File: _calendar.plugin.php
<?php /** * This file implements the Calendar plugin. * * This file is part of the b2evolution project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * }} * * @package plugins * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER. * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * @author hansreinders: Hans REINDERS * @author cafelog (team) * * @version $Id: _calendar.plugin.php,v 1.57 2009/06/24 18:47:54 tblue246 Exp $ */ if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * Calendar Plugin * * This plugin displays */ class calendar_plugin extends Plugin { /** * Variables below MUST be overriden by plugin implementations, * either in the subclass declaration or in the subclass constructor. */ var $name; var $code = 'evo_Calr'; var $priority = 20; var $version = '3.0'; var $author = 'The b2evo Group'; var $group = 'widget'; /** * @var ItemQuery */ var $ItemQuery; /** * Init */ function PluginInit( & $params ) { $this->name = T_( 'Calendar Widget' ); $this->short_desc = T_('This skin tag displays a navigable calendar.'); $this->long_desc = T_('Days containing posts are highlighted.'); $this->dbtable = 'T_items__item'; $this->dbprefix = 'post_'; $this->dbIDname = 'post_ID'; } /** * Get definitions for widget specific editable params * * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings() * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true */ function get_widget_param_definitions( $params ) { $r = array( 'displaycaption' => array( 'label' => T_('Display caption'), 'note' => T_('Display caption on top of calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'defaultvalue' => true, ), 'linktomontharchive' => array( 'label' => T_('Link caption to archives'), 'note' => T_('The month in the caption can be clicked to see all posts for this month'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'defaultvalue' => true, ), 'headerdisplay' => array( 'label' => 'Column headers', 'note' => T_('How do you want to display the days of the week in the column headers?'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array( 'e' => 'F', 'D' => 'Fri', 'l' => 'Friday', '' => T_('No header') ), 'defaultvalue' => 'D', ), 'navigation' => array( 'label' => 'Navigation arrows', 'note' => T_('Where do you want to display the navigation arrows?'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array( 'caption' => T_('Top'), 'tfoot' => T_('Bottom'), '' => T_('No navigation') ), 'defaultvalue' => 'tfoot', ), 'browseyears' => array( 'label' => T_('Navigate years'), 'note' => T_('Display double arrows for yearly navigation?'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'defaultvalue' => true, ), ); return $r; } /** * Event handler: SkinTag (widget) * * @param array Associative array of parameters. Valid keys are: * - 'block_start' : (Default: '<div class="bSideItem">') * - 'block_end' : (Default: '</div>') * - 'title' : (Default: T_('Calendar')) * - 'displaycaption' * - 'monthformat' * - 'linktomontharchive' * - 'tablestart' * - 'tableend' * - 'monthstart' * - 'monthend' * - 'rowstart' * - 'rowend' * - 'headerdisplay' * - 'headerrowstart' * - 'headerrowend' * - 'headercellstart' * - 'headercellend' * - 'cellstart' * - 'cellend' * - 'linkpostcellstart' * - 'linkposttodaycellstart' * - 'todaycellstart' * - 'todaycellstartpost' * - 'navigation' : Where do we want to have the navigation arrows? (Default: 'tfoot') * - 'browseyears' : boolean Do we want arrows to move one year at a time? * - 'min_timestamp' : Minimum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: 2000-01-01) * - 'max_timestamp' : Maximum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: now + 1 year ) * - 'postcount_month_atitle' * - 'postcount_month_atitle_one' * - 'postcount_year_atitle' * - 'postcount_year_atitle_one' * - 'link_type' : 'canonic'|'context' (default: canonic) * @return boolean did we display? */ function SkinTag( $params ) { global $month; global $Blog, $cat_array, $cat_modifier; global $show_statuses; global $author, $assgn, $status, $types; global $m, $w, $dstart, $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max; global $s, $sentence, $exact; /** * Default params: */ // This is what will