<?php /** * @version $Id: CHANGELOG.php 12543 2009-07-23 01:47:21Z ian $ * @package Joomla * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); ?> 1. Copyright and disclaimer --------------------------- This application is opensource software released under the GPL. Please see source code and the LICENSE file 2. Changelog ------------ This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for Joomla! 1.5, including beta and release candidate versions. Our thanks to all those people who've contributed bug reports and code fixes. Legend: * -> Security Fix # -> Bug Fix $ -> Language fix or change + -> Addition ^ -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note -------------------- 1.5.13 Stable Release [22-July-2009] ------------------ 22-Jul-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#15548] Plugin content/emailcloak: package oomla # [#16073] Front End Account Creation does not save 'usertype' in jos_users table # [#16726] Edit icon does not appear in correct area (buttonheading) # [#17008] Untranslated error message in Media Manager # [#17053] 1.5.12 Media Manager showing upload Error # [#17101] Reversion of changes to Image Button in 1.5.12 06-Jul-2009 Sam Moffatt # [#17058] Incorrect _JEXEC check breaks TinyMCE JS when using compressed mode -------------------- 1.5.12 Stable Release [30-June-2009] ------------------ 29-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#16977] Incomplete language definitions in TinyMCE 3.2 # [#17006] Revert escaping of html in contact miscellaneous information. 28-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan + Added mk-MK installer language pack 27-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#17005] Installer SQL shows TinyMCE as version 2.0 -------------------- 1.5.12 Release Candidate [24-June-2009] ------------------ 24-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan $ [#16950] Lots of missing language strings in TinyMCE v3 # [#16593] JFile::upload() uses chmod 777 in FTP mode # [#15673] Different time create date and start publishing in beez # [#16601] Section filter on article manager showing non content sections as well # [#16607] Mod Newsflash read more link broken with Beez template # [#16719] JHTML::tooltip quote problem # [#16753] CSS file is not updated when you edit the joomla # [#16890] Page title isn't displayed at Default login page # [#16896] Modified Date disappears in 1.5.11 $ Added language string for Toggle Editor ^ Updated LICENSES.php and CREDITS.php to reflect library license changes and updates 23-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#12376] Update to TinyMCE 22-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#12886] PHPMailer version used in 1.5 does not allow secure connection to SMTP servers 20-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14540] Component Contact at Beez # [#16686] pagebreak - duplicate title, not respecting show titles # [#16779] JA_Purity: Anchor tag for Category Title not closed in Front Page Blog Layout # [#16820] Untranslated strings in Beez template # [#15727] Module cache, id, Itemid - reverted 14-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#16235] mod_feed Tool tip is incorrect # [#16511] Language date format isn't correct # [#16595] Category table view output wrong due to error in file # [#16597] Parameter "Minimum User Level for Media Manager" doesn't work # [#16742] Wrong link to OpenID login-bg.gif in system.css 09-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#12746] Replace PEAR with a GPL compatible alternative # [#15541] Article Catagory Layout incorrectly sorted -------------------- 1.5.11 Stable Release [03-June-2009] ------------------ 01-Jun-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#16236] Legacy code in installer premigration system causes unrelated errors 30-May-2009 Ian MacLennan ^ [#16397] helpsites.xml update # [#16500] offline.php with wrong stylesheet ^ Updated de-DE installer language pack + Added gl-ES installer language pack ^ Updated it-IT installer language pack ^ Updated mn-MN installer language pack ^ Updated nl-NL installer language pack ^ Updated sk-SK installer language pack ^ Updated tr-TR installer language pack 30-May-2009 Sam Moffatt ^ Updated CREDITS.php with minor fixes from Ole Ottosen 29-May-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#15736] Moving $this->escape validation to files which can't be overridden 13-May-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#13898] There is no translated description for component/module/plugin/etc. after installation # [#15417] db->updateObject function outdated # [#15727] Module cache, id, Itemid # [#16314] PHPDoc Comment for JFactory getDocument method Incorrect # [#16349] Revert 16122 and Replace sr-ME language files 09-May-2009 Kevin Devine # [#15909] RSS 2.0 feeds try to turn mailto: links into absolute urls # [#16211] Atom Link in RSS feed causes validation problems # [#16007] JFile::getName() loses first character 05-May-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#15541] Article Catagory Layout incorrectly sorted # [#15699] Global Configuration Undefined Variable warning # [#15740] At login use of task=register instead of view=register # [#15853] Search results pagination broken when two or more search terms, SEF enabled # [#15912] Error in KEPRI Template, css for icon 'article' # [#15963] The align attribute in mod_mainmenu helper causes problems with some templates 24-Apr-2009 Kevin Devine # [#15446] Atom feed does not validate for Contact Category and Weblinks Category Layouts # [#13890] < Prev and Next > links do not follow SEF rules (duplicate content) # [#15691] Need better control of who can upload files # [#16112] Change in Montengrin Language ISO Code # [#15551] Inconsistent prefix for index.php in com_user #2 # [#15913] Change in installation version display (patch included) # [#15701] Joomla 1.5.10 breaks package installation due to new installer PHP code -------------------- 1.5.10 Stable Release [27-March-2009] ------------------ 27-Mar-2009 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed a few issues with the language install packs (double < characters, and a missing file) 27-Mar-2009 Wilco Jansen - Removed mk-MK language pack in installer + Added be-BY, et-EE, gu-IN, mn-MN and ur-PK language pack in installer ^ Updated bg-BG installer language pack ^ Updated CREDITS.php with translators information and other contributors ^ Changed helpsite reference matching installation language file changes ^! Moderate Priority: A series of XSS and CSRF faults exist in the administrator application. Affected administrator components include com_admin, com_media, com_search. Both com_admin and com_search contain XSS vulnerabilities, and com_media contains 2 CSRF vulnerabilities. ^! Low Priority: A XSS vulnerability exists in the category view of com_content. ^ Updated version tags in translation manifest files 25-Mar-2009 Wilco Jansen ^ Activated installation check and updated version files 11-Mar-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14515] Atom feed does not validate 9-Mar-2009 Wilco Jansen # [#15215] Inconsistent prefix for index.php in com_user 8-Mar-2009 Wilco Jansen # [#15300] Missing translation in pagebreak plugin # [#15107] Save order enabled and creating random results when active sorting column isn't ordering # [#14818] filesystem file move doesn't return false when not read- or writable # [#14827] Page break does not work correctly when tables are included in the page sections. The <div></div> pairs are uneven. # [#15137] sef plugin does not convert data attribute # [#9701] Installation of Extensions fails when they include zip files # [#15044] JArchiveZip::_extractNative() fails to discover zip_open() failure # [#14525] pagebreak doesn't work correct if using JCE # [#14558] Pagebreak Plugin Does Not Keep Track of Active Page # [#14947] Status Module Icon RTL issue # [#15266] Bad URL after redirect when Register to Read More in Section, Category Menu Items # [#15362] Not valid XHTML output in com_content and com_contact # [#15354] com_media loads css files from the backend # [#15375] Missing language string # [#15376] Login redirect no longer returns you to your current page if no redirect specified # [#15233] Search doesn't work with international characters when SEF is enabled # [#14514] parameter element id of type folderlist and filelist are not correct # [#13285] Wrong tag-IDs used by openid.js # [#12119] Changing the module's 'Position' drop-down doesn't change the 'Order' drop-down. # [#15359] spambots are still able to see registration page even if registration is turned off # [#14071] menu image alignment # [#14875] JFolder::folders returns unnecessary warning # [#14705] Web link Router incorrectly grabs wrong category item # [#15143] Ampersand in Site Name breaks Position field in vCard # [#14022] Faulty error handling in JFactory::getXMLParser # [#14228] Article alias field missing from in category views # [#14381] Incorrect checked out date format in the back-end # [#15282] Undefined index HTTP_USER_AGENT in behavior.php ! Big thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for a weekend of hard work! 1-Mar-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#12137] Cache Saving module doesn't clear the module's cache data # [#13111] Inconsistent encoding behaviour - "&" stays as "&" in articles but is converted to "&" in modules # [#13999] When installing a new module, its title is not translated # [#14059] Case sensitive image extensions # [#14286] Template JA Purity: Link all the text in an article if category is shown # [#14565] Omitted UTF-8 modifier in preg_replace function (com_search) # [#14758] Article HTML filtering doesn't work if only one Filter group is selected # [#14795] JInstallerComponent::_rollback_menu() - Error when getting DB Connector # [#14859] untranslated message installing language files for component # [#14896] Changes of menu items aren't applied immediately if caching is enabled # [#14945] Site Title over Joomla's Logo RTL issue # [#15006] Setting Tooltip Offset Breaks Tooltip # [#15047] installer.php parseMedia pointing to wrong dir. # [#15124] Filter Function on Archived Article Doesn't Work # [#15217] custom <installfile> isn't upgraded on component installation # [#15237] Loadposition Deletes Dollar signs # [#14660] Short open tag in admin.categories.html.php 19-Feb-2009 Wilco Jansen # [#14004] Can't sort categories by "order" column in reverse order 15-Feb-2009 Kevin Devine # [#15007] Bad Tooltip Help on Section, Category, and Article Alias # [#14710] User Details not translated # [#14720] •Untranslated strings in com_contact with patch # [#14944] Copy Menu Items # [#11798] Missing l10n in JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile() 07-Feb-2009 Kevin Devine # [#14865] Directory Persmissions doesn't list correct tmp or log directories # [#14767] Menu alias not respecting "active" setting # [#14857] Cache Plugin Can Cache Incorrect Data] # [#14948] Little tag error in mod_feed 29-Jan-2009 Kevin Devine # [#14510] Section List drill down to Category List: Filter doesn't work if global content filters set # [#14491] JString::rtrim method incorrect # [#14496] Pagebreak outputs incompatible <BR/> elements (XHTML) # [#14571] Wrong date in "last updated" in section blog when using beez # [#14468] user name word translation not correct in register form. # [#14439] Wrong authorEmail in Rhuk Milkyway # [#13973] SEF Background Image Fix Breaks Some Javascript *** -------------------- 1.5.9 Stable Release [9-January-2009] ------------------ 09-Jan-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14495] Issue 14398 fix doesn't work with SEF off 09-Jan-2009 Wilco Jansen ^ Updated the CREDITS.php file with new list of translators, and some contributers ^ Changed /installation/template/tmpl/finish.html updated link to community site ^ Updated language packs to 1.5.9 (thanks JM for the huge job of coordinating this) ^ Activated installation check ^ Implemented security fixes ! Thanks to all who provided the patches and worked hard on testing and documenting this release 06-Jan-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14414] string is unnecessary # [#14433] Fix for openid transition issues # [#14434] Typo in Cache Manager 05-Jan-2009 Kevin Devine # [#14415] Rhuk Milkyway: Some strings unnecessary # [#14389] String missing in en-GB.com_installer.ini # [#10680] Blank page if vcard is not enabled