File: bridgemgr.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Dev Team v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.4.16 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.4.x/bridgemgr.php $ $Revision: 4233 $ $Author: gaugau $ $Date: 2008-02-02 09:23:58 +0100 (Sa, 02 Feb 2008) $ **********************************************/ define('IN_COPPERMINE', true); define('BRIDGEMGR_PHP', true); require('include/init.inc.php'); ///////////// function defintions start ///////////////////////////// function write_to_db($step) { global $BRIDGE,$CONFIG,$default_bridge_data,$lang_bridgemgr_php, $previous_step, $next_step; $error = 0; // do the check for plausibility of posted data foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { // loop through the posted data -- start // filter the post data that doesn't get written if (array_key_exists($key, $BRIDGE)) { // post data exists as db key -- start // do the lookups $options = explode(',', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used']); foreach($options as $key2) { $options[$key2] = trim($options[$key2], ','); // get rid of the delimiters } if ($options[0] != '') { // only continue with this loop if there really is an option to check --- start if ($options[0] == 'lookfor') { // check for the existance of a local file/folder --- start if (file_exists($value.$options[1]) == false) { $return[$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_folder_not_exist'], '<tt>'.$value.$options[1].'</tt>','<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'); } } // check for the existance of a file/folder --- end if ($options[0] == 'cookie') { // check for the existance of a cookie --- start foreach ($_COOKIE as $key2 => $value2) { // loop through the cookie global var --- start //print '<br>cookie:'.$key2.', content:'.$value2."<br />\n"; if (@strstr($key2,$value) == false && $options[1] == 'not_empty') { $return[$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_cookie_not_readible'], '"<tt>'.$value.'</tt>*"','<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'); } } // loop through the cookie global var --- end if (isset($temp_err)) $return[$key] = $temp_err; } // check for the existance of a cookie --- end if ($options[1] == 'not_empty') { // check for empty mandatory fields --- start if ($value == '') { $return[$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_mandatory_field_empty'], '<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'); } } // check for empty mandatory fields --- end if ($options[0] == 'no_trailing_slash' || $options[1] == 'no_trailing_slash' || $options[2] == 'no_trailing_slash') { // check for unneeded trailing slashes --- start if ($value != rtrim($value, '/')) { $return[$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_no_trailing_slash'], '<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'); } } // check for unneeded traling slashes --- end if ($options[0] == 'trailing_slash' || $options[1] == 'trailing_slash' || $options[2] == 'trailing_slash') { // check for needed trailing slashes --- start if ($value == rtrim($value, '/')) { $return[$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_trailing_slash'], '<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'); } } // check for needed traling slashes --- end //print "<hr />\n"; //print $options[0].':'.$options[1].','.$options[2]; //print "<hr />\n"; } // only continue with this loop if there really is an option to check --- end } // post data exists as db key -- end } // loop through the posted data -- end // loop through the expected data //void // do some checking according to the step we're currently in switch ($step) { case "choose_bbs": if ($_POST['short_name'] == '') { $return['short_name'] = $lang_bridgemgr_php['error_specify_bbs']; $error++; } if ($_POST['short_name'] == 'custom_selector') { $_POST['short_name'] = $_POST['custom_filename']; if ($_POST['short_name'] == '') { $return['short_name'] = $lang_bridgemgr_php['error_no_blank_name']; } if (ereg('[^A-Za-z0-9_-]',$_POST['short_name'])) { $return['short_name'] = $lang_bridgemgr_php['error_no_special_chars']; } } // check if the bridge file actually exists if (file_exists('bridge/'.$_POST['short_name'].'.inc.php') == false) { $return['bridge_file_not_exist'] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_bridge_file_not_exist'],'<i>bridge/'.$_POST['short_name'].'.inc.php</i>'); } break; case "settings_path": //if ($_POST['short_name'] == '') { // $return['short_name'] = $lang_bridgemgr_php['error_specify_bbs']; //} break; case "db_group": //if ($_POST['use_standard_groups'] == '') { // $_POST['use_standard_groups'] = 0 ; //} break; case "db_connect": if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['db_hostname_used'] != '') { // check the db connection --- start @mysql_close(); //temporarily disconnect from the coppermine database ob_start(); $link = mysql_connect($_POST['db_hostname'], $_POST['db_username'], $_POST['db_password']); $mysql_error_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!$link) { $return[$step] = $lang_bridgemgr_php['error_db_connect'].'<tt>'.$mysql_error_output.'</tt>'; } elseif ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['db_database_name_used'] != '') { // check the database ob_start(); $db_selected = mysql_select_db($_POST['db_database_name'], $link); print mysql_error(); $mysql_error_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!$db_selected) { $return['db_database_name'] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_db_name'], '<i>'.$_POST['db_database_name'].'</i>', '<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['db_database_name'].'</i>'). ' <tt>'.$mysql_error_output.'</tt>'; } } @mysql_close($link); cpg_db_connect(); // connect back to coppermine db } // check the db connection --- end break; case "db_tables": if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['table_prefix_used'] != '') { $prefix_and_table = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_prefix_and_table'], '<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['table_prefix'].'</i>'); } @mysql_close(); //temporarily disconnect from the coppermine database $link = @mysql_connect($BRIDGE['db_hostname'], $BRIDGE['db_username'], $BRIDGE['db_password']); $db_selected = @mysql_select_db($BRIDGE['db_database_name'], $link); $loop_table_names = array ('user_table', 'session_table', 'group_table', 'group_table', 'group_relation_table', 'group_mapping_table'); foreach ($loop_table_names as $key) { // loop through the possible tables --- start if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] != '') { // check if table exists --- start $temp_tablename = $_POST['table_prefix'].$_POST[$key]; $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$temp_tablename); if (!$result) { $return['db_'.$key] = sprintf($lang_bridgemgr_php['error_db_table'], '<i>'.$temp_tablename.'</i>', $prefix_and_table.'<i>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].'