File: language.php
<?php // -*- coding:utf-8 -*- // parameters: // lang=xx : only tranlates language 'xx', // if not given all languages are translated // comments : generate all comments (equal to close&module) // close : look for similar strings that are already translated and // generate a comment if a 'match' is made // module : generate comments that describe in which .php and/or .tpl // module(s) a certain string was found (useful for checking // translations in context) // patch : looks for the file 'language.patch' in the same directory // as the corresponding language.php and overrides any strings // in language.php - good if a user does not agree with // some translations or if only changes are sent to the maintainer // spelling : generates a file 'spellcheck_me.txt' that contains the // words used in the translation. It is then easy to check this // file for spelling errors (corrections must be done in // 'language.php, however) // groupwrite : Sets the generated files permissions to allow the generated // language.php also be group writable. This is good for // translators if they do not have root access to tiki but // are in the same group as the webserver. Please remember // to have write access removed when translation is finished // for security reasons. (Run script again without this // parameter) // Examples: // http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv // Will translate langauage 'sv' and (almost) avoiding comment generation // http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv&comments // Will translate langauage 'sv' and generate all possible comments. // This is the most usefull mode when working on a translation. // http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv&nohelp&nosections // These options will only provide the minimal amout of comments. // Usefull mode when preparing a translation for distribution. // http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?nohelp&nosections // Prepare all languages for release $lang=Array( // ### Start of unused words // ### Please remove manually! // ### N.B. Legitimate strings may be marked// ### as unused! // ### Please see http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=UnusedWords for further info "Links/Commands" => "Linker/Kommandoer", "create tag" => "Lag et bokmerke", "Anonymous users can edit pages" => "Anonyme brukere kan redigere sider", "User versions" => "Bruker-versjoner", "TextFormattingRules" => "TekstFormateringsRegler", "References" => "Referanser", "JoinCapitalizedWords" => "SammansatteOrdMedStoreBokstaver", "or use square brackets for an" => "eller bruk hakeparenteser for a lage", "link_description" => "beskrivelse av link", "Title_bar" => "Tittellinje", "img" => "img", "Week" => "Uke", "Month" => "Måned", "printable" => "utskriftsvennlig", "like pages" => "lignende sider", "History of" => "Logg for", "current_version" => "nåværende versjon", "All pages" => "Alle sider", "Rollback_page" => "Endre tilbake siden", "last_login" => "Siste innlogging", "assign group" => "tildel gruppe", "Create or edit a gallery using this form" => "Legg til eller rediger et galleri", "versions" => "versjoner", "Perm" => "Permanent", "Assign permissions to thispage" => "Tildel tillatelser for denne siden", "ranking" => "rangering", "list_pages" => "Sideoversikt", "my galleries" => "mine gallerier", "You can include the image in an HTML/Tiki page using" => "Du kan bruke bildet i en HTML/Tiki-side ved hjelp av", "modules" => "moduler", "links" => "lenker", "system gallery" => "systemgalleri", "Anonymous users cannot edit pages" => "Anonyme brukere kan ikke redigere denne siden", "Unexistant user" => "Brukeren finnes ikke", "Permission denied you cannot browse this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å bla i dette galleriet", "view info" => "vis informasjon", "HasImg" => "HarBilde", "UseImg" => "BrukBilde", "User preferences screen" => "Brukers preferanser", "The SandBox is a page where you can practice your editing skills, use the preview feature to preview the appeareance of the page, no versions are stored for this page." => "Sandkassen er en side der du kan øve opp dine ferdigheter til å redigere, bruk forhåndsvisning til å se sidens sluttresultat, ingen versjoner av denne siden lagres.", "Change your password" => "Skift passord", "Configure this page" => "Konfigurer denne siden", "hotwords" => "nøkkelord", "user preferences" => "brukers preferanser", "No image uploaded" => "Bildet ble ikke sendt", "Current version" => "Gjeldende versjon", "Next version" => "Neste versjon", "Programmed versions" => "Programmerte versioner", "Old versions" => "Gamle versjoner", "Edit desc" => "Rediger beskrivelse", "Index page" => "Indeksside", "Set prefs" => "Sett preferanser", "Use image generated by URL (the image will be requested til å the URL for each impression)" => "Bruk bilde som hentes fra URL (bildet kommer til å hentes ved hver visning)", ">Remove Zones (you lose entered info for the banner)" => ">Fjern Zoner (du mister inmatet informasjon om banneret)", ">Block description: " => ">Blokkbeskrivelse: ", "Admin content" => "Administrere innhold", "Warn on edit" => "Varsle ved endringer", "Show comments" => "Vis kommentarer", "Hide comments" => "Gjem kommentarer", "HTML tags are not allowed insida comments" => "HTML-tagger kan ikke brukes i kommentarer", "reply to this" => "svar på dette", "Create or edit a file gallery using this form" => "Opprett eller rediger et filgalleri med hjelp av denne formelen", "Top Files" => "Mest populære filer", "Unexistant link" => "Lenken finnes ikke", "Cannot get file from URL" => "Kan ikke hente filen fra denne URL'en", "Unexistant gallery" => "Galleriet finnes ikke", "You cant download files" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å hente filer", "No file" => "Ingen fil", "Create/edit Forums" => "Opprett/redigere fora", "There are inddividual permissions set for this forum" => "Det finnes individuelle tilgangstillatelser til dette forumet", "Moderator" => "Moderator", "Group information" => "Gruppeinformasjon", "There are inddividual permissions set for this gallery" => "Det finnes individuelle tilgangstillatelser satt for dette galleriet", " modified" => " forandret", "Assign permissions to this page" => "Tildel tillatelser til denne siden", "Show Post Form" => "vis innleggets formel", "Hide Post Form" => "Gjem innleggets formel", "smileys" => "smileys", "Edit or add category" => "Rediger eller legg til kategorien", "sub categories" => "underkategorier", "There are inddividual permissions set for this blog" => "Det finnes individuelle tilgangstillatelser til denne blog'en", "Layout options" => "Layout-innstillinger", "polls" => "avstemninger", "features" => "funksjoner", "cms" => "cms", "CMS settings" => "CMS innstillinger", "image galleries" => "bildegallerier", "general" => "generelt", "Set home forum" => "Sett hjemmeforum", "file galleries" => "filgallerier", "rss" => "rss", "Set feeds" => "Sett matinger", "There are inddividual permissions set for this file gallery" => "Det finnes individuelle tilgangstillatelser for dette filgalleriet", "half a second" => "hvert halvsekund", "Channel information" => "Kanalinformasjon", "Create/edit RSS module" => "Opprett/redigere RSS modul", "Create/edit Menus" => "Opprett/Rediger menyer", "Admin chat" => "Administrere chat", "Permission denied you cant view this section" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se denne seksjonen", "use square brackets for an" => "bruk hakeparenteser til", "Allowed HTML:" => "HTML tillatt:", "Users can configure modules" => "Brukere kan konfigurere moduler", "Configure modules" => "Konfigurer moduler", "to insert a random tagline" => "sett inn et tilfeldig valgt sitat", "Use (:name:) for smileys" => "Bruk (:navn:) til smileys", "Restoring a backup destoys all the data in your Tiki database.\nAll your tables will be replaced with the information in the backup." => "Gjenopprettingen av sikkerhetskopien skriver over alle data i din Tiki database.\nAlle dine tabeller blir erstattet med inneholdet i sikkerhetskopien.", "Creating backups may take a long time. If the process is not completed you will\nsee a blank screen. If so you need to increment the maximum script execution time\nfrom your php.ini file" => "å opprette en sikkerhetskopi kan ta lang tid. Om kopieringen ikke fullføres kommer du til å se en blank skjerm. Da må du øka den maksimale eksekveringstiden i din php.ini fil", "Click here to create a new backup" => "Klikk her til å opprette en ny sikkerhetskopi", "Create/edit Faq" => "Opprett/rediger FAQ", "FAQ Questions" => "FAQ svar", "FAQ Answers" => "FAQ svar", ">I forgot my password" => ">Jeg har glemt passordet mitt", "column" => "kolumn", "dispay" => "vis", "Average posts pero weblog" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg per weblog", "user bookmarks" => "brukerdefinerte bokmerker", "Admin Cookies" => "Administrere Cookies", "Bookmakrs" => "Bokmerker", "Entire site" => "Hele siten", "content templates" => "innholdsmaler", "shoutbox" => "megafon", "drawings" => "tegninger", "assigned" => "tildelt", "Hotwords in new window" => "Åpne nøkkelord i nytt vindu", "Allow smileys" => "Tillat smilefjes", "Reuse question" => "Gjenbruk spørsmålet", "suggested" => "foreslått", "wiki link" => "wiki-lenke", "heading2" => "overskrift2", "heading3" => "overskrift3", "Show suggested questions/suggest a question" => "vis foreslåtte spørsmål/ikke foreslå spørsmål", "Hide suggested questions" => "Gjem foreslåtte spørsmål", "Create/edit templates" => "Opprett/rediger maler", "Create/edit HTML pages" => "Opprett/redigere HTML sider", "Admin HTML page dynamic zones" => "Administrer HTML-sidens dynamiske soner", "Edit this HTML page" => "Rediger denne HTML siden", "Quiz time limit excedeed quiz cannot be computed" => "Tidsgrensen for denne spørreleken ble overskredet, resultatet er ugyldig", "feat" => "bedrift", "Server time zone" => "Serverens tidssone", "Wiki Page Names" => "Wiki Sidenavn", "strict" => "strikt", "gral" => "gral", "file gls" => "file glr", "trckrs" => "sporhunder", "frms" => "maler", "img gls" => "img glr", "webmail" => "webmail", "Allow viwing HTML mails?" => "Tillat visning av HTML post?", "Add users" => "Legg til brukere", "Users can subscribe any email addresss" => "Brukere kan bruke valgfri e-postadresse for abonnementet", "Create/edit surveys" => "Opprett/redigere undersøkelser", "Options (separated by commas used in dropdowns only)" => "Valgmuligheter (separerte av komma - brukes bare i nedrullende lister)", "There are inddividual permissions set for this tracker" => "det finnes individuelle tillatelser for denne sporhunden", "Show status when listing tracker items?" => "vis status ved listing av sporhundselementer?", "Prevents parsing data" => "Forhindrer analyse av data", "b" => "b", "i" => "i", "ul" => "ul", "tbl" => "tbl", "a" => "a", "h1" => "h1", "h2" => "h2", "h3" => "h3", "dcs" => "dcs", "center" => "senter", "img nc" => "img nc", "chars" => "chars", "In parent page" => "I refererende side", "Path to where the dumped files are" => "Sti til der de avbildene filene finnes ", "Thanks for your subscription. You will receive an email soon to confirm your subscription.\nNo newsletters will be sent to you until the subscription is confirmed." => "Takk for ditt abonnement. Du kommer snart til å få en e-postmelding for å bekrefte ditt abonnement.\ningen nyhetsbrev kommer til å sendes før du bekrefter abonnementet.", "Filters" => "Filter", "checked" => "krysset", "unchecked" => "ukrysset", "Mark as Flagged" => "Marker som flagget", "Add or edit a category" => "Legg til eller rediger en kategori", "Wiki Import dump" => "Wiki-importert avbilding", "You cant use the same password again" => "Du kan ikke bruke samme passord igjen", "Password should be til å least" => "passordet må minst være", "You have to provide a name to the file" => "Du må gi filen ett navn", "parent" => "opphav", "userfiles" => "brukerfiler", "Cache wiki pages" => "Cache wiki-sider", "Users can save pages to notepad" => "Brukere kan lagre forandringer i notatblokk", "\n for rows" => "\n for rader", "Forum settings" => "Forum-innstillinger", "Allow wiki markup" => "Tillat wiki-merking", "Describe topics in listing" => "Beskriv inn-emner-listing", "Allow viewing HTML mails" => "Tillat visning av HTML i mail", "subs" => "subs", "objs" => "objs", "Admin content templates" => "Admin innholdsmaler", "Edit drawings & pictures" => "Rediger tegninger & bilder", "Edit/Create user module" => "Rediger/Opprett brukermodul", "assign_perms" => "tildel_tillat", "rotate left" => "roter til venstre", "Click to enlarge" => "Klikk for å forstørre", "use filename" => "bruk filnavn", "Use dbl click to edit pages" => "Bruk dobbeltklikk for å redigere sider", "quote" => "sitat", "Mailin accounts" => "Mailin-kontoer", "Return to messages" => "Tilbake til meldinger", "Unflagg" => "Fjern markering", "Newss from" => "Newss fra", "Control by Object" => "Kontroller med Objekt", "Control by category" => "Kontroller med kategori", "Create/edit extwiki" => "Opprett/rediger ekstwiki", "URL (use to be replaced by the page name in the URL example: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=)" => "URL (bruk for å erstattes med sidenavnet i URL'en, eks: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=)", "Admin (click!)" => "Admin (klikk!)", "URL cannot be accessed wrong URL or site is offline and cannot be added to the directory" => "URL kan ikke aksesseres; URL'en eller siten er offline og kan ikke legges til katalogen", "You are not logged inn and no user indicated" => "Du er ikke logget inn og ingen bruker var valgt", "The user has choosen to make his information private" => "Brukeren har valgt å gjøre denne informasjonen privat", "Must be logged in to use this feature" => "Du må være logget inn for å bruke denne funksjonen", "Users can vote only one item from this chart per period" => "Brukere kan bare stemme på et element fra dette diagrammet", "Prevent users from voting same item more than one time" => "Forhindre brukere fra å stemme på samme ting mer enn en gang", "You will receive an email with your password soon" => "Du vil om kort tid motta en epost med ditt passord", "Displays a snippet of code.\nSet optional parameter -+ln+- to 1 if you need line numbering feature." => "Viser et utklipp av koden.\nSett valgfritt parameter -+ln+- til 1 hvis du trenger linjenummereringsfunksjon.", "Renders a graph" => "Tegner en graf", "PluginsHelp" => "PluginHjelp", "create new empty structure" => "opprett ny tom struktur", "Create structure from tree" => "Opprett struktur fra tre", "Admin structures" => "Adminstrukturer", "Click twice if once is not enough !" => "Trykk to ganger hvis en gang ikke er nok !", "Toggle display of comment zone" => "Skru visning av kommentarsone av/på", "in blog listing show user as" => "vis bruker i blogliste som", "creation date" => "opprettelsesdato", "last modification time" => "tidspunkt for siste modifisering", "Articles listing configuration" => "Oppsett for artikkellister", "Edit css" => "Rediger css", "Use PHPOpenTracker" => "Bruk PHPOpenTracker", "User watches" => "Brukerovervåkning", "PDF Export" => "PDF-eksport", "Edit drawings" => "Rediger tegninger", "Threads can be voted" => "Tråder kan stemmes over", "Forward messages to this forum to this email" => "Send videre meldinger til dette forumet på følgende epost", "Directory (include trailing slash)" => "Katalog (inklude etterfølgende slash)", "stat" => "stat", "Calendars Panel" => "Kalenderpanel", "Navigation Panel" => "Navigasjonspanel", "Hide Panels" => "Gjem paneler", "hide from display" => "gjem fra visning", "Tiki Calendars" => "Tikikalendere", "browse by" => "se gjennom sortert etter", "If you change the calendar selection, please refresh to get the appropriated list in Category, Location and people (if applicable to the calendar you choose)." => "Dersom du forandre kalenderutvalget, vær vennlig og oppdater for å få den spesifiserte listen i kategori, plassering og folk (hvis det er gjeldende for kalenderen du velger).", "from the list" => "fra listen", "choose" => "velg", "Url" => "Url", "You should first ask that a calendar is created, so you can create events attached to it." => "Du burde først forespørre opprettelse av en kalender, slik at du kan opprette hendelser knyttet til den.", "save a custom copy" => "lagre en egendefinert kopi", "heading" => "overskrift", "horizontal ruler" => "horisontal linjal", "remove bookmark" => "fjern bokmerke", "Tiki forums" => "Tiki-forum", "mot" => "mot", "this post was reported" => "dette innlegget har blitt rapportert", "report this post" => "rapporter dette innlegget", "in order to confirm your subscription you must access the following URL:" => "for å bekrefte abonnementet må du gå på den følgende URL'en:", "someone from" => "noen fra", "If you want to be a registered user in this site you will have to use" => "Dersom du ønsker å bli en registrert bruker på siden må du bruke", "the following link to login for the first time" => "følgende lenke for å logge på den første gangen", "MyTiki (click!)" => "MinTiki (klikk!)", "You must supply all the informasjon, including title and year." => "Du må fylle inn all informasjonen, også tittel og årstall.", "blog_ranking_top_blogs" => "blog_rankering_topp_bloger", "blog_ranking_last_posts" => "blog_rankering_siste_postinger", "blog_ranking_top_active_blogs" => "blog_rankering_topp_aktive_bloger", "filegal_ranking_top_galleries" => "filegal_ranking_top_galleries", "filegal_ranking_top_files" => "filegal_ranking_top_files", "filegal_ranking_last_files" => "filegal_ranking_last_files", "gal_ranking_top_galleries" => "gal_ranking_top_galleries", "gal_ranking_top_images" => "gal_ranking_top_images", "gal_ranking_last_images" => "gal_ranking_last_images", "Your Tiki account information for" => "Din Tiki kontoinformasjon for", "A password reminder email has been sent " => "En passordpåminnelse via email har blitt sendt ", "A new password has been sent " => "Et nytt passord har blitt sendt ", " new topic:" => " nytt emne:", "topic:" => "emne:", "Current page:" => "Nåværende side:", "version %s" => "versjon %s", "last modified on %s" => "sist modifisert den %s", "by %s" => "av %s", "Archived page:" => "Arkivert side:", "Diff of %s." => "Diff of %s.", " tags. Example: {tr}The newsletter was sent to {\$sent} email addresses" => " tags. Eksempel: {tr}Nyhetsbrevet ble sendt til {\$sent} epostadresser", "New article submitted at " => "Ny artikkel sendt in på ", "Welcome to " => "Velkommen til ", " at " => " på ", "Bye bye from " => "Ha det godt fra ", "Displays a snippet of code.\nSet optional paramater -+ln+- to 1 if you need line numbering feature." => "Viser et kodeutdrag.\nSett valgfritt parameter -+ln+- til 1 dersom du trenger linjenummereringsfunksjonen.", "There is an error in the plugin data" => "Det er en feil i plugin-dataene", "Change your email" => "Forandre eposten din", "0" => "Neste", "~np~{~/np~ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicId)}{ARTICLES} Insert articles into a wikipage" => "~np~{~/np~ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicId)}{ARTICLES} Sett artoløer inn i en wikiside", "Cms" => "Cms", "op" => "op", "idle" => "idle", "Not detected. Use at own risk!" => "Ikke påvist. Bruk på egen risiko!", "can be downloaded from:" => "kan bli lastet ned fra:", "Wiki page" => "Wiki side", "forum topic" => "forumemne", "Posted replies" => "Svar", "Replies below your current threshold" => "Svar som er under din nåværende terskelverdi", "post new reply" => "legg inn svar", "Ranking" => "Rangering", "File gals" => "Filgallerier", "Image gals" => "Bildegallerier", "Comm" => "Komm.", "Content Templates" => "Innholdsmaler", "ExtWikis" => "EkstWiki'er", "Weblogs RSS" => "Blogger RSS", "For more information, please see <a\nhref=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=WikiSyntax\">WikiSyntax</a>\non <a href=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org\">TikiWiki.org</a>." => "For mer informasjon, vennligst se <a\nhref=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=WikiSyntax\">WikiSyntax</a>\npå <a href=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org\">TikiWiki.org</a>.", "{literal}{MODULE(module=>some_module)}text{MODULE}{/literal} can be used to insert the output of module \"some_module\" into your Wiki page. See <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginModule\">PluginModule</a> for more information. " => "{literal}{MODULE(module=>some_module)}text{MODULE}{/literal} kan brukes for å sende ut-data fra \"some_module\" inn i din Wiki-side. Se <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginModule\">PluginModule</a> for mer informasjon. ", "{literal}{CODE()}some code{CODE} {/literal} will render \"some code\" as program code. This plugin has other options; see <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginCode\">PluginCode</a>." => "{literal}{CODE()}noe kode{CODE} {/literal} vil vise \"noe kode\" som programkode. Denne plugin har andre muligheter; se <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginCode\">PluginCode</a>.", "{literal}{maketoc}{/literal}\" prints out a table of contents for the current page based on ! headings," => "{literal}{maketoc}{/literal}\" skriver ut en innholdsfortegnelse for denne siden basert på !-overskrifter,", "You can include the image in an HTML or Tiki page using" => "Du kan sette inn bildet i en HTML- eller Tiki-side ved hjelp av", "Add scaled images size X x Y" => "Legg til skalert bilde av størrelse X x Y", "Member List" => "Medlemsliste", "Show chart for the last " => "vis diagram for de siste ", "days (0=all)" => "dager (0=alla)", "This user is not your friend" => "Denne brukeren er ikke din Tiki-venn", "Request friendship" => "Be om vennskap", "Edit informations" => "Rediger informasjoner", "Add informations" => "Tilføy informasjoner", "More info about" => "Mer info om", "-1m" => "-1m", "-7d" => "-7d", "-1d" => "-1d", "+1d" => "+1d", "+7d" => "+7d", "+1m" => "+1m", "perm" => "perm", " line " => " linje ", "no attachment on this page." => "ingen vedlegg på denne siden.", "User \$a_user can not receive messages" => "Brukeren \$a_user kan ikke motta meldinger", "Invalid user: \$a_user" => "Ugyldig bruker: \$a_user", "You dont have permission to use this feature" => "Du har ikke tilgang til denne funksjonen", "You dont have permissions to edit banners" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere bannere", "You dont have permission to edit this banner" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere dette banneret", "You dont have permission to write the style sheet" => "Dy har ikke tillatelse til å skrive et style sheet", "You dont have permission to write the template" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å lagre malen", "You dont have permission to read the template" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å lese malen", "You must be a student to edit homework pages." => "Du må være student for å redigere leksesider.", "No assignment indicated" => "Ingen oppgave valgt", "updated by the phpwiki import process" => "oppdatert av phpwiki importprosess", "created from phpwiki import" => "laget med utgangspunkt i fil importert fra phpwiki", "Sorry, \"\$page\" has not been created." => "Beklager, \"\$page\" har ikke blitt laget.", "You dont have permission to view other users data" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se andre brukeres data", "You dont have permission to edit messages" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere beskjeder", "You have to provide a name to the image" => "Du må gi bildet et navn", "since this is your registered email address we inform that the" => "siden dette er din registrerte epostadresse informerer vi om at", "password for this account is" => "passordet for denne kontoen er", "Wiki quick help" => "Wiki hurtighjelp", "Blog settings" => "Blog-innstillinger", "FAQs settings" => "FAQ innstillinger", "FAQ comments" => "FAQ kommentarer", "to add/remove forums, look for \"Admin forums\" under \"Forums\" on the application menu, or" => "for å lage/fjerne fora, se etter \"Administrere fora\" under \"Fora\" i applikasjonsmenyen, eller", "to add/remove image galleries, go to \"Image Galleries\" on the application menu, or" => "for å legge til eller fjerne bildegallerier, gå til \"Bildegallerier\" i applikasjonsmenyen, eller", "Poll settings" => "Innstillinger for avstemninger", "Create a tag for the current wiki" => "Lag et bokmerke for denne wiki", "Tag Name" => "Bokmerkenavn", "Restore the wiki" => "Gjenopprett wiki", "Remove a tag" => "Fjern et bokmerke", "Wiki comments settings" => "Wiki kommentarinstillinger", "Wiki page list configuration" => "Oppsett for Wiki-sidelister", "Set" => "Sett", "Administration" => "Administrasjon", "admin categories template" => "admin kategorimaler", "Add all your site users to this newsletter (broadcast)" => "Legg til alle nettstedets brukere til dette nyhetsbrevet (kringkast)", "Batch upload (CSV file)" => "Last opp Batch (CSV-fil)", "assgn" => "tildel", "today" => "i dag", "Add Calendar Item" => "Legg til kalenderpunkt", "make a line break" => "lage linjeskift", "<b>*</b>=optional, <b>Topline</b>=small line above Title, <b>Subtitle</b>=small line below Title, <b>Source</b>=URL