enclose the block in the skin: if(!isset($params['block_start'])) $params['block_start'] = '<div class="bSideItem">'; if(!isset($params['block_end'])) $params['block_end'] = "</div>\n"; // Title: if(!isset($params['block_title_start'])) $params['block_title_start'] = '<h3>'; if(!isset($params['block_title_end'])) $params['block_title_end'] = '</h3>'; if(!isset($params['title'])) $params['title'] = ''; $Calendar = & new Calendar( $m, $params ); // TODO: automate with a table inside of Calendatr object. Table should also contain descriptions and default values to display in help screen. // Note: minbrowse and maxbrowe already work this way. if( isset($params['displaycaption']) ) $Calendar->set( 'displaycaption', $params['displaycaption'] ); if( isset($params['monthformat']) ) $Calendar->set( 'monthformat', $params['monthformat'] ); if( isset($params['linktomontharchive']) ) $Calendar->set( 'linktomontharchive', $params['linktomontharchive'] ); if( isset($params['tablestart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'tablestart', $params['tablestart'] ); if( isset($params['tableend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'tableend', $params['tableend'] ); if( isset($params['monthstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'monthstart', $params['monthstart'] ); if( isset($params['monthend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'monthend', $params['monthend'] ); if( isset($params['rowstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'rowstart', $params['rowstart'] ); if( isset($params['rowend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'rowend', $params['rowend'] ); if( isset($params['headerdisplay']) ) $Calendar->set( 'headerdisplay', $params['headerdisplay'] ); if( isset($params['headerrowstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'headerrowstart', $params['headerrowstart'] ); if( isset($params['headerrowend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'headerrowend', $params['headerrowend'] ); if( isset($params['headercellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'headercellstart', $params['headercellstart'] ); if( isset($params['headercellend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'headercellend', $params['headercellend'] ); if( isset($params['cellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'cellstart', $params['cellstart'] ); if( isset($params['cellend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'cellend', $params['cellend'] ); if( isset($params['emptycellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'emptycellstart', $params['emptycellstart'] ); if( isset($params['emptycellend']) ) $Calendar->set( 'emptycellend', $params['emptycellend'] ); if( isset($params['emptycellcontent']) ) $Calendar->set( 'emptycellcontent', $params['emptycellcontent'] ); if( isset($params['linkpostcellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'linkpostcellstart', $params['linkpostcellstart'] ); if( isset($params['linkposttodaycellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'linkposttodaycellstart', $params['linkposttodaycellstart'] ); if( isset($params['todaycellstart']) ) $Calendar->set( 'todaycellstart', $params['todaycellstart'] ); if( isset($params['todaycellstartpost']) ) $Calendar->set( 'todaycellstartpost', $params['todaycellstartpost'] ); if( isset($params['navigation']) ) $Calendar->set( 'navigation', $params['navigation'] ); if( isset($params['browseyears']) ) $Calendar->set( 'browseyears', $params['browseyears'] ); if( isset($params['postcount_month_atitle']) ) $Calendar->set( 'postcount_month_atitle', $params['postcount_month_atitle'] ); if( isset($params['postcount_month_atitle_one']) ) $Calendar->set( 'postcount_month_atitle_one', $params['postcount_month_atitle_one'] ); if( isset($params['postcount_year_atitle']) ) $Calendar->set( 'postcount_year_atitle', $params['postcount_year_atitle'] ); if( isset($params['postcount_year_atitle_one']) ) $Calendar->set( 'postcount_year_atitle_one', $params['postcount_year_atitle_one'] ); // Link type: if( isset($params['link_type']) ) $Calendar->set( 'link_type', $params['link_type'] ); if( isset($params['context_isolation']) ) $Calendar->set( 