File: backend.php
<?php // File: $Id: backend.php 20366 2006-10-23 08:11:40Z markwest $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // PostNuke Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2002 by the PostNuke Development Team. // http://www.postnuke.com/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Original Author of file: // Purpose of file: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // 06.20.02 ColdRolledSteel Fixed bug 482633 (Display only homepage stories) // Fixed bug 449959 (Added image tags for RSS) // Fixed bug where language not displayed // Added webMaster, managingEditor tags // Added $headline count so admin can control number of stories // Added show_content to feed non-HTML content // Renamed from backend.php to rss_feed.php // Modules capitalized for early 0.711 naming convention // 03.21.05 Added time field to feeds as pubDate // time format in database is incorrect format for rss feeds // RFC-822 date format should be used. include 'includes/pnAPI.php'; pnInit(); $dbconn =& pnDBGetConn(true); $pntable =& pnDBGetTables(); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"); // some default vars static $mostrecentdate; $headline_limit = 25; // Maximum value for Select $shown_results = 0; $body = ''; $mostrecentdate = 0; // Get $charset (atamyrat@gmail.com) if (defined('_CHARSET') && _CHARSET != '') { $charset = _CHARSET; } else { $charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; } // get the short urls extensions $urlsok = pnModGetVar('Xanthia', 'shorturlsok'); $urlextension = pnModGetVar('Xanthia', 'shorturlsextension'); $baseurl = pnGetBaseURL(); // get the language $newlang = pnVarCleanFromInput('newlang'); $backendlang = pnConfigGetVar('backend_language'); $backendlangs = cnvlanguagelist(); if ((!isset($newlang) || empty($newlang)) && isset($backendlangs[$backendlang])) { $lang = $backendlangs[$backendlang]; } else { $lang = $newlang; } // get any filters $topicid = pnVarCleanFromInput('topicid'); $catid = pnVarCleanFromInput('catid'); // Base query $storiescolumn = $pntable['stories_column']; $storiescatcolumn= $pntable['stories_cat_column']; $topicscolumn = $pntable['topics_column']; $query = "SELECT $storiescolumn[aid] AS \"aid\", $storiescolumn[catid] AS \"cid\", $storiescatcolumn[title] AS \"cattitle\", $storiescolumn[sid] AS \"sid\", $topicscolumn[topicid] AS \"tid\", $storiescolumn[title] AS \"title\", $topicscolumn[topicname] AS \"topicname\", $topicscolumn[topictext] AS \"topictext\", $storiescolumn[hometext] AS \"hometext\", $storiescolumn[time] AS \"time\" FROM $pntable[stories]"; $query .= " LEFT JOIN $pntable[stories_cat] ON $storiescolumn[catid] = $storiescatcolumn[catid] LEFT JOIN $pntable[topics] ON $storiescolumn[topic] = $topicscolumn[topicid]"; $query .= " WHERE $storiescolumn[ihome] = 0 AND ($storiescolumn[language] = '".pnVarPrepForStore($lang)."' OR $storiescolumn[language] = '') "; if (isset($topicid) && is_numeric($topicid)) { $query .= " AND $storiescolumn[topic] = '".pnVarPrepForStore($topicid)."'"; } if (isset($catid) && is_numeric($catid)) { $query .= " AND $storiescolumn[catid] = '".pnVarPrepForStore($catid)."'"; } $query .= " ORDER BY $storiescolumn[time] DESC"; // with permissions in mind we can't use $headline_limit but restricting to 99 should be ok $result =& $dbconn->SelectLimit($query,99); //$result =& $dbconn->Execute($query); // Error checking if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) { return false; } // start capture of dynamic output while((list($aid, $cid, $cattitle, $sid, $tid, $title, $topicname, $topictext, $hometext, $time) = $result->FetchRow()) && ($shown_results < $headline_limit) ){ if (empty($mostrecentdate)) { $mostrecentdate = $time; } $title = pnVarPrepForDisplay($title); // store some vars for later $topictitle = $topictext; $categorytitle = $cattitle; // form the url if($urlsok == 1) { $link = pnVarPrepForDisplay("{$baseurl}Article$sid.$urlextension"); } else { $link = pnVarPrepForDisplay("{$baseurl}index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=$sid"); } $content = pnVarPrepForDisplay(strip_tags($hometext)); // check author id if(!isset($aid)) { $aid = ''; } // update category title if ($cid == 0) { // Default category $cattitle = ""._ARTICLES.""; } // display with permission check if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Stories::Story', "$aid:$cattitle:$sid", ACCESS_READ) && pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Topics::Topic', "$topicname::$tid", ACCESS_READ) ) { $shown_results++; $body .= "<item>\n"; $body .= "<title>$title</title>\n"; $body .= "<link>$link</link>\n"; $body .= "<description>$content</description>\n"; $body .= "<pubDate>".date('r', strtotime($time))."</pubDate>\n"; $body .= "</item>\n"; } } // end of dynamic output $sitename = pnConfigGetVar('sitename'); if (isset($topicid) && is_numeric($topicid)) { $title = pnVarPrepForDisplay($sitename) . ' :: ' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($topictitle); } else if (isset($catid) && is_numeric($catid)) { $title = pnVarPrepForDisplay($sitename) . ' :: ' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($categorytitle); } else { $title = pnVarPrepForDisplay($sitename); } $link = pnVarPrepForDisplay(pnGetBaseURL()); $description = pnVarPrepForDisplay(pnConfigGetVar('backend_title')); $backend_language = pnVarPrepForDisplay($backendlang); $webmaster = pnVarPrepForDisplay(pnConfigGetVar('adminmail')); $image_url = $link.'images/'.pnVarPrepForDisplay(pnConfigGetVar('site_logo')); $image_title = $title; // RSS parsers usually use this for the ALT tag on the image $image_link = $link; // RSS parsers usually use this as the link when users click on the image // start the RSS output echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n\n"; echo "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">"; echo "<channel>\n"; echo "<title>$title</title>\n"; echo "<pubDate>".date('r', strtotime($mostrecentdate))."</pubDate>\n"; echo "<link>$link</link>\n"; echo "<description>$description</description>\n"; echo "<language>$backend_language</language>\n"; echo "<image>\n"; echo " <title>$image_title</title>\n"; echo " <url>$image_url</url>\n"; echo " <link>$image_link</link>\n"; echo "</image>\n"; echo "<webMaster>$webmaster</webMaster>\n"; echo $body; echo "</channel>\n"; echo "</rss>\n"; ?>
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