PHProjekt 6 Installation - 6.0 -------------------------------------------------- 1. Requirements 2. Installation 3. Configuration 4. Permissions 5. Logs 6. Finalizing A. Notes B. License -------------------------------------------------- 1. Requirements * HTTP Server * MySQL version 5.x * PHP 5.2.4 with pdo_mysql drivers installed * PHP extensions: mbstring iconv ctype gd pcre pdo (pdo_mysql / pdo_sqlite2 / pdo_pgsql) Reflection session SPL zlib * PHP Settings: magic_quotes_gpc = 0 magic_quotes_runtime = 0 magic_quotes_sybase = 0 * Recommend PHP Settings: register_globals = 0 safe_mode = 0 If you don't have access to the php.ini to change these values, you can try creating a .htaccess file with the following content for example: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off and put it into the root folder of the app. Note: Phprojekt 6 has been tested with: * Apache HTTP Server 2.2 * PHP 5.2.6 * MySQL Server 5.0 2. Installation 1. Download the compressed package file and decompress it into an appropriate folder outside the ones accessed by your HTTP server. $ tar xzvpf phprojekt-6.X.tar.gz $ cp -R phprojekt/* /srv/www/ Use your favorite packaging tool on Windows under an appropriate path "C:\phprojekt\" 2. For security reasons, we recommend to let your server docroot point to the phprojekt htdocs folder. For example your vhost points to /srv/www/phorjekt/htdocs. UNIX /srv/www/htdocs/ WINDOWS C:\phprojekt\htdocs\ 3. Create a database in your MySQL server (e.g. phprojekt). Make sure that the database user that you want to use has the rights to load files. An example: UNIX $ mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'phprojekt'; mysql> CREATE USER 'phprojekt'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'phprojekt_password'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'phprojekt'.* TO 'phprojekt'@'localhost'; WINDOWS mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE phprojekt; mysql> CREATE USER 'phprojekt'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'phprojekt_password'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phprojekt.* TO 'phprojekt'@'localhost'; 3. Permission For security reasons PHProjekt stores sensitive data in a separate directory. We stronlgy recommend to create a directory outside of the document root. It needs to be writeable for the webserver group. You can set these permissions using the chmod(1) command. Assuming your webserver runs on the group "www-data": UNIX $ chmod -R 0755 /srv/www $ chgrp -R www-data /srv/www $ mkdir /srv/private/phprojekt $ chmod -R 0770 /srv/private/phprojekt/ 4. Run Setup Open your browser and go to your PHProjekt installation and run the setup. For example http://example.com/phprojekt/. You will be automatically redirected to http://example.com/phprojekt/htdocs/setup.php. Follow the instructions. The setup requires an empty database (which we created in step 2) and a writeable folder to store sensitive data (which we created in step 3). 5. Finalizing Log in using the admin user (see Users notes in the Notes section of this document). It is suggested to change the password, entering to 'Setting' option in the top menu -> the tab 'User' -> Password fields. DONE A. Notes * BROWSER The site has been tested with Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome. * USERS The database script generates the following users: User: admin Password: test User: test Password: test B. License PHProjekt 6 is licensed under the terms and conditions of the Lesser GNU Public License version 3. Please refer to the LICENSE file distributed with this file.