File: _whosonline.plugin.php
<?php /** * This file implements the Whosonline plugin. * * This file is part of the b2evolution project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * }} * * @package plugins * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER. * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * @author jeffbearer: Jeff BEARER - {@link http://www.jeffbearer.com/}. * * @version $Id: _whosonline.plugin.php,v 1.6 2009/07/04 17:43:13 tblue246 Exp $ */ if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * Calendar Plugin * * This plugin displays */ class whosonline_plugin extends Plugin { /** * Variables below MUST be overriden by plugin implementations, * either in the subclass declaration or in the subclass constructor. */ var $name; var $code = 'evo_WhosOnline'; var $priority = 96; var $version = '2.0'; var $author = 'The b2evo Group'; var $group = 'widget'; /** * Init */ function PluginInit( & $params ) { $this->name = T_( 'Who\'s online Widget' ); $this->short_desc = T_('This skin tag displays a list of whos is online.'); $this->long_desc = T_('All logged in users and guest users who have requested a page in the last 5 minutes are listed.'); } /** * Get definitions for widget specific editable params * * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings() * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true */ function get_widget_param_definitions( $params ) { $r = array( 'contacticons' => array( 'label' => T_('Contact icons'), 'note' => T_('Display contact icons allowing to send private messages to logged in users.'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'defaultvalue' => true, ), 'timeout_online_user' => array( 'label' => T_( 'Online session timeout' ), 'note' => T_( 'seconds. After how much time of inactivity an user is considered to be offline? 300 seconds are 5 minutes.' ), 'type' => 'integer', 'defaultvalue' => 300, 'valid_range' => array( 'min' => 1, // 0 would not make sense. ), ), ); return $r; } /** * Event handler: SkinTag (widget) * * @param array Associative array of parameters. * @return boolean did we display? */ function SkinTag( $params ) { global $generating_static, $Plugins; if( ! empty($generating_static) || $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('CacheIsCollectingContent') ) { // We're not generating static pages nor is a caching plugin collecting the content, so we can display this block return false; } echo $params['block_start']; echo $params['block_title_start']; echo T_('Who\'s Online?'); echo $params['block_title_end']; $OnlineSessions = & new OnlineSessions( $params['timeout_online_user'] ); $OnlineSessions->display_onliners( $params ); echo $params['block_end']; return true; } } /** * This tracks who is online * * @todo dh> I wanted to add a MySQL INDEX on the sess_lastseen field, but this "plugin" * is the only real user of this. So, when making this a plugin, this should * add the index perhaps. * @package evocore */ class OnlineSessions { /** * Number of guests (and users that want to be anonymous) * * Gets lazy-filled when needed, through {@link init()}. * * @access protected */ var $_count_guests; /** * List of registered users. * * Gets lazy-filled when needed, through {@link init()}. * * @access protected */ var $_registered_Users; /** * Online session timeout in seconds. * * Default value: 300 (5 minutes). Set by {@link OnlineSessions::OnlineSessions()}. * * @access protected */ var $_timeout_online_user; var $_initialized = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param integer Online session timeout in seconds. */ function OnlineSessions( $timeout_online_user = 300 ) { $this->_timeout_online_user = $timeout_online_user; } /** * Get an array of registered users and guests. * * @return array containing number of registered users and guests ('registered' and 'guests') */ function init() { if( $this->_initialized ) { return true; } global $DB, $localtimenow; $this->_count_guests = 0; $this->_registered_Users = array(); $timeout_YMD = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', ($localtimenow - $this->_timeout_online_user) ); $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' ); // We get all sessions that have been seen in $timeout_YMD and that have a session key. // NOTE: we do not use DISTINCT here, because guest users are all "NULL". foreach( $DB->get_results( " SELECT sess_user_ID FROM T_sessions WHERE sess_lastseen > '".$timeout_YMD."' AND sess_key IS NOT NULL", OBJECT, 'Sessions: get list of relevant users.' ) as $row ) { if( !empty( $row->sess_user_ID ) && ( $User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $row->sess_user_ID ) ) ) { // assign by ID so that each user is only counted once (he could use multiple user agents at the same time) $this->_registered_Users[ $User->ID ] = & $User; if( !$User->showonline ) { $this->_count_guests++; } } else { $this->_count_guests++; } } $this->_initialized = true; } /** * Get the number of guests. * * @param boolean display? */ function number_of_guests( $display = true ) { if( !isset($this->_count_guests) ) { $this->init(); } if( $display ) { echo $this->_count_guests; } return $this->_count_guests; } /** * Template function: Display onliners, both registered users and guests. * * @todo get class="" out of here (put it into skins) */ function display_onliners( $params ) { $this->display_online_users( $params ); $this->display_online_guests( $params ); } /** * Template function: Display the registered users who are online * * @todo get class="" out of here (put it into skins) * * @param array */ function display_online_users( $params ) { global $DB, $Blog; global $generating_static; if( isset($generating_static) ) { return; } if( !isset($this->_registered_Users) ) { $this->init(); } // Note: not all users want to appear online, so we might have an empty list. $r = ''; foreach( $this->_registered_Users as $User ) { if( $User->showonline ) { if( empty($r) ) { // first user $r .= $params['list_start']; } $r .= $params['item_start']; $r .= $User->dget('preferredname'); if( $params['contacticons'] ) { // We want contact icons: $r .= $User->get_msgform_link(); } $r .= $params['item_end']; } } if( !empty($r) ) { // we need to close the list $r .= $params['list_end'];; } echo $r; } /** * Template function: Display number of online guests. */ function display_online_guests( $params ) { global $generating_static; if( isset($generating_static) ) { return; } if( !isset($this->_count_guests) ) { $this->init(); } $r = $params['list_start']; $r .= $params['item_start']; $r .= T_('Guest Users:').' '; $r .= $this->_count_guests; $r .= $params['item_end']; $r .= $params['list_end'];; echo $r; } } ?>