File: _smilies.plugin.php
<?php /** * This file implements the Image Smilies Renderer plugin for b2evolution * * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html} * @copyright (c)2003-2011 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/} * * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE. * @author gorgeb: Bertrand GORGE / EPISTEMA * * @package plugins */ if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * @package plugins */ class smilies_plugin extends Plugin { var $code = 'b2evSmil'; var $name = 'Smilies'; /** * @todo dh> Should get a low priority (e.g. 80) so it does not create icon image * tags which then get processed by another plugin. * Is there any benefit from a high prio like now? So that we do not * match "generated" simlies later? * fp> There is... I can't remember the exact problem thouh. Probably some interaction with the code highlight or the video plugins. */ var $priority = 15; var $version = '4.0.5'; var $apply_rendering = 'opt-in'; var $group = 'rendering'; var $number_of_installs = 3; // QUESTION: dh> why 3? /** * Text similes search array * * @access private */ var $search; /** * IMG replace array * * @access private */ var $replace; /** * Smiley definitions * * @access private */ var $smilies; /** * Init */ function PluginInit( & $params ) { $this->short_desc = T_('Graphical smileys'); $this->long_desc = T_('This renderer will convert text smilies like :) to graphical icons.<br /> Optionally, it will also display a toolbar for quick insertion of smilies into a post.'); } /** * Defaults for user specific settings: "Display toolbar" * * @return array */ function GetDefaultSettings() { global $rsc_subdir; return array( 'use_toolbar_default' => array( 'label' => T_('Use smilies toolbar'), 'defaultvalue' => 0, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'note' => T_('This is the default setting. Users can override it in their profile.'), ), 'render_comments' => array( // fp> Note: this is not a default in this version, it's an 'always' :] 'label' => $this->T_('Render comments'), 'note' => $this->T_('Check to also render smilies in comments.'), 'defaultvalue' => 0, 'type' => 'checkbox', ), // TODO (yabs) : Display these as images and individual inputs 'smiley_list' => array( 'label' => $this->T_('Smiley list'), 'note' => sprintf( $this->T_('This is the list of smileys [one per line], in the format : char_sequence image_file // optional comment<br /> To disable a smiley, just add one or more spaces to the start of its setting<br /> You can add new smiley images by uploading the images to the %s folder.' ), '<span style="font-weight:bold">'.$rsc_subdir.'smilies/</span>' ), 'type' => 'html_textarea', // allows smilies with "<" in them 'rows' => 10, 'cols' => 60, 'defaultvalue' => ' => icon_arrow.gif :!: icon_exclaim.gif :?: icon_question.gif :idea: icon_idea.gif :) icon_smile.gif :D icon_biggrin.gif :p icon_razz.gif B) icon_cool.gif ;) icon_wink.gif :> icon_twisted.gif :roll: icon_rolleyes.gif :oops: icon_redface.gif :| icon_neutral.gif :-/ icon_confused.gif :( icon_sad.gif >:( icon_mad.gif :\'( icon_cry.gif |-| icon_wth.gif :>> icon_mrgreen.gif :yes: grayyes.gif ;D graysmilewinkgrin.gif :P graybigrazz.gif :)) graylaugh.gif 88| graybigeek.gif :. grayshy.gif :no: grayno.gif XX( graydead.gif :lalala: icon_lalala.gif :crazy: icon_crazy.gif >:XX icon_censored.gif :DD icon_lol.gif :o icon_surprised.gif 8| icon_eek.gif >:-[ icon_evil.gif :) graysmile.gif :b grayrazz.gif )-o grayembarrassed.gif U-( grayuhoh.gif :( graysad.gif :**: graysigh.gif // alternative: graysighw.gif :??: grayconfused.gif // alternative: grayconfusedw.gif :`( graycry.gif >:-( graymad.gif :## grayupset.gif // alternative: grayupsetw.gif :zz: graysleep.gif // alternative: graysleepw.gif :wave: icon_wave.gif', ), ); } /** * Allowing the user to override the display of the toolbar. * * @return array */ function GetDefaultUserSettings() { return array( 'use_toolbar' => array( 'label' => T_('Use smilies toolbar'), 'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('use_toolbar_default'), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ); } /** * Display a toolbar in admin * * @param array Associative array of parameters * @return boolean did we display a toolbar? */ function AdminDisplayToolbar( & $params ) { if( $this->UserSettings->get('use_toolbar') ) { return $this->display_smiley_bar(); } return false; } /** * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars. * * @param array Associative array of parameters * @return boolean did we display a toolbar? */ function DisplayCommentToolbar( & $params ) { if( $this->Settings->get( 'render_comments' ) && ( ( is_logged_in() && $this->UserSettings->get( 'use_toolbar' ) ) || ( !is_logged_in() && $this->Settings->get( 'use_toolbar_default' ) ) ) ) { return $this->display_smiley_bar(); } return false; } /** * Display the smiley toolbar * * @return boolean did we display a toolbar? */ function display_smiley_bar() { $this->InitSmilies(); // check smilies cached $grins = ''; $smiled = array(); foreach( $this->smilies as $smiley ) { if( ! in_array($smiley['image'], $smiled) ) { // include any smiley only once $smiled[] = $smiley['image']; $grins .