to article source" => "<b>*</b>=valgfritt, <b>Topplinje</b>=liten lije over Tittel, <b>Undertittel</b>=liten lije under Tittel, <b>Kilde</b>=URL til artikkelens kilde", "act status" => "akt.status", "running" => "kjører", "Quicklinks" => "Hurtiglinker", "Comparing versions" => "Sammenlikn versjoner", "Actual_version" => "Faktisk versjon", "Diff to version" => "Diff til versjon", "Import pages from a PHPWiki Dump" => "Importer sider fra et PHPWiki avbilding", "Path to where the dumped files are (relative to tiki basedir with trailing slash ex: dump/)" => "Filsti til hvor de avbildede filene er (relativt til tikis basekatalog med påfølgende slash, eks: dump/)", "ver" => "versjon", "categorize" => "kategoriser", "Withdraw Vote" => "Angre stemme", "All tasks" => "Alle oppgaver", "mark as done" => "marker som ferdig", "open tasks" => "åpne oppgaver", "Add or edit a task" => "Legg til eller rediger en oppgave", "Start date" => "Startdato", "Completed" => "Fullført", "Editing tracker item" => "Rediger sporhundselementer", "Tracker Items" => "sporhundselementer", "LDAP Host" => "LDAP Host", "LDAP Port" => "LDAP Port", "Ins" => "Ins", "WikiDiff::apply: line count mismatch: %s != %s" => "WikiDiff::apply: linjetellingsfeil: %s != %s", "WikiDiff::_check: failed" => "WikiDiff::_check: feilet", "WikiDiff::_check: edit sequence is non-optimal" => "WikiDiff::_check: redigeringssekvens er ikke-optimal", "WikiDiff Okay: LCS = %s" => "WikiDiff OK: LCS = %s", "no description" => "ingen beskrivelse", "someone coming from IP Address" => "noen fra IP-adressen", "requested a reminder of the password for the" => "ba om en påminnelse om passord for", "Upcoming `\$module_rows` modified events" => "Kommende `\$module_rows` hendelser", "Please" => "Vennligst", "log in" => "logg inn", "to access full functionalities" => "for å bruke flere funksjoner", "Remind passwords by email" => "Send glemte passord med e-post", "Like pages" => "Lignende sider", "Use {literal}{{/literal}ed id=name} or {literal}{{/literal}ted id=name} to insert dynamic zones" => "Bruk {literal}{{/literal}ed id=navn} eller {literal}{{/literal}ted id=navn} for å legge inn dynamiske soner", "Emphasis" => "Vektlegging", "italics" => "kursiv", "both" => "begge", "use ...page... to separate pages" => "bruk ...page... for å dele opp sider", "make_headings" => "lag overskrift", "underlines text" => "understreker tekst", "Simple box" => "Vanlig boks", "Will display using the indicated HTML color" => "Kommer til å vises med den valgte HTML fargen", "Center" => "Sentrer", "Will display the text centered" => "Kommer til å vise teksten sentert", "Insert Module Output" => "Ut-data fra modul", "Rendering Program Code" => "Vise programkode", "Activs" => "Aktive", "time" => "tid", "You have to create a gallery first!" => "Du må opprette et galleri først!", "Go to your <a href=\"tiki-friends.php\">friendship network</a> to accept or refuse this request" => "Gå til ditt <a href=\"tiki-friends.php\">vennskapsnettverk</a> for å godta eller avvise denne forespørselen", "A new password and your IP address has been sent " => "Et nytt passord og din IP-adresse har blitt sendt ", // ### end of unused words // ### start of untranslated words // ### uncomment value pairs as you translate // "This script cannot be called directly" => "This script cannot be called directly", // "You must supply all the information, including title and year." => "You must supply all the information, including title and year.", // "The text in RED is" => "The text in RED is", // "character(s) too long - please edit it." => "character(s) too long - please edit it.", // "Algeria" => "Algeria", // "American_Samoa" => "American_Samoa", // "Angola" => "Angola", // "Antigua" => "Antigua", // "Argentina" => "Argentina", // "Armenia" => "Armenia", // "Australia" => "Australia", // "Austria" => "Austria", // "Bahamas" => "Bahamas", // "Bahrain" => "Bahrain", // "Bangladesh" => "Bangladesh", // "Barbados" => "Barbados", // "Belarus" => "Belarus", // "Belgium" => "Belgium", // "Bermuda" => "Bermuda", // "Bolivia" => "Bolivia", // "Brazil" => "Brazil", // "Brunei" => "Brunei", // "Canada" => "Canada", // "Catalan_Countries" => "Catalan_Countries", // "Cayman_Islands" => "Cayman_Islands", // "Colombia" => "Colombia", // "Cook_Islands" => "Cook_Islands", // "Costa_Rica" => "Costa_Rica", // "Croatia" => "Croatia", // "Cuba" => "Cuba", // "Cyprus" => "Cyprus", // "Czech_Republic" => "Czech_Republic", // "Denmark" => "Denmark", // "Dominican_Republic" => "Dominican_Republic", // "Ecuador" => "Ecuador", // "Egypt" => "Egypt", // "El_Salvador" => "El_Salvador", // "Estonia" => "Estonia", // "Federated_States_of_Micronesia" => "Federated_States_of_Micronesia", // "Fiji" => "Fiji", // "Finland" => "Finland", // "France" => "France", // "French_Polynesia" => "French_Polynesia", // "Germany" => "Germany", // "Greece" => "Greece", // "Guam" => "Guam", // "Guatemala" => "Guatemala", // "Haiti" => "Haiti", // "Honduras" => "Honduras", // "Hungary" => "Hungary", // "Chile" => "Chile", // "China" => "China", // "Iceland" => "Iceland", // "India" => "India", // "Indonesia" => "Indonesia", // "Iran" => "Iran", // "Iraq" => "Iraq", // "Ireland" => "Ireland", // "Israel" => "Israel", // "Italy" => "Italy", // "Ivory_Coast" => "Ivory_Coast", // "Jamaica" => "Jamaica", // "Japan" => "Japan", // "Jordan" => "Jordan", // "Kazakstan" => "Kazakstan", // "Kenya" => "Kenya", // "Kiribati" => "Kiribati", // "Kuwait" => "Kuwait", // "Latvia" => "Latvia", // "Lebanon" => "Lebanon", // "Lithuania" => "Lithuania", // "Luxemburg" => "Luxemburg", // "Malawi" => "Malawi", // "Malaysia" => "Malaysia", // "Malta" => "Malta", // "Marshall_Islands" => "Marshall_Islands", // "Mauritius" => "Mauritius", // "Mexico" => "Mexico", // "Morocco" => "Morocco", // "Mozambique" => "Mozambique", // "Nauru" => "Nauru", // "Nepal" => "Nepal", // "Netherlands" => "Netherlands", // "New_Caledonia" => "New_Caledonia", // "New_Zealand" => "New_Zealand", // "Nicaragua" => "Nicaragua", // "Nigeria" => "Nigeria", // "Niue" => "Niue", // "Norway" => "Norway", // "Other" => "Other", // "Pakistan" => "Pakistan", // "Panama" => "Panama", // "Papua_New_Guinea" => "Papua_New_Guinea", // "Paraguay" => "Paraguay", // "Peru" => "Peru", // "Phillippines" => "Phillippines", // "Poland" => "Poland", // "Portugal" => "Portugal", // "Puerto_Rico" => "Puerto_Rico", // "Quatar" => "Quatar", // "Romania" => "Romania", // "Russia" => "Russia", // "Samoa" => "Samoa", // "Saudi_Arabia" => "Saudi_Arabia", // "Singapore" => "Singapore", // "Slovakia" => "Slovakia", // "Slovenia" => "Slovenia", // "Solomon_Islands" => "Solomon_Islands", // "Somalia" => "Somalia", // "South_Africa" => "South_Africa", // "South_Korea" => "South_Korea", // "Spain" => "Spain", // "Sri_Lanka" => "Sri_Lanka", // "St_Vincent_Grenadines" => "St_Vincent_Grenadines", // "Surinam" => "Surinam", // "Sweden" => "Sweden", // "Switzerland" => "Switzerland", // "Taiwan" => "Taiwan", // "Thailand" => "Thailand", // "Tonga" => "Tonga", // "Trinidad_Tobago" => "Trinidad_Tobago", // "Turkey" => "Turkey", // "Tuvalu" => "Tuvalu", // "Ukraine" => "Ukraine", // "United_Arab_Emirates" => "United_Arab_Emirates", // "United_Kingdom" => "United_Kingdom", // "United_States" => "United_States", // "Uruguay" => "Uruguay", // "Vanuatu" => "Vanuatu", // "Venezuela" => "Venezuela", // "Wales" => "Wales", // "Yugoslavia" => "Yugoslavia", // "Zambia" => "Zambia", // "Zimbabwe" => "Zimbabwe", // "Bulgaria" => "Bulgaria", // "Arabic" => "Arabic", // "Catalan" => "Catalan", // "Finnish" => "Finnish", // "Hungarian" => "Hungarian", // "Pijin Solomon" => "Pijin Solomon", // "Tuvaluan" => "Tuvaluan", // "Ukrainian" => "Ukrainian", // "This instance of activity is already complete" => "This instance of activity is already complete", // "Fatal error: cannot execute automatic activity \$activityId" => "Fatal error: cannot execute automatic activity \$activityId", // "Fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity" => "Fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity", // "Fatal error: nextActivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity" => "Fatal error: nextActivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity", // "Fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity" => "Fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity", // "Fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found" => "Fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found", // "Cannot add transition only split activities can have more than one outbound transition" => "Cannot add transition only split activities can have more than one outbound transition", // "Circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself" => "Circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself", // "Process does not have a start activity" => "Process does not have a start activity", // "Process does not have exactly one end activity" => "Process does not have exactly one end activity", // "End activity is not reachable from start activity" => "End activity is not reachable from start activity", // " is interactive but has no role assigned" => " is interactive but has no role assigned", // " is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned" => " is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned", // " is standalone but has transitions" => " is standalone but has transitions", // " is not mapped" => " is not mapped", // "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is standalone and is using the \$instance object" => "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is standalone and is using the \$instance object", // "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is interactive so it must use the \$instance->complete() method" => "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is interactive so it must use the \$instance->complete() method", // "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is non-interactive so it must not use the \$instance->complete() method" => "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is non-interactive so it must not use the \$instance->complete() method", // "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is switch so it must use \$instance->setNextActivity(\$actname) method" => "Activity '.\$res['name'].' is switch so it must use \$instance->setNextActivity(\$actname) method", // "Process %d has been activated" => "Process %d has been activated", // "Process %d has been deactivated" => "Process %d has been deactivated", // "Process %s %s imported" => "Process %s %s imported", // "Process %s removed" => "Process %s removed", // "Process %s has been updated" => "Process %s has been updated", // "Process %s has been created" => "Process %s has been created", // "Administration:" => "Administration:", // "file gallery" => "file gallery", // "image gallery" => "image gallery", // "newsletter" => "newsletter", // "survey" => "survey", // "tracker" => "tracker", // "wiki page" => "wiki page", // "Cannot write to this file: " => "Cannot write to this file: ", // "Use this thread to discuss the %s page." => "Use this thread to discuss the %s page.", // "Line:" => "Line:", // "Lines:" => "Lines:", // "There was a problem with your upload." => "There was a problem with your upload.", // "The file you are trying to upload is too big." => "The file you are trying to upload is too big.", // "The file you are trying to upload was only partially uploaded." => "The file you are trying to upload was only partially uploaded.", // "You must select a file for upload." => "You must select a file for upload.", // "Continue" => "Continue", // "No valid ogr2ogr executable" => "No valid ogr2ogr executable", // "Could not create \$tdo.mif in data directory" => "Could not create \$tdo.mif in data directory", // "Could not create \$tdo.mid in data directory" => "Could not create \$tdo.mid in data directory", // "unknown" => "unknown", // "User Map Generated in:" => "User Map Generated in:", // "Image Map Generated in:" => "Image Map Generated in:", // "File %s not found" => "File %s not found", // "File %s is not a valid archive" => "File %s is not a valid archive", // "%s is an empty archive file" => "%s is an empty archive file", // "Invalid remote file on url %s" => "Invalid remote file on url %s", // "Impossible to open %s : %s" => "Impossible to open %s : %s", // "This poll is closed." => "This poll is closed.", // "Forums last posts" => "Forums last posts", // "tikiwiki logo" => "tikiwiki logo", // "See other user's profile" => "See other user's profile", // "Have your profile seen" => "Have your profile seen", // "Receive message" => "Receive message", // "Read an article" => "Read an article", // "Publish an article" => "Publish an article", // "Have your article read" => "Have your article read", // "Create new file gallery" => "Create new file gallery", // "Upload new file to gallery" => "Upload new file to gallery", // "Download other user's file" => "Download other user's file", // "Have your file downloaded" => "Have your file downloaded", // "Create a new image gallery" => "Create a new image gallery", // "Upload new image to gallery" => "Upload new image to gallery", // "See other user's gallery" => "See other user's gallery", // "See other user's image" => "See other user's image", // "Have your gallery seen by other user" => "Have your gallery seen by other user", // "Have your image seen" => "Have your image seen", // "Create new blog" => "Create new blog", // "Post in a blog" => "Post in a blog", // "Read other user's blog" => "Read other user's blog", // "Have your blog read" => "Have your blog read", // "Create a new wiki page" => "Create a new wiki page", // "Edit an existing page" => "Edit an existing page", // "Trackeritem" => "Trackeritem", // "Tracker item" => "Tracker item", // "Link" => "Link", // "The text is" => "The text is", // "Text cut here" => "Text cut here", // "Task" => "Task", // "Start date:" => "Start date:", // "End date:" => "End date:", // "%A %d of %B, %Y" => "%A %d of %B, %Y", // "%A %d of %B, %Y[%H:%M:%S %Z]" => "%A %d of %B, %Y[%H:%M:%S %Z]", // "%H:%M:%S %Z" => "%H:%M:%S %Z", // "%a %d of %b, %Y" => "%a %d of %b, %Y", // "%a %d of %b, %Y[%H:%M %Z]" => "%a %d of %b, %Y[%H:%M %Z]", // "%H:%M %Z" => "%H:%M %Z", // "km" => "km", // "Last seen on " => "Last seen on ", // "(idle for %s seconds)" => "(idle for %s seconds)", // "User information - Click for more info" => "User information - Click for more info", // "More info about \$other_user" => "More info about \$other_user", // "(idle for \$idletime seconds)" => "(idle for \$idletime seconds)", // "created from structure" => "created from structure", // "Use this tree to copy the structure" => "Use this tree to copy the structure", // "An error occured in a database query!" => "An error occured in a database query!", // "img-g" => "img-g", // "file-g" => "file-g", // "arts" => "arts", // "Click to edit dynamic variable" => "Click to edit dynamic variable", // "Update variables" => "Update variables", // "Altering database table failed" => "Altering database table failed", // "%d points" => "%d points", // "Removed" => "Removed", // "__WARNING__: No such module \$plugin! " => "__WARNING__: No such module \$plugin! ", // "Create page:" => "Create page:", // "index" => "index", // "Updated" => "Updated", // "Unknown language" => "Unknown language", // "Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked." => "Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked.", // "Status:" => "Status:", // "(unchanged)" => "(unchanged)", // "Item Modification" => "Item Modification", // "Item creation" => "Item creation", // "field is not numeric" => "field is not numeric", // "half column" => "half column", // "prepend" => "prepend", // "append" => "append", // "max" => "max", // "Text options: 1,size,prepend,append,max with size in chars, prepend will be displayed before the field append will be displayed just after, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too." => "Text options: 1,size,prepend,append,max with size in chars, prepend will be displayed before the field append will be displayed just after, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too.", // "Textarea options: quicktags,width,height,max,listmax - Use Quicktags is 1 or 0, widthis indicated in chars, height is indicated in lines, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, listmax isthe maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode." => "Textarea options: quicktags,width,height,max,listmax - Use Quicktags is 1 or 0, widthis indicated in chars, height is indicated in lines, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, listmax isthe maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode.", // "Checkbox options: put 1 if you need that next field is on the same row." => "Checkbox options: put 1 if you need that next field is on the same row.", // "numeric field" => "numeric field", // "Numeric options: 1,size,prepend,append with size in chars, prepend will be displayed before the field append will be displayed just after, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too." => "Numeric options: 1,size,prepend,append with size in chars, prepend will be displayed before the field append will be displayed just after, and initial 1 to make that next text field or checkbox is in same row. If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too.", // "Dropdown options: list of items separated with commas." => "Dropdown options: list of items separated with commas.", // "User Selector: use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for author login or 2 for modificator login." => "User Selector: use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for author login or 2 for modificator login.", // "Group Selector: use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for group of creation and 2 for group where modification come from. The default group has to be set, or the first group that come is chosen for a user, or the default group is Registered." => "Group Selector: use options for automatic field feeding : you can use 1 for group of creation and 2 for group where modification come from. The default group has to be set, or the first group that come is chosen for a user, or the default group is Registered.", // "country selector" => "country selector", // "Country Selector options: 1|2 where 1 show only country name and 2 show only country flag. By default show both country name and flag" => "Country Selector options: 1|2 where 1 show only country name and 2 show only country flag. By default show both country name and flag", // "jscalendar" => "jscalendar", // "Image options: xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale indicated in pixels." => "Image options: xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale indicated in pixels.", // "Action options: Label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test" => "Action options: Label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test", // "header" => "header", // "item link" => "item link", // "Item Link options: trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem links to item from trackerId which fieldId matches the content of that field. linkToItem 1|0 to create a link to the item in view mode and listing" => "Item Link options: trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem links to item from trackerId which fieldId matches the content of that field. linkToItem 1|0 to create a link to the item in view mode and listing", // "items list" => "items list", // "Items list options: trackerId,fieldIdThere, fieldIdHere, displayFieldIdThere, linkToItems displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere. linkToItems 1|0 to create a link to items in view mode and listing" => "Items list options: trackerId,fieldIdThere, fieldIdHere, displayFieldIdThere, linkToItems displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere. linkToItems 1|0 to create a link to items in view mode and listing", // "Email address options: 0|1|2 where 0 puts the address as plain text, 1 does a hex encoded mailto link (more difficult for web spiders to pick it up and spam) and 2 does the normal href mailto." => "Email address options: 0|1|2 where 0 puts the address as plain text, 1 does a hex encoded mailto link (more difficult for web spiders to pick it up and spam) and 2 does the normal href mailto.", // "system" => "system", // "pending" => "pending", // "Added:" => "Added:", // "Removed:" => "Removed:", // "Remaining:" => "Remaining:", // "Old:" => "Old:", // "New:" => "New:", // "No extra information for that attached file. " => "No extra information for that attached file. ", // "Include all post in a blog" => "Include all post in a blog", // "Include a page" => "Include a page", // "Lists files in a directory" => "Lists files in a directory", // "could not be opened because it doesn't exist or permission was denied" => "could not be opened because it doesn't exist or permission was denied", // "Takes regex expressions and parses the content between the REGEX tags and replaces the text." => "Takes regex expressions and parses the content between the REGEX tags and replaces the text.", // "one data per line" => "one data per line", // "The SNARF plugin replaces itself with the HTML body of a URL. Arbitrary regex replacement can be done on this content using regex and regexres, the latter being used as the second argument to preg_replace." => "The SNARF plugin replaces itself with the HTML body of a URL. Arbitrary regex replacement can be done on this content using regex and regexres, the latter being used as the second argument to preg_replace.", // "This data is put in a CODE caption." => "This data is put in a CODE caption.", // "Missing url parameter for SNARF plugin." => "Missing url parameter for SNARF plugin.", // "Puts a link to an anchor in a wiki page. Use in conjunction with the ANAME plugin, which sets the location and name of the anchor" => "Puts a link to an anchor in a wiki page. Use in conjunction with the ANAME plugin, which sets the location and name of the anchor", // "linktext" => "linktext", // "Puts an anchor into a wiki page. Use in conjunction with the ALINK plugin, which makes links to the anchor" => "Puts an anchor into a wiki page. Use in conjunction with the ALINK plugin, which makes links to the anchor", // "~np~{~/np~ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName,type=>type,categId=>Category parent ID)}{ARTICLES} Insert articles into a wikipage" => "~np~{~/np~ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName,type=>type,categId=>Category parent ID)}{ARTICLES} Insert articles into a wikipage", // "no such attachment on this page" => "no such attachment on this page", // "Displays an attachment or a list of them" => "Displays an attachment or a list of them", // "num is optional and is the order number of the attachment in the list. If not provided, a list of all attachments is displayed. Inline makes the comment be the text of the link." => "num is optional and is the order number of the attachment in the list. If not provided, a list of all attachments is displayed. Inline makes the comment be the text of the link.", // "List all pages which link to specific pages" => "List all pages which link to specific pages", // "No pages links to" => "No pages links to", // "One page links to" => "One page links to", // "pages link to" => "pages link to", // "Displays a snippet of code" => "Displays a snippet of code", // "note: colors and ln are exclusive" => "note: colors and ln are exclusive", // "and" => "and", // "Insert a division block on wiki page" => "Insert a division block on wiki page", // "Creates a definition list" => "Creates a definition list", // "one definition per line" => "one definition per line", // "Displays the data using the TikiWiki odd/even table style" => "Displays the data using the TikiWiki odd/even table style", // "cells" => "cells", // "heads and cells separated by ~|~" => "heads and cells separated by ~|~", // "Displays a SWF on the wiki page" => "Displays a SWF on the wiki page", // "Formula" => "Formula", // "No formula specified." => "No formula specified.", // "Impossible to render the graphic." => "Impossible to render the graphic.", // "View graphic" => "View graphic", // "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups" => "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups", // "Runs a Java applet to access a local Jabber service" => "Runs a Java applet to access a local Jabber service", // "Displays the text only if the language matchs" => "Displays the text only if the language matchs", // "Displays a map" => "Displays a map", // "Displays an miniquiz" => "Displays an miniquiz", // "Displays the data using a monospace font" => "Displays the data using a monospace font", // "Displays object hit info by object and days" => "Displays object hit info by object and days", // "Provides a list of plugins on this wiki." => "Provides a list of plugins on this wiki.", // "No arguments indicated" => "No arguments indicated", // "Displays the output of a poll, fields are indicated with numeric ids." => "Displays the output of a poll, fields are indicated with numeric ids.", // "missing poll ID for plugin POLL" => "missing poll ID for plugin POLL", // " wrote:" => " wrote:", // "Quote:" => "Quote:", // "Quote text by surrounding the text with a box, like the [QUOTE] BBCode" => "Quote text by surrounding the text with a box, like the [QUOTE] BBCode", // "~np~{~/np~RSS(id=>feedId,max=>3,date=>1,body=>1)}{RSS} Insert rss feed output into a wikipage" => "~np~{~/np~RSS(id=>feedId,max=>3,date=>1,body=>1)}{RSS} Insert rss feed output into a wikipage", // "Automatically creates a link to the appropriate SourceForge object" => "Automatically creates a link to the appropriate SourceForge object", // "TikiSheet" => "TikiSheet", // "Sheet Heading" => "Sheet Heading", // "Edit Sheet" => "Edit Sheet", // "List wiki pages" => "List wiki pages", // "Last modified by" => "Last modified by", // "Clickable Skype link" => "Clickable Skype link", // "Sorts the plugin content in the wiki page" => "Sorts the plugin content in the wiki page", // "Split a page into rows and columns" => "Split a page into rows and columns", // "row1col1" => "row1col1", // "row1col2" => "row1col2", // "row2col1" => "row2col1", // "row2col2" => "row2col2", // "Run a sql query" => "Run a sql query", // "sql query" => "sql query", // "Displays text in subscript." => "Displays text in subscript.", // "Displays text between an html tag" => "Displays text between an html tag", // "Displays the thumbnail for an image" => "Displays the thumbnail for an image", // "Search the titles of all pages in this wiki" => "Search the titles of all pages in this wiki", // "No pages found for title search" => "No pages found for title search", // "One page found for title search" => "One page found for title search", // " pages found for title search" => " pages found for title search", // "Following mandatory fields are missing" => "Following mandatory fields are missing", // "Following fields are incorrect" => "Following fields are incorrect", // "Displays an input form for tracker submit" => "Displays an input form for tracker submit", // "You do not have permission to insert an item" => "You do not have permission to insert an item", // "Fields marked with a * are mandatory." => "Fields marked with a * are mandatory.", // "All fields must be from the same tracker" => "All fields must be from the same tracker", // "Filters the items of a tracker, fields are indicated with numeric ids." => "Filters the items of a tracker, fields are indicated with numeric ids.", // "missing parameters" => "missing parameters", // "tracker field type not processed yet" => "tracker field type not processed yet", // "incorrect filterfield" => "incorrect filterfield", // "Displays the output of a tracker content, fields are indicated with numeric ids." => "Displays the output of a tracker content, fields are indicated with numeric ids.", // "missing tracker ID for plugin TRACKER" => "missing tracker ID for plugin TRACKER", // "missing fields list" => "missing fields list", // "Error in tracker ID" => "Error in tracker ID", // "No field indicated" => "No field indicated", // "Links to a translated content" => "Links to a translated content", // "Displays the number of registered users" => "Displays the number of registered users", // "Split the text in parts visible only under some conditions" => "Split the text in parts visible only under some conditions", // "Lists ''wanted'' Wiki pages: " => "Lists ''wanted'' Wiki pages: ", // "Page-Pattern" => "Page-Pattern", // "Custom-Level-Regex" => "Custom-Level-Regex", // "^Parameters: key=>value,...