File: getfile.php
<?php /** * This file implements the File view (including resizing of images) * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2011 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/} * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link http://progidistri.com/}. * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S. grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S.'s contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * }} * * @package htsrv * * @todo dh> Add support for ETag / If-Modified-Since. Maybe send "Expires", too? (to "force" caching) * fp> for more efficient caching (like creating a thumbnail on view 1 then displaying the thumbnail again on view 2), this should probably redirect to the static file right after creating it (when $public_access_to_media=true OF COURSE) * dh> this would add another redirect/HTTP request and no cache handling, assuming * that the server is not configured for smart caching. * Additionally, it does not help for non-public access, which is the meat of this file. * I've added "Expires: in ten years" now, but not for thumbs (see comment there). * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE. * @author mbruneau: Marc BRUNEAU / PROGIDISTRI */ /** * Load config, init and get the {@link $mode mode param}. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'/_main.inc.php'; if( ! isset($GLOBALS['files_Module']) ) { debug_die( 'Files module is disabled or missing!' ); } // We need this param early to check blog perms, if possible param( 'root', 'string', true ); // the root directory from the dropdown box (user_X or blog_X; X is ID - 'user' for current user (default)) // Check permission: if( ! $public_access_to_media ) { if( ! isset($current_User) ) { debug_die( 'No permission to get file (not logged in)!', array('status'=>'403 Forbidden') ); } // fp> I don't think we need the following if public_access_to_media if( preg_match( '/^collection_(\d+)$/', $root, $perm_blog ) ) { // OK, we got a blog ID: $perm_blog = $perm_blog[1]; } else { // No blog ID, we will check the global group perm $perm_blog = NULL; } //pre_dump( $perm_blog ); // Check permission (#2): $current_User->check_perm( 'files', 'view', true, $perm_blog ); } // Load the other params: param( 'path', 'string', true ); param( 'size', 'string', NULL ); // Can be used for images. param( 'mtime', 'integer', 0 ); // used for unique URLs (that never expire). // TODO: dh> this failed with filenames containing multiple dots! if ( false !== strpos( urldecode( $path ), '..' ) ) // TODO: dh> fix this better. by adding is_relative_path()? // fp> the following doesn't look secure. I can't take the risk. What if the path ends with or is just '..' ? I don't want to allow this to go through. // if( preg_match( '~\.\.[/\\\]~', urldecode( $path ) ) ) { debug_die( 'Relative pathnames not allowed!' ); } // Load fileroot info: $FileRootCache = & get_FileRootCache(); $FileRoot = & $FileRootCache->get_by_ID( $root ); // Load file object (not the file content): $File = new File( $FileRoot->type, $FileRoot->in_type_ID, $path ); if( !empty($size) && $File->is_image() ) { // We want a thumbnail: // fp> TODO: for more efficient caching, this should probably redirect to the static file right after creating it (when $public_access_to_media=true OF COURSE) global $thumbnail_sizes; load_funcs( '/files/model/_image.funcs.php' ); $size_name = $size; if( ! isset($thumbnail_sizes[$size] ) ) { // this file size alias is not defined, use default: // TODO: dh> this causes links for e.g. "fit-50x50" to work also, but with the drawback of images not getting served from the // .evocache directory directly. I think invalid $size params should bark out here. // fp> ok. $size_name = 'fit-80x80'; } // Set all params for requested size: list( $thumb_type, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $thumb_quality ) = $thumbnail_sizes[$size_name]; $Filetype = & $File->get_Filetype(); // pre_dump( $Filetype ); // TODO: dh> Filetype may be NULL here! see also r1.18 (IIRC) $mimetype = $Filetype->mimetype; // pre_dump( $mimetype ); // Try to output the cached thumbnail: $err = $File->output_cached_thumb( $size_name, $mimetype, $mtime ); //pre_dump( $err ); if( $err == '!Thumbnail not found in'.