File: _advanced.php.in
<?php /** * This file includes advanced settings for the evoCore framework. * * Please NOTE: You should not comment variables out to prevent * URL overrides. * * @package conf * * @version $Id: _advanced.php,v 2010/09/28 20:35:18 fplanque Exp $ */ if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * No Translation. Does nothing. * * Nevertheless, the string will be extracted by the gettext tools */ function NT_( $string ) { return $string; } /** * Display debugging informations? * * 0 = no * 1 = yes * 2 = yes and potentially die() to display debug info (needed before redirects, e-g message_send.php) * 'pwd' = require password * * @global integer */ $debug = @@DEBUG@@; /** * When $debug is 'pwd' and you set a /password/ below, * you can turn on debugging at any time by adding ?debug=YOUR_PASSWORD to your url. * You can turn off by adding just ?debug * * @var string */ $debug_pwd = ''; // Most of the time you'll want to see all errors, including notices: // b2evo should run notice free! (plugins too!) if( ! defined( 'E_DEPRECATED' ) ) { error_reporting( E_ALL ); } else { // Hopefully temporary fix for PHP >= v5.3 (Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated) // Tblue> This doesn't work properly on PHP 5.3... For some reason, you have to set error_reporting to // the desired value in php.ini -- error_reporting() and even ini_set() fail. // fp> feel free to fix all deprecated constructs in HEAD. error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED ); } // To help debugging severe errors, you'll probably want PHP to display the errors on screen. // In this case, uncomment the following line: // ini_set( 'display_errors', 'on' ); // If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory. // The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2) // Try uncommmenting the following line: // ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' ); /** * Log application errors through {@link error_log() PHP's logging facilities}? * * This means that they will get logged according to PHP's error_log configuration directive. * * Experimental! This may be changed to use regular files instead/optionally. * * @todo Provide logging into normal file instead (more useful for backtraces/multiline error messages) * * @global integer 0: off; 1: log errors; 2: include function backtraces (Default: 1) */ $log_app_errors = @@LOG_APP_ERRORS@@; /** * Thumbnail size definitions. * * NOTE: this gets used for general resizing, too. E.g. in the coll_avatar_Widget. * * type, width, height, quality */ $thumbnail_sizes = array( 'fit-720x500' => array( 'fit', 720, 500, 90 ), 'fit-640x480' => array( 'fit', 640, 480, 90 ), 'fit-520x390' => array( 'fit', 520, 390, 90 ), 'fit-400x320' => array( 'fit', 400, 320, 85 ), 'fit-320x320' => array( 'fit', 320, 320, 85 ), 'fit-160x160' => array( 'fit', 160, 160, 80 ), 'fit-160x120' => array( 'fit', 160, 120, 80 ), 'fit-80x80' => array( 'fit', 80, 80, 80 ), 'crop-80x80' => array( 'crop', 80, 80, 85 ), 'crop-64x64' => array( 'crop', 64, 64, 85 ), 'crop-48x48' => array( 'crop', 48, 48, 85 ), 'crop-32x32' => array( 'crop', 32, 32, 85 ), 'crop-15x15' => array( 'crop', 15, 15, 85 ), ); /** * Demo mode * - Do not allow update of files in the file manager * - Do not allow changes to the 'demouser' and 'admin' account/group * - Blog media directories can only be configured to be inside of {@link $media_path} * @global boolean Default: false */ $demo_mode = @@DEMO_MODE@@; /** * URL of the Home link at the top left. * * By default this is the base url. And unless you do a complex installation, there is no need to change this. */ $home_url = $baseurl; /** * Comments: Set this to 1 to require e-mail and name, or 0 to allow comments * without e-mail/name. * @global boolean $require_name_email */ $require_name_email = @@REQUIRE_NAME_EMAIL@@; /** * Minimum interval (in seconds) between consecutive comments from same IP. * @global int $minimum_comment_interval */ $minimum_comment_interval = @@MINIMUM_COMMENT_INTERVAL@@; /** * Check antispam blacklist for private messages. * * Do you want to check the antispam blocklist when a message form is submitted? * * @global boolean $antispam_on_message_form */ $antispam_on_message_form = @@ANTISPAM_ON_MESSAGE_FORM@@; /** * By default images get copied into b2evo cache without resampling if they are smaller * than requested thumbnails. * * Althought, if you want to use the BeforeThumbCreate event (Watermark plugin), * this should be set to 'true' in order to process smaller images. * * @global boolean Default: false */ $resample_all_images = false; // Get hostname out of baseurl // YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS unless you know what you're doing if( preg_match( '#^(https?://(.+?)(:(.+?))?)(/.*)$#', $baseurl, $matches ) ) { $baseurlroot = $matches[1]; // no ending slash! // echo "baseurlroot=$baseurlroot <br />"; $basehost = $matches[2]; // echo "basehost=$basehost <br />"; $baseport = $matches[4]; // echo "baseport=$baseport <br />"; $basesubpath = $matches[5]; // echo "basesubpath=$basesubpath <br />"; } else { die( 'Your baseurl ('.