File: SOAP.php
<?php /** * SOAP server * Taken from http://www.wlug.org.nz/archive/ * Please see http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/PhpWiki.wdsl * for the wdsl discussion. * * Todo: * checkCredentials: set the $GLOBALS['request']->_user object for * mayAccessPage * enable native pecl extension (xml-rpc or soap) * serverurl: * Installer helper which changes server url of the default PhpWiki.wdsl * Or do it dynamically in the soap class? No, the client must connect to us. * * @author: Reini Urban */ define ("WIKI_SOAP", true); include_once("./index.php"); include_once("lib/main.php"); if (!loadExtension('soap')) require_once('lib/nusoap/nusoap.php'); /* // bypass auth and request loop for now. // require_once('lib/prepend.php'); include_once("index.php"); //require_once('lib/stdlib.php'); require_once('lib/WikiDB.php'); require_once('lib/config.php'); class WikiRequest extends Request {} $request = new WikiRequest(); require_once('lib/PagePerm.php'); require_once('lib/WikiUserNew.php'); require_once('lib/WikiGroup.php'); */ function checkCredentials(&$server, &$credentials, $access, $pagename) { // check the "Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode("$this->username:$this->password").'\r\n'" header if (isset($server->header['Authorization'])) { $line = base64_decode(str_replace("Basic ","",trim($server->header['Authorization']))); list($credentials['username'],$credentials['password']) = explode(':',$line); } else { if (!isset($_SERVER)) $_SERVER =& $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; // TODO: where in the header is the client IP if (!isset($credentials['username'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $credentials['username'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $credentials['username'] = $GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR']; else $credentials['username'] = $server->host; } } if (!isset($credentials['password'])) $credentials['password'] = ''; global $request; if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { $request->_user = WikiUser($credentials['username']); } else { $request->_user = new WikiUser($request, $credentials['username']); } $request->_user->AuthCheck(array('userid' => $credentials['username'], 'passwd' => $credentials['password'])); if (! mayAccessPage ($access, $pagename)) $server->fault(401,'',"no permission"); } $GLOBALS['SERVER_NAME'] = SERVER_URL; $GLOBALS['SCRIPT_NAME'] = DATA_PATH . "/SOAP.php"; $url = SERVER_URL . DATA_PATH . "/SOAP.php"; // Local or external wdsl support is experimental. // It works without also. Just the client has to // know the wdsl definitions. $server = new soap_server(/* 'PhpWiki.wdsl' */); // Now change the server url to ours, because in the wdsl is the original PhpWiki address // <soap:address location="http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/SOAP.php" /> // <soap:operation soapAction="http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/SOAP.php" /> $server->ports[$server->currentPort]['location'] = $url; $server->bindings[ $server->ports[$server->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $url; $server->soapaction = $url; // soap_transport_http $actions = array('getPageContent','getPageRevision','getCurrentRevision', 'getPageMeta','doSavePage','getAllPagenames', 'getBackLinks','doTitleSearch','doFullTextSearch', 'getRecentChanges','listLinks','listPlugins', 'getPluginSynopsis','callPlugin','listRelations', 'linkSearch' ); foreach ($actions as $action) { $server->register($actions); $server->operations[$actions]['soapaction'] = $url; } //todo: check and set credentials // requiredAuthorityForPage($action); // require 'edit' access function doSavePage($pagename,$content,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server, $credentials,'edit',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $meta = $current->_data; $meta['summary'] = sprintf(_("SOAP Request %s", $credentials['username'])); // from user or IP ? $version = $current->getVersion(); return $page->save($content, $version + 1, $meta); } // require 'view' access function getPageContent($pagename,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $text = $rev->getPackedContent(); return $text; } // require 'view' access function getPageRevision($pagename,$revision,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $text = $rev->getPackedContent(); return $text; } // require 'view' access function getCurrentRevision($pagename,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); if (!mayAccessPage ('view',$pagename)) $server->fault(401,'',"no permission"); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $version = $current->getVersion(); return (double)$version; } // require 'change' or 'view' access ? function getPageMeta($pagename,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $meta = $rev->_data; //todo: reformat the meta hash return $meta; } // require 'view' access to AllPages function getAllPagenames($credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("AllPages")); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(); $pages = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $pages[] = array('pagename' => $page->_pagename); } return $pages; } // require 'view' access function getBacklinks($pagename,$credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $backend = &$dbi->_backend; $result = $backend->get_links($pagename); $page_iter = new WikiDB_PageIterator($dbi, $result); $pages = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $pages[] = array('pagename' => $page->getName()); } return $pages; } // require 'view' access to TitleSearch function doTitleSearch($s, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("TitleSearch")); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $query = new TextSearchQuery($s); $page_iter = $dbi->titleSearch($query); $pages = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $pages[] = array('pagename' => $page->getName()); } return $pages; } // require 'view' access to FullTextSearch function doFullTextSearch($s, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("FullTextSearch")); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $query = new TextSearchQuery($s); $page_iter = $dbi->fullSearch($query); $pages = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $pages[] = array('pagename' => $page->getName()); } return $pages; } // require 'view' access to RecentChanges function getRecentChanges($limit=false, $since=false, $include_minor=false, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("RecentChanges")); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $params = array('limit' => $limit, 'since' => $since, 'include_minor_revisions' => $include_minor); $page_iter = $dbi->mostRecent($params); $pages = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $pages[] = array('pagename' => $page->getName() 'lastModified' => $page->get('mtime'), 'author' => $page->get('author'), 'summary' => $page->get('summary'), // added with 1.3.13 'version' => $page->getVersion() ); } return $pages; } // require 'view' access function listLinks($pagename, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',$pagename); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $linkiterator = $page->getPageLinks(); $links = array(); while ($currentpage = $linkiterator->next()) { if ($currentpage->exists()) $links[] = array('pagename' => $currentpage->getName()); } return $links; } function listPlugins($credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'change',_("HomePage")); $plugin_dir = 'lib/plugin'; if (defined('PHPWIKI_DIR')) $plugin_dir = PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$plugin_dir"; $pd = new fileSet($plugin_dir, '*.php'); $plugins = $pd->getFiles(); unset($pd); sort($plugins); $RetArray = array(); if (!empty($plugins)) { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $w = new WikiPluginLoader; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $pluginName = str_replace(".php", "", $plugin); $p = $w->getPlugin($pluginName, false); // second arg? // trap php files which aren't WikiPlugin~s: wikiplugin + wikiplugin_cached only if (strtolower(substr(get_parent_class($p), 0, 10)) == 'wikiplugin') { $RetArray[] = $pluginName; } } } return $RetArray; } function getPluginSynopsis($pluginname, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'change',"Help/".$pluginname."Plugin"); require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $w = new WikiPluginLoader; $synopsis = ''; $p = $w->getPlugin($pluginName, false); // second arg? // trap php files which aren't WikiPlugin~s: wikiplugin + wikiplugin_cached only if (strtolower(substr(get_parent_class($p), 0, 10)) == 'wikiplugin') { $plugin_args = ''; $desc = $p->getArgumentsDescription(); $src = array("\n",'"',"'",'|','[',']','\\'); $replace = array('%0A','%22','%27','%7C','%5B','%5D','%5C'); $desc = str_replace("<br />",' ',$desc->asXML()); if ($desc) $plugin_args = '\n'.str_replace($src, $replace, $desc); $synopsis = "<?plugin ".$pluginName.$plugin_args."?>"; // args? } return $synopsis; } // only plugins returning pagelists will return something useful. so omit the html output function callPlugin($pluginname, $pluginargs, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'change',"Help/".$pluginname."Plugin"); $basepage = '';; require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $w = new WikiPluginLoader; $p = $w->getPlugin($pluginName, false); // second arg? $pagelist = $p->run($dbi, $pluginargs, $request, $basepage); $pages = array(); if (is_object($pagelist) and isa($pagelist, 'PageList')) { foreach ($pagelist->pageNames() as $name) $pages[] = array('pagename' => $name); } return $pages; } /** * array listRelations([ Integer option = 1 ]) * * Returns an array of all available relation names. * option: 1 relations only ( with 0 also ) * option: 2 attributes only * option: 3 both, all names of relations and attributes * option: 4 unsorted, this might be added as bitvalue: 7 = 4+3. default: sorted * For some semanticweb autofill methods. * * @author: Reini Urban */ function listRelations($option = 1, $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("HomePage")); $also_attributes = $option & 2; $only_attributes = $option & 2 and !($option & 1); $sorted = !($option & 4); return $dbh->listRelations($also_attributes, $only_attributes, $sorted); } // some basic semantic search function linkSearch($linktype, $search, $pages="*", $relation="*", $credentials=false) { global $server; checkCredentials($server,$credentials,'view',_("HomePage")); $dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); require_once("lib/TextSearchQuery.php"); $pagequery = new TextSearchQuery($pages); $linkquery = new TextSearchQuery($search); if ($linktype == 'relation') { $relquery = new TextSearchQuery($relation); $links = $dbi->_backend->link_search($pagequery, $linkquery, $linktype, $relquery); } elseif ($linktype == 'attribute') { // only numeric search withh attributes! $relquery = new TextSearchQuery($relation); require_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); // search: "population > 1 million and area < 200 km^2" relation="*" pages="*" $linkquery = new SemanticAttributeSearchQuery($search, $relation); $links = $dbi->_backend->link_search($pagequery, $linkquery, $linktype, $relquery); } else { // we already do have forward and backlinks as SOAP $links = $dbi->_backend->link_search($pagequery, $linkquery, $linktype); } return $links->asArray(); } $server->service($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>