in the contact parameters, but selected # [#13942] The 'modules' view in com_installer does not display author email and url # [#14070] Article archive pagination # [#14339] JString bug for strspn() # [#13949] robots & author metadata lost on copy # [#12812] 1.5.7. uri.php changes break backend urls if $live_site=Http (note uppercase H) # [#14394] Poll error message strange 05-Jan-2009 Sam Moffatt - Removed extraneous com_statistics language file 04-Jan-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14408] Weird characters in LICENSES.php # [#14395] e-mail a friend shows language string not the translation # [#14374] One english remaining string in mod_search # [#11871] vCard displays excess spaces # [#14412] 404 if menu access is set to Public and Contact item to Registered # [#14402] In Category List, user cannot see what is being filtered # [#14391] en-GB.com_statistics.ini should be deleted # [#14410] Outdated link in the installer language file # [#14317] Cache space not freed # [#12577] Small change in components/com_banners/models/banner.php 03-Jan-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#14392] Register to read more should redirect to article, not front page. # [#14390] Hits Filter in Category List Uses Like Instead of Greater Than or Equal # [#14313] short php notation in beez as committed in 12798 creates problems on Windows hosting # [#14360] Spacers JAPurity Translatable # [#14171] No image # [#14106] Changing the access for plugins on the plugins list does not work in 1.5.8 # [#13811] Wrong license for PHPMailer in CREDITS.php # [#13517] CSS errors in rhuk_milkyway/css/template_rtl.css # [#12023] Aditional Help server is deleted when helper servers are reset # [#11874] New modules cannot be added when there are no modules in the table for a given client # [#10840] Cache:filter on view table category doesn't work if cache is enabled # [#14227] Fix for old dev.joomla.org links # [#14398] Category list loses column sort when you navigate to new page 01-Jan-2009 Wilco Jansen ! Revert CHANGELOG.php, COPYRIGHT.php, CREDITS.php, INSTALL.php, LICENSE.php, LICENSES.php to webroot 01-Jan-2009 Ian MacLennan # [#12217] Current OpenID used by joomla does not work with Yahoo - OpenID 2.0 protocol is required 30-Dec-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12746] Replace PEAR with a GPL alternative - updated Archive_Tar to relicensed BSD version. 30-Dec-2008 Wilco Jansen - Removed CHANGELOG.php, COPYRIGHT.php, CREDITS.php, INSTALL.php, LICENSE.php, LICENSES.php from webroot ^ Moved informational php files from previous line to text versions in install/information ! See discussion at http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/11e86e6661059074 29-Dec-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#14308] Spacer Values Not Translatable # [#14196] Non registered users can print full pdf of registered article # [#13490] Fulltext search for Uncategorized and Archived articles # [#11235] RTL feeds PARAM not saved in db + rtl feeds not correctly displayed in Milkyway as well as in Beez/solution included 12-Dec-2008 Kevin Devine # [#12868] Contact form 1.5.7 not valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional (+solution) 05-Dec-2008 Kevin Devine # [#13909] strpos error on editing alias menu item # [#13901] Editor deletes content when default filter is applied: UTF-8 compatibility not enforced with JInputFilter. 26-Nov-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13860] Calling JDatabase::Query() or anything invoking JDatabase::Query() more than once causes SQL error # [#12989] 404 - Contact not found - with dropdown in contact view 24-Nov-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13859] Bad file reference in the "Beez" template # [#13694] Archive Module count Parameter doesnt work//needs tool tip correction 23-Nov-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13794] Space between meta keywords gone after saving article # [#13634] Beez override differences in titles # [#13570] Missing h1 text-align in rhuk_milkyway/css/template_rtl.css # [#13499] • Cope with ini files wrongly encoded utf8 with bom - patch attached # [#13549] typo in sample_data.sql # [#13761] Media Manager Javascript error: Object doesn't support this property or method [IE only] # [#13700] Contact image changes for Beez override # [#13514] Untranslated Strings in en-GB.ini after SVN 11236 # [#12939] JFolder::delete bug when folder contain symbolic links on folders # [#12841] Toolbar & Button Mediamanager # [#12730] 'page'-string in plugins/content/pagebreak.php not properly externalized 21-Nov-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13770] Remove default filter for super admin users, fix filter whitelist problem # [#13666] Untranslated Strings in admin/mod_feed # [#13662] Legacy Plugin - Login Timeout - Refresh # [#13633] Tooltip language string in com_config # [#13632] Wrong date Last Updated in Beez # [#13626] Untranslated strings in com_contact # [#13617] JMenu getMenu() doc error # [#13611] Inconsistency in login/logout redirection page of mod_login # [#13608] Untranslated Strings in com_weblinks # [#13584] Beez template override for com_search doesn't echo error message # [#13574] JInstallerHelper class function description mistakes # [#13542] 'Change Contact Details' link loads wrong page. # [#13505] onPrepareContent fix for non com_content Components # [#12925] ja_purity default status for the right modules collapsible function does not work # [#12887] CSS and XHTML valid error in template JA_Purity///link to css validator broken # [#12247] query_batch change a sql in a wrong way # [#12115] Cache: plgSystemCache plugin doesn't respect site/page language # [#13616] Changes at help screens 18-Nov-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # [#13673] Front end article submission auto-populates "finish publishing" date with same date as "start publishing" 14-Nov-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # [#13045] Contact category incorrect links 10-Nov-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Removed Install Check -------------------- 1.5.8 Stable Release [10-November-2008] ------------------ 10-Nov-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Added security fixes 10-Nov-2008 Wilco Jansen # Changed version tags of default language file to 1.5.8 (Wohnaiki) # Change of version file 07-Nov-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#13590] New installation languages to get into 1.5.8 01-Nov-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13470] Missing languagestrings in mod_breadcrumbs.ini # [#13440] Later versions of cURL break GMail plugin # [#13432] Description error # [#13412] typo in en-GB.mod_latestnews.ini # [#13388] Admin modules xml does not uninstall ini files # [#13373] Defaut config change to cope with flash10 issue # [#12854] emailcloak whitespace 30-Oct-2008 Kevin Devine # [#13326] Beez 'Your Details' page # [#12696] **SEF plugin does not convert object param and onmouseover/onmouseout rollovers # [#13405] Further Changes to Welcome to Joomla! Module 29-Oct-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#13387] Incorrect regexp in JTableUser matches too many fields 28-Oct-2008 Kevin Devine # [#13313] Archive is not getdate - 1.5.7 25-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12920] **Perform isInternal checking on referer values in User Controller # [#10954] **Start Publishing is automatically changed upon editing an article when time zone is not set to UTC 00:00 # [#12798] **Beez Html Folder # [#12372] **Secure password is not allowed when editing account details 25-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13323] **New Welcome to Joomla module and Security Newsfeed module in CPANEL # [#12885] **Newsfeed Module Cache is broken # [#13165] please select an item message does not append task to javascript pop up # [#11798] Missing l10n in JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile() - patch 2 committed only # [#11807] mosMenuCheck missing return statement # [#13297] Missing languagestrings in com_menus.ini # [#13265] **Remove illegal characters in Article Keywords # [#11759] **Bug in menu system when changing menu link type 25-Oct-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#13264] **Untranslated Strings in en-GB.tpl_ja_purity.ini # [#13262] Untranslated Strings in Unknown file # [#13253] Untranslated Strings in en-GB.ini # [#13242] print icon on layout "blog category" as first page # [#13233] reset button on article selection for menu item doesn't work # [#13223] Same language string in Section layout of a menu item** # [#13217] **Error in the increase of hits count when editing article in front end # [#12878] error language string in mod_feed.ini # [#12542] **Inconsistent showing of default records in un-install screens (templates/language) 19-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12697] **More sample data changes, including UTF-8 Fixes # [#12724] **Content Router appends ID to item and is different from the menu (revert 11561) # [#12859] **Backend: Disabled Admin Menu = javascript error # [#12864] Issue with JMenu and large sites # [#12950] **Beez template: The password reset doesn't work at all # [#13198] *** Temporary users cannot log out 15-Oct-2008 Kevin Devine # [#13076] **Feed module target attribute not validating # [#13064] **Problem with mod_related_items Keyword Matching # [#12550] **nameQuote() mixed order in strpos # [#12625] ** default_form.php in com_search has onClick on button tag which fails XHTML 1.0 Transitional validation 13-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#13164] JFolder::files and JFolder::folders don't function properly when using integral search depth # [#13152] Component Directories to be completely deleted upon bogus entry into jos_components # [#13151] Wrong wording in language file # [#13017] Install language with pdf fonts with both admin and site bug (patch included) # [#13015] Frontpage blog wrong number of links # [#12942] A tag of category link is not closed in Section blog view # [#12602] mod_stats shows wrong time # [#12533] Missing method in JRecordSet # [#12424] Correct or Remove Show_noauth parameter from sections module # [#11707] In category blog layout, edit icon not displayed for user who canEdit if show title is 'No' # [#11261] Cache: Undefined variable: rows in /administrator/components/com_cache/cache.class.php on line 114 10-Oct-2008 Kevin Devine # [#12722] STRIPOS 06-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12843] Text 'New ordering saved' cannot be translated in weblinks # [#12734] Missing language string JA Purity # [#12031] File Not Found or Compoent Not Found When SEARCH Button is Pressed # [#12011] E-mail content pop-up window too short in Beez 02-Oct-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12855] Misspelling of category in components/com_content/views/category/view.feed.php 25-Sep-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#12778] Remove commercial newsfeeds from joomla installation packages # [#12731] Wrong frontpage article after upgrade to 1.5.7 # [#11521] ****Image does not display in Contacts when an image directory is configured # [#12338] URL: mod_login loses ItemID on redirect 22-Sep-2008 Ian MacLennan # [10254] Remove brackets around date/time in "Last Updated" # [12630] Plural/singular issue for Section list 09-Sep-2008 Anthony Ferrara ^ Disabled Installation Check -------------------- 1.5.7 Stable Release [9-September-2008] ------------------ 09-Sep-2008 Wilco Jansen # Security fixes, thanks JSST! # Changed version tags of default language file to 1.5.7 # Change of version file 05-Sep-2008 Wilco Jansen # Enabled installation check # [12543] pagebreak plugin: undefined variable full # [12663] Feeds in com_content don't show up more than once when caching is enabled # [12519] Clean up Outdated Sample Content # [12480] When a guest uses a registered article view url a 403 or 404 is thrown 31-Aug-2008 Wilco Jansen # [12039] Cannot override contact list length # [12481] When saving or cancellig a frontend edit you are redirected to a blank page instead of the article # [12536] Warnings for Path to Image Folder and Path to Media Folder 30-Aug-2008 Wilco Jansen # [10175] JRoute::_() and Application Redirect() Causing CGI Error IIS 6 # [10691] Section/Category Blog fills top->bottom instead of left->right # [10943] Error of menu display according to access right # [10953] Time zone need