$baseurl.') set in _basic_config.php seems invalid. You probably missed the "http://" prefix or the trailing slash. Please correct that.' ); } /** * Base domain of b2evolution. * * By default we try to extract it automagically from $basehost (itself extracted from $abaseurl) * But you may need to adjust this manually. * * @todo does anyone have a clean way of handling stuff like .co.uk ? * * @global string */ $basedomain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '$2', $basehost ); /** * Short name of this system (will be used for cookies and notification emails). * * Change this only if you install mutliple b2evolutions on the same website. * * WARNING: don't play with this or you'll have tons of cookies sent away and your * readers surely will complain about it! * * You can change the notification email address alone a few lines below. * * @todo generate a random instance name at install and have it saved in the global params in the DB * * @global string Default: 'b2evo' */ $instance_name = '@@BASE_URL_PATH@@'; // MUST BE A SINGLE WORD! NO SPACES!! /** * Default email address for sending notifications (comments, trackbacks, * user registrations...). * * Set a custom address like this: * <code>$notify_from = 'b2evolution@your_server.com';</code> * * Alternatively you can use this automated address generation (which removes "www." from * the beginning of $basehost): * <code>$notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );</code> * * @global string Default: $instance_name.'@'.$basehost; */ $notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost ); // ** DB options ** /** * Show MySQL errors? (default: true) * * This is recommended on production environments. */ $db_config['show_errors'] = @@SHOW_ERRORS@@; /** * Halt on MySQL errors? (default: true) * * Setting this to false is not recommended, */ $db_config['halt_on_error'] = @@HALT_ON_ERROR@@; /** * CREATE TABLE options. * * DO NOT USE unless you know what you're doing -- For most options, we want to work on a table by table basis. */ $db_config['table_options'] = ''; // Low ranking MySQL hosting compatibility Default /** * Use transactions in DB? * * You need to use InnoDB in order to enable this. */ $db_config['use_transactions'] = true; /** * Display elements that are different on each request (Page processing time, ..) * * Set this to true to prevent displaying minor changing elements (like time) in order not to have artificial content changes * * @global boolean Default: false */ $obhandler_debug = false; // ** Cookies ** /** * This is the path that will be associated to cookies. * * That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this path on the domain below. * * @global string Default: preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl ) */ $cookie_path = preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl ); /** * Cookie domain. * * That means cookies set by this b2evo install won't be seen outside of this domain. * * We'll take {@link $basehost} by default (the leading dot includes subdomains), but * when there's no dot in it, at least Firefox will not set the cookie. The best * example for having no dot in the host name is 'localhost', but it's the case for * host names in an intranet also. * * Note: ".domain.com" cookies will be sent to sub.domain.com too. * But, see http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2965: * "If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in * the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes * precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other * attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified." * * @global string Default: ( strpos($basehost, '.') ) ? '.'. $basehost : ''; */ if( strpos($basehost, '.') === false ) { // localhost or windows machine name: $cookie_domain = ''; } elseif( preg_match( '~^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$~i', $basehost ) ) { // Use the basehost as it is: $cookie_domain = $basehost; } else { $cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^(www\. )? (.+)$/xi', '.$2', $basehost ); // When hosting multiple domains (not just subdomains) on a single instance of b2evo, // you may want to try this: // $cookie_domain = '.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // or this: -- Have a cookie domain of 2 levels only, base on current basehost. // $cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '.$2', $basehost ); // fp> pb with domains like .co.uk !? } // echo $cookie_domain; /**#@+ * Names for cookies. */ // The following remember the comment meta data for non registered users: $cookie_name = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'name'; $cookie_email = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'email'; $cookie_url = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'url'; // The following handles the session: $cookie_session = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'session'; /**#@-*/ /** * Expiration for comment meta data cookies. * * Note: user sessions use different settings (config in admin) * * Value in seconds, set this to 0 if you wish to use non permanent cookies (erased when browser is closed). * Default: time() + 31536000 (one year from now) * * @global int $cookie_expires */ $cookie_expires = time() + @@COOKIE_EXPIRES@@; /** * Expired-time used to erase comment meta data cookies. * * Note: user sessions use different settings (config in admin) * * Default: time() - 86400 (24 hours ago) * * @global int $cookie_expired */ $cookie_expired = time() - @@COOKIE_EXPIRED@@; // ** Location of the b2evolution subdirectories ** /* - You should only move these around if you really need to. - You should keep everything as subdirectories of the base folder ($baseurl which is set in _basic_config.php, default is the /blogs/ folder) - Remember you can set the baseurl to your website root (-> _basic_config.php). NOTE: All paths must have a trailing slash! Example of a possible setting: $conf_subdir = 'settings/b2evo/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $conf_subdir = '../../'; // Relative path to go back to base */ /** * Location of the configuration files. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only. * * @global string $conf_subdir */ $conf_subdir = 'conf/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $conf_path = str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__) ).'/'; /** * @global string Path of the base. * fp> made [i]nsensitive to case because of Windows URL oddities) */ $basepath = preg_replace( '#/'.$conf_subdir.'$#i', '', $conf_path ).'/'; // echo '<br/>basepath='.$basepath; /** * Location of the include folder. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP only. * * @global string $inc_subdir */ $inc_subdir = 'inc/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $inc_path = $basepath.$inc_subdir; // You should not need to change this $misc_inc_path = $inc_path.'_misc/'; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the HTml SeRVices folder. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP. * * @global string $htsrv_subdir */ $htsrv_subdir = 'htsrv/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $htsrv_path = $basepath.$htsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this $htsrv_url = $baseurl.$htsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Sensitivee URL to the htsrv folder. * * Set this separately (based on {@link $htsrv_url}), if you want to use * SSL for login, registration and profile updates (where passwords are * involved), but not for the whole htsrv scripts. * * @global string */ $htsrv_url_sensitive = $htsrv_url; /** * Location of the XML SeRVices folder. * @global string $xmlsrv_subdir */ $xmlsrv_subdir = 'xmlsrv/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $xmlsrv_url = $baseurl.$xmlsrv_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the RSC folder. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible through HTTP. * * @global string $rsc_subdir */ $rsc_subdir = 'rsc/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $rsc_path = $basepath.$rsc_subdir; // You should not need to change this $rsc_url = $baseurl.$rsc_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the skins folder. * @global string $skins_subdir */ $skins_subdir = 'skins/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $skins_path = $basepath.$skins_subdir; // You should not need to change this $skins_url = $baseurl.$skins_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the admin interface dispatcher */ $dispatcher = 'admin.php'; // DEPRECATED $admin_url = $baseurl.$dispatcher; /** * Location of the admin skins folder. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by both PHP AND through HTTP. * * @global string $adminskins_subdir */ $adminskins_subdir = 'skins_adm/'; // Subdirectory relative to ADMIN $adminskins_path = $basepath.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this $adminskins_url = $baseurl.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the locales folder. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP. * Exact requirements depend on future uses like localized icons. * * @global string $locales_subdir */ $locales_subdir = 'locales/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $locales_path = $basepath.$locales_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the plugins. * * Note: This folder NEEDS to by accessible by PHP AND MAY NEED to be accessible through HTTP. * Exact requirements depend on installed plugins. * * @global string $plugins_subdir */ $plugins_subdir = 'plugins/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $plugins_path = $basepath.$plugins_subdir; // You should not need to change this $plugins_url = $baseurl.$plugins_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the cron folder. * * Note: Depebding on how you will set up cron execution, this folder may or may not NEED to be accessible by PHP through HTTP. * * @global string $cron_subdir */ $cron_subdir = 'cron/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $cron_url = $baseurl.$cron_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the install folder. * @global string $install_subdir */ $install_subdir = 'install/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $install_path = $basepath.