\n" => "^Parameters: key=>value,...\n", // "__key__ | __default__ | __comments__\n" => "__key__ | __default__ | __comments__\n", // "empty string" => "empty string", // "A wildcard pattern of originating pages to be ignored.<br />" => "A wildcard pattern of originating pages to be ignored.<br />", // "(refer to PHP function fnmatch() for details)\n" => "(refer to PHP function fnmatch() for details)\n", // "The character, by which ignored patterns are separated.<br />" => "The character, by which ignored patterns are separated.<br />", // "possible values: characters\n" => "possible values: characters\n", // "Whether to include external wikis in the list.<br />" => "Whether to include external wikis in the list.<br />", // "possible values: " => "possible values: ", // "Collect either originating or wanted pages in a cell and display them in the second column.<br />" => "Collect either originating or wanted pages in a cell and display them in the second column.<br />", // "Switch-on debug output with details about the items.<br />" => "Switch-on debug output with details about the items.<br />", // "Multiple collected items are separated in distinct table rows, or by comma or line break in one cell.<br />" => "Multiple collected items are separated in distinct table rows, or by comma or line break in one cell.<br />", // "Filter the list of wanted pages according to page_regex or custom filter. The default value is the site's __current__ page_regex.<br />" => "Filter the list of wanted pages according to page_regex or custom filter. The default value is the site's __current__ page_regex.<br />", // "A custom filter for wanted pages to be listed (only used when level=>custom).<br />" => "A custom filter for wanted pages to be listed (only used when level=>custom).<br />", // "a valid regex-expression (PCRE)" => "a valid regex-expression (PCRE)", // "non-valid custom regex" => "non-valid custom regex", // ", " => ", ", // "ignored" => "ignored", // "External Wiki" => "External Wiki", // "dash-WikiWord" => "dash-WikiWord", // "WikiWord" => "WikiWord", // "not in level" => "not in level", // "End of debug output." => "End of debug output.", // "Wanted Page" => "Wanted Page", // "Referenced By Page" => "Referenced By Page", // "Plugin " => "Plugin ", // "Sent box is full. Archive or delete some sent messages first if you want to send more messages." => "Sent box is full. Archive or delete some sent messages first if you want to send more messages.", // "You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'" => "You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'", // "User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full" => "User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full", // "User %s can not receive messages" => "User %s can not receive messages", // "Invalid user: %s" => "Invalid user: %s", // "Archive is full. Delete some messages from archive first." => "Archive is full. Delete some messages from archive first.", // "move %s in %s" => "move %s in %s", // "Please provide an Id" => "Please provide an Id", // "no object here yet" => "no object here yet", // "This module requires parameters trackerId and name set" => "This module requires parameters trackerId and name set", // "Changes" => "Changes", // "Changes since" => "Changes since", // "new posts" => "new posts", // "new articles" => "new articles", // "new FAQs" => "new FAQs", // "new blogs" => "new blogs", // "new blog posts" => "new blog posts", // "new image galleries" => "new image galleries", // "new file galleries" => "new file galleries", // "new polls" => "new polls", // "new tracker items" => "new tracker items", // "The task title must have at least 3 characters" => "The task title must have at least 3 characters", // "Invalid server key" => "Invalid server key", // "List of attached files" => "List of attached files", // "debug" => "debug", // "browse category" => "browse category", // "Posted messages" => "Posted messages", // "below your current threshold" => "below your current threshold", // "Post new message" => "Post new message", // "Page generation debugging log" => "Page generation debugging log", // "Features state" => "Features state", // "features matched" => "features matched", // "Watchlist" => "Watchlist", // "Perhaps you were looking for:" => "Perhaps you were looking for:", // "There are no wiki pages similar to '{\$page}'" => "There are no wiki pages similar to '{\$page}'", // "Create this page" => "Create this page", // "(page will be orphaned)" => "(page will be orphaned)", // "Last update from CVS" => "Last update from CVS", // "RSS Wiki" => "RSS Wiki", // "RSS Blogs" => "RSS Blogs", // "RSS Articles" => "RSS Articles", // "RSS Image Galleries" => "RSS Image Galleries", // "RSS File Galleries" => "RSS File Galleries", // "RSS Forums" => "RSS Forums", // "RSS Maps" => "RSS Maps", // "RSS Directories" => "RSS Directories", // "RSS Calendars" => "RSS Calendars", // "Information" => "Information", // "Hi {\$mail_user} has sent you this link:" => "Hi {\$mail_user} has sent you this link:", // "at:" => "at:", // "You sent a request with the subject:" => "You sent a request with the subject:", // "Use the subject to indicate the operation to apply:" => "Use the subject to indicate the operation to apply:", // "GET:WikiName to get a wiki page" => "GET:WikiName to get a wiki page", // "PUT:WikiName to update/create a wiki page (use the body for the page data)" => "PUT:WikiName to update/create a wiki page (use the body for the page data)", // "APPEND:WikiName to append data to a Wiki page (use the body for the data to add)" => "APPEND:WikiName to append data to a Wiki page (use the body for the data to add)", // "PREPEND:WikiName to append the data at the top" => "PREPEND:WikiName to append the data at the top", // "Tiki mail-in auto-reply." => "Tiki mail-in auto-reply.", // "Page not found:" => "Page not found:", // "Your Tiki account registration request for {\$mail_site} was validated by the site admin and your account is active now." => "Your Tiki account registration request for {\$mail_site} was validated by the site admin and your account is active now.", // "To login with your username and password, please follow this link:" => "To login with your username and password, please follow this link:", // "Tiki User Account Activated" => "Tiki User Account Activated", // "has requested an account on" => "has requested an account on", // "To validate that account, please follow the link:" => "To validate that account, please follow the link:", // "best regards" => "best regards", // "your Tikiwiki" => "your Tikiwiki", // "Tiki User Registration Request" => "Tiki User Registration Request", // "Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request" => "Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request", // "Someone coming from IP Address" => "Someone coming from IP Address", // "requested a reminder of the password for your account" => "requested a reminder of the password for your account", // "requested password reset for your account" => "requested password reset for your account", // "Since this is your registered email address we inform that the password for this account is" => "Since this is your registered email address we inform that the password for this account is", // "Please click on the following link to confirm you wish to reset your password and go to the screen where you must enter a new \"permanent\" password. Please pick a password only you will know, and don't share it with anyone else.\n{\$mail_machine}/tiki-remind_password.php?user={\$mail_user|escape:'url'}&actpass={\$mail_apass}\n\nDone! You should be logged in." => "Please click on the following link to confirm you wish to reset your password and go to the screen where you must enter a new \"permanent\" password. Please pick a password only you will know, and don't share it with anyone else.\n{\$mail_machine}/tiki-remind_password.php?user={\$mail_user|escape:'url'}&actpass={\$mail_apass}\n\nDone! You should be logged in.", // "Important: Username & password are CaSe SenSitiVe" => "Important: Username & password are CaSe SenSitiVe", // "Important: The old password remains active if you don't click the link above." => "Important: The old password remains active if you don't click the link above.", // "Title:" => "Title:", // "Heading:" => "Heading:", // "Body:" => "Body:", // "New article submitted at %s" => "New article submitted at %s", // "View the tracker item at:" => "View the tracker item at:", // "Tracker was modified at" => "Tracker was modified at", // "Your account request have been stored and will be activated by the admin as soon as possible." => "Your account request have been stored and will be activated by the admin as soon as possible.", // "New article post: {\$mail_title} by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "New article post: {\$mail_title} by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "View the article at:" => "View the article at:", // "If you don't want to receive these notifications follow this link:" => "If you don't want to receive these notifications follow this link:", // "New article post at %s" => "New article post at %s", // "New blog post: {\$mail_title}, \"{\$mail_post_title}\", by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "New blog post: {\$mail_title}, \"{\$mail_post_title}\", by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "View the blog at:" => "View the blog at:", // "New blog post at %s" => "New blog post at %s", // "File Gallery %s changed" => "File Gallery %s changed", // "A file was removed from the file gallery" => "A file was removed from the file gallery", // "Removed by" => "Removed by", // "File Name" => "File Name", // "A new file was posted to file gallery" => "A new file was posted to file gallery", // "Posted by" => "Posted by", // "The map {\$mail_page} was changed by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "The map {\$mail_page} was changed by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "You can view the updated map following this link:" => "You can view the updated map following this link:", // "You can edit the map following this link:" => "You can edit the map following this link:", // "A new file have been attached to page" => "A new file have been attached to page", // "File name" => "File name", // "New attachment on %s, page" => "New attachment on %s, page", // "The page {\$mail_page} was created by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "The page {\$mail_page} was created by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "The page {\$mail_page} was changed by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "The page {\$mail_page} was changed by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "Comment:" => "Comment:", // "You can view the page by following this link:" => "You can view the page by following this link:", // "You can view a diff back to the previous version by following this link:" => "You can view a diff back to the previous version by following this link:", // "The changes in this version follow below, followed after by the current full page text." => "The changes in this version follow below, followed after by the current full page text.", // "-Lines: {\$oldd} changed to +Lines: {\$newd}" => "-Lines: {\$oldd} changed to +Lines: {\$newd}", // "The new page content follows below." => "The new page content follows below.", // "Wiki page %s changed" => "Wiki page %s changed", // "The page {\$mail_page} was commented by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "The page {\$mail_page} was commented by {\$mail_user} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", // "Wiki page renamed" => "Wiki page renamed", // "Old name" => "Old name", // "click on the map to zoom or pan, do not drag" => "click on the map to zoom or pan, do not drag", // "Scale" => "Scale", // "Zoom out x4" => "Zoom out x4", // "Zoom out x3" => "Zoom out x3", // "Zoom out x2" => "Zoom out x2", // "Query" => "Query", // "Pan" => "Pan", // "Zoom in x2" => "Zoom in x2", // "Zoom in x3" => "Zoom in x3", // "Zoom in x4" => "Zoom in x4", // "Redraw" => "Redraw", // "select zoom/pan/query and image size" => "select zoom/pan/query and image size", // "Go" => "Go", // "View the Map Only" => "View the Map Only", // "Reset Map" => "Reset Map", // "Click on the map or click redraw" => "Click on the map or click redraw", // "Overview" => "Overview", // "Legend" => "Legend", // "Layer Manager" => "Layer Manager", // "Layer" => "Layer", // "On" => "On", // "Label" => "Label", // "Download" => "Download", // "Download Layer" => "Download Layer", // "This layer has been set by the maps administrator to not be downloadable" => "This layer has been set by the maps administrator to not be downloadable", // "you have requested to download the layer:" => "you have requested to download the layer:", // "from\nthe mapfile:" => "from\nthe mapfile:", // "Here are the files to download, do not forget to rename them:" => "Here are the files to download, do not forget to rename them:", // "Mapfiles" => "Mapfiles", // "Mapfile" => "Mapfile", // "Available mapfiles" => "Available mapfiles", // "hits last 7 days" => "hits last 7 days", // "monitor this map" => "monitor this map", // "stop monitoring this map" => "stop monitoring this map", // "Create a new mapfile" => "Create a new mapfile", // "Mapfile listing" => "Mapfile listing", // "Reload" => "Reload", // "You can view this map in your browser using" => "You can view this map in your browser using", // "Mapfile History" => "Mapfile History", // "Comparing version {\$old.version} with version {\$new.version}" => "Comparing version {\$old.version} with version {\$new.version}", // "Version:" => "Version:", // "Legend:" => "Legend:", // "v=view" => "v=view", // "c=compare" => "c=compare", // "d=diff" => "d=diff", // "Side-by-side diff" => "Side-by-side diff", // "Full side-by-side diff" => "Full side-by-side diff", // "Unified diff" => "Unified diff", // "Side-by-side view" => "Side-by-side view", // "older version" => "older version", // "back to" => "back to", // "Upload From Disk:" => "Upload From Disk:", // "Upload Files" => "Upload Files", // "Bytes maximum" => "Bytes maximum", // "Create Directory:" => "Create Directory:", // "Create" => "Create", // "index file (.shp):" => "index file (.shp):", // "files to index (regexp):" => "files to index (regexp):", // "Message Archive" => "Message Archive", // "Edit template" => "Edit template", // "messages" => "messages", // "Archive is full!" => "Archive is full!", // "download" => "download", // "flagged" => "flagged", // "Message Broadcast" => "Message Broadcast", // "edit template" => "edit template", // "Compose Message" => "Compose Message", // "If you want people to be able to reply to you, you have to check <a href='tiki-user_preferences.php'>Allow messages from other users</a>" => "If you want people to be able to reply to you, you have to check <a href='tiki-user_preferences.php'>Allow messages from other users</a>", // "No messages to download" => "No messages to download", // "Mailbox is full! Delete or archive some messages if you want to receive more messages." => "Mailbox is full! Delete or archive some messages if you want to receive more messages.", // "move to archive" => "move to archive", // "reply to" => "reply to", // "find replied message" => "find replied message", // "Sent" => "Sent", // "Archive" => "Archive", // "Auto-archive age for read messages:" => "Auto-archive age for read messages:", // "Unflag" => "Unflag", // "Cc" => "Cc", // "Return to archive" => "Return to archive", // "Return to outbox" => "Return to outbox", // "Sent Messages" => "Sent Messages", // "Replied" => "Replied", // "Not replied" => "Not replied", // "receiver" => "receiver", // "replied" => "replied", // "'name' parameter for tikimodule missed" => "'name' parameter for tikimodule missed", // "Hide module contents" => "Hide module contents", // "opp side" => "opp side", // "Unassign this module" => "Unassign this module", // "Are you sure you want to unassign this module?" => "Are you sure you want to unassign this module?", // "Import PHPWiki Dump" => "Import PHPWiki Dump", // "System Admin" => "System Admin", // "Security Admin" => "Security Admin", // "Display type unknown, you have to enter the banner type" => "Display type unknown, you have to enter the banner type", // "You forgot your Google ad_client number !" => "You forgot your Google ad_client number !", // "MyMenu" => "MyMenu", // "MyTiki home" => "MyTiki home", // "WfMenu" => "WfMenu", // "FriendsMenu" => "FriendsMenu", // "WikiMenu" => "WikiMenu", // "Send pages" => "Send pages", // "GalMenu" => "GalMenu", // "Create/Edit blog" => "Create/Edit blog", // "ForMenu" => "ForMenu", // "DirMenu" => "DirMenu", // "Browse directory" => "Browse directory", // "FileGalMenu" => "FileGalMenu", // "Maps" => "Maps", // "Layer management" => "Layer management", // "QuizMenu" => "QuizMenu", // "List quizzes" => "List quizzes", // "ShtMenu" => "ShtMenu", // "TrkMenu" => "TrkMenu", // "SrvMenu" => "SrvMenu", // "Send events" => "Send events", // "Admin events" => "Admin events", // "EphMenu" => "EphMenu", // "Ephemerides Admin" => "Ephemerides Admin", // "ChartMenu" => "ChartMenu", // "Charts Admin" => "Charts Admin", // "AdmMenu" => "AdmMenu", // "Debugger console" => "Debugger console", // "Integrator" => "Integrator", // "Mods Admin" => "Mods Admin", // "UsrMenu" => "UsrMenu", // "TikiWiki Assistant" => "TikiWiki Assistant", // "Thank you for installing TikiWiki" => "Thank you for installing TikiWiki", // "Click the :: options in the Menu for more options." => "Click the :: options in the Menu for more options.", // "Please, also see" => "Please, also see", // "for more setup details." => "for more setup details.", // "Note 1:" => "Note 1:", // "You can remove this module in" => "You can remove this module in", // "as well as assign or edit many others." => "as well as assign or edit many others.", // "Note 2:" => "Note 2:", // "The menu module installed by default is named" => "The menu module installed by default is named", // "it is a \"custom module\" which includes menu ID " => "it is a \"custom module\" which includes menu ID ", // "That menu is stored in database and it can be edited from " => "That menu is stored in database and it can be edited from ", // "Do not mix this with the original <em>application_menu</em> module" => "Do not mix this with the original <em>application_menu</em> module", // "That one can be heavily customized to match style used but it can be currently done only by editing mod-application_menu.tpl file \"manually\"" => "That one can be heavily customized to match style used but it can be currently done only by editing mod-application_menu.tpl file \"manually\"", // "Last `\$module_rows` Sites" => "Last `\$module_rows` Sites", // "Top \$module_rows Sites" => "Top \$module_rows Sites", // "Current events" => "Current events", // "Top `\$module_rows` topics" => "Top `\$module_rows` topics", // "Last `\$module_rows` forum posts" => "Last `\$module_rows` forum posts", // "Last forum posts" => "Last forum posts", // "Last `\$module_rows` forum topics" => "Last `\$module_rows` forum topics", // "Last `\$module_rows` actions" => "Last `\$module_rows` actions", // "Last actions" => "Last actions", // "Last `\$module_rows` articles" => "Last `\$module_rows` articles", // "Last articles" => "Last articles", // "Last `\$module_rows` blog posts" => "Last `\$module_rows` blog posts", // "Last `\$module_rows` Created blogs" => "Last `\$module_rows` Created blogs", // "Last `\$module_rows` Created FAQs" => "Last `\$module_rows` Created FAQs", // "Last `\$module_rows` Created Quizzes" => "Last `\$module_rows` Created Quizzes", // "Last `\$module_rows` modified file galleries" => "Last `\$module_rows` modified file galleries", // "Last `\$module_rows` Files" => "Last `\$module_rows` Files", // "Last `\$module_rows` galleries" => "Last `\$module_rows` galleries", // "Last `\$module_rows` Images" => "Last `\$module_rows` Images", // "Last Images" => "Last Images", // "Last `\$module_rows` modified events" => "Last `\$module_rows` modified events", // "Last modifed events" => "Last modifed events", // "Last `\$module_rows` changes" => "Last `\$module_rows` changes", // "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Items" => "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Items", // "Last `\$module_rows` Modified blogs" => "Last `\$module_rows` Modified blogs", // "Last `\$module_rows` submissions" => "Last `\$module_rows` submissions", // "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Comments" => "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Comments", // "Last Modified Comments" => "Last Modified Comments", // "Last `\$module_rows` Items" => "Last `\$module_rows` Items", // "Last `\$module_rows` visitors" => "Last `\$module_rows` visitors", // "Last visitors" => "Last visitors", // "local account" => "local account", // "Send a message" => "Send a message", // "Random Images" => "Random Images", // "Your email could not be validated; make sure you email is correct and click register below." => "Your email could not be validated; make sure you email is correct and click register below.", // "Random Image" => "Random Image", // "RSS Feeds" => "RSS Feeds", // "Blogs RSS" => "Blogs RSS", // "Maps RSS" => "Maps RSS", // "Calendars" => "Calendars", // "Exact match" => "Exact match", // "Top `\$module_rows` articles" => "Top `\$module_rows` articles", // "Top `\$module_rows` File Galleries" => "Top `\$module_rows` File Galleries", // "Top `\$module_rows` files" => "Top `\$module_rows` files", // "Top files" => "Top files", // "Top `\$module_rows` Forum Posters" => "Top `\$module_rows` Forum Posters", // "Top Forum Posters" => "Top Forum Posters", // "Top `\$module_rows` games" => "Top `\$module_rows` games", // "Top `\$module_rows` galleries" => "Top `\$module_rows` galleries", // "Top `\$module_rows` Images" => "Top `\$module_rows` Images", // "Top `\$module_rows` Objects" => "Top `\$module_rows` Objects", // "Top Objects" => "Top Objects", // "Top `\$module_rows` Pages" => "Top `\$module_rows` Pages", // "Top `\$module_rows` Quizzes" => "Top `\$module_rows` Quizzes", // "Most `\$module_rows` visited blogs" => "Most `\$module_rows` visited blogs", // "Top `\$module_rows` Visited FAQs" => "Top `\$module_rows` Visited FAQs", // "Upcoming `\$module_rows` events" => "Upcoming `\$module_rows` events", // "Public tasks" => "Public tasks", // "select" => "select", // "User informations" => "User informations", // "Group informations" => "Group informations", // "You need to activate user and/or group trackers" => "You need to activate user and/or group trackers", // "Top users" => "Top users", // "Whats related" => "Whats related", // "on host" => "on host", // "Last `\$module_rows` wiki comments" => "Last `\$module_rows` wiki comments", // "Last wiki comments" => "Last wiki comments", // " on page " => " on page ", // "Click to see the ratings" => "Click to see the ratings", // "[-]" => "[-]", // "Structures:" => "Structures:", // "show structures" => "show structures", // "hide structures" => "hide structures", // "Manage structures" => "Manage structures", // "Are you sure you want to remove this module?" => "Are you sure you want to remove this module?", // "page id" => "page id", // "3d browser" => "3d browser", // "Parent page" => "Parent page", // "Child" => "Child", // "Add Page" => "Add Page", // "Last edited by" => "Last edited by", // "based on work by" => "based on work by", // "Page last modified on" => "Page last modified on", // "Contributors to this page" => "Contributors to this page", // "The original document is available at" => "The original document is available at", // "Tiki community" => "Tiki community", // "Homework" => "Homework", // "Assignments" => "Assignments", // "Click" => "Click", // "Show/Hide Left Menus" => "Show/Hide Left Menus", // "Show/Hide Right Menus" => "Show/Hide Right Menus", // "back to homepage" => "back to homepage", // "logout" => "logout", // "This page is being edited by" => "This page is being edited by", // "Proceed at your own peril" => "Proceed at your own peril", // "The SandBox is a page where you can practice your editing skills, use the preview feature to preview the appearance of the page, no versions are stored for this page." => "The SandBox is a page where you can practice your editing skills, use the preview feature to preview the appearance of the page, no versions are stored for this page.", // "Edit Summary" => "Edit Summary", // "Year:" => "Year:", // "Authors:" => "Authors:", // "Anti-Bot verification code" => "Anti-Bot verification code", // "Enter the code you see above" => "Enter the code you see above", // "List pages where I am a creator" => "List pages where I am a creator", // "by creator" => "by creator", // "List pages where I am a modificator" => "List pages where I am a modificator", // "by modificator" => "by modificator", // "RSS Trackers" => "RSS Trackers", // "debugger console" => "debugger console", // "Edit mapfiles" => "Edit mapfiles", // "Topic image" => "Topic image", // "Location : " => "Location : ", // "wiki help" => "wiki help", // "Meta Tags" => "Meta Tags", // "Site Identity" => "Site Identity", // "Site Calendar" => "Site Calendar", // "Intertiki" => "Intertiki", // "InterTiki" => "InterTiki", // "i18n" => "i18n", // "Tip" => "Tip", // "To add/remove blogs, go to \"Create/Edit blog\" under \"Blogs\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove blogs, go to \"Create/Edit blog\" under \"Blogs\" on the application menu, or", // "Post level trackback pings" => "Post level trackback pings", // "Not Installed" => "Not Installed", // "Creation date" => "Creation date", // "Last modification time" => "Last modification time", // "To add/remove calendars, look for \"Calendar\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove calendars, look for \"Calendar\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or", // "Group calendar sticky popup" => "Group calendar sticky popup", // "Group calendar item view tab" => "Group calendar item view tab", // "Calendar manual selection of time/date" => "Calendar manual selection of time/date", // "JsCalendar" => "JsCalendar", // "Look under \"Articles\" on the application menu for links to" => "Look under \"Articles\" on the application menu for links to", // "Print article" => "Print article", // "Settings for page articles home" => "Settings for page articles home", // "Fields to display on page" => "Fields to display on page", // "Expire Date" => "Expire Date", // "Visible" => "Visible", // "User identity features" => "User identity features", // "Show user's info on mouseover" => "Show user's info on mouseover", // "Picture" => "Picture", // "Number of friends" => "Number of friends", // "E-mail" => "E-mail", // "Distance" => "Distance", // "To configure your directory, find \"Admin directory\" under \"Directory\" on the application menu, or" => "To configure your directory, find \"Admin directory\" under \"Directory\" on the application menu, or", // "enable cool sites" => "enable cool sites", // "To add/remove FAQs, look for \"Admin FAQs\" under \"FAQs\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove FAQs, look for \"Admin FAQs\" under \"FAQs\" on the application menu, or", // "Please see the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features\">evaluation of each feature</a> on Tiki's developer site." => "Please see the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features\">evaluation of each feature</a> on Tiki's developer site.", // "Featured Help" => "Featured Help", // "Live Support" => "Live Support", // "Help System" => "Help System", // "tikiwiki.org help" => "tikiwiki.org help", // "Multilingual" => "Multilingual", // "Best language" => "Best language", // "Show Babelfish Translation URLs" => "Show Babelfish Translation URLs", // "Show Babelfish Translation Logo" => "Show Babelfish Translation Logo", // "Show Module Controls" => "Show Module Controls", // "Tiki Calendar" => "Tiki Calendar", // "Template Viewing" => "Template Viewing", // "Tiki Template Viewing" => "Tiki Template Viewing", // "PHPLayers" => "PHPLayers", // "PhpLayers Dynamic menus" => "PhpLayers Dynamic menus", // "Use Tabs" => "Use Tabs", // "Tiki Sheet" => "Tiki Sheet", // "Site Logo and Identity" => "Site Logo and Identity", // "Mobile" => "Mobile", // "Google Maps" => "Google Maps", // "Trackbacks Pings" => "Trackbacks Pings", // "Content Features" => "Content Features", // "Hotwords in New Windows" => "Hotwords in New Windows", // "Custom Home" => "Custom Home", // "HTML Pages" => "HTML Pages", // "Dynamic Content System" => "Dynamic Content System", // "Allow Smileys" => "Allow Smileys", // "AutoLinks" => "AutoLinks", // "Use Quote plugin rather than “>” for quoting" => "Use Quote plugin rather than “>” for quoting", // "Administration Features" => "Administration Features", // "Debugger Console" => "Debugger Console", // "Contact Us" => "Contact Us", // "Contact Us (Anonymous)" => "Contact Us (Anonymous)", // "Redirect On Error" => "Redirect On Error", // "User Features" => "User Features", // "Users can Configure Modules" => "Users can Configure Modules", // "always" => "always", // "module decides" => "module decides", // "never" => "never", // "Users can Shade Modules" => "Users can Shade Modules", // "User Watches" => "User Watches", // "User Watches Translations" => "User Watches Translations", // "Users can Flip Columns" => "Users can Flip Columns", // "user decides" => "user decides", // "Bottom bar icons" => "Bottom bar icons", // "Bottom bar debug" => "Bottom bar debug", // "To add/remove file galleries, go to \"File Galleries\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove file galleries, go to \"File Galleries\" on the application menu, or", // "Home Gallery" => "Home Gallery", // "Allow same file to be uploaded more than once" => "Allow same file to be uploaded more than once", // "Storing files in a directory" => "Storing files in a directory", // "If you decide to store files in a directory you must ensure that the user cannot access directly to the directory." => "If you decide to store files in a directory you must ensure that the user cannot access directly to the directory.", // "You have two options to accomplish this:<br /><ul><li>Use a directory outside your document root, make sure your php script can read and write to that directory</li><li>Use a directory inside the document root and use .htaccess to prevent the user from listing the directory contents</li></ul>" => "You have two options to accomplish this:<br /><ul><li>Use a directory outside your document root, make sure your php script can read and write to that directory</li><li>Use a directory inside the document root and use .htaccess to prevent the user from listing the directory contents</li></ul>", // "To configure the directory path use UNIX like paths for example files/ or c:/foo/files or /www/files/" => "To configure the directory path use UNIX like paths for example files/ or c:/foo/files or /www/files/", // "Change configuration" => "Change configuration", // "File galleries search indexing" => "File galleries search indexing", // "Leave command blank to delete handler" => "Leave command blank to delete handler", // "Use %1 for where internal file name should be substituted (example: \"strings %1\" to convert the document to text using the unix strings command)" => "Use %1 for where internal file name should be substituted (example: \"strings %1\" to convert the document to text using the unix strings command)", // "Enable auto indexing on file upload or change" => "Enable auto indexing on file upload or change", // "MIME Type" => "MIME Type", // "System command" => "System command", // "Reindex all files for search" => "Reindex all files for search", // "To add/remove forums, look for \"Admin forums\" under \"Forums\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove forums, look for \"Admin forums\" under \"Forums\" on the application menu, or", // "Home Forum" => "Home Forum", // "Forums features" => "Forums features", // "To add/remove image galleries, go to \"Image Galleries\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove image galleries, go to \"Image Galleries\" on the application menu, or", // "You can upload images of a size of " => "You can upload images of a size of ", // "Alter the php.ini variables file_uploads, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and database variables (max_allowed_packet for mysql) to change this value" => "Alter the php.ini variables file_uploads, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and database variables (max_allowed_packet for mysql) to change this value", // "Uses Slideshow" => "Uses Slideshow", // "Directory Batch Loading" => "Directory Batch Loading", // "If you enable Directory Batch Loading, you need to setup a web-readable directory (outside of your web space is better). Then setup a way to upload images in that dir, either by scp, ftp, or other protocols" => "If you enable Directory Batch Loading, you need to setup a web-readable directory (outside of your web space is better). Then setup a way to upload images in that dir, either by scp, ftp, or other protocols", // "Enable directory batch loading" => "Enable directory batch loading", // "Batch loading directory" => "Batch loading directory", // "Enable cache images to all galleries" => "Enable cache images to all galleries", // "Images cache directory" => "Images cache directory", // "Mover" => "Mover", // "Move images from database storage to filesystem storage" => "Move images from database storage to filesystem storage", // "Move images from filesystem storage to database storage" => "Move images from filesystem storage to database storage", // "Move" => "Move", // "Move images from old filesystem store to new directory" => "Move images from old filesystem store to new directory", // "Moved" => "Moved", // "Change style only" => "Change style only", // "Use group homepages" => "Use group homepages", // "Go to group homepage only if login from default homepage" => "Go to group homepage only if login from default homepage", // "Detect browser language" => "Detect browser language", // "PHP error reporting level for non-admin:" => "PHP error reporting level for non-admin:", // "No error reporting" => "No error reporting", // "Report all PHP errors" => "Report all PHP errors", // "Report all errors except notices" => "Report all errors except notices", // "Report PHP errors only for admin" => "Report PHP errors only for admin", // "Default charset for sending mail:" => "Default charset for sending mail:", // "Mail end of line:" => "Mail end of line:", // "(standard)" => "(standard)", // "(some Unix MTA)" => "(some Unix MTA)", // "Disallow access to the site (except for those with permission)" => "Disallow access to the site (except for those with permission)", // "Message to display when site is closed" => "Message to display when site is closed", // "Disallow access when load is above the threshold (except for those with permission)" => "Disallow access when load is above the threshold (except for those with permission)", // "Max average server load threshold in the last minute" => "Max average server load threshold in the last minute", // "Message to display when server is too busy" => "Message to display when server is too busy", // "Tikiwiki.org help" => "Tikiwiki.org help", // "output compression is active." => "output compression is active.", // "compression is handled by" => "compression is handled by", // "Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users" => "Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users", // "HTTPS Server" => "HTTPS Server", // "Automatic (uses HTTPS variable)" => "Automatic (uses HTTPS variable)", // "Allow anonymous users to \"Contact Us\"" => "Allow anonymous users to \"Contact Us\"", // "Store session data in database" => "Store session data in database", // "Session lifetime in minutes" => "Session lifetime in minutes", // "Use proxy" => "Use proxy", // "Proxy Host" => "Proxy Host", // "Proxy port" => "Proxy port", // "Help URL" => "Help URL", // "Please expect not found help-pages with the default-URL." => "Please expect not found help-pages with the default-URL.", // "Any help with the documentation is welcome." => "Any help with the documentation is welcome.", // "Date and Time Formats" => "Date and Time Formats", // "Date and Time Format Help" => "Date and Time Format Help", // "Favicon icon file name:" => "Favicon icon file name:", // "Favicon icon MIME type:" => "Favicon icon MIME type:", // "image/png" => "image/png", // "image/bmp" => "image/bmp", // "image/x-icon" => "image/x-icon", // "Locations separator" => "Locations separator", // "Register this site at tikiwiki.org" => "Register this site at tikiwiki.org", // "Click here for more details." => "Click here for more details.", // "Google Map setup" => "Google Map setup", // "You need to request a Google Maps Key for this web site. You can easily generate a key for your domain at :" => "You need to request a Google Maps Key for this web site. You can easily generate a key for your domain at :", // "Google Map Key" => "Google Map Key", // "Default x for map center" => "Default x for map center", // "Default y from map center" => "Default y from map center", // "Default zoom level" => "Default zoom level", // "whole earth" => "whole earth", // "country size" => "country size", // "city size" => "city size", // "max zoom" => "max zoom", // "Internationalization" => "Internationalization", // "I18n setup" => "I18n setup", // "Best Language" => "Best Language", // "Restrict available languages" => "Restrict available languages", // "Available languages:" => "Available languages:", // "Intertiki exchange feature" => "Intertiki exchange feature", // "Tiki preferences value field in db is set to be max. 250 characters long by default until now. That applies for the custom code content too. Check this field if you want to update your preferences database table to support more than 250 chars (although it was tested and works fine with mysql, it's recommended to backup your data manually before any database update)" => "Tiki preferences value field in db is set to be max. 250 characters long by default until now. That applies for the custom code content too. Check this field if you want to update your preferences database table to support more than 250 chars (although it was tested and works fine with mysql, it's recommended to backup your data manually before any database update)", // "Intertiki client" => "Intertiki client", // "Tiki Unique key" => "Tiki Unique key", // "InterTiki Slave mode" => "InterTiki Slave mode", // "Warning: overrides manually registered local users" => "Warning: overrides manually registered local users", // " as master" => " as master", // "Import user preferences" => "Import user preferences", // "Import user groups" => "Import user groups", // "Limit group import (comma-separated list of imported groups, leave empty to avoid limitation)" => "Limit group import (comma-separated list of imported groups, leave empty to avoid limitation)", // "InterTiki Server" => "InterTiki Server", // "host" => "host", // "Add new server" => "Add new server", // "Intertiki server" => "Intertiki server", // "Intertiki Server enabled" => "Intertiki Server enabled", // "Access Log file" => "Access Log file", // "Errors Log file" => "Errors Log file", // "Known hosts" => "Known hosts", // "Key" => "Key", // "IP" => "IP", // "New" => "New", // "Enable/disable Tiki features in " => "Enable/disable Tiki features in ", // "Admin->Features" => "Admin->Features", // ", but configure them elsewhere" => ", but configure them elsewhere", // "Users & groups" => "Users & groups", // "Tiki and PAM" => "Tiki and PAM", // "CAS (Central Authentication Service)" => "CAS (Central Authentication Service)", // "... but need admin validation" => "... but need admin validation", // "must be turned on and notification is sent to the admin's" => "must be turned on and notification is sent to the admin's", // "inter-user message inbox" => "inter-user message inbox", // "Create a group for each user <br />(with the same\nname as the user)" => "Create a group for each user <br />(with the same\nname as the user)", // "Use tracker for more user information" => "Use tracker for more user information", // "Use tracker for more group information" => "Use tracker for more group information", // " - Php GD library required" => " - Php GD library required", // "Validate email address (may not work)" => "Validate email address (may not work)", // "Users can opt-out internal messages" => "Users can opt-out internal messages", // "Users accept internal messages by default" => "Users accept internal messages by default", // "Remind passwords by email (if \"Store plaintext passwords\" is activated.) Else, Reset passwords by email" => "Remind passwords by email (if \"Store plaintext passwords\" is activated.) Else, Reset passwords by email", // "Reg users can change password" => "Reg users can change password", // "Restrict available themes" => "Restrict available themes", // "Available styles:" => "Available styles:", // "Maximum mailbox size (messages, 0=unlimited)" => "Maximum mailbox size (messages, 0=unlimited)", // "Maximum mail archive size (messages, 0=unlimited)" => "Maximum mail archive size (messages, 0=unlimited)", // "Maximum sent box size (messages, 0=unlimited)" => "Maximum sent box size (messages, 0=unlimited)", // "Remember me name" => "Remember me name", // "Remember me domain" => "Remember me domain", // "Remember me path" => "Remember me path", // "Protect against CSRF with a confirmation step" => "Protect against CSRF with a confirmation step", // "Protect against CSRF with a ticket" => "Protect against CSRF with a ticket", // "Highlight Group" => "Highlight Group", // "choose a group ..." => "choose a group ...", // "LDAP" => "LDAP", // "Auth Type" => "Auth Type", // "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Host" => "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Host", // "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Port" => "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Port", // "IMAP/POP3 BaseDSN" => "IMAP/POP3 BaseDSN", // "LDAP URL<br />(if set, this will override the Host and Port below)" => "LDAP URL<br />(if set, this will override the Host and Port below)", // "PAM" => "PAM", // "PAM service" => "PAM service", // "Currently unused" => "Currently unused", // "You also need to upload the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://esup-phpcas.sourceforge.net/\">phpCAS library</a> separately to lib/phpcas/." => "You also need to upload the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://esup-phpcas.sourceforge.net/\">phpCAS library</a> separately to lib/phpcas/.", // "CAS server version" => "CAS server version", // "Version 1.0" => "Version 1.0", // "Version 2.0" => "Version 2.0", // "CAS server hostname" => "CAS server hostname", // "CAS server port" => "CAS server port", // "CAS server path" => "CAS server path", // "Change CAS preferences" => "Change CAS preferences", // "full path to mapfiles" => "full path to mapfiles", // "default mapfile" => "default mapfile", // "Wiki Page for Help" => "Wiki Page for Help", // "Wiki Page for Comments" => "Wiki Page for Comments", // "Full path to gdaltindex" => "Full path to gdaltindex", // "Full path to ogr2ogr" => "Full path to ogr2ogr", // "Map Zone" => "Map Zone", // "Generate User Map" => "Generate User Map", // "<b>Item</b>" => "<b>Item</b>", // "<b>Value</b>" => "<b>Value</b>", // "Meta Keywords" => "Meta Keywords", // "Meta Description" => "Meta Description", // "Meta Author" => "Meta Author", // "Geourl" => "Geourl", // "geo.position" => "geo.position", // "geo.region" => "geo.region", // "geo.placename" => "geo.placename", // "Robots" => "Robots", // "meta robots" => "meta robots", // "revisit after" => "revisit after", // "To add/remove polls, look for \"Polls\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove polls, look for \"Polls\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or", // "Allow Anonymous Poll Voting" => "Allow Anonymous Poll Voting", // "This page is to configure settings of RSS feeds generated/exported by Tiki. To read/import RSS feeds, look for \"RSS modules\" on the application menu, or" => "This page is to configure settings of RSS feeds generated/exported by Tiki. To read/import RSS feeds, look for \"RSS modules\" on the application menu, or", // "Feed for mapfiles" => "Feed for mapfiles", // "Feed for directories" => "Feed for directories", // "Feed for individual tracker items" => "Feed for individual tracker items", // "Feed for tracker items" => "Feed for tracker items", // "Feed for upcoming calendar events" => "Feed for upcoming calendar events", // "Default RDF version" => "Default RDF version", // "Specification" => "Specification", // "Documentation" => "Documentation", // "Editor" => "Editor", // "Webmaster" => "Webmaster", // "Caching time :" => "Caching time :", // "seconds (0 = cache inactive)" => "seconds (0 = cache inactive)", // "Only enable caching if all syndicated content is public (visible to everyone) or private documents might leak out. Cache ignores existing permissions." => "Only enable caching if all syndicated content is public (visible to everyone) or private documents might leak out. Cache ignores existing permissions.", // "You can see users rank by score in the module users_rank, for that go to" => "You can see users rank by score in the module users_rank, for that go to", // "Admin modules" => "Admin modules", // "Expiration" => "Expiration", // "Search features" => "Search features", // "SearchStats" => "SearchStats", // "Referer Search Highlighting" => "Referer Search Highlighting", // "Refresh wiki search index now" => "Refresh wiki search index now", // "Performance issues" => "Performance issues", // "Search may show forbidden results. Much better performance though." => "Search may show forbidden results. Much better performance though.", // "Ignore individual object permissions" => "Ignore individual object permissions", // "Ignore category viewing restrictions" => "Ignore category viewing restrictions", // "Settings for searching content" => "Settings for searching content", // "Search refresh rate" => "Search refresh rate", // "Minimum length of search word" => "Minimum length of search word", // "Max. number of words containing a syllable" => "Max. number of words containing a syllable", // "Max. age in hours of syllable search cache" => "Max. age in hours of syllable search cache", // "LRU list purging rate" => "LRU list purging rate", // "LRU list length" => "LRU list length", // "Don't forget: to use feature you will need to enable it on" => "Don't forget: to use feature you will need to enable it on", // "Custom