File: automail.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl ####################################################### # # osTicket, Open Source Support Ticket System # http://www.osticket.com # # Copyright (C) 2003 osTicket, Joseph Shain # # Released under the GNU General Public License # ####################################################### # # Setup automail.pl Email Gateway for aliases # # Scroll down to configure your path to # Sendmail and MySQL settings. # ####################################################### sub is_valid { $ticket = $_[0]; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE ID=$ticket"); $sth->execute(); $hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $sth->finish(); return $hash->{ID}; } sub sendmail { ($to, $from, $subj, $body) = @_; open(MAIL, "|$config{'mailprog'} -t"); print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "From: $from\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n\n"; print MAIL "$body\n"; close(MAIL); } sub keyword { $_[0] =~ s/%([_|a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z|\d|_]*)/${$1}/gi; } #configuration %config = (mailprog => '/usr/lib/sendmail', database_host => 'localhost', database_name => 'Your_Database__Here', database_user => 'Your_Username_Here', database_pass => 'Your_Password_Here'); use DBI; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$config{'database_name'}:$config{'database_host'}", $config{'database_user'}, $config{'database_pass'}); #database configuration $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticket_config"); $sth->execute(); $myconfig = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $url = $myconfig->{root_url}; #email message while (<STDIN>) { push @message, $_; $eml .= $_; } #parse headers foreach (@message) { push @headers, $_; last if (/^\s$/ || /^$/); if (/oundary=/) { $attachment_info = $_; $attachment = 1; } else { $attachment = 0; } $_ =~ s/:\s/:/g; if (/:/) { @vars = split(':', $_, 2); if ($vars[1]) { chop($header{$vars[0]} = $vars[1]); } } } $eml_subj = $header{'Subject'}; $user_email = $header{'From'}; $user_email =~ s/"//g; $local_email = $header{'To'}; $eml_subj =~ s/\s*Re:\s*//gi if ($eml_subj); $eml_subj = "[No Subject]" if (!$eml_subj); $user_email =~ s/"/\"/g; @ticket = split('\[#', $eml_subj, 2); chop($ticket[1]); $ticket = int($ticket[1]); #is address banned? $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticket_banlist"); $sth->execute(); while ($ban = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $banlist = $ban->{value}; if ($user_email =~ /$banlist/i) { die(); } } #format email priority to osticket priority. $pri = $header{'X-Priority'}; if ($pri == 1 or $pri == 2) { $pri = 3; } elsif ($pri == 3) { $pri = 2; } elsif ($pri == 4 or $pri == 5) { $pri = 1; } else { $pri = 2; } #attachment info ($i, $boundary) = split("\"", $attachment_info); #get filenames and base64 codes for file attachments if ($boundary) { @eml = split($boundary, $eml); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#eml; ++$i) { if ($eml[$i] =~ /filename/) { @lines = split("\n", $eml[$i]); $encoding = $eml[$i]; $encoding =~ s/Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s(.*)\n/$1/i; push @encoding, $encoding; $feed = 0; $code = ""; foreach (@lines) { if ($feed) { $code .= "$_\n"; } if ($_ =~ /filename/) { $_ =~ s/.*filename="(.*)"/$1/; push @files, $_; $feed = 1; } } push @codes, $code; } else { push @bodies, $eml[$i]; } } } else { for ($i = $#headers + 1; $i <= $#message; $i++) { $body .= $message[$i]; } } #find body (if multi-part email) foreach(@bodies) { @lines = split("\n", $_); foreach (@lines) { if (/oundary=/) { $b = $_; } } ($i, $boundary) = split("\"", $b); if ($boundary) { @ibodies = split($boundary, $_); } else { $ibodies[0] = $_; } foreach(@ibodies) { if ($#bodies == 0) { $type = ".*"; } else { $type = "plain"; } if (/content-type:\stext\/$type/i) { $body = $_; @lines = split("\n", $body); $body = ""; $f = -1; foreach(@lines) { if ($f) { $body .= "$_\n"; } if (!$_) { ++$f; } } } } } #delete original message if ($myconfig->{remove_original} && $myconfig->{remove_tag} && index($body, $myconfig->{remove_tag})) { $remove_tag = $myconfig->{remove_tag}; @lines = split(/$remove_tag/i, $body); $body = $lines[0]; @lines = split(/-*[\n|\s|\0]Original Message[\n|\s|\0]-*/, $body); $body = $lines[0]; } #right and left trim $body =~ s/<script[^>]*?>.*?<\/script>//g; $body =~ s/<[\/!]*?[^<>]*?>//g; $body =~ s/'/\\'/g; $body =~ s/--$//g; $body =~ s/[\n|<br>]*$//gi; $body =~ s/^(.*)>/<$1>/i; $body =~ s/^[\n|<br>]*//gi; #get category $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticket_categories"); $sth->execute(); while ($row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { if ($local_email =~ $row_hash->{email}) { $local_email = $row_hash->{email}; $cat = $row_hash->{ID}; $signature = $row_hash->{signature}; } } #add signature/remove tag if ($signature) { $signature = "\n\n$signature"; } if ($myconfig->{remove_original}) { $remove_tag = $myconfig->{remove_tag} . "\n\n"; } #save email headers if ($myconfig->{save_headers}) { $eml_headers = $eml; } $eml_headers = $dbh->quote($eml_headers); #get greenwich mean time use POSIX; @gm = gmtime(); $gmtime = POSIX::mktime($gm[0], $gm[1], $gm[2], $gm[3], $gm[4], $gm[5]); @oldgm = gmtime(time()-75); $gmoldtime = $oldgm[5] . $oldgm[4] . $oldgm[3] . $oldgm[2] . $oldgm[1] . $oldgm[0]; @what = split('<', $user_email, 2); $email = $what[1]; $email =~ s/\>//g; $email =~ s/\'//g; $name = $what[0]; $name =~ s/\s$//; if (!$name) { $name = $email; } elsif (!$email) { $email = $name; } # flood protection, find all posts made by this email in the last 10 minutes @smoog_what = split('<', $user_email, 2); $smoog_email = $smoog_what[1]; $smoog_email =~ s/\>//g; $smoog_email =~ s/\'//g; $smoog_mysqltime = $gmtime - 75; $smoog_earlieststamp = -1; $smoog_messagesfound = 0; $smoog_query = "SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE email='$smoog_email' ORDER BY timestamp ASC"; $smoog_tickets = $dbh->prepare($smoog_query); $smoog_tickets->execute(); while ($smoog_t = $smoog_tickets->fetchrow_hashref) { $smoog_query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as unitimestamp FROM ticket_messages WHERE ticket='" . $smoog_t->{ID} . "' AND timestamp > '$gmoldtime'"; $smoog_messages = $dbh->prepare($smoog_query); $smoog_messages->execute(); while ($m = $smoog_messages->fetchrow_hashref) { if ($smoog_earlieststamp == -1 || $smoog_earlieststamp > $m->{unitimestamp}) { $smoog_earlieststamp = $m->{unitimestamp}; } $smoog_messagesfound++; } } # done figuring out recent message count, now lets check the rate. $smoog_msgrate = (60 * $smoog_messagesfound) / ($gmtime - $smoog_earlieststamp); if (!length($smoog_email) || $smoog_msgrate > 5) { # you can change the number here, its the max num of messages per min sent by 1 email. die(); } # print 'Message rate: ' . $smoog_msgrate . ', messages found: ' . $smoog_messagesfound . ', query: '. $smoog_query . "\n, email: $smoog_email $gmtime $user_email"; # die(); # end flood protection #create new ticket if (!$ticket) { do { $min = 100000; $max = 999999; $ticket = int(rand($max - $min + 1)) + $min; } while (is_valid($ticket)); chdir($myconfig->{attachment_dir}); @what = split('<', $user_email, 2); $email = $what[1]; $email =~ s/\>//g; $email =~ s/\'//g; $name = $what[0]; $name =~ s/\s$//; if (!$name) { $name = $email; } elsif (!$email) { $email = $name; } $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS tq FROM tickets WHERE email='$email' AND status='open'"); $sth->execute(); $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $tq = $row_hash->{tq}; if ($tq < $myconfig->{ticket_max}) { $eml_subj = $dbh->quote($eml_subj); $name = $dbh->quote($name); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS timestamp FROM tickets WHERE email='$email' ORDER BY timestamp DESC"); $sth->execute(); $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $interval = time() - $row_hash->{timestamp}; $ip =~ s/\[(.*)\]/$1/; $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tickets (subject, name, email, cat, status, ID, priority, ip, timestamp) VALUES ($eml_subj, $name, '$email', '$cat', 'open', $ticket, $pri, '" . $header{'X-Originating-IP'} . "', FROM_UNIXTIME('$gmtime') + 0)"); $sth->execute(); $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ticket_messages (ticket, message, headers, timestamp) VALUES ($ticket, '$body', $eml_headers, FROM_UNIXTIME('$gmtime') + 0)"); $sth->execute(); if ($interval > $myconfig->{min_interval}) { keyword($myconfig->{ticket_subj}); keyword($myconfig->{ticket_msg}); if ($myconfig->{ticket_response}) { sendmail($user_email, $local_email, $myconfig->{ticket_subj}, $remove_tag . $myconfig->{ticket_msg} . $signature); } } } #if over ticket limit else { $ticket_max = $myconfig->{ticket_max}; keyword($myconfig->{limit_subj}); keyword($myconfig->{limit_msg}); if ($myconfig->{limit_response}) { sendmail($user_email, $myconfig->{limit_email}, $myconfig->{limit_subj}, $remove_tag . $myconfig->{limit_msg} . $signature); } } } #post message else { $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE tickets SET status = 'open' WHERE ID=$ticket"); $sth->execute(); $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ticket_messages (ticket, message, headers, timestamp) VALUES ($ticket, '$body', $eml_headers, FROM_UNIXTIME('$gmtime') + 0)"); $sth->execute(); keyword($myconfig->{message_subj}); keyword($myconfig->{message_msg}); if ($myconfig->{message_response}) { sendmail($user_email, $local_email, $myconfig->{message_subj}, $remove_tag . $myconfig->{message_msg} . $signature); } } #alert owner if ($myconfig->{alert_new}) { keyword($myconfig->{alert_subj}); $email = $user_email; $content = $body; keyword($myconfig->{alert_msg}); sendmail($myconfig->{alert_user}, $myconfig->{alert_email}, $myconfig->{alert_subj}, $myconfig->{alert_msg}); } #upload attachments if ($myconfig->{accept_attachments} && $myconfig->{attachment_dir}) { use MIME::Base64; chdir($myconfig->{attachment_dir}); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS iid"); $sth->execute(); $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $iid = $row_hash->{iid}; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#files; ++$i) { $id= int(rand(999999-100000+1))+100000; $filename=$id."_$files[$i]"; open(ATTACH, ">$filename"); binmode(ATTACH); $codes[$i] =~ s/Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s(.*)\n//i; if ($encoding[$i] =~ /base64/i) { $codes[$i] = decode_base64($codes[$i]) } if (length($codes[$i]) < $myconfig->{attachment_size}) { print ATTACH $codes[$i]; } close(ATTACH); $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ticket_attachments (ticket, ref, filename, type) VALUES ($ticket, $iid, '$filename', 'q')"); $sth->execute(); } } $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect();