File: stat_details.php
<?php /************************* Coppermine Photo Gallery ************************ Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Coppermine Dev Team v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ******************************************** Coppermine version: 1.5.12 $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.5.x/stat_details.php $ $Revision: 8154 $ **********************************************/ // Todo list (stuff the hasn't been implemented yet): // * overall stats taking AID into account // * Allow admin to delete single votes and corresponding stats entry (UI partly created and commented out. Tricky stuff in delete.php not even started) // * Add stats about users, numbers of albums and other things stat lovers constantly request define('IN_COPPERMINE', true); define('STAT_DETAILS_PHP', true); require_once('include/init.inc.php'); // initialize the vars - start $charset = $CONFIG['charset'] == 'language file' ? $lang_charset : $CONFIG['charset']; $icon_array['stats'] = cpg_fetch_icon('stats', 1); $icon_array['os'] = cpg_fetch_icon('client', 1); $icon_array['browser'] = cpg_fetch_icon('browser', 1); $icon_array['vote'] = cpg_fetch_icon('top_rated', 1); $icon_array['hits'] = cpg_fetch_icon('info', 1); $icon_array['ok'] = cpg_fetch_icon('ok',2); // initialize the vars - end // sanitize the GET parameters - start //$pid = $_GET['pid'] ? (int)$_GET['pid'] : 0; if ($superCage->get->keyExists('pid')){ $pid = $superCage->get->getInt('pid'); } else { $pid = 0; } $type_allowed = array('vote','hits','total','blank','users'); $amount_allowed = array(20,50,100,200); $get_type = $superCage->get->getAlpha('type'); //if (in_array($_GET['type'],$type_allowed) == TRUE) { if (in_array($get_type,$type_allowed) == TRUE) { //$type = $_GET['type']; $type = $get_type; } else { $type = 'blank'; } if ($type == 'vote') { $db_fields = array('sdate', 'ip', 'rating', 'referer', 'browser', 'os', 'uid'); $icon = array('sdate' => 'calendar', 'ip' => 'ip', 'rating' => 'top_rated', 'referer' => 'web', 'browser' => 'browser', 'os' => 'client', 'uid' => 'my_profile'); } if ($type == 'hits') { $db_fields = array('sdate', 'ip', 'uid', 'search_phrase', 'referer', 'browser', 'os'); $icon = array('sdate' => 'calendar', 'ip' => 'ip', 'uid' => 'my_profile', 'search_phrase' => 'search', 'referer' => 'web', 'browser' => 'browser', 'os' => 'client'); } foreach($db_fields as $value) { //$$value = $_GET[$value] ? (int)$_GET[$value] : 0; if ($superCage->get->keyExists($value)){ $$value = $superCage->get->getInt($value); } else { $$value = 0; } } /*if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { if (in_array($_GET['sort'],$db_fields) == TRUE || $_GET['sort'] == 'file') { $sort = $_GET['sort'];*/ if ($superCage->get->keyExists('sort')){ $get_sort = $superCage->get->getAlpha('sort'); if (in_array($get_sort,$db_fields) == TRUE || $get_sort == 'file') { $sort = $get_sort; } else { $sort = 'sdate'; } } else { $sort = 'sdate'; } /*if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { if ($_GET['dir'] == 'asc') {*/ if ($superCage->get->keyExists('dir')){ if ($superCage->get->getAlpha('dir') == 'asc') { $dir = 'asc'; } else { $dir = 'desc'; } } /*if (isset($_GET['hide_internal'])) { if ($_GET['hide_internal'] == '0') {*/ if ($superCage->get->keyExists('hide_internal')) { if ($superCage->get->getInt('hide_internal') == 0) { $hide_internal = 0; } else { $hide_internal = 1; } } else { $hide_internal = 0; } //if (isset($_GET['date_display'])) { if ($superCage->get->keyExists('date_display')) { $get_date_display = $superCage->get->getInt('date_display'); if ($get_date_display == 0) { $date_display = 0; $date_display_fmt = $lang_date['album']; } elseif($get_date_display == 1) { $date_display = 1; $date_display_fmt = $lang_date['lastcom']; } elseif($get_date_display == 2) { $date_display = 2; $date_display_fmt = $lang_date['log']; } elseif($get_date_display == 3) { $date_display = 3; $date_display_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'; } else { $date_display = 