File: _functions_install.php
<?php /** * This file implements support functions for the installer * * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html} * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * * @package install */ if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * Open a block */ function block_open() { global $block_status; if( isset($block_status) && $block_status == 'open' ) { return; } $block_status = 'open'; echo '<div class="block1"><div class="block2"><div class="block3">'; } /** * Close a block */ function block_close() { global $block_status; if( !isset($block_status) || $block_status == 'closed' ) { return; } $block_status = 'closed'; echo '</div></div></div>'; } /** * Language selector */ function display_locale_selector() { global $locales, $default_locale, $action; static $selector_already_displayed = false; if( $selector_already_displayed ) { return; } $selector_already_displayed = true; block_open(); ?> <h2><?php echo T_('Language / Locale')?></h2> <form action="index.php" method="get"> <?php echo '<div class="floatright"><a href="index.php?action=localeinfo&locale='.$default_locale.'">'.T_('More languages').' »</a></div>'; locale_flag( $default_locale, 'w16px', 'flag', '', true, /* Do not rely on $baseurl/$rsc_url here: */ '../rsc/flags' ); echo '<select name="locale" onchange="this.form.submit()">'; foreach( $locales as $lkey => $lvalue ) { echo '<option'; if( $default_locale == $lkey ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo ' value="'.$lkey.'">'; echo T_( $lvalue['name'] ); echo '</option>'; } ?> </select> <noscript> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Select as default language/locale'); ?>" /> </noscript> </form> <?php block_close(); } /** * Base config recap */ function display_base_config_recap() { global $default_locale, $conf_db_user, $conf_db_password, $conf_db_name, $conf_db_host, $db_config, $tableprefix, $baseurl, $admin_email; static $base_config_recap_already_displayed = false; if( $base_config_recap_already_displayed ) { return; } $base_config_recap_already_displayed = true; block_open(); ?> <h2><?php echo T_('Base config recap...')?></h2> <p><?php printf( T_('If you don\'t see correct settings here, STOP before going any further, and <a %s>update your base configuration</a>.'), 'href="index.php?action=start&locale='.$default_locale.'"' ) ?></p> <?php if( !isset($conf_db_user) ) $conf_db_user = $db_config['user']; if( !isset($conf_db_password) ) $conf_db_password = $db_config['password']; if( !isset($conf_db_name) ) $conf_db_name = $db_config['name']; if( !isset($conf_db_host) ) $conf_db_host = $db_config['host']; echo '<pre>', T_('MySQL Username').': '.$conf_db_user."\n". T_('MySQL Password').': '.(($conf_db_password != 'demopass' ? T_('(Set, but not shown for security reasons)') : 'demopass') )."\n". T_('MySQL Database name').': '.$conf_db_name."\n". T_('MySQL Host/Server').': '.$conf_db_host."\n". T_('MySQL tables prefix').': '.$tableprefix."\n\n". T_('Base URL').': '.$baseurl."\n\n". T_('Admin email').': '.$admin_email. '</pre>'; block_close(); } /** * Install new DB. */ function install_newdb() { global $new_db_version, $admin_url, $random_password; /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NEW DB: Create a plain new db structure + sample contents * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_functions_create.php'; if( $old_db_version = get_db_version() ) { echo '<p><strong>'.T_('OOPS! It seems b2evolution is already installed!').'</strong></p>'; if( $old_db_version < $new_db_version ) { echo '<p>'.sprintf( T_('Would you like to <a %s>upgrade your existing installation now</a>?'), 'href="?action=evoupgrade"' ).'</p>'; } return; } $installer_version = param( 'installer_version', 'integer', 0 ); if( $installer_version >= 10 ) { $create_sample_contents = param( 'create_sample_contents', 'integer', 0 ); } else { // OLD INSTALLER call. Probably an automated script calling. // Let's force the sample contents since they haven't been explicitely disabled $create_sample_contents = 1; } echo '<h2>'.T_('Creating b2evolution tables...').'</h2>'; flush(); create_tables(); echo '<h2>'.T_('Creating minimum default data...').'</h2>'; flush(); create_default_data(); if( $create_sample_contents ) { global $Settings; echo '<h2>'.T_('Installing sample contents...').'