$install_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the rendered page cache folder. * * Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP. * This folder MUST be writable by PHP. * * @global string $cache_subdir */ $cache_subdir = 'cache/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $cache_path = $basepath.$cache_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the root media folder. * * Note: This folder MAY or MAY NOT NEED to be accessible by PHP AND/OR through HTTP. * Exact requirements depend on $public_access_to_media . * * @global string $media_subdir */ $media_subdir = 'media/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $media_path = $basepath.$media_subdir; // You should not need to change this $media_url = $baseurl.$media_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the backup folder. * * Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP. * This folder MUST be writable by PHP. * * @global string $backup_subdir */ $backup_subdir = '_backup/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $backup_path = $basepath.$backup_subdir; // You should not need to change this /** * Location of the upgrade folder. * * Note: This folder does NOT NEED to be accessible through HTTP. * This folder MUST be writable by PHP. * * @global string $upgrade_subdir */ $upgrade_subdir = '_upgrade/'; // Subdirectory relative to base $upgrade_path = $basepath.$upgrade_subdir; // You should not need to change this // Define default avatar image URL // fp> TODO: do not use a setting for this. // fp> put the file into the shared files directory with the other sample "admin" avatars. That way it is very easy to replace with another default. // fp> PS: I like the ? image ;) $default_avatar = $rsc_url.'img/default_avatar.jpg'; /** * Do you want to allow public access to the media dir? * * WARNING: If you set this to false, evocore will use /htsrv/getfile.php as a stub * to access files and getfile.php will check the User permisssion to view files. * HOWEVER this will not prevent users from hitting directly into the media folder * with their web browser. You still need to restrict access to the media folder * from your webserver. * * @global boolean */ $public_access_to_media = @@PUBLIC_ACCESS_TO_MEDIA@@; /** * Do you want to stay in the current blog when you click on a post title or permalink, * even if the post main cat belongs to another blog? * * @global boolean */ $cross_post_nav_in_same_blog = true; /** * File extensions that the admin will not be able to enable in the Settings */ $force_upload_forbiddenext = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' ); /** * Admin can configure max file upload size, but he won't be able to set it higher than this "max max" value. */ $upload_maxmaxkb = @@UPLOAD_MAXMAXKB@@; /** * The admin can configure the regexp for valid file names in the Settings interface * However if the following values are set to non empty, the admin will not be able to customize these values. */ $force_regexp_filename = ''; $force_regexp_dirname = ''; /** * XMLRPC logging. Set this to 1 to log XMLRPC calls received by this server (into /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.log). * * Default: 0 * * @global int $debug_xmlrpc_logging */ $debug_xmlrpc_logging = 0; /** * Seconds after which a scheduled task is considered to be timed out. */ $cron_timeout_delay = 1800; // 30 minutes /** * Enable a workaround to allow accessing posts with URL titles ending with * a dash (workaround for old bug). * * In b2evolution v2.4.5 new tag URLs were introduced: You could choose * to have tag URLs ending with a dash. This lead to problems with post * URL titles accidentially ending with a dash (today, URL titles cannot * end with a dash anymore): Instead of displaying the post, the post * title was handled as a tag name. When this setting is enabled, all tag * names which are exactly 40 chars long and end with a dash are handled * in the following way: * Try to find a post with the given tag name as the URL title. If there * is a matching post, display it; otherwise, display the normal tag page. * * Note: If you use a 39 chars-long tag name, have an URL title which is * the same as the tag *but* additionally has a dash at the end and you * use the dash as a tag URL "marker", you won't be able to access either * the post or the tag page, depending on the value of this setting. * * @global boolean $tags_dash_fix * * @internal Tblue> We perhaps should notify the user if we detect bogus * post URLs (check on upgrade?) and recommend enabling * this setting. */ $tags_dash_fix = 0; /** * Use hacks file (DEPRECATED) -- see /inc/_main.inc.php */ $use_hacks = false; // ----- CHANGE THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! ----- $evonetsrv_host = 'rpc.b2evo.net'; $evonetsrv_port = 80; $evonetsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php'; $antispamsrv_host = 'antispam.b2evo.net'; $antispamsrv_port = 80; $antispamsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php'; ?>