name, 5), $value); } else { // prefix each tag with 'xoops_' $this->template->assign("xoops_$name", $value); } } // Load global javascript $this->addScript('include/xoops.js'); $this->loadLocalization(); if ($this->bufferOutput) { ob_start(); } $GLOBALS['xoTheme'] =& $this; $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl'] =& $this->template; // Instanciate and initialize all the theme plugins foreach ($this->plugins as $k => $bundleId) { if (!is_object($bundleId)) { $this->plugins[$bundleId] = null; $this->plugins[$bundleId] = new $bundleId(); $this->plugins[$bundleId]->theme =& $this; $this->plugins[$bundleId]->xoInit(); unset($this->plugins[$k]); } } return true; } /** * Generate cache id based on extra information of language and user groups * * User groups other than anonymous should be detected to avoid disclosing group sensitive contents * * @param string $cache_id raw cache id * @param string $extraString extra string * @return string complete cache id */ function generateCacheId($cache_id, $extraString = '') { static $extra_string; if (!$this->use_extra_cache_id) { return $cache_id; } if (empty($extraString)) { if (empty($extra_string)) { // Generate language section $extra_string = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language']; // Generate group section if (!isset($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) || !is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) { $extra_string .= '|' . XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS; } else { $groups = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups(); sort($groups); // Generate group string for non-anonymous groups, // XOOPS_DB_PASS and XOOPS_DB_NAME (before we find better variables) are used to protect group sensitive contents $extra_string .= '|' . implode(',', $groups) . substr(md5(XOOPS_DB_PASS . XOOPS_DB_NAME), 0, strlen(XOOPS_DB_USER) * 2); } } $extraString = $extra_string; } $cache_id .= '|' . $extraString; return $cache_id; } /** * xos_opal_Theme::checkCache() * * @return */ function checkCache() { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && $this->contentCacheLifetime) { $template = $this->contentTemplate ? $this->contentTemplate : 'db:system_dummy.html'; $this->template->caching = 2; $this->template->cache_lifetime = $this->contentCacheLifetime; $uri = str_replace(XOOPS_URL, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // Clean uri by removing session id if (defined('SID') && SID && strpos($uri, SID)) { $uri = preg_replace("/([\?&])(" . SID . "$|" . SID . "&)/", "\\1", $uri); } $this->contentCacheId = $this->generateCacheId($uri); if ($this->template->is_cached($template, $this->contentCacheId)) { $xoopsLogger =& XoopsLogger::getInstance(); $xoopsLogger->addExtra($template, sprintf('Cached (regenerates every %d seconds)', $this->contentCacheLifetime)); $this->render(null, null, $template); return true; } } return false; } /** * Render the page * * The theme engine builds pages from 2 templates: canvas and content. * * A module can call this method directly and specify what templates the theme engine must use. * If render() hasn't been called before, the theme defaults will be used for the canvas and * page template (and xoopsOption['template_main'] for the content). * * @param string $canvasTpl The canvas template, if different from the theme default * @param string $pageTpl The page template, if different from the theme default (unsupported, 2.3+ only) * @param string $contentTpl The content template * @param array $vars Template variables to send to the template engine */ function render($canvasTpl = null, $pageTpl = null, $contentTpl = null, $vars = array()) { if ($this->renderCount) { return false; } $xoopsLogger =& XoopsLogger::getInstance(); $xoopsLogger->startTime('Page rendering'); // @internal : Lame fix to ensure the metas specified in the xoops config page don't appear twice $old = array( 'robots', 'keywords', 'description', 'rating', 'author', 'copyright'); foreach ($this->metas['meta'] as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $old)) { $this->template->assign("xoops_meta_$name", htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)); unset($this->metas['meta'][$name]); } } if ($canvasTpl) { $this->canvasTemplate = $canvasTpl; } if ($contentTpl) { $this->contentTemplate = $contentTpl; } if (!empty($vars)) { $this->template->assign($vars); } if ($this->contentTemplate) { $this->content = $this->template->fetch($this->contentTemplate, $this->contentCacheId); } if ($this->bufferOutput) { $this->content .