</h2>'; flush(); // We're gonna need some environment in order to create the demo contents... load_class( 'settings/model/_generalsettings.class.php' ); load_class( 'users/model/_usersettings.class.php' ); /** * @var GeneralSettings */ $Settings = new GeneralSettings(); /** * @var UserCache */ $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' ); // Create $current_User object. // (Assigning by reference does not work with "global" keyword (PHP 5.2.8)) $GLOBALS['current_User'] = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( 1 ); create_demo_contents(); } echo '<h2>'.T_('Installation successful!').'</h2>'; echo '<p><strong>'; printf( T_('Now you can <a %s>log in</a> with the following credentials:'), 'href="'.$admin_url.'"' ); echo '</strong></p>'; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><td>', T_( 'Login' ), ': </td><td><strong><evo:password>admin</evo:password></strong></td></tr>'; printf( '<tr><td>%s: </td><td><strong><evo:password>%s</evo:password></strong></td></tr>', T_( 'Password' ), $random_password ); echo '</table>'; echo '<p>'.T_('Note that password carefully! It is a <em>random</em> password that is given to you when you install b2evolution. If you lose it, you will have to delete the database tables and re-install anew.').'</p>'; } /** * Begin install task. * This will offer other display methods in the future */ function task_begin( $title ) { echo $title; } /** * End install task. * This will offer other display methods in the future */ function task_end() { echo "OK.<br />\n"; flush(); } function get_db_version() { global $DB; $DB->save_error_state(); $DB->halt_on_error = false; $DB->show_errors = false; $r = NULL; if( db_col_exists( 'T_settings', 'set_name' ) ) { // we have new table format (since 0.9) $r = $DB->get_var( 'SELECT set_value FROM T_settings WHERE set_name = "db_version"' ); } else { $r = $DB->get_var( 'SELECT db_version FROM T_settings' ); } $DB->restore_error_state(); return $r; } /** * @return boolean Does a given column name exist in DB? */ function db_col_exists( $table, $col_name ) { global $DB; $col_name = strtolower($col_name); $r = false; $DB->save_error_state(); foreach( $DB->get_results('SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$table) as $row ) { if( strtolower($row->Field) == $col_name ) { $r = true; break; } } $DB->restore_error_state(); return $r; } /** * Clean up extra quotes in comments */ function cleanup_comment_quotes() { global $DB; echo "Checking for extra quote escaping in comments... "; $query = "SELECT comment_ID, comment_content FROM T_comments WHERE comment_content LIKE '%\\\\\\\\\'%' OR comment_content LIKE '%\\\\\\\\\"%' "; /* FP: the above looks overkill, but MySQL is really full of surprises... tested on 4.0.14-nt */ // echo $query; $rows = $DB->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A ); if( $DB->num_rows ) { echo 'Updating '.$DB->num_rows.' comments... '; foreach( $rows as $row ) { $query = "UPDATE T_comments SET comment_content = ".$DB->quote( stripslashes( $row['comment_content'] ) )." WHERE comment_ID = ".$row['comment_ID']; // echo '<br />'.$query; $DB->query( $query ); } } echo "OK.<br />\n"; } /** * Validate install requirements. * * @return array List of errors, empty array if ok. */ function install_validate_requirements() { $errors = array(); return $errors; } /** * Insert default settings into T_settings. * * It only writes those to DB, that get overridden (passed as array), or have * no default in {@link _generalsettings.class.php} / {@link GeneralSettings::default}. * * @param array associative array (settings name => value to use), allows * overriding of defaults */ function create_default_settings( $override = array() ) { global $DB, $new_db_version, $default_locale, $Group_Users; $defaults = array( 'db_version' => $new_db_version, 'default_locale' => $default_locale, 'newusers_grp_ID' => $Group_Users->ID, 'default_blog_ID' => 1, ); $settings = array_merge( array_keys($defaults), array_keys($override) ); $settings = array_unique( $settings ); $insertvalues = array(); foreach( $settings as $name ) { if( isset($override[$name]) ) { $insertvalues[] = '('.$DB->quote($name).', '.$DB->quote($override[$name]).')'; } else { $insertvalues[] = '('.$DB->quote($name).', '.$DB->quote($defaults[$name]).')'; } } echo 'Creating default settings'.( count($override) ? ' (with '.count($override).' existing values)' : '' ).'... '; $DB->query( "INSERT INTO T_settings (set_name, set_value) VALUES ".implode( ', ', $insertvalues ) ); echo "OK.<br />\n"; } /** * Install basic skins. */ function install_basic_skins() { load_funcs( 'skins/_skin.funcs.php' ); echo 'Installing default skins... '; // Note: Skin #1 will we used by Blog A skin_install( 'evopress' ); // Note: Skin #2 will we used by Blog B skin_install( 'evocamp' ); // Note: Skin #3 will we used by Linkblog skin_install( 'miami_blue' ); // Note: Skin #4 will we used by Photoblog skin_install( 'photoblog' ); skin_install( 'asevo' ); skin_install( 'custom' ); skin_install( 'glossyblue' ); skin_install( 'natural_pink' ); skin_install( 'nifty_corners' ); skin_install( 'pixelgreen' ); skin_install( 'terrafirma' ); skin_install( 'vastitude' ); skin_install( '_atom' ); skin_install( '_rss2' ); echo "OK.<br />\n"; } /** * Install basic plugins. * * This gets called separately on fresh installs. * * {@internal * NOTE: this won't call the "AfterInstall" method on the plugin nor install its DB schema. * This get done in the plugins controller, on manually installing a plugin. * * If you change the number of plugins here, please also adjust {@link InstallUnitTestCase::nr_of_basic_plugins}. * }} * * @param integer Old DB version, so that only new plugins gets installed */ function install_basic_plugins( $old_db_version = 0 ) { /** * @var Plugins_admin */ global $Plugins_admin; $Plugins_admin = & get_Cache('Plugins_admin'); // Create global $Plugins instance, which is required during installation of basic plugins, // not only for the ones getting installed, but also during e.g. count_regs(), which instantiates // each plugin (which may then use (User)Settings in PluginInit (through Plugin::__get)). $GLOBALS['Plugins'] = & $Plugins_admin; if( $old_db_version < 9100 ) { // Toolbars: install_plugin( 'quicktags_plugin' ); // Renderers: install_plugin( 'auto_p_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'autolinks_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'texturize_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'smilies_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'videoplug_plugin' ); // SkinTags: install_plugin( 'calendar_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'archives_plugin' ); } if( $old_db_version < 9330 ) { // Upgrade to 1.9-beta install_plugin( 'ping_b2evonet_plugin' ); install_plugin( 'ping_pingomatic_plugin' ); } if( $old_db_version < 9930 ) { // Upgrade to 3.1.0 install_plugin( 'tinymce_plugin' ); } if( $old_db_version < 9940 ) { // Upgrade to 3.2.0 install_plugin( 'twitter_plugin' ); } } /** * @return true on success */ function install_plugin( $plugin ) { /** * @var Plugins_admin */ global $Plugins_admin; echo 'Installing plugin: '.$plugin.'... '; $edit_Plugin = & $Plugins_admin->install( $plugin, 'broken' ); // "broken" by default, gets adjusted later if( ! is_a( $edit_Plugin, 'Plugin' ) ) { echo $edit_Plugin."<br />\n"; return false; } // install_plugin_db_schema_action() // Try to enable plugin: $enable_return = $edit_Plugin->BeforeEnable(); if( $enable_return !== true ) { $Plugins_admin->set_Plugin_status( $edit_Plugin, 'disabled' ); // does not unregister it echo $enable_return."<br />\n"; return false; } $Plugins_admin->set_Plugin_status( $edit_Plugin, 'enabled' ); echo "OK.<br />\n"; return true; } /** * Install basic widgets. */ function install_basic_widgets() { global $DB; echo 'Installing default widgets... '; // Add blog list to all blog Page Tops: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Page Top", 1, "core", "colls_list_public" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add title to all blog Headers: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Header", 1, "core", "coll_title" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add tagline to all blogs Headers: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Header", 2, "core", "coll_tagline" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add home link to all blogs Menus: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Menu", 1, "core", "menu_link", "'.$DB->escape(serialize(array('link_type'=>'home'))).'" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add info pages to all blogs Menus: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Menu", 2, "core", "coll_page_list" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add contact link to all blogs Menus: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Menu", 3, "core", "menu_link", "'.$DB->escape(serialize(array('link_type'=>'ownercontact'))).'" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add login link to all blogs Menus: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Menu", 4, "core", "menu_link", "'.$DB->escape(serialize(array('link_type'=>'login'))).'" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add Calendar plugin to all blog Sidebars except blog A: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 1, "plugin", "evo_Calr" FROM T_blogs WHERE blog_ID > 1' ); // Add title to all blog Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 2, "core", "coll_title" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add longdesc to all blogs Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 3, "core", "coll_longdesc" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add common links to all blogs Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 4, "core", "coll_common_links" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add search form to all blogs Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 5, "core", "coll_search_form" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add categories list to all blog Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 6, "core", "coll_category_list" FROM T_blogs' ); // Add Random photo to blog Sidebars except blog B: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 7, "core", "coll_media_index", \'a:11:{s:5:"title";s:12:"Random photo";s:10:"thumb_size";s:11:"fit-160x120";s:12:"thumb_layout";s:4:"grid";s:12:"grid_nb_cols";s:1:"1";s:5:"limit";s:1:"1";s:8:"order_by";s:4:"RAND";s:9:"order_dir";s:3:"ASC";s:7:"blog_ID";s:1:"4";s:11:"widget_name";s:12:"Random photo";s:16:"widget_css_class";s:0:"";s:9:"widget_ID";s:0:"";}\' FROM T_blogs WHERE blog_ID <> 2' ); // Add linkblog to blog Sidebars for blog A & B: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 8, "core", "linkblog", "'.$DB->escape(serialize(array('blog_ID'=>3))).'" FROM T_blogs WHERE blog_ID <= 2' ); // Add XML feeds to all blogs Sidebars: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar", 9, "core", "coll_xml_feeds" FROM T_blogs' ); // All blog Sidebar 2: $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar 2", 1, "core", "coll_post_list" FROM T_blogs' ); $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar 2", 2, "core", "coll_comment_list" FROM T_blogs' ); $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar 2", 3, "core", "coll_media_index", \'a:11:{s:5:"title";s:13:"Recent photos";s:10:"thumb_size";s:10:"crop-80x80";s:12:"thumb_layout";s:4:"grid";s:12:"grid_nb_cols";s:1:"3";s:5:"limit";s:1:"9";s:8:"order_by";s:9:"datestart";s:9:"order_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:7:"blog_ID";s:1:"4";s:11:"widget_name";s:11:"Photo index";s:16:"widget_css_class";s:0:"";s:9:"widget_ID";s:0:"";}\' FROM T_blogs' ); $DB->query( 'INSERT INTO T_widget( wi_coll_ID, wi_sco_name, wi_order, wi_type, wi_code, wi_params ) SELECT blog_ID, "Sidebar 2", 4, "core", "free_html", \'a:5:{s:5:"title";s:9:"Sidebar 2";s:7:"content";s:162:"This is the "Sidebar 2" container. You can place any widget you like in here. In the evo toolbar at the top of this page, select "Customize", then "Blog Widgets".";s:11:"widget_name";s:9:"Free HTML";s:16:"widget_css_class";s:0:"";s:9:"widget_ID";s:0:"";}\' FROM T_blogs' ); echo "OK.<br />\n"; } function advanced_properties() { /* // file_path needs to be case sensitive on unix // Note: it should be ok on windows too if we take care of updating the db on case renames ALTER TABLE `T_files` CHANGE `file_path` `file_path` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL or ALTER TABLE `T_files` CHANGE `file_path` `file_path` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL */ } /** * Create relations * * @todo NOT UP TO DATE AT ALL :( -- update field names before activating this */ function create_relations() { global $DB; echo 'Creating relations... '; $DB->query( 'alter table T_coll_user_perms add constraint FK_bloguser_blog_ID foreign key (bloguser_blog_ID) references T_blogs (blog_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_coll_user_perms add constraint FK_bloguser_user_ID foreign key (bloguser_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_categories add constraint FK_cat_blog_ID foreign key (cat_blog_ID) references T_blogs (blog_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_cat_parent_ID foreign key (cat_parent_ID) references T_categories (cat_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_comments add constraint FK_comment_post_ID foreign key (comment_post_ID) references T_items__item (post_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_postcats add constraint FK_postcat_cat_ID foreign key (postcat_cat_ID) references T_categories (cat_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_postcat_post_ID foreign key (postcat_post_ID) references T_items__item (post_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_items__item add constraint FK_post_assigned_user_ID foreign key (post_assigned_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_lastedit_user_ID foreign key (post_lastedit_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_creator_user_ID foreign key (post_creator_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_main_cat_ID foreign key (post_main_cat_ID) references T_categories (cat_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_parent_ID foreign key (post_parent_ID) references T_items__item (post_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_pst_ID foreign key (post_pst_ID) references T_items__status (pst_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict, add constraint FK_post_ptyp_ID foreign key (post_ptyp_ID) references T_items__type (ptyp_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_links add constraint FK_link_creator_user_ID foreign key (link_creator_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_links add constraint FK_link_lastedit_user_ID foreign key (link_lastedit_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_links add constraint FK_link_dest_itm_ID foreign key (link_dest_itm_ID) references T_items__item (post_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_links add constraint FK_link_file_ID foreign key (link_file_ID) references T_files (file_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_links add constraint FK_link_itm_ID foreign key (link_itm_ID) references T_items__item (post_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_pluginsettings add constraint FK_pset_plug_ID foreign key (pset_plug_ID) references T_plugins (plug_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_pluginusersettings add constraint FK_puset_plug_ID foreign key (puset_plug_ID) references T_plugins (plug_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_pluginevents add constraint FK_pevt_plug_ID foreign key (pevt_plug_ID) references T_plugins (plug_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_users add constraint FK_user_grp_ID foreign key (user_grp_ID) references T_groups (grp_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_usersettings add constraint FK_uset_user_ID foreign key (uset_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_subscriptions add constraint FK_sub_coll_ID foreign key (sub_coll_ID) references T_blogs (blog_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); $DB->query( 'alter table T_subscriptions add constraint FK_sub_user_ID foreign key (sub_user_ID) references T_users (user_ID) on delete restrict on update restrict' ); echo "OK.<br />\n"; } /** * Loads the b2evo database scheme. * * This gets updated through {@link db_delta()} which generates the queries needed to get * to this scheme. * * Please see {@link db_delta()} for things to take care of. */ function load_db_schema() { global $schema_queries; global $modules, $inc_path; global $db_storage_charset, $DB; if( empty($db_storage_charset) ) { // If no specific charset has been requested for datstorage, use the one of the current connection (optimize for speed - no conversions) $db_storage_charset = $DB->connection_charset; } //pre_dump( 'db_storage_charset', $db_storage_charset ); // Load modules: foreach( $modules as $module ) { echo 'Loading: '.$module.'/model/_'.$module.'.install.php<br />'; require_once $inc_path.$module.'/model/_'.$module.'.install.php'; } } ?>