Code" => "Custom Code", // "Custom code" => "Custom code", // "Site Breadcrumbs" => "Site Breadcrumbs", // "Site breadcrumbs" => "Site breadcrumbs", // "Site location bar" => "Site location bar", // "at top of page" => "at top of page", // "at top of center column" => "at top of center column", // "Prefix breadcrumbs with 'Location:' label?" => "Prefix breadcrumbs with 'Location:' label?", // "Larger font for" => "Larger font for", // "entire location" => "entire location", // "page name" => "page name", // "Use page description:" => "Use page description:", // "Site Search" => "Site Search", // "Site search bar" => "Site search bar", // "Site Logo" => "Site Logo", // "Site logo" => "Site logo", // "Site logo source" => "Site logo source", // "Site logo background color" => "Site logo background color", // "Site logo title (on mouse over)" => "Site logo title (on mouse over)", // "Alt. description (e.g. for text browsers)" => "Alt. description (e.g. for text browsers)", // "Site Ads and Banners" => "Site Ads and Banners", // "Site ads and banners" => "Site ads and banners", // "Site Menu" => "Site Menu", // "Site menu bar" => "Site menu bar", // "Note: This feature also requires phplayers to be turned on in Admin->Features" => "Note: This feature also requires phplayers to be turned on in Admin->Features", // "To configure your trackers, look for \"Admin trackers\" under \"Trackers\" on the application menu, or" => "To configure your trackers, look for \"Admin trackers\" under \"Trackers\" on the application menu, or", // "Trackers attachments preferences" => "Trackers attachments preferences", // "Trackers with mirror tables" => "Trackers with mirror tables", // "Use trackers with mirror tables" => "Use trackers with mirror tables", // "Values are stored in a dedicated table for each tracker, then you can easily manipulate them outside TikiWiki" => "Values are stored in a dedicated table for each tracker, then you can easily manipulate them outside TikiWiki", // "WARNING : Old and New trackers cannot coexist. Trackers created with new library\nwill not work with old library and conversely" => "WARNING : Old and New trackers cannot coexist. Trackers created with new library\nwill not work with old library and conversely", // "Validate choice" => "Validate choice", // "Trackers attachments" => "Trackers attachments", // "Storage" => "Storage", // "Change all to db" => "Change all to db", // "Change all to file" => "Change all to file", // "To add/edit wiki pages easily, add the module quick_edit via \"Modules\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/edit wiki pages easily, add the module quick_edit via \"Modules\" on the application menu, or", // "Create a Tag for the Current Wiki" => "Create a Tag for the Current Wiki", // "Tag name" => "Tag name", // "Restore the Wiki" => "Restore the Wiki", // "Remove a Tag" => "Remove a Tag", // "Wiki Comments Settings" => "Wiki Comments Settings", // "Wiki Administration" => "Wiki Administration", // "Manage attachment preferences" => "Manage attachment preferences", // "Wiki Link Format" => "Wiki Link Format", // "Controls recognition of Wiki links using the two parenthesis Wiki link syntax <i>((page name))</i>." => "Controls recognition of Wiki links using the two parenthesis Wiki link syntax <i>((page name))</i>.", // "complete" => "complete", // "latin" => "latin", // "english" => "english", // "Wiki Page List Configuration" => "Wiki Page List Configuration", // "Wiki 3D Browser Configuration" => "Wiki 3D Browser Configuration", // "Enable wiki 3D browser" => "Enable wiki 3D browser", // "Browser width" => "Browser width", // "Browser height" => "Browser height", // "Navigation depth" => "Navigation depth", // "Feed animation interval (milisecs)" => "Feed animation interval (milisecs)", // "Existing page node color" => "Existing page node color", // "Missing page node color" => "Missing page node color", // "Load page on navigation" => "Load page on navigation", // "Camera distance" => "Camera distance", // "Camera distance adjusted relative to nearest node" => "Camera distance adjusted relative to nearest node", // "Field of view" => "Field of view", // "Node size" => "Node size", // "Text size" => "Text size", // "Friction constant" => "Friction constant", // "Elastic constant" => "Elastic constant", // "Eletrostatic constant" => "Eletrostatic constant", // "Spring (connection) size" => "Spring (connection) size", // "Node mass" => "Node mass", // "Node charge" => "Node charge", // "HTML in Wiki Pages" => "HTML in Wiki Pages", // "Wiki syntax used when a page contains HTML" => "Wiki syntax used when a page contains HTML", // "partial" => "partial", // "Wysiwyg editor" => "Wysiwyg editor", // "default" => "default", // "optional" => "optional", // "Anonymous editors must input anti-bot code" => "Anonymous editors must input anti-bot code", // "Similar" => "Similar", // "Warn on edit conflict" => "Warn on edit conflict", // "Edit idle timeout" => "Edit idle timeout", // "Show page ID" => "Show page ID", // "Cache wiki pages (global)" => "Cache wiki pages (global)", // "Individual cache" => "Individual cache", // "Footnotes" => "Footnotes", // "Use WikiWords" => "Use WikiWords", // "Accept dashes and underscores in WikiWords" => "Accept dashes and underscores in WikiWords", // "Link plural WikiWords to their singular forms" => "Link plural WikiWords to their singular forms", // "Use Wiki paragraph formatting" => "Use Wiki paragraph formatting", // "\\n for rows" => "\\n for rows", // "Open page as structure" => "Open page as structure", // "Use external link icons" => "Use external link icons", // "User's Page" => "User's Page", // "UserPage prefix" => "UserPage prefix", // "List authors" => "List authors", // "as Creator & Last Editor" => "as Creator & Last Editor", // "Business style" => "Business style", // "Collaborative style" => "Collaborative style", // "no (disabled)" => "no (disabled)", // "Print Page" => "Print Page", // "Search and replace" => "Search and replace", // "unlimited" => "unlimited", // "IP not displayed in history" => "IP not displayed in history", // "Diff style" => "Diff style", // "Only with last version" => "Only with last version", // "Any 2 versions" => "Any 2 versions", // "Wiki Watch" => "Wiki Watch", // "Create watch for author on page creation" => "Create watch for author on page creation", // "Enable watch events when I am the editor" => "Enable watch events when I am the editor", // "Enable watches on comments" => "Enable watches on comments", // "Wiki attachments preferences" => "Wiki attachments preferences", // "Crosslinks to other features and settings" => "Crosslinks to other features and settings", // "Other sections" => "Other sections", // "Spreadsheet" => "Spreadsheet", // "Administration features" => "Administration features", // "Security" => "Security", // "System" => "System", // "SysLogs" => "SysLogs", // "Mods" => "Mods", // "Transversal features" => "Transversal features", // "which apply to more than one section" => "which apply to more than one section", // "Navigation features" => "Navigation features", // "Look & feel" => "Look & feel", // "themes" => "themes", // "Text area features" => "Text area features", // "features you can use in all text areas, like wiki pages, blogs, articles, forums, etc" => "features you can use in all text areas, like wiki pages, blogs, articles, forums, etc", // "Stats & banners" => "Stats & banners", // "Help on Banning System" => "Help on Banning System", // "View tpl" => "View tpl", // "admin banning tpl" => "admin banning tpl", // "Configure/Options" => "Configure/Options", // "participants" => "participants", // "subscription" => "subscription", // "perso" => "perso", // "Custom Participants" => "Custom Participants", // "Custom Subscription List" => "Custom Subscription List", // "Personal Calendar" => "Personal Calendar", // "admin categories tpl" => "admin categories tpl", // "browse the category system" => "browse the category system", // "Perms inherited from closest parent if possible or from global perms" => "Perms inherited from closest parent if possible or from global perms", // "Assign permissions automatically" => "Assign permissions automatically", // "recommended for best performance" => "recommended for best performance", // "Edit permissions for this category" => "Edit permissions for this category", // "View template" => "View template", // "admin charts template" => "admin charts template", // "Users can vote for only one item from this chart per period" => "Users can vote for only one item from this chart per period", // "Prevent users from voting for the same item more than once" => "Prevent users from voting for the same item more than once", // "Chat Admin" => "Chat Admin", // "Chat Admin tpl" => "Chat Admin tpl", // "Half a second" => "Half a second", // "admin content templates" => "admin content templates", // "admin content templates template" => "admin content templates template", // "Edit this template:" => "Edit this template:", // "Create new template" => "Create new template", // "use in events" => "use in events", // "admin FortuneCookie" => "admin FortuneCookie", // "admin FortuneCookie tpl" => "admin FortuneCookie tpl", // "To use cookie in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{cookie}{/literal}." => "To use cookie in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{cookie}{/literal}.", // "Help on Drawings" => "Help on Drawings", // "admin Drawings tpl" => "admin Drawings tpl", // "To create a drawing in a Wiki page, use {literal}{draw name=foo}{/literal}, where foo is the name of the drawing. After saving, click on the drawing link." => "To create a drawing in a Wiki page, use {literal}{draw name=foo}{/literal}, where foo is the name of the drawing. After saving, click on the drawing link.", // "Admin DSN" => "Admin DSN", // "tiki-admin_dsn tpl" => "tiki-admin_dsn tpl", // "Use Admin DSN to define the database to be used by the SQL plugin." => "Use Admin DSN to define the database to be used by the SQL plugin.", // "admin External Wikis" => "admin External Wikis", // "tiki admin external wikis template" => "tiki admin external wikis template", // "Create/Edit External Wiki" => "Create/Edit External Wiki", // "admin forums template" => "admin forums template", // "Create new forum" => "Create new forum", // "Edit existing forums" => "Edit existing forums", // "Edit this Forum:" => "Edit this Forum:", // "Create New Forum" => "Create New Forum", // "Posts can be rated" => "Posts can be rated", // "Display last post titles" => "Display last post titles", // "no display" => "no display", // "Forward messages to this forum to this e-mail address, in a format that can be used for sending back to the inbound forum e-mail address" => "Forward messages to this forum to this e-mail address, in a format that can be used for sending back to the inbound forum e-mail address", // "Send mails even when the post is generated by inbound mail" => "Send mails even when the post is generated by inbound mail", // "Append a reply link to outbound mails" => "Append a reply link to outbound mails", // "Originating e-mail address for mails from this forum" => "Originating e-mail address for mails from this forum", // "Edit Existing Forums" => "Edit Existing Forums", // "Assign Permissions (Active)" => "Assign Permissions (Active)", // "Assign Permissions" => "Assign Permissions", // "Click here to delete this forum" => "Click here to delete this forum", // "admin hotwords" => "admin hotwords", // "admin hotwords template" => "admin hotwords template", // "admin HTML page dynamic zones" => "admin HTML page dynamic zones", // "admin Html Pages" => "admin Html Pages", // "admin Html Pages template" => "admin Html Pages template", // "Create new HTML page" => "Create new HTML page", // "Edit this HTML page:" => "Edit this HTML page:", // "Use {literal}{/literal}ed id=name} or {literal}{/literal}ted id=name} to insert dynamic zones" => "Use {literal}{/literal}ed id=name} or {literal}{/literal}ted id=name} to insert dynamic zones", // "An easier way to integrate content from another site into Tiki is via iframed links using Tiki's <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_links.php\">featured links</a> feature." => "An easier way to integrate content from another site into Tiki is via iframed links using Tiki's <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_links.php\">featured links</a> feature.", // "Edit Repository:" => "Edit Repository:", // "Create New Repository" => "Create New Repository", // "list repositories" => "list repositories", // "new repository" => "new repository", // "view repository" => "view repository", // "Human readable repository name" => "Human readable repository name", // "Path to repository (local filesystem: relative/absolute web root, remote: prefixed with 'http://')" => "Path to repository (local filesystem: relative/absolute web root, remote: prefixed with 'http://')", // "File name of start page" => "File name of start page", // "Start page" => "Start page", // "CSS file to load when browse this repository" => "CSS file to load when browse this repository", // "CSS file" => "CSS file", // "Is repository visible to users" => "Is repository visible to users", // "Can files from repository be cached" => "Can files from repository be cached", // "Are files from repository can be cached" => "Are files from repository can be cached", // "Clear all cached pages of this repository" => "Clear all cached pages of this repository", // "Clear cache" => "Clear cache", // "Seconds count 'till cached page will be expired" => "Seconds count 'till cached page will be expired", // "Cache expiration" => "Cache expiration", // "Human readable text description of repository" => "Human readable text description of repository", // "Available Repositories" => "Available Repositories", // "CSS File" => "CSS File", // "Edit rules" => "Edit rules", // "Edit Rules for Repository:" => "Edit Rules for Repository:", // "configure repositories" => "configure repositories", // "configure this repository" => "configure this repository", // "view this repository" => "view this repository", // "Add new rule" => "Add new rule", // "new rule" => "new rule", // "view/hide copy rules dialog" => "view/hide copy rules dialog", // "copy rules" => "copy rules", // "Source repository" => "Source repository", // "Copy" => "Copy", // "According this order rules will be applied ('0' or empty = auto)" => "According this order rules will be applied ('0' or empty = auto)", // "Rule order" => "Rule order", // "Text to search for" => "Text to search for", // "Text to replace" => "Text to replace", // "Replace" => "Replace", // "Is this regular expression or simple search/replacer" => "Is this regular expression or simple search/replacer", // "Regex" => "Regex", // "Is case sensitive (for simple replacer)" => "Is case sensitive (for simple replacer)", // "Case sensitive" => "Case sensitive", // "subset of chars: imsxeADSXUu, which is regex modifiers" => "subset of chars: imsxeADSXUu, which is regex modifiers", // "Regex modifiers" => "Regex modifiers", // "Human readable text description of rule" => "Human readable text description of rule", // "Check to enable this rule" => "Check to enable this rule", // "Enabled" => "Enabled", // "Preview options" => "Preview options", // "Apply all rules or just this to generate preview" => "Apply all rules or just this to generate preview", // "Apply all rules" => "Apply all rules", // "View source code after rules applied" => "View source code after rules applied", // "Code preview" => "Code preview", // "Generate HTML preview" => "Generate HTML preview", // "HTML preview" => "HTML preview", // "Test file from repository to generate preview for (empty = configured start page)" => "Test file from repository to generate preview for (empty = configured start page)", // "Preview Results" => "Preview Results", // "Rules List" => "Rules List", // "Case" => "Case", // "admin featured links" => "admin featured links", // "admin featured links template" => "admin featured links template", // "To use these links, you must assign the featured_links <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\"> module</a>." => "To use these links, you must assign the featured_links <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\"> module</a>.", // "Edit this Featured Link:" => "Edit this Featured Link:", // "Create new Featured Link" => "Create new Featured Link", // "Mail-in accounts" => "Mail-in accounts", // "admin Webmail" => "admin Webmail", // "admin mailin template" => "admin mailin template", // "Account" => "Account", // "Add new Mail-in account" => "Add new Mail-in account", // "Edit Mail-in account" => "Edit Mail-in account", // "article-put" => "article-put", // "Discard to the end from" => "Discard to the end from", // "Check Mail-in accounts" => "Check Mail-in accounts", // "mn" => "mn", // "Show Quick Urls" => "Show Quick Urls", // "Hide Quick Urls" => "Hide Quick Urls", // "sorted section" => "sorted section", // "separator" => "separator", // "admin menu builder" => "admin menu builder", // "admin menus template" => "admin menus template", // "To use menus in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a>, <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=siteid\">Site identity</a> or a template, use {literal}{menu id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the menu. To use <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://phplayersmenu.sourceforge.net/\">phplayersmenu</a>, you can use one of the three following syntaxes:" => "To use menus in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a>, <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=siteid\">Site identity</a> or a template, use {literal}{menu id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the menu. To use <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://phplayersmenu.sourceforge.net/\">phplayersmenu</a>, you can use one of the three following syntaxes:", // "This will work well (or not!) depending on your theme. To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>" => "This will work well (or not!) depending on your theme. To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>", // "Edit this Menu:" => "Edit this Menu:", // "Create new Menu" => "Create new Menu", // "admin modules" => "admin modules", // "admin modules template" => "admin modules template", // "Visibility" => "Visibility", // "Displayed for the eligible users with no personal assigned modules" => "Displayed for the eligible users with no personal assigned modules", // "Displayed now for all eligible users even with personal assigned modules" => "Displayed now for all eligible users even with personal assigned modules", // "Displayed now, can't be unassigned" => "Displayed now, can't be unassigned", // "Not displayed until a user chooses it" => "Not displayed until a user chooses it", // "parameters" => "parameters", // "Create new user module" => "Create new user module", // "Edit this user module:" => "Edit this user module:", // "Must be wiki parsed" => "Must be wiki parsed", // "Random active poll" => "Random active poll", // "Random current poll" => "Random current poll", // "phpLayersMenus" => "phpLayersMenus", // "use phplayermenu" => "use phplayermenu", // "structure" => "structure", // "Add email:" => "Add email:", // "Add user:" => "Add user:", // "Group users" => "Group users", // "Group subscription also subscribes included groups" => "Group subscription also subscribes included groups", // "Don't send confirmation mail" => "Don't send confirmation mail", // "The user email will be refreshed at each newsletter sending" => "The user email will be refreshed at each newsletter sending", // "Subscribe group" => "Subscribe group", // "Included group, group users and emails will be refreshed at each newsletter sending" => "Included group, group users and emails will be refreshed at each newsletter sending", // "admin newsletters template" => "admin newsletters template", // "Users can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list" => "Users can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list", // "Users can subscribe any email address" => "Users can subscribe any email address", // "Add unsubscribe instructions to each newsletter" => "Add unsubscribe instructions to each newsletter", // "Validate email addresses" => "Validate email addresses", // "send newsletter" => "send newsletter", // "archives" => "archives", // "EMail notifications" => "EMail notifications", // "admin Email Notifications" => "admin Email Notifications", // "admin notifications template" => "admin notifications template", // "Any wiki page is changed" => "Any wiki page is changed", // "Any wiki page is changed, even minor changes" => "Any wiki page is changed, even minor changes", // "PHP error" => "PHP error", // "No records found." => "No records found.", // "admin polls" => "admin polls", // "admin polls template" => "admin polls template", // "configure polls" => "configure polls", // "tiki admin quicktags template" => "tiki admin quicktags template", // "Create/Edit QuickTags" => "Create/Edit QuickTags", // "label" => "label", // "Insert (use 'text' for figuring the selection)" => "Insert (use 'text' for figuring the selection)", // "Path to the tag icon" => "Path to the tag icon", // "Insert" => "Insert", // "Icon" => "Icon", // "admin RSS modules" => "admin RSS modules", // "admin RSSmodules template" => "admin RSSmodules template", // "This page is to configure settings of RSS feeds read/imported by Tiki. To generate/export RSS feeds, look for \"RSS feeds\" on the admin panel, or" => "This page is to configure settings of RSS feeds read/imported by Tiki. To generate/export RSS feeds, look for \"RSS feeds\" on the admin panel, or", // "To use RSS feeds in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{rss id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the RSS feed." => "To use RSS feeds in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{rss id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the RSS feed.", // "Edit this RSS module:" => "Edit this RSS module:", // "Create new RSS module" => "Create new RSS module", // "show feed title" => "show feed title", // "show publish date" => "show publish date", // "show pubdate" => "show pubdate", // "Score System" => "Score System", // "security admin" => "security admin", // "security admin tpl" => "security admin tpl", // "edit tpl" => "edit tpl", // "To <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://security.tikiwiki.org/tiki-contact.php\">report any security issues</a>." => "To <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://security.tikiwiki.org/tiki-contact.php\">report any security issues</a>.", // "PHP settings" => "PHP settings", // "PHP variable" => "PHP variable", // "Setting" => "Setting", // "Risk Factor" => "Risk Factor", // "Explanation" => "Explanation", // "TikiWiki settings" => "TikiWiki settings", // "Tiki variable" => "Tiki variable", // "Check all tiki files" => "Check all tiki files", // "Note, that this can take a very long time. You should check your max_execution_time setting in php.ini." => "Note, that this can take a very long time. You should check your max_execution_time setting in php.ini.", // "Note: You have to import security data via installation process (<a href=\"tiki-install.php\">tiki-install.php</a>). Import the *secdb* update files in your database." => "Note: You have to import security data via installation process (<a href=\"tiki-install.php\">tiki-install.php</a>). Import the *secdb* update files in your database.", // "File checks" => "File checks", // "State" => "State", // "admin shoutbox words template" => "admin shoutbox words template", // "admin structures template" => "admin structures template", // "Structure ID" => "Structure ID", // "create webhelp" => "create webhelp", // "view webhelp" => "view webhelp", // "Alias" => "Alias", // "create new structure" => "create new structure", // "For a multiple answer question put the answers into the following field, separated by a comma. Example: one,two,many,lots" => "For a multiple answer question put the answers into the following field, separated by a comma. Example: one,two,many,lots", // "administer surveys template" => "administer surveys template", // "Edit this Survey:" => "Edit this Survey:", // "Create New Survey" => "Create New Survey", // "active perms" => "active perms", // "system admin" => "system admin", // "system admin tpl" => "system admin tpl", // "If your Tiki is acting weird, 1st thing to try it to clear your cache below. Also very important to clear your cache after an upgrade (by FTP/SSH if need be)." => "If your Tiki is acting weird, 1st thing to try it to clear your cache below. Also very important to clear your cache after an upgrade (by FTP/SSH if need be).", // "Templates compiler" => "Templates compiler", // "Compile" => "Compile", // "Fix UTF-8 Errors in Tables" => "Fix UTF-8 Errors in Tables", // "Warning: Make a backup of your Database before using this function!" => "Warning: Make a backup of your Database before using this function!", // "Warning: If you try to convert large tables, raise the maximum