'context_isolation', $params['context_isolation'] ); echo $params['block_start']; if( !empty($params['title']) ) { // We want to display a title for the widget block: echo $params['block_title_start']; echo $params['title']; echo $params['block_title_end']; } // CONSTRUCT THE WHERE CLAUSE: // - - Select a specific Item: // $this->ItemQuery->where_ID( $p, $title ); if( $Calendar->link_type == 'context' ) { // We want to preserve the current context: // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2( $Blog, $cat_array, $cat_modifier ); // * Restrict to the statuses we want to show: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_visibility( $show_statuses ); // Restrict to selected authors: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_author( $author ); // Restrict to selected assignees: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_assignees( $assgn ); // Restrict to selected satuses: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_statuses( $status ); // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart( /* NO m */'', /* NO w */'', $dstart, '', $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max ); // Keyword search stuff: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_keywords( $s, $sentence, $exact ); // Exclude pages and intros: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_types( $types ); } else { // We want to preserve only the minimal context: // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2( $Blog, array(), '' ); // * Restrict to the statuses we want to show: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_visibility( $show_statuses ); // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart( /* NO m */'', /* NO w */'', '', '', $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max ); // Exclude pages and intros: $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_types( '-1000,1500,1520,1530,1570,1600' ); } // DISPLAY: $Calendar->display( ); echo $params['block_end']; return true; } } /** * Calendar * * @package evocore */ class Calendar { var $year; /** * The month to display or empty in mode 'year' with no selected month. * @var string */ var $month; /** * 'month' or 'year' * @var string */ var $mode; var $where; /** * SQL query string * @var string */ var $request; /** * Result set */ var $result; /** * Number of rows in result set * @var integer */ var $result_num_rows; var $displaycaption; var $monthformat; var $monthstart; var $monthend; var $linktomontharchive; /** * Where to do the navigation * * 'caption' or 'tfoot'; * * @var string */ var $navigation = 'tfoot'; var $tablestart; var $tableend; var $rowstart; var $rowend; var $headerdisplay; var $headerrowstart; var $headerrowend; var $headercellstart; var $headercellend; var $cellstart; var $cellend; var $emptycellstart; var $emptycellend; var $emptycellcontent; /** * Do we want to browse years in the caption? True by default for mode == year, * false for mode == month (gets set in constructor). * @var boolean */ var $browseyears; /** * Is today in the displayed frame? * @var boolean * @access protected */ var $today_is_visible; var $link_type; var $context_isolation; var $params = array( ); /** * Calendar::Calendar(-) * * Constructor * * @param string Month ('YYYYMM'), year ('YYYY'), current ('') * @param array Associative array of parameters. Valid keys are: * - 'min_timestamp' : Minimum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: 2000-01-01) * - 'max_timestamp' : Maximum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: now + 1 year ) */ function Calendar( $m = '', $params = array() ) { global $localtimenow; $this->dbtable = 'T_items__item'; $this->dbprefix = 'post_'; $this->dbIDname = 'post_ID'; // OBJECT THAT WILL BE USED TO CONSTRUCT THE WHERE CLAUSE: $this->ItemQuery = new ItemQuery( $this->dbtable, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname ); // COPY!! $localyearnow = date( 'Y', $localtimenow ); $localmonthnow = date( 'm', $localtimenow ); // Find out which month to display: if( empty($m) ) { // Current month (monthly) $this->year = $localyearnow; $this->month = $localmonthnow; $this->mode = 'month'; $this->today_is_visible = true; } else { // We have requested