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $this->template->assign_by_ref('xoops_contents', $this->content); // We assume no overlap between $GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['xoops_module_header'] and $this->template->get_template_vars( 'xoops_module_header' ) ? $header = empty($GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['xoops_module_header']) ? $this->template->get_template_vars('xoops_module_header') : $GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['xoops_module_header']; $this->template->assign('xoops_module_header', $this->renderMetas(null, true) . "\n" . $header); if (!empty($GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['xoops_pagetitle'])) { $this->template->assign('xoops_pagetitle', $GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['xoops_pagetitle']); } // Do not cache the main (theme.html) template output $this->template->caching = 0; $this->template->display($this->path . '/' . $this->canvasTemplate); $this->renderCount++; $xoopsLogger->stopTime('Page rendering'); } /** * Load localization information * * Folder structure for localization: * <ul>themes/themefolder/english * <li>main.php - language definitions</li> * <li>style.css - localization stylesheet</li> * <li>script.js - localization script</li> * </ul> */ function loadLocalization($type = "main") { $language = xoops_getConfigOption('language'); // Load global localization stylesheet if available if (file_exists($GLOBALS['xoops']->path('language/' . $language . '/style.css'))) { $this->addStylesheet($GLOBALS['xoops']->url('language/' . $language . '/style.css')); } if (!file_exists($this->path . '/language/' . $language)) { return true; } $this->addLanguage($type); // Load theme localization stylesheet and scripts if available if (file_exists($this->path . '/language/' . $language . '/script.js')) { $this->addScript($this->url . '/language/' . $language . '/script.js'); } if (file_exists($this->path . '/language/' . $language . '/style.css')) { $this->addStylesheet($this->url . '/language/' . $language . '/style.css'); } return true; } /** * Load theme specific language constants * * @param string $type language type, like 'main', 'admin'; Needs to be declared in theme xo-info.php * @param string $language specific language */ function addLanguage($type = "main", $language = null) { $language = is_null($language) ? $GLOBALS["xoopsConfig"]["language"] : $language; if (!file_exists($fileinc = $GLOBALS['xoops']->path($this->resourcePath("/language/{$language}/{$type}.php")))) { if (!file_exists($fileinc = $GLOBALS['xoops']->path($this->resourcePath( "/language/english/{$type}.php")))) { return false; } } $ret = include_once $fileinc; return $ret; } /** * *#@+ * * @tasktype 20 Manipulating page meta-information */ /** * Adds script code to the document head * * This methods allows the insertion of an external script file (if $src is provided), or * of a script snippet. The file URI is parsed to take benefit of the theme resource * overloading system. * * The $attributes parameter allows you to specify the attributes that will be added to the * inserted <script> tag. If unspecified, the <var>type</var> attribute value will default to * 'text/javascript'. * * <code> * // Add an external script using a physical path * $theme->addScript( 'www/script.js', null, '' ); * $theme->addScript( 'modules/newbb/script.js', null, '' ); * // Specify attributes for the <script> tag * $theme->addScript( 'mod_xoops_SiteManager#common.js', array( 'type' => 'application/x-javascript' ), '' ); * // Insert a code snippet * $theme->addScript( null, array( 'type' => 'application/x-javascript' ), 'window.open("Hello world");' ); * </code> * * @param string $src path to an external script file * @param array $attributes hash of attributes to add to the <script> tag * @param string $content Code snippet to output within the <script> tag * @return void */ function addScript($src = '', $attributes = array(), $content = '') { if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = array(); } if (!empty($src)) { $src = $GLOBALS['xoops']->url($this->resourcePath($src)); $attributes['src'] = $src; } if (!empty($content)) { $attributes['_'] = $content; } if (!isset($attributes['type'])) { $attributes['type'] = 'text/javascript'; } $this->addMeta('script', $src, $attributes); } /** * Add