File: tpl.config.php
<? /* osTicket, Open Source Support Ticket System http://www.osticket.com Copyright (C) 2003 osTicket Released under the GNU General Public License */ define("ADMIN", 1); require("gpcvar.php"); //link to forum $help_link = "<a href='http://www.osticket.com/forums/index.php' target='_new'>osTicket Help</a>"; //page titles $titles = array("viewticket"=>"View Ticket", "admin_login"=>"Administrative Login", "user_login"=>"Login", "main"=>"", "pref"=>"Preferences", "mail"=>"Mail Messages", "cat"=>"Categories", "rep"=>"Representatives", "user_group"=>"User Groups", "my"=>"My Account"); /*----------------------------EDITABLE------------------------------------------------------------- We recommend that you use install script to install osTicket. If you prefer manual install please do the following. Create a db and upload osTicket.sql set $homepath_dir to http://www.your-domain.com/directory/to/osticket/admin.php set $rootpath_dir to the install dir of osticket /www/username/public_html/osticket or /www/htdocs/osticket set MYSQL host,databse,user,pass and $db_type to mysql. For more detailed instructions....check online guide at http://wwww.osticket.com Feel free to email us at support@osticket.com Good luck. */ $installed=FALSE; if($installed!=TRUE){ Header("Location: setup.php"); } if(file_exists('setup.php')){ die("<div align=center><b>Fatal Error:</b> Please remove setup.php for security reasons.</div><p/>"); } /*the path to osticket homepage */ $homepath_dir="CONFIG-HOMEPATH"; /*The Title */ $osticket_title="CONFIG-TITLE"; /*The root path to osticket install directory */ $rootpath_dir="CONFIG-ROOTPATH"; /*The full path to your include directory relative to $rootpath_dir, no trailing slash */ $include_dir =$rootpath_dir .'include'; if (!file_exists($include_dir)) { die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Include directory does not exist.<br>$help_link"); } /*Configure your MySQL Settings */ $db_type = "CONFIG-DBTYPE"; $db_host = "CONFIG-DBHOST"; $db_name = "CONFIG-DBNAME"; $db_user = "CONFIG-DBUSER"; $db_pass = "CONFIG-DBPASS"; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW (unless you know what you are doing). Monkey around at your own risk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); mysql_select_db($db_name); if (mysql_error()) { die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Could not connect to database.<br>" . mysql_error() . "<br>$help_link"); } //get configuration from database $config = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ticket_config")); if (!$config[answer_method]) { die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Could not retrieve configuration from database.<br>" . mysql_error() . "<br>$help_link"); } //set timezone to server time if not defined $config[timezone] = ($config[timezone] == "") ? date("Z") / 3600: $config[timezone]; //determine what PHP page to display if (!$_SESSION[user][type]) { $page = strstr($PHP_SELF, "admin") ? "admin.php": "view.php"; } else { if ($_SESSION[user][type] == "admin") { $page = "admin.php"; } else { $page = "view.php"; } } //verify a valid login if (($_SESSION[user][type] or login("admin", $_POST[login_user], md5($_POST[login_pass])) or login("client", $_POST[login_email], $_POST[login_ticket])) and $a !== "logout") { $login = true; } //make php3 compatible if (!$_POST) { $_POST = $HTTP_POST_VARS; } if (!$_GET) { $_GET = $HTTP_GET_VARS; } if (!$_REQUEST) { foreach ($_POST as $item => $val) { if (!$val) { $_REQUEST[$item] = $_GET[$item]; } else { $_REQUEST[$item] = $_POST[$item]; } } } if (!$_FILES) { $_FILES = $HTTP_POST_FILES; } ?>