File: http_client.php
<?php /* $Id: http_client.php,v 1.1 2002/11/01 02:26:03 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License Copyright 2001 Leo West <west_leo@yahoo-REMOVE-.com> Net_HTTP_Client v0.6 Minimal Example: $http = new httpClient(); $http->Connect("somehost", 80) or die("Connect problem"); $status = $http->Get("/index.html"); if ($status != 200) { die("Problem : " . $http->getStatusMessage()); } else { echo $http->getBody(); } $http->Disconnect(); Persistent Example: $http = new httpClient("dir.yahoo.com", 80); $http->addHeader("Host", "dir.yahoo.com"); $http->addHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); if ($http->Get("/Reference/Libraries/") == 200) $page1 = $http->getBody(); if ($http->Get("/News_and_Media/") == 200 ) $page2 = $http->getBody(); $http->disconnect(); */ class httpClient { var $url; // array containg server URL, similar to parseurl() returned array var $reply; // response code var $replyString; // full response var $protocolVersion = '1.1'; var $requestHeaders, $requestBody; var $socket = false; // proxy stuff var $useProxy = false; var $proxyHost, $proxyPort; /** * httpClient constructor * Note: when host and port are defined, the connection is immediate * @seeAlso connect **/ function httpClient($host = '', $port = '') { if (tep_not_null($host)) { $this->connect($host, $port); } } /** * turn on proxy support * @param proxyHost proxy host address eg "proxy.mycorp.com" * @param proxyPort proxy port usually 80 or 8080 **/ function setProxy($proxyHost, $proxyPort) { $this->useProxy = true; $this->proxyHost = $proxyHost; $this->proxyPort = $proxyPort; } /** * setProtocolVersion * define the HTTP protocol version to use * @param version string the version number with one decimal: "0.9", "1.0", "1.1" * when using 1.1, you MUST set the mandatory headers "Host" * @return boolean false if the version number is bad, true if ok **/ function setProtocolVersion($version) { if ( ($version > 0) && ($version <= 1.1) ) { $this->protocolVersion = $version; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * set a username and password to access a protected resource * Only "Basic" authentication scheme is supported yet * @param username string - identifier * @param password string - clear password **/ function setCredentials($username, $password) { $this->addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ':' . $password)); } /** * define a set of HTTP headers to be sent to the server * header names are lowercased to avoid duplicated headers * @param headers hash array containing the headers as headerName => headerValue pairs **/ function setHeaders($headers) { if (is_array($headers)) { reset($headers); while (list($name, $value) = each($headers)) { $this->requestHeaders[$name] = $value; } } } /** * addHeader * set a unique request header * @param headerName the header name * @param headerValue the header value, ( unencoded) **/ function addHeader($headerName, $headerValue) { $this->requestHeaders[$headerName] = $headerValue; } /** * removeHeader * unset a request header * @param headerName the header name **/ function removeHeader($headerName) { unset($this->requestHeaders[$headerName]); } /** * Connect * open the connection to the server * @param host string server address (or IP) * @param port string server listening port - defaults to 80 * @return boolean false is connection failed, true otherwise **/ function Connect($host, $port = '') { $this->url['scheme'] = 'http'; $this->url['host'] = $host; if (tep_not_null($port)) $this->url['port'] = $port; return true; } /** * Disconnect * close the connection to the server **/ function Disconnect() { if ($this->socket) fclose($this->socket); } /** * head * issue a HEAD request * @param uri string URI of the document * @return string response status code (200 if ok) * @seeAlso getHeaders() **/ function Head($uri) { $this->responseHeaders = $this->responseBody = ''; $uri = $this->makeUri($uri); if ($this->sendCommand('HEAD ' . $uri . ' HTTP/' . $this->protocolVersion)) { $this->processReply(); } return $this->reply; } /** * get * issue a GET http request * @param uri URI (path on server) or full URL of the document * @return string response status code (200 if ok) * @seeAlso getHeaders(), getBody() **/ function Get($url) { $this->responseHeaders = $this->responseBody = ''; $uri = $this->makeUri($url); if ($this->sendCommand('GET ' . $uri . ' HTTP/' . $this->protocolVersion)) { $this->processReply(); } return $this->reply; } /** * Post * issue a POST http request * @param uri string URI of the document * @param query_params array parameters to send in the form "parameter name" => value * @return string response status code (200 if ok) * @example * $params = array( "login" => "tiger", "password" => "secret" ); * $http->post( "/login.php", $params ); **/ function Post($uri, $query_params = '') { $uri = $this->makeUri($uri); if (is_array($query_params)) { $postArray = array(); reset($query_params); while (list($k, $v) = each($query_params)) { $postArray[] = urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); } $this->requestBody = implode('&', $postArray); } // set the content type for post parameters $this->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); if ($this->sendCommand('POST ' . $uri . ' HTTP/' . $this->protocolVersion)) { $this->processReply(); } $this->removeHeader('Content-Type'); $this->removeHeader('Content-Length'); $this->requestBody = ''; return $this->reply; } /** * Put * Send a PUT request * PUT is the method to sending a file on the server. it is *not* widely supported * @param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/" * @param filecontent the content of the file. binary content accepted * @return string response status code 201 (Created) if ok * @see RFC2518 "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring WEBDAV" **/ function Put($uri, $filecontent) { $uri = $this->makeUri($uri); $this->requestBody = $filecontent; if ($this->sendCommand('PUT ' . $uri . ' HTTP/' . $this->protocolVersion)) { $this->processReply(); } return $this->reply; } /** * getHeaders * return the response headers * to be called after a Get() or Head() call * @return array headers received from server in the form headername => value * @seeAlso get, head **/ function getHeaders() { return $this->responseHeaders; } /** * getHeader * return the response header "headername" * @param headername the name of the header * @return header value or NULL if no such header is defined **/ function getHeader($headername) { return $this->responseHeaders[$headername]; } /** * getBody * return the response body * invoke it after a Get() call for instance, to retrieve the response * @return string body content * @seeAlso get, head **/ function getBody() { return $this->responseBody; } /** * getStatus return the server response's status code * @return string a status code * code are divided in classes (where x is a digit) * - 20x : request processed OK * - 30x : document moved * - 40x : client error ( bad url, document not found, etc...) * - 50x : server error * @see RFC2616 "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1" **/ function getStatus() { return $this->reply; } /** * getStatusMessage return the full response status, of the form "CODE Message" * eg. "404 Document not found" * @return string the message **/ function getStatusMessage() { return $this->replyString; } /** * @scope only protected or private methods below **/ /** * send a request * data sent are in order * a) the command * b) the request headers if they are defined * c) the request body if defined * @return string the server repsonse status code **/ function sendCommand($command) { $this->responseHeaders = array(); $this->responseBody = ''; // connect if necessary if ( ($this->socket == false) || (feof($this->socket)) ) { if ($this->useProxy) { $host = $this->proxyHost; $port = $this->proxyPort; } else { $host = $this->url['host']; $port = $this->url['port']; } if (!tep_not_null($port)) $port = 80; if (!$this->socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $this->reply, $this->replyString)) { return false; } if (tep_not_null($this->requestBody)) { $this->addHeader('Content-Length', strlen($this->requestBody)); } $this->request = $command; $cmd = $command . "\r\n"; if (is_array($this->requestHeaders)) { reset($this->requestHeaders); while (list($k, $v) = each($this->requestHeaders)) { $cmd .= $k . ': ' . $v . "\r\n"; } } if (tep_not_null($this->requestBody)) { $cmd .= "\r\n" . $this->requestBody; } // unset body (in case of successive requests) $this->requestBody = ''; fputs($this->socket, $cmd . "\r\n"); return true; } } function processReply() { $this->replyString = trim(fgets($this->socket, 1024)); if (preg_match('|^HTTP/\S+ (\d+) |i', $this->replyString, $a )) { $this->reply = $a[1]; } else { $this->reply = 'Bad Response'; } //get response headers and body $this->responseHeaders = $this->processHeader(); $this->responseBody = $this->processBody(); return $this->reply; } /** * processHeader() reads header lines from socket until the line equals $lastLine * @scope protected * @return array of headers with header names as keys and header content as values **/ function processHeader($lastLine = "\r\n") { $headers = array(); $finished = false; while ( (!$finished) && (!feof($this->socket)) ) { $str = fgets($this->socket, 1024); $finished = ($str == $lastLine); if (!$finished) { list($hdr, $value) = split(': ', $str, 2); // nasty workaround broken multiple same headers (eg. Set-Cookie headers) @FIXME if (isset($headers[$hdr])) { $headers[$hdr] .= '; ' . trim($value); } else { $headers[$hdr] = trim($value); } } } return $headers; } /** * processBody() reads the body from the socket * the body is the "real" content of the reply * @return string body content * @scope private **/ function processBody() { $data = ''; $counter = 0; do { $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); if ($status['eof'] == 1) { break; } if ($status['unread_bytes'] > 0) { $buffer = fread($this->socket, $status['unread_bytes']); $counter = 0; } else { $buffer = fread($this->socket, 128); $counter++; usleep(2); } $data .= $buffer; } while ( ($status['unread_bytes'] > 0) || ($counter++ < 10) ); return $data; } /** * Calculate and return the URI to be sent ( proxy purpose ) * @param the local URI * @return URI to be used in the HTTP request * @scope private **/ function makeUri($uri) { $a = parse_url($uri); if ( (isset($a['scheme'])) && (isset($a['host'])) ) { $this->url = $a; } else { unset($this->url['query']); unset($this->url['fragment']); $this->url = array_merge($this->url, $a); } if ($this->useProxy) { $requesturi = 'http://' . $this->url['host'] . (empty($this->url['port']) ? '' : ':' . $this->url['port']) . $this->url['path'] . (empty($this->url['query']) ? '' : '?' . $this->url['query']); } else { $requesturi = $this->url['path'] . (empty($this->url['query']) ? '' : '?' . $this->url['query']); } return $requesturi; } } ?>