to be changed # [11330] Box Width Parameter in mod_search Has No Effect # [11621] Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter # [11870] show_noauth problem in 2 module helpers # [12071] SEO: index and follow meta tag in print view # [12165] Pagination in com_categories does not respect sectionfilter # [12167] Show Search Results" Option in Search Component Not Working # [12204] ja_purity template - site logo text goes under header background # [12229] Article Order Drop-Down List on Front End Shows Archived and Trashed Articles # [12259] Help Key Reference Update for Modules: New Screen # [12276] Selection of name/username doesnt work in mod_login # [12336] Terms impossible to translate in admin.newsfeeds.php # [12394] Incorrect colspan in admin mod_latest # [12425] When a guest tries to view unauthorized content, redirect should be to login not register # [12426] Polls and Search use the wrong view - IIS 7 # [12432] Category search plugin not working # [12438] <BR/> tags do not pass html validation ! There where a dozen mismatches in the language files, so not all <br /> tags have been replaced, new language files for 1.5.7 need to be validated on this issue. # [12442] JA Purity SVN changes can break backwards compatibility with existing sites # [12462] Menu item is still locked after closing it # [12492] Preview an edited artcle does not use template editor.css # [12055] Archive intro text is cut to 255 characters - causes formatting problems # [12457] Alias is copied incorrectly, when copying an article # [12460] $row->getError() all over the shop where $row is not initialized # [12194] URL: Incorrect SEF URLs for outgoing recommandation e-mails 29-Aug-2008 Charl van Niekerk # [10458] Pagebreak in article in blog layout does not work - limitstart double usage ( Tim, Arno ) 28-Aug-2008 Andrew Eddie # [12110] Beez Template - Newsflash - Article URL not provided when "Title Linkable" is Yes # [12033] Menu Separator shows as link instead of plain text when using Legacy Menu Formats # [12261] textarea parameter type cannot handle more than one line of data 28-Aug-2008 Charl van Niekerk # [11763] RSS feed produces incorrect publish date ( Hannes ) 27-Aug-2008 Toby Patterson # [9343] Profiling J1.5 framework ( Dalibor, Hannes ) # [11018] TMLSelect makes all items selected when using not numeric keys and selected item is 0 ( Alessandro ) # [11255] JMail class ignores JConfig.sendmail path for sendmail ( Ernie, Jens ) # [11535] Coding error in metadata handling of com_content controller.php ( John ) # [12101] Cache: JCacheStorageFile::gc flawed logic in cache expiry ( Geraint ) # [12146] SEO: User/Developer frontend: $document->setMetadata creates duplicate meta tags. ( Paul, Mickael ) # [12382] XMLrpc client id is to high ( Emil ) # [12461] Cache: can't Clean Cache File with Cache Manager when change Cache Handler ( Akarawuth ) 26-Aug-2008 Charl van Niekerk # [9824] alt tags missing for some img tags ( Gergo Erdosi ) 25-Aug-2008 Toby Patterson # [10265] & not replaced with & in the external links ( Denis, Hannes ) # [10384] Single quote in title is escaped twice when editing an article in frontend ( Arnault, Bill ) # [11115] queryBatch does not log queries in debugmode ( Ian ) # [12441] Street Address is not shown in contacts ( Eduardo, JBS ) 24-Aug-2008 Sam Moffatt # [11970] ja_purity email and print button files misnamed and not used 23-Aug-2008 Wilco Jansen # [11327] Base path showed in media manager is missing slashes # [11544] JSite::getParams() doesn't work as expected # [11561] Section blog resulting breadcrumbs issue # [12080] System generated RSS feeds not rendering correctly for external URLs # [12118] Latest version check &help.j.org at Joomla! Help # [12187] Ja_purity default article layout does not display Edit icon for authors # [12252] Outdated Links in Welcome to Joomla! and Newsfeed Fixes # [12268] Multiple issues with Top menu in JA_Purity # [12399] Copying Newsflash Module in Sample Data results in 500 error and duplicate key for menu table # [12353] More aritcle links in section blog not working 22-Aug-2008 Toby Patterson # [#10965] Not all instances of module are deleted when module is uninstalled ( Andrzej and Sam ) # [#11561] Patch: Beez Contact Image, typo in attribute value ( Rene and Elin ) 19-Aug-2008 Toby Patterson # [#12010] Remove confusing error message about language files for extension installations ( thanks Amy && Sam) 13-August-2008 Anthony Ferrara ^ Remove install check -------------------- 1.5.6 Stable Release [12-August-2008] ------------------ 05-Aug-2008 Toby Patterson # [#10906] Error in JURI::buildQuery if using "param[key]=value" GET parameter -------------------- 1.5.5 Stable Release [27-July-2008] --------------------- 26-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11973] Section Layout chooses existing Category Blog for drill down using SEF URLs # [#11737] Archive and SEO 22-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11682] component login error with SEF # [#11888] Archive Article Error With Finish Publishing Date # [#11849] Various problems with com_content router # [#11875] Item user acces overridden in newsflash module # [#11744] searching for article-title doesn't work 21-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11718] Pagebreak plugin still does not work # [#11844] SEF Plugin breaks Google Webmaster Tools JS 21-July-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#11818] JA_Purity : CSS style not correctly apply to menu in Hornav position # [#11698] Issue with & in Menu Manager Unique Name # [#10662] Error not warning when there is a submit menu item with the wrong permissions # [#11895] Wrong overlib for login # [#11892] Determining Read more Tag # [#11890] Installing upgrade module results in duplicate module entry # [#11873] Upgrading components deletes old component entry # [#11838] Clean up of some Todos # [#11820] javascript file dtree is corrupt # [#11717] Double Titles with 1.5.4 upgrade # [#11409] Category List view does not have a parameter in XML for number of items # [#10869] newsflash description bad: "random article"? # [#8889] BEEZ - search ONLY fieldset alignment 17-July-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10823] mosmsg is ignored - added support in legacy plugin (thanks Ian for code suggestions) 16-July-2008 Alan Langford # [#11846] Allow "collapse all" on all instances of JPane 15-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11839] Contact item, setting the bad word param stops all mail # [#11731] Wrong languagestring in tpl_ja_purity # [#11808] Sample data - Promo Books banner incorrect link # [#11817] JA-Purity Login module using incorrect code for token # [#11676] fix for Newsflash "read more" links in beez template incorrect # [#11730] Missing language string in com_content.ini # [#11760] Another missing language string in com_content.ini # [#11597] Search filter on Private Messaging Doesn't Find any Messages # [#11716] Banner using Flash/SWF wrong dimensions # [#11806] Notice in article selection for article layout menu items # [#11789] forgot your user name not displayed in other languages # [#11602] Language file is missing for administrator module mod_feed 8-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Removal of install check -------------------- 1.5.4 Stable Release [7-July-2008] --------------------- 6-July-2008 Wilco Jansen # Rollback of language file in joomla_backward.sql # Included latest language files in installer for 1.5.4 5-July-2008 Andrew Eddie # [#11075] Minor errors in ACL libraries (reopened) 4-July-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Change default template back to rhuk_milkyway (all help docs are based upon this template) 4-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Rollback of language file change (accidental removal of 3 strings) 3-July-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#8369] Issues with Page Title and Menu Item Layouts # [#10766] table align=right breaks rendering in IE and Opera # [#11646] Corrects in spelling and grammar for en-GB site # [#11659] Sorting of modules in New module screen is wrong 3-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11647] Corrections (spelling and grammar) to en-GB administrator files (Thanks Ron!) # [#11648] Corrections to en-GB installer (Thanks Ron!) # [#11618] acl check incorrect in com_users for block user and email events # [#11609] Default Article Layout should not have width or colspan="2" # [#9234] Article Layout menu type does not restrict Categories by Section in Article listbox # [#11639] OpenID Javascript throws errors causes conflicts with Mootools functions # [#11627] OnBefore/AfterContentSave Triggers 2-July-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11643] Cannot save menu item for Submit New Article (Thanks Jens!) # [#11638] SVN Rev.10473 breaks path on JS includes (Thanks Jens!) # [#11636] [t,297432] htaccess Security Issue # [#11635] [Security BUG 1.5.3] User redirect spam (Thanks Ian!) 30-June-2008 Andrew Eddie # [11637] Fix htmlentities in com_modules 28-June 2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11583] Updated help screen key refs from doc team (Thanks Chris Davenport) ! Patches provided during the second Pizza Bug and Fun event (28/29 june) 28/29-June 2008 Wilco jansen # [9027] Search system use keyword "Search..." if the inputbox empty # [10166] Untranslated String in Calendar tool # [11249] Set unpublished menu-item as default # [11407] error of time display module pool # [11464] Contact router broken on SEF and no Itemid # [11562] Help screen key reference for Category Manager needs to be variable # [11600] JURI::root does not honour live_site setting # [11632] Registration redirects upon successful submission of form back to blank registration form # [11633] The css for messages in in milkyway is incorrect ! Patches provided during the second Pizza Bug and Fun event (28/29 june) 27-June-2008 Andrew Eddie ^ [11601] Improvement to System Debug plugin # [10842] [patch] mod_latest doesn't use JHTML::_('date') # [11610] Date in popular module in administrator not GMT 26-June-2008 Wilco Jansen # [11190] Unable to delete files with illegal characters # [11571] Old cache file can't be deleted when cache is turned off # [11580] Missing translation for timezone Venezuela # [11463] Dates for votes on poll is not gmt # [11598] JFactory::getUser() error when specifying user who doesn't exist # [11470] registered content doesn't show up in a public view when show unauthorized links is set to true in a section view # [11584] Sort "add module" list in alpha order by column; fix HTML 25-June-2008 Sam Moffatt # [11079] Joomla! LDAP Library doesn't support altering details in LDAP 19/20-June-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9729] Category Manager - Uncategorized # [9901] Patch - com_weblinks Categories view revised tmpl/default.php # [10291] Empty URL Parameters # [10273] HTML entities in changelog break help display in back-end # [10280] New Time Zone in Venezuela # [10380] Category description textarea not HTML-quoted # [10532] Filter issues in installation and missing or invalid language strings # [10877] Error: time connection remains a UTC # [10881] "Article order" missing in language file # [10944] josSpoofCheck not passing $alternate to josSpoofValue correctly # [11326] "validName" popup when omitting user name, password or database name in setup wizard # [11444] [Patch] "What is OpenID?" not displayed # [11487] Unable to insert image directly after upload without flash uploader # [11516] Typo in en-GB.mod_mainmenu.ini ! Patches provided during the second Pizza Bug and Fun event 19-June-2008 Wilco Jansen # [11225] Expired cache files lead to component not found error message ! Patch provided by Anthony. Also unit tests have been created for the caching layer...yay! 15-June-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9991] Inconsistent use of nameQuote() # [11426] Banners component not able to handle flash banners 8-June-2008 Ian MacLennan # [10363] E_NOLOGIN_BLOCKED visible in error/warning 6-June-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9806] Menu instance seems to be overriden # [11338] Linked category title in JA_Purity category blog causes text to be linked # [10873] Frontend Does Not Respect Global List Length # [11333] Various weblinks fixes, and a little on category manager # [10834] "Umbrella" issue for several mod_newsfeed issues # [11354] Typo in