</i>'). ' <tt>'.$mysql_error_output.'</tt>'; } @mysql_free_result($result); } // check if table exists --- end } // loop through the possible tables --- end @mysql_close($link); cpg_db_connect(); // connect back to coppermine db break; } // end switch // write the post data to the database //print_r($_POST); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { // filter the post data that doesn't get written if (array_key_exists($key, $BRIDGE)) { if ($CONFIG['debug_mode'] != 0) { // print what actually get's written when in debug_mode print '<span class="explanation">Writing to database: '; print $key . '|' . $value; print '<br /></span>'; } if ($return[$key] != '') { //print '|Error in this key'; } else { cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} SET value = '$value' WHERE name = '$key'"); } //print '<br />'; } } $value = $_POST['bridge_enable']; if ($value != '0' && $value != '1') { $value = $CONFIG['bridge_enable']; } cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_CONFIG']} SET value = '$value' WHERE name = 'bridge_enable'"); if ($_POST['clear_unused_db_fields'] == 1) { // clear all database entries that aren't actually used with the current bridge file // not implemented yet (not sure if necessary after all) } // ouput error messages, if any if (is_array($return)) { starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['error_title']); print '<tr><td class="tableb" align="left"><ul>'; foreach($return as $key) { print '<li>'.$key.'</li>'; } print '</ul></td></tr>'; print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tablef" align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <a href="javascript:history.back()" class="admin_menu" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['back'].'" />«'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['back'].'</a>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; endtable(); $error = 1; } print '<br />'; if ($error != '') {return 'error';} } function cpg_check_allowed_emergency_logon($timestamp,$failures = '') { //define the wait time (in seconds) $wait_time = array('0','5','10','20','30','60','120', '300', '1500', '6000'); // make a real timestamp out of the date $timestamp = strtotime($timestamp); // if failed more than x times, the wait time will keep the same if ($failures > count($wait_time)) {$failures = count($wait_time);} //print 'Last logon:'.$timestamp.'|'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp); //print '<br>'; $current_timestamp = time(); //print 'Current time:'.$current_timestamp.'|'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$current_timestamp); //print '<br>'; $allowed_timestamp = $timestamp+($wait_time[$failures]); //print 'Allowed logon:'.$allowed_timestamp.'|'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $allowed_timestamp).'|'.$wait_time[$failures]; //print '<hr>'; $difference = $allowed_timestamp - $current_timestamp; //print 'Difference in seconds:'.$difference; return $difference; } function cpg_bridge_prefill( $bridge = '', $key = '') { global $BRIDGE,$default_bridge_data; if ($BRIDGE[$key]) { return $BRIDGE[$key]; } else { return $default_bridge_data[$bridge][$key.'_default']; } } function cpg_submit_button($step, $back = 'true', $columns = '3', $next = 'true') { global $lang_bridgemgr_php,$new_line; $checked = ''; if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != '' || $back != 'true') { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $return = ' <tr>'.$new_line; $return .= ' <td colspan="'.$columns.'" class="tablef" align="center">'.$new_line; $return .= ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr>'.$new_line; $return .= ' <td align="left">'.$new_line; $return .= ' <input type="Checkbox" name="hide_unused_fields" id="hide_unused_fields" value="1" class="checkbox" '.$checked.' onclick="toggleUnusedFields(this);" />'.$new_line; $return .= ' <label for="hide_unused_fields" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; $return .= ' <span class="explanation">'.$new_line; $return .= ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['hide_unused_fields'].$new_line; $return .= ' </span>'.$new_line; $return .= ' </label>'.$new_line; $return .= ' <script type="text/javascript">'; $return .= ' <!--'.$new_line; $return .= ' //function toggleUnusedFields(el_name) {'.$new_line; $return .= ' //var elems = el_name.getElementsById("hide_row");'.$new_line; $return .= ' '.$new_line; $return .= ' '.$new_line; $return .= ' }'.$new_line; $return .= ' -->'.$new_line; $return .= ' </script>'.$new_line; $return .= ' </td>'.$new_line; $return .= ' <td align="center">'.$new_line; if ($back == 'true') { $return .= ' <input type="button" name="back" value="«'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['back'].'" class="button" onclick="javascript:history.back()" />'.$new_line; } if ($next != 'false') { $return .= ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['next'].'»" class="button" />'.$new_line; } $return .= ' <input type="hidden" name="step" value="'.$step.'" />'.$new_line; $return .= ' </td>'; $return .= ' </tr></table>'; $return .= ' </td>'.$new_line; $return .= ' </tr>'.$new_line; return $return; } function remote_file_exists ($url) { // currently not used - will have to be looked into: we need a reliable way to check if an url exists, even if we can not use fopen, because it is disabled in php.ini /* Return error codes: 1 = Invalid URL host 2 = Unable to connect to remote host */ $head = ""; $url_p = parse_url ($url); if (isset ($url_p["host"])) { $host = $url_p["host"]; } else { return 1; } if (isset ($url_p["path"])) { $path = $url_p["path"]; } else { $path = ""; } $fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 20); if (!$fp) { return 2; } else { $parse = parse_url($url); $host = $parse['host']; fputs($fp, "HEAD ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "HOST: ".$host."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); $headers = ""; while (!feof ($fp)) { $headers .= fgets ($fp, 128); } } fclose ($fp); $arr_headers = explode("\n", $headers); $return = false; if (isset ($arr_headers[0])) { $return = strpos ($arr_headers[0], "404") === false; } return $return; } function cpg_refresh_config_db_values() { global $CONFIG; // Retrieve DB stored configuration $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CONFIG']}"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { $CONFIG[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } // while mysql_free_result($results); return $CONFIG; } function cpg_is_writable($folder) { $return = 0; $file_content = "this is just a test file that hasn't been deleted properly.\nIt's safe to delete it now"; @unlink($folder.'/cpgvc_tf.txt'); if ($fd = @fopen($folder.'/cpgvc_tf.txt', 'w')) { @fwrite($fd, $file_content); @fclose($fd); @unlink($folder.'