a specific date $this->year = substr($m, 0, 4); if (strlen($m) < 6) { // no month provided $this->mode = 'year'; if( $this->year == $localyearnow ) { // we display current year, month gets current $this->month = $localmonthnow; } else { // highlight no month, when not current year $this->month = ''; } } else { $this->month = substr($m, 4, 2); $this->mode = 'month'; } $this->today_is_visible = ( $this->year == $localyearnow && ( empty($this->month) || $this->month == $localmonthnow ) ); } // Default styling: $this->displaycaption = 1; // set this to 0 if you don't want to display the month name $this->monthformat = 'F Y'; $this->linktomontharchive = true; // month displayed as link to month' archive $this->tablestart = '<table class="bCalendarTable" cellspacing="0" summary="Monthly calendar with links to each day\'s posts">'."\n"; $this->tableend = '</table>'; $this->monthstart = '<caption>'; $this->monthend = "</caption>\n"; $this->rowstart = '<tr class="bCalendarRow">' . "\n"; $this->rowend = "</tr>\n"; $this->headerdisplay = 'D'; // D => 'Fri'; e => 'F', l (lowercase l) => 'Friday' // These codes are twisted because they're the same as for date formats. // set this to 0 or '' if you don't want to display the "Mon Tue Wed..." header $this->headerrowstart = '<thead><tr class="bCalendarRow">' . "\n"; $this->headerrowend = "</tr></thead>\n"; $this->headercellstart = '<th class="bCalendarHeaderCell" abbr="[abbr]" scope="col" title="[abbr]">'; // please leave [abbr] there ! $this->headercellend = "</th>\n"; $this->cellstart = '<td class="bCalendarCell">'; $this->cellend = "</td>\n"; $this->emptycellstart = '<td class="bCalendarEmptyCell">'; $this->emptycellend = "</td>\n"; $this->emptycellcontent = ' '; $this->linkpostcellstart = '<td class="bCalendarLinkPost">'; $this->linkposttodaycellstart = '<td class="bCalendarLinkPostToday">'; $this->todaycellstart = '<td id="bCalendarToday">'; $this->todaycellstartpost = '<td id="bCalendarToday" class="bCalendarLinkPost">'; // Where do we want to have the navigation arrows? tfoot or caption $this->navigation = 'tfoot'; // Do we want arrows to move one year at a time? $this->browseyears = true; /**#@+ * Display number of posts with days/months * * - set to '' (empty) to disable * - %d gets replaced with the number of posts on that day/month */ $this->postcount_month_atitle = T_('%d posts'); // in archive links title tag $this->postcount_month_atitle_one = T_('1 post'); // -- " -- [for single post] $this->postcount_year_atitle = T_('%d posts'); // in archive links title tag $this->postcount_year_atitle_one = T_('1 post'); // in archive links title tag /**#@-*/ // Link type: $this->link_type = 'canonic'; $this->context_isolation = 'm,w,p,title,unit,dstart'; // New style params: $this->params = $params; // Default values: if( empty( $this->params['min_timestamp'] ) ) { // 2000-01-01: $this->params['min_timestamp'] = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000 ); } if( empty( $this->params['max_timestamp'] ) ) { // Now + 1 year: $this->params['max_timestamp'] = mktime( 23, 59, 59, date( 'm', $localtimenow ), date( 'd', $localtimenow ), date( 'Y', $localtimenow )+1 ); } } /* * Calendar->set(-) * * set a variable */ function set( $var, $value ) { $this->$var = $value; } /** * Display the calendar. * * @todo If a specific day (mode == month) or month (mode == year) is selected, apply another class (default to some border) */ function display() { global $DB; global $weekday, $weekday_abbrev, $weekday_letter, $month, $month_abbrev; global $time_difference; if( $this->mode == 'month' ) { $end_of_week = ((locale_startofweek() + 7) % 7); // fplanque>> note: I am removing the searchframe thing because 1) I don't think it's of any use // and 2) it's brutally inefficient! If someone needs this it should be implemented with A SINGLE // QUERY which gets the last available post (BTW, I think there is already a function for that somwhere) // walter>> As we are just counting items, the ORDER BY db_prefix . date_start doesn't matter. And a side effect // of that is make queries standart compatible (compatible with other databases than MySQL) $arc_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT '.$this->dbIDname.') AS item_count, EXTRACT(DAY FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS myday FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) = \''.$this->year.'\' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) = \''.$this->month.'\' '.$this->ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ).' GROUP BY myday '.$this->ItemQuery->get_group_by( ', ' ); // echo $this->ItemQuery->where; $arc_result = $DB->get_results( $arc_sql, ARRAY_A ); foreach( $arc_result as $arc_row ) { if( !isset( $daysinmonthwithposts[ $arc_row['myday'] ] ) ) { $daysinmonthwithposts[ $arc_row['myday'] ] = 0; } // The '+' situation actually only happens when we have a complex GROUP BY above // (multiple categories wcombined with "ALL") $daysinmonthwithposts[ $arc_row['myday'] ] += $arc_row['item_count']; } $daysinmonth = intval(date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year))); // echo 'days in month=', $daysinmonth; // caution: offset bug inside (??) $datestartofmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year ); // echo date( locale_datefmt(), $datestartofmonth ); $calendarblah = get_weekstartend( $datestartofmonth, locale_startofweek() ); $calendarfirst = $calendarblah['start']; $dateendofmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $daysinmonth, $this->year); // echo 'end of month: '.date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateendofmonth ); $calendarblah = get_weekstartend( $dateendofmonth, locale_startofweek() ); $calendarlast = $calendarblah['end']; // echo date( ' Y-m-d H:i:s', $calendarlast ); // here the offset bug is corrected if( (intval(date('d', $calendarfirst)) > 1) && (intval(date('m', $calendarfirst)) == intval($this->month)) ) { #pre_dump( 'with offset bug', date('Y-m-d', $calendarfirst) ); $calendarfirst = $calendarfirst - 604800 /* 1 week */; #pre_dump( 'without offset bug', date('Y-m-d', $calendarfirst) ); } } else { // mode is 'year' // Find months with posts $arc_sql = ' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT '.$this->dbIDname.') AS item_count, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS mymonth FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) = \''.$this->year.'\' ' .$this->ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ).' GROUP BY mymonth '.$this->ItemQuery->get_group_by( ', ' ); $arc_result = $DB->get_results( $arc_sql, ARRAY_A ); if( $DB->num_rows > 0 ) { // OK we have a month with posts! // fp>dh why did you removed that? foreach( $arc_result as $arc_row ) { $monthswithposts[ $arc_row['mymonth'] ] = $arc_row['item_count']; } } } // ** display everything ** echo $this->tablestart; // CAPTION : if( $this->displaycaption ) { // caption: echo $this->monthstart; if( $this->navigation == 'caption' ) { echo implode( ' ', $this->getNavLinks( 'prev' ) ).' '; } if( $this->mode == 'month' ) { // MONTH CAPTION: $text = date_i18n($this->monthformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year)); if( $this->linktomontharchive ) { // chosen month with link to archives echo $this->archive_link( $text, T_('View monthly archive'), $this->year, $this->month ); } else { echo $text; } } else { // YEAR CAPTION: echo date_i18n('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->year)); // display year } if( $this->navigation == 'caption' ) { echo ' '.implode( ' ', $this->getNavLinks( 'next' ) ); } echo $this->monthend; } // HEADER : if( !empty($this->headerdisplay) && ($this->mode == 'month') ) { // Weekdays: echo $this->headerrowstart; for( $i = locale_startofweek(), $j = $i + 7; $i < $j; $i = $i + 1) { echo str_replace('[abbr]', T_($weekday[($i % 7)]), $this->headercellstart); switch( $this->headerdisplay ) { case 'e': // e => 'F' echo T_($weekday_letter[($i % 7)]); break; case 'l': // l (lowercase l) => 'Friday' echo T_($weekday[($i % 7)]); break; default: // Backward compatibility: any non emty value will display this // D => 'Fri' echo T_($weekday_abbrev[($i % 7)]); } echo $this->headercellend; } echo $this->headerrowend; } // FOOTER : if( $this->navigation == 'tfoot' ) { // We want to display navigation in the table footer: echo "<tfoot>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td colspan="'.