File: _init_base.inc.php
<?php /** * This file initializes everything BUT the blog! * * It is useful when you want to do very customized templates! * It is also called by more complete initializers. * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2011 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/} * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link http://progidistri.com/}. * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * * Matt FOLLETT grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Matt FOLLETT's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * }} * * @package evocore * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER * @author mfollett: Matt FOLLETT * @author mbruneau: Marc BRUNEAU / PROGIDISTRI * * @version $Id: _init_base.inc.php 9 2011-10-24 22:32:00Z fplanque $ */ if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * @global boolean Are we running on Command Line Interface instead of a web request? */ $is_cli = empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? true : false; $is_web = ! $is_cli; // echo ($is_cli ? 'cli' : 'web' ); if( $maintenance_mode ) { // Maintenance mode with a conf switch header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable'); echo '<h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>'; die( 'The site is temporarily down for maintenance.' ); } elseif( file_exists( $conf_path.'imaintenance.html') ) { // Maintenance mode with a file - "imaintenance.html" with an "i" prevents access to the site but NOT to install header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable'); readfile( $conf_path.'imaintenance.html'); die(); } /** * Absolute Unix timestamp for server * @global int $servertimenow */ $servertimenow = time(); /** * Security check for older PHP versions * Contributed by counterpoint / MAMBO team */ { $protects = array( '_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_FILES', '_SERVER', '_ENV', 'GLOBALS', '_SESSION' ); foreach( $protects as $protect ) { if( in_array( $protect, array_keys($_REQUEST) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_GET) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_POST) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_COOKIE) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_FILES) ) ) { require_once $inc_path.'/_core/_misc.funcs.php'; bad_request_die( 'Unacceptable params.' ); } } } if( !$config_is_done ) { // base config is not done! $error_message = 'Base configuration is not done! (see /conf/_basic_config.php)'; } elseif( !isset( $locales[$default_locale] ) ) { $error_message = 'The default locale '.var_export( $default_locale, true ).' does not exist! (see /conf/_locales.php)'; } if( isset( $error_message ) ) { // error & exit require dirname(__FILE__).'/../skins_adm/conf_error.main.php'; } /** * Class loader. */ require_once $inc_path.'_core/_class'.floor(PHP_VERSION).'.funcs.php'; /** * Miscellaneous functions */ require_once $inc_path.'/_core/_misc.funcs.php'; /** * Debug message log for debugging only (initialized here). * * @global Log|Log_noop $Debuglog */ if( $debug ) { load_class( '_core/model/_log.class.php', 'Log' ); $Debuglog = new Log(); } else { load_class( '_core/model/_log.class.php', 'Log_noop' ); $Debuglog = new Log_noop(); } /** * Info & error message log for end user (initialized here) * @global Log $Messages */ load_class( '_core/model/_messages.class.php', 'Messages' ); $Messages = new Messages(); /* * Start timer: */ if( $debug ) { load_class( '_core/model/_timer.class.php', 'Timer' ); $Timer = new Timer('total'); $Timer->resume( '_init_base' ); } else { load_class( '_core/model/_timer.class.php', 'Timer_noop' ); $Timer = new Timer_noop(); } // the weekdays and the months.. $weekday[0] = NT_('Sunday'); $weekday[1] = NT_('Monday'); $weekday[2] = NT_('Tuesday'); $weekday[3] = NT_('Wednesday'); $weekday[4] = NT_('Thursday'); $weekday[5] = NT_('Friday'); $weekday[6] = NT_('Saturday'); // the weekdays short form (typically 3 letters) // TRANS: abbrev. for Sunday $weekday_abbrev[0] = NT_('Sun'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Monday $weekday_abbrev[1] = NT_('Mon'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Tuesday $weekday_abbrev[2] = NT_('Tue'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Wednesday $weekday_abbrev[3] = NT_('Wed'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Thursday $weekday_abbrev[4] = NT_('Thu'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Friday $weekday_abbrev[5] = NT_('Fri'); // TRANS: abbrev. for Saturday $weekday_abbrev[6] = NT_('Sat'); // the weekdays even shorter form (typically 1 letter) // TRANS: abbrev. for Sunday $weekday_letter[0] = NT_(' S '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Monday $weekday_letter[1] = NT_(' M '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Tuesday $weekday_letter[2] = NT_(' T '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Wednesday $weekday_letter[3] = NT_(' W '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Thursday $weekday_letter[4] = NT_(' T '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Friday $weekday_letter[5] = NT_(' F '); // TRANS: abbrev. for Saturday $weekday_letter[6] = NT_(' S '); // the months $month['00'] = '\?\?'; // This can happen when importing junk dates from WordPress $month['01'] = NT_('January'); $month['02'] = NT_('February'); $month['03'] = NT_('March'); $month['04'] = NT_('April'); // TRANS: space at the end only to differentiate from short form. You don't need to keep it in the translation. $month['05'] = NT_('May '); $month['06'] = NT_('June'); $month['07'] = NT_('July'); $month['08'] = NT_('August'); $month['09'] = NT_('September'); $month['10'] = NT_('October'); $month['11'] = NT_('November'); $month['12'] = NT_('December'); // the months short form (typically 3 letters) // TRANS: abbrev. for January $month_abbrev['01'] = NT_('Jan'); // TRANS: abbrev. for February $month_abbrev['02'] = NT_('Feb'); // TRANS: abbrev. for March $month_abbrev['03'] = NT_('Mar'); // TRANS: abbrev. for April $month_abbrev['04'] = NT_('Apr'); // TRANS: abbrev. for May $month_abbrev['05'] = NT_('May'); // TRANS: abbrev. for June $month_abbrev['06'] = NT_('Jun'); // TRANS: abbrev. for July $month_abbrev['07'] = NT_('Jul'); // TRANS: abbrev. for August $month_abbrev['08'] = NT_('Aug'); // TRANS: abbrev. for September $month_abbrev['09'] = NT_('Sep'); // TRANS: abbrev. for October $month_abbrev['10'] = NT_('Oct'); // TRANS: abbrev. for November $month_abbrev['11'] = NT_('Nov'); // TRANS: abbrev. for December $month_abbrev['12'] = NT_('Dec'); // the post statuses: $post_statuses = array ( 'published' => NT_('Published'), 'deprecated' => NT_('Deprecated'), 'redirected' => NT_('Redirected'), 'protected' => NT_('Protected'), 'private' => NT_('Private'), 'draft' => NT_('Draft'), 'trash' => NT_('Recycled'), ); /** * IDs of items for which we should increment the view count on shutdown * * @var array * @todo fp> find a better place to init this */ $shutdown_count_item_views = array(); /** * Load modules. * * This initializes table name aliases and is required before trying to connect to the DB. */ load_class( '_core/model/_module.class.php', 'Module' ); foreach( $modules as $module ) { require_once $inc_path.$module.'/_'.$module.'.init.php'; } $Timer->pause( '_init_base' ); /* * $Log: _init_base.inc.php,v $ */ ?>