/cpgvc_tf.txt'); $return = 1; } else { $return = -1; } return $return; } ///////////// function defintions end ///////////////////////////// if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { // gallery admin mode --- start // define the var array // status: bridge ok, manager was ok a while ago .. $default_bridge_data['invisionboard20'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Invision Power Board 2.x', 'short_name' => 'invisionboard20', 'support_url' => 'http://forums.invisionpower.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,conf_global.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge ok, manager ok $default_bridge_data['mambo'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Mambo server', 'short_name' => 'mambo', 'support_url' => 'http://www.mamboserver.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,configuration.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge ok, manager ok $default_bridge_data['phpbb'] = array( 'full_name' => 'phpBB versions prior to 2.0.18', 'short_name' => 'phpbb20', 'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', 'cookie_prefix_default' => 'phpbb2mysql', 'cookie_prefix_used' => 'cookie', ); $default_bridge_data['phpbb2018'] = array( 'full_name' => 'phpBB version 2.0.18 or better', 'short_name' => 'phpbb2018', 'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', 'cookie_prefix_default' => 'phpbb2mysql', 'cookie_prefix_used' => 'cookie', ); // status: bridge ok, manager unknown $default_bridge_data['phpbb22'] = array( 'full_name' => 'phpBB 2.2', 'short_name' => 'phpbb22', 'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge unknown, manager unknown $default_bridge_data['punbb115'] = array( 'full_name' => 'PunBB v1.1.5', 'short_name' => 'punbb115', 'support_url' => 'http://www.punbb.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', ); // status: bridge ok, manager ok $default_bridge_data['punbb12'] = array( 'full_name' => 'PunBB v1.2', 'short_name' => 'punbb12', 'support_url' => 'http://www.punbb.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge ok, manager ok $default_bridge_data['smf10'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Simple Machines (SMF) 1.x', 'short_name' => 'smf10', 'support_url' => 'http://www.simplemachines.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,Settings.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge ok, manager ok $default_bridge_data['smf20'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Simple Machines (SMF) 2.x', 'short_name' => 'smf20', 'support_url' => 'http://www.simplemachines.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,Settings.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); // status: bridge unknown, manager unknown $default_bridge_data['vbulletin30'] = array( 'full_name' => 'vBulletin 3.0', 'short_name' => 'vbulletin30', 'support_url' => 'http://www.vbulletin.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,includes/config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); $default_bridge_data['mybb'] = array( 'full_name' => 'MyBB 1.02', 'short_name' => 'mybb', 'support_url' => 'http://www.mybboard.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/inc', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); $default_bridge_data['xmb'] = array( 'full_name' => 'XMB 1.9', 'short_name' => 'xmb', 'support_url' => 'http://www.xmbforum.com/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); $default_bridge_data['xoops'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Xoops 2.0', 'short_name' => 'xoops', 'support_url' => 'http://www.xoops.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/board', 'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,mainfile.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); $default_bridge_data['phorum'] = array( 'full_name' => 'Phorum 5', 'short_name' => 'phorum', 'support_url' => 'http://www.phorum.org/', 'full_forum_url_default' => '', 'full_forum_url_used' => '', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../phorum/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,common.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); //////////////// main code start ////////////////////// // initialize vars $step = $_POST['step']; if (!$step) { $step = 'finalize'; } $new_line = "\n"; /* $next_step = array( // this defines the order of steps 'choose_bbs' => 'settings_path', 'settings_path' => 'db_connect', 'db_connect' => 'db_tables', 'db_tables' => 'db_groups', 'db_groups' => 'special_settings', 'special_settings' => 'finalize', 'finalize' => 'finalize', ); */ $next_step = array( // this defines the order of steps 'choose_bbs' => 'settings_path', 'settings_path' => 'special_settings', 'special_settings' => 'finalize', 'finalize' => 'finalize', ); $previous_step = array_flip($next_step); pageheader($lang_bridgemgr_php['title']); echo <<<EOT <style type="text/css"> .explanation {font-size: 80%;} .important {color:red;} </style> EOT; //print 'Current step:'.$step.', previous step:'.$previous_step[$step].', next step:'.$next_step[$step]; // debug ouput // get the bridge db vars first $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); //print_r($BRIDGE); //print '<hr>'; switch ($step) { case "choose_bbs": $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; //print '<input type="hidden" name="hide_unused_fields" value="1" />'; starttable('100%', $lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['choose_bbs_app'],2); $checked[$BRIDGE['short_name']] = 'checked="checked"'; foreach($default_bridge_data as $key => $value) { print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="Radio" name="short_name" id="'.$key.'" class="radio" value="'.$key.'" '.$checked[$key].' />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="'.$key.'" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; print ' '.$value['full_name'].$new_line; print ' </label>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$new_line; print ' <a href="'.$value['support_url'].'" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['support_url'].'" rel="external">'.$value['support_url'].'</a>'.$new_line; print ' </span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } // end foreach // loop through the pre-made bridges. If there's one in the db that doesn't exist in the bridges, that's our custom theme; prefill the form fields with it. $prefill = ''; $checked = ''; $custom_bridge_counter_exist = 0; foreach($default_bridge_data as $key => $value) { if ($BRIDGE['short_name'] == $key) { $custom_bridge_counter_exist++; } } if ($custom_bridge_counter_exist == 0) { // we have a custom bridge --- start $prefill = $BRIDGE['short_name']; $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } // we have a custom bridge --- end // form field for the custom bridge print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="Radio" name="short_name" id="custom_selector" class="radio" value="custom_selector" '.$checked.' onclick="document.'.$step.'.custom_filename.focus();" />'.