( ( $this->mode == 'month' ? 2 : 1 ) + (int)$this->today_is_visible ).'" id="prev">'; echo implode( ' ', $this->getNavLinks( 'prev' ) ); echo "</td>\n"; if( $this->today_is_visible ) { if( $this->mode == 'month' ) { echo '<td class="pad"> </td>'."\n"; } } else { echo '<td colspan="'.( $this->mode == 'month' ? '3' : '2' ).'" class="center">' .$this->archive_link( T_('Current'), '', date('Y'), ( $this->mode == 'month' ? date('m') : NULL ) ) .'</td>'; } echo '<td colspan="'.( ( $this->mode == 'month' ? 2 : 1 ) + (int)$this->today_is_visible ).'" id="next">'; echo implode( ' ', $this->getNavLinks( 'next' ) ); echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</tfoot>\n"; } // REAL TABLE DATA : echo $this->rowstart; if( $this->mode == 'year' ) { // DISPLAY MONTHS: for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i = $i + 1) { // For each month: if( isset($monthswithposts[ $i ]) ) { if( $this->month == $i ) { echo $this->todaycellstartpost; } else { echo $this->linkpostcellstart; } if( $monthswithposts[ $i ] > 1 && !empty($this->postcount_year_atitle) ) { // display postcount $title = sprintf($this->postcount_year_atitle, $monthswithposts[ $i ]); } elseif( !empty($this->postcount_year_atitle_one) ) { // display postcount for one post $title = sprintf($this->postcount_year_atitle_one, 1); } else { $title = ''; } echo $this->archive_link( T_($month_abbrev[ zeroise($i, 2) ]), $title, $this->year, $i ); } elseif( $this->month == $i ) { // current month echo $this->todaycellstart; echo T_($month_abbrev[ zeroise($i, 2) ]); } else { echo $this->cellstart; echo T_($month_abbrev[ zeroise($i, 2) ]); } echo $this->cellend; if( $i == 4 || $i == 8 ) { // new row echo $this->rowend.$this->rowstart; } } } else // mode == 'month' { // DISPLAY DAYS of current month: $dow = 0; $last_day = -1; $dom_displayed = 0; // days of month displayed for( $i = $calendarfirst; $i <= $calendarlast; $i = $i + 86400 ) { // loop day by day (86400 seconds = 24 hours; but not on days where daylight saving changes!) if( $dow == 7 ) { // We need to start a new row: if( $dom_displayed >= $daysinmonth ) { // Last day already displayed! break; } echo $this->rowend; echo $this->rowstart; $dow = 0; } $dow++; // correct daylight saving ("last day"+86400 would lead to "last day at 23:00") // fp> TODO: use mkdate() while( date('j', $i) == $last_day ) { $i += 3600; } $last_day = date('j', $i); if (date('m', $i) != $this->month) { // empty cell echo $this->emptycellstart; echo $this->emptycellcontent; echo $this->emptycellend; } else { // This day is in this month $dom_displayed++; $calendartoday = (date('Ymd',$i) == date('Ymd', (time() + $time_difference))); if( isset($daysinmonthwithposts[ date('j', $i) ]) ) { if( $calendartoday ) { echo $this->todaycellstartpost; } else { echo $this->linkpostcellstart; } if( $daysinmonthwithposts[ date('j', $i) ] > 1 && !empty($this->postcount_month_atitle) ) { // display postcount $title = sprintf($this->postcount_month_atitle, $daysinmonthwithposts[ date('j', $i) ]); } elseif( !empty($this->postcount_month_atitle_one) ) { // display postcount for one post $title = sprintf($this->postcount_month_atitle_one, 1); } else { $title = ''; } echo $this->archive_link( date('j',$i), $title, $this->year, $this->month, date('d',$i) ); } elseif ($calendartoday) { echo $this->todaycellstart; echo date('j',$i); } else { echo $this->cellstart; echo date('j',$i); } echo $this->cellend; } } // loop day by day } // mode == 'month' echo $this->rowend; echo $this->tableend; } // display(-) /** * Create a link to archive, using either URL params or extra path info. * * Can make contextual links. * * @param string * @param string * @param string year * @param string month * @param string day */ function archive_link( $text, $title, $year, $month = NULL, $day = NULL ) { /** * @var Blog */ global $Blog; if( $this->link_type == 'context' ) { // We want to preserve context: $url_params = 'm='.$year; if( !empty( $month ) ) { $url_params .= zeroise($month,2); if( !empty( $day ) ) { $url_params .= zeroise($day,2); } } return '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.regenerate_url( $this->context_isolation, $url_params ).'">'.format_to_output($text).'