File: plugin_api.inc.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Coppermine Dev Team v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.5.12 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.5.x/include/plugin_api.inc.php $ $Revision: 8154 $ **********************************************/ global $thisplugin; // Stores the current plugin being processed global $CPG_PLUGINS; // Stores all the plugins $CPG_PLUGINS = array(); // Initialize the plugin array define('CPG_EXEC_ALL','all'); // Define CPG_EXEC_ALL define('CPG_EXEC_FIRST', 'first'); // Define CPG_EXEC_FIRST define('CPG_EXEC_NEW', 'new'); // Define CPG_EXEC_NEW if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) { die('Not in Coppermine...');} // Store the table name in CONFIG $CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS'] = $CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX'].'plugins'; /** * Local plugin class * Processes all the plugins (filters,actions,install,uninstall) */ class CPGPluginAPI { /** * CPGPluginAPI::load() * * Load all the plugins into the global CPG_PLUGINS array * * @param N/A * @return N/A **/ function load() { global $CONFIG,$thisplugin,$USER_DATA,$CPG_PLUGINS,$lang_plugin_api; // Get the installed plugins from the database and sort them by execution priority $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} ORDER BY priority"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // Exit if no plugins are installed if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { return; } // Register page_end action for shutdown register_shutdown_function('cpg_action_page_end'); // Register plugin_sleep action for shutdown register_shutdown_function('pluginapi_sleep_wrapper'); // Used as a failsafe to keep plugins in order $index = 0; // Get the plugin properties from the database while ($plugin = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // If configuration and codebase files aren't present, skip this plugin. if (!file_exists('./plugins/'.$plugin['path'].'/codebase.php') && !file_exists('./plugins/'.$plugin['path'].'/configuration.php')) { continue; } $plugin['index'] = $index; $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin['plugin_id']] = new CPGPlugin($plugin); $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin['plugin_id']]; include ('./plugins/'.$thisplugin->path.'/codebase.php'); // Check if plugin has a wakeup action if (!($thisplugin->awake = CPGPluginAPI::action('plugin_wakeup',true,$thisplugin->plugin_id))) { if ($CONFIG['log_mode']) { log_write("Couldn't wake plugin '" . $thisplugin->name, CPG_GLOBAL_LOG); } $thisplugin->filters = array(); $thisplugin->actions = array(); if (!isset($thisplugin->error['desc']) || is_null($thisplugin->error['desc'])) { $thisplugin->error['desc'] = "Couldn't wake plugin '{$thisplugin->name}'"; } } $index++; } mysql_free_result($result); } /** * CPGPluginAPI::installed() * * Check if a given plugin installed * * @param string $path_to_plugin_folder * @return boolean TRUE/FALSE **/ function installed( $plugin_folder ) { global $CONFIG; // Stores if a given plugin is installed or not static $installed_array = array(); // If the plugin doesn't exist in the array get its information from the database if (!isset($installed_array[$plugin_folder])) { $sql = "SELECT plugin_id FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} WHERE path = '$plugin_folder'"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // If the plugin isn't in the database store a false value in the array if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $installed_array[$plugin_folder] = false; return false; } // It's installed! Get the plugin_id $plugin = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); // Store the plugin_id in the database $installed_array[$plugin_folder] = $plugin['plugin_id']; } // Return the plugin_id or false, if the plugin isn't installed return $installed_array[$plugin_folder]; } /** * CPGPluginAPI::filter() * * Checks all the plugin's for a given filter key sends the value * * @param string $filter_name * @param variant $value * @param boolean [$execute_scope = 'all'] * @return $value **/ function& filter( $key, $value, $execute_scope = CPG_EXEC_ALL ) { global $CPG_PLUGINS,$CONFIG,$USER_DATA,$thisplugin; global $hook_name; $hook_name = $key; if(is_numeric($execute_scope)) { $plugin_id = $execute_scope; // Reference current plugin to local scope $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; // Skip this plugin; the key isn't set if (!isset($thisplugin->filters[$key]) || (!$thisplugin->awake)) { return $value; } // Get the filter's value from the plugin $plugin_function = $thisplugin->filters[$key]; if (function_exists($plugin_function)) { // Pass the value to the filter's function and get a value back $value = call_user_func($plugin_function,$value); // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; } // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; // Loop through all the plugins } else { // Get all the plugin ids $ids = array_keys($CPG_PLUGINS); foreach($ids as $plugin_id) { // Reference current plugin to local scope $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; // Get the filter's value from the plugin if (!isset($thisplugin->filters[$key]) || ($key != 'plugin_wakeup' && !$thisplugin->awake)) { continue; } else { $plugin_function = $thisplugin->filters[$key]; } // Skip this plugin; Only looking for new plugins if (($execute_scope == CPG_EXEC_NEW) && ($thisplugin->plugin_id != CPG_EXEC_NEW)) { continue; } if (function_exists($plugin_function)) { // Pass the value to the filter's function and get a value back $value = call_user_func($plugin_function,$value); // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; } // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; if ($execute_scope != CPG_EXEC_ALL) { return $value; break; } } } // Return the value back to Coppermine return $value; } /** * CPGPluginAPI::action() * * Checks all the plugin's for a given action key sends the value * * @param string $action_name * @param variant $value * @param boolean [$execute_scope = 'all'] * @return $value **/ function& action( $key, $value, $execute_scope = CPG_EXEC_ALL ) { global $CPG_PLUGINS,$CONFIG,$USER_DATA,$thisplugin; global $hook_name; $hook_name = $key; if(is_numeric($execute_scope)) { $plugin_id = $execute_scope; // Reference current plugin to local scope $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; // Skip this plugin; the key isn't set if (!isset($thisplugin->actions[$key]) || (!$thisplugin->awake && $key!='plugin_wakeup')) { return $value; } // Get the filter's value from the plugin $plugin_function = $thisplugin->actions[$key]; if (function_exists($plugin_function)) { // Pass the value to the filter's function and get a value back $value = call_user_func($plugin_function,$value); // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; } // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; // Loop through all the plugins } else { // Get all the plugin ids $ids = array_keys($CPG_PLUGINS); foreach($ids as $plugin_id) { // Copy current plugin to local scope $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; //changed to reference for PHP4 see note below // Get the action's value from the plugin if (!isset($thisplugin->actions[$key]) || ($key != 'plugin_wakeup' && !$thisplugin->awake)) { continue; } else { $plugin_function = $thisplugin->actions[$key]; } // Skip this plugin; Only looking for new plugins if (($execute_scope == CPG_EXEC_NEW) && ($thisplugin->plugin_id != CPG_EXEC_NEW)) { continue; } if (function_exists($plugin_function)) { // Pass the value to the action's function and get a value back $value = call_user_func($plugin_function,$value); /** * Disabled by donnoman * when plugins cause any other underlying api hooks to be executed while * they are running, $thisplugin becomes invalid because it is reset * by the underlying calls to the plugin system. Therefore the results of copying * $thisplugin to the global scope is undefined. We don't know what plugin/revision is contained in * $thisplugin. * * This shouldn't be a problem with PHP5 since objects are passed by reference by default * there shouldn't be much cause to write over a refreenced object with a new reference to the same object. * * PHP4 on the other hand copies objects, we should probably always pass the object by reference * which shouldn't cause PHP5 any greif, and will allow PHP4 to have the latest information from the plugin before * it's reference was changed to a different plugin. */ // Copy back to global scope //$CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id] = $thisplugin; } if ($execute_scope != CPG_EXEC_ALL) { return $value; break; } } } // Return the value back to Coppermine return $value; } /** * CPGPluginAPI::wakeup() * * Wakes a plugin * * @param array $properties * @return CPGPlugin $object **/ function wakeup($properties) { global $CONFIG,$USER_DATA,$CPG_PLUGINS,$thisplugin,$lang_plugin_api; // Get a new instance of the plugin object $CPG_PLUGINS[$properties['plugin_id']] = new CPGPlugin($properties); $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$properties['plugin_id']]; // Include the plugin's code into Coppermine include ('./plugins/'.$thisplugin->path.'/codebase.php'); return; } /** * CPGPluginAPI::sleep() * * Executes 'plugin_sleep' action * * @param N/A * @return N/A **/ function sleep() { global $CPG_PLUGINS,$thisplugin,$lang_plugin_api; // Loop through all the plugins foreach($CPG_PLUGINS as $thisplugin) { // If the plugin has a sleep action, execute it if (!CPGPluginAPI::action('plugin_sleep',true,$thisplugin->plugin_id)) { if ($CONFIG['log_mode']) { log_write("Couldn't put plugin '".$thisplugin->name."' to sleep", CPG_GLOBAL_LOG); } // Couldn't put plugin to sleep...Die! sprintf($lang_plugin_api['error_sleep'].'<br />',$thisplugin->name); } } } /** * CPGPluginAPI::install() * * Installs a plugin and executes 'plugin_install' action * * @param string $path_to_plugin_folder * @return N/A **/ function install($path) { global $CONFIG,$thisplugin,$CPG_PLUGINS,$lang_plugin_api,$lang_plugin_php; // If this plugin is already installed return true if (CPGPluginAPI::installed($path)) { return true; } // If the codebase and configuration.php file is missing return false if (!file_exists('./plugins/'.$path.'/codebase.php') && !file_exists('./plugins/'.$path.'/configuration.php')) { return false; } // Get the lowest priority level (highest number) from the database $sql = "SELECT priority FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); // Set the execution priority to last $priority = (is_null($data['priority'])) ? (0) : ($data['priority']+1); // Grab the plugin's credits include_once ('./plugins/'.$path.'/configuration.php'); // Create a generic plugin object $thisplugin = new CPGPlugin( array( 'plugin_id' => 'new', 'name' => $name, 'priority' => $priority, 'path' => $path ) ); $thisplugin->awake = true; // Grab plugin's code include_once ('./plugins/'.