$new_line; //print ' <label for="custom_selector" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="text" name="custom_filename" value="'.$prefill.'" size="30" class="textinput" onclick="document.getElementById(\'custom_selector\').checked=true;" />'.$new_line; //print ' </label>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['custom_bridge_file'].$new_line; print ' </span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step], 'false', '2'); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; break; case "settings_path": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['settings_path'], 3); $loop_array = array('full_forum_url','relative_path_of_forum_from_webroot','relative_path_to_config_file', 'cookie_prefix'); $rows_displayed = 0; $section_number = 0; foreach($loop_array as $key) { $prefill = cpg_bridge_prefill($BRIDGE['short_name'],$key); if ($key == 'relative_path_of_forum_from_webroot') { $minibrowser = '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(\'minibrowser.php?startfolder='.rawurlencode($prefill).'&parentform='.rawurlencode($step).'&formelementname='.rawurlencode($key).'\',\''.uniqid(rand()) .'\',\'scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,locationbar=no,resizable=yes,width=600,height=400\')"><img src="images/folder.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['browse'].'" /></a>'; } else { $minibrowser = ''; } $reset_to_default = ''; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == '') { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" style="background-color:InactiveCaptionText;color:GrayText"'; $minibrowser = ''; } else { $disabled = ''; $rows_displayed++; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'] != '') { $reset_to_default = '<img src="images/flags/reset.gif" width="16" height="11" border="0" alt="" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['reset_to_default'].'" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.getElementById(\''.$key.'\').value=\''.$default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'].'\'" />'; } } if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != 1 || $disabled == '') { print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb" style="overflow:visible">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="text" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="textinput" value="'.$prefill.'" '.$disabled.' size="50" />'.$minibrowser.$reset_to_default.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print $display1.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print $display2.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } } if ($rows_displayed == 0) { print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableh2" colspan="3" align="center">'; print ' <h2>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['no_action_needed'].'</h2>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step]); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; } // end if not error break; case "db_connect": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['database_connection'], 3); $loop_array = array('db_database_name','db_hostname','db_username','db_password'); $rows_displayed = 0; foreach($loop_array as $key) { $prefill = cpg_bridge_prefill($BRIDGE['short_name'],$key); $reset_to_default = ''; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == '') { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" style="background-color:InactiveCaptionText;color:GrayText"'; } else { $disabled = ''; $rows_displayed++; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'] != '') { $reset_to_default = '<img src="images/flags/reset.gif" width="16" height="11" border="0" alt="" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['reset_to_default'].'" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.getElementById(\''.$key.'\').value=\''.$default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'].'\'" />'; } } if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == 'password') {$fieldtype = 'password';} else {$fieldtype = 'text';} if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != 1 || $disabled == '') { //print $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'].'|<br>'; print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' <input type="'.$fieldtype.'" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="textinput" value="'.$prefill.'" '.$disabled.' size="30" style="width:80%" />'.$reset_to_default; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } } if ($rows_displayed == 0) { print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableh2" colspan="3" align="center">'; print ' <h2>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['no_action_needed'].'</h2>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step]); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; } // end if error break; case "db_tables": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['database_tables'], 3); $loop_array = array('table_prefix', 'user_table', 'session_table', 'group_table', 'group_relation_table', 'group_mapping_table'); $rows_displayed = 0; foreach($loop_array as $key) { $prefill = cpg_bridge_prefill($BRIDGE['short_name'],$key); $reset_to_default = ''; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == '') { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" style="background-color:InactiveCaptionText;color:GrayText"'; } else { $disabled = ''; $rows_displayed++; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'] != '') { $reset_to_default = '<img src="images/flags/reset.gif" width="16" height="11" border="0" alt="" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['reset_to_default'].'" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.getElementById(\''.$key.'\').value=\''.$default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'].'\'" />'; } } if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == 'password') {$fieldtype = 'password';} else {$fieldtype = 'text';} if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != 1 || $disabled == '') { //print $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'].'|<br>'; print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' <input type="'.$fieldtype.'" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="textinput" value="'.$prefill.'" '.$disabled.' size="30" style="width:80%" />'.$reset_to_default; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb">'; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } } if ($rows_displayed == 0) { print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableh2" colspan="3" align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <h2>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['no_action_needed'].'