File: maketest.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: maketest.pl,v 1.4 2004/09/06 08:30:44 rurban Exp $ # read in a file, generate Java code to run a test. # Steve Wainstead, March 2001. # Naturally, this is not a recursive descent parser (sorry to disappoint you) # but a fairly cut and dry script relying on "if" clauses to parse the input # files. It was the shortest route to the answer for now, though certainly not # the best one. # die <<"EOLN" unless $ARGV[0]; Usage: $0 [-b baseurl] <inputfile0> [ <inputfile1> <inputfile2> ... <inputfileN> ] where 'inputfile' is the name of a configuration file that specifies the form fields and values. The name of the file should be similar to ClassName.inputs, and this script will produce a Java file called ClassName.java. EOLN #use constant BASEURL => ''; my $baseurl = ''; my (%opts); use Getopt::Std; getopt('b', \%opts); # TODO: Get the BASEURL from config.ini $baseurl = $opts{b} if $opts{b}; #print "passed in: ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n"; my ($start_of_file, $end_of_file); # read in the skeleton file from this script below the END tag while (<DATA>) { last if /PRINT_TEST_CODE/; $start_of_file .= $_; } while (<DATA>) { $end_of_file .= $_; } while ($inputfile = shift(@ARGV)) { $inputfile =~ /(\w+)\.inputs$/; my $classname = $1 || 'Test'; $start_of_file =~ s/__CLASSNAME__/$classname/g; $end_of_file =~ s/__CLASSNAME__/$classname/g; open OUTFILE, ">${classname}.java" or die "Can't open '${classname}.java' for writing: $!\n"; # start each new file with a timestamp and user name print OUTFILE "// This file was automatically generated on ", scalar localtime(), " by $ENV{USER}\n"; print OUTFILE $start_of_file; # read in the file in chunks with "go\n" as the record separator local($/) = "go\n"; open FILE, "<$inputfile" or do { close OUTFILE; unlink "${classname}.java"; die "Can't read config file '$inputfile': $!\n"; }; # set the response message/output... this is output after each "go" block # is run. $response = <<"EOLN"; //System.out.println( "Here's the metadata for the response:" ); //System.out.println( "URL: " + response.getURL() ); //System.out.println( "Page title: " + response.getTitle() ); //System.out.println( "Response code: " + response.getResponseCode() ); //System.out.println( response ); //System.out.println( transaction_boundary ); EOLN # here is where we do the "parsing" of the .inputs file. while ($block = <FILE>) { next unless $block =~ /go$/; if ($block =~ /type:\s*starting_page/) { starting_page($block); } elsif ($block =~ /type:\s*fill_and_submit_form/) { fill_and_submit_form($block); } elsif ($block =~ /type:\s*follow_link/) { follow_link($block); } elsif ($block =~ /type:\s*follow_image_link/) { follow_image_link($block); } else { # error die "This block does not match any known action:\n$block\n"; } } print OUTFILE $end_of_file; } # End of main... subs are next, followed by the boilerplate code for the # java files after the END thingie. What is that thingie called? sub starting_page { my $block = shift; $block =~ m/start_url:\s*(http.*?)$/m; my $start_url = $baseurl . $1; my $assertions = &get_assertions($block); print OUTFILE <<"EOLN" System.out.println( "Name for this test: " + dealname ); // make a request object for the conversation object try { myurl = "$start_url"; request = new GetMethodWebRequest( myurl ); response = conversation.getResponse( request ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Couldn't get a page from URL '$start_url'\\n" + e); } $assertions $response EOLN } sub follow_link { my $block = shift; $block =~ m/follow_link:\s*(".*?")$/m; my $link_text = $1; my $assertions = &get_assertions($block); print OUTFILE <<"EOLN"; // follow a plain link with text '$link_text' linkname = $link_text; link_to_follow = response.getLinkWith(linkname); if (link_to_follow == null) throw new Exception("The link '" + linkname + "' was not found."); request = link_to_follow.getRequest(); System.out.println( request ); try { response = conversation.getResponse( request ); } catch (Exception r) { throw new Exception(r + "\\nCouldn't follow the link!