gmail authentication plugin 3-June-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ prop-set all js, ini and css files to LF line ending style and cleaned up mixed line ending styles 1-June-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ prop-set all php files to LF line ending style ^ Cleaned up a lot of files with mixed line ending styles # [#8957] ampersand in Site name shows up as & in Administrator tool 31-May-2008 Wilco Jansen # [10864] PHP session.auto_start leads to broken installation and warning messages # [11329] If you have a login menu item, Forgot Password and Forgot Username links don't work # [10107] Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in section.php on line 449 # [10126] External link in breadcrumb # [10376] Article editing from FrontPage changes the article alias # [11331] Breadcrumbs: redundant parameter, and not respecting default values for parameters # [11158] Menu link to unpublished menu item causes fatal error # [11191] Missing mandatory check for several menu item types # [11075] Minor errors in ACL libraries # [11054] Logged in user can view registration form # [11311] JA Purity - templateDetails.xml, params - language # [8512] HTML in content items matches search words in search component/plugin (AKA the real big issue with search in Joomla!) # [11302] Typos in tpl_ja_purity admin 29-May-2008 Wilco Jansen # [10942] Menu does not rebuild sublevel on copy/move (causes menu ordering issues) # [10037] timeoffset correction in toISO8601 method of JDate Class # [11189] Install site and admin languages with one package 21-May-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fix for fatal error introduced by [#10397] fix. Supports pass by reference too (so [#10397] is fixed as well) 19-May-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#11111] More robust checking of menu type layouts for JS validation (Thanks Jens!) 18-May-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9349] JApplicationHelper::getPath requires strict naming conventions which may be deprecated # [10255] Adding Additonal Security to Joomla's File Caching # [10397] _processBuildRules and processParseRules not passing by reference # [10793] Two small bugs in com_messages # [10949] Cannot Add News Feeds Category List Layout in 1.5.3 14-May-2008 Ian MacLennan ^ Updated key reference for help system from screen.menus.type to screen.menus.edit 10-May-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9986] Extension installer Install from Directory field should come with the site path prefilled by default. # [10412] XHTML validation fails when using category name as a link on frontpage # [10811] Category link is not closed on front page in BEEZ template - default_item.php # [10498] [PATCH] folders not copied correctly, using <media> in XML # [11055] [Security] Crafted URL can disclose absolute path # [10226] mod_login has a slightly wrong description for login/logout redirection # [10669] Breadcrumbs module always produces last item in pathway 09-May-2008 Andrew Eddie + Added ja_purity template by JoomlArt 07-May-2008 Sam Moffatt # [10923] Backend accepts any password for custom Super Administrator when LDAP enabled 24-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # Fix for the Legacy-Marker - missing parse # Removed the special treatment for RTL in Pagination -------------------- 1.5.3 Stable Release [22-April-2008] --------------------- 19-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10009] Search Function yields warning # [#10150] Installation minimum password length doesn't work # [#10725] Installation not xhtml compliant # [#10739] Spelling error in com_installer.ini # [#10092] Switcher hides nested divs # Fix for fatal error related to [#10638] 19-Apr-2008 Andrew Eddie ! Trailing white-space cleanup # [#9725] JFilterInput Infinite Loop 18-Apr-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#10732] Help screen updates for Menu Manager 18-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#10724] Custom user groups fail to display # [#10707] update link to forum in Sample content # [#10638] mod_newsflash renders article separator after last article 17-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9858] Flash Uploader not loading properly # [#10511] Print button showing Array Print Array # [#9775] Cache directory not writable causes warning # [#10588] QueryBatch executing empty queries # [#10675] Code Cleanup # [#10702] JURI::clean fix (not properly stripping out /'s) - Thanks Alex Stylianos # [#10308] Installer rejects valid DB names # [#10323] Wrong param count for class_exists in TCPDF 14-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen + Offline validation + Legacy-Marker - a marker to show (admin) extensions requiring Legacy-Mode ON 13-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#10639] mod_newsflash renders bad "read more" link text # [#10574] Problem with template rhuk_milkyway in white color variation. # [#10540] com_login not w3c valid # [#10539] Contacts string repeat twice in com_contacts language file # [#10510] /templates/beez/com_content/section/default.php # [#10302] Milky Way and Beez lack editor.css files # [#9984] Plugin parameters with pipes still not working perfectly # [#10402] Mainmenu Module issues # [#9977] Search module changing '-' to ':' in keywords # [#10097] Various XHTML fixes 10-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10508] Caching pathway and breadcrumbs fix # [#10329] Debug fails with version of Zend Optimizer 10-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10299] Added 'Use Global' as default value to weblink.xml 09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10253] Better PDF coding 09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10297] Fixed RTL in Offline message 04-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [#10307] "Select Article" breaks on change category refresh ( Thanks Michael ) 03-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [#10197] component install error fails to reference left over folder in administrator/components folder # Fixed [#10200] jdoc:include type="module" not usable # Fixed [#10012] $task is not properly passed to extensions # Fixed [#10345] emailcloak is not removed if the article does not contain @ 29-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9335] Extra/Random table class (sectionentrytable0) 29-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt ! Removed old TODO notice in installer 28-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9118] Uncaught Error message in Extension Manager when uninstalling deleted component ! Thanks Ian for the patch 26-Mar-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [9015] No .blank class in system general.css -------------------- 1.5.2 Stable Release [22-March-2008] --------------------- 22-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt $ Added ko-KR installation language files 21-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt $ Added lt-LT, pl-PL and ca-ES installation language files 20-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan $ Added bn-IN and th-TH installation language files 20-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed double-quoting bug in gacl_api::del_object 15-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9816] Fixed openid toggle link doesn't appear on component. Also fixes duplicate ids for com and mod. # [#9816] Fixed username cannot contain + or - characters # [#9816] Fixed css resulting from first patch above 15-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ Updated language XML files version to 1.5.2 and date to 2008-03-15 (pour JM) 12-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#10156] Param for disabling the Flash Uploader 11-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10077] Edit links for frontpage layout broken when not default menu item. 11-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # [10129] front-end message when article submitted not translated 10-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9971] Default parameter (global configuration) not stored in table # [9976] Invalid behavior after switching list length # [10112] Strings and tips added for 10019 editing options # [10124] Notice layout in milkyway is not right due to missing some css # [10071] Email alert for private message is confusing 09-Mar-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10083] Upgraded TCPDF Library to v2.6 # [#10102] Removed unneeded IF clause for ICONV usage 08-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # [#10103] Additional Content Filtering 07-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9808] JHTMLSelect::Options dies if empty array passed # [#10027] When bulit a menu with catalog list which catalog has no articles, error comes out when click this menu # [#10055] Administrator login not possible due to unmasked querys. 07-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # [#10032] JView::get() does not defer properly to JObject::get() # [#9641] Extra <ul /> added by mod_mainmenu in access restricted menus # [#10047] Size correction for some parameters pop-ups (patch) ^ Massmail BCC checkbox checked by default 05-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9817] TableUser has sendEmail set to 1 by default instead of 0, while JUser has it set to 0 by default 04-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9964] lost password sends a bad link when Joomla is in a directory (Thanks Tomasz Dobrzynski) # [#10011] 2 Bugs in com_newsfeed # [#9828] Broken Links to blog items # [#8679] Incorrect anchors in pagination for admin template 01-Mar-2008 Alan Langford ^ Conditional load of JLoader to support unit test. + Add jexit() global exit function, also for unit test. ^ Replace all non-environment calls to die() and exit() with jexit() (except external libs). ^ Make die message on no _JEXEC defined consistent throughout. 29-Feb-2008 Toby Patterson # [#8775] Administration Toolbar translation issues 29-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Error Log Library overwriting $date var (fatal error) # [#9673] Media Manager + Global paths issues # [#9978] Alias URLs don't work when SEF enabled * Sanitization of image and media paths in global config # Fix for date in com_messages (Thanks Jens) 28-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara + JFactory::getDate + Support for locale based JDate override (for support of non-gregorian calendars) ^ Changed all calls from $date = new JDate() to $date =& JFactory::getDate(); ^ JDate now does the translations on its own (it does not rely on setlocale()) for thread safe function. $ Added support for xx-XX.date.php in frontend language directories (to be used for non-gregorian calendars). ! all instances of JDate should now be retrieved via JFactory::getDate(); (to allow for overrides) # Notice with JTable::isCheckedOut when called statically # [#9832] [#9696] Invalid Itemid causes router to choke # [#7860] Cache Callback ID not reliable if callback is object # [#9715] Development info cached (also fixes tpl=1 case) # [#9421] Fix for INI parsing with | in the content $ [#9848] DESCNEWITEMSFIRST & LAST added to many places. # [#9377] Easier translation and localization # Upgrade TCPDF to 2.2.002 (Removes GD, libjpeg and libpng dependancies) # [#9968] Fix for router using default menu item vars if non-sef url passed when sef is enabled # [#9288] Title not escaped in link for section blog view 28-Feb-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9946] Page title issue for contents 28-Feb-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ Changed incorrect and misleading text in LDAP Authentication plugin 28-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9402] Alternative read more # [#9909] Newsflash Module returns incorrect SEF URL # [#9847] JTable::isCheckedOut() can throw an undefined method error # [#9912] Error in sample data $ [#9967] 2 missing strings in admin # [#7960] JFilterInput 27-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9648] Cache folder disapearing with legacy mode enabled # [#9805] bad url element for content pdf links] 26-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9845] com_user Login form does not offer OpenId login option # [#9844] created date on openid created users is invalid # [#8676] OpenID related untranslated strings [js] 26-Feb-2008 Hannes Papenberg # [#9916] Saving Article Layout menu does not work 25-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9932] Typo in file # [#9907] Code cleanup com_weblinks, <button> element improperly closed 25-Feb-2008Mati Kochen ^ [#9857] Updated TCPDF Library to support RTL - Thanks JM. 23-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9778] Breadcrumb includes separators # [#9513] Search module in rhuk_milkyway - IE6 # [#8547] Com_media: Unable to delete files with spaces # [#9862] Remember me can display confusing error message. 22-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fix parse_str & issues # [#9867] �Hardcoded strings + some errors (Thanks JM) 21-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9840] •Hard coded string missing translation # [#9579] Contact Send-Email Form Routing to Wrong Address # [#9739] sefRelToAbs( 'http://localhost/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1' ) returns wrong URL 20-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9807] Notice error in lib/j/html/html/list.php, sign of bigger problem (thanks Jens) 19-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9534] Tooltips hidden behind some tabs # [#8800] Changing order of articles # [#9708] Styling of loadmodule plugin fix. # [#9710] mod_feed htmlentities issues. # [#9758] Frontend error message for checked out content partially translated 16-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [9635] mod_random_image doesn't work as advertised # [8230] missing error handler on jfactory getxmlparser 15-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#8684] Errors not correctly trapped on login 14-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9655] Cannot have more than 1 mootools tree on a page 13-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9263] Bug in com_search: incorrect highliting of multiple search words # [#8738] Backend Login Problems--error message not shown when frontend or blocked user attempts login # [#9630] Language strings missing # [#9636] mod_banners cannot validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict # [#9289] reference to wrapper url produces errors when no modules are loaded # [#9719] JDate->toISO8601 suggestion/correction 12-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9695] Invalid Token message received when trying to authenticate with OpenID # [#9006] Incorrect delete section message # [#9253] Incorrect caching time of the feed XML in mod_feed # [#9490] Fatal error: Call to a member function name() helper.php # [#8808] PDF from an article - "contributed by" isof "written by" # [#9555] Poll Manager poll's title sorting broken 12-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9697] Khepri has type="module" instead of type="modules" for Admin Submenu (Thanks Jens) 11-Feb-2008 Andrew Eddie $ Fixed string for XML-RPC server tip (default is no) in com_config.ini 10-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [9371] h3 Title not translated at install step4 and 5 # Fixed [9697] Khepri has type="module" instead of type="modules" for Admin Submenu 10-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed issue with notice populating $live_site on upgrade from 1.5.0 10-Feb-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed [#9381] Misnamed variable errors in migration 09-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [8602] Cookie error message in installation process # Fixed [9458] Email on new article - "from" is missing # Fixed [8368] Template preview shows only used module positions # Fixed [9434] Sample data: Two Resource Modules # Fixed [9690] Version number in administrator backend shows 1.5.0 # Fixed [9312] Pre-installation Check wrongly recommends Display Errors ON # Fixed [9408] Articles don't change if you change a category to another section -------------------- 1.5.1 Stable Release [8-February-2008] --------------------- 05-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed [9552] Added missing DOMMIT files # Fixed [9620] When trying to login, the site returns 'Invalid Token' # Added live_site parameter to config, and JURI::base override (fixes SEF and proxy issues) 05-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [9512] Removed superfluous references to JUser # Fixed [9596] Incorrect language string in Beez # Fixed [9257] Fixed comments in index.php and administrator/index.php # Fixed [9399] XMLRPC Blogger more_text tag problem * Fixed [9406] XMLRPC Blogger API 05-Feb-2008 Andrew Eddie # Turned XML-RPC server off by default 04-Feb-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9111] error.php contains a relative url to Home Page (Thanks Jens) # Fixed [9516] Links in archive module don't work with SEF (Thanks Jens) # Fixed [9211] Installation always falling back to joomla_backwards.sql (Thanks Jens) 01-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9320] Problem with allowing HTML in requests [patch] (Thanks Jens) 01-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara * Fixed remote execution vulnerability in phpmailer # [#6730] batchQuery() Bug: Broken splitting function # [#8776] Mass Email BCC option (Thanks JM) 30-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed htaccess instructions (refering to a second section that was removed) # [topic,257873] Fixed possible notice with com_content router # [#9518] When creating menu item for a poll, you cannot select poll (Thanks Ian MacLennan) # [#9383] Search for contacts generates bad links (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#9426] PopUp Url link broken 29-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9342] Poll goes 404 after voting - fixed redirect URL. 28-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed memcache session driver config param loading (changed it to work like cache driver) # [#9225] Typo in joomla_backwards.sql (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#8823] Modules don't show up when eAccelerator is enabled (Thanks Dalibor Karlovic) 28-Jan-2008 Robin Muilwijk # Fixed [#9472] Session not cleared properly # Fixed [#9291] Error in call method # Fixed [#9251] Additional double quote in weblink's template # Fixed [#8173] Problem with preg_quote in function utf8_ireplace 27-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Remove the installation check # [9401] Help in backend showind 404 [Patch], thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk for the patch # [9412] publish_down is initialized to 1970 in some environments, thanks Kevin for the patch -------------------- 1.5.0 Stable Release [21-January-2008] --------------------- 21-Jan-2008 Rob Schley ^ Updated COPYRIGHT.php to reference the new, consolidated CREDITS.php + Added LICENSES.php which will hold full text versions of other licenses. 17-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara + [8987] [8986] Added 3 Language strings to com_user and com_installer's language files (Thanks JM) # [9285] Administrators not being able to edit their own profile or change password 16-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed session issues with Invalid Token randomly appearing # Fixed [9255] Error with Pagination and SEF (Thanks Jenscski) 15-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen + Added language af-ZA and ar-DZ 15-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie ^ Encapsulated public/non-public token logic into JUtility::getToken 14-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [8874] Apostrophes transformed in html entities for page titles # Fixed [8673] Wrong encoding for "login redirection url" in user login parameters ^ Changed fa-IR langiage pack + Added tr-TR langiage pack ! Patch for 8874 and 8673 provided by Kevin Devine 14-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed inconsistend SQL in backward compat file (#__core_acl_aro_sections.section_id renamed to #__core_acl_aro_sections.id) 13-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara * [8739] Block user issues in administrator fix * [topic,252372] Security fix in com_users # [9126] [8702] Fixes for imagepath problems in categories:w # Fixed language issues # Added default alias for all items in core 12-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9194] No _JEXEC check in bigdump causes information disclosure if called directly 12-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed SEF issue for com_newsfeeds. # Removed incorrect line endings from some language files. # Fixed issue with page cache caching tokens. 11-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed SEF issue for com_poll, com_wrapper and com_search 11-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9032] cannot upload image # Fixed [9161] Media Manager - uploads doesn't work with flash tool ! Patch provided by Kevin Devine, thanks Kevin! ^ Changes language files for hr-HR, lt-LT, ro-RO, ru-RU + Added language files for eu-ES, hi-IN 11-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed bug in search where small words were not being filtered out properly # Fixed problem in search with regex using too many resources (related to above) # Fixed [#8404] Incorrect highlighting of search terms (as a byproduct) 10-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed error in backlink migration plugin # Fixed error with category/section search in front end # Fixed error with weblink search in back end # Fixed error with Legacy SEF incorrectly returning 404 page not found error 09-Jan-2008 Andy Miller # Fixed issues with pillmenu in both LTR and RTL directions 09-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed issue with incorrect building of section links in content router 07-Jan-2008 Johan Janssens # Fixed issue with JApplication::route wrongly assuming no route was found if no request variables are being returned and throwing a 404. 07-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Changed form tokens to display different public and logged in values 05-Jan-2008 Rob Schley # Refactored routers for com_contact, com_weblinks, com_polls, and com_newsfeeds to be more reliable at finding configurations and to prevent duplicate content URL issues. 05-Jan-2008 Louis Landry # Fixed [#8228] Empty categories don't display when the show empty category parameter is selected (proposed solution) # Fixed [#8301] Memory consumption problems in com_search # Fixed [#8432] Mod_polls Validation: JS Unterminated String Literal--problems with quote marks in alias # Fixed [#8532] alias fields on menus and com_pool is not correctly sanitized can break links when sef on and cause other errors 05-Jan-2008 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed pagination in backend com_weblinks (similar issue as [#8718]) # Fixed division by zero in com_weblinks frontend and backend if limit = 0 05-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#8663] File path issues in media manager for IE6 and IE7 (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#8452] Mediamanager in IE6 shows one item in each row (Thanks Michal Sobkowiak) ^ Fix for pt-PT installation translation file error (from Translation team) 05-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen + Added missing POLL string - Removed unnecessary " ^ fixed locales again # [topic,249218] notice when showing subtree with no active parent (thanks trevornorth) 05-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Updated the installer language files (thanks Ole for providing, thanks translators for creating these files) # Fixed [9019] Content of entryfield 'Style' of 'Image' -> 'Appearances' are not saved in Article Editor (Thanks Bruce Scherzinger) ! Make sure to save the plugin properties once of the tinymce editor! 05-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie * SECURITY - Hardened escaping of user supplied text strings used in LIKE queries ^ Added extra arguments to JDatabase::Quote and JDatabase::getEscaped to facilitate hardening queries # Fixed [#8988] Legacy commonhtml.php bug # Fixed missing token in offline page 04-Jan-2008 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed pagination in backend com_content (similar issue as [#8718]) 04-Jan-2008 Louis Landry # Fixed JDate issue with server offsets and daylight savings time as well as GMT output 04-Jan-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed com_messages manager reset filter 04-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,249292] Minor Typos in Sample Data # [topic,249199] Added 404 if no Route was found 04-Jan-2008 Alan Langford ^ Removed conditionals in loader.php, to revisit after upcoming release. 