This directory contains source code to Tiki! The wiki with lots of features! ABOUT DOCUMENTATION ------------------- * official TikiWiki documentation website (for all versions) : http://doc.tikiwiki.org * It is highly recommended that you refer to the online documentation: * http://tikiwiki.org/InstallTiki for a setup guide * http://tikiwiki.org/InstallTikiHelp for what to do in case of problems * It might also be helpful to look into the official Manual. Last released documentation, in pdf format (350 pages) (outdated at the time of this writing) and a pdf snapshot of doc.tikiwiki.org: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258&package_id=68737 * TikiWiki also has an active IRC channel: #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net The rest of this document includes parts of the online documentation that might be enough to get you running Tiki. INSTALL TIKI WITH POSTGRESQL ---------------------------- Refer to http://tikiwiki.org/TikiPostgres INSTALL TIKI WITH MYSQL ----------------------- Before you get started it is a good idea to know: * your database name, database user name and password * your Apache user and group ID (e.g. www-user and www-data) If you are using the RPM that is available you can skip down to browser-based install. These are notes on how to setup and configure Tiki. ---------------------------- Step one: unpack the archive ---------------------------- Unpack the Tiki files to the document root of where you want Tiki installed, e.g. /var/www/tiki/ To unpack the bz2 file, use: tar xjf tikiwiki-[version].tar.bz2 ----------------------------------------- Step two: run setup.sh to set permissions ----------------------------------------- CHMOD the file setup.sh to 755. "chmod 755 setup.sh" * Set permissions and virtual host domains with setup.sh: o Determine what user and group your web server runs as The script setup.sh in this directory assigns necessary permissions for the directories that the web server writes files to. It also creates the (initially empty) cache directories. Usage ./setup.sh user [group] [rights] [list of virtual host domains] For example, if : * Apache is running as user $AUSER and group $AGROUP AND * Your user name is $YOURUSER and you belong to group $YOURGROUP type: su -c './setup.sh $AUSER' Alternatively, you may wish to set both the user and the group: su -c './setup.sh $YOURUSER $AGROUP' This will allow you to delete certain files/directories without becoming root. Or, if you can't become root, but are a member of the group Apache runs under (for example: $AGROUP), you can type: ./setup.sh $YOURUSER $AGROUP Be aware that you probably have to do a chown -R $YOURUSER * if your Tiki runs in a PHP-safe-mode environment. If you can't become root, and are not a member of the Apache group, then type: ./setup.sh $YOURUSER $YOURGROUP 02777 Replace $YOURGROUP with your default group. NOTE: If you do execute this last command, you will not be able to delete certain files created by Apache, and will need to ask your system administrator to delete them for you if needed. To use Tiki's multi-site capability (virtual hosts from a single DocumentRoot) add a list of domains to the command to create all the needed directories. For example: su -c './setup.sh $YOURUSER $AGROUP $RIGHTS domain1 domain2 domain3' or, if you can't become root: ./setup.sh $YOURUSER $AGROUP 02777 domain1 domain2 domain3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Step three: run htaccess.sh to make tiki more secure (OPTIONAL STEP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: you only should do this if the settings of your servers allow the usage of .htaccess files. But you can try it out, if it doesn't work for you, you can revert the changes with one step. CHMOD the file htaccess.sh to 755. "chmod 755 htaccess.sh" Usage ./htaccess.sh [off] If you call the script without parameters, it renames all the files named _htaccess to .htaccess, making them functional. If you get problems with active .htaccess files, just call the script with the parameter off to rename the .htaccess files back to _htaccess. That's it! ------------------------------ Step four: browser-based setup ------------------------------ * create a database for Tiki - often using PhpMyAdmin and MySQL - or on the command line "mysqladmin create dbname" the database name is usually called "tiki" * Point your browser to the web address that corresponds to the file tiki-install.php (e.g. http://localhost/tiki/tiki-install.php) * Follow the instructions there you'll need the password and user name for your database * use a profile to populate your database. default values are very minimal, and basicEnabled maybe suits more immediate use * To log into Tiki for the first time: - user: admin - password: admin ------------------------------ Step five: configure your site ------------------------------ Next you can configure Tiki to your suit needs: * Choose which features you want enabled - go to tiki-admin.php by clicking on the "Admin" or "Admin Home" link on the left side of your screen * (Optionally) create groups of users that share permissions * Assign appropriate permissions Good luck and have fun with Tiki! ps: Now you may want to come to http://tikiwiki.org and join the community !