$Settings->get( 'evocache_foldername' ) ) { // The thumbnail wasn't already in the cache, try to generate and cache it now: $err = NULL; // Short error code list( $src_width, $src_height ) = imgsize( $File->get_full_path() ); if( ! $resample_all_images && $src_width <= $thumb_width && $src_height <= $thumb_height ) { // There is no need to resample, use original! $err = $File->get_af_thumb_path( $size_name, $mimetype, true ); if( $err[0] != '!' && @copy( $File->get_full_path(), $err ) ) { // File was saved. Ouput that same file immediately: // note: @copy returns FALSE on failure, if not muted it'll print the error on screen $err = $File->output_cached_thumb( $size_name, $mimetype, $mtime ); } } else { // Resample list( $err, $src_imh ) = load_image( $File->get_full_path(), $mimetype ); if( empty( $err ) ) { list( $err, $dest_imh ) = generate_thumb( $src_imh, $thumb_type, $thumb_width, $thumb_height ); if( empty( $err ) ) { $err = $File->save_thumb_to_cache( $dest_imh, $size_name, $mimetype, $thumb_quality ); if( empty( $err ) ) { // File was saved. Ouput that same file immediately: // This is probably better than recompressing the memory image.. $err = $File->output_cached_thumb( $size_name, $mimetype, $mtime ); } else { // File could not be saved. // fp> We might want to output dynamically... // $err = output_image( $dest_imh, $mimetype ); } } } } } // ERROR IMAGE if( !empty( $err ) ) { // Generate an error image and try to squeeze an error message inside: // Note: we write small and close to the upper left in order to have as much text as possible on small thumbs $line_height = 11; $err = substr( $err, 1 ); // crop 1st car $car_width = ceil( ($thumb_width-4)/6 ); // $err = 'w='.$car_width.' '.$err; // Wrap error message and split it into lines: $err_lines = preg_split( '~\n~', wordwrap( $err, $car_width, "\n", true ) ); $im_handle = imagecreatetruecolor( $thumb_width, $thumb_height ); // Create a black image if( count($err_lines)*$line_height > $thumb_height ) { // Message does not fit into picture: // Rewrite error messages, so they fit better into the generated images. $rewritten = true; if( preg_match('~Unable to open \'.*?\' for writing: Permission denied~', $err) ) $err = 'Cannot write: permission denied'; else $rewritten = false; // Recreate error lines, if it has been rewritten/shortened. if( $rewritten ) { $err_lines = preg_split( '~\n~', wordwrap( $err, $car_width, "\n", true ) ); } } $text_color = imagecolorallocate( $im_handle, 255, 0, 0 ); $y = 0; foreach( $err_lines as $err_string ) { imagestring( $im_handle, 2, 2, $y, $err_string, $text_color); $y += $line_height; } header('Content-type: image/png' ); header_nocache(); // Do NOT cache errors! People won't see they have fixed them!! imagepng( $im_handle ); } } else { // We want the regular file: // Headers to display the file directly in the browser if( ! is_readable($File->get_full_path()) ) { debug_die( sprintf('File "%s" is not readable!', rel_path_to_base($File->get_full_path())) ); } $Filetype = & $File->get_Filetype(); if( ! empty($Filetype) ) { header('Content-type: '.$Filetype->mimetype ); if( $Filetype->viewtype == 'download' ) { header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' .addcslashes($File->get_name(), '\\"').'"' ); // escape quotes and slashes, according to RFC } } $file_path = $File->get_full_path(); header('Content-Length: '.filesize( $file_path ) ); // The URL refers to this specific file, therefore we can tell the browser that // it does not expire anytime soon. // fp> I don't think mtime changes anything to the cacheability of the data // if( $mtime && $mtime == $File->get_lastmod_ts() ) // TODO: dh> use salt here?! fp>what for? header_noexpire(); // static file // Display the content of the file readfile( $file_path ); } /* * $Log: getfile.php,v $ */ ?>