</h2>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step]); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; } // end if error break; case "db_groups": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['bbs_groups'], 3); if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['use_standard_groups_used'] != '') { if ($BRIDGE['use_standard_groups'] != '') { $prefill = $BRIDGE['use_standard_groups']; } else { $prefill = $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['use_standard_groups_default']; } if ($prefill == 1) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb" colspan="2" align="left">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="hidden" name="use_standard_groups" id="use_standard_groups" value="'.$prefill.'" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="checkbox" name="dummy_use_standard_groups" id="dummy_use_standard_groups" class="checkbox" value="1" '.$checked.' onclick="toggleGroupFields();" />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="dummy_use_standard_groups" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['use_standard_groups'].'</label>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['use_standard_groups_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } $loop_array = array('validating_group', 'guest_group', 'member_group', 'admin_group', 'banned_group', 'global_moderators_group'); $rows_displayed = 0; foreach($loop_array as $key) { // foreach loop start $prefill = cpg_bridge_prefill($BRIDGE['short_name'],$key); $reset_to_default = ''; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == '') { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" style="background-color:InactiveCaptionText;color:GrayText"'; } else { $disabled = ''; $rows_displayed++; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'] != '') { $reset_to_default = '<img src="images/flags/reset.gif" width="16" height="11" border="0" alt="" title="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['reset_to_default'].'" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.getElementById(\''.$key.'\').value=\''.$default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default'].'\'" />'; } } if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == 'password') {$fieldtype = 'password';} else {$fieldtype = 'text';} if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != 1 || $disabled == '') { print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="'.$fieldtype.'" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="textinput" value="'.$prefill.'" '.$disabled.' size="30" style="width:80%" />'.$reset_to_default.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; $keywords[] = $key; } } // foreach loop end if ($rows_displayed == 0) { print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableh2" colspan="3" align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <h2>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['no_action_needed'].'</h2>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } else { // dome dhtml magic to disable the input fields in case they get overridden with the option 'use_standard_groups' anyway print '<script type="text/javascript">'.$new_line; print '<!--'.$new_line; print 'toggleGroupFields();'.$new_line; print 'function toggleGroupFields() {'.$new_line; print ' var use_standard_groups = document.getElementById("dummy_use_standard_groups").checked;'.$new_line; print ' if (use_standard_groups == true) {'.$new_line; print ' AllGroupFieldsDisable();'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("use_standard_groups").value = 1;'.$new_line; print ' }'.$new_line; print ' if (use_standard_groups == false) {'.$new_line; print ' AllGroupFieldsEnable();'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("use_standard_groups").value = 0;'.$new_line; print ' }'.$new_line; print '}'.$new_line; print 'function AllGroupFieldsDisable() {'.$new_line; foreach($keywords as $key) { print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").disabled = true;'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").style.backgroundColor = \'InactiveCaptionText\';'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").style.color = \'GrayText\';'.$new_line; } print '}'.$new_line; print 'function AllGroupFieldsEnable() {'.$new_line; foreach($keywords as $key) { print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").disabled = false;'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").style.backgroundColor = \'Window\';'.$new_line; print ' document.getElementById("'.$key.'").style.color = \'MenuText\';'.$new_line; } print '}'.$new_line; print '-->'.$new_line; print '</script>'.$new_line; } print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step]); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; } // end if error break; case "special_settings": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; starttable('100%',$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['special_settings'], 3); $loop_array = array('logout_flag', 'use_post_based_groups','license_number'); $rows_displayed = 0; foreach($loop_array as $key) { // foreach loop_array --- start if ($BRIDGE[$key]) { $prefill = $BRIDGE[$key]; } else { $prefill = $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_default']; } //print 'key:'.$key.',prefill:'.$prefill.'<br>'; //print_r($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]); //if ($default_bridge_data['phpbb']['logout_flag_default'] == true){print '<h1>true</h1>';}else{print '<h1>not true</h1>';} $reset_to_default = ''; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == '') { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } else { $disabled = ''; $rows_displayed++; } // get the possible options for the value // e.g. 'option_name_used' => 'radio,1,0', $option_yes = ''; $option_no = ''; $options = explode(',', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used']); //print_r($options); if ($options[0] == 'radio') {$option_yes = $options[1]; $option_no = $options[2];} if ($BRIDGE[$key] == $options[1]) { $checked_yes = 'checked="checked"'; $checked_no = ''; } elseif ($BRIDGE[$key] == $options[2]) { $checked_yes = ''; $checked_no = 'checked="checked"'; } //if ($BRIDGE[$key] == 1){print $key.'true<br>';} //if ($BRIDGE[$key] == 0){print $key.'false<br>';} //print $key.$BRIDGE[$key]; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == 'password') {$fieldtype = 'password';} else {$fieldtype = 'text';} if ($_POST['hide_unused_fields'] != 1 || $disabled == '') { // actually display the row? --- start if ($options[0] == 'radio') { // radio button --- start print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="Radio" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'_yes" class="radio" value="'.$option_yes.'" '.$disabled.' '.$checked_yes.' />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="'.$key.'_yes" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_yes'].$new_line; print ' </label> '.$new_line; print ' <br />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="Radio" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'_no" class="radio" value="'.$option_no.'" '.$disabled.' '.$checked_no.' /><label for="'.$key.'_no" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_no'].'</label>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } // radio button --- end if ($options[0] == 'mandatory') { // input field --- start print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="'.$fieldtype.'" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="textinput" value="'.$prefill.'" '.$disabled.' size="30" style="width:80%" />'.$reset_to_default.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } // input field --- end if ($options[0] == 'checkbox') { // checkbox --- start print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb" colspan="2">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="checkbox" name="'.$key.'" id="'.$key.'" class="checkbox" value="1" '.$checked.' />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="'.$key.'" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].$new_line; print ' </label> '.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key.'_explanation'].'</span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } // checkbox --- end } // actually display the row? --- end } // foreach loop_array --- end if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_content'] != '') { // create redirection file question --- start // sub-step1: make up the content of the redir file $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_content'] = str_replace('{COPPERMINE_URL}', rtrim($CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'], '/').'/', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_content']); // sub-step2: can we read the folder it's suppossed to go into? // sub-step3: is the redir file already in place and if yes: does it match the content we have come up with? // sub-step4: is the folder writable? // if we can't write (for whatever reason), just output the contents for copy and paste // what do we need: write the file, display it only or do both? $redir_action = explode(',', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action']); if (in_array('write',$redir_action)) { // the file should be created --- start // come up with the folder the bbs resides in if ($BRIDGE['relative_path_of_forum_from_webroot'] != '' && $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['relative_path_of_forum_from_webroot_used'] != '') { // we have a db entry and the user appears to have it configured $redir_folder = $BRIDGE['relative_path_of_forum_from_webroot']; } elseif ($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] != '' && $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['relative_path_to_config_file_used'] != '') { // we have a relative path. We'll use it if we don't have a folder already $redir_folder = $BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file']; } else { // something strange happened: there is no path set at all. We won't be able to write the file. Change the option to "display_only" $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action'] = @str_replace(',write', '', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action']); $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action'] = @str_replace('write,', '', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action']); $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action'] = @str_replace('write', '', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action']); $redir_action = explode(',', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_action']); } // check if the redir file already exists print $redir_folder; $redir_folder_writable = cpg_is_writable($redir_folder); if ($redir_folder_writable == '-1') { // the redir folder is not writable print 'Not writable'; } } // the file should be created --- end // display the option // temporarily removed this section, as it's still under construction print '<!--'; print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb" colspan="2">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="checkbox" name="create_redir_file" id="create_redir_file" class="checkbox" value="1" checked="checked" />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="create_redir_file" class="clickable_option">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['create_redir_file'].$new_line; print ' </span>'.$new_line; print ' </label> '.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb">'.$new_line; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$new_line; print ' '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['create_redir_file_explanation'].$new_line; print ' </span>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td class="tableb" colspan="3">'.$new_line; print ' <textarea style="width:100%">'; print $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['create_redir_file_content']; print ' </textarea>'; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; print '-->'; // temporarily removed this section, as it's still under construction --- end } // create redirection file question --- end if ($rows_displayed == 0) { print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableh2" colspan="3" align="center">'; print ' <h2>'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['no_action_needed'].'</h2>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } print cpg_submit_button($next_step[$step]); endtable(); print "</form>\n"; } // end if error break; case "finalize": $error = write_to_db($previous_step[$step]); if (!$error) { $BRIDGE = cpg_get_bridge_db_values(); $CONFIG = cpg_refresh_config_db_values(); // sync groups here now :) if ($CONFIG['bridge_enable']){ include_once 'bridge/' . $BRIDGE['short_name'] . '.inc.php'; $cpg_udb->synchronize_groups(); } else { // ok, then restore group table cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} WHERE 1"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (1, 'Administrators', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (2, 'Registered', 1024, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (3, 'Anonymous', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (4, 'Banned', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3)"); } print '<form name="'.$step.'" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">'; echo <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function changeSubmitButton() { document.finalize.submit.value='{$lang_bridgemgr_php['finish']}'; document.finalize.step.value='finalize'; document.finalize.force_startpage.value='1'; } --> </script> EOT; starttable(-1,$lang_bridgemgr_php['title'].': '.$lang_bridgemgr_php['finalize'],2); if ($_POST['submit'] && $CONFIG['bridge_enable'] != 1) { print '<tr>'; print '<td class="tableb" colspan="2">'; print '<span class="explanation">'; printf($lang_bridgemgr_php['finalize_explanation'],$CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].'