</a>'; } else { // We want a canonic link: return $Blog->gen_archive_link( $text, $title, $year, $month, $day ); } } /** * Get links to navigate between month / year. * * Unless min/max_timestamp='query' has been specified, this will not do any (time consuming!) queries to check where the posts are. * * @param string 'prev' / 'next' * @return array */ function getNavLinks( $direction ) { global $DB, $localtimenow; //pre_dump( 'get_nav_links', $direction ); $r = array(); if( $this->params['min_timestamp'] == 'query' || $this->params['max_timestamp'] == 'query' ) { // Do inits: // WE NEED SPECIAL QUERY PARAMS WHEN MOVING THOUGH MONTHS ( NO dstart especially! ) $nav_ItemQuery = & new ItemQuery( $this->dbtable, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname ); // TEMP object // Restrict to selected blog/categories: $nav_ItemQuery->where_chapter2( $this->ItemQuery->Blog, $this->ItemQuery->cat_array, $this->ItemQuery->cat_modifier ); // Restrict to the statuses we want to show: $nav_ItemQuery->where_visibility( $this->ItemQuery->show_statuses ); // Restrict to selected authors: $nav_ItemQuery->where_author( $this->ItemQuery->author ); // if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month: $nav_ItemQuery->where_datestart( /* NO m */'', /* NO w */'', /* NO dstart */'', '', $this->ItemQuery->timestamp_min, $this->ItemQuery->timestamp_max ); // Keyword search stuff: $nav_ItemQuery->where_keywords( $this->ItemQuery->keywords, $this->ItemQuery->phrase, $this->ItemQuery->exact ); // Exclude pages and intros: $nav_ItemQuery->where_types( $this->ItemQuery->types ); } switch( $direction ) { case 'prev': //pre_dump( $this->params['min_timestamp'] ); $r[] = ''; if( empty($this->month) ) { // if $this->month is empty, we're in mode "year" with no selected month $use_range_month = 12; $use_range_day = 31; } else { $use_range_month = $this->month; $use_range_day = 1; // Note: cannot use current day since all months do not have same number of days } /* * << (PREV YEAR) */ if( $this->browseyears ) { // We want arrows to move one year at a time if( $this->params['min_timestamp'] == 'query' ) { // Let's query to find the correct year: if( $row = $DB->get_row( 'SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) < '.$this->year.' '.$nav_ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ) .$nav_ItemQuery->get_group_by( ' GROUP BY ' ).' ORDER BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) DESC, ABS( '.$use_range_month.' - EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ) ASC LIMIT 1', OBJECT, 0, 'Calendar: find prev year with posts' ) ) { $prev_year_year = $row->year; $prev_year_month = $row->month; } } else { // Let's see if the previous year is in the desired navigation range: $prev_year_ts = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $use_range_month, $use_range_day, $this->year-1 ); if( $prev_year_ts >= $this->params['min_timestamp'] ) { $prev_year_year = date( 'Y', $prev_year_ts ); $prev_year_month = date( 'm', $prev_year_ts ); } } } if( !empty($prev_year_year) ) { // We have a link to display: $r[] = $this->archive_link( '<<', sprintf( ( $this->mode == 'month' ? /* Calendar link title to a month in a previous year */ T_('Previous year (%04d-%02d)') : /* Calendar link title to a previous year */ T_('Previous year (%04d)') ), $prev_year_year, $prev_year_month ), $prev_year_year, ($this->mode == 'month') ? $prev_year_month : NULL ) ; } /* * < (PREV MONTH) */ if( $this->mode == 'month' ) { // We are browsing months, we'll display arrows to move one month at a time: if( $this->params['min_timestamp'] == 'query' ) { // Let's query to find the correct month: if( $row = $DB->get_row( 'SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE ( EXTACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) < '.($this->year).' OR ( EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) = '.($this->year).' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) < '.($this->month).' ) ) '.$nav_ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ) .