4; $date_display_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'; } } else { $date_display = 4; $date_display_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'; } //if ($_GET['mode'] == 'fullscreen') { if ($superCage->get->getAlpha('mode') == 'fullscreen'){ $mode = 'fullscreen'; } else { $mode = 'embedded'; } //if ($_GET['file'] == '1') { if ($superCage->get->getInt('file') == 1){ $file = '1'; } else { $file = '0'; } /*if ($_GET['amount'] == (int)$_GET['amount'] && in_array($_GET['amount'],$amount_allowed) == TRUE) { $amount = $_GET['amount'];*/ $get_amount = $superCage->get->getInt('amount'); if (in_array($get_amount,$amount_allowed)) { $amount = $get_amount; } else { $amount = 50; // default value for amount of records } /*if ($_GET['page'] == (int)$_GET['page'] && $_GET['page'] != '') { $page = $_GET['page'];*/ $get_page = $superCage->get->getInt('page'); if ($get_page) { $page = $get_page; } else { $page = 1; } // sanitize the GET parameters - end // end the script if we just need a blank page if ($type == 'blank') { die(); } // perform database write queries if needed - start if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { $configChangesApplied = ''; if ($superCage->get->getAlpha('mode') == 'editForm') { $get_hit_details = $superCage->get->getInt('hit_details'); if ($get_hit_details != $CONFIG['hit_details'] && $superCage->get->getEscaped('go') != '') { cpg_config_set('hit_details', $get_hit_details); $configChangesApplied = $lang_stat_details_php['upd_success']; } $get_vote_details = $superCage->get->getInt('vote_details'); if ($get_vote_details != $CONFIG['vote_details'] && $superCage->get->getEscaped('go') != '') { cpg_config_set('vote_details', $get_vote_details); $configChangesApplied = $lang_stat_details_php['upd_success']; } } if ($superCage->get->getEscaped('emptyhitstats') == TRUE) { cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_HIT_STATS']}"); $configChangesApplied = $lang_stat_details_php['upd_success']; } if ($superCage->get->getEscaped('emptyvotestats') == TRUE) { cpg_db_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_VOTE_STATS']}"); $configChangesApplied = $lang_stat_details_php['upd_success']; } } // perform database write queries if needed - end // output the header depending on the mode (fullscreen vs embedded) - start if ($mode == 'fullscreen') { pageheader($lang_stat_details_php['title']); // display a menu print <<< EOT <h1>{$icon_array['stats']}{$lang_stat_details_php['title']}</h1> <div class="buttonlist"> <ul> <li><a href="#os"><span>{$icon_array['os']}{$lang_stat_details_php['stats_by_os']}</span></a></li> <li><a href="#browser"><span>{$icon_array['browser']}{$lang_stat_details_php['stats_by_browser']}</span></a></li> EOT; if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { if ($type != 'hits') { print '<li><a href="'.cpgGetScriptNameParams('type').'type=hits#details"><span>'.$icon_array['hits'].$lang_stat_details_php['hits'].'</span></a></li>'; } else { print '<li><a href="#details"><span>'.$icon_array['hits'].$lang_stat_details_php['hits'].'</span></a></li>'; } if ($type != 'vote') { print '<li><a href="'.cpgGetScriptNameParams('type').'type=vote#details"><span>'.$icon_array['vote'].$lang_stat_details_php['vote'].'</span></a></li>'; } else { print '<li><a href="#details"><span>'.$icon_array['vote'] . $lang_stat_details_php['vote'].'</span></a></li>'; } if ($type != 'users') { //print '<li><a href="'.cpgGetScriptNameParams('type').'type=users" title=""><span>'.$lang_stat_details_php['users'].'</span></a></li>'; } if ($pid != '') { print '<li><a href="displayimage.php?pid='.$pid.'"><span>'.$lang_stat_details_php['back_to_intermediate'].'</span></a></li>'; } } // gallery_admin_mode - end print <<< EOT </ul> </div> EOT; $statsTableWidth = '100%'; } else { // mode=fullscreen ends, mode=embedded starts $statsTableWidth = '-1'; print <<<EOT <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html dir="ltr"> <head> <title>{$CONFIG['gallery_name']} - {$lang_stat_details_php['title']}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$charset" /> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/coppermine.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/{$CONFIG['theme']}/style.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scripts.js"></script> </head> <body class="tableb"> <div class="admin_menu_wrapper"> </div> EOT; print '<div style="clear:left;"></div>'.$LINEBREAK.'</div>'; } // mode=embedded ends // output the header depending on the mode (fullscreen vs embedded) - end // include the stats function - start require_once('include/stats.inc.php'); // include the stats function - end // output the stuff the user can see - start if ($type == 'vote' && $pid != '') { // type == vote start $query = "SELECT rating, count(rating) AS totalVotes FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_VOTE_STATS']} WHERE pid=$pid GROUP BY rating"; $result = cpg_db_query($query); $rateArr = array(); print $LINEBREAK.'<a name="details"></a>'.$LINEBREAK; starttable($statsTableWidth, $lang_stat_details_php['stats'], 3); $totalVotesSum = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $voteArr[$row['rating']] = $row['totalVotes']; $totalVotesSum = $totalVotesSum + $row['totalVotes']; $loopCounter = 0; } if (defined('THEME_HAS_RATING_GRAPHICS')) { $prefix = $THEME_DIR; } else { $prefix = ''; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $CONFIG['rating_stars_amount']; $i++){ $voteArr[$i] = isset($voteArr[$i]) ? $voteArr[$i] : 0; if ($loop_counter == 0) { $row_style_class = 'tableb'; } else { $row_style_class = 'tableb tableb_alternate'; } $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { $loop_counter = 0; } //build the rating stars $rating_images = ''; for($i2 = 1; $i2 <= $CONFIG['rating_stars_amount']; $i2++){ if($i2 <= $i){ $rating_images .= '<img src="' . $prefix . 'images/rate_full.png" align="left" alt=""/>'; }else{ $rating_images .= '<img src="' . $prefix . 'images/rate_empty.png" align="left" alt=""/>'; } } echo <<<EOT <tr> <td class="{$row_style_class}"> $rating_images </td> <td class="{$row_style_class}"> EOT; print theme_display_bar($voteArr[$i],$totalVotesSum,200,'', '', ' '.$lang_stat_details_php['votes']); echo <<<EOT </td> </tr> EOT; } endtable(); print '<br />' . $LINEBREAK; } // type == vote end if ($type == 'hits') { // type == hits start // do nothing here, as the regular user isn't supposed to see the hit stats } // type == hits end individualStatsByOS($pid,$type,$statsTableWidth); individualStatsByBrowser($pid,$type,$statsTableWidth); // output the stuff the user can see - end // output the admin-only stuff - start if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { // admin is logged in - start print <<< EOT <form method="get" action="{$CPG_PHP_SELF}#details" name="editForm" id="cpgform"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="{$type}" /> <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{$pid}" /> <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="{$sort}" /> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="{$dir}" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="{$mode}" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="{$page}" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--// function sendForm() { document.editForm.submit(); } function sortthetable(sortcriteria,direction) { document.editForm.sort.value = sortcriteria; document.editForm.dir.value= direction; sendForm(); } function confirmDelete() { if (document.editForm.reset_selected.checked = true) { check = confirm('THIS FEATURE HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!! {$lang_stat_details_php['reset_votes_individual_confirm']}'); if (check == true) { //document.editForm.submit(); } else { document.editForm.reset_selected.checked = false; } } } //--> </script> EOT; if ($sort == 'file') { $sort = 'pid'; } if ($type == 'vote') { $queryTable = $CONFIG['TABLE_VOTE_STATS']; } elseif ($type == 'hits') { $queryTable = $CONFIG['TABLE_HIT_STATS']; } if ($pid != '') { $queryWhere = 'pid='.$pid; $countWhere = 'WHERE pid='.$pid; } else { $queryWhere = $queryTable . '.pid = ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . '.pid'; $countWhere = ''; $querySelect = ','.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'].'.filepath, '.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'].'.filename, '.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'].'.pwidth, '.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'].'.pheight, '.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'].'.url_prefix'; $queryFrom = ','.$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM $queryTable $countWhere"; $result = cpg_db_query($query); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); // Calculation for pagination tabs and query limit $numPages = ceil($count/$amount); $start = ($page - 1) * $amount; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $query = "SELECT {$queryTable}.* $querySelect FROM $queryTable $queryFrom WHERE $queryWhere ORDER BY $sort $dir LIMIT $start, $amount"; $result = cpg_db_query($query); // display the table header - start $tableColumns = count($db_fields); if ($pid == '') { $tableColumns++; } print '<a name="details"></a>'; starttable($statsTableWidth, $lang_stat_details_php[$type], $tableColumns + 1); print ' <tr>'.$LINEBREAK; print ' <td class="tableh2" align="center" valign="bottom">'.$LINEBREAK; if ($type == 'vote') { print ' <input type="checkbox" name="checkAll" onclick="selectAll(this,\'del\');" class="checkbox" title="'.$lang_common['check_uncheck_all'].'" />'.$LINEBREAK; } print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; foreach ($db_fields as $value) { $show_column_checked[$value] = ($$value == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; print ' <td class="tableh2" valign="top">'.$LINEBREAK; print ' <input type="checkbox" name="'.$value.'" value="1" class="checkbox" title="'.$lang_stat_details_php['show_hide'].'" '.$show_column_checked[$value].' onclick="sendForm();" />'.$LINEBREAK; //print ' <img src="images/'.$icon[$value].'" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" title="'.$lang_stat_details_php[$value].'" />'; print ' '.cpg_fetch_icon($icon[$value], 0, $lang_stat_details_php[$value]); if ($$value == 1) { print '<a href="#" onclick="return sortthetable(\''.$value.'\',\'asc\');">'; print '<img src="images/ascending.png" width="9" height="9" border="0" alt="" title="'.sprintf($lang_stat_details_php['sort_by_xxx'], $value).', '.$lang_stat_details_php['ascending'].'" />'; print '</a>'; print '<a href="#" onclick="return sortthetable(\''.$value.'\',\'desc\');">'; print '<img src="images/descending.png" width="9" height="9" border="0" alt="" title="'.sprintf($lang_stat_details_php['sort_by_xxx'], $lang_stat_details_php[$value]).', '.$lang_stat_details_php['descending'].'" />'; print '</a>'; } print $LINEBREAK; print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; } if ($pid == '') { $show_file_column = ($file == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; print ' <td class="tableh2" valign="top">'.$LINEBREAK; print ' <input type="checkbox" name="file" value="1" class="checkbox" title="'.$lang_stat_details_php['show_hide'].'" '.$lang_common['file'].' onclick="sendForm();" '.$show_file_column.' />'.$LINEBREAK; print ' '.cpg_fetch_icon('file', 0, $lang_common['file']); if ($file == 1) { print '<a href="#" onclick="return sortthetable(\'file\',\'asc\');">'; print '<img src="images/ascending.png" width="9" height="9" border="0" alt="" title="'.sprintf($lang_stat_details_php['sort_by_xxx'], $lang_common['file']).', '.$lang_stat_details_php['ascending'].'" />'; print '</a>'; print '<a href="#" onclick="return sortthetable(\'file\',\'desc\');">'; print '<img src="images/descending.png" width="9" height="9" border="0" alt="" title="'.sprintf($lang_stat_details_php['sort_by_xxx'], $lang_common['file']).', '.$lang_stat_details_php['descending'].'" />'; print '</a>'; } print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; } print ' </tr>' . $LINEBREAK; // display the table header - end if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $loop_counter = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($loop_counter == 0) { $row_style_class = 'tableb'; } else { $row_style_class = 'tableb tableb_alternate'; } $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { $loop_counter = 0; } $row['sdate'] = strftime($date_display_fmt,localised_timestamp($row['sdate'])); $is_internal = ''; $row['referer'] = rawurldecode($row['referer']); // is it an internal reference (most should be)? $match_coppermine_url = strpos($row['referer'],$CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target']); if ($match_coppermine_url === FALSE) { // make the referer url clickable $row['referer'] = '<a href="'.$row['referer'].'">'.ltrim(ltrim($row['referer'],'http://'),'http%3A%2F%2F').'</a>'; } else { // make the referer url clickable $row['referer'] = $lang_stat_details_php['internal'].': <a href="'.$row['referer'].'">'.substr($row['referer'],strlen(rtrim($CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'],'/'))).'</a>'; $is_internal = 1; } if ($hide_internal == 1 && $is_internal == 1) { // check internals start } else { print ' <tr>'.$LINEBREAK; print ' <td class="'.$row_style_class.'" align="center">'.$LINEBREAK; if ($type == 'vote') { print ' <input name="del'.$row['sid'].'" type="checkbox" value="" class="checkbox" />'.$LINEBREAK; } print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; foreach($db_fields as $value) { print ' <td class="'.$row_style_class.'">'.$LINEBREAK; if ($$value == 1) { if ($value == 'browser' && array_key_exists($row[$value],$browserArray)) { print ' <img src="images/browser/'.$browserArray[$row[$value]].'" border="0" title="'.$row[$value].'" alt="" />'.$LINEBREAK; } elseif ($value == 'os' && array_key_exists($row[$value],$osArray)) { print ' <img src="images/os/'.$osArray[$row[$value]].'" border="0" title="'.$row[$value].'" alt="" />'.$LINEBREAK; } elseif ($value == 'uid') { if ($row[$value] != 0) { $user_data = $cpg_udb->get_user_infos($row[$value]); print ' <a href="profile.php?uid='.$row[$value].'">'.$user_data['user_name'].'</a>'.$LINEBREAK; } else { print ' <span title="'.$lang_stat_details_php['guest'].'">-</span>'.$LINEBREAK; } } elseif ($value == 'ip') { list($row['ip_detail']) = CPGPluginAPI::filter('ip_information', array('', $row[$value])); print ' '. $row[$value] . $row['ip_detail'] . $LINEBREAK; } else { print ' '. $row[$value] . $LINEBREAK; } } print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; } if ($pid == '') { print ' <td class="'.$row_style_class.'">'.$LINEBREAK; if ($file == 1) { $thumb_url = get_pic_url($row, 'thumb'); if (!is_image($row['filename'])) { $image_info = cpg_getimagesize($thumb_url); $row['pwidth'] = $image_info[0]; $row['pheight'] = $image_info[1]; } $image_size = compute_img_size($row['pwidth'], $row['pheight'], $CONFIG['alb_list_thumb_size']); print ' <a href="displayimage.php?pid='.$row['pid'].'"><img src="'.$thumb_url.'" '.$image_size['geom'].' class="image" border="0" alt="" /></a>'; } print ' </td>'.$LINEBREAK; } print ' </tr>'.$LINEBREAK; } // check internals end } } // Display pagination $record_selector = ' - <select name="amount" size="1" onchange="sendForm();" class="listbox">'; foreach ($amount_allowed as $key) { $record_selector .= '<option value="'.$key.'" '; if ($amount==$key) { $record_selector .= ' selected="selected"'; } $record_selector .= '>'.$key.'</option>'.$LINEBREAK; } $record_selector .= '</select> '.$lang_stat_details_php['records_per_page'].$LINEBREAK; $stats_tmpl = $template_tab_display; $stats_tmpl['left_text'] = strtr($stats_tmpl['left_text'], array('{LEFT_TEXT}' => $lang_stat_details_php['records_on_page'] . $record_selector)); $stats_tmpl['page_link'] = strtr($stats_tmpl['page_link'], array('{LINK}' => cpgGetScriptNameParams('page').'page=%d#details')); $tabs = create_tabs($count, $page, $numPages, $stats_tmpl); $tableColumnsPlus = $tableColumns +1; print <<< EOT <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" colspan="{$tableColumnsPlus}"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> {$tabs} </tr> </table> </td> </tr> EOT; // display table footer with options $hide_internal_selected = ($hide_internal == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $date_display_0_selected = ($date_display == '0') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $date_display_1_selected = ($date_display == '1') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $date_display_2_selected = ($date_display == '2') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $date_display_3_selected = ($date_display == '3') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $date_display_4_selected = ($date_display == '4') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $localized_time[0] = strftime($lang_date['album'],localised_timestamp(time())); $localized_time[1] = strftime($lang_date['lastcom'],localised_timestamp(time())); $localized_time[2] = strftime($lang_date['log'],localised_timestamp(time())); $localized_time[3] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',localised_timestamp(time())); $localized_time[4] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',localised_timestamp(time())); foreach ($amount_allowed as $key) { } print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tablef" align="center" valign="top"> EOT; if ($type == 'vote') { print ' <input type="checkbox" name="checkAll2" onclick="selectAll(this,\'del\');" class="checkbox" title="'.$lang_common['check_uncheck_all'].'" />'.$LINEBREAK; } print <<< EOT </td> <td colspan="{$tableColumns}"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="tablef"> EOT; if ($type == 'vote') { print <<< EOT <input type="checkbox" name="reset_selected" id="reset_selected" value="" class="checkbox" title="{$lang_stat_details_php['hide_internal_referers']}" onclick="confirmDelete();" /> <label for="reset_selected" class="clickable_option">{$lang_stat_details_php['reset_votes_individual']}</label> EOT; } print <<< EOT </td> <td class="tablef" colspan="2" align="right"> <input type="checkbox" name="hide_internal" id="hide_internal" value="1" class="checkbox" title="{$lang_stat_details_php['hide_internal_referers']}" {$hide_internal_selected} onclick="sendForm();" /> <label for="hide_internal" class="clickable_option">{$lang_stat_details_php['hide_internal_referers']}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tablef" colspan="2"> {$lang_stat_details_php['date_display']} <select name="date_display" size="1" onchange="sendForm();" class="listbox"> <option value="0" {$date_display_0_selected}> {$localized_time[0]} </option> <option value="1" {$date_display_1_selected}> {$localized_time[1]} </option> <option value="2" {$date_display_2_selected}> {$localized_time[2]} </option> <option value="3" {$date_display_3_selected}> {$localized_time[3]} </option> <option value="4" {$date_display_4_selected}> {$localized_time[4]} </option> </select> </td> <td class="tablef" align="right"> <button type="submit" class="button" name="go" id="detail_submit" value="{$lang_stat_details_php['submit']}">{$icon_array['ok']}{$lang_stat_details_php['submit']}</button> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> EOT; endtable(); echo <<< EOT </form> <br /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--// // addonload("show_section('detail_submit')"); function selectAll(d,box) { var f = document.editForm; for (i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { //alert (f[i].name.indexOf(box)); if (f[i].type == "checkbox" && f[i].name.indexOf(box) >= 0) { if (d.checked) { f[i].checked = true; } else { f[i].checked = false; } } } if (d.name == "checkAll") { document.getElementsByName('checkAll2')[0].checked = document.getElementsByName('checkAll')[0].checked; } else { document.getElementsByName('checkAll')[0].checked = document.getElementsByName('checkAll2')[0].checked; } } //--> </script> EOT; // Configuration shortcut: enable/disable hit stats here as well as in config $yes_selected_hit = $CONFIG['hit_details'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $no_selected_hit = !$CONFIG['hit_details'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $yes_selected_vote = $CONFIG['vote_details'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $no_selected_vote = !$CONFIG['vote_details'] ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; if (!isset($rating)) { $rating = ''; } $help_hit = ' '.cpg_display_help('f=configuration.htm&as=admin_logging_hitdetails&ae=admin_logging_hitdetails_end&top=1', '600', '400'); $help_vote = ' '.cpg_display_help('f=configuration.htm&as=admin_logging_votedetails&ae=admin_logging_votedetails_end&top=1', '600', '400'); print <<< EOT <form method="get" name="changestats" id="cpgform" action="{$CPG_PHP_SELF}" onsubmit="return defaultagree(this)"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="{$type}" /> <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{$pid}" /> <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="{$sort}" /> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="{$dir}" /> <input type="hidden" name="sdate" value="{$sdate}" /> <input type="hidden" name="ip" value="{$ip}" /> <input type="hidden" name="rating" value="{$rating}" /> <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="{$referer}" /> <input type="hidden" name="browser" value="{$browser}" /> <input type="hidden" name="os" value="{$os}" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="{$page}" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="{$mode}" /> EOT; starttable('-2', $lang_stat_details_php['overall_stats_config'], 3); if ($type == 'vote' || $type == 'total') { print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tableb">{$lang_stat_details_php['vote_details']}{$help_vote}</td> <td class="tableb"> <input type="radio" id="vote_details_yes" name="vote_details" value="1" $yes_selected_vote /><label for="vote_details_yes" class="clickable_option">{$lang_common['yes']}</label> </td> <td class="tableb"> <input type="radio" id="vote_details_no" name="vote_details" value="0" $no_selected_vote /><label for="vote_details_no" class="clickable_option">{$lang_common['no']}</label> </td> </tr> EOT; } if ($type == 'hits' || $type == 'total') { print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tableb">{$lang_stat_details_php['hit_details']}{$help_hit}</td> <td class="tableb"> <input type="radio" id="hit_details_yes" name="hit_details" value="1" $yes_selected_hit /><label for="hit_details_yes" class="clickable_option">{$lang_common['yes']}</label> </td> <td class="tableb"> <input type="radio" id="hit_details_no" name="hit_details" value="0" $no_selected_hit /><label for="hit_details_no" class="clickable_option">{$lang_common['no']}</label> </td> </tr> EOT; } if ($type == 'vote' || $type == 'total') { print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tableb" colspan="3"> <input name="emptyvotestats" id="emptyvotestats" type="checkbox" onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm('{$lang_stat_details_php['empty_votes_table_confirm']}');" /> <label for="emptyvotestats" class="clickable_option">{$lang_stat_details_php['empty_votes_table']}</label> </td> </tr> EOT; } if ($type == 'hits' || $type == 'total') { print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tableb" colspan="3"> <input name="emptyhitstats" id="emptyhitstats" type="checkbox" onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm('{$lang_stat_details_php['empty_hits_table_confirm']}');" /> <label for="emptyhitstats" class="clickable_option">{$lang_stat_details_php['empty_hits_table']}</label> </td> </tr> EOT; } print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tablef" colspan="3" align="right"> <button type="submit" class="button" name="go" id="detail_submit" value="{$lang_stat_details_php['submit']}">{$icon_array['ok']}{$lang_stat_details_php['submit']}</button> </td> </tr> EOT; if ($configChangesApplied != '') { print <<< EOT <tr> <td class="tablef" colspan="3" align="center"> <h2>{$configChangesApplied}</h2> </td> </tr> EOT; } endtable(); print '</form>'; } // admin is logged in - end // output the admin-only stuff - end // output the footer depending on the mode (fullscreen vs embedded) - start if ($mode == 'fullscreen') { pagefooter(); } else { print <<<EOT </body> </html> EOT; } // output the footer depending on the mode (fullscreen vs embedded) - end ?>