/bridgemgr.php'); print '</span>'; print '</td>'; print '</tr>'; } if (is_array($BRIDGE)) { // there are entries in the db already --- start print '<tr>'; print '<td class="tableh2" colspan="2">'; print $lang_bridgemgr_php['your_bridge_settings']; print '</td>'; print '</tr>'; $mandatory_fields_missing = 0; foreach($BRIDGE as $key => $value) { if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] != '') { print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; print ' <span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php[$key].':</span>'; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; if ($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'] == 'password') { $pw = ''; for ($i=1; $i <= strlen($value);$i++) { $pw = $pw.'*'; } $value = $pw; } print ' <span class="explanation">'.$value; // check if we really can allow enabling bridging: are all required fields in the db? if (strstr($default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used'], 'not_empty') != false && $value == '') { print ' (<span class="important">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['error_must_not_be_empty'].'</span>)'; $mandatory_fields_missing++; } $explode = explode(',', $default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']][$key.'_used']); if ($explode[0] == radio && ($value != $explode[1] && $value != $explode[2])) { printf(' ('.$lang_bridgemgr_php['error_either_be'].')',$explode[1],$explode[2]); $mandatory_fields_missing++; } //print '<br>'; print '</span>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } } } // there are entries in the db already --- end if ($BRIDGE['short_name'] != '') {// display the enable/disable option only if there's at least a db entry about the file to bridge with --- start print '<tr>'; print '<td class="tableh2" colspan="2">'; printf($lang_bridgemgr_php['title_enable'], '<b>'.$default_bridge_data[$BRIDGE['short_name']]['full_name'].'</b>'); print '</td>'; print '</tr>'; //print 'bridge enabled:'.$CONFIG['bridge_enable']; if ($CONFIG['bridge_enable'] == 1) { $checked_yes = 'checked="checked"'; $checked_no = ''; $disabled_yes = ''; $disabled_no = ''; } else { $checked_yes = ''; $checked_no = 'checked="checked"'; if ($mandatory_fields_missing != 0) { $disabled_yes = 'disabled="disabled"'; $disabled_no = ''; } else { $disabled_yes = ''; $disabled_no = ''; } } } // display the enable/disable option only if there's at least a db entry about the file to bridge with --- end if ($_POST['submit'] == '' || $_POST['wizard_finished'] != '' || $_POST['force_startpage'] == '1') { if ($BRIDGE['short_name'] != '') {// display the enable/disable option only if there's at least a db entry about the file to bridge with --- start print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; print ' <input type="Radio" name="bridge_enable" id="bridge_enable_yes" class="radio" value="1" '.$disabled_yes.' '.$checked_yes.' onclick="changeSubmitButton();" /><label for="bridge_enable_yes" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['bridge_enable_yes'].'</label>'; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; print ' <input type="Radio" name="bridge_enable" id="bridge_enable_no" class="radio" value="0" '.$disabled_no.' '.$checked_no.' onclick="changeSubmitButton();" /><label for="bridge_enable_no" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['bridge_enable_no'].'</label>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; } // display the enable/disable option only if there's at least a db entry about the file to bridge with --- end print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td colspan="2" class="tablef" align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'.$new_line; print ' <tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td align="left">'.$new_line; print ' <!--<input type="Checkbox" name="hide_unused_fields" id="hide_unused_fields" value="1" class="checkbox" />'.$new_line; print ' <label for="hide_unused_fields" class="clickable_option"><span class="explanation">hide unused form fields (recommended)</span></label>-->'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <!--<input type="button" name="back" value="«back" class="button" onclick="javascript:history.back()" />-->'.$new_line; print ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['start_wizard'].'" class="button" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="hidden" name="step" value="choose_bbs" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="hidden" name="force_startpage" value="0" />'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' </tr>'.$new_line; print ' </table>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } else { print '<tr>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; print ' <input type="Radio" name="bridge_enable" id="bridge_enable_yes" class="radio" value="1" '.$disabled_yes.' '.$checked_yes.' /><label for="bridge_enable_yes" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['bridge_enable_yes'].'</label>'; print ' </td>'; print ' <td class="tableb" width="50%">'; print ' <input type="Radio" name="bridge_enable" id="bridge_enable_no" class="radio" value="0" '.$disabled_no.' '.$checked_no.' /><label for="bridge_enable_no" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['bridge_enable_no'].'</label>'; print ' </td>'; print '</tr>'; print '<tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td colspan="2" class="tablef" align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'.$new_line; print ' <tr>'.$new_line; print ' <td align="left">'.$new_line; //print ' <input type="Checkbox" name="clear_unused_db_fields" id="clear_unused_db_fields" value="1" class="checkbox" checked="checked" />'.$new_line; //print ' <label for="clear_unused_db_fields" class="clickable_option"><span class="explanation">'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['clear_unused_db_fields'].'</span></label>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' <td align="center">'.$new_line; print ' <input type="button" name="back" value="«'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['back'].'" class="button" onclick="javascript:history.back()" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['finish'].'" class="button" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="hidden" name="step" value="finalize" />'.$new_line; print ' <input type="hidden" name="wizard_finished" value="finished" />'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print ' </tr>'.$new_line; print ' </table>'.$new_line; print ' </td>'.$new_line; print '</tr>'.