$nav_ItemQuery->get_group_by( ' GROUP BY ' ).' ORDER BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) DESC, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) DESC LIMIT 1', OBJECT, 0, 'Calendar: Find prev month with posts' ) ) { $prev_month_year = $row->year; $prev_month_month = $row->month; } } else { // Let's see if the previous month is in the desired navigation range: $prev_month_ts = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->month-1, 1, $this->year ); // Note: cannot use current day since all months do not have same number of days if( $prev_month_ts >= $this->params['min_timestamp'] ) { $prev_month_year = date( 'Y', $prev_month_ts ); $prev_month_month = date( 'm', $prev_month_ts ); } } } if( !empty($prev_month_year) ) { // We have a link to display: $r[] = $this->archive_link( '<', sprintf( T_('Previous month (%04d-%02d)'), $prev_month_year, $prev_month_month ), $prev_month_year, $prev_month_month ); } break; case 'next': //pre_dump( $this->params['max_timestamp'] ); /* * > (NEXT MONTH) */ if( $this->mode == 'month' ) { // We are browsing months, we'll display arrows to move one month at a time: if( $this->params['max_timestamp'] == 'query' ) { // Let's query to find the correct month: if( $row = $DB->get_row( 'SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE ( EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) > '.($this->year).' OR ( EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) = '.($this->year).' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) > '.($this->month).' ) ) '.$nav_ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ) .$nav_ItemQuery->get_group_by( ' GROUP BY ' ).' ORDER BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ASC LIMIT 1', OBJECT, 0, 'Calendar: Find next month with posts' ) ) { $next_month_year = $row->year; $next_month_month = $row->month; } } else { // Let's see if the next month is in the desired navigation range: $next_month_ts = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $this->month+1, 1, $this->year ); // Note: cannot use current day since all months do not have same number of days if( $next_month_ts <= $this->params['max_timestamp'] ) { $next_month_year = date( 'Y', $next_month_ts ); $next_month_month = date( 'm', $next_month_ts ); } } } if( !empty($next_month_year) ) { // We have a link to display: $r[] = $this->archive_link( '>', sprintf( T_('Next month (%04d-%02d)'), $next_month_year, $next_month_month ), $next_month_year, $next_month_month ); } if( empty($this->month) ) { // if $this->month is empty, we're in mode "year" with no selected month $use_range_month = 12; $use_range_day = 31; } else { $use_range_month = $this->month; $use_range_day = 1; // Note: cannot use current day since all months do not have same number of days } /* * >> (NEXT YEAR) */ if( $this->browseyears ) { // We want arrows to move one year at a time if( $this->params['max_timestamp'] == 'query' ) { // Let's query to find the correct year: if( $row = $DB->get_row( 'SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) AS month FROM ('.$this->dbtable.' INNER JOIN T_postcats ON '.$this->dbIDname.' = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) > '.$this->year.' '.$nav_ItemQuery->get_where( ' AND ' ) .$nav_ItemQuery->get_group_by( ' GROUP BY ' ).' ORDER BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ASC, ABS( '.$use_range_month.' - EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '.$this->dbprefix.'datestart) ) ASC LIMIT 1', OBJECT, 0, 'Calendar: find next year with posts' ) ) { $next_year_year = $row->year; $next_year_month = $row->month; } } else { // Let's see if the next year is in the desired navigation range: $next_year_ts = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $use_range_month, $use_range_day, $this->year+1 ); if( $next_year_ts <= $this->params['max_timestamp'] ) { $next_year_year = date( 'Y', $next_year_ts ); $next_year_month = date( 'm', $next_year_ts ); } } if( !empty($next_year_year) ) { // We have a link to display: $r[] = $this->archive_link( '>>', sprintf( ( $this->mode == 'month' ? /* Calendar link title to a month in a following year */ T_('Next year (%04d-%02d)') : /* Calendar link title to a following year */ T_('Next year (%04d)') ), $next_year_year, $next_year_month ), $next_year_year, ($this->mode == 'month') ? $next_year_month : NULL ); } } break; } return $r; } } ?>