= $this->get_smiley_img_tag( $smiley, array( 'class' => 'top', 'onclick' => 'textarea_wrap_selection( b2evoCanvas, \''. str_replace("'", "\'", $smiley['code']). '\', \'\', 1 );' ) ) .' '; } } echo '<div class="edit_toolbar" id="smiley_toolbar">'.$grins.'</div>' ; return true; } /** * Perform rendering * * @see Plugin::FilterCommentContent() */ function FilterCommentContent( & $params ) { if( $this->Settings->get( 'render_comments' ) ) { $this->RenderItemAsHtml( $params ); } } /** * Perform rendering * * @see Plugin::RenderItemAsHtml() */ function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params ) { $this->InitSmilies(); // check smilies are already cached if( ! isset( $this->search ) ) { // We haven't prepared the smilies yet $this->search = array(); $tmpsmilies = $this->smilies; usort($tmpsmilies, array(&$this, 'smiliescmp')); foreach( $tmpsmilies as $smiley ) { $this->search[] = $smiley['code']; $smiley_masked = ''; for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($smiley['code'] ); $i++ ) { $smiley_masked .= '&#'.ord(substr($smiley['code'], $i, 1)).';'; } $smiley['code'] = $smiley_masked; $this->replace[] = $this->get_smiley_img_tag($smiley); } } // REPLACE: But only in non-HTML blocks, totally excluding <CODE>..</CODE> and <PRE>..</PRE> $content = & $params['data']; // Lazy-check first, using stristr() (stripos() is only available since PHP5): if( stristr( $content, '<code' ) !== false || stristr( $content, '<pre' ) !== false ) { // Call ReplaceTagSafe() on everything outside <pre></pre> and <code></code>: $content = callback_on_non_matching_blocks( $content, '~<(code|pre)[^>]*>.*?</\1>~is', array( & $this, 'ReplaceTagSafe' ) ); } else { // No CODE or PRE blocks, replace on the whole thing $content = $this->ReplaceTagSafe($content); } return true; } /** * @param array Smiley * @param array Override params, e.g. "class" */ function get_smiley_img_tag($smiley, $override_fields = array()) { $attribs = array( 'src' => $smiley['image'], 'title' => htmlspecialchars($smiley['code']), 'alt' => htmlspecialchars($smiley['code']), 'class' => 'middle', ); if( $smiley_wh = imgsize($smiley['path'], 'widthheight_assoc') ) $attribs += $smiley_wh; if( $override_fields ) $attribs = $override_fields + $attribs; return '<img'.get_field_attribs_as_string($attribs).' />'; } /** * This callback gets called once after every tags+text chunk * @return string Text with replaced smilies */ function preg_insert_smilies_callback( $text ) { return str_replace( $this->search, $this->replace, $text ); } /** * Replace smilies in non-HTML-tag portions of the text. * @uses callback_on_non_matching_blocks() */ function ReplaceTagSafe($text) { return callback_on_non_matching_blocks( $text, '~<[^>]*>~', array(&$this, 'preg_insert_smilies_callback') ); } /** * sorts the smilies' array by length * this is important if you want :)) to superseede :) for example */ function smiliescmp($a, $b) { if( ($diff = strlen( $b[ 'code' ] ) - strlen( $a[ 'code' ] ) ) == 0) { return strcmp( $a[ 'code' ], $b[ 'code' ] ); } return $diff; } /** * Initiates the smiley array if not already initiated * * Attempts to use skin specific smileys where available * - skins_adm/skin/rsc/smilies/ * - skins/skin/smilies/ * * Attempts to fallback to default smilies * - rsc/smilies/ * * If no image file found the smiley is not added * * @return array of available smilies( code, image url ) */ function InitSmilies() { if( isset( $this->smilies ) ) { // smilies are already cached return; } global $admin_skin, $adminskins_path, $adminskins_url, $rsc_path, $rsc_url, $skin, $skins_path, $skins_url; // set the skin path/url and the default (rsc) path/url $currentskin_path = ( is_admin_page() ? $adminskins_path.$admin_skin.'/rsc' : $skins_path.$skin ).'/smilies/'; $currentskin_url = ( is_admin_page() ? $adminskins_url.$admin_skin.'/rsc' : $skins_url.$skin ).'/smilies/'; $default_path = $rsc_path.'smilies/'; $default_url = $rsc_url.'smilies/'; $skin_has_smilies = is_dir( $currentskin_path ); // check if skin has a /smilies/ folder $this->smilies = array(); $temp_list = explode( "\n", str_replace( array( "\r", "\t" ), '', $this->Settings->get( 'smiley_list' ) ) ); foreach( $temp_list as $temp_smiley ) { $a_smiley = explode( '<->', preg_replace_callback( '#^(\S.+?\s)(.+?)(\/\/.*?)*$#', array( $this, 'get_smiley' ),$temp_smiley ) ); if( isset( $a_smiley[0] ) and isset( $a_smiley[1] ) ) { // lets see if the file exists $temp_img = trim( $a_smiley[1] ); if( $skin_has_smilies && is_file( $currentskin_path.$temp_img ) ) { $temp_url = $currentskin_url.$temp_img; // skin has it's own smiley, use it $temp_path = $currentskin_path.$temp_img; } elseif ( is_file( $default_path.$temp_img ) ) { $temp_url = $default_url.$temp_img; // no skin image, but default smiley found so use it $temp_path = $default_path.$temp_img; } else { $temp_url = ''; // no smiley image found, so don't add the smiley } if( $temp_url ) $this->smilies[] = array( 'code' => trim( $a_smiley[0] ), 'image' => $temp_url, 'path' => $temp_path ); } } } // returns the relevant smiley parts (char_code, image_file) function get_smiley( $smiley_parts ) { return ( ( isset( $smiley_parts[1] ) && isset( $smiley_parts[2] ) ) ? $smiley_parts[1].'<->'.$smiley_parts[2] : '' ); } } /* * $Log: _smilies.plugin.php,v $ */ ?>