$new_line; } endtable(); print '</form>'; } // end if error break; } print "<br />\n"; pagefooter(); } // gallery admin mode --- end else { // not in gallery admin mode --- start if ($CONFIG['bridge_enable'] != 1) { cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['access_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // initialize vars $step = $_POST['step']; $new_line = "\n"; pageheader($lang_bridgemgr_php['title']); switch ($step) { case "attempt_to_disable": // check if the wait time is over; if it isn't, send them back $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT value FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_timestamp'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); } $recovery_logon_timestamp = $row['value']; //print $recovery_logon_timestamp; $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT value FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_failures'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); } $recovery_logon_failures = $row['value']; $logon_allowed = cpg_check_allowed_emergency_logon($recovery_logon_timestamp,$recovery_logon_failures); if ($logon_allowed > 0) { // the user is not allowed to logon yet, the wait time has not elapsed yet msg_box($lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_wait_title'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_wait_content'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['try_again'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "-1"); } else { // the logon wait time has passed, the user is allowed to try to logon now // go through the list of standalone admins and check if we have a match $temp_user_table = $CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX'].'users'; // Check if encrypted passwords are enabled if ($CONFIG['enable_encrypted_passwords']) { $encpassword = md5(addslashes($_POST['password'])); } else { $encpassword = addslashes($_POST['password']); } $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_password FROM $temp_user_table WHERE user_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['username']) . "' AND BINARY user_password = '" . $encpassword . "' AND user_active = 'YES' AND user_group = '1'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $retrieved_data = mysql_fetch_array($results); } if ($retrieved_data['user_name'] == $_POST['username'] && $retrieved_data['user_password'] == $encpassword && $retrieved_data['user_name'] != '' ) { // authentification successfull cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_CONFIG']} SET value = '0' WHERE name = 'bridge_enable'"); cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} SET value = '0' WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_failures'"); cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} SET value = NOW() WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_timestamp'"); // ok, then restore group table cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} WHERE 1"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (1, 'Administrators', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (2, 'Registered', 1024, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (3, 'Anonymous', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3)"); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} VALUES (4, 'Banned', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3)"); if (USER_ID) { //user already logged in msg_box($lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_success_title'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_success_content'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['goto_bridgemgr'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "-1"); } else { // user not logged in yet msg_box($lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_success_title'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_success_content'].'<br />'.$lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_success_advice_login'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['goto_login'], "login.php?referer=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "-1"); } } else { // authentification failed cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} SET value = NOW() WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_timestamp'"); $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT value FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_failures'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); } $number_of_failed_attempts = $row['value'] + 1; cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} SET value = '$number_of_failed_attempts' WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_failures'"); msg_box($lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_failure_title'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_failure_content'], $lang_bridgemgr_php['try_again'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "-1"); } } break; default: // check if the wait time is over; if it isn't, disable the submit button $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT value FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_timestamp'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); } $recovery_logon_timestamp = $row['value']; //print $recovery_logon_timestamp; $results = cpg_db_query("SELECT value FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BRIDGE']} WHERE name = 'recovery_logon_failures'"); if (mysql_num_rows($results)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); } $recovery_logon_failures = $row['value']; $logon_allowed = cpg_check_allowed_emergency_logon($recovery_logon_timestamp,$recovery_logon_failures); if ($logon_allowed < 0) {$logon_allowed = 0;} starttable(-1,$lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_title'],2); echo <<<EOT <form name="disable_integration" action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" method="post"> <tr> <td class="tableb" colspan="2"> {$lang_bridgemgr_php['recovery_explanation']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tableb" width="40%">{$lang_bridgemgr_php['username']}</td> <td class="tableb" width="60%"><input type="text" class="textinput" name="username" style="width: 100%" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tableb">{$lang_bridgemgr_php['password']}</td> <td class="tableb"><input type="password" class="textinput" name="password" style="width: 100%" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablef" colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="{$lang_bridgemgr_php['disable_submit']}" class="button" /> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="attempt_to_disable" /> </td> </tr> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.disable_integration.username.focus(); document.disable_integration.submit.disabled = true; EOT; print ' var countDownTime = '.$logon_allowed; echo <<<EOT counter=setTimeout("countDown()", 1000); var aktiv = window.setInterval("countDown()",1000); var message = '{$lang_bridgemgr_php['wait']}'; function countDown(){ countDownTime--; if (countDownTime <=0) { message = '{$lang_bridgemgr_php['disable_submit']}'; document.getElementById('submit').disabled = false; countDownTime=''; clearTimeout(counter); //return; } document.getElementById('submit').value = message +' '+countDownTime; } window.onload=countDown(); --> </script> EOT; endtable(); print '</form>'; break; } pagefooter(); } // not in gallery admin mode --- end //////////////////////// main code end ///////////////////////////////// ?>