File: getmail.php
<?php /** * pop3-2-b2 mail to blog * * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html} * @copyright (c)2003-2008 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * This file built upon code from original b2 - http://cafelog.com/ * * @package htsrv */ $output_debugging_info = 0; # =1 if you want to output debugging info /** * Initialize: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php'; if( !$Settings->get('eblog_enabled') ) { echo T_('Blog by email feature is not enabled.'); debug_info(); exit(); } // Get test settings param( 'test_type', 'integer', 0 ); $show_messages = false; $test_connection_only = false; $str_failure = ''; if ( $Settings->get('eblog_test_mode') ) { $test_type = 2; } elseif ( !isset( $current_User ) ) { $test_type = 0; } elseif ( !$current_User->check_perm( 'options', 'edit', true ) ) { $test_type = 0; } if ( $test_type > 0 ) { error_reporting (0); $page_title = T_('Blog by email'); require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../_header.php' ); // TODO: this is a dirty hack, and now it's broken :/ $show_messages = true; $str_failure = ' <font color="red">[ ' . T_('Failed') . ' ]</font>'; $str_warning = ' <font color="orange">[ ' . T_('Warning') . ' ]</font>'; } //--------------------------------------- function echo_message( $strmessage , $color = '', $level = 0 ) { global $show_messages; global $test_type; if ( $show_messages ) { if ($level <= $test_type) { if ( $color ) { echo "<font color='$color'>"; } echo $strmessage; if ( $color ) { echo "</font>"; } } } } //--------------------------------------- switch ( $Settings->get('eblog_method') ) { case 'pop3': //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // eblog_method = POP3 (original) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // error_reporting( E_ALL ); load_class('_ext/_pop3.class.php'); $pop3 = new POP3(); $port = $Settings->get('eblog_server_port') ? $Settings->get('eblog_server_port') : '110'; echo T_('Connecting to pop server...'), "<br />\n"; if( !$pop3->connect( $Settings->get('eblog_server_host'), $port ) ) { echo T_('Connection failed: ').$pop3->ERROR." <br />\n"; exit; } echo T_('Logging into pop server...'), "<br />\n"; $Count = $pop3->login( $Settings->get('eblog_username'), $Settings->get('eblog_password') ); if( (!$Count) || ($Count == -1) ) { echo T_('No mail or Login Failed:'), " $pop3->ERROR <br />\n"; $pop3->quit(); exit; } if ( $test_type == 1 ) { echo '<br /><br />' . T_('All Tests complete'); $pop3->quit(); exit; } // ONLY USE THIS IF YOUR PHP VERSION SUPPORTS IT! (PHP >= 3.0.4) #register_shutdown_function( $pop3->quit() ); for( $iCount = 1; $iCount <= $Count; $iCount++) { printf( T_('Getting message #%d...')."<br />\n", $iCount ); $MsgOne = $pop3->get($iCount); if((!$MsgOne) || (gettype($MsgOne) != 'array')) { echo $pop3->ERROR, "<br />\n"; $pop3->quit(); exit; } echo T_('Processing...'), "<br />\n"; $content = ''; $content_type = ''; $boundary = ''; $bodysignal = 0; $dmonths = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); while( list( $lineNum, $line ) = each ($MsgOne) ) { if( strlen($line) < 3 ) { $bodysignal = 1; } if ($bodysignal) { $content .= $line; } else { if (preg_match('/Content-Type: /', $line)) { $content_type = trim($line); $content_type = substr($content_type, 14, strlen($content_type)-14); $content_type = explode(';', $content_type); $content_type = $content_type[0]; } if (($content_type == 'multipart/alternative') && (preg_match('/boundary="/', $line)) && ($boundary == '')) { $boundary = trim($line); $boundary = explode('"', $boundary); $boundary = $boundary[1]; } if (preg_match('/Subject: /', $line)) { $subject = trim($line); $subject = substr($subject, 9, strlen($subject)-9); if ( $Settings->get('eblog_phonemail') ) { $subject = explode( $Settings->get('eblog_phonemail_separator'), $subject ); $subject = trim($subject[0]); } if (!ereg($Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix'), $subject)) { continue; } } if (preg_match('/Date: /', $line)) { // of the form '20 Mar 2002 20:32:37' $ddate = trim($line); $ddate = str_replace('Date: ', '', $ddate); if (strpos($ddate, ',')) { $ddate = trim(substr($ddate, strpos($ddate, ',')+1, strlen($ddate))); } $date_arr = explode(' ', $ddate); $date_time = explode(':', $date_arr[3]); $ddate_H = $date_time[0]; $ddate_i = $date_time[1]; $ddate_s = $date_time[2]; $ddate_m = $date_arr[1]; $ddate_d = $date_arr[0]; $ddate_Y = $date_arr[2]; for ($i=0; $i<12; $i++) { if ($ddate_m == $dmonths[$i]) { $ddate_m = $i+1; } } $ddate_U = mktime($ddate_H, $ddate_i, $ddate_s, $ddate_m, $ddate_d, $ddate_Y); $post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ddate_U); } } } $ddate_today = $localtimenow; $ddate_difference_days = ($ddate_today - $ddate_U) / 86400; # starts buffering the output ob_start(); if ($ddate_difference_days > 14) { echo T_('Too old'), '<br />'; continue; } if( !preg_match('/'.$Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix').'/', $subject)) { echo T_('Subject prefix does not match').'.<br />'; continue; } $userpassstring = ''; echo '<div style="border: 1px dashed #999; padding: 10px; margin: 10px;">'; echo "<p><strong>$iCount</strong></p><p><strong>Subject: </strong>$subject</p>\n"; $subject = trim(str_replace($Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix'), '', $subject)); if ($content_type == 'multipart/alternative') { $content = explode('--'.$boundary, $content); $content = $content[2]; $content = explode('Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable', $content); $content = strip_tags($content[1], '<img><p><br><i><b><u><em><strong><strike><font><span><div>'); } $content = trim($content); echo "<p><strong>Content-type:</strong> $content_type, <strong>boundary:</strong> $boundary</p>\n"; echo '<p><strong>', T_('Raw content:'), '</strong><br /><xmp>', $content, '</xmp></p>'; $eblog_body_terminator = $Settings->get('eblog_body_terminator'); if( ! empty($eblog_body_terminator) ) { $btpos = strpos( $content, $eblog_body_terminator ); if ($btpos) { $content = substr($content, 0, $btpos); } } $content = trim($content); $blah = explode("\n", $content); $firstline = $blah[0]; if ( $Settings->get('eblog_phonemail') ) { $btpos = strpos($firstline, $Settings->get('eblog_phonemail_separator') ); if ($btpos) { $userpassstring = trim(substr($firstline, 0, $btpos)); $content = trim(substr($content, $btpos+strlen($Settings->get('eblog_phonemail_separator')), strlen($content))); $btpos = strpos($content, $Settings->get('eblog_phonemail_separator') ); if ($btpos) { $userpassstring = trim(substr($content, 0, $btpos)); $content = trim(substr($content, $btpos+strlen($Settings->get('eblog_phonemail_separator')), strlen($content))); } } $contentfirstline = $blah[1]; } else { $userpassstring = $firstline; $contentfirstline = ''; } $blah = explode(':', $userpassstring); $user_login = trim($blah[0]); $user_pass = @trim($blah[1]); $content = $contentfirstline.str_replace($firstline, '', $content); $content = trim($content); echo '<p><strong>', T_('Login:'), '</strong> ', $user_login, ', <strong>', T_('Pass:'), '</strong> ', $user_pass, '</p>'; if( !user_pass_ok( $user_login, $user_pass ) ) { echo '<p><strong>', T_('Wrong login or password.'), '</strong></p></div>'; continue; } $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' ); $loop_User = & $UserCache->get_by_login( $user_login ); // --- get infos from content ----------- $post_title = xmlrpc_getposttitle($content); if ($post_title == '') { $post_title = $subject; } if( ! ($post_category = xmlrpc_getpostcategory($content) ) ) { $post_category = $Settings->get('eblog_default_category'); } echo '<p><strong>', T_('Category ID'), ':</strong> ',$post_category,'</p>'; $content = xmlrpc_removepostdata( $content ); $blog_ID = get_catblog($post_category); // TODO: should not die, if cat does not exist! echo '<p><strong>', T_('Blog ID'), ':</strong> ',$blog_ID,'</p>'; // Check permission: if( ! $loop_User->check_perm( 'blog_post!published', 'edit', false, $blog_ID ) ) { echo "\n", T_('Permission denied.'), '<br />'; continue; } if (!