File: util.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Dev Team v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.4.16 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.4.x/util.php $ $Revision: 4233 $ $Author: gaugau $ $Date: 2008-02-02 09:23:58 +0100 (Sa, 02 Feb 2008) $ **********************************************/ define('IN_COPPERMINE', true); define('UTIL_PHP', true); define('UPLOAD_PHP', true); require('include/init.inc.php'); require('include/picmgmt.inc.php'); // Default number of pictures to process at a time when rebuilding thumbs or normals: $defpicnum = 45; if (!GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['access_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__); pageheader($lang_util_php['title']); // 'action name (for the $_REQUEST)' => array('function name','title for main page','description/options for main page') $tasks = array( 'update_thumbs' => array('update_thumbs', $lang_util_php['update'],' <b>'.$lang_util_php['update_what'].' (2):</b><br /> <input type="radio" name="updatetype" id="updatetype1" value="0" class="nobg" /><label for="updatetype1" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['update_thumb'].'</label><br /> <input type="radio" name="updatetype" id="updatetype2" value="1" class="nobg" /><label for="updatetype2" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['update_pic'].'</label><br /> <input type="radio" name="updatetype" id="updatetype3" value="2" checked="checked" class="nobg" /><label for="updatetype3" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['update_both'].'</label><br />'.$lang_util_php['update_number'].' <input type="text" name="numpics" value="'.$defpicnum.'" size="5" class="textinput" /><br />'.$lang_util_php['update_option'].'<br /><br />'), 'filename_to_title' => array('filename_to_title', $lang_util_php['filename_title'],' <b>'.$lang_util_php['filename_how'].' (2):</b><br /> <input type="radio" name="parsemode" id="parsemode1" value="0" checked="checked" class="nobg" /><label for="parsemode1" class="clickable_option">' . $lang_util_php['filename_remove'] . '</label><br /> <input type="radio" name="parsemode" id="parsemode2" value="1" class="nobg" /><label for="parsemode2" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['filename_euro'].'</label><br /> <input type="radio" name="parsemode" id="parsemode3" value="2" class="nobg" /><label for="parsemode3" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['filename_us'].'</label><br /> <input type="radio" name="parsemode" id="parsemode4" value="3" class="nobg" /><label for="parsemode4" class="clickable_option">'.$lang_util_php['filename_time'].'</label><br /><br />'), 'del_titles' => array('del_titles', $lang_util_php['delete_title'], $lang_util_php['delete_title_explanation']), 'del_orig' => array('del_orig', $lang_util_php['delete_original'], $lang_util_php['delete_original_explanation']), 'del_norm' => array('del_norm', $lang_util_php['delete_intermediate'], $lang_util_php['delete_intermediate_explanation']), 'del_orphans' => array('del_orphans', $lang_util_php['delete_orphans'], $lang_util_php['delete_orphans_explanation']), 'refresh_db' => array('refresh_db', $lang_util_php['refresh_db'], $lang_util_php['refresh_db'].'<br />' . $lang_util_php['update_number'].' <input type="text" name="refresh_numpics" value="'.$defpicnum.'" size="5" class="textinput" /><br />'.$lang_util_php['update_option']), 'reset_views' => array('reset_views', $lang_util_php['reset_views'], $lang_util_php['reset_views_explanation']), 'php_info' => array('', '<a href="phpinfo.php" class="statlink">' . $lang_util_php['phpinfo'] . '</a>', $lang_util_php['phpinfo_explanation']), 'upd_db' => array('', '<a href="update.php" class="statlink">' . $lang_util_php['update_db'].'</a>',$lang_util_php['update_db_explanation']), 'view_log' => array('', '<a href="viewlog.php" class="statlink">' . $lang_util_php['view_log'] . '</a>', $lang_util_php['view_log_explanation']), 'versioncheck' => array('', '<a href="versioncheck.php" class="statlink">' . $lang_util_php['versioncheck'] . '</a>', $lang_util_php['versioncheck_explanation']), 'bridgemgr' => array('', '<a href="bridgemgr.php" class="statlink">' . $lang_util_php['bridgemanager'] . '</a>', $lang_util_php['bridgemanager_explanation']), ); $action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; if (array_key_exists($action, $tasks)){ call_user_func($action); echo "<br /><a href=\"util.php\">{$lang_util_php['back']}</a>"; } else { $help = ' '.cpg_display_help('f=index.htm&as=admin_tools&ae=admin_tools_end&top=1', '600', '400'); starttable('100%', $lang_util_php['title'].$help, 2); echo '<tr> <td class="tablef"><b>'.