\\n" + "Request was:\\n" + request + "\\n"); } $assertions $response EOLN } sub follow_image_link { my $block = shift; $block =~ m/follow_image_link:\s*(".*?")$/m; my $link_name = $1; my $assertions = &get_assertions($block); print OUTFILE <<"EOLN"; // follow an image link with text '$link_name' linkname = $link_name; link_to_follow = response.getLinkWithImageText(linkname); if (link_to_follow == null) throw new Exception("The link '" + linkname + "' was not found."); request = link_to_follow.getRequest(); System.out.println( request ); try { response = conversation.getResponse( request ); } catch (Exception r) { throw new Exception(r + "\\nCouldn't follow the image link!\\n" + "Request was:\\n" + request + "\\n"); } $assertions $response EOLN } sub fill_and_submit_form { my $block = shift; @lines = make_array_from_block($block); my ($form_num, $submit_num, $form_name, $submit_name); my $requests = "\n"; my $assertions = &get_assertions($block); for (@lines) { if ( /form_num:\s*(\d)/ ) { $form_num = $1; } elsif ( /submitbutton_num:\s*(\d)/ ) { $submit_num = $1; } elsif ( /form_name:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $form_name = $1; #print "form name: '$form_name'\n"; } elsif ( /submitbutton_name:\s*(\w+)/ ) { $submit_name = $1; #print "submit name: '$submit_name'\n"; } elsif ( /setparam:\s*(.+)$/ ) { $requests .= " request.setParameter($1);\n"; } } unless ( (defined $form_num || defined $form_name) && (defined $submit_num || defined $submit_name) && defined $requests) { die <<" EOLN"; Missing variable: form_num: '$form_num' (you need either form_num or form_name) submit_num: '$submit_num' (you need either submit_num or submit_name) form_name: '$form_name' submit_name: '$submit_name' requests: '$requests' EOLN } # provide a bit of minor error detection... if ( defined $form_num && defined $form_name) { die <<" EOLN"; You can't have both a form number and a form name defined (got form_num '$form_num' and form_name '$form_name' for block:\n$block EOLN } if ( defined $submit_num && defined $submit_name) { die <<" EOLN"; You can't have both a submit button number and a submit button name defined (got submit_num '$submit_num' and submit_name '$submit_name' for block:\n$block EOLN } if (defined $form_num) { $form_code = <<"EOLN"; htmlforms = response.getForms(); if (htmlforms == null || htmlforms.length == 0) throw new Exception("No HTML form found for:\\n" + response); htmlform = htmlforms[$form_num]; EOLN } elsif (defined $form_name) { $form_code = <<"EOLN"; htmlform = response.getFormWithName("$form_name"); if (htmlform == null) throw new Exception("No HTML form named '$form_name' found for:\\n" + response); EOLN } else { # error die "Didn't get a form_name or form_num for this block:\n$block\n"; } if (defined $submit_num) { $submit_button_code = <<"EOLN"; submitButtonArray = htmlform.getSubmitButtons(); if (submitButtonArray == null || submitButtonArray.length == 0) throw new Exception("Didn't get a submit button array in " + "response object:\\n"); request = htmlform.getRequest(submitButtonArray[$submit_num]); EOLN } elsif (defined $submit_name) { $submit_button_code = <<"EOLN"; submitbutton = htmlform.getSubmitButton("$submit_name"); if (submitbutton == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't fine a submit button " + "named '$submit_name'\\n" + response); request = htmlform.getRequest(submitbutton); EOLN } else { # error die "Didn't get a submit_num or submit_name for this block:\n$block\n"; } print OUTFILE <<" EOLN"; // get and fill the HTML form $form_code $submit_button_code try { $requests } catch (Exception n) { throw new Exception( n + "\\nCouldn't set a parameter in this request:\\n" + request ); } try { response = conversation.getResponse( request ); } catch (Exception r) { throw new Exception(r + "\\nCouldn't submit the form!\\n" + "Request was:\\n" + request + "\\n"); } $assertions $response EOLN } sub get_assertions { my $block = shift; my $return_text = &assert_url($block); $return_text .= &assert_title($block); $return_text .= &assert_field($block); $return_text .= &assert_text($block); #print "Return text:\n$return_text\n"; return $return_text; } sub assert_url { my $block = shift; return unless $block =~ /^assert_url:\s*(.*?)$/m; my $url = $1; return <<"EOLN"; // assert the URL if ( response.getURL().toString().indexOf( "$url" ) != -1) System.out.println("\tURL match: matched '$url' OK"); else throw new Exception ("URL match: Didn't match URL '$url' ERROR"); EOLN } # assert that the title of the page is correct sub assert_title { my $block = shift; return unless $block =~ /^assert_title:\s*(.*?)$/m; my $title = $1; return <<"EOLN"; // assert the page title if ( response.getTitle().toString().indexOf( "$title" ) != -1) System.out.println("\tTitle match: Matched '$title' OK"); else throw new Exception("Title match: did not match title '$title' ERROR"); EOLN } # assert that a form field matches a value sub assert_field { my $block = shift; return unless $block =~ /assert_field/m; my @lines = &make_array_from_block($block); my $return_text = ""; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^assert_field:\s*(\d|"\w+")\s*("[^"]+")\s*("[^"]+")\s*$/) { my $form = $1; my $field_name = $2; my $field_val = $3; if ($form =~ /^\d+$/) { $getform_string = "response.getForms()[$form].getParameterValue($field_name)"; } else { $getform_string = "response.getFormWithName($form).getParameterValue($field_name)"; } #print "$getform_string\n"; $return_text .= <<"EOLN"; // assertion: form '$form', field '$field_name' == '$field_val' if ( ${field_val}.equals($getform_string) ) System.out.println("\tField match: '" + $field_name + "' held '" + $field_val + "' OK"); else throw new Exception ("Field match: Field '" + $field_name + "' didn't match '" + $field_val + "' ERROR"); EOLN } } return $return_text; } sub assert_text { my $block = shift; return unless $block =~ /assert_text/m; my @lines = &make_array_from_block($block); my $return_text = ""; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^assert_text:\s*(.*)$/) { my $search_string = $1; $return_text .= <<"EOLN"; // find the text string '$search_string' in the page source if ( response.getText().indexOf( "$search_string" ) != -1) System.out.println( "I found the text '$search_string' in the page OK" ); else throw new Exception( "Couldn't find text: '$search_string'" ); EOLN return $return_text; } } } sub make_array_from_block { my $block = shift; my @return_array; my @lines = split /\n/, $block; foreach $line (@lines) { next if $line =~ /^#/; next unless $line =~ /\w/; next if $line =~ /^go/; push @return_array, $line; } return @return_array; } __END__ import com.meterware.httpunit.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import org.xml.sax.*; public class __CLASSNAME__ { public static void main( String[] params ) { boolean success = true; try { WebRequest request; WebResponse response; WebConversation conversation = new WebConversation(); WebForm[] htmlforms; WebForm htmlform; SubmitButton[] submitButtonArray; SubmitButton submitbutton; WebLink link_to_follow; String myurl; String linkname; String dealname = makeUniqueDealName("__CLASSNAME__ Test"); String transaction_boundary = "This is a transaction boundary."; /* PRINT_TEST_CODE */ } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "Exception: " + e ); success = false; } finally { if (success == true) { System.out.println( "__CLASSNAME__ test successful." ); } else { System.out.println( "__CLASSNAME__ test failed." ); } } } public static String makeUniqueDealName(String dealname) { Date today = new Date(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM); return dealname + " " + df.format(today); } }