execution time in your php.ini!" => "Warning: If you try to convert large tables, raise the maximum execution time in your php.ini!", // "This function converts ISO-8859-1 encoded strings in your tables to UTF-8" => "This function converts ISO-8859-1 encoded strings in your tables to UTF-8", // "This may be necessary if you created content with tiki < 1.8.4 and Default Charset settings in apache set to ISO-8859-1" => "This may be necessary if you created content with tiki < 1.8.4 and Default Charset settings in apache set to ISO-8859-1", // "UTF-8 Errors fixed" => "UTF-8 Errors fixed", // "Table" => "Table", // "Field" => "Field", // "Investigate" => "Investigate", // "Fix it" => "Fix it", // "admin topics template" => "admin topics template", // "Column is searchable?" => "Column is searchable?", // "Field is public? (for use thru trackerlist plugin)" => "Field is public? (for use thru trackerlist plugin)", // "Field is hidden?" => "Field is hidden?", // "not hidden" => "not hidden", // "visible by admin only" => "visible by admin only", // "editable by admin only" => "editable by admin only", // "Field is mandatory?" => "Field is mandatory?", // "Searchable" => "Searchable", // "Hidden" => "Hidden", // "Mandatory" => "Mandatory", // "Import/export trackers fields" => "Import/export trackers fields", // "admin Trackers tpl" => "admin Trackers tpl", // "Edit fields for tracker" => "Edit fields for tracker", // "Edit tracker" => "Edit tracker", // "Create trackers" => "Create trackers", // "Import/export" => "Import/export", // "active permissions" => "active permissions", // "Use \"explicit\" names in the mirror table" => "Use \"explicit\" names in the mirror table", // "tracker name must be unique, field names must be unique \nfor a tracker and they must be valid in SQL" => "tracker name must be unique, field names must be unique \nfor a tracker and they must be valid in SQL", // "Show status" => "Show status", // "Default status displayed in list mode" => "Default status displayed in list mode", // "Show status to tracker admin only" => "Show status to tracker admin only", // "Send copies of all activity in this tracker to this e-mail address" => "Send copies of all activity in this tracker to this e-mail address", // "Use simplified e-mail format" => "Use simplified e-mail format", // "The tracker needs a text field named Subject" => "The tracker needs a text field named Subject", // "New items are created with status" => "New items are created with status", // "Authoritative status for modified items" => "Authoritative status for modified items", // "No change" => "No change", // "Item creator can modify his items?" => "Item creator can modify his items?", // "The tracker needs a user field with the option 1" => "The tracker needs a user field with the option 1", // "Member of the default group of creator can modify items?" => "Member of the default group of creator can modify items?", // "The tracker needs a group field with the option 1" => "The tracker needs a group field with the option 1", // "What field is used for default sort?" => "What field is used for default sort?", // "What is default sort order in list?" => "What is default sort order in list?", // "ascending" => "ascending", // "descending" => "descending", // "Tracker items allow ratings?" => "Tracker items allow ratings?", // "with values" => "with values", // "and display rating results in listing?" => "and display rating results in listing?", // "and display comments in listing?" => "and display comments in listing?", // "and display attachments in listing?" => "and display attachments in listing?", // "Attachment display options (Use numbers to order items, 0 will not be displayed, and negative values display in popups)" => "Attachment display options (Use numbers to order items, 0 will not be displayed, and negative values display in popups)", // "filename" => "filename", // "filesize" => "filesize", // "filetype" => "filetype", // "longdesc" => "longdesc", // "Import/export trackers" => "Import/export trackers", // "Import/Export CSV Data" => "Import/Export CSV Data", // "Download CSV export" => "Download CSV export", // "tracker_{\$trackerId}.csv" => "tracker_{\$trackerId}.csv", // "Import file" => "Import file", // "admin groups" => "admin groups", // "admin groups template" => "admin groups template", // "Add new group" => "Add new group", // "Edit group" => "Edit group", // "Members" => "Members", // "assign permissions" => "assign permissions", // "Group Homepage" => "Group Homepage", // "Use wiki page name or full URL" => "Use wiki page name or full URL", // "Group Information Tracker" => "Group Information Tracker", // "choose a group tracker ..." => "choose a group tracker ...", // "choose a field ..." => "choose a field ...", // "Users Information Tracker" => "Users Information Tracker", // "choose a users tracker ..." => "choose a users tracker ...", // "Group tracker item : {\$groupitemid}" => "Group tracker item : {\$groupitemid}", // "Group tracker item not found" => "Group tracker item not found", // "Create item" => "Create item", // "Members List" => "Members List", // "remove from group" => "remove from group", // "users in group" => "users in group", // "List all members" => "List all members", // "admin users" => "admin users", // "admin users template" => "admin users template", // "Warning: since this tiki site is in slave mode, all user information you enter manually will be automatically overriden by other site's data, including users permissions" => "Warning: since this tiki site is in slave mode, all user information you enter manually will be automatically overriden by other site's data, including users permissions", // "Edit user" => "Edit user", // "Change user preferences" => "Change user preferences", // "edit account settings" => "edit account settings", // "Never" => "Never", // "Assign Group" => "Assign Group", // "edit included group" => "edit included group", // "select all" => "select all", // "Perform action with checked:" => "Perform action with checked:", // "remove users and their userpages" => "remove users and their userpages", // "manage group assignments" => "manage group assignments", // "set default groups" => "set default groups", // "Assign selected to" => "Assign selected to", // "Remove selected from" => "Remove selected from", // "the following groups:" => "the following groups:", // "Tip: hold down CTRL to select multiple" => "Tip: hold down CTRL to select multiple", // "Set the default group of the selected users to" => "Set the default group of the selected users to", // "assign to groups" => "assign to groups", // "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password and will mess with slave intertiki sites that use this one as master" => "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password and will mess with slave intertiki sites that use this one as master", // "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password" => "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password", // "Registration" => "Registration", // "Batch upload (CSV file<a {popup text='login,password,email,groups<br />user1,password1,email1,"group1,group2"<br />user2, password2,email2'}><img src=\"img/icons/help.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt='{tr}help" => "Batch upload (CSV file<a {popup text='login,password,email,groups<br />user1,password1,email1,"group1,group2"<br />user2, password2,email2'}><img src=\"img/icons/help.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt='{tr}help", // "User tracker item : {\$usersitemid}" => "User tracker item : {\$usersitemid}", // "Admin Article Types" => "Admin Article Types", // "Article Types tpl" => "Article Types tpl", // "Shows up in the drop down list of article types" => "Shows up in the drop down list of article types", // "Rate" => "Rate", // "Allow ratings by the author" => "Allow ratings by the author", // "Show before publish date" => "Show before publish date", // "non-admins can view before the publish date" => "non-admins can view before the publish date", // "Show after expire date" => "Show after expire date", // "non-admins can view after the expire date" => "non-admins can view after the expire date", // "Heading only" => "Heading only", // "No article body, heading only" => "No article body, heading only", // "Allow comments for this type" => "Allow comments for this type", // "Comment Can Rate Article" => "Comment Can Rate Article", // "Allow comments to include a rating value" => "Allow comments to include a rating value", // "Show lang" => "Show lang", // "Classified" => "Classified", // "edit article tpl" => "edit article tpl", // "Group Information" => "Group Information", // "advanced feature" => "advanced feature", // "level configuration" => "level configuration", // "inherited from" => "inherited from", // "inherited" => "inherited", // "admin backups" => "admin backups", // "admin admin tpl" => "admin admin tpl", // "Use of this feature is NOT recommended. Please use phpMyAdmin or mysqldump instead." => "Use of this feature is NOT recommended. Please use phpMyAdmin or mysqldump instead.", // "Directory batch upload" => "Directory batch upload", // "available images" => "available images", // "width" => "width", // "height" => "height", // "remove file extension from image name" => "remove file extension from image name", // "eg. from \"digicam0001.jpg\" then name digicam0001 will be used for the name field" => "eg. from \"digicam0001.jpg\" then name digicam0001 will be used for the name field", // "convert sub directories to sub galleries" => "convert sub directories to sub galleries", // "eg. from \"misc/screenshots/digicam0001.jpg\" a gallery named screenshots will be created" => "eg. from \"misc/screenshots/digicam0001.jpg\" a gallery named screenshots will be created", // "use sub directory names as description" => "use sub directory names as description", // "eg. from \"misc/screenshots/digicam0001.jpg\" a description misc/screenshots will be created" => "eg. from \"misc/screenshots/digicam0001.jpg\" a description misc/screenshots will be created", // "Select a Gallery" => "Select a Gallery", // "admin the category system" => "admin the category system", // "admin category" => "admin category", // "Browse in" => "Browse in", // "Wiki pages" => "Wiki pages", // "Trackers Items" => "Trackers Items", // "Sheets" => "Sheets", // "Hide subcategories objects" => "Hide subcategories objects", // "Show subcategories objects" => "Show subcategories objects", // "Upper level" => "Upper level", // "list galleries" => "list galleries", // "Directory batch" => "Directory batch", // "subgallery" => "subgallery", // "Subgallery" => "Subgallery", // "slideshow forward" => "slideshow forward", // "Cyclic" => "Cyclic", // "add item" => "add item", // "Focus:" => "Focus:", // "change focus" => "change focus", // "quarter" => "quarter", // "calendar view" => "calendar view", // "list view" => "list view", // "zoom" => "zoom", // "Subscription List" => "Subscription List", // "Syntax error" => "Syntax error", // "Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm<br />..." => "Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm<br />...", // "See strtotime php function" => "See strtotime php function", // "Format: mm/dd/yyy hh:mm<br />..." => "Format: mm/dd/yyy hh:mm<br />...", // "save_to" => "save_to", // "close" => "close", // "click to view" => "click to view", // "Calendar import" => "Calendar import", // "Calendar has been updated" => "Calendar has been updated", // "CSV File" => "CSV File", // "Assign permissions to category" => "Assign permissions to category", // "remove from this category & all its children" => "remove from this category & all its children", // "remove from this category only" => "remove from this category only", // "this category & all its children" => "this category & all its children", // "this category only" => "this category only", // "Assigning permissions for <b>all children</b> is recommended for best performance." => "Assigning permissions for <b>all children</b> is recommended for best performance.", // "There are no channels setup, please contact a site admin" => "There are no channels setup, please contact a site admin", // "Channel Information" => "Channel Information", // "Use (:smileyname:) for smileys" => "Use (:smileyname:) for smileys", // "Automatic Page Breaks" => "Automatic Page Breaks", // "click here to send us an email" => "click here to send us an email", // "Create WebHelp" => "Create WebHelp", // "You can browse the generated WebHelp here" => "You can browse the generated WebHelp here", // "Top page" => "Top page", // "Tiki Debugger Console" => "Tiki Debugger Console", // "Close" => "Close", // "exec" => "exec", // "You cannot add sites until Directory Categories are setup." => "You cannot add sites until Directory Categories are setup.", // "Please contact the Site Administrator" => "Please contact the Site Administrator", // "admin directory tpl" => "admin directory tpl", // "admin directory categories tpl" => "admin directory categories tpl", // "Add a directory category" => "Add a directory category", // "Edit this directory category" => "Edit this directory category", // "Admin Directory Related " => "Admin Directory Related ", // "directory admin related tpl" => "directory admin related tpl", // "Admin Directory Sites" => "Admin Directory Sites", // "Admin Directory Sites tpl" => "Admin Directory Sites tpl", // "add a category" => "add a category", // "Validate Sites" => "Validate Sites", // "directory validate sites tpl" => "directory validate sites tpl", // "pixels" => "pixels", // "Remove Zones (you lose entered info for the banner)" => "Remove Zones (you lose entered info for the banner)", // "Create Blog" => "Create Blog", // "edit blog tpl" => "edit blog tpl", // "Allow trackback pings" => "Allow trackback pings", // "Show user avatar" => "Show user avatar", // "For more information, please see <a href=\"{\$helpurl}WikiSyntax\">WikiSyntax</a>" => "For more information, please see <a href=\"{\$helpurl}WikiSyntax\">WikiSyntax</a>", // "Bold text" => "Bold text", // "underscores" => "underscores", // "Italic text" => "Italic text", // "single quotes" => "single quotes", // "Centered text" => "Centered text", // "colons" => "colons", // "Underlined text" => "Underlined text", // "equals" => "equals", // "Text box" => "Text box", // "One carat" => "One carat", // "Will display using the indicated HTML color or color name" => "Will display using the indicated HTML color or color name", // "Headings" => "Headings", // "make headings" => "make headings", // "Show/Hide" => "Show/Hide", // "show/hide heading section. + (shown) or - (hidden) by default" => "show/hide heading section. + (shown) or - (hidden) by default", // "For an external Wiki, use ExternalWikiName:PageName or ((External Wiki Name: Page Name))" => "For an external Wiki, use ExternalWikiName:PageName or ((External Wiki Name: Page Name))", // "row" => "row", // "Line break" => "Line break", // "(very useful especially in tables)" => "(very useful especially in tables)", // "Horizontal rule" => "Horizontal rule", // "to separate pages" => "to separate pages", // "Wiki File Attachments" => "Wiki File Attachments", // "Creates a link to the named file. If page is not given, the file must be attached to the current page. If desc is not given, the file name is used for the link text, unless showdesc is used, which makes the file description be used for the link text. If image=1 is given, the attachment is treated as an image and is displayed directly on the page; no link is generated." => "Creates a link to the named file. If page is not given, the file must be attached to the current page. If desc is not given, the file name is used for the link text, unless showdesc is used, which makes the file description be used for the link text. If image=1 is given, the attachment is treated as an image and is displayed directly on the page; no link is generated.", // "Preformated sections" => "Preformated sections", // "Table of contents" => "Table of contents", // "\"{literal}{toc}{/literal}\", \"{literal}{maketoc}{/literal}\" prints out a table of contents for the current page based on structures (toc) or ! headings (maketoc)" => "\"{literal}{toc}{/literal}\", \"{literal}{maketoc}{/literal}\" prints out a table of contents for the current page based on structures (toc) or ! headings (maketoc)", // "table new" => "table new", // "wiki link'" => "wiki link'", // "dynamic variable" => "dynamic variable", // "New wms Metadata" => "New wms Metadata", // "New Class" => "New Class", // "New Projection" => "New Projection", // "New Query" => "New Query", // "New Scalebar" => "New Scalebar", // "New Layer" => "New Layer", // "New Label" => "New Label", // "New Reference" => "New Reference", // "New Legend" => "New Legend", // "New Web" => "New Web", // "New Outputformat" => "New Outputformat", // "New Mapfile" => "New Mapfile", // "admin quicktags" => "admin quicktags", // "browse image" => "browse image", // "admin quizzes tpl" => "admin quizzes tpl", // "Immediate feedback" => "Immediate feedback", // "Show correct answers" => "Show correct answers", // "Shuffle questions" => "Shuffle questions", // "Shuffle answers" => "Shuffle answers", // "Passing Percentage" => "Passing Percentage", // "%" => "%", // "edit quiz questions" => "edit quiz questions", // "edit quiz questions tpl" => "edit quiz questions tpl", // "Question Type" => "Question Type", // "Import questions from text" => "Import questions from text", // "Instructions: Type, or paste, your multiple choice questions below. One line for the question, then start answer choices on subsequent lines. Separate additional questions with a blank line. Indicate correct answers by starting them with a \"*\" (without the quotes) character." => "Instructions: Type, or paste, your multiple choice questions below. One line for the question, then start answer choices on subsequent lines. Separate additional questions with a blank line. Indicate correct answers by starting them with a \"*\" (without the quotes) character.", // "Input" => "Input", // "Modify Structure" => "Modify Structure", // "Current Node" => "Current Node", // "Promote" => "Promote", // "Demote" => "Demote", // "Add pages to current node" => "Add pages to current node", // "Use pre-existing page" => "Use pre-existing page", // "Structure Layout" => "Structure Layout", // "Help on Articles" => "Help on Articles", // "edit submissions tpl" => "edit submissions tpl", // "<b>*</b>=optional" => "<b>*</b>=optional", // "<b>Topline</b>=small line above Title" => "<b>Topline</b>=small line above Title", // "<b>Subtitle</b>=small line below Title" => "<b>Subtitle</b>=small line below Title", // "<b>Source</b>=URL to article source" => "<b>Source</b>=URL to article source", // "EditTemplates" => "EditTemplates", // "EditTemplates tpl" => "EditTemplates tpl", // "save only in the theme:" => "save only in the theme:", // "Delete the copy in the theme:" => "Delete the copy in the theme:", // "Edit a topic" => "Edit a topic", // "edit translations template" => "edit translations template", // "View" => "View", // "You must specify the object language" => "You must specify the object language", // "The object doesn't exist" => "The object doesn't exist", // "The object doesn't have a language" => "The object doesn't have a language", // "The object has already a translation for this language" => "The object has already a translation for this language", // "The object is already in the set of translations" => "The object is already in the set of translations", // "Use this section to set the language of the version you are currently working on." => "Use this section to set the language of the version you are currently working on.", // "detach" => "detach", // "add to the set" => "add to the set", // "Select the article for which the current article is the translation." => "Select the article for which the current article is the translation.", // "Enter the name of the page for which the current page is the translation." => "Enter the name of the page for which the current page is the translation.", // "Use rating" => "Use rating", // "disable" => "disable", // "There is no available poll template." => "There is no available poll template.", // "You should ask an admin to create them." => "You should ask an admin to create them.", // "an existing poll" => "an existing poll", // "Search " => "Search ", // "Case Insensitivity" => "Case Insensitivity", // "replace" => "replace", // "Try to convert HTML to wiki" => "Try to convert HTML to wiki", // "admin Ephemerides tpl" => "admin Ephemerides tpl", // "File Galleries tpl" => "File Galleries tpl", // "Create a file gallery" => "Create a file gallery", // "Edit this file gallery:" => "Edit this file gallery:", // "configure forum" => "configure forum", // "friends tpl" => "friends tpl", // "Waiting requests" => "Waiting requests", // "To learn more about the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://workflow.tikiwiki.org\">Galaxia workflow engine</a>" => "To learn more about the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://workflow.tikiwiki.org\">Galaxia workflow engine</a>", // "Expiration Time" => "Expiration Time", // "Years" => "Years", // "Months" => "Months", // "Minutes" => "Minutes", // "Process Graph" => "Process Graph", // "Galaxia Admin Graph" => "Galaxia Admin Graph", // "Galaxia Admin Graph tpl" => "Galaxia Admin Graph tpl", // "Process Graph for" => "Process Graph for", // "No process graph is available. Either the process still contains errors, the graph is not generated yet, or <a href=\"http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/\">GraphViz</a> is not properly installed." => "No process graph is available. Either the process still contains errors, the graph is not generated yet, or <a href=\"http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/\">GraphViz</a> is not properly installed.", // "Ended" => "Ended", // "Not Defined" => "Not Defined", // "Not Interactive" => "Not Interactive", // "Not Ended" => "Not Ended", // "Executed" => "Executed", // "Pop-up" => "Pop-up", // "erase" => "erase", // "Galaxia Admin Processes" => "Galaxia Admin Processes", // "Galaxia Admin Processes tpl" => "Galaxia Admin Processes tpl", // "Galaxia Monitor Activities" => "Galaxia Monitor Activities", // "Galaxia Monitor Activities tpl" => "Galaxia Monitor Activities tpl", // "Enter the name of this instance" => "Enter the name of this instance", // "The name is not valid. Please, enter the name again" => "The name is not valid. Please, enter the name again", // "Galaxia Monitor Instances" => "Galaxia Monitor Instances", // "Galaxia Monitor Instances tpl" => "Galaxia Monitor Instances tpl", // "Not ended" => "Not ended", // "Galaxia Monitor Processes" => "Galaxia Monitor Processes", // "Galaxia Monitor Processes tpl" => "Galaxia Monitor Processes tpl", // "Instance Id" => "Instance Id", // "Instance Name" => "Instance Name", // "Instance Status" => "Instance Status", // "Elapsed time" => "Elapsed time", // "My activities" => "My activities", // "Current Activity" => "Current Activity", // "Assigned To" => "Assigned To", // "No activities found" => "No activities found", // "My instances" => "My instances", // "No instances found" => "No instances found", // "Galaxia User Activities" => "Galaxia User Activities", // "Galaxia User Activities tpl" => "Galaxia User Activities tpl", // "No processes defined or activated yet" => "No processes defined or activated yet", // "Galaxia User Instances" => "Galaxia User Instances", // "Galaxia User Instances tpl" => "Galaxia User Instances tpl", // "Not defined" => "Not defined", // "Galaxia User Processes" => "Galaxia User Processes", // "Galaxia User Processes tpl" => "Galaxia User Processes tpl", // "galleries tpl" => "galleries tpl", // "rebuild cache" => "rebuild cache", // "Create a gallery" => "Create a gallery", // "Edit this gallery:" => "Edit this gallery:", // "Geographic" => "Geographic", // "Default sort order" => "Default sort order", // "Fields to show during browsing the gallery" => "Fields to show during browsing the gallery", // "Image ID" => "Image ID", // "Creation Date" => "Creation Date", // "XY-Size" => "XY-Size", // "Gallery Image" => "Gallery Image", // "Parent gallery" => "Parent gallery", // "Bounding box" => "Bounding box", // "default scale" => "default scale", // "Original image is default scale" => "Original image is default scale", // "Add scaled images with bounding box of square size" => "Add scaled images with bounding box of square size", // "Owner of the gallery" => "Owner of the gallery", // "Choose a filter" => "Choose a filter", // "Make Map" => "Make Map", // "Save clicked point" => "Save clicked point", // "Save current view as default" => "Save current view as default", // "Reset view to site-wide default" => "Reset view to site-wide default", // "Users Map" => "Users Map", // "Select Graphic Type" => "Select Graphic Type", // "Pie Chart" => "Pie Chart", // "Multiline" => "Multiline", // "Multibar" => "Multibar", // "Bar Stack" => "Bar Stack", // "Landscape" => "Landscape", // "Portrait" => "Portrait", // "Independant Scale" => "Independant Scale", // "Horizontal" => "Horizontal", // "Vertical" => "Vertical", // "Horizontal Scale" => "Horizontal Scale", // "Bottom" => "Bottom", // "Vertical Scale" => "Vertical Scale", // "Left" => "Left", // "Right" => "Right", // "Series" => "Series", // "Import From File" => "Import From File", // "Grab Wiki Tables" => "Grab Wiki Tables", // "Import pages from a Structured Text Dump" => "Import pages from a Structured Text Dump", // "ImportingPagesPhpWikiPageAdmin" => "ImportingPagesPhpWikiPageAdmin", // "tiki-import_phpwiki tpl" => "tiki-import_phpwiki tpl", // "Name of the dump file (it has to be in dump/)" => "Name of the dump file (it has to be in dump/)", // "body" => "body", // "Tiki installer" => "Tiki installer", // "MultiTiki setup" => "MultiTiki setup", // "To add a new virtual host" => "To add a new virtual host", // "To add a new virtual host run the setup.sh with the domain name of the new host as a last parameter" => "To add a new virtual host run the setup.sh with the domain name of the new host as a last parameter", // "MultiTiki" => "MultiTiki", // "reload" => "reload", // "Tiki cannot find a database connection" => "Tiki cannot find a database connection", // "Please enter your database connection info" => "Please enter your database connection info", // "Database type" => "Database type", // "The type of database you intend to use" => "The type of database you intend to use", // "Host:" => "Host:", // "Hostname or IP for your MySQL database, example: localhost if running in the same machine as tiki" => "Hostname or IP for your MySQL database, example: localhost if running in the same machine as tiki", // "If you use SQLite, insert the path and filename to your database file" => "If you use SQLite, insert the path and filename to your database file", // "Database user" => "Database user", // "Database password" => "Database password", // "Database name" => "Database name", // "The name of the database where tiki will create tables. You can create the database using mysqladmin, or PHPMyAdmin or ask your\nhosting service to create a MySQL database. Normally Tiki tables won't conflict with other product names" => "The name of the database where tiki will create tables. You can create the database using mysqladmin, or PHPMyAdmin or ask your\nhosting service to create a MySQL database. Normally Tiki tables won't conflict with other product names", // "If you use Oracle, you can put your TNS Name here and leave hostname empty\nor you override tnsnames.ora and put your SID here and fill your hostname:port above" => "If you use Oracle, you can put your TNS Name here and leave hostname empty\nor you override tnsnames.ora and put your SID here and fill your hostname:port above", // "Welcome to the installation & upgrade script!" => "Welcome to the installation & upgrade script!", // "Install" => "Install", // "Create database (clean install) with profile" => "Create database (clean install) with profile", // "Descriptions of the available profiles" => "Descriptions of the available profiles", // "Upgrade" => "Upgrade", // "backup your database" => "backup your database", // "with mysqldump or phpmyadmin before you proceed" => "with mysqldump or phpmyadmin before you proceed", // "Update database using script" => "Update database using script", // "For database update from 1.8 or later" => "For database update from 1.8 or later", // "If you upgrade from 1.8.x you <b>MUST</b> run tiki_1.8to1.9 and don't need an additional script" => "If you upgrade from 1.8.x you <b>MUST</b> run tiki_1.8to1.9 and don't need an additional script", // "If you upgrade from a previous 1.9.x version, use tiki_1.8to1.9, too. (ex.: 1.9.2 to 1.9.5)" => "If you upgrade from a previous 1.9.x version, use tiki_1.8to1.9, too. (ex.: 1.9.2 to 1.9.5)", // "For database update from 1.7.x, please visit <a target=\"help\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/UpgradeTo18\">Tiki database 1.7.x to 1.8x instructions" => "For database update from 1.7.x, please visit <a target=\"help\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/UpgradeTo18\">Tiki database 1.7.x to 1.8x instructions", // "For information about tiki-secdb_*.sql files, please see <a target=\"help\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/AdminSecurity\">http://tikiwiki.org/AdminSecurity" => "For information about tiki-secdb_*.sql files, please see <a target=\"help\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/AdminSecurity\">http://tikiwiki.org/AdminSecurity", // "Do nothing and enter Tiki" => "Do nothing and enter Tiki", // "Reset database connection settings" => "Reset database connection settings", // "This site has an admin account configured" => "This site has an admin account configured", // "Please enter your admin password to continue" => "Please enter your admin password to continue", // "Print operations executed successfully" => "Print operations executed successfully", // "Print operations failed" => "Print operations failed", // "Your database has been configured and Tiki is ready to run, if\n \t\tthis is your first install your admin password is 'admin'. You can\n \t\tnow log in into Tiki as 'admin' - 'admin' and start configuring\n \t\tthe application" => "Your database has been configured and Tiki is ready to run, if\n \t\tthis is your first install your admin password is 'admin'. You can\n \t\tnow log in into Tiki as 'admin' - 'admin' and start configuring\n \t\tthe application", // "Note: This install script may be potentially harmful so we strongly\n \t\trecommend you to disable the script and then proceed into Tiki. If\n \t\tyou decide to reuse later, just follow the instructions in\n\t\ttiki-install.php to restore" => "Note: This install script may be potentially harmful so we strongly\n \t\trecommend you to disable the script and then proceed into Tiki. If\n \t\tyou decide to reuse later, just follow the instructions in\n\t\ttiki-install.php to restore", // "READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES BEFORE ENTERING TIKI USING THE LINKS BELOW!" => "READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES BEFORE ENTERING TIKI USING THE LINKS BELOW!", // "Make sure tiki gets more than 8 MB of memory for script execution. \nSee file php.ini, the relevant key is memory_limit. Use something like memory_limit = 16M and restart your \nwebserver. Too little memory will cause blank pages!" => "Make sure tiki gets more than 8 MB of memory for script execution. \nSee file php.ini, the relevant key is memory_limit. Use something like memory_limit = 16M and restart your \nwebserver. Too little memory will cause blank pages!", // "Tiki has not detected your PHP memory_limit. This probably means you have no set limit (all is well)" => "Tiki has not detected your PHP memory_limit. This probably means you have no set limit (all is well)", // "Tiki has detected your PHP memory limit at only 8 Megs" => "Tiki has detected your PHP memory limit at only 8 Megs", // "Tiki has detected your PHP memory_limit at" => "Tiki has detected your PHP memory_limit at", // "Note" => "Note", // "If this is a first time installation, go to tiki-admin.php after login to start configuring your new Tiki installation" => "If this is a first time installation, go to tiki-admin.php after login to start configuring your new Tiki installation", // "If you did a Tiki upgrade, make sure to clean the caches (templates_c/) manually or by using the feature on admin / system" => "If you did a Tiki upgrade, make sure to clean the caches (templates_c/) manually or by using the feature on admin / system", // "Now you may proceed by clicking one of these links" => "Now you may proceed by clicking one of these links", // "Click here to disable the install script and proceed into tiki" => "Click here to disable the install script and proceed into tiki", // "Click here to proceed into tiki without disabling the script" => "Click here to proceed into tiki without disabling the script", // "Go back and run another install/upgrade script" => "Go back and run another install/upgrade script", // "do not use your Back button in your browser!" => "do not use your Back button in your browser!", // "Clear cached version and refresh cache" => "Clear cached version and refresh cache", // "configure rules" => "configure rules", // "edit repository" => "edit repository", // "v" => "v", // "List Articles" => "List Articles", // "list articles tpl" => "list articles tpl", // "ExpireDate" => "ExpireDate", // "admin Banners" => "admin Banners", // "admin Banners tpl" => "admin Banners tpl", // "To use a banner in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{banner zone=ABC}{/literal}, where ABC is the name of the zone." => "To use a banner in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{banner zone=ABC}{/literal}, where ABC is the name of the zone.", // "admin cache" => "admin cache", // "admin cache tpl" => "admin cache tpl", // "Help on Dynamic Content" => "Help on Dynamic Content", // "admin DynamicContent tpl" => "admin DynamicContent tpl", // "To use content blocks in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{content id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the content block." => "To use content blocks in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}{content id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the content block.", // "Future vers" => "Future vers", // "list faqs tpl" => "list faqs tpl", // "Edit this FAQ:" => "Edit this FAQ:", // "Create new FAQ" => "Create new FAQ", // "Create New FAQ:" => "Create New FAQ:", // "monitor this gallery" => "monitor this gallery", // "stop monitoring this gallery" => "stop monitoring this gallery", // "games tpl" => "games tpl", // "/" => "/", // "list posts tpl" => "list posts tpl", // "list quizzes tpl" => "list quizzes tpl", // "edit quiz stats tpl" => "edit quiz stats tpl", // "actions" => "actions", // "take survey" => "take survey", // "list trackers tpl" => "list trackers tpl", // "List Movies" => "List Movies", // "Choose a movie" => "Choose a movie", // "Display" => "Display", // "admin live support tpl" => "admin live support tpl", // "Live support:User window" => "Live support:User window", // "operator" => "operator", // "Mail-in feature" => "Mail-in feature", // "User Calendar" => "User Calendar", // "User Calendar Doc tpl" => "User Calendar Doc tpl", // "User Calendar Doc" => "User Calendar Doc", // "User Calendar Preferences Doc tpl" => "User Calendar Preferences Doc tpl", // "To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://mods.tikiwiki.org\">mods</a>." => "To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://mods.tikiwiki.org\">mods</a>.", // "TikiWiki Mods" => "TikiWiki Mods", // "Mods Configuration" => "Mods Configuration", // "Update remote index" => "Update remote index", // "Rebuild local list" => "Rebuild local list", // "Republish all" => "Republish all", // "Publish all" => "Publish all", // "Unpublish all" => "Unpublish all", // "Attention" => "Attention", // "Apache has the right to write in your file tree, which enables the installation, removal or \nupgrade of packages. When you are done with those operations, think to fix those permissions back to a safe state (by using \n\"./fixperms.sh fix\" for example)." => "Apache has the right to write in your file tree, which enables the installation, removal or \nupgrade of packages. When you are done with those operations, think to fix those permissions back to a safe state (by using \n\"./fixperms.sh fix\" for example).", // "To install, remove or upgrade packages you need to give the apache user the right\nto write files in your web tree (you can use \"./fixperms.sh open\" to set it up). After installation you need to remove that\npermission (using \"./fixperms.sh fix\")." => "To install, remove or upgrade packages you need to give the apache user the right\nto write files in your web tree (you can use \"./fixperms.sh open\" to set it up). After installation you need to remove that\npermission (using \"./fixperms.sh fix\").", // "all types" => "all types", // "Display only this type" => "Display only this type", // "Unpublish" => "Unpublish", // "Republish" => "Republish", // "install" => "install", // "TikiWiki Mods Configuration" => "TikiWiki Mods Configuration", // "Enable Mods providing" => "Enable Mods providing", // "Mods local directory" => "Mods local directory", // "Mods remote server" => "Mods remote server", // "Package Config" => "Package Config", // "my tiki tpl" => "my tiki tpl", // "Last editor" => "Last editor", // "y" => "y", // "subscribe" => "subscribe", // "Sent edition" => "Sent edition", // "Available Newsletters" => "Available Newsletters", // "News from" => "News from", // "Configure Newsreader" => "Configure Newsreader", // "configure newsreader server tpl" => "configure newsreader server tpl", // "Read the news" => "Read the news", // "Preview of version" => "Preview of version", // "(current)" => "(current)", // "rollback to this version" => "rollback to this version", // "Source of version" => "Source of version", // "s=source" => "s=source", // "b=rollback" => "b=rollback", // "Any" => "Any", // "atts" => "atts", // "Number of voices" => "Number of voices", // "Note: Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved!" => "Note: Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved!", // "add structure" => "add structure", // "Edit quiz" => "Edit quiz", // "Current Version" => "Current Version", // "General Options" => "General Options", // "Publication Date" => "Publication Date", // "at " => "at ", // "Use " => "Use ", // "randomly selected questions." => "randomly selected questions.", // "Test-time Options" => "Test-time Options", // "Limit questions displayed per page to " => "Limit questions displayed per page to ", // "  question(s)." => "  question(s).", // "Impose a time limit of " => "Impose a time limit of ", // "Allow students to store partial results and return to quiz." => "Allow students to store partial results and return to quiz.", // "Allow students to retake this quiz " => "Allow students to retake this quiz ", // "Grading and Feedback" => "Grading and Feedback", // "Grading method " => "Grading method ", // "Show students their score " => "Show students their score ", // "Show students the correct answers " => "Show students the correct answers ", // "Publish statistics " => "Publish statistics ", // "Extra Options" => "Extra Options", // "Solicit additional questions from students" => "Solicit additional questions from students", // "Link quiz to forum named: " => "Link quiz to forum named: ", // "Prologue:" => "Prologue:", // "Epilogue:" => "Epilogue:", // "time taken" => "time taken", // "P/F" => "P/F", // "P" => "P", // "F" => "F", // "received articles tpl" => "received articles tpl", // "Help on Communication Center" => "Help on Communication Center", // "received pages tpl" => "received pages tpl", // "admin Referer stats" => "admin Referer stats", // "admin Referer stats tpl" => "admin Referer stats tpl", // "A valid email is mandatory to register" => "A valid email is mandatory to register", // "NOTE: Make sure to whitelist this domain to prevent<br />registration emails being canned by your spam filter!" => "NOTE: Make sure to whitelist this domain to prevent<br />registration emails being canned by your spam filter!", // "Tiki site registered" => "Tiki site registered", // "You don't have permission to use this feature." => "You don't have permission to use this feature.", // "Please register." => "Please register.", // "Read this first!" => "Read this first!", // "On this page you can make your tiki site known to tikiwiki.org. It will get shown there in a list of known tiki sites." => "On this page you can make your tiki site known to tikiwiki.org. It will get shown there in a list of known tiki sites.", // "Registering is voluntary." => "Registering is voluntary.", // "Registering does not give you any benefits except one more link to your site." => "Registering does not give you any benefits except one more link to your site.", // "You don't get any emails, we don't sell the data about your site." => "You don't get any emails, we don't sell the data about your site.", // "Registering is just for us to get an overview of Tiki's usage." => "Registering is just for us to get an overview of Tiki's usage.", // "If your site is private or inside your intranet, you should not register!" => "If your site is private or inside your intranet, you should not register!", // "tikiwiki.org" => "tikiwiki.org", // "Information about your site" => "Information about your site", // "last version" => "last version", // "Replicate" => "Replicate", // "Slave" => "Slave", // "Master" => "Master", // "Change" => "Change", // "Operations" => "Operations", // "Operations Log" => "Operations Log", // "Search Stats" => "Search Stats", // "search stats tpl" => "search stats tpl", // "Simple search" => "Simple search", // "Apply content template" => "Apply content template", // "admin send objects tpl" => "admin send objects tpl", // "sheets tpl" => "sheets tpl", // "Create a sheet" => "Create a sheet", // "Edit this sheet:" => "Edit this sheet:", // "create new sheet" => "create new sheet", // "There are individual permissions set for this sheet" => "There are individual permissions set for this sheet", // "Class Name" => "Class Name", // "Header Rows" => "Header Rows", // "Footer Rows" => "Footer Rows", // "Create new Sheet" => "Create new Sheet", // "You can access the sheet using the following URL" => "You can access the sheet using the following URL", // "Available Sheets" => "Available Sheets", // "Graph" => "Graph", // "admin Tiki Shoutbox" => "admin Tiki Shoutbox", // "admin Tiki Shoutbox tpl" => "admin Tiki Shoutbox tpl", // "auto-link urls" => "auto-link urls", // "first" => "first", // "big grin" => "big grin", // "confused" => "confused", // "cry" => "cry", // "eek" => "eek", // "evil" => "evil", // "lol" => "lol", // "mr green" => "mr green", // "razz" => "razz", // "redface" => "redface", // "rolleyes" => "rolleyes", // "smile" => "smile", // "surprised" => "surprised", // "twisted" => "twisted", // "arrow" => "arrow", // "santa" => "santa", // "Most viewed objects" => "Most viewed objects", // "Most viewed objects in the last 7 days" => "Most viewed objects in the last 7 days", // "Average posts per weblog" => "Average posts per weblog", // "Usage chart image" => "Usage chart image", // "Daily Usage" => "Daily Usage", // "SysLog" => "SysLog", // "system logs" => "system logs", // "system logs tpl" => "system logs tpl", // "Thank you for your submission" => "Thank you for your submission", // "ThemeControl" => "ThemeControl", // "ThemeControl tpl" => "ThemeControl tpl", // "To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>." => "To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>.", // "Control by Objects" => "Control by Objects", // "ThemeControl Objects" => "ThemeControl Objects", // "theme control objects tpl" => "theme control objects tpl", // "theme control sections tpl" => "theme control sections tpl", // "Edit File:" => "Edit File:", // "You have to \ncreate a gallery first!" => "You have to \ncreate a gallery first!", // "Image Gallery tpl" => "Image Gallery tpl", // "or use filename" => "or use filename", // "Note: Maximum image size is limited to" => "Note: Maximum image size is limited to", // "Image ID thumb" => "Image ID thumb", // "You can include the image in an Wiki page using" => "You can include the image in an Wiki page using", // "User Assigned Modules" => "User Assigned Modules", // "User Assigned Modules tpl" => "User Assigned Modules tpl", // "User Bookmarks tpl" => "User Bookmarks tpl", // "Folder in" => "Folder in", // "Homepage" => "Homepage", // "Users HomePage" => "Users HomePage", // "Create page" => "Create page", // "Request friendship from this user" => "Request friendship from this user", // "Toggle options" => "Toggle options", // "Toggle" => "Toggle", // "UserPreferences tpl" => "UserPreferences tpl", // "use google map locator" => "use google map locator", // "Your personal tracker information" => "Your personal tracker information", // "View extra information" => "View extra information", // "Note author when reading his mail" => "Note author when reading his mail", // "Auto-archive read messages after x days" => "Auto-archive read messages after x days", // "My workflow" => "My workflow", // "User Tasks tpl" => "User Tasks tpl", // "New task" => "New task", // "Task list" => "Task list", // "Admin mode off" => "Admin mode off", // "Admin mode on" => "Admin mode on", // "Task help" => "Task help", // "Received task" => "Received task", // "You received this task, please read and execute it" => "You received this task, please read and execute it", // "Send task" => "Send task", // "You send this task to a other user" => "You send this task to a other user", // "Shared task" => "Shared task", // "This task is public to a special group" => "This task is public to a special group", // "accepted by task user and creator" => "accepted by task user and creator", // "accepted user and creator" => "accepted user and creator", // "Task is accepted by user and creator" => "Task is accepted by user and creator", // "not accepted by one user" => "not accepted by one user", // "not accepted user" => "not accepted user", // "Task is rejected by one user" => "Task is rejected by one user", // "waiting for me" => "waiting for me", // "Task is not accepted by you, read the task and accept or reject it" => "Task is not accepted by you, read the task and accept or reject it", // "waiting for other user" => "waiting for other user", // "Task is not accepted/rejected by other user" => "Task is not accepted/rejected by other user", // "admin mode" => "admin mode", // "trash" => "trash", // "empty trash" => "empty trash", // "Edit task" => "Edit task", // "red" => "red", // "NOT accept" => "NOT accept", // "remove from trash" => "remove from trash", // "move into trash" => "move into trash", // "Task saved" => "Task saved", // "Edit Task" => "Edit Task", // "View Task" => "View Task", // "Open a new task" => "Open a new task", // "taskId" => "taskId", // "Task user" => "Task user", // "Only the creator can delete this task" => "Only the creator can delete this task", // "use start date and time" => "use start date and time", // "use end date and time" => "use end date and time", // "open / in process" => "open / in process", // "waiting / not started" => "waiting / not started", // "waiting" => "waiting", // "shared for group" => "shared for group", // "accepted by user" => "accepted by user", // "no / rejected" => "no / rejected", // "accepted by creator" => "accepted by creator", // "Info" => "Info", // "This message will be send to users if you are makeing changes of assigned tasks" => "This message will be send to users if you are makeing changes of assigned tasks", // "Send message with changes" => "Send message with changes", // "Modified by" => "Modified by", // "Marked as deleted" => "Marked as deleted", // "Inform task user by email" => "Inform task user by email", // "You can only view this task" => "You can only view this task", // "%m/%d/%Y [%H:%M]" => "%m/%d/%Y [%H:%M]", // "select one" => "select one", // "undo trash" => "undo trash", // "show:" => "show:", // "received" => "received", // "submitted" => "submitted", // "shared" => "shared", // "all shared tasks" => "all shared tasks", // "completed (100%)" => "completed (100%)", // "Public for group" => "Public for group", // "User Watches tpl" => "User Watches tpl", // "Add Watch" => "Add Watch", // "A user submits a blog post" => "A user submits a blog post", // "A user posts a forum thread" => "A user posts a forum thread", // "A user posts a forum topic" => "A user posts a forum topic", // "A user edited a wiki page" => "A user edited a wiki page", // "edit user files" => "edit user files", // "Insert Row" => "Insert Row", // "Insert Column" => "Insert Column", // "Remove Row" => "Remove Row", // "Remove Column" => "Remove Column", // "Merge Cells" => "Merge Cells", // "Restore Cells" => "Restore Cells", // "Copy Calculation" => "Copy Calculation", // "Format Cell" => "Format Cell", // "Before" => "Before", // "After" => "After", // "Banner stats" => "Banner stats", // "Banner Information" => "Banner Information", // "permanency" => "permanency", // "view faq" => "view faq", // "view faq tpl" => "view faq tpl", // "admin menus tpl" => "admin menus tpl", // "Answers" => "Answers", // "add suggestion" => "add suggestion", // "1 suggestion" => "1 suggestion", // "suggestions" => "suggestions", // "You have {\$unread} unread private messages" => "You have {\$unread} unread private messages", // "emot" => "emot", // "posts:" => "posts:", // "Edit fields" => "Edit fields", // " item found" => " item found", // " items found" => " items found", // "list attachments" => "list attachments", // "View inserted item" => "View inserted item", // "fields marked with a * are mandatory" => "fields marked with a * are mandatory", // "Tracker item:" => "Tracker item:", // "Filter Tracker Items" => "Filter Tracker Items", // "more info" => "more info", // "remove image" => "remove image", // "Special Operations" => "Special Operations", // "Details" => "Details", // "Webmail Doc" => "Webmail Doc", // "Webmail Doc template" => "Webmail Doc template", // "Edit mail account" => "Edit mail account", // "clip" => "clip", // "%s enabled" => "%s enabled", // "%s disabled" => "%s disabled", // "Enable/disable Tiki features here, but configure them elsewhere" => "Enable/disable Tiki features here, but configure them elsewhere", // "User registration, login and authentication" => "User registration, login and authentication", // "Wiki Attachments" => "Wiki Attachments", // "Article/CMS settings" => "Article/CMS settings", // "Configuration options for all blogs on your site" => "Configuration options for all blogs on your site", // "FAQ comments settings" => "FAQ comments settings", // "Trackers settings" => "Trackers settings", // "RSS settings" => "RSS settings", // "Directory settings" => "Directory settings", // "Maps configuration" => "Maps configuration", // "Meta Tags settings" => "Meta Tags settings", // "Search settings" => "Search settings", // "Score settings" => "Score settings", // "Projects" => "Projects", // "Projects configuration" => "Projects configuration", // "Community settings" => "Community settings", // "Site Identity features" => "Site Identity features", // "Calendar settings" => "Calendar settings", // "Intertiki settings" => "Intertiki settings", // "Help on \$admintitle Config" => "Help on \$admintitle Config", // "Click here to delete this category" => "Click here to delete this category", // "Category can`t be parent of itself" => "Category can`t be parent of itself", // "You have to provide a hotword and a URL" => "You have to provide a hotword and a URL", // "moved %d images, %d errors occured." => "moved %d images, %d errors occured.", // "a timeout occured. Hit the reload button to move the rest" => "a timeout occured. Hit the reload button to move the rest", // "Not detected." => "Not detected.", // "You cannot have a blank password" => "You cannot have a blank password", // "DATE-of" => "DATE-of", // "All Fields except gdaltindex must be filled" => "All Fields except gdaltindex must be filled", // "No valid gdaltindex executable" => "No valid gdaltindex executable", // "You cannot mix old and new trackers" => "You cannot mix old and new trackers", // "Repository name can't be an empty" => "Repository name can't be an empty", // "Requested action is not supported on repository" => "Requested action is not supported on repository", // "No repository" => "No repository", // "Search is mandatory field" => "Search is mandatory field", // "Requested action in not supported on repository" => "Requested action in not supported on repository", // "Non-existent link" => "Non-existent link", // "Mail-in account %s incorrect" => "Mail-in account %s incorrect", // "Mail-in account %s saved" => "Mail-in account %s saved", // "Mail-in accounts set to be checked every %s minutes" => "Mail-in accounts set to be checked every %s minutes", // "Automatic Mail-in accounts checking disabled" => "Automatic Mail-in accounts checking disabled", // "Cannot create or update module: You need to specify a name to the module" => "Cannot create or update module: You need to specify a name to the module", // "Cannot create or update module: You cannot leave the data field empty" => "Cannot create or update module: You cannot leave the data field empty", // "unsafe" => "unsafe", // "register_globals should be off by default. See the php manual for details." => "register_globals should be off by default. See the php manual for details.", // "safe" => "safe", // "session.use_trans_sid should be off by default. See the php manual for details." => "session.use_trans_sid should be off by default. See the php manual for details.", // "upload_tmp_dir is probably within your TikiWiki directory. There is a risk that someone can upload any file to this directory and access them via web browser" => "upload_tmp_dir is probably within your TikiWiki directory. There is a risk that someone can upload any file to this directory and access them via web browser", // "cannot check if the upload_tmp_dir is accessible via web browser. To be sure you should check your webserver config." => "cannot check if the upload_tmp_dir is accessible via web browser. To be sure you should check your webserver config.", // "setting the xbithack option is unsafe. Depending on the file handling of your webserver and your tiki settings, it may be possible that a attacker can upload scripts to file gallery and execute them" => "setting the xbithack option is unsafe. Depending on the file handling of your webserver and your tiki settings, it may be possible that a attacker can upload scripts to file gallery and execute them", // "risky" => "risky", // "allow_url_fopen may potentially be used to upload remote data or scripts. If you dont use the blog feature, you can switch it off." => "allow_url_fopen may potentially be used to upload remote data or scripts. If you dont use the blog feature, you can switch it off.", // "The Path to store files in the filegallery should be outside the tiki root directory" => "The Path to store files in the filegallery should be outside the tiki root directory", // "The Path to store files in the imagegallery should be outside the tiki root directory" => "The Path to store files in the imagegallery should be outside the tiki root directory", // "The feature \"Edit Templates\" is switched on. Do not allow anyone you cannot trust to use this feature. It can easily be used to inject php code." => "The feature \"Edit Templates\" is switched on. Do not allow anyone you cannot trust to use this feature. It can easily be used to inject php code.", // "installed" => "installed", // "The \"Snarf Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to include pages from the local network and via regex replacement create any html." => "The \"Snarf Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to include pages from the local network and via regex replacement create any html.", // "The \"Regex Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to create any html via regex replacement." => "The \"Regex Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to create any html via regex replacement.", // "The \"Lsdir Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to view the contents of any directory." => "The \"Lsdir Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to view the contents of any directory.", // "The \"Bloglist Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to disclose private blog posts." => "The \"Bloglist Wikiplugin\" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to disclose private blog posts.", // "Path disclosure" => "Path disclosure", // "Path disclosure through error message" => "Path disclosure through error message", // "SQL injection" => "SQL injection", // "SQL injection by authenticated user" => "SQL injection by authenticated user", // "SQL injection by authenticated user with special privileges" => "SQL injection by authenticated user with special privileges", // "SQL injection without authentication" => "SQL injection without authentication", // "PHP command injection" => "PHP command injection", // "PHP command injection by authenticated user" => "PHP command injection by authenticated user", // "PHP command injection by authenticated user with special privileges" => "PHP command injection by authenticated user with special privileges", // "PHP command injection without authentication" => "PHP command injection without authentication", // "File upload" => "File upload", // "File is not readable. Unable to check." => "File is not readable. Unable to check.", // "This is not a TikiWiki file. Check if this file was uploaded and if it is dangerous." => "This is not a TikiWiki file. Check if this file was uploaded and if it is dangerous.", // "This is a modified File. Cannot check version. Check if it is dangerous." => "This is a modified File. Cannot check version. Check if it is dangerous.", // "This file is from another TikiWiki version: " => "This file is from another TikiWiki version: ", // " or " => " or ", // "No Errors detected" => "No Errors detected", // "Created account %s <%s>" => "Created account %s <%s>", // "Assigned %s in group %s" => "Assigned %s in group %s", // "%s <b>%s</b> successfully deleted." => "%s <b>%s</b> successfully deleted.", // "%s <b>%s</b> assigned to %s <b>%s</b>." => "%s <b>%s</b> assigned to %s <b>%s</b>.", // "%s <b>%s</b> removed from %s <b>%s</b>." => "%s <b>%s</b> removed from %s <b>%s</b>.", // "group <b>%s</b> set as the default group of user <b>%s</b>." => "group <b>%s</b> set as the default group of user <b>%s</b>.", // "rss feed disabled" => "rss feed disabled", // "Tiki RSS feed for articles" => "Tiki RSS feed for articles", // "Image Galleries Admin Panel" => "Image Galleries Admin Panel", // "Could not read image %s." => "Could not read image %s.", // "Image %s upload failed." => "Image %s upload failed.", // "Image %s uploaded successfully." => "Image %s uploaded successfully.", // "Image %s removed from Batch directory." => "Image %s removed from Batch directory.", // "Impossible to remove image %s from Batch directory." => "Impossible to remove image %s from Batch directory.", // "Permission denied you cannot use the batch directory loading" => "Permission denied you cannot use the batch directory loading", // "Incorrect directory chosen for batch upload of images." => "Incorrect directory chosen for batch upload of images.", // "Please setup that dir on " => "Please setup that dir on ", // "Please contact the website administrator." => "Please contact the website administrator.", // "Invalid directory name" => "Invalid directory name", // "Tiki RSS feed for blog: " => "Tiki RSS feed for blog: ", // "Tiki RSS feed for weblogs" => "Tiki RSS feed for weblogs", // "Last posts to weblogs." => "Last posts to weblogs.", // "First day of week: Sunday (its ID is 0) - translators you need to localize this string!" => "First day of week: Sunday (its ID is 0) - translators you need to localize this string!", // "%m/%d" => "%m/%d", // "Access Denied" => "Access Denied", // "Tiki RSS feed for calendars" => "Tiki RSS feed for calendars", // "Upcoming events." => "Upcoming events.", // "Start:" => "Start:", // "End:" => "End:", // "ERROR: you must include a subject or a message at least" => "ERROR: you must include a subject or a message at least", // "You need to change chmod 'whelp' manually to 777" => "You need to change chmod 'whelp' manually to 777", // "Tiki RSS feed for directory sites" => "Tiki RSS feed for directory sites", // "Last sites." => "Last sites.", // "Must enter a name to add a site. " => "Must enter a name to add a site. ", // "Must enter a url to add a site. " => "Must enter a url to add a site. ", // "URL already added to the directory. Duplicate site? " => "URL already added to the directory. Duplicate site? ", // "URL cannot be accessed wrong URL or site is offline and cannot be added to the directory. " => "URL cannot be accessed wrong URL or site is offline and cannot be added to the directory. ", // "URL cannot be accessed: wrong URL or site is offline and cannot be added to the directory" => "URL cannot be accessed: wrong URL or site is offline and cannot be added to the directory", // "Site No validated yet" => "Site No validated yet", // "No parent specified" => "No parent specified", // "Last sites of directory \".\$rc[\"name\"].\" ." => "Last sites of directory \".\$rc[\"name\"].\" .", // "Error : The file %s doesn't exist." => "Error : The file %s doesn't exist.", // "The language can't be changed as its set of translations has already this language" => "The language can't be changed as its set of translations has already this language", // "You do not have permissions to edit banners" => "You do not have permissions to edit banners", // "You do not have permission to edit this banner" => "You do not have permission to edit this banner", // "You do not have permission to write the style sheet" => "You do not have permission to write the style sheet", // "Invalid structure_id or page_ref_id" => "Invalid structure_id or page_ref_id", // "You do not have permission to do that" => "You do not have permission to do that", // "You do not have permission to write the template:" => "You do not have permission to write the template:", // "You do not have permission to read the template" => "You do not have permission to read the template", // "No topic id specified" => "No topic id specified", // "Invalid topic id specified" => "Invalid topic id specified", // "No object indicated" => "No object indicated", // "No type indicated" => "No type indicated", // "You have mistyped the anti-bot verification code; please try again." => "You have mistyped the anti-bot verification code; please try again.", // "Can't import remote HTML page" => "Can't import remote HTML page", // "Can't parse remote HTML page" => "Can't parse remote HTML page", // "unknown error" => "unknown error", // "cannot be found" => "cannot be found", // "No permission to view the page" => "No permission to view the page", // "No questions group indicated" => "No questions group indicated", // "Top visited file galleries" => "Top visited file galleries", // "Most downloaded files" => "Most downloaded files", // "Last files" => "Last files", // "Tiki RSS feed for file galleries" => "Tiki RSS feed for file galleries", // "Last files uploaded to the file galleries." => "Last files uploaded to the file galleries.", // "No galleryId specified" => "No galleryId specified", // "Tiki RSS feed for the file gallery: " => "Tiki RSS feed for the file gallery: ", // "No forumId specified" => "No forumId specified", // "Tiki RSS feed for forum: " => "Tiki RSS feed for forum: ", // "Tiki RSS feed for forums" => "Tiki RSS feed for forums", // "Last topics in forums." => "Last topics in forums.", // "Friendship request sent to %s" => "Friendship request sent to %s", // "Role name cannot be empty" => "Role name cannot be empty", // "Activity name cannot be empty" => "Activity name cannot be empty", // "A start activity requires a name for the instance" => "A start activity requires a name for the instance", // "You couldn't abort a instance" => "You couldn't abort a instance", // "You couldn't exception a instance" => "You couldn't exception a instance", // "No title indicated" => "No title indicated", // "No comment indicated" => "No comment indicated", // "No date indicated" => "No date indicated", // "first uploaded image" => "first uploaded image", // "last uploaded image" => "last uploaded image", // "random image" => "random image", // "Permission denied you cannot make the map of this gallery" => "Permission denied you cannot make the map of this gallery", // "Top images" => "Top images", // "Last images" => "Last images", // "Back to preferences" => "Back to preferences", // "No valid renderer found. GD or PDFLib required." => "No valid renderer found. GD or PDFLib required.", // "No sheet specified." => "No sheet specified.", // "You must select a renderer." => "You must select a renderer.", // "Invalid Series for current graphic." => "Invalid Series for current graphic.", // "Tiki RSS feed for image galleries" => "Tiki RSS feed for image galleries", // "Last images uploaded to the image galleries." => "Last images uploaded to the image galleries.", // "Tiki RSS feed for the image gallery: " => "Tiki RSS feed for the image gallery: ", // "updated from structured text import" => "updated from structured text import", // "created from structured text import" => "created from structured text import", // "No repository given" => "No repository given", // "Non-existent gallery" => "Non-existent gallery", // "This gallery does not exist" => "This gallery does not exist", // "The game file must have .swf or .dcr extension" => "The game file must have .swf or .dcr extension", // "Please supply both files" => "Please supply both files", // "Unable to contact remote server." => "Unable to contact remote server.", // "XMLRPC Error: " => "XMLRPC Error: ", // "Account validated successfully." => "Account validated successfully.", // "Tiki mail-in auto-reply" => "Tiki mail-in auto-reply", // "Sorry, you can't use this feature." => "Sorry, you can't use this feature.", // "You do not have permissions to view the maps" => "You do not have permissions to view the maps", // "Maps feature is not correctly setup : Maps path is missing." => "Maps feature is not correctly setup : Maps path is missing.", // "Please create a directory named \$map_path to hold your map files." => "Please create a directory named \$map_path to hold your map files.", // "mapfile name incorrect" => "mapfile name incorrect", // "This mapfile already exists" => "This mapfile already exists", // "You do not have permission to write to the mapfile" => "You do not have permission to write to the mapfile", // "You do not have permission to delete the mapfile" => "You do not have permission to delete the mapfile", // "I could not make a copy" => "I could not make a copy", // "You do not have permission to read the mapfile" => "You do not have permission to read the mapfile", // "Tiki RSS feed for maps" => "Tiki RSS feed for maps", // "List of maps available." => "List of maps available.", // "You do not have permissions to view the layers" => "You do not have permissions to view the layers", // "Could not upload the file" => "Could not upload the file", // "You do not have permissions to delete a file" => "You do not have permissions to delete a file", // "File not found" => "File not found", // "You do not have permissions to create a directory" => "You do not have permissions to create a directory", // "The Directory is not empty" => "The Directory is not empty", // "You do not have permissions to delete a directory" => "You do not have permissions to delete a directory", // "You do not have permissions to create an index file" => "You do not have permissions to create an index file", // "Invalid file name" => "Invalid file name", // "Invalid files to index" => "Invalid files to index", // "I do not know where is gdaltindex. Set correctly the Map feature" => "I do not know where is gdaltindex. Set correctly the Map feature", // "I could not create the index file" => "I could not create the index file", // "Must be logged to use this feature" => "Must be logged to use this feature", // "Welcome at Hawiki" => "Welcome at Hawiki", // "This TikiWiki site is prepared for access from a lot of mobile devices, e.g. WAP phones, PDA's, i-mode devices and much more." => "This TikiWiki site is prepared for access from a lot of mobile devices, e.g. WAP phones, PDA's, i-mode devices and much more.", // "You can browse this site on your mobile device by directing your device's browser towards the following URL here on this site:" => "You can browse this site on your mobile device by directing your device's browser towards the following URL here on this site:", // "tiki-mobile.php" => "tiki-mobile.php", // "You need to run setup.sh :<br />./setup.sh \$APACHEUSER all<br />Common Apache users are www-data, apache or nobody" => "You need to run setup.sh :<br />./setup.sh \$APACHEUSER all<br />Common Apache users are www-data, apache or nobody", // "Your PHP installation does not have zlib enabled." => "Your PHP installation does not have zlib enabled.", // "You do not have permission to view other users data" => "You do not have permission to view other users data", // "Pageviews" => "Pageviews", // "You don't have permission to edit quizzes." => "You don't have permission to edit quizzes.", // "Registered" => "Registered", // "The registration mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator" => "The registration mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator", // "Invalid username or activation code. Maybe this code has already been used." => "Invalid username or activation code. Maybe this code has already been used.", // "Unable to send mail. User has not configured email" => "Unable to send mail. User has not configured email", // "A password and your IP address reminder email has been sent " => "A password and your IP address reminder email has been sent ", // "A new (and temporary) password and your IP address has been sent " => "A new (and temporary) password and your IP address has been sent ", // "Permission denied you cannot rename this page" => "Permission denied you cannot rename this page", // "Cannot rename page because the new name begins with reserved prefix" => "Cannot rename page because the new name begins with reserved prefix", // "changed '%s' from '%s' to '%s'" => "changed '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", // "Error Message" => "Error Message", // "Tiki RSS Feed Error Message: \$errmsg" => "Tiki RSS Feed Error Message: \$errmsg", // "One of the email addresses you typed is invalid" => "One of the email addresses you typed is invalid", // "No newsletters available." => "No newsletters available.", // "Use this thread to discuss the page:" => "Use this thread to discuss the page:", // "An error occurred." => "An error occurred.", // "Notice: invalid variable value:" => "Notice: invalid variable value:", // "You do not have permission to edit messages" => "You do not have permission to edit messages", // "This feature is for admins only" => "This feature is for admins only", // "Quiz time limit exceeded quiz cannot be computed" => "Quiz time limit exceeded quiz cannot be computed", // "empty" => "empty", // "No trackerId specified" => "No trackerId specified", // "Tiki RSS feed for individual trackers: " => "Tiki RSS feed for individual trackers: ", // "Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)" => "Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)", // "File update was successful" => "File update was successful", // "Could not find the file requested" => "Could not find the file requested", // "The uploaded file ist not recognized as a image" => "The uploaded file ist not recognized as a image", // "Usage" => "Usage", // "You are not logged in and no user indicated" => "You are not logged in and no user indicated", // "Invalid password. Your current password is required to change administrative information" => "Invalid password. Your current password is required to change administrative information", // "Email is set to %s" => "Email is set to %s", // "unicode" => "unicode", // "was moved into trash" => "was moved into trash", // "trashed by" => "trashed by", // "Rights by creator" => "Rights by creator", // "END" => "END", // "Percentage" => "Percentage", // "Task accepted by creator" => "Task accepted by creator", // "Task accepted by task user" => "Task accepted by task user", // "Task NOT accepted by creator" => "Task NOT accepted by creator", // "Task NOT accepted by task user" => "Task NOT accepted by task user", // "Sorry this task does not exist or you have no rights to view this task" => "Sorry this task does not exist or you have no rights to view this task", // "Task entries:" => "Task entries:", // "Changes:" => "Changes:", // "Info message" => "Info message", // "NEW Task" => "NEW Task", // "Sorry you are not allowed to send tasks to other users, or the user is not allowed to receive tasks!" => "Sorry you are not allowed to send tasks to other users, or the user is not allowed to receive tasks!", // "Changes on Task" => "Changes on Task", // "You received a new task" => "You received a new task", // "The priority is" => "The priority is", // "very low" => "very low", // "low" => "low", // "high" => "high", // "very high" => "very high", // "You've to start your work at least on" => "You've to start your work at least on", // "You've to finish your work on" => "You've to finish your work on", // "Login and click the link below" => "Login and click the link below", // "Please read the task and work on it!" => "Please read the task and work on it!", // "Sorry, there was an error while trying to write data into the database" => "Sorry, there was an error while trying to write data into the database", // "Non-existent user" => "Non-existent user", // "Permission denied you cannot remove trackbacks" => "Permission denied you cannot remove trackbacks", // "You are not permitted to remove someone else\\'s post!" => "You are not permitted to remove someone else\\'s post!", // "A SheetId is required." => "A SheetId is required.", // "That tracker don't use extras." => "That tracker don't use extras.", // "Tiki RSS feed for the wiki pages" => "Tiki RSS feed for the wiki pages", // "Last modifications to the Wiki." => "Last modifications to the Wiki.", // ### end of untranslated words // ### // ### // ### start of possibly untranslated words // ### "blog" => "blog", "faq" => "faq", "forum" => "forum", "Blog" => "Blog", "Login" => "Login", "Wiki" => "Wiki", "FAQ" => "FAQ", "Forum" => "Forum", "for" => "for", "wiki" => "wiki", "data" => "data", "post" => "post", "Type" => "Type", "Ip" => "Ip", "1" => "1", "2" => "2", "3" => "3", "4" => "4", "5" => "5", "filter" => "filter", "Normal" => "Normal", "CC" => "CC", "BCC" => "BCC", "Cookies" => "Cookies", "Mail-in" => "Mail-in", "phpinfo" => "phpinfo", "Admin dsn" => "Admin dsn", "Webmail" => "Webmail", "Dump" => "Dump", "DSN" => "DSN", "April" => "April", "August" => "August", "September" => