File: upload.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Dev Team v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.4.16 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.4.x/upload.php $ $Revision: 4233 $ $Author: gaugau $ $Date: 2008-02-02 09:23:58 +0100 (Sa, 02 Feb 2008) $ **********************************************/ // Confirm we are in Coppermine and set the language blocks. define('IN_COPPERMINE', true); define('UPLOAD_PHP', true); define('DB_INPUT_PHP', true); define('ADMIN_PHP', true); // Call basic functions, etc. require('include/init.inc.php'); require('include/picmgmt.inc.php'); // Some placeholders. $customize = CUSTOMIZE_UPLOAD_FORM; $user_form = USER_UPLOAD_FORM; $allowed_URI_boxes = NUM_URI_BOXES; $allowed_file_boxes = NUM_FILE_BOXES; // Check to see if user can upload pictures. Quit with an error if he cannot. if (!USER_CAN_UPLOAD_PICTURES && !USER_CAN_CREATE_ALBUMS) { cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['perm_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Globalize $CONFIG. global $CONFIG, $lang_upload_php, $user_form, $max_file_size; //___________________________________Function Block_______________________________________ // The form label creation function. Takes a non-array element form $data as its argument. function form_label($text) { echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableh2" colspan="2"> <b>$text</b> </td> </tr> EOT; } // The form statement creation function. Takes a non-array element form $data as its argument. function form_statement($text) { echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb" colspan="2"> $text </td> </tr> EOT; } // The hidden form input function. Takes the hidden input field name and value. function hidden_input($name, $value) { echo <<<EOT <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$value" /> </td> </tr> EOT; } // The text box form input function. Takes the text label for the box, the input name, the maximum length for text boxes, // and the number of iterations. function text_box_input($text, $name, $max_length, $iterations, $default='') { global $CONFIG; $ordinal = ''; if (($text == '') and ($iterations == '')) { echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$default\" />\n"; return; } // Begin loop for ($counter=0; $counter<$iterations; $counter++) { // Create a numbering system when necessary. if ($text == '') { $cardinal = $counter + 1; $ordinal = "".$cardinal.". "; } // Create a text box. echo <<<EOT <tr> <td width="40%" class="tableb"> $text $ordinal </td> <td width="60%" class="tableb" valign="top"> <input type="text" style="width: 100%" name="$name" maxlength="$max_length" value="$default" class="textinput" id="$name" /> </td> </tr> EOT; } } // The file input function. Takes the label, field name, and number of iterations as arguments. function file_input($text, $name, $iterations) { $ordinal = ''; // Begin loop for ($counter=0; $counter<$iterations; $counter++) { // Create a numbering system when necessary. if ($text == '') { $cardinal = $counter + 1; $ordinal = "".$cardinal.". "; } // Create the file input box. echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> $text $ordinal </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <input type="file" name="$name" size="40" class="listbox" /> </td> </tr> EOT; } } // The function for text areas on forms. Takes the label, field name, and maximum length as arguments. function text_area_input($text, $name, $max_length,$default='') { // Create the text area. echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> $text </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <f></f> <textarea name="$name" rows="5" cols="40" class="textinput" style="width: 100%;" onKeyDown="textCounter(this, $max_length);" onKeyUp="textCounter(this, $max_length);">$default</textarea> </td> </tr> EOT; } // The function to create the album list drop down. function form_alb_list_box($text, $name) { // frogfoot re-wrote this function to present the list in categorized, sorted and nicely formatted order // Pull the $CONFIG array and the GET array into the function global $CONFIG, $lang_upload_php; // Also pull the album lists into the function global $user_albums_list, $public_albums_list; // Check to see if an album has been preselected by URL addition. If so, make $sel_album the album number. Otherwise, make $sel_album 0. $sel_album = isset($_GET['album']) ? $_GET['album'] : 0; // Create the opening of the drop down box echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb"> $text </td> <td class="tableb" valign="top"> <select name="$name" class="listbox"> EOT; // Reset counter $list_count = 0; // Cycle through the User albums foreach($user_albums_list as $album) { // Add to multi-dim array for later sorting $listArray[$list_count]['cat'] = $lang_upload_php['personal_albums']; $listArray[$list_count]['aid'] = $album['aid']; $listArray[$list_count]['title'] = $album['title']; $list_count++; } // Cycle through the public albums foreach($public_albums_list as $album) { // Set $album_id to the actual album ID $album_id = $album['aid']; // Get the category name $vQuery = "SELECT cat.name FROM " . $CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES'] . " cat, " . $CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . " alb WHERE alb.aid='" . $album_id . "' AND cat.cid=alb.category"; $vRes = cpg_db_query($vQuery); $vRes = mysql_fetch_array($vRes); // Add to multi-dim array for sorting later if ($vRes['name']) { $listArray[$list_count]['cat'] = $vRes['name']; } else { $listArray[$list_count]['cat'] = $lang_upload_php['albums_no_category']; } $listArray[$list_count]['aid'] = $album['aid']; $listArray[$list_count]['title'] = $album['title']; $list_count++; } // Sort the pulldown options by category and album name $listArray = array_csort($listArray,'cat','title'); // Finally, print out the nicely sorted and formatted drop down list $alb_cat = ''; echo ' <option value="">' . $lang_upload_php['select_album'] . "</option>\n"; foreach ($listArray as $val) { if ($val['cat'] != $alb_cat) { if ($alb_cat) echo " </optgroup>\n"; echo ' <optgroup label="' . $val['cat'] . '">' . "\n"; $alb_cat = $val['cat']; } echo ' <option value="' . $val['aid'] . '"' . ($val['aid'] == $sel_album ? ' selected' : '') . '> ' . $val['title'] . "</option>\n"; } if ($alb_cat) echo " </optgroup>\n"; // Close the drop down echo <<<EOT </select> </td> </tr> EOT; } // The create form function. Takes the $data array as its object. // // Type: // 0 => text box input // 1 => file input // 2 => album list // 3 => text area input // 4 => hidden input function create_form(&$data) { global $CONFIG, $lang_upload_php; // Cycle through the elements in the data array. foreach($data as $element) { // If the element is another array, parse the definition contained within the array. if ((is_array($element))) { // Based on the type declared in the data array's third position, create a different form input. switch ($element[2]) { // If the type is a text box input case 0 : //Call the form input function. text_box_input($element[0], $element[1], $element[3], $element[4], (isset($element[5])) ? $element[5] : ''); break; // If the type is a file input. case 1 : // Call the file input function. file_input($element[0], $element[1], $element[3]); break; // If the type is an album list dropdown. case 2 : // Call the album list function. form_alb_list_box($element[0], $element[1]); break; // If the type is a text area case 3 : // Call the text area function. text_area_input($element[0], $element[1], $element[3], (isset($element[4])) ? $element[4] : ''); break; // If the type is a hidden form case 4 : // Call the hidden input funtion. hidden_input($element[0], $element[1]); break; // If the type is not present, kill the script. default: cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_upload_php['reg_instr_1'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // switch } else { // If the element is not an array, it is a label, so call the label function. form_label($element); } } } // The open_form function creates the Javascript verification code and the opening form tags. // $path hold the form action path. function open_form($path) { echo <<<EOT <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function textCounter(field, maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit) // if too long...trim it! field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); } </script> <form method="post" action="$path" enctype="multipart/form-data"> EOT; } // The close form function creates the submit button and the closing tags. function close_form($button_value) { // Pull the language array into the function. global $lang_upload_php; // Create the submit button and close the form. echo <<<EOT <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablef"> <input type="submit" value="{$button_value}" class="button" /> </td> </tr> EOT; } function form_instructions() { global $CONFIG, $lang_upload_php, $user_form, $max_file_size; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"; printf ($lang_upload_php['reg_instr_2'], $CONFIG['max_upl_size']); if ($user_form > '3') { echo "<br /><br />{$lang_upload_php['reg_instr_3']}"; } if (($user_form == '2') or ($user_form == '3') or ($user_form == '5') or ($user_form == '6')) { echo "<br /><br />{$lang_upload_php['reg_instr_4']}"; } echo "<br /><br />{$lang_upload_php['reg_instr_5']}"; echo "</td></tr>"; } // The get_and_convert_to_bytes function retrieves a limitng value from php.ini and converts the shorthand to bytes. function get_and_convert_to_bytes ($ini_variable_name) { // Get the variable from php.ini $ini_string = ini_get($ini_variable_name); // Declare an array to store regex matches in. $parsed_ini_size = array(); // Make sure the returned value is a string, then split the number and the unit in two. if ((is_string($ini_string)) and (eregi('^([[:digit:]])+([[:alpha:]])*$', $ini_string, $parsed_ini_size))) { // Store the numerical component in $ini_limit cast as an integer $ini_limit = (int) $parsed_ini_size[1]; // Convert the unit to lower case for analysis and store in $ini_limit_unit. $ini_limit_unit = strtolower($parsed_ini_size[2]); // Check the unit to see if any conversion is necessary. if ($ini_limit_unit == 'm') { // The units indicate megabytes. Shift to bytes. $ini_limit = $ini_limit << 20; } elseif ($ini_limit_unit == 'k') { // The units indicate kilobytes. Shift to bytes. $ini_limit = $ini_limit << 10; } // Return the modified value from php.ini return $ini_limit; } else { // The returned value is not a string or no pattern match was found. Return false. return false; } } // Moved to 'logger.inc.php' - omni // The function spring_cleaning is a garbage collection routine used to purge a directory of old files. if (!function_exists('spring_cleaning')){ function spring_cleaning($directory_path, $cache_time = 86400, $exclusion_list = array('index.html')) { //Storage the deleted files $deleted_list = array(); //First we get the transitory directory handle. $directory_handle = opendir($directory_path); // Exit if the directory cannot be opened. if(!$directory_handle) { // Return. return; } // Now let's read through the directory contents. while (!(($file = readdir($directory_handle)) === false)) { // Avoid deleting the index page of the directory. if (in_array($file,$exclusion_list)) { // This is the index file, so we move on. continue; } $dir_path = $directory_path."/".$file; if (is_dir($dir_path)) { // This is a directory, so we move on. continue; } // We find out when the file was last accessed. $access_time = filemtime($dir_path); // fileatime() returned incorrect value on Windows // We find out the current time. $current_time = time(); // We calculate the the delete time. We will delete anything older than $cache_time. $delete_time = $current_time - $access_time; // Now we compare the two. if ($delete_time >= $cache_time) { // The file is old. We delete it. $deleted_list[] = $dir_path; // Store the name of the file getting deleted unlink($dir_path); } } // Don't forget to close the directory. closedir($directory_handle); return $deleted_list; } } // The create_record function. Takes the encoded string. Returns the unique record ID. function create_record($encoded_string) { // Globalize $CONFIG global $CONFIG; // Declare and initialize variables. $unique_ID_array = array(); $generic_array = array(); // Get all IDs from the table. $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT unique_ID FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']}"); // Create unique ID array. if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // Move all values into $unique_ID_array. while ($generic_array = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Store the values. $unique_ID_array[] = $generic_array['unique_ID']; } } else { // The table may be empty. Give it a value. $unique_ID_array[] = 0; } // Free resources. mysql_free_result($result); // Generate the unique ID. Keep generating new IDs until one that is not in use is found. do { // Create a random string by taking the first 8 characters of an MD5 hash of a concatenation of the current UNIX epoch time and the current server process ID. $unique_ID = substr(md5(uniqid("")), 0, 8); } while (in_array($unique_ID, $unique_ID_array)); // Create a timestamp to track the record. $timestamp = time(); // Insert the new record. $result = cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']} VALUES ('$unique_ID', '$encoded_string', '$timestamp')"); // Return the unique ID if insertion was successful. Otherwise, return false. if ($result) { return $unique_ID; } else { return FALSE; } } // The update_record function. Takes the $unique_ID and $encoded_string. function update_record($unique_ID, $encoded_string) { // Globalize $CONFIG global $CONFIG; // Update record. $result = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']} SET encoded_string = '$encoded_string' WHERE unique_ID = '$unique_ID'"); // Return true if successful. if ($result) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // The delete_record function. Takes the $unique_ID. function delete_record($unique_ID) { // Globalize $CONFIG global $CONFIG; // Delete record. $result = cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']} WHERE unique_ID = '$unique_ID'"); // Return true if successful. if ($result) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // The retrieve_record function. Takes the $unique_ID. function retrieve_record($unique_ID) { // Globalize $CONFIG global $CONFIG; // Retrieve record. $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT encoded_string FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']} WHERE unique_ID = '$unique_ID'"); // Return string if successful. if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // Move value into $encoded_string. while ($generic_array = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Store the value. $encoded_string = $generic_array['encoded_string']; } // Free resources. mysql_free_result($result); return $encoded_string; } else { // Free resources. mysql_free_result($result); return FALSE; } } // The clean_table function. function clean_table() { // Globalize $CONFIG global $CONFIG; // Create a timestamp from an hour ago. $comparative_timestamp = time() - 3600; // Delete record. $result = cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_TEMPDATA']} WHERE timestamp < $comparative_timestamp"); // Return true if successful. if ($result) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //The function check_status determines the status of a URI resource. //It takes the URI as its argument and serves to give more specific error //messages about unavailable resources. function check_status($URI) { // Parse the URI into it's requisite parts. $parts = @parse_url($URI); // If there is no detectable host, return FALSE. if (empty($parts["host"])) { return FALSE; } else { $host = $parts["host"]; } // If a path is detected, make it $path. Otherwise, assume it is a directory. if (!empty($parts["path"])) { $path = $parts["path"]; } else { $path = "/"; } // Append any queries that might be attached. if (!empty($parts["query"])) { $path .= "?" . $parts["query"]; } // Set the port if supplied. Default to port 80. if (!empty($parts["port"])) { $port = $parts["port"]; } else { $port = "80"; } // Attempt to open a socket to the host. $socket = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); // Verify that the socket opened. Return false if it fails. if (!$socket) { return FALSE; } else { // Craft HTTP request. $request = "HEAD $path HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: PHP/".phpversion()."\r\nHost: $host\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"; // Get request length. $length = strlen($request); // Send request data to host. Return false if there is an error. if(!(fwrite($socket, $request, $length))) { return FALSE; } // Collect the host's response. $response = fgets($socket, 22); // Close the socket. fclose($socket); // Return the response. return $response; } } //################################# MAIN CODE BLOCK ################################################## // Check to see if user customizations are allowed and if one the request has been made yet. if ((CUSTOMIZE_UPLOAD_FORM) and (!isset($_REQUEST['file_upload_request'])) and (!isset($_REQUEST['URI_upload_request'])) and (!isset($_POST['control']))) { // Check to see if the form type is configurable. If it is, produce the configuration form. Otherwise, generate a warning. if(!(USER_UPLOAD_FORM == 0) and !(USER_UPLOAD_FORM == 7)) { // Create the box request page. pageheader($lang_upload_php['custom_title']); starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['custom_title'], 2); echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"; echo "{$lang_upload_php['cust_instr_1']}<br /><br />"; $data = array(); $data[] = $lang_upload_php['cust_instr_2']; // If the file upload type is only file uploads or is a dual mode, ask for the requisite number of file upload boxes. if ((USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '1') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '3') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '4') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '6')) { // Add the file upload array element to the form array. $data[] = array($lang_upload_php['cust_instr_6'],'file_upload_request', '0', '4', '1'); // Print number of allowed file upload boxes. printf ($lang_upload_php['cust_instr_3'], $allowed_file_boxes); echo "<br /><br />"; } // If the file upload type is only URI uploads or is a dual mode, ask for the requisite number of URI upload boxes. if ((USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '2') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '3') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '5') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '6')) { // Add the URI upload array element to the form array. $data[] = array($lang_upload_php['cust_instr_5'], 'URI_upload_request', '0', '4', '1'); // Print number of allowed URI upload boxes. printf ($lang_upload_php['cust_instr_4'], $allowed_URI_boxes); echo "<br /><br />"; } echo "{$lang_upload_php['cust_instr_7']}<br /><br />"; echo "</td></tr>"; open_form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); create_form($data); close_form($lang_continue); endtable(); pagefooter(); // Exit the script. exit; } else { //Use the default settings for the number of boxes. $num_URI_boxes = NUM_URI_BOXES; $num_file_boxes = NUM_FILE_BOXES; } } elseif (CUSTOMIZE_UPLOAD_FORM) { // If the user is allowed to customize the form, check the incoming data for the number of requested boxes. //Check for the number of file upload boxes. if (isset($_REQUEST['file_upload_request'])) { // Do some validation. $filtered_request = max(0, intval($_REQUEST['file_upload_request'])); if ($filtered_request > NUM_FILE_BOXES) { $num_file_boxes = NUM_FILE_BOXES; } else { $num_file_boxes = $filtered_request; } } //Check for the number of requested URI upload boxes. if (isset($_REQUEST['URI_upload_request'])) { // Do some validation. $filtered_request = max(0, intval($_REQUEST['URI_upload_request'])); if ($filtered_request > NUM_URI_BOXES) { $num_URI_boxes = NUM_URI_BOXES; } else { $num_URI_boxes = $filtered_request; } } } else { //Use the default settings for the number of boxes. $num_URI_boxes = NUM_URI_BOXES; $num_file_boxes = NUM_FILE_BOXES; } // Get public and private albums, and set maximum individual file size. if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { $public_albums = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid, title FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category < " . FIRST_USER_CAT . " ORDER BY title"); } else { $public_albums = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid, title FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category < " . FIRST_USER_CAT . " AND uploads='YES' AND (visibility = '0' OR visibility IN ".USER_GROUP_SET.") ORDER BY title"); } if (mysql_num_rows($public_albums)) { $public_albums_list = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($public_albums); } else { $public_albums_list = array(); } if (USER_ID) { $user_albums = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid, title FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE category='" . (FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID) . "' ORDER BY title"); if (mysql_num_rows($user_albums)) { $user_albums_list = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($user_albums); } else { $user_albums_list = array(); } } else { $user_albums_list = array(); } if (!count($public_albums_list) && !count($user_albums_list)) { // there's no album where the user is allowed to upload to if (USER_CAN_CREATE_ALBUMS) { cpg_die (ERROR, $lang_upload_php['err_no_alb_uploadables'].'<br /> <br /><a href="albmgr.php" title="'.$lang_user_admin_menu['albmgr_title'].'" class="admin_menu">'.$lang_user_admin_menu['albmgr_lnk'].'</a>', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { cpg_die (ERROR, $lang_upload_php['err_no_alb_uploadables'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } } // Assign maximum file size for browser crontrols. $max_file_size = $CONFIG['max_upl_size'] << 10; // Create the upload forms using the upload congfiguration. if (!isset($_REQUEST['control'])) { // Do some cleanup in the edit directory. spring_cleaning('./'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit',CPG_HOUR); // Do some cleaning in the temp data table. clean_table(); // Create upload form headers. pageheader($lang_upload_php['title']); // Select the form action. if (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '0') { // The user has the single upload only form. Send the request to db_input.php. open_form('db_input.php'); // Open the form table. starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['title'], 2); } else { // Direct the request to this script and print the form instructions. open_form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Open the form table. starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['title'], 2); form_instructions(); } // Use a if-then-else construct to create the upload form for the user based on the setting in the // groups panel. if(USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '0') { // The user should have the 'single upload only' form. // Declare an array containing the various upload form box definitions. $captionLabel = $lang_upload_php['description']; if ($CONFIG['show_bbcode_help']) {$captionLabel .= ' '. cpg_display_help('f=index.html&base=64&h='.urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help_title))).'&t='.urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help))),470,245);} $form_array = array( sprintf($lang_upload_php['max_fsize'], $CONFIG['max_upl_size']), array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album', 2), array('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $max_file_size, 4), array($lang_upload_php['picture'], 'userpicture', 1, 1), array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title', 0, 255, 1), array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']), array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords', 0, 255, 1), array('event', 'picture', 4) ); if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field1_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field1_name'], 'user1', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field2_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field2_name'], 'user2', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field3_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field3_name'], 'user3', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field4_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field4_name'], 'user4', 0, 255, 1); } } else { // Check for valid form number. if ((USER_UPLOAD_FORM >= '0') and (USER_UPLOAD_FORM <= '7')) { // Create form array, and insert MAX_FILE_SIZE control. $form_array[] = array('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $max_file_size); // Add each upload type depending on the form number, if((USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '1') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '3') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '4') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '6')) { if($num_file_boxes > 0) { $form_array[] = $lang_upload_php['reg_instr_7']; $form_array[] = array('', 'file_upload_array[]', 1, $num_file_boxes); } } if((USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '2') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '3') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '5') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '6')) { if($num_URI_boxes > 0) { $form_array[] = $lang_upload_php['reg_instr_8']; $form_array[] = array('', 'URI_array[]', 0, 256, $num_URI_boxes); } } if((USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '4') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '5') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '6') or (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '7')) { $form_array[] = $lang_upload_php['reg_instr_6']; $form_array[] = array('', 'ZIP_array[]', 1, 1); } // Add the control device. $form_array[] = array('control', 'phase_1', 4); } else { // Unknown form number. cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_upload_php['reg_instr_1'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } } // Create the form. create_form($form_array); // Close the form. if (USER_UPLOAD_FORM == '0') { // The user has the single upload only form. Select proper language for button. close_form($lang_upload_php['title']); } else { // Make button say 'Continue.' close_form($lang_continue); } // Close the table, create footers, and flush the output buffer. endtable(); echo "</form>"; pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); // Exit the script. exit; } // Recieve incoming file uploads for phase I. if ((isset($_POST['control'])) and ($_POST['control'] == 'phase_1')) { // $_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter] // $_FILES['file_upload_array']['size'][$counter] // $_FILES['file_upload_array']['tmp_name'][$counter] // $_FILES['file_upload_array']['type'][$counter] // $_FILES['file_upload_array']['error'][$counter] // // Error values: // 0 - No error // 1 - Exceeded filesize allowed in php.ini // 2 - Exceeded filesize allowed by HTML MAX_FILE_SIZE // 3 - Only a partial upload // 4 - No upload occurred. $file_upload_count = count($_FILES['file_upload_array']['name']); if ($file_upload_count > 0) { // Check for error code support. Set the error code. if (count($_FILES['file_upload_array']['error']) == 0) { // This version of PHP does not support error codes (PHP < 4.2.0). Create our own error code. $error_code = 'default'; } else { // We have error support. $error_support = 'TRUE'; } for ($counter = 0; $counter < $file_upload_count; $counter++) { // Check for error code support. Set the error code. if ($error_support) { $error_code = $_FILES['file_upload_array']['error'][$counter]; } // Create the failure ordinal for ordering the report of failed uploads. $failure_cardinal = $counter + 1; $failure_ordinal = ''.