File: xoopscomments.php
<?php /** * XOOPS comments * * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @copyright The XOOPS Project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ * @license GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * @package kernel * @since 2.0.0 * @author Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu) http://www.myweb.ne.jp/, http://jp.xoops.org/ * @version $Id: xoopscomments.php 4941 2010-07-22 17:13:36Z beckmi $ */ defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') or die('Restricted access'); include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopstree.php'; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsobject.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] . '/comment.php'; /** * Xoops Comments Object Class * * @author Kazumi Ono <onokazu@xoops.org> * @author John Neill <catzwolf@xoops.org> * @copyright copyright (c) XOOPS.org * @package kernel * @subpackage comments * @access public */ class XoopsComments extends XoopsObject { var $ctable; var $db; function XoopsComments($ctable, $id = null) { $this->ctable = $ctable; $this->db =& XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();; $this->XoopsObject(); $this->initVar('comment_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false); $this->initVar('item_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false); $this->initVar('order', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false); $this->initVar('mode', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, null, false); $this->initVar('subject', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false, 255); $this->initVar('comment', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA, null, false, null); $this->initVar('ip', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, null, false); $this->initVar('pid', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false); $this->initVar('date', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false); $this->initVar('nohtml', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 1, false); $this->initVar('nosmiley', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false); $this->initVar('noxcode', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0, false); $this->initVar('user_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null, false); $this->initVar('icon', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, null, false); $this->initVar('prefix', XOBJ_DTYPE_OTHER, null, false); if (!empty($id)) { if (is_array($id)) { $this->assignVars($id); } else { $this->load(intval($id)); } } } /** * Load Comment by ID * * @param int $id */ function load($id) { $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->ctable . " WHERE comment_id=" . $id; $arr = $this->db->fetchArray($this->db->query($sql)); $this->assignVars($arr); } /** * Save Comment * * @return int */ function store() { if (!$this->cleanVars()) { return false; } foreach ($this->cleanVars as $k => $v) { $$k = $v; } $isnew = false; if (empty($comment_id)) { $isnew = true; $comment_id = $this->db->genId($this->ctable . "_comment_id_seq"); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (comment_id, pid, item_id, date, user_id, ip, subject, comment, nohtml, nosmiley, noxcode, icon) VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, '%s', '%s', '%s', %u, %u, %u, '%s')", $this->ctable, $comment_id, $pid, $item_id, time(), $user_id, $ip, $subject, $comment, $nohtml, $nosmiley, $noxcode, $icon); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET subject = '%s', comment = '%s', nohtml = %u, nosmiley = %u, noxcode = %u, icon = '%s' WHERE comment_id = %u", $this->ctable, $subject, $comment, $nohtml, $nosmiley, $noxcode, $icon, $comment_id); } if (! $result = $this->db->query($sql)) { //echo $sql; return false; } if (empty($comment_id)) { $comment_id = $this->db->getInsertId(); } if ($isnew != false) { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET posts = posts+1 WHERE uid = %u", $this->db->prefix("users"), $user_id); if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql)) { echo "Could not update user posts."; } } return $comment_id; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return int */ function delete() { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE comment_id = %u", $this->ctable, $this->getVar('comment_id')); if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql)) { return false; } $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET posts = posts-1 WHERE uid = %u", $this->db->prefix("users"), $this->getVar("user_id")); if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql)) { echo "Could not update user posts."; } $mytree = new XoopsTree($this->ctable, "comment_id", "pid"); $arr = $mytree->getAllChild($this->getVar("comment_id"), "comment_id"); $size = count($arr); if ($size > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE comment_bid = %u", $this->ctable, $arr[$i]['comment_id']); if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql)) { echo "Could not delete comment."; } $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET posts = posts-1 WHERE uid = %u", $this->db->prefix("users"), $arr[$i]['user_id']); if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql)) { echo "Could not update user posts."; } } } return ($size + 1); } /** * Get Comments Tree * * @return unknown */ function getCommentTree() { $mytree = new XoopsTree($this->ctable, "comment_id", "pid"); $ret = array(); $tarray = $mytree->getChildTreeArray($this->getVar("comment_id"), "comment_id"); foreach ($tarray as $ele) { $ret[] = new XoopsComments($this->ctable, $ele); } return $ret; } /** * Get All Comments using criteria match * * @param array $criteria * @param bool $asobject * @param string $orderby * @param int $limit * @param int $start * @return array */ function getAllComments($criteria = array(), $asobject = true, $orderby = "comment_id ASC", $limit = 0, $start = 0) { $ret = array(); $where_query = ""; if (is_array($criteria) && count($criteria) > 0) { $where_query = " WHERE"; foreach ($criteria as $c) { $where_query .= " $c AND"; } $where_query = substr($where_query, 0, - 4); } if (!$asobject) { $sql = "SELECT comment_id FROM " . $this->ctable . "$where_query ORDER BY $orderby"; $result = $this->db->query($sql, $limit, $start); while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) { $ret[] = $myrow['comment_id']; } } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->ctable . "" . $where_query . " ORDER BY $orderby"; $result = $this->db->query($sql, $limit, $start); while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) { $ret[] = new XoopsComments($this->ctable, $myrow); } } //echo $sql; return $ret; } /** * Enter printNavBar * * @param int $item_id * @param string type $mode * @param int type $order */ function printNavBar($item_id, $mode = "flat", $order = 1) { global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser; echo "<form method='get' action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "'><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2'><tr><td class='bg1' align='center'><select name='mode'><option value='nocomments'"; if ($mode == "nocomments") { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . _NOCOMMENTS . "</option><option value='flat'"; if ($mode == 'flat') { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . _FLAT . "</option><option value='thread'"; if ($mode == "thread" || $mode == "") { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . _THREADED . "</option></select><select name='order'><option value='0'"; if ($order != 1) { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . _OLDESTFIRST . "</option><option value='1'"; if ($order == 1) { echo " selected='selected'"; } echo ">" . _NEWESTFIRST . "</option></select><input type='hidden' name='item_id' value='" . intval($item_id) . "' /><input type='submit' value='" . _CM_REFRESH . "' />"; if ($xoopsConfig['anonpost'] == 1 || $xoopsUser) { if ($mode != "flat" || $mode != "nocomments" || $mode != "thread") { $mode = "flat"; } echo " <input type='button' onclick='location=\"newcomment.php?item_id=" . intval($item_id) . "&order=" . intval($order) . "&mode=" . $mode . "\"' value='" . _CM_POSTCOMMENT . "' />"; } echo "</td></tr></table></form>"; } /** * Show Thread * */ function showThreadHead() { openThread(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param string $order * @param string $mode * @param int $adminview * @param int $color_num */ function showThreadPost($order, $mode, $adminview = 0, $color_num = 1) { global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser; $edit_image = ""; $reply_image = ""; $delete_image = ""; $post_date = formatTimestamp($this->getVar("date"), "m"); if ($this->getVar("user_id") != 0) { $poster = new XoopsUser($this->getVar("user_id")); if (!$poster->isActive()) { $poster = 0; } } else { $poster = 0; } if ($this->getVar("icon") != null && $this->getVar("icon") != "") { $subject_image = "<a name='" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "' id='" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "'></a><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/subject/" . $this->getVar("icon") . "' alt='' />"; } else { $subject_image = "<a name='" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "' id='" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "'></a><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/no_posticon.gif' alt='' />"; } if ($adminview) { $ip_image = "<img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/ip.gif' alt='" . $this->getVar("ip") . "' />"; } else { $ip_image = "<img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/ip.gif' alt='' />"; } if ($adminview || ($xoopsUser && $this->getVar("user_id") == $xoopsUser->getVar("uid"))) { $edit_image = "<a href='editcomment.php?comment_id=" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . intval($order) . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/edit.gif' alt='" . _EDIT . "' /></a>"; } if ($xoopsConfig['anonpost'] || $xoopsUser) { $reply_image = "<a href='replycomment.php?comment_id=" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . intval($order) . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/reply.gif' alt='" . _REPLY . "' /></a>"; } if ($adminview) { $delete_image = "<a href='deletecomment.php?comment_id=" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . intval($order) . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/delete.gif' alt='" . _DELETE . "' /></a>"; } if ($poster) { $text = $this->getVar("comment"); if ($poster->getVar("attachsig")) { $text .= "<p><br />_________________<br />" . $poster->user_sig() . "</p>"; } $reg_date = _CM_JOINED; $reg_date .= formatTimestamp($poster->getVar("user_regdate"), "s"); $posts = _CM_POSTS; $posts .= $poster->getVar("posts"); $user_from = _CM_FROM; $user_from .= $poster->getVar("user_from"); $rank = $poster->rank(); if ($rank['image'] != "") { $rank['image'] = "<img src='" . XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . "/" . $rank['image'] . "' alt='' />"; } $avatar_image = "<img src='" . XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . "/" . $poster->getVar("user_avatar") . "' alt='' />"; if ($poster->isOnline()) { $online_image = "<span style='color:#ee0000;font-weight:bold;'>" . _ONLINE . "</span>"; } else { $online_image = ""; } $profile_image = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $poster->getVar("uid") . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/profile.gif' alt='" . _PROFILE . "' /></a>"; if ($xoopsUser) { $pm_image = "<a href='javascript:openWithSelfMain(\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/pmlite.php?send2=1&to_userid=" . $poster->getVar("uid") . "\",\"pmlite\",450,370);'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/pm.gif' alt='" . sprintf(_SENDPMTO, $poster->getVar("uname", "E")) . "' /></a>"; } else { $pm_image = ""; } if ($poster->getVar("user_viewemail")) { $email_image = "<a href='mailto:" . $poster->getVar("email", "E") . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/email.gif' alt='" . sprintf(_SENDEMAILTO, $poster->getVar("uname", "E")) . "' /></a>"; } else { $email_image = ""; } $posterurl = $poster->getVar("url"); if ($posterurl != "") { $www_image = "<a href='$posterurl' rel='external'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/www.gif' alt='" . _VISITWEBSITE . "' /></a>"; } else { $www_image = ""; } if ($poster->getVar("user_icq") != "") { $icq_image = "<a href='http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/search.dll?to=" . $poster->getVar("user_icq", "E") . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/icq_add.gif' alt='" . _ADD . "' /></a>"; } else { $icq_image = ""; } if ($poster->getVar("user_aim") != "") { $aim_image = "<a href='aim:goim?screenname=" . $poster->getVar("user_aim", "E") . "&message=Hi+" . $poster->getVar("user_aim") . "+Are+you+there?'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/aim.gif' alt='aim' /></a>"; } else { $aim_image = ""; } if ($poster->getVar("user_yim") != "") { $yim_image = "<a href='http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=" . $poster->getVar("user_yim", "E") . "&.src=pg'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/yim.gif' alt='yim' /></a>"; } else { $yim_image = ""; } if ($poster->getVar("user_msnm") != "") { $msnm_image = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $poster->getVar("uid") . "'><img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/icons/msnm.gif' alt='msnm' /></a>"; } else { $msnm_image = ""; } showThread($color_num, $subject_image, $this->getVar("subject"), $text, $post_date, $ip_image, $reply_image, $edit_image, $delete_image, $poster->getVar("uname"), $rank['title'], $rank['image'], $avatar_image, $reg_date, $posts, $user_from, $online_image, $profile_image, $pm_image, $email_image, $www_image, $icq_image, $aim_image, $yim_image, $msnm_image); } else { showThread($color_num, $subject_image, $this->getVar("subject"), $this->getVar("comment"), $post_date, $ip_image, $reply_image, $edit_image, $delete_image, $xoopsConfig['anonymous']); } } /** * Show Thread Footer * */ function showThreadFoot() { closeThread(); } /** * Show Thread Head * * @param int $width */ function showTreeHead($width = "100%") { echo "<table border='0' class='outer' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align='center' width='$width'><tr class='bg3' align='center'><td colspan='3'>" . _CM_REPLIES . "</td></tr><tr class='bg3' align='left'><td width='60%' class='fg2'>" . _CM_TITLE . "</td><td width='20%' class='fg2'>" . _CM_POSTER . "</td><td class='fg2'>" . _CM_POSTED . "</td></tr>"; } /** * Show Tree Items * * @param string $order * @param string $mode * @param int $color_num */ function showTreeItem($order, $mode, $color_num) { if ($color_num == 1) { $bg = 'even'; } else { $bg = 'odd'; } $prefix = str_replace(".", " ", $this->getVar("prefix")); $date = formatTimestamp($this->getVar("date"), "m"); if ($this->getVar("icon") != "") { $icon = "subject/" . $this->getVar("icon", "E"); } else { $icon = "icons/no_posticon.gif"; } echo "<tr class='$bg' align='left'><td>" . $prefix . "<img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/" . $icon . "'> <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?item_id=" . $this->getVar("item_id") . "&comment_id=" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "&mode=" . $mode . "&order=" . $order . "#" . $this->getVar("comment_id") . "'>" . $this->getVar("subject") . "</a></td><td><a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $this->getVar("user_id") . "'>" . XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($this->getVar("user_id")) . "</a></td><td>" . $date . "</td></tr>"; } /** * Show Thread Foot * */ function showTreeFoot() { echo "</table><br />"; } } ?>