$Settings->get('eblog_test_mode')) { // CHECK and FORMAT content $post_title = format_to_post( trim($post_title), 0, 0 ); $content = format_to_post( trim($content), $Settings->get('AutoBR'), 0); if( $Messages->display( T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), '', true, 'error' ) ) { $Messages->reset(); echo '</div>'; continue; } // INSERT NEW POST INTO DB: $edited_Item = & new Item(); $post_ID = $edited_Item->insert( $loop_User->ID, $post_title, $content, $post_date, $post_category, array(), 'published', $loop_User->locale ); // Execute or schedule notifications & pings: $edited_Item->handle_post_processing(); } echo "\n<p><strong>", T_('Posted title'), ':</strong> ', $post_title, '<br />'; echo "\n<strong>", T_('Posted content'), ':</strong><br /><xmp>', $content, '</xmp></p>'; if(!$pop3->delete($iCount)) { echo '<p>', $pop3->ERROR, '</p></div>'; $pop3->reset(); exit; } else { echo '<p>', T_('Mission complete, message deleted.'), '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($output_debugging_info) { ob_end_flush(); } else { ob_end_clean(); } } echo T_('OK.'), "<br />\n"; $pop3->quit(); timer_stop($output_debugging_info); exit; break; case 'pop3a': //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // eblog_method = POP3 through IMAP extension (experimental) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if( ! extension_loaded('imap') ) { echo T_('The php_imap extension is not available to php on this server. Please configure a different email retrieval method on the Features tab.'); exit; } echo_message( '• ' . T_('Connecting and authenticating to mail server') ); // Prepare the connection string $port = $Settings->get('eblog_server_port') ? $Settings->get('eblog_server_port') : '110'; $mailserver = '{' . $Settings->get('eblog_server_host') . ':' . $port . '/pop3}INBOX'; // Connect to mail server $mbox = imap_open( $mailserver, $Settings->get('eblog_username'), $Settings->get('eblog_password') ) or die( $str_failure . '<div class="action_messages"><div class="log_error">' . T_('Connection failed: ') . imap_last_error() . '</div></div>' ); // damn gmail... grr //$mbox = imap_open ("{pop.gmail.com:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX", "xxx@gmail.com", "xxx") or die( T_('Connection failed: ') . imap_last_error() ); echo_message( ' [ ' . T_('Success') . ' ]<br />' , 'green' ); if ( $test_type == 1 ) { echo '<br /><br />' . T_('All Tests complete'); imap_close($mbox); exit(); } // Read messages from server echo_message( '• ' . T_('Reading messages from server') ); $imap_obj = imap_check($mbox); echo_message( ' [ ' . $imap_obj->Nmsgs . ' ' . T_('messages') .' ] <br />', 'green' ); for ( $index=1; $index<= $imap_obj->Nmsgs; $index++ ) { echo_message( '<br /><b>' . T_('Message') . " #$index" . '</b><br />' ); //retrieve and process header $imap_header = imap_headerinfo($mbox,$index); $subject = $imap_header->subject; //echo_message( '<b>' . T_('Subject') . ':</b>' . $subject . '<br />', "green"); echo_message('•<b>' . T_('Subject') . ':</b>' . $subject ); if( !preg_match( '/'.$Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix') .'/', $subject ) ) { echo_message( ' [ ' . T_('Warning') . ' ] <br />', 'orange' ); echo_message( '• ' . T_('The subject prefix is not ') . '"' . $Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix') . '"<br/>', 'orange' ); continue; } else { echo_message( ' [ ' . T_('Pass') . ' ] <br />', 'green' ); } // todo: review the post_date code // of the form '20 Mar 2002 20:32:37' $ddate = trim($imap_header->Date); if (strpos($ddate, ',')) { $ddate = trim(substr($ddate, strpos($ddate, ',')+1, strlen($ddate))); } $date_arr = explode(' ', $ddate); $date_time = explode(':', $date_arr[3]); $ddate_H = $date_time[0]; $ddate_i = $date_time[1]; $ddate_s = $date_time[2]; $ddate_m = $date_arr[1]; $ddate_d = $date_arr[0]; $ddate_Y = $date_arr[2]; $dmonths = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); for ($i=0; $i<12; $i++) { if ($ddate_m == $dmonths[$i]) { $ddate_m = $i+1; } } $ddate_U = mktime($ddate_H, $ddate_i, $ddate_s, $ddate_m, $ddate_d, $ddate_Y); $post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ddate_U); //fetch structure $imap_structure = imap_fetchstructure ($mbox, $index); //echo var_dump($imap_structure), "<br /><br />\n\n"; $strbody = ""; /* part types 0 text 1 multipart 2 message 3 application 4 audio 5 image 6 video 7 other */ if ( $imap_structure->type == 1 ) { // multipart message for ( $ix=0; $ix< count($imap_structure->parts); $ix++ ) { //foreach ( $imap_structure->parts as $part ) switch ( $imap_structure->parts[$ix]->type ) { case 0 : // text $strbody = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$index,$ix); break; case 5 : // image // awww yeah ;) // todo: add code to save attachments *safely*. refer to files.php case 'file_upload' break; default: echo_message( '• ' . T_('Unhandled email part type') . "\n" . var_dump($part) . "\n<br/>", 'orange'); break; } } } else { // single part $strbody = imap_fetchbody ($mbox, $index,1); } // process body $a_body = split(chr(13),$strbody,2); $a_authentication = split(':',$a_body[0]); $content = $a_body[1]; $user_login = trim($a_authentication[0]); $user_pass = @trim($a_authentication[1]); echo_message('•<b>' . T_('Authenticating User') . ":</b> $user_login "); // authenticate user if( !user_pass_ok( $user_login, $user_pass ) ) { echo_message('[ ' . T_('Fail') .' ]<br />','orange'); echo_message( '• ' . T_('Wrong login or password.') . ' ' . T_('First line of text in email must be in the format "username:password"') . '<br />','orange'); continue; } else { echo_message('[ ' . T_('Pass') .' ]<br />','green'); } $subject = trim(str_replace($Settings->get('eblog_subject_prefix'), '', $subject)); // remove content after terminator $eblog_terminator = $Settings->get('eblog_body_terminator'); if ( !empty( $eblog_terminator ) ) { $os_terminator = strpos( $content, $Settings->get($eblog_terminator) ); if ($os_terminator) { $content = substr($content, 0, $os_terminator); } } $content = trim($content); $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' ); $loop_User = & $UserCache->get_by_login( $user_login ); // --- get infos from content ----------- $post_title = xmlrpc_getposttitle($content); if ($post_title == '') { $post_title = $subject; } if( ! ($post_category = xmlrpc_getpostcategory($content) ) ) { $post_category = $Settings->get('eblog_default_category'); } echo_message( '•<b>' . T_('Category ID') . ':</b> ' . $post_category . '<br />','',3); $content = xmlrpc_removepostdata( $content ); $blog_ID = get_catblog($post_category); // TODO: should not die, if cat does not exist! echo_message( '•<b>' . T_('Blog ID') . ':</b> ' . $blog_ID . '<br />','',3); // Check permission: echo_message( '•'.sprintf( T_('Checking permissions for user «%s» to post to Blog #%d'), $user_login, $blog_ID ).' ' ); if( !$loop_User->check_perm( 'blog_post!published', 'edit', false, $blog_ID ) ) { echo_message( '[ ' . T_('Permission denied') . ' ]','red' ); continue; } else { echo_message( '[ ' . T_('Pass') . ' ]<br />' , 'green'); } // todo: finish this last section if ( !$test_type > 0 ) { // CHECK and FORMAT content $post_title = format_to_post( trim($post_title), 0, 0 ); $content = format_to_post( trim($content), $Settings->get('AutoBR'), 0); if( $Messages->display( T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), '', true, 'error' ) ) { $Messages->reset(); continue; } // INSERT NEW POST INTO DB: $edited_Item = & new Item(); $post_ID = $edited_Item->insert( $loop_User->ID, $post_title, $content, $post_date, $post_category, array(), 'published', $loop_User->locale ); // Execute or schedule notifications & pings: $edited_Item->handle_post_processing(); } echo_message( '•<b>' . T_('Post title') . ":</b> $post_title<br/>",'',3 ); echo_message( '•<b>' . T_('Post content') . ":</b> $content<br/>",'',3 ); echo_message( '•<b>' . T_('Blog by Email'). ':</b> '); echo_message( '<b>[ ' . T_('Success') . ' ]</b><br/>', 'green'); if(!$pop3->delete($iCount)) { echo '<p>', $pop3->ERROR, '</p></div>'; $pop3->reset(); exit; } else { echo '<p>', T_('Mission complete, message deleted.'), '</p>'; } } echo '</div>'; imap_close($mbox); break; default: echo T_('Blog by email feature not configured'); break; } ?>