File: smf10.inc.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Coppermine Dev Team v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.5.12 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.5.x/bridge/smf10.inc.php $ $Revision: 8154 $ **********************************************/ if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...'); if (isset($bridge_lookup)) { $default_bridge_data[$bridge_lookup] = array( 'full_name' => 'Simple Machines (SMF) 1.x', 'short_name' => 'smf10', 'support_url' => 'http://www.simplemachines.org/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../board/', 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,Settings.php', 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0', ); } else { // Switch that allows overriding the bridge manager with hard-coded values define('USE_BRIDGEMGR', 1); require_once 'bridge/udb_base.inc.php'; if (!USE_BRIDGEMGR) { require_once('../smf/Settings.php'); $boardurl = 'http://www.mysite.com/board'; } else { require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'Settings.php'); } class cpg_udb extends core_udb { function cpg_udb() { global $BRIDGE, $CONFIG, $boardurl, $db_prefix, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $cookiename; $this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups']; $this->boardurl = $boardurl; $this->multigroups = 1; $this->group_overrride = 1; $this->cookie_name = $cookiename; // Board table names $this->table = array( 'users' => 'members', 'groups' => 'membergroups', 'sessions' => 'sessions' ); // Database connection settings $this->db = array( 'name' => $db_name, 'host' => $db_server ? $db_server : 'localhost', 'user' => $db_user, 'prefix' => $db_prefix, 'password' => $db_passwd ); // Derived full table names if (strpos($db_prefix, '.') === false) { $this->usertable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['users']; $this->groupstable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['groups']; $this->sessionstable = '`' . $this->db['name'] . '`.' . $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['sessions']; } else { $this->usertable = $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['users']; $this->groupstable = $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['groups']; $this->sessionstable = $this->db['prefix'] . $this->table['sessions']; } // Table field names $this->field = array( 'username' => 'realName', // name of 'username' field in users table 'user_id' => 'ID_MEMBER', // name of 'id' field in users table 'password' => 'SHA1(CONCAT(passwd, passwordSalt))', // name of the password field in the users table 'email' => 'emailAddress', // name of 'email' field in users table 'regdate' => 'dateRegistered', // name of 'registered' field in users table 'lastvisit' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastLogin)', // last time user logged in 'active' => 'is_activated', // is user account active? 'location' => 'location', // name of 'location' field in users table 'website' => 'websiteUrl', // name of 'website' field in users table 'usertbl_group_id' => 'ID_GROUP', // name of 'group id' field in users table 'grouptbl_group_id' => 'ID_GROUP', // name of 'group id' field in groups table 'grouptbl_group_name' => 'groupName', // name of 'group name' field in groups table 'postgroup' => 'ID_POST_GROUP', // post group field 'additionals' => 'additionalGroups', // additional groups, comma seperated ); // Pages to redirect to $this->page = array( 'register' => '/index.php?action=register', 'editusers' => '/index.php?action=mlist', 'edituserprofile' => '/index.php?action=profile;u=' ); // Group ids - admin and guest only. $this->admingroups = array(1); $this->guestgroup = 3; // Connect to db - or supply a connection id to be used instead of making own connection. $this->connect(); } // definition of how to extract id, name, group from a session cookie function session_extraction() { $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage(); if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists($this->cookie_name)) { $data = unserialize($superCage->cookie->getRaw($this->cookie_name)); if (is_numeric($data[0]) && preg_match('/^[A-F0-9]{40}$/i', $data[1])) { return $data; } else { return false; } } } // definition of how to extract an id and password hash from a cookie function cookie_extraction() { return false; } // definition of actions required to convert a password from user database form to cookie form function udb_hash_db($password) { return $password; // unused } // Get groups of which user is member function get_groups($row) { $data = array(); if ($this->use_post_based_groups) { $data[0] = $row['group_id'] + 100; $sql = "SELECT {$this->field['postgroup']} AS postgroup, {$this->field['additionals']} AS additionals FROM {$this->usertable} WHERE {$this->field['user_id']} = {$row['id']}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql, $this->link_id); $groupdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); // add in post group $data[] = $groupdata['postgroup'] + 100; // now add in any additional groups if ($groupdata['additionals']) { $additionals = explode(',', $groupdata['additionals']); foreach ($additionals as $group) { $data[] = $group + 100; } } } else { $data[0] = in_array($row['group_id'] , $this->admingroups) ? 1 : 2; } return $data; } function collect_groups() { // Use this version to exclude true post based groups //$sql ="SELECT * FROM {$this->groupstable} WHERE minposts=-1"; // Use this version to include all SMF groups $sql ="SELECT * FROM {$this->groupstable}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql, $this->link_id); $udb_groups = array(3 => 'Guests'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $udb_groups[$row[$this->field['grouptbl_group_id']]+100] = utf_ucfirst(utf_strtolower($row[$this->field['grouptbl_group_name']])); } return $udb_groups; } function login_page() { global $CONFIG; if ($session = $this->_session_load()) { $session['old_url'] = $CONFIG['site_url'] . '?board=redirect'; $this->_session_save($session); } $this->redirect('/index.php?action=login'); } function _session_load() { $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage(); if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists('PHPSESSID')) { $session_id = $superCage->cookie->getEscaped('PHPSESSID'); $sql = "SELECT data FROM {$this->sessionstable} WHERE session_id = '$session_id'"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql, $this->link_id); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { list($data) = mysql_fetch_row($result); session_name('CPG'); session_start(); session_decode($data); $session = $_SESSION; return $session; } } return false; } function _session_save($session) { $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage(); if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists('PHPSESSID')) { $session_id = $superCage->cookie->getEscaped('PHPSESSID'); $_SESSION = $session; $data = addslashes(session_encode()); $sql = "UPDATE {$this->sessionstable} SET data = '$data' WHERE session_id = '$session_id'"; cpg_db_query($sql, $this->link_id); } } function logout_page() { global $CONFIG; if ($session = $this->_session_load()) { $sesc = $session['rand_code']; $session['logout_url'] = $CONFIG['site_url']; $this->_session_save($session); } else { $sesc = ''; } $this->redirect('/index.php?action=logout&sesc=' . $sesc); } function view_users() {} function view_profile() {} } // and go ! $cpg_udb = new cpg_udb; } ?>