03-Jan-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed [#8615][topic,240577] mod_newsflash "Read more..." parameter issue # Fixed [topic,248718] com_search gives an error under Beez template # Fixed [topic,248716] Author and date in beez template 03-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed untranslated string in timezones (Thanks Ercan �zkaya) 03-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Added JHTML::_( 'form.token' ) and JRequest::checkToken to assist in preventing CSRF exploits 03-Jan-2008 Alan Langford ^ Added conditionals to JLoader, __autoload(), jimport() to aid unit testing. 02-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen ^ Added UTF locales to en_GB.xml (admin/installation/site) 02-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed CSRF exploits in com_installer 02-Jan-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed problem with JDocumentRendererAtom encoding links resulting in invalid urls ( & to & ) 02-Jan-2008 Robin Muilwijk # Fixed [#8969] Mod_sections missing parameter + patch # Fixed [#8828] htaccess does not include rewrite for .htm 02-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed radio button selection in com_installer ^ Removed administration/media tag from module installer 01-Jan-2008 Chris Davenport ^ Local help files replaced by dummy files containing links to online help. 01-Jan-2008 Johan Janssens ^ Changed JHTML::_() to support variable prefixes, type can now be prefix.class.function 01-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Added also front-end language defaulting, see also #8307 01-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen # [#8750] Fixed Base URL sent by reminder mail 01-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt ! Welcome to 2008, a great new year for Joomla! ^ Updates to the installation system to better handle some situations ^ Renamed a variable in the Joomla authentication plugin to make more sense # Fixes to prevent against uninitialised variable access in various locations 31-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,247978] Added More Articles string, with corresponding fixes in files # [#8935] wrong comparisson for categories 31-Dec-2007 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed [#8516] xmlrpc throws errors when using third party blog/content entry tools ^ Changed mod_breadcrumbs individual module include to "breadcrumb" position include in rhuk_milkyway and beez ^ Renamed "breadcrumbs" position to "breadcrumb" in rhuk_milkyway 31-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added scope variable to JApplication 30-Dec-2007 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [8307] Local distribs can't define default admin language 30-Dec-2007 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed [#8718] Frontend com_weblinks pagination error 30-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen # [#8568] Applied proposed fixes # [#8797] Added string to com_installer # [#7549] type of uninstall not translated # [#8901] changed copyright to 2008 30-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara ^ [#8901] Update copyright date needed in all trunk files # [#8736] 'limit' form field ignored in com_search ^ Added Istanbul to the timezone listings (Thanks Ercan �zkaya) 29-Dec-2007 Andy Miller # Fixed issue with admin login button with Safari 29-Dec-2007 Hannes Papenberg # [#8688] fixed pagination in com_categories 29-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added transliterate function to JLanguage ^ JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe now calls JLanguage::transliterate 29-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # [#8690] javascript popup: url not found (images directory incorrect) 29-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ change width from 1000px to 960px (khepri) # [#8873] added BROWSE string # [#8867] fixed (Today) string # [#8576] added UNINSTALLLANGPUBLISHEDALREADY to com_installer with the correct call 28-Dec-2007 Hannes Papenberg # Fixed [#8229] If Intro Text is set to hide and no Fulltext is available, Intro Text is used as the fulltext 27-Dec-2007 Wilco Jansen ! Forgotten to credit Zinho for supplying us with information about the csrf exploit that was fixed during PBF weekend. Thanks Zinho for you issue report. 27-Dec-2007 Chris Davenport ^ Removed/renamed redundant local help screens. 26-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#6111] New button act as Edit when multiply select in Menu Item Manager # Fixed [t,223403] Warning menu manager standardization for cancel button 25-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#8557] language typo and ordering languange list (Thanks to Ole Bang Ottosen) 24-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed [#8754] issue with SEF plugin rewriting raw anchors (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) 24-Dec-2007 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed [#8568] language typo 23-Dec-2007 Rob Schley # Fixed JRegistryFormatINI::objectToString() method to build proper arrays again. Thanks Ian for testing. # Fixed view cache handler not storing module buffer. # Fixed JDocumentHTML::getBuffer() so that you can access the entire document buffer. 23-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#8168] Removed Redundant code in Published Section. Thanks Alaattin Kahramanlar 22-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added $params parameter to JEditor::display function. This allows to programaticaly set or override the editor plugin parameters. 22-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie ^ Moved article edit icon into the print|pdf|email area + Added type property to JAuthenticationResponse which is set to the successful authenication method ^ Split diff.sql into steps for RC's 21-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,245507] Better Styling with double classes & easier RTL 21-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # [#8678] [#8675] [#8648] [topic,245507] Fixed min-width CSS issue forcing scrollbars 21-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie # Fixed [topic,245313] Fatal error in Menu Manager when editing an item ! Lots of cosmetic commits (remove trailing ?> tags at EOF, white space, etc) 20-Dec-2007 Jui-Yu Tsai # [topic,245322] fixed missing "s" at string for more than one unit 20-Dec-2007 Mickael Maison # [#7617] Untranslated error message during authentication 20-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,244583] added $rows = $this->items, and replaced all instaces ^ [topic,244213] added limitation to the return pagination only when there is one ^ [topic,244895] added missing content display ^ [topic,245291] refactor more links to use ContentHelperRoute 20-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed Topic 245155 Category Content Filter missing default parameter values in model 20-Dec-2007 Sam Moffatt # [#8444] Testing migration script on install - Scripts not executing (added display of current max PHP upload) # [#8517] com_installer: Installing from nonexisting URL generates technical error message ! SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED language added to com_installer ! MAXIMUM UPLOAD SIZE and UPLOADFILESIZE added to installation language # [#8628] Extension installer fails to remove media files (proposed solution) # [#8573] Google stuff still present in com_search 20-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie # Fixed [t,243324] PHP 4 incompatible syntax in ContentModelArchive::_getList # Fixed extra <span> in Content Archive items layout # Fixed [#8667] bug in JDate 19-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed Content Router swallows up layout (checks to see if it matches Itemid) 19-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed topic 244449 XMLRPC Search plugin doesn't work with weblinks search plugin published -------------------- 1.5.0 Release Candidate 4 Released [19-December-2007] --------------------- ======= 24-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # Fix for the Legacy-Marker - missing parse # Removed the special treatment for RTL in Pagination -------------------- 1.5.3 Stable Release [22-April-2008] --------------------- 19-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10009] Search Function yields warning # [#10150] Installation minimum password length doesn't work # [#10725] Installation not xhtml compliant # [#10739] Spelling error in com_installer.ini # [#10092] Switcher hides nested divs # Fix for fatal error related to [#10638] 19-Apr-2008 Andrew Eddie ! Trailing white-space cleanup # [#9725] JFilterInput Infinite Loop 18-Apr-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#10732] Help screen updates for Menu Manager 18-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#10724] Custom user groups fail to display # [#10707] update link to forum in Sample content # [#10638] mod_newsflash renders article separator after last article 17-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9858] Flash Uploader not loading properly # [#10511] Print button showing Array Print Array # [#9775] Cache directory not writable causes warning # [#10588] QueryBatch executing empty queries # [#10675] Code Cleanup # [#10702] JURI::clean fix (not properly stripping out /'s) - Thanks Alex Stylianos # [#10308] Installer rejects valid DB names # [#10323] Wrong param count for class_exists in TCPDF 14-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen + Offline validation + Legacy-Marker - a marker to show (admin) extensions requiring Legacy-Mode ON 13-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt # [#10639] mod_newsflash renders bad "read more" link text # [#10574] Problem with template rhuk_milkyway in white color variation. # [#10540] com_login not w3c valid # [#10539] Contacts string repeat twice in com_contacts language file # [#10510] /templates/beez/com_content/section/default.php # [#10302] Milky Way and Beez lack editor.css files # [#9984] Plugin parameters with pipes still not working perfectly # [#10402] Mainmenu Module issues # [#9977] Search module changing '-' to ':' in keywords # [#10097] Various XHTML fixes 10-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10508] Caching pathway and breadcrumbs fix # [#10329] Debug fails with version of Zend Optimizer 10-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10299] Added 'Use Global' as default value to weblink.xml 09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10253] Better PDF coding 09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10297] Fixed RTL in Offline message 04-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [#10307] "Select Article" breaks on change category refresh ( Thanks Michael ) 03-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [#10197] component install error fails to reference left over folder in administrator/components folder # Fixed [#10200] jdoc:include type="module" not usable # Fixed [#10012] $task is not properly passed to extensions # Fixed [#10345] emailcloak is not removed if the article does not contain @ 29-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9335] Extra/Random table class (sectionentrytable0) 29-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt ! Removed old TODO notice in installer 28-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9118] Uncaught Error message in Extension Manager when uninstalling deleted component ! Thanks Ian for the patch 26-Mar-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed [9015] No .blank class in system general.css -------------------- 1.5.2 Stable Release [22-March-2008] --------------------- 22-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt $ Added ko-KR installation language files 21-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt $ Added lt-LT, pl-PL and ca-ES installation language files 20-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan $ Added bn-IN and th-TH installation language files 20-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed double-quoting bug in gacl_api::del_object 15-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9816] Fixed openid toggle link doesn't appear on component. Also fixes duplicate ids for com and mod. # [#9816] Fixed username cannot contain + or - characters # [#9816] Fixed css resulting from first patch above 15-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ Updated language XML files version to 1.5.2 and date to 2008-03-15 (pour JM) 12-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#10156] Param for disabling the Flash Uploader 11-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#10077] Edit links for frontpage layout broken when not default menu item. 11-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # [10129] front-end message when article submitted not translated 10-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9971] Default parameter (global configuration) not stored in table # [9976] Invalid behavior after switching list length # [10112] Strings and tips added for 10019 editing options # [10124] Notice layout in milkyway is not right due to missing some css # [10071] Email alert for private message is confusing 09-Mar-2008 Mati Kochen # [#10083] Upgraded TCPDF Library to v2.6 # [#10102] Removed unneeded IF clause for ICONV usage 08-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # [#10103] Additional Content Filtering 07-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9808] JHTMLSelect::Options dies if empty array passed # [#10027] When bulit a menu with catalog list which catalog has no articles, error comes out when click this menu # [#10055] Administrator login not possible due to unmasked querys. 07-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie # [#10032] JView::get() does not defer properly to JObject::get() # [#9641] Extra <ul /> added by mod_mainmenu in access restricted menus # [#10047] Size correction for some parameters pop-ups (patch) ^ Massmail BCC checkbox checked by default 05-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9817] TableUser has sendEmail set to 1 by default instead of 0, while JUser has it set to 0 by default 04-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9964] lost password sends a bad link when Joomla is in a directory (Thanks Tomasz Dobrzynski) # [#10011] 2 Bugs in com_newsfeed # [#9828] Broken Links to blog items # [#8679] Incorrect anchors in pagination for admin template 01-Mar-2008 Alan Langford ^ Conditional load of JLoader to support unit test. + Add jexit() global exit function, also for unit test. ^ Replace all non-environment calls to die() and exit() with jexit() (except external libs). ^ Make die message on no _JEXEC defined consistent throughout. 29-Feb-2008 Toby Patterson # [#8775] Administration Toolbar translation issues 29-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Error Log Library overwriting $date var (fatal error) # [#9673] Media Manager + Global paths issues # [#9978] Alias URLs don't work when SEF enabled * Sanitization of image and media paths in global config # Fix for date in com_messages (Thanks Jens) 28-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara + JFactory::getDate + Support for locale based JDate override (for support of non-gregorian calendars) ^ Changed all calls from $date = new JDate() to $date =& JFactory::getDate(); ^ JDate now does the translations on its own (it does not rely on setlocale()) for thread safe function. $ Added support for xx-XX.date.php in frontend language directories (to be used for non-gregorian calendars). ! all instances of JDate should now be retrieved via JFactory::getDate(); (to allow for overrides) # Notice with JTable::isCheckedOut when called statically # [#9832] [#9696] Invalid Itemid causes router to choke # [#7860] Cache Callback ID not reliable if callback is object # [#9715] Development info cached (also fixes tpl=1 case) # [#9421] Fix for INI parsing with | in the content $ [#9848] DESCNEWITEMSFIRST & LAST added to many places. # [#9377] Easier translation and localization # Upgrade TCPDF to 2.2.002 (Removes GD, libjpeg and libpng dependancies) # [#9968] Fix for router using default menu item vars if non-sef url passed when sef is enabled # [#9288] Title not escaped in link for section blog view 28-Feb-2008 Wilco Jansen # [9946] Page title issue for contents 28-Feb-2008 Sam Moffatt ^ Changed incorrect and misleading text in LDAP Authentication plugin 28-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9402] Alternative read more # [#9909] Newsflash Module returns incorrect SEF URL # [#9847] JTable::isCheckedOut() can throw an undefined method error # [#9912] Error in sample data $ [#9967] 2 missing strings in admin # [#7960] JFilterInput 27-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9648] Cache folder disapearing with legacy mode enabled # [#9805] bad url element for content pdf links] 26-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9845] com_user Login form does not offer OpenId login option # [#9844] created date on openid created users is invalid # [#8676] OpenID related untranslated strings [js] 26-Feb-2008 Hannes Papenberg # [#9916] Saving Article Layout menu does not work 25-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9932] Typo in file # [#9907] Code cleanup com_weblinks, <button> element improperly closed 25-Feb-2008Mati Kochen ^ [#9857] Updated TCPDF Library to support RTL - Thanks JM. 23-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9778] Breadcrumb includes separators # [#9513] Search module in rhuk_milkyway - IE6 # [#8547] Com_media: Unable to delete files with spaces # [#9862] Remember me can display confusing error message. 22-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fix parse_str & issues # [#9867] �Hardcoded strings + some errors (Thanks JM) 21-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9840] •Hard coded string missing translation # [#9579] Contact Send-Email Form Routing to Wrong Address # [#9739] sefRelToAbs( 'http://localhost/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1' ) returns wrong URL 20-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9807] Notice error in lib/j/html/html/list.php, sign of bigger problem (thanks Jens) 19-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9534] Tooltips hidden behind some tabs # [#8800] Changing order of articles # [#9708] Styling of loadmodule plugin fix. # [#9710] mod_feed htmlentities issues. # [#9758] Frontend error message for checked out content partially translated 16-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [9635] mod_random_image doesn't work as advertised # [8230] missing error handler on jfactory getxmlparser 15-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#8684] Errors not correctly trapped on login 14-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9655] Cannot have more than 1 mootools tree on a page 13-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9263] Bug in com_search: incorrect highliting of multiple search words # [#8738] Backend Login Problems--error message not shown when frontend or blocked user attempts login # [#9630] Language strings missing # [#9636] mod_banners cannot validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict # [#9289] reference to wrapper url produces errors when no modules are loaded # [#9719] JDate->toISO8601 suggestion/correction 12-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # [#9695] Invalid Token message received when trying to authenticate with OpenID # [#9006] Incorrect delete section message # [#9253] Incorrect caching time of the feed XML in mod_feed # [#9490] Fatal error: Call to a member function name() helper.php # [#8808] PDF from an article - "contributed by" isof "written by" # [#9555] Poll Manager poll's title sorting broken 12-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#9697] Khepri has type="module" instead of type="modules" for Admin Submenu (Thanks Jens) 11-Feb-2008 Andrew Eddie $ Fixed string for XML-RPC server tip (default is no) in com_config.ini 10-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [9371] h3 Title not translated at install step4 and 5 # Fixed [9697] Khepri has type="module" instead of type="modules" for Admin Submenu 10-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed issue with notice populating $live_site on upgrade from 1.5.0 10-Feb-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed [#9381] Misnamed variable errors in migration 09-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [8602] Cookie error message in installation process # Fixed [9458] Email on new article - "from" is missing # Fixed [8368] Template preview shows only used module positions # Fixed [9434] Sample data: Two Resource Modules # Fixed [9690] Version number in administrator backend shows 1.5.0 # Fixed [9312] Pre-installation Check wrongly recommends Display Errors ON # Fixed [9408] Articles don't change if you change a category to another section -------------------- 1.5.1 Stable Release [8-February-2008] --------------------- 05-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed [9552] Added missing DOMMIT files # Fixed [9620] When trying to login, the site returns 'Invalid Token' # Added live_site parameter to config, and JURI::base override (fixes SEF and proxy issues) 05-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [9512] Removed superfluous references to JUser # Fixed [9596] Incorrect language string in Beez # Fixed [9257] Fixed comments in index.php and administrator/index.php # Fixed [9399] XMLRPC Blogger more_text tag problem * Fixed [9406] XMLRPC Blogger API 05-Feb-2008 Andrew Eddie # Turned XML-RPC server off by default 04-Feb-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9111] error.php contains a relative url to Home Page (Thanks Jens) # Fixed [9516] Links in archive module don't work with SEF (Thanks Jens) # Fixed [9211] Installation always falling back to joomla_backwards.sql (Thanks Jens) 01-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9320] Problem with allowing HTML in requests [patch] (Thanks Jens) 01-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara * Fixed remote execution vulnerability in phpmailer # [#6730] batchQuery() Bug: Broken splitting function # [#8776] Mass Email BCC option (Thanks JM) 30-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed htaccess instructions (refering to a second section that was removed) # [topic,257873] Fixed possible notice with com_content router # [#9518] When creating menu item for a poll, you cannot select poll (Thanks Ian MacLennan) # [#9383] Search for contacts generates bad links (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#9426] PopUp Url link broken 29-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed [#9342] Poll goes 404 after voting - fixed redirect URL. 28-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed memcache session driver config param loading (changed it to work like cache driver) # [#9225] Typo in joomla_backwards.sql (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#8823] Modules don't show up when eAccelerator is enabled (Thanks Dalibor Karlovic) 28-Jan-2008 Robin Muilwijk # Fixed [#9472] Session not cleared properly # Fixed [#9291] Error in call method # Fixed [#9251] Additional double quote in weblink's template # Fixed [#8173] Problem with preg_quote in function utf8_ireplace 27-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Remove the installation check # [9401] Help in backend showind 404 [Patch], thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk for the patch # [9412] publish_down is initialized to 1970 in some environments, thanks Kevin for the patch -------------------- 1.5.0 Stable Release [21-January-2008] --------------------- 21-Jan-2008 Rob Schley ^ Updated COPYRIGHT.php to reference the new, consolidated CREDITS.php + Added LICENSES.php which will hold full text versions of other licenses. 17-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara + [8987] [8986] Added 3 Language strings to com_user and com_installer's language files (Thanks JM) # [9285] Administrators not being able to edit their own profile or change password 16-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed session issues with Invalid Token randomly appearing # Fixed [9255] Error with Pagination and SEF (Thanks Jenscski) 15-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen + Added language af-ZA and ar-DZ 15-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie ^ Encapsulated public/non-public token logic into JUtility::getToken 14-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [8874] Apostrophes transformed in html entities for page titles # Fixed [8673] Wrong encoding for "login redirection url" in user login parameters ^ Changed fa-IR langiage pack + Added tr-TR langiage pack ! Patch for 8874 and 8673 provided by Kevin Devine 14-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed inconsistend SQL in backward compat file (#__core_acl_aro_sections.section_id renamed to #__core_acl_aro_sections.id) 13-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara * [8739] Block user issues in administrator fix * [topic,252372] Security fix in com_users # [9126] [8702] Fixes for imagepath problems in categories:w # Fixed language issues # Added default alias for all items in core 12-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9194] No _JEXEC check in bigdump causes information disclosure if called directly 12-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed SEF issue for com_newsfeeds. # Removed incorrect line endings from some language files. # Fixed issue with page cache caching tokens. 