$lang_util_php['what_it_does'] . '</b>: <ul style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;list-style-type:square">'; foreach($lang_util_desc_php as $value) { echo "<li>$value</li>\n"; } echo ' </ul> </td> <td class="tableb"><b>' . $lang_util_php['instruction'] . '</b>:<br /> (1) ' . $lang_util_php['instruction_action'] . '<br /> (2) ' . $lang_util_php['instruction_parameter'] . '<br /> (3) ' . $lang_util_php['instruction_album'] . '<br /> (4) ' . sprintf($lang_util_php['instruction_press'], $lang_util_php['submit_form']).' </td> </tr>'; endtable(); echo '<br /><form action="util.php" method="post">'; foreach ($tasks as $task){ list($name, $title, $options) = $task; if ($name){ starttable('100%', "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" class=\"nobg\" /><label for=\"$name\" class=\"clickable_option\" >$title</label> (1)"); } else { starttable('100%', $title); } echo "<tr><td class=\"tablef\">$options</td></tr>"; endtable(); echo '<br />'; } starttable('100%', $lang_util_php['select_album']); echo '<tr><td class="tablef"><br />'; //if (defined('UDB_INTEGRATION')){ $cpg_udb->util_filloptions(); /*} else { filloptions(); }*/ echo '<br /></td></tr>'; endtable(); echo '</form>'; } function my_flush() { print str_repeat(" ", 4096); // force a flush; } function del_titles() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; echo "<h2>{$lang_util_php['delete_wait']}</h2>"; $query = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET title = '' $albstr"); if ($query) { echo $lang_util_php['titles_deleted']."<br />"; } } function filename_to_title() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? " WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; $parsemode = $_POST['parsemode']; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} $albstr"); echo "<h2>{$lang_util_php['titles_wait']}</h2>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $filename = $row['filename']; $pid = $row['pid']; // ////////////////////////////////////////// // ADD YOUR OWN PARSEMODES HERE // // ///////////////////////////////////////// $pattern = "/(\d+)(.)(\d+)(.)(\d+)(.)(\d+)(.)(\d+)(.)(\d+)(.+)/"; switch ($parsemode){ case 0: // REMOVE .JPG AND REPLACE _ WITH [ ] $filename = substr($filename, 0, -4); $newtitle = str_replace("_", " ", $filename); break; case 1: // CHANGE 2003_11_23_13_20_20.jpg TO 23/11/2003 13:20 $newtitle = str_replace("%20", " ", $filename); $replacement = "$5/$3/$1 $7:$9"; $newtitle = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $filename); break; case 2: // CHANGE 2003_11_23_13_20_20.jpg TO 11/23/2003 13:20 $newtitle = str_replace("%20", " ", $filename); $replacement = "$3/$5/$1 $7:$9"; $newtitle = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $filename); break; case 3: // CHANGE 2003_11_23_13_20_20.jpg TO 13:20 $newtitle = str_replace("%20", " ", $filename); $replacement = "$7:$9"; $newtitle = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $filename); break; } $query = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET title = '$newtitle' WHERE pid = '$pid'"); if ($query){ echo "{$lang_util_php['file']} : $filename {$lang_util_php['title_set_to']} : $newtitle<br />"; } my_flush(); } } function filloptions() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT aid, category, IF(user_name IS NOT NULL, CONCAT('(', user_name, ') ',title), CONCAT(' - ', title)) AS title " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS a " . "LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} AS u ON category = (" . FIRST_USER_CAT . " + user_id) " . "ORDER BY category, title"); echo ' <select size="1" name="albumid" class="listbox"><option value="0">All Albums</option>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $result2 = cpg_db_query("SELECT name FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CATEGORIES']} WHERE cid = {$row['category']}"); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); echo "<option value=\"{$row['aid']}\">{$row2['name']} {$row['title']}</option>"; } echo '</select> (3) <input type="submit" value="'.$lang_util_php['submit_form'].'" class="button" /> (4)'; } function update_thumbs() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; $updatetype = $_POST['updatetype']; $numpics = $_POST['numpics']; $startpic = (isset($_POST['startpic'])) ? $_POST['startpic'] : 0; echo "<h2>{$lang_util_php['thumbs_wait']}</h2>"; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} $albstr LIMIT $startpic, $numpics"); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $image = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $row['filename']; $normal = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['normal_pfx'] . $row['filename']; $thumb = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $row['filename']; if ($updatetype == 0 || $updatetype == 2){ if (resize_image($image, $thumb, $CONFIG['thumb_width'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use'])){ echo "$thumb {$lang_util_php['updated_succesfully']} !