StyleSheet or CSS code to the document head * * @param string $src path to .css file * @param array $attributes name => value paired array of attributes such as title * @param string $content CSS code to output between the <style> tags (in case $src is empty) * @return void */ function addStylesheet($src = '', $attributes = array(), $content = '') { if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = array(); } if (!empty($src)) { $src = $GLOBALS['xoops']->url($this->resourcePath($src)); $attributes['href'] = $src; } if (!isset($attributes['type'])) { $attributes['type'] = 'text/css'; } if (!empty($content)) { $attributes['_'] = $content; } $this->addMeta('stylesheet', $src, $attributes); } /** * Add a <link> to the header * * @param string $rel Relationship from the current doc to the anchored one * @param string $href URI of the anchored document * @param array $attributes Additional attributes to add to the <link> element */ function addLink($rel, $href = '', $attributes = array()) { if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = array(); } if (!empty($href)) { $attributes['href'] = $href; } $this->addMeta('link', $rel, $attributes); } /** * Set a meta http-equiv value */ function addHttpMeta($name, $value = null) { if (isset($value)) { return $this->addMeta('http', $name, $value); } unset($this->metas['http'][$name]); } /** * Change output page meta-information */ function addMeta($type = 'meta', $name = '', $value = '') { if (!isset($this->metas[$type])) { $this->metas[$type] = array(); } if (!empty($name)) { $this->metas[$type][$name] = $value; } else { $this->metas[$type][] = $value; } return $value; } /** * xos_opal_Theme::headContent() * * @param mixed $params * @param mixed $content * @param mixed $smarty * @param mixed $repeat * @return */ function headContent($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { if (!$repeat) { $this->htmlHeadStrings[] = $content; } } /** * xos_opal_Theme::renderMetas() * * @param mixed $type * @param mixed $return * @return */ function renderMetas($type = null, $return = false) { $str = ''; if (!isset($type)) { foreach (array_keys($this->metas) as $type) { $str .= $this->renderMetas($type, true); } $str .= implode("\n", $this->htmlHeadStrings); } else { switch ($type) { case 'script': foreach ($this->metas[$type] as $attrs) { $str .= "<script" . $this->renderAttributes($attrs) . ">"; if (@$attrs['_']) { $str .= "\n//<![CDATA[\n" . $attrs['_'] . "\n//]]>"; } $str .= "</script>\n"; } break; case 'link': foreach ($this->metas[$type] as $rel => $attrs) { $str .= '<link rel="' . $rel . '"' . $this->renderAttributes($attrs) . " />\n"; } break; case 'stylesheet': foreach ($this->metas[$type] as $attrs) { if (@$attrs['_']) { $str .= '<style' . $this->renderAttributes($attrs) . ">\n/* <![CDATA[ */\n" . $attrs['_'] . "\n/* //]]> */\n</style>"; } else { $str .= '<link rel="stylesheet"' . $this->renderAttributes($attrs) . " />\n"; } } break; case 'http': foreach ($this->metas[$type] as $name => $content) { $str .= '<meta http-equiv="' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES) . "\" />\n"; } break; default: foreach ($this->metas[$type] as $name => $content) { $str .= '<meta name="' . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_QUOTES) . "\" />\n"; } break; } } if ($return) { return $str; } echo $str; return true; } /** * Generates a unique element ID * * @param string $tagName * @return string */ function genElementId($tagName = 'xos') { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$tagName])) { $cache[$tagName] = 1; } return $tagName . '-' . $cache[$tagName] ++; } /** * Transform an attributes collection to an XML string * * @param array $coll * @return string */ function renderAttributes($coll) { $str = ''; foreach ($coll as $name => $val) { if ($name != '_') { $str .= ' ' . $name . '="' . htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES) . '"'; } } return $str; } /** * Return a themable file resource path * * @param string $path * @return string */ function resourcePath($path) { if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') { $path = substr($path, 1); } if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/{$this->themesPath}/{$this->folderName}/{$path}")) { return "{$this->themesPath}/{$this->folderName}/{$path}"; } if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/themes/{$this->folderName}/{$path}")) { return "themes/{$this->folderName}/{$path}"; } return $path; } } ?>