11-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed SEF issue for com_poll, com_wrapper and com_search 11-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [9032] cannot upload image # Fixed [9161] Media Manager - uploads doesn't work with flash tool ! Patch provided by Kevin Devine, thanks Kevin! ^ Changes language files for hr-HR, lt-LT, ro-RO, ru-RU + Added language files for eu-ES, hi-IN 11-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed bug in search where small words were not being filtered out properly # Fixed problem in search with regex using too many resources (related to above) # Fixed [#8404] Incorrect highlighting of search terms (as a byproduct) 10-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed error in backlink migration plugin # Fixed error with category/section search in front end # Fixed error with weblink search in back end # Fixed error with Legacy SEF incorrectly returning 404 page not found error 09-Jan-2008 Andy Miller # Fixed issues with pillmenu in both LTR and RTL directions 09-Jan-2008 Ian MacLennan # Fixed issue with incorrect building of section links in content router 07-Jan-2008 Johan Janssens # Fixed issue with JApplication::route wrongly assuming no route was found if no request variables are being returned and throwing a 404. 07-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Changed form tokens to display different public and logged in values 05-Jan-2008 Rob Schley # Refactored routers for com_contact, com_weblinks, com_polls, and com_newsfeeds to be more reliable at finding configurations and to prevent duplicate content URL issues. 05-Jan-2008 Louis Landry # Fixed [#8228] Empty categories don't display when the show empty category parameter is selected (proposed solution) # Fixed [#8301] Memory consumption problems in com_search # Fixed [#8432] Mod_polls Validation: JS Unterminated String Literal--problems with quote marks in alias # Fixed [#8532] alias fields on menus and com_pool is not correctly sanitized can break links when sef on and cause other errors 05-Jan-2008 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed pagination in backend com_weblinks (similar issue as [#8718]) # Fixed division by zero in com_weblinks frontend and backend if limit = 0 05-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # [#8663] File path issues in media manager for IE6 and IE7 (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) # [#8452] Mediamanager in IE6 shows one item in each row (Thanks Michal Sobkowiak) ^ Fix for pt-PT installation translation file error (from Translation team) 05-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen + Added missing POLL string - Removed unnecessary " ^ fixed locales again # [topic,249218] notice when showing subtree with no active parent (thanks trevornorth) 05-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Updated the installer language files (thanks Ole for providing, thanks translators for creating these files) # Fixed [9019] Content of entryfield 'Style' of 'Image' -> 'Appearances' are not saved in Article Editor (Thanks Bruce Scherzinger) ! Make sure to save the plugin properties once of the tinymce editor! 05-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie * SECURITY - Hardened escaping of user supplied text strings used in LIKE queries ^ Added extra arguments to JDatabase::Quote and JDatabase::getEscaped to facilitate hardening queries # Fixed [#8988] Legacy commonhtml.php bug # Fixed missing token in offline page 04-Jan-2008 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed pagination in backend com_content (similar issue as [#8718]) 04-Jan-2008 Louis Landry # Fixed JDate issue with server offsets and daylight savings time as well as GMT output 04-Jan-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed com_messages manager reset filter 04-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,249292] Minor Typos in Sample Data # [topic,249199] Added 404 if no Route was found 04-Jan-2008 Alan Langford ^ Removed conditionals in loader.php, to revisit after upcoming release. 03-Jan-2008 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed [#8615][topic,240577] mod_newsflash "Read more..." parameter issue # Fixed [topic,248718] com_search gives an error under Beez template # Fixed [topic,248716] Author and date in beez template 03-Jan-2008 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed untranslated string in timezones (Thanks Ercan �zkaya) 03-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Added JHTML::_( 'form.token' ) and JRequest::checkToken to assist in preventing CSRF exploits 03-Jan-2008 Alan Langford ^ Added conditionals to JLoader, __autoload(), jimport() to aid unit testing. 02-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen ^ Added UTF locales to en_GB.xml (admin/installation/site) 02-Jan-2008 Andrew Eddie # Fixed CSRF exploits in com_installer 02-Jan-2008 Toby Patterson # Fixed problem with JDocumentRendererAtom encoding links resulting in invalid urls ( & to & ) 02-Jan-2008 Robin Muilwijk # Fixed [#8969] Mod_sections missing parameter + patch # Fixed [#8828] htaccess does not include rewrite for .htm 02-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt # Fixed radio button selection in com_installer ^ Removed administration/media tag from module installer 01-Jan-2008 Chris Davenport ^ Local help files replaced by dummy files containing links to online help. 01-Jan-2008 Johan Janssens ^ Changed JHTML::_() to support variable prefixes, type can now be prefix.class.function 01-Jan-2008 Wilco Jansen ^ Added also front-end language defaulting, see also #8307 01-Jan-2008 Mati Kochen # [#8750] Fixed Base URL sent by reminder mail 01-Jan-2008 Sam Moffatt ! Welcome to 2008, a great new year for Joomla! ^ Updates to the installation system to better handle some situations ^ Renamed a variable in the Joomla authentication plugin to make more sense # Fixes to prevent against uninitialised variable access in various locations 31-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,247978] Added More Articles string, with corresponding fixes in files # [#8935] wrong comparisson for categories 31-Dec-2007 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed [#8516] xmlrpc throws errors when using third party blog/content entry tools ^ Changed mod_breadcrumbs individual module include to "breadcrumb" position include in rhuk_milkyway and beez ^ Renamed "breadcrumbs" position to "breadcrumb" in rhuk_milkyway 31-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added scope variable to JApplication 30-Dec-2007 Wilco Jansen # Fixed [8307] Local distribs can't define default admin language 30-Dec-2007 Charl van Niekerk # Fixed [#8718] Frontend com_weblinks pagination error 30-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen # [#8568] Applied proposed fixes # [#8797] Added string to com_installer # [#7549] type of uninstall not translated # [#8901] changed copyright to 2008 30-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara ^ [#8901] Update copyright date needed in all trunk files # [#8736] 'limit' form field ignored in com_search ^ Added Istanbul to the timezone listings (Thanks Ercan �zkaya) 29-Dec-2007 Andy Miller # Fixed issue with admin login button with Safari 29-Dec-2007 Hannes Papenberg # [#8688] fixed pagination in com_categories 29-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added transliterate function to JLanguage ^ JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe now calls JLanguage::transliterate 29-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # [#8690] javascript popup: url not found (images directory incorrect) 29-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ change width from 1000px to 960px (khepri) # [#8873] added BROWSE string # [#8867] fixed (Today) string # [#8576] added UNINSTALLLANGPUBLISHEDALREADY to com_installer with the correct call 28-Dec-2007 Hannes Papenberg # Fixed [#8229] If Intro Text is set to hide and no Fulltext is available, Intro Text is used as the fulltext 27-Dec-2007 Wilco Jansen ! Forgotten to credit Zinho for supplying us with information about the csrf exploit that was fixed during PBF weekend. Thanks Zinho for you issue report. 27-Dec-2007 Chris Davenport ^ Removed/renamed redundant local help screens. 26-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#6111] New button act as Edit when multiply select in Menu Item Manager # Fixed [t,223403] Warning menu manager standardization for cancel button 25-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#8557] language typo and ordering languange list (Thanks to Ole Bang Ottosen) 24-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # Fixed [#8754] issue with SEF plugin rewriting raw anchors (Thanks Jens-Christian Skibakk) 24-Dec-2007 Jui-Yu Tsai # Fixed [#8568] language typo 23-Dec-2007 Rob Schley # Fixed JRegistryFormatINI::objectToString() method to build proper arrays again. Thanks Ian for testing. # Fixed view cache handler not storing module buffer. # Fixed JDocumentHTML::getBuffer() so that you can access the entire document buffer. 23-Dec-2007 Nur Aini Rakhmawati # Fixed [#8168] Removed Redundant code in Published Section. Thanks Alaattin Kahramanlar 22-Dec-2007 Johan Janssens + Added $params parameter to JEditor::display function. This allows to programaticaly set or override the editor plugin parameters. 22-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie ^ Moved article edit icon into the print|pdf|email area + Added type property to JAuthenticationResponse which is set to the successful authenication method ^ Split diff.sql into steps for RC's 21-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,245507] Better Styling with double classes & easier RTL 21-Dec-2007 Anthony Ferrara # [#8678] [#8675] [#8648] [topic,245507] Fixed min-width CSS issue forcing scrollbars 21-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie # Fixed [topic,245313] Fatal error in Menu Manager when editing an item ! Lots of cosmetic commits (remove trailing ?> tags at EOF, white space, etc) 20-Dec-2007 Jui-Yu Tsai # [topic,245322] fixed missing "s" at string for more than one unit 20-Dec-2007 Mickael Maison # [#7617] Untranslated error message during authentication 20-Dec-2007 Mati Kochen ^ [topic,244583] added $rows = $this->items, and replaced all instaces ^ [topic,244213] added limitation to the return pagination only when there is one ^ [topic,244895] added missing content display ^ [topic,245291] refactor more links to use ContentHelperRoute 20-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed Topic 245155 Category Content Filter missing default parameter values in model 20-Dec-2007 Sam Moffatt # [#8444] Testing migration script on install - Scripts not executing (added display of current max PHP upload) # [#8517] com_installer: Installing from nonexisting URL generates technical error message ! SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED language added to com_installer ! MAXIMUM UPLOAD SIZE and UPLOADFILESIZE added to installation language # [#8628] Extension installer fails to remove media files (proposed solution) # [#8573] Google stuff still present in com_search 20-Dec-2007 Andrew Eddie # Fixed [t,243324] PHP 4 incompatible syntax in ContentModelArchive::_getList # Fixed extra <span> in Content Archive items layout # Fixed [#8667] bug in JDate 19-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed Content Router swallows up layout (checks to see if it matches Itemid) 19-Dec-2007 Ian MacLennan # Fixed topic 244449 XMLRPC Search plugin doesn't work with weblinks search plugin published -------------------- 1.5.0 Release Candidate 4 Released [19-December-2007] ---------------------