<br />"; my_flush(); } else { echo "{$lang_util_php['error_create']} : $thumb<br />"; my_flush(); } } if ($updatetype == 1 || $updatetype == 2){ $imagesize = getimagesize($image); if (max($imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]) > $CONFIG['picture_width'] && $CONFIG['make_intermediate']){ if (resize_image($image, $normal, $CONFIG['picture_width'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use'])){ echo "$normal {$lang_util_php['updated_succesfully']} !<br />"; my_flush(); } else { echo "{$lang_util_php['error_create']} : $normal<br />"; my_flush(); } } } } if ($count == $numpics){ $startpic += $numpics; echo <<< EOT <form action="util.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update_thumbs" /> <input type="hidden" name="numpics" value="$numpics" /> <input type="hidden" name="startpic" value="$startpic" /> <input type="hidden" name="updatetype" value="$updatetype" /> <input type="hidden" name="albumid" value="$albumid" /> <input type="submit" value="{$lang_util_php['continue']}" class="button" /> </form> EOT; } } function del_orig() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} $albstr"); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<h2>{$lang_util_php['replace_wait']}</h2>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $pid = $row['pid']; $image = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $row['filename']; $normal = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['normal_pfx'] . $row['filename']; $thumb = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $row['filename']; if (file_exists($normal)) { $deleted = unlink($image); $renamed = rename($normal, $image); if ($deleted AND $renamed){ $imagesize = getimagesize($image); // dimensions $image_filesize = filesize($image); // bytes $total_filesize = $image_filesize + filesize($thumb); cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET filesize='$image_filesize', total_filesize='$total_filesize', pwidth='{$imagesize[0]}', pheight='{$imagesize[1]}' WHERE pid='$pid' "); printf($lang_util_php['main_success'], $normal); } else { echo (!$renamed) ? sprintf($lang_util_php['error_rename'], $normal, $image) : sprintf($lang_util_php['error_deleting'], $image);; } } else { printf($lang_util_php['error_not_found'], $normal); } echo '<br />'; } } function del_norm() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} $albstr"); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<h2>".$lang_util_php['deleting_intermediates']."</h2>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $pid = $row['pid']; $image = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $row['filename']; $normal = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['normal_pfx'] . $row['filename']; $thumb = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $row['filepath'] . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $row['filename']; if (file_exists($normal)){ $test = unlink($normal); if ($test){ $total_filesize = filesize($image) + filesize($thumb); cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET total_filesize='$total_filesize' WHERE pid='$pid'"); printf('The intermediate pic %s was successfully deleted', $normal); print '<br />'; } else { printf('Error deleting %s !', $normal); } } else { printf($lang_util_php['error_not_found'], $normal); print '<br />'; } } } function del_orphans() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $count = 0; echo "<h2>".$lang_util_php['searching_orphans']."</h2><br />"; my_flush(); if (isset($_GET['single'])){ $delone = cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id= '{$_GET['single']}' LIMIT 1"); } $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT pid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $ok_array[] = $row['pid']; } $check_str = '(' . implode(',',$ok_array) . ')'; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE pid NOT IN $check_str"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $pid = $row['pid']; $msg_id = $row['msg_id']; $msg_body = $row['msg_body']; if (isset($_POST['del'])){ cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id= $msg_id"); echo "{$lang_util_php['comment']} $msg_body {$lang_util_php['nonexist']} $pid - <a href=\"util.php?action=del_orphans&single=$msg_id\">{$lang_util_php['delete']}</a><br />"; } $count = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<br /><br />$count {$lang_util_php['orphan_comment']}<br /><br />"; if ($count > 1){ echo <<< EOT <form action="util.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="del_orphans" /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="all" /> {$lang_util_php['delete_all_orphans']} <input type="submit" value="{$lang_util_php['delete_all']}" class="button" /> </form> EOT; } } } function reset_views() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; if (cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET hits ='0' $albstr")) echo 'Reset successful'; } function refresh_db() { global $CONFIG, $lang_util_php; $albumid = (isset($_POST['albumid'])) ? $_POST['albumid'] : 0; $albstr = ($albumid) ? "WHERE aid = $albumid" : ''; $numpics = $_POST['refresh_numpics']; $startpic = (isset($_POST['refresh_startpic'])) ? $_POST['refresh_startpic'] : 0; starttable('100%', "Update results", 3); echo "<tr><th class=\"tableh2\">{$lang_util_php['file']}</th><th class=\"tableh2\">{$lang_util_php['problem']}</th><th class=\"tableh2\">{$lang_util_php['status']}</th></tr>"; $outcome = 'none'; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} $albstr ORDER BY pid ASC LIMIT $startpic, $numpics"); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); $found = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ extract($row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "db"); unset($prob); $full_pic_url = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $db_filepath . $db_filename; $thumb_url = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $db_filepath . $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $db_filename; $normal_url = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $db_filepath . $CONFIG['normal_pfx'] . $db_filename; $url = '<a href="' . $CONFIG["ecards_more_pic_target"] . (substr($CONFIG["ecards_more_pic_target"], -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') ."displayimage.php?pos=-$db_pid" . '" target="_blank">' . "$db_title ($db_pid)" . '</a>'; if (@file_exists($full_pic_url)){ $filesize = @filesize($full_pic_url); $dimensions = @getimagesize($full_pic_url); if ($filesize){ $thumb_filesize = @filesize($thumb_url); $normal_filesize = @filesize($normal_url); $total_filesize = $filesize + $thumb_filesize + $normal_filesize; if ($total_filesize <> $db_total_filesize){ $prob .= "Total filesize is incorrect<br />Database: {$db_total_filesize} bytes<br /> Actual: {$total_filesize} bytes<br />"; $fs1_upd = @cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET total_filesize = '$total_filesize' WHERE pid = '$db_pid' LIMIT 1"); $outcome = ($fs1_upd) ? 'Updated' : 'Update failed.'; } if ($filesize <> $db_filesize){ $prob .= "Total filesize is incorrect<br />Database: {$db_filesize} bytes<br />Actual: {$filesize} bytes<br />"; $fs2_upd = @cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET filesize = '$filesize' WHERE pid = '$db_pid' LIMIT 1"); $outcome = ($fs2_upd) ? 'Updated' : 'Update failed.'; } } else { $prob .= "Could not obtain file size (may be invalid file), skipping....<br />"; $outcome = "Skipped"; } if ($dimensions){ if (($dimensions[0] <> $db_pwidth) || ($dimensions[1] <> $db_pheight)){ $prob .= "Dimensions are incorrect<br />Database: {$db_pwidth}x{$db_pheight}<br />Actual:{$dimensions[0]}x{$dimensions[1]}<br />"; $dim_upd = @cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} SET `pwidth` = '{$dimensions[0]}', `pheight` = '{$dimensions[1]}' WHERE `pid` = '$db_pid' LIMIT 1"); $outcome = ($dim_upd) ? 'Updated' : 'Update failed - '.mysql_error(); } } else { $prob .= "Could not obtain dimension info, skipping....<br />"; $outcome = "Skipped"; } } else { $prob .= "File $full_pic_url does not exist !<br />"; $outcome = "Cannot fix"; } if ($prob){ $found++; echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">$url</td><td class=\"tableb\">$prob</td><td class=\"tableb\">$outcome</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr><td class=\"tableb\">$url</td><td class=\"tableb\">No problems detected</td><td class=\"tableb\">OK</td></tr>"; } my_flush(); } endtable(); if ($outcome == 'none') echo 'No problems were found.'; if ($count == $numpics){ $startpic += $numpics; echo <<< EOT <form action="util.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="refresh_db" /> <input type="hidden" name="refresh_numpics" value="$numpics" /> <input type="hidden" name="refresh_startpic" value="$startpic" /> <input type="hidden" name="albumid" value="$albumid" /> <input type="submit" value="{$lang_util_php['continue']}" class="button" /> </form> EOT; } } pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); ?>