File: avatar_update.php
<?php /** * This file updates the current user's avatar! * * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}. * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2011 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}. * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * * @license http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html GNU General Public License (GPL) * * @package htsrv * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author efy-asimo: Attila Simo. * * @version $Id: avatar_update.php 9 2011-10-24 22:32:00Z fplanque $ */ /** * Initialize everything: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php'; // load classes load_class( 'files/model/_fileroot.class.php', 'FileRoot' ); global $Session; // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request: $Session->assert_received_crumb( 'avatarform' ); // Getting GET or POST parameters: param( 'checkuser_id', 'integer', '' ); /** * Basic security checks: */ if( ! is_logged_in() ) { // must be logged in! bad_request_die( T_('You are not logged in.') ); } if( $checkuser_id != $current_User->ID ) { // Can only edit your own profile bad_request_die( 'You are not logged in under the same account you are trying to modify.' ); } param( 'update_avatar', 'string', '' ); param( 'remove_avatar', 'string', '' ); if( !empty( $update_avatar ) ) { // update to an existing avatar image $current_User->set( 'avatar_file_ID', $update_avatar, true ); $current_User->dbupdate(); $Messages->add( T_( 'Your profile picture has been changed.' ), 'success' ); } elseif ( !empty( $remove_avatar ) ) { // remove user avatar $current_User->set( 'avatar_file_ID', NULL, true ); $current_User->dbupdate(); $Messages->add( 'Avatar has been removed', 'success' ); } else { // upload new avatar image $root = FileRoot::gen_ID( 'user', $current_User->ID ); $result = process_upload( $root, 'profile_pictures', true, false, true, false ); if( $result == NULL ) { // unsuccessful upload $Messages->add( T_( 'You don\'t have permission to upload!' ) ); } else { $uploadedFiles = $result['uploadedFiles']; if( !empty( $uploadedFiles ) ) { // successful upload $File = $uploadedFiles[0]; if( $File->is_image() ) { // set uploaded image as avatar $current_User->set( 'avatar_file_ID', $File->ID, true ); $current_User->dbupdate(); $Messages->add( T_('Your profile picture has been set.'), 'success' ); } else { // uploaded file is not an image, delete the file $Messages->add( T_( 'The file you uploaded does not seem to be an image.' ) ); $File->unlink(); } } else { $failedFiles = $result['failedFiles']; if( !empty( $failedFiles ) ) { // show error message $Messages->add( $failedFiles[0] ); } } } } // redirect Will save $Messages into Session: header_redirect(); /** * $Log: avatar_update.php,v $ */ ?>