$failure_cardinal.'. '; // If there is no file name, make a dummy name for the error reporting system. if (($_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter] == '')) { $file_name = 'filename_unavailable'; } else { $file_name = $_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter]; } // Test for a blank file upload box. if (empty($_FILES['file_upload_array']['tmp_name'][$counter])) { // There is no need for further tests or action as there was no uploaded file, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Check to make sure the file was uploaded via POST. if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file_upload_array']['tmp_name'][$counter])) { // We reject the file, and make a note of the error. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['no_post']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Check filename and extension: // Check that the file uploaded has a valid name and extension, and replace forbidden chars with underscores. // Initialise the $matches array. $matches = array(); // If magic quotes is on, remove the slashes it added to the file name. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter] = stripslashes($_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter]); // Create the holder $picture_name by translating the file name. Translate any forbidden character into an underscore. $picture_name = replace_forbidden($_FILES['file_upload_array']['name'][$counter]); // Analyze the file extension using regular expressions. if (!preg_match("/(.+)\.(.*?)\Z/", $picture_name, $matches)) { // The file name is invalid. $matches[1] = 'invalid_fname'; // Make a bogus file extension to trigger Coppermine's defenses. $matches[2] = 'xxx'; } // If there is no extension, or if the extension is unknown/not permitted by Coppermine, zap the intruder. if ($matches[2] == '' || !is_known_filetype($matches)) { // We reject the file, and make a note of the error. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['forb_ext']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Check for upload errors. if (!($error_code == '0') and !($error_code == 'default')) { // PHP has detected a file upload error. if ($error_code == '1') { $error_message = $lang_upload_php['exc_php_ini']; } elseif ($error_code == '2') { $error_message = $lang_upload_php['exc_file_size']; } elseif ($error_code == '3') { $error_message = $lang_upload_php['partial_upload']; } elseif ($error_code == '4') { $error_message = $lang_upload_php['no_upload']; } else { $error_message = $lang_upload_php['unknown_code']; } //Make a note in the error array. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$error_message); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } elseif ($_FILES['file_upload_array']['tmp_name'][$counter] == '') { // There is no temporary file, so the file did not upload. Make a note of it in the file_failure_arrray and flip the failure switch to generate the ordinal. . $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['no_temp_name']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } elseif ($_FILES['file_upload_array']['size'][$counter] <= 0) { // The file contains no data or was corrupted. Make a note of it in the error array. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['no_file_size']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } elseif ($_FILES['file_upload_array']['size'][$counter] > $max_file_size) { // The file exceeds the amount specified by the max upload directive. Either the browser is stupid, or somebody isn't playing nice. (Ancient browser - MAX_UPLOAD forgery) $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['exc_file_size']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Now we need to move the file into the /edit directory. // We need specify the path for the transitory file. // Create a prefix for easier human recognition. $prefix = "mHTTP_temp_"; //Set the correct file extension. $suffix = $matches[2]; // Generate the unique name. Keep generating new names until one that is not in use is found. do { // Create a random seed by taking the first 8 characters of an MD5 hash of a concatenation of the current UNIX epoch time and the current server process ID. $seed = substr(md5(uniqid("")), 0, 8); // Assemble the file path. $path_to_image = './'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit/'. $prefix . $seed . '.' . $suffix; } while (file_exists($path_to_image)); // Create a holder called $tempname. $tempname = $prefix . $seed . '.' . $suffix; //Now we upload the file. if (!(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file_upload_array']['tmp_name'][$counter], $path_to_image))) { // The file upload has failed. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['impossible']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Change file permission @chmod($path_to_image, octdec($CONFIG['default_file_mode'])); //silence the output in case chmod is disabled // Create a testing alias. $picture_alias = $matches[1].".".$matches[2]; // Check to see if the filename is consistent with that of a picture. if (is_image($picture_alias)) { // If it is, get the picture information $imginfo = getimagesize($path_to_image); // If getimagesize does not recognize the file as a picture, delete the picture. if ($imginfo === 'FALSE') { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image is not an image or it is corrupt. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['not_image']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; // JPEG and PNG only are allowed with GD. If the image is not allowed for GD,delete it. //} elseif ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imginfo[2] != GIS_PNG && ($CONFIG['thumb_method'] == 'gd1' || $CONFIG['thumb_method'] == 'gd2')) { } elseif ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imginfo[2] != GIS_PNG && $CONFIG['GIF_support'] == 0) { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image is not allowed with GD. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['not_GD']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; // Check that picture size (in pixels) is lower than the maximum allowed. If not, delete it. } elseif (max($imginfo[0], $imginfo[1]) > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height']) { if ((USER_IS_ADMIN && $CONFIG['auto_resize'] == 1) || (!USER_IS_ADMIN && $CONFIG['auto_resize'] > 0)) //($CONFIG['auto_resize']==1) { //resize_image($uploaded_pic, $uploaded_pic, $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $imginfo[0] > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'] ? 'wd' : 'ht'); resize_image($uploaded_pic, $uploaded_pic, $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use']); } else { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image dimensions exceed the allowed amount. $file_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'file_name'=> $file_name, 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['pixel_allowance']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } } // Image is ok } // Put array info for a successful upload in $escrow_array. Hold the actual file name and the name of the temporary image. We do not use the path for security reasons. $escrow_array[] = array('actual_name'=>$picture_alias, 'temporary_name'=>$tempname); } // end for loop } // end if statement // Count the number of items in the URI array. $URI_upload_count = count($_POST['URI_array']); if ($URI_upload_count > 0) { for ($counter = 0; $counter < $URI_upload_count; $counter++) { // Create the failure ordinal for ordering the report of failed uploads. $failure_cardinal = $counter + 1; $failure_ordinal = ''.$failure_cardinal.'. '; // Initialize the $URI_MIME_type variable. $URI_MIME_type = "0"; // Check to make sure the URI box was not blank. if (empty($_POST['URI_array'][$counter])) { // The box was empty. // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Check for magic quotes and remove slashes if necessary. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['URI_array'][$counter] = stripslashes($_POST['URI_array'][$counter]); } // Remove excess whitespace. $_POST['URI_array'][$counter] = trim($_POST['URI_array'][$counter]); // Translate any interior spaces into hex replacements. $_POST['URI_array'][$counter] = strtr($_POST['URI_array'][$counter], array(" "=>"%20")); // We do some validation for the URI. First we check for http:// or ftp:// at the start of the URI. if(!ereg('^http://|^ftp://',$_POST['URI_array'][$counter])) { // The URL is malformed or not allowed in Coppermine. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['incorrect_prefix']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // To obtain the file name, we explode the URI into $pieces. $pieces = explode('/',$_POST['URI_array'][$counter]); // We pop off the end of the $pieces array to obtain the possible file name. $possible_file_name = array_pop($pieces); // Strip the hex equivalent for spaces from the possible file name and restore the spaces. $possible_file_name = strtr($possible_file_name, array("%20"=>" ")); // Check possible filename and extension: // Check that the possible file name has a valid name and extension, and replace forbidden chars with underscores. // Initialise the $matches array. $matches = array(); // Create the holder $picture_name by translating the possible file name. Translate any forbidden character into an underscore. $picture_name = replace_forbidden($possible_file_name); // Analyze the file extension using regular expressions. if (!preg_match("/(.+)\.(.*?)\Z/", $picture_name, $matches)) { // The file name is invalid. $matches[1] = 'invalid_fname'; // Make a bogus file extension to tell Coppermine to use a different name. $matches[2] = 'xxx'; } // Set the variable $extension equal to $matches[2]. $extension = $matches[2]; // If there is no extension, or if the extension is unknown/not permitted by Coppermine, attenpt to detect a MIME type. if ($matches[2] == '' || !is_known_filetype($matches)) { // Check for stream_get_meta_data support. if (!function_exists('stream_get_meta_data')) { // We cannot get the header information for the file, so we reject the URI as unsafe. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['unsafe_URI']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Open a stream to the resource. $fp = fopen($_POST['URI_array'][$counter],"rb"); // Check to see if the resource was opened. if (!$fp) { // Attempt to get the status of the resource. $response = check_status($_POST['URI_array'][$counter]); // Try to parse header if we were able to get a response. if ($response) { if(strstr($response, '401')) { // 401 Unauthorized - Authorization needed to obtain resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_401']); } elseif(strstr($response, '402')) { // 402 Payment Required - Where's the cash? :-) Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_402']); } elseif(strstr($response, '403')) { // 403 Forbidden - No permission to access the resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_403']); } elseif(strstr($response, '404')) { // 404 Not Found - The resource is missing. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_404']); } elseif(strstr($response, '500')) { // 500 Internal Server Error - The server has failed. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_500']); } elseif(strstr($response, '503')) { // 503 Service Unavailable - The server is busy. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_503']); } else { // Undocumented error. Note an error. Return status code. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$response); } // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } else { // The resource could not be opened. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['could_not_open_URI']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } } else { $header = stream_get_meta_data($fp); if($header === 'FALSE') { // We could not get the meta data from the header. We must reject the URI as unsafe. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['meta_data_failure']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } //Look for server response. Proceed if status code 200 is returned. if(!(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '200'))) { // The resource is not available. Attempt to determine why, and // generate the appropriate error. if(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '401')) { // 401 Unauthorized - Authorization needed to obtain resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_401']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '402')) { // 402 Payment Required - Where's the cash? :-) Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_402']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '403')) { // 403 Forbidden - No permission to access the resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_403']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '404')) { // 404 Not Found - The resource is missing. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_404']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '500')) { // 500 Internal Server Error - The server has failed. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_500']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '503')) { // 503 Service Unavailable - The server is busy. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_503']); } else { // Undocumented error. Note an error. Return status code. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$header['wrapper_data'][0]); } // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Cycle through returned HTTP header. Look for the MIME type, which we will use to create a proper file extension. if (count($header['wrapper_data']) < 2) { // We could not get the meta data from the header. We must reject the URI as unsafe. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['meta_data_failure']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } else { // Now we loop through each item returned in the wrapper data. for ($i=1; isset($header['wrapper_data'][$i]); $i++) { // We test each array element to see if it contains the content-type header. if (strstr(strtolower($header['wrapper_data'][$i]), 'content-type')) { // If we find it, we have found the MIME type. Use regular expressions to extract it. if(!(eregi('^content-type: ([[:graph:]]+)', $header['wrapper_data'][$i], $MIME_extraction_array))) { // We could not find a MIME type. Note an error and reject the URI as unsafe. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['MIME_extraction_failure']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue 2; } else { // We have found the MIME type, which we will store in $URI_MIME_type. $URI_MIME_type = $MIME_extraction_array[1]; } // While we are at it, let's see if we can get a content length from the server. } elseif (strstr(strtolower($header['wrapper_data'][$i]), 'content-length')) { // We have found the Content-Length header. Use regular expressions to extract it. if(eregi('^content-length: ([[:digit:]]+)', $header['wrapper_data'][$i], $length_extraction_array)) { // The content length should be available in bytes. Cross compare with the maximum file size allowed in an upload. // Reject the file with an error if it is too large. if ($length_extraction_array[1] > $max_file_size) { // The content is too large. Reject it with an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['exc_file_size']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue 2; } } } } } // Close the file pointer if we were able to open it. fclose($fp); } } // Check to see if MIME type was detected. if($URI_MIME_type) { // A mime type was detected. Determine the appropriate file extension for the MIME type. // We will hard code the most common GD compatible image MIME types to reduce calls to the DB. if(($URI_MIME_type == 'image/jpeg') or ($URI_MIME_type == 'image/jpg')) { //The file will need a .jpg extension. $extension = 'jpg'; } elseif ($URI_MIME_type == 'image/png') { //The file will need a .png extension. $extension = 'png'; } elseif ($URI_MIME_type == 'image/gif') { //The file will need a .gif extension. $extension = 'gif'; } else { // We will try to get the extension from the database. $MIME_result = cpg_db_query("SELECT extension FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_FILETYPES']} WHERE mime='$URI_MIME_type'"); // Check to see if any results were returned. if (!mysql_num_rows($MIME_result)) { // No results, so free up the resources. mysql_free_result($MIME_result); // We cannot determine an extension from the MIME type provided, so note an error. Reject the file as unsafe. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['MIME_type_unknown']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } else { // The was a result. Fetch it. $extension_data = mysql_fetch_array($MIME_result); // Release the resources. mysql_free_result($MIME_result); // Store the extension in $extension. $extension = $extension_data['extension']; } } } //Now we must create the temporary file name. This will be the permanent file name if MIME type detection was used to establish the extension. // First, we create a prefix for easier human recognition. $prefix = "mURI_temp_"; //Set the correct file extension. $suffix = $extension; // Generate the unique name. Keep generating new names until one that is not in use is found. do { // Create a random seed by taking the first 8 characters of an MD5 hash of a concatenation of the current UNIX epoch time and the current server process ID. $seed = substr(md5(uniqid("")), 0, 8); // Assemble the file path. $path_to_image = './'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit/'. $prefix . $seed . '.' . $suffix; } while (file_exists($path_to_image)); // Create a holder called $tempname. $tempname = $prefix . $seed . '.' . $suffix; // The file name $path_to_image has been created. We must prepare to download the resource. First, we will attemt to detect the status code for the resource. // Open a stream to the resource. $fp = fopen($_POST['URI_array'][$counter],"rb"); // Check to see if the resource was opened. if (!$fp) { // Attempt to get the status of the resource. $response = check_status($_POST['URI_array'][$counter]); // Try to parse header if we were able to get a response. if ($response) { if(strstr($response, '401')) { // 401 Unauthorized - Authorization needed to obtain resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_401']); } elseif(strstr($response, '402')) { // 402 Payment Required - Where's the cash? :-) Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_402']); } elseif(strstr($response, '403')) { // 403 Forbidden - No permission to access the resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_403']); } elseif(strstr($response, '404')) { // 404 Not Found - The resource is missing. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_404']); } elseif(strstr($response, '500')) { // 500 Internal Server Error - The server has failed. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_500']); } elseif(strstr($response, '503')) { // 503 Service Unavailable - The server is busy. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_503']); } else { // Undocumented error. Note an error. Return status code. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$response); } // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } else { // The resource could not be opened. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['could_not_open_URI']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } } else { // Obtain header info if possible. if (function_exists('stream_get_meta_data')) { // Store header data in $header. $header = stream_get_meta_data($fp); // If data was returned, test it. if($header) { //Look for server response. Proceed if status code 200 is returned. if(!(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '200'))) { // The resource is not available. Attempt to determine why, and // generate the appropriate error. if(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '401')) { // 401 Unauthorized - Authorization needed to obtain resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_401']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '402')) { // 402 Payment Required - Where's the cash? :-) Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_402']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '403')) { // 403 Forbidden - No permission to access the resource. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_403']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '404')) { // 404 Not Found - The resource is missing. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_404']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '500')) { // 500 Internal Server Error - The server has failed. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_500']); } elseif(strstr($header['wrapper_data'][0], '503')) { // 503 Service Unavailable - The server is busy. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['http_503']); } else { // Undocumented error. Note an error. Return status code. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$header['wrapper_data'][0]); } // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Cycle through returned HTTP header. if (count($header['wrapper_data']) > 1) { // Now we loop through each item returned in the wrapper data. for ($i=1; isset($header['wrapper_data'][$i]); $i++) { // Let's see if we can get a content length from the server. if (strstr(strtolower($header['wrapper_data'][$i]), 'content-length')) { // We have found the Content-Length header. Use regular expressions to extract it. if(eregi('^content-length: ([[:digit:]]+)', $header['wrapper_data'][$i], $length_extraction_array)) { // The content length should be available in bytes. Cross compare with the maximum file size allowed in an upload. // Reject the file with an error if it is too large. if ($length_extraction_array[1] > $max_file_size) { // The content is too large. Reject it with an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['exc_file_size']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue 2; } } } } } } } // Cannot get headers from meta data, or we have completed the metadata check and have found a 200 status code and appropriate content length. // Now we must create a file to write the data to. touch($path_to_image); // Conduct tests on write file. if (!is_file($path_to_image)) { // The file was not created. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['cant_create_write']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; // Check for writability, } elseif (!is_writable($path_to_image)) { // The file is not writeable. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['not_writable']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } else { // Initialize the $content variable. $content = ''; // The write file has been created and is writeable. Let's get the content from the URI. while (!feof($fp)) { // Read the data into $content in 8KB chunks. $content .= fread($fp,8192); } // Close the file pointer now that we are done reading it. fclose($fp); // Open the temp file for writing. $fpw = fopen($path_to_image, "wb"); // Verify the file has opened. if (!$fpw) { // The file did not open. Make a note of the error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['cant_open_write_file']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Write the data to the file. if (fwrite($fpw, $content, strlen($content)) === 'FALSE') { // We could not write the data to the file. Note an error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['cant_write_write_file']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // The file now resides on the server. Let's close the write file. fclose($fpw); } } // The file is located at $path_to_image. We now need to continue with on server testing. // Change file permission @chmod($path_to_image, octdec($CONFIG['default_file_mode'])); //silence the output in case chmod is disabled // Create a testing alias. Use the temp name if a MIME type eas discovered. if ($URI_MIME_type) { // The MIME type eas detected, so we use the temp name. $picture_alias = $tempname; } else { $picture_alias = $matches[1].".".$matches[2]; } // Test file size. Delete if too large. if (filesize($path_to_image) > $max_file_size) { // The file size is too large, delete it. @unlink($uploaded_pic); // The file upload has failed -- the file is too large. make a note of the error. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['exc_file_size']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Check to see if the filename is consistent with that of a picture. if (is_image($picture_alias)) { // If it is, get the picture information $imginfo = getimagesize($path_to_image); // If getimagesize does not recognize the file as a picture, delete the picture. if ($imginfo === 'FALSE') { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image is not an image or it is corrupt. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['not_image']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; // JPEG and PNG only are allowed with GD. If the image is not allowed for GD,delete it. //} elseif ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imginfo[2] != GIS_PNG && ($CONFIG['thumb_method'] == 'gd1' || $CONFIG['thumb_method'] == 'gd2')) { } elseif ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imginfo[2] != GIS_PNG && $CONFIG['GIF_support'] == 0) { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image is not allowed with GD. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['not_GD']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; // Check that picture size (in pixels) is lower than the maximum allowed. If not, delete it. } elseif (max($imginfo[0], $imginfo[1]) > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height']) { @unlink($path_to_image); // The file upload has failed -- the image dimensions exceed the allowed amount. $URI_failure_array[] = array( 'failure_ordinal'=>$failure_ordinal, 'URI_name'=> $_POST['URI_array'][$counter], 'error_code'=>$lang_upload_php['pixel_allowance']); // There is no need for further tests or action, so skip the remainder of the iteration. continue; } // Image is ok } // Put array info for a successful upload in $escrow_array. Array hold the actual file name and the name of the temporary image. We do not use the path for security reasons. $escrow_array[] = array('actual_name'=>$picture_alias, 'temporary_name'=>$tempname); } } // Decompressive ZIP uploading is disabled. // $zip_upload_count = count($_FILES['ZIP_array']['name']); //Now we must prepare the inital form for adding the pictures to the database, and we must move them to their final location. // Count errors in each error array and the escrow array. $escrow_array_count = count($escrow_array); $file_error_count = count($file_failure_array); $URI_error_count = count($URI_failure_array); $zip_error_count = count($zip_failure_array); // Create page header. pageheader($lang_upload_php['title']); // Check for successful uploads. if ($escrow_array_count > '0') { // Serialize and base64_encode the array. $cayman_escrow = base64_encode(serialize($escrow_array)); // Add temp data record to database. $unique_ID = create_record($cayman_escrow); // Verify record was created. if (!$unique_ID) { cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_upload_php['cant_create_write'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Prepare success data for user. starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['succ'], 2); echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"; printf ($lang_upload_php['success'], $escrow_array_count); echo "<br /><br />"; echo $lang_upload_php['add']; echo "</td></tr>"; // Set the form action to this script. open_form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $form_array = array( array('unique_ID', $unique_ID, 4), array('control', 'phase_2', 4) ); create_form($form_array); close_form($lang_continue); endtable(); // Throw in an HTML break for aesthetics. echo "<br />"; } else { // we had no successful uploads. We create a redirect box. msg_box($lang_info, sprintf($lang_upload_php['success'], $escrow_array_count), $lang_continue, 'index.php', "100%"); // Throw in an HTML break for aesthetics. echo "<br />"; } // Create error report if we have errors. if (($file_error_count + $URI_error_count + $zip_error_count) > 0) { // Prepare error data for user. starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['error_report'], 2); form_statement($lang_upload_php['error_instr']); // Look for file upload errors. if ($file_error_count > 0) { // There are file upload errors. Generate the section label. form_label($lang_upload_php['reg_instr_7']); echo "<tr><td>{$lang_upload_php['file_name_url']}</td><td>{$lang_upload_php['error_message']}</td></tr>"; // Cycle through the file upload errors. for ($i=0; $i < $file_error_count; $i++) { // Print the error ordinal, file name, and error code. echo "<tr><td>{$file_failure_array[$i]['failure_ordinal']} {$file_failure_array[$i]['file_name']}</td><td>{$file_failure_array[$i]['error_code']}</td></tr>"; } } // Look for URI upload errors. if ($URI_error_count > 0) { // There are URI upload errors. Generate the section label. form_label($lang_upload_php['reg_instr_8']); echo "<tr><td>{$lang_upload_php['file_name_url']}</td><td>{$lang_upload_php['error_message']}</td></tr>"; // Cycle through the file upload errors. for ($i=0; $i < $URI_error_count; $i++) { // Print the error ordinal, file name, and error code. echo "<tr><td>{$URI_failure_array[$i]['failure_ordinal']} {$URI_failure_array[$i]['URI_name']}</td><td>{$URI_failure_array[$i]['error_code']}</td></tr>"; } } // Look for zip upload errors. if ($zip_error_count > 0) { // There are file upload errors. Generate the section label. form_label($lang_upload_php['reg_instr_6']); echo "<tr><td>{$lang_upload_php['file_name_url']}</td><td>{$lang_upload_php['error_message']}</td></tr>"; // Cycle through the file upload errors. for ($i=0; $i < $zip_error_count; $i++) { // Print the error ordinal, file name, and error code. echo "<tr><td>{$file_failure_array[$i]['failure_ordinal']} {$file_failure_array[$i]['file_name']}</td><td>{$file_failure_array[$i]['error_code']}</td></tr>"; } } // Close the error report table. endtable(); } // Create the footer and flush the output buffer. pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); // Exit the script. exit; } // Recieve incoming post information for phase II. if ((isset($_POST['control'])) and ($_POST['control'] == 'phase_2')) { // Check for incoming album placement data. if ((isset($_POST['album'])) and (isset($_POST['unique_ID']))) { // Check if user selected an album to upload picture to. If not, die with error. // added by frogfoot $album = (int)$_POST['album']; if (!$album){ cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_db_input_php['album_not_selected'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (isset($_POST['unique_ID'])) { // The unique ID is set, so let us retrieve the record. $cayman_string = retrieve_record($_POST['unique_ID']); // Verify record was retrieved. if (!$cayman_string) { cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { // The $_POST['unique_ID'] value is not present. Die with an error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Now we decode the string. $escrow_array = unserialize(base64_decode($cayman_string)); // Now we need to pop a file set off $escrow_array. // The returned element will take the form: array('actual_name', 'temporary_name') // First, we test to make sure $escrow_array is an array. if (!(is_array($escrow_array))) { // The decoded information is not an array. Die with an error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Initialize $file_set as an array. $file_set = array(); // Create array index. $index = count($escrow_array) - 1; // Read the end of the $escrow_array array into $file_set. $file_set[0] = $escrow_array[$index]['actual_name']; $file_set[1] = $escrow_array[$index]['temporary_name']; // Get the image preview path. $preview_path = $escrow_array[$index]['preview_path']; // Remove end of $escrow_array. unset($escrow_array[$index]['preview_path']); unset($escrow_array[$index]['actual_name']); unset($escrow_array[$index]['temporary_name']); unset($escrow_array[$index]); // Re-encode the $escrow_array. $cayman_escrow = base64_encode(serialize($escrow_array)); // Update the record. $update = update_record($_POST['unique_ID'], $cayman_escrow); // Verify that the update occurred. if (!$update) { // We cannot write to the temporary data file. Note a fatal error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_upload_php['not_writable'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // We have incoming placement data. Let's capture it. $album = (int)$_POST['album']; $title = addslashes($_POST['title']); $caption = addslashes($_POST['caption']); $keywords = addslashes($_POST['keywords']); $user1 = addslashes($_POST['user1']); $user2 = addslashes($_POST['user2']); $user3 = addslashes($_POST['user3']); $user4 = addslashes($_POST['user4']); // Capture movie or audio width and height if sent. if(isset($_POST['movie_wd'])) { $movie_wd = (int)$_POST['movie_wd']; } else { $movie_wd = 320; } if(isset($_POST['movie_ht'])) { $movie_ht = (int)$_POST['movie_ht']; } else { $movie_ht = 240; } // Check if the album id provided is valid if (!GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE aid='$album' and (uploads = 'YES' OR category = '" . (USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT) . "')"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_db_input_php['unknown_album'], __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); $category = $row['category']; } else { $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE aid='$album'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_db_input_php['unknown_album'], __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); $category = $row['category']; } // Pictures are moved in a directory named 10000 + USER_ID if (USER_ID && !defined('SILLY_SAFE_MODE')) { $filepath = $CONFIG['userpics'] . (USER_ID + FIRST_USER_CAT); $dest_dir = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath; if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) { mkdir($dest_dir, octdec($CONFIG['default_dir_mode'])); if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, sprintf($lang_db_input_php['err_mkdir'], $dest_dir), __FILE__, __LINE__, true); @chmod($dest_dir, octdec($CONFIG['default_dir_mode'])); //silence the output in case chmod is disabled $fp = fopen($dest_dir . '/index.html', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ' '); fclose($fp); } $dest_dir .= '/'; $filepath .= '/'; } else { $filepath = $CONFIG['userpics']; $dest_dir = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath; } // Check that target dir is writable if (!is_writable($dest_dir)) cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, sprintf($lang_db_input_php['dest_dir_ro'], $dest_dir), __FILE__, __LINE__, true); //Add the Perl regex to break the actual name. preg_match("/(.+)\.(.*?)\Z/", $file_set[0], $matches); // Create a unique name for the uploaded file $nr = 0; $picture_name = $matches[1] . '.' . $matches[2]; while (file_exists($dest_dir . $picture_name)) { $picture_name = $matches[1] . '~' . $nr++ . '.' . $matches[2]; } // Create path for final location. $uploaded_pic = $dest_dir . $picture_name; // Form path to temporary image. $path_to_image = './'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit/'.$file_set[1]; // prevent moving the edit directory... if (is_dir($path_to_image)) cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_upload_php['failure'] . " - '$path_to_image'", __FILE__, __LINE__, true); // Move the picture into its final location if (rename($path_to_image, $uploaded_pic)) { // Change file permission @chmod($uploaded_pic, octdec($CONFIG['default_file_mode'])); //silence the output in case chmod is disabled // Create thumbnail and intermediate image and add the image into the DB $result = add_picture($album, $filepath, $picture_name, 0,$title, $caption, $keywords, $user1, $user2, $user3, $user4, $category, $raw_ip, $hdr_ip, $movie_wd, $movie_ht); if (!$result) { // The file could not be placed. $file_placement = 'no'; } else { // The file was placed successfully. $file_placement = 'yes'; } } else { // The file was not placed successfully. $file_placement = 'no'; } // Time for garbage cleanup. // First, we delete the preview image. if ((!strstr($preview_path, 'thumb')) and (file_exists($preview_path))) { unlink($preview_path); } // Check to see if this is the last one. if(count($escrow_array) == '0') { // Create the final message. if ($PIC_NEED_APPROVAL) { if ($file_placement == 'no') { $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['no_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_db_input_php['upload_success']; } else { $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['yes_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_db_input_php['upload_success']; } } else { if ($file_placement == 'no') { $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['no_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_upload_php['process_complete']; } else { $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['yes_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_upload_php['process_complete']; } } // Delete the temporary data file. delete_record($_POST['unique_ID']); // Send e-mail notification to the admin if requested (added by gaugau: 03-11-09). if (($CONFIG['upl_notify_admin_email']) and ($PIC_NEED_APPROVAL)) { // Encapsulate so included lang file doesn't interfere with global one function cpg_send_upload_notification() { global $CONFIG; $lang_db_input_php = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_db_input_php'); // Get the mail files. include_once('include/mailer.inc.php'); // Send the message. cpg_mail('admin', sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_body'], USER_NAME, $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target']. (substr( $CONFIG["ecards_more_pic_target"], -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') .'editpics.php?mode=upload_approval' )); } cpg_send_upload_notification(); } // That was the last one. Create a redirect box. pageheader($lang_info); msg_box($lang_info, $final_message, $lang_continue, 'index.php', "100%"); pagefooter(); // Exit the script. exit; } } // The user has files that need to be processed and placed in albums. // We must pull that information from the temporary data file // whose ID is in $_POST['unique_ID']. if (isset($_POST['unique_ID'])) { // The unique ID is set, so let us retrieve the record. $cayman_string = retrieve_record($_POST['unique_ID']); // Verify record was retrieved. if (!$cayman_string) { cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { // The $_POST['cayman'] path is not present. Die with an error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Now we decode the string. $escrow_array = unserialize(base64_decode($cayman_string)); // Now we need to detect the end file set of $escrow_array. // The returned element will take the form: array('actual_name', 'temporary_name') // First, we test to make sure $escrow_array is an array. if (!(is_array($escrow_array))) { // The decoded information is not an array. Die with an error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Initialize $file_set as an array. $file_set = array(); // Create array index. $index = count($escrow_array) - 1; // Read the end of the $escrow_array array into $file_set. $file_set[0] = $escrow_array[$index]['actual_name']; $file_set[1] = $escrow_array[$index]['temporary_name']; // Create preview image. // Create path to image. $path_to_image = './'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit/'.$file_set[1]; // Create the preview function. // Get the extension for the preview. // First we parse the file name to determine the file type. $pieces = explode('.',$file_set[1]); // We pop off the end of the $pieces array to obtain the possible file name. $extension = array_pop($pieces); // Detect if the file is an image. if(is_image($file_set[1])) { // Create preview image file name. do { // Create a random seed by taking the first 8 characters of an MD5 hash of a concatenation of the current UNIX epoch time and the current server process ID. $seed = substr(md5(uniqid("")), 0, 8); // Assemble the file path. $path_to_preview = './'.$CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit/preview_' . $seed . '.' . $extension; } while (file_exists($path_to_preview)); // Create secure preview path. $s_preview_path = 'preview_' . $seed . '.' . $extension; // The file is an image, we must resize it for a preview image. resize_image($path_to_image, $path_to_preview, '150', $CONFIG['thumb_method'], 'wd'); if ($CONFIG['read_iptc_data']) { $iptc = get_IPTC($path_to_image); } } else { // The file is not an image, so we will use the non-image thumbs // for preview images. // We create the path to the preview image. $path_to_preview = "images/thumb_{$extension}.jpg"; } // Add preview image path to $escrow_array. $escrow_array[$index]['preview_path'] = $path_to_preview; // Re-encode the $escrow_array. $cayman_escrow = base64_encode(serialize($escrow_array)); // Update the record. $update = update_record($_POST['unique_ID'], $cayman_escrow); // Verify that the update occurred. if (!$update) { // We cannot write to the temporary data file. Note a fatal error. cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_upload_php['not_writable'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Create upload form headers. pageheader($lang_upload_php['title']); // Open the form table. starttable("100%", $lang_upload_php['title'], 2); // Direct the request to this script. open_form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Create image tag and echo it to the output buffer. echo "<tr><td class=\"tableh2\"><img class=\"image\" src=\"".$path_to_preview."\" /></td>"; // Echo instructions. echo "<td class=\"tableh2\">{$lang_upload_php['picture']} - {$file_set[0]}<br /><br />{$lang_upload_php['place_instr_1']}<br /><br />"; // If we have previously placed a picture, give a brief message about its success or failure. if (isset($file_placement)) { if ($file_placement == 'yes') { // The previous picture was placed successfully. echo "{$lang_upload_php['yes_place']}"; } elseif ($file_placement == 'no') { // The previous image placement failed. echo "{$lang_upload_php['no_place']}"; } } echo "</td></tr>"; // Declare an array containing the various upload form box definitions. $captionLabel = $lang_upload_php['description']; if ($CONFIG['show_bbcode_help']) {$captionLabel .= ' '. cpg_display_help('f=index.html&base=64&h='.urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help_title))).'&t='.urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help))),470,245);} //$printed_file_name = "{$lang_upload_php['picture']} - {$file_set[0]}"; //Use the IPTC title or headline for the Coppermine title if available. if (isset($iptc['Title']) && !empty($iptc['Title'])) { $title=$iptc['Title']; } elseif (isset($iptc['Headline']) && !empty($iptc['Headline'])) { $title=$iptc['Headline']; } else { $title=''; } $form_array = array( array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album', 2), array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title', 0, 255, 1, $title), array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length'], (isset($iptc['Caption'])) ? $iptc['Caption'] : ''), array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords', 0, 255, 1,(isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(' ',$iptc['Keywords']): ''), array('control', 'phase_2', 4), array('unique_ID', $_POST['unique_ID'], 4), ); // Check for user defined fields. if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field1_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field1_name'], 'user1', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field2_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field2_name'], 'user2', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field3_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field3_name'], 'user3', 0, 255, 1); } if(!empty($CONFIG['user_field4_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field4_name'], 'user4', 0, 255, 1); } // Check for movies and audio, and create width and height boxes if true. if((is_movie($file_set[1])) or (is_audio($file_set[1]))) { //Add width and height boxes to the form. $form_array[] = array($lang_admin_php['th_wd'],'movie_wd', 0, 4, 1); $form_array[] = array($lang_admin_php['th_ht'],'movie_ht', 0, 4, 1); } // Create the form and echo more instructions. create_form($form_array); // More instructions. if(count($escrow_array) > '1') { form_statement($lang_upload_php['place_instr_2']); } // Make button say 'Continue.' close_form($lang_continue); // Close the table, create footers, and flush the output buffer. endtable(); pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); // Exit the script. exit; } ?>