$path.'/codebase.php'); // Copy it to the global scope $CPG_PLUGINS['new'] = $thisplugin; // If the plugin has an install action, execute it $installed = CPGPluginAPI::action('plugin_install',true,CPG_EXEC_NEW); // If $installed is boolean then plugin was installed; Return true if (is_bool($installed) && $installed) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} (name, path, priority) VALUES ('" . addslashes($name) . "', '" . addslashes($path) . "', $priority)"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if ($CONFIG['log_mode']) { log_write("Plugin '".$name."' installed", CPG_GLOBAL_LOG); } return $installed; // If $installed is an integer then the plugin needs to be configured; Return the value } elseif (is_int($installed)) { return $installed; // Plugin wasn't installed; Display an error } else { // The plugin's install function failed cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR,sprintf($lang_plugin_api['error_install'],$thisplugin->name),__FILE__,__LINE__); } } /** * CPGPluginAPI::uninstall() * * Uninstalls a plugin and executes 'plugin_uninstall' action * * @param integer $plugin_id * @return N/A **/ function uninstall($plugin_id) { global $CONFIG,$USER_DATA,$CPG_PLUGINS,$thisplugin,$lang_plugin_api,$name; if (!isset($CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id])) { return true; } // Grab the plugin from the global scope $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; // Grab the priority level, so you can shift the ones in the database $priority = $thisplugin->priority; // If plugin has an uninstall action, execute it $uninstalled = CPGPluginAPI::action('plugin_uninstall', true, $plugin_id); if (is_bool($uninstalled) && $uninstalled) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} WHERE plugin_id = $plugin_id"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // Shift the plugins up $sql = "UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} SET priority = priority - 1 WHERE priority > $priority"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); unset($CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]); if ($CONFIG['log_mode']) { log_write("Plugin '".$thisplugin->name."' uninstalled", CPG_GLOBAL_LOG); } return true; // If $uninstalled is an integer then the plugin needs to be cleaned up; Return the value } elseif (is_numeric($uninstalled)) { return $uninstalled; } else { // The plugin's uninstall action failed cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR,sprintf($lang_plugin_api['error_uninstall'],$thisplugin->name),__FILE__,__LINE__); } } } /** * class CPGPlugin * * The plugin object **/ class CPGPlugin { var $actions = array(); var $filters = array(); var $awake = false; var $error = array(); /** * CPGPlugin() * * Initialize the plugin * * @param array $properties * @return N/A **/ function CPGPlugin($properties) { // Store the properties in the object foreach($properties as $key => $value) { $this->$key = stripslashes($value); } $this->fullpath = './plugins/'.$this->path; } /** * cpg_add_filter() * * Add a plugin filter * * @param string $action * @param variant $value * @return N/A **/ function add_filter($key,$value) { if (!isset($this->filters[$key])) { $this->filters[$key] = $value; } } /** * cpg_delete_filter() * * Delete a plugin filter * * @param integer $plugin_id * @return N/A **/ function delete_filter($key) { if (isset($this->filters[$key])) { unset($this->filters[$key]); } } /** * cpg_add_action() * * Add a plugin action * * @param string $action * @param variant $value * @return N/A **/ function add_action($key,$value) { if (!isset($this->actions[$key])) { $this->actions[$key] = $value; } } /** * cpg_delete_action() * * Delete a plugin action * * @param integer $plugin_id * @return N/A **/ function delete_action($key) { if (isset($this->actions[$key])) { unset($this->actions[$key]); } } } /** * cpg_get_scope() * * Get the current plugin from the scope * Sets global variable $thisplugin to return value * * @param integer [$plugin_id = null] * @return CPGPlugin $object **/ function& cpg_get_scope( $plugin_id = null ) { global $CPG_PLUGINS,$thisplugin; // Create the super cage $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage(); if (!is_null($plugin_id)) { return $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; } else { $plugin_id = $superCage->get->getInt('scope'); $thisplugin =& $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; return $CPG_PLUGINS[$plugin_id]; } } /** * cpg_action_page_end() * * Executes page_end action on all plugins * * @param null * @return N/A **/ function cpg_action_page_end() { CPGPluginAPI::action('page_end',null); } /** * cpg_filter_page_html() * * Executes page_html filter on all plugins * * @param string HTML * @return string HTML **/ function& cpg_filter_page_html( &$html ) { return CPGPluginAPI::filter('page_html',$html); } /** * cpg_get_dir_list() * * Returns all the subdirecties in a given folder * * @param string $path_to_folder * @return array $subdirectories **/ function& cpg_get_dir_list($folder) { global $CONFIG; $dirs = array(); $dir = opendir($folder); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (is_dir($folder . $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $dirs[] = $file; } } closedir($dir); natcasesort($dirs); return $dirs; } function pluginapi_sleep_wrapper() { CPGPluginAPI::sleep(); } ?>