File: user.php
<?php // File: $Id: user.php 16763 2005-09-20 11:23:04Z jorg $ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // PostNuke Content Management System // Copyright (C) 2001 by the PostNuke Development Team. // http://www.postnuke.com/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on: // PHP-NUKE Web Portal System - http://phpnuke.org/ // Thatware - http://thatware.org/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // To read the license please visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'includes/pnAPI.php'; pnInit(); // Get all parameters from input space list($stop, $minage, $module, $op) = pnVarCleanFromInput('stop', 'minage', 'module', 'op'); // treat all user.php functions as a module for later checks - markwest define('LOADED_AS_MODULE', '1'); // load languages if (file_exists($currentlangfile = 'language/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnUserGetLang()) . '/user.php')) { include $currentlangfile; } elseif (file_exists($defaultlangfile = 'language/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnConfigGetVar('language')) . '/user.php')) { include $defaultlangfile; } // set module and op respective to the different cases if (!pnUserLoggedIn() && empty($op)) { $module = 'User'; $op = 'getlogin'; } if (isset($op) && ($op == 'userinfo')) { $module = 'User'; } if (pnUserLoggedIn() and (empty($op) or ($op == 'adminMain'))) { $module = 'User'; $op = 'main'; } // Load tools -- they might be needed in the legacy user plugins include_once 'modules/User/tools.php'; include_once 'modules/User/password.php'; if (file_exists($file = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($module) . '/user.php') || file_exists($file = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS(preg_replace('/^NS-/', '', $module)) . '/user.php')) { user_menu(); include $file; if (substr($module, 0, 3) == 'NS-') { $function = substr($module, 3) . '_user_'; } else { $function = $module . '_user_'; } $function_op = $function . $op; $function_main = $function . 'main'; if (function_exists($function_op)) { $function_op($_REQUEST); exit; } elseif (function_exists($function_main)) { $function_main($_REQUEST); exit; } else { // die("error : user_execute($file,$function_op)"); pnRedirect('index.php'); return true; } } // when we are here, the call is the result of an action // requested by a (legacy) Your_Account plugin. // Get all user modules... $usermods = pnModGetUserMods(); // since the your account module does't have index.php/pnuser.php it // won't be listed as user_capable hence we need to manually add it to // our result set. [markwest] $usermods[] = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName('Your_Account')); // ...and run the requested action (specified by $op) foreach ($usermods as $usermod) { if (@is_dir($dir = 'modules/' . $usermod['directory'] . '/user/case/')) { $casedir = opendir($dir); while ($func = readdir($casedir)) { if (eregi('^case.', $func)) { $ModName = $usermod['name']; include $dir . pnVarPrepForOS($func); } } closedir($casedir); } } ?>
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