File: fn.php
<?php define("DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL", "$"); define("DEFAULT_MON_DECIMAL_POINT", "."); define("DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP", ","); define("DEFAULT_POSITIVE_SIGN", ""); define("DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_SIGN", "-"); define("DEFAULT_FRAC_DIGITS", 2); define("DEFAULT_P_CS_PRECEDES", true); define("DEFAULT_P_SEP_BY_SPACE", false); define("DEFAULT_N_CS_PRECEDES", true); define("DEFAULT_N_SEP_BY_SPACE", false); define("DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN", 3); define("DEFAULT_N_SIGN_POSN", 3); /* "yyyy/mm/dd"(default) or "mm/dd/yyyy" or "dd/mm/yyyy" */ define("DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT", "yyyy/mm/dd"); // FormatDateTime /* Format a timestamp, datetime, date or time field from MySQL $namedformat: 0 - General Date, 1 - Long Date, 2 - Short Date (Default), 3 - Long Time, 4 - Short Time, 5 - Short Date (yyyy/mm/dd), 6 - Short Date (mm/dd/yyyy), 7 - Short Date (dd/mm/yyyy) */ function FormatDateTime($ts, $namedformat) { $DefDateFormat = str_replace("yyyy", "%Y", DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); $DefDateFormat = str_replace("mm", "%m", $DefDateFormat); $DefDateFormat = str_replace("dd", "%d", $DefDateFormat); if (is_numeric($ts)) // timestamp { switch (strlen($ts)) { case 14: $patt = '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 12: $patt = '/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 10: $patt = '/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 8: $patt = '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 6: $patt = '/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 4: $patt = '/(\d{2})(\d{2})/'; break; case 2: $patt = '/(\d{2})/'; break; default: return $ts; } if ((isset($patt))&&(preg_match($patt, $ts, $matches))) { $year = $matches[1]; $month = @$matches[2]; $day = @$matches[3]; $hour = @$matches[4]; $min = @$matches[5]; $sec = @$matches[6]; } if (($namedformat==0)&&(strlen($ts)<10)) $namedformat = 2; } elseif (is_string($ts)) { if (preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $ts, $matches)) // datetime { $year = $matches[1]; $month = $matches[2]; $day = $matches[3]; $hour = $matches[4]; $min = $matches[5]; $sec = $matches[6]; } elseif (preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/', $ts, $matches)) // date { $year = $matches[1]; $month = $matches[2]; $day = $matches[3]; if ($namedformat==0) $namedformat = 2; } elseif (preg_match('/(^|\s)(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $ts, $matches)) // time { $hour = $matches[2]; $min = $matches[3]; $sec = $matches[4]; if (($namedformat==0)||($namedformat==1)) $namedformat = 3; if ($namedformat==2) $namedformat = 4; } else { return $ts; } } else { return $ts; } if (!isset($year)) $year = 0; // dummy value for times if (!isset($month)) $month = 1; if (!isset($day)) $day = 1; if (!isset($hour)) $hour = 0; if (!isset($min)) $min = 0; if (!isset($sec)) $sec = 0; $uts = @mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); if ($uts == -1) { // failed to convert $year = substr_replace("0000", $year, -1 * strlen($year)); $month = substr_replace("00", $month, -1 * strlen($month)); $day = substr_replace("00", $day, -1 * strlen($day)); $hour = substr_replace("00", $hour, -1 * strlen($hour)); $min = substr_replace("00", $min, -1 * strlen($min)); $sec = substr_replace("00", $sec, -1 * strlen($sec)); $DefDateFormat = str_replace("yyyy", $year, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); $DefDateFormat = str_replace("mm", $month, $DefDateFormat); $DefDateFormat = str_replace("dd", $day, $DefDateFormat); switch ($namedformat) { case 0: return $DefDateFormat." $hour:$min:$sec"; break; case 1://unsupported, return general date return $DefDateFormat." $hour:$min:$sec"; break; case 2: return $DefDateFormat; break; case 3: if (intval($hour)==0) return "12:$min:$sec AM"; elseif (intval($hour)>0 && intval($hour)<12) return "$hour:$min:$sec AM"; elseif (intval($hour)==12) return "$hour:$min:$sec PM"; elseif (intval($hour)>12 && intval($hour)<=23) return (intval($hour)-12).":$min:$sec PM"; else return "$hour:$min:$sec"; break; case 4: return "$hour:$min:$sec"; break; case 5: return "$year/$month/$day"; break; case 6: return "$month/$day/$year"; break; case 7: return "$day/$month/$year"; break; } } else { switch ($namedformat) { case 0: return strftime($DefDateFormat." %H:%M:%S", $uts); break; case 1: return strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y", $uts); break; case 2: return strftime($DefDateFormat, $uts); break; case 3: return strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", $uts); break; case 4: return strftime("%H:%M:%S", $uts); break; case 5: return strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $uts); break; case 6: return strftime("%m/%d/%Y", $uts); break; case 7: return strftime("%d/%m/%Y", $uts); break; } } } // Convert a date to MySQL format function ConvertDateToMysqlFormat($dateStr) { @list($datePt, $timePt) = explode(" ", $dateStr); $arDatePt = explode("/", $datePt); if (count($arDatePt) == 3) { switch (DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT) { case "yyyy/mm/dd": list($year, $month, $day) = $arDatePt; break; case "mm/dd/yyyy": list($month, $day, $year) = $arDatePt; break; case "dd/mm/yyyy": list($day, $month, $year) = $arDatePt; break; } return trim($year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day . " " . $timePt); } else { return $dateStr; } } // FormatCurrency /* FormatCurrency(Expression[,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit [,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]]) NumDigitsAfterDecimal is the numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed -1 Use Default The IncludeLeadingDigit, UseParensForNegativeNumbers, and GroupDigits arguments have the following settings: -1 True 0 False -2 Use Default */ function FormatCurrency($amount, $NumDigitsAfterDecimal, $IncludeLeadingDigit, $UseParensForNegativeNumbers, $GroupDigits) { // export the values returned by localeconv into the local scope if (function_exists("localeconv")) extract(localeconv()); // set defaults if locale is not set if (empty($currency_symbol)) $currency_symbol = DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL; if (empty($mon_decimal_point)) $mon_decimal_point = DEFAULT_MON_DECIMAL_POINT; if (empty($mon_thousands_sep)) $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; if (empty($positive_sign)) $positive_sign = DEFAULT_POSITIVE_SIGN; if (empty($negative_sign)) $negative_sign = DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_SIGN; if (empty($frac_digits) || $frac_digits == CHAR_MAX) $frac_digits = DEFAULT_FRAC_DIGITS; if (empty($p_cs_precedes) || $p_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $p_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_P_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($p_sep_by_space) || $p_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $p_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_P_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($n_cs_precedes) || $n_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $n_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_N_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($n_sep_by_space) || $n_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $n_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_N_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($p_sign_posn) || $p_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; if (empty($n_sign_posn) || $n_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_N_SIGN_POSN; // check $NumDigitsAfterDecimal if ($NumDigitsAfterDecimal > -1) $frac_digits = $NumDigitsAfterDecimal; // check $UseParensForNegativeNumbers if ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == -1) { $n_sign_posn = 0; if ($p_sign_posn == 0) { if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $p_sign_posn = 3; } } elseif ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == 0) { if ($n_sign_posn == 0) if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $n_sign_posn = 3; } // check $GroupDigits if ($GroupDigits == -1) { $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; } elseif ($GroupDigits == 0) { $mon_thousands_sep = ""; } // start by formatting the unsigned number $number = number_format(abs($amount), $frac_digits, $mon_decimal_point, $mon_thousands_sep); // check $IncludeLeadingDigit if ($IncludeLeadingDigit == 0) { if (substr($number, 0, 2) == "0.") $number = substr($number, 1, strlen($number)-1); } if ($amount < 0) { $sign = $negative_sign; // "extracts" the boolean value as an integer $n_cs_precedes = intval($n_cs_precedes == true); $n_sep_by_space = intval($n_sep_by_space == true); $key = $n_cs_precedes . $n_sep_by_space . $n_sign_posn; } else { $sign = $positive_sign; $p_cs_precedes = intval($p_cs_precedes == true); $p_sep_by_space = intval($p_sep_by_space == true); $key = $p_cs_precedes . $p_sep_by_space . $p_sign_posn; } $formats = array( // currency symbol is after amount // no space between amount and sign '000' => '(%s' . $currency_symbol . ')', '001' => $sign . '%s ' . $currency_symbol, '002' => '%s' . $currency_symbol . $sign, '003' => '%s' . $sign . $currency_symbol, '004' => '%s' . $sign . $currency_symbol, // one space between amount and sign '010' => '(%s ' . $currency_symbol . ')', '011' => $sign . '%s ' . $currency_symbol, '012' => '%s ' . $currency_symbol . $sign, '013' => '%s ' . $sign . $currency_symbol, '014' => '%s ' . $sign . $currency_symbol, // currency symbol is before amount // no space between amount and sign '100' => '(' . $currency_symbol . '%s)', '101' => $sign . $currency_symbol . '%s', '102' => $currency_symbol . '%s' . $sign, '103' => $sign . $currency_symbol . '%s', '104' => $currency_symbol . $sign . '%s', // one space between amount and sign '110' => '(' . $currency_symbol . ' %s)', '111' => $sign . $currency_symbol . ' %s', '112' => $currency_symbol . ' %s' . $sign, '113' => $sign . $currency_symbol . ' %s', '114' => $currency_symbol . ' ' . $sign . '%s'); // lookup the key in the above array return sprintf($formats[$key], $number); } // FormatNumber /* FormatNumber(Expression[,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit [,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]]) NumDigitsAfterDecimal is the numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed -1 Use Default The IncludeLeadingDigit, UseParensForNegativeNumbers, and GroupDigits arguments have the following settings: -1 True 0 False -2 Use Default */ function FormatNumber($amount, $NumDigitsAfterDecimal, $IncludeLeadingDigit, $UseParensForNegativeNumbers, $GroupDigits) { // export the values returned by localeconv into the local scope if (function_exists("localeconv")) extract(localeconv()); // set defaults if locale is not set if (empty($currency_symbol)) $currency_symbol = DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL; if (empty($mon_decimal_point)) $mon_decimal_point = DEFAULT_MON_DECIMAL_POINT; if (empty($mon_thousands_sep)) $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; if (empty($positive_sign)) $positive_sign = DEFAULT_POSITIVE_SIGN; if (empty($negative_sign)) $negative_sign = DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_SIGN; if (empty($frac_digits) || $frac_digits == CHAR_MAX) $frac_digits = DEFAULT_FRAC_DIGITS; if (empty($p_cs_precedes) || $p_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $p_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_P_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($p_sep_by_space) || $p_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $p_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_P_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($n_cs_precedes) || $n_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $n_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_N_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($n_sep_by_space) || $n_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $n_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_N_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($p_sign_posn) || $p_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; if (empty($n_sign_posn) || $n_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_N_SIGN_POSN; // check $NumDigitsAfterDecimal if ($NumDigitsAfterDecimal > -1) $frac_digits = $NumDigitsAfterDecimal; // check $UseParensForNegativeNumbers if ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == -1) { $n_sign_posn = 0; if ($p_sign_posn == 0) { if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $p_sign_posn = 3; } } elseif ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == 0) { if ($n_sign_posn == 0) if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $n_sign_posn = 3; } // check $GroupDigits if ($GroupDigits == -1) { $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; } elseif ($GroupDigits == 0) { $mon_thousands_sep = ""; } // start by formatting the unsigned number $number = number_format(abs($amount), $frac_digits, $mon_decimal_point, $mon_thousands_sep); // check $IncludeLeadingDigit if ($IncludeLeadingDigit == 0) { if (substr($number, 0, 2) == "0.") $number = substr($number, 1, strlen($number)-1); } if ($amount < 0) { $sign = $negative_sign; $key = $n_sign_posn; } else { $sign = $positive_sign; $key = $p_sign_posn; } $formats = array( '0' => '(%s)', '1' => $sign . '%s', '2' => $sign . '%s', '3' => $sign . '%s', '4' => $sign . '%s'); // lookup the key in the above array return sprintf($formats[$key], $number); } // FormatPercent /* FormatPercent(Expression[,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit [,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]]) NumDigitsAfterDecimal is the numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed -1 Use Default The IncludeLeadingDigit, UseParensForNegativeNumbers, and GroupDigits arguments have the following settings: -1 True 0 False -2 Use Default */ function FormatPercent($amount, $NumDigitsAfterDecimal, $IncludeLeadingDigit, $UseParensForNegativeNumbers, $GroupDigits) { // export the values returned by localeconv into the local scope if (function_exists("localeconv")) extract(localeconv()); // set defaults if locale is not set if (empty($currency_symbol)) $currency_symbol = DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL; if (empty($mon_decimal_point)) $mon_decimal_point = DEFAULT_MON_DECIMAL_POINT; if (empty($mon_thousands_sep)) $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; if (empty($positive_sign)) $positive_sign = DEFAULT_POSITIVE_SIGN; if (empty($negative_sign)) $negative_sign = DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_SIGN; if (empty($frac_digits) || $frac_digits == CHAR_MAX) $frac_digits = DEFAULT_FRAC_DIGITS; if (empty($p_cs_precedes) || $p_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $p_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_P_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($p_sep_by_space) || $p_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $p_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_P_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($n_cs_precedes) || $n_cs_precedes == CHAR_MAX) $n_cs_precedes = DEFAULT_N_CS_PRECEDES; if (empty($n_sep_by_space) || $n_sep_by_space == CHAR_MAX) $n_sep_by_space = DEFAULT_N_SEP_BY_SPACE; if (empty($p_sign_posn) || $p_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; if (empty($n_sign_posn) || $n_sign_posn == CHAR_MAX) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_N_SIGN_POSN; // check $NumDigitsAfterDecimal if ($NumDigitsAfterDecimal > -1) $frac_digits = $NumDigitsAfterDecimal; // check $UseParensForNegativeNumbers if ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == -1) { $n_sign_posn = 0; if ($p_sign_posn == 0) { if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $p_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $p_sign_posn = 3; } } elseif ($UseParensForNegativeNumbers == 0) { if ($n_sign_posn == 0) if (DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN != 0) $n_sign_posn = DEFAULT_P_SIGN_POSN; else $n_sign_posn = 3; } // check $GroupDigits if ($GroupDigits == -1) { $mon_thousands_sep = DEFAULT_MON_THOUSANDS_SEP; } elseif ($GroupDigits == 0) { $mon_thousands_sep = ""; } // start by formatting the unsigned number $number = number_format(abs($amount)*100, $frac_digits, $mon_decimal_point, $mon_thousands_sep); // check $IncludeLeadingDigit if ($IncludeLeadingDigit == 0) { if (substr($number, 0, 2) == "0.") $number = substr($number, 1, strlen($number)-1); } if ($amount < 0) { $sign = $negative_sign; $key = $n_sign_posn; } else { $sign = $positive_sign; $key = $p_sign_posn; } $formats = array( '0' => '(%s%%)', '1' => $sign . '%s%%', '2' => $sign . '%s%%', '3' => $sign . '%s%%', '4' => $sign . '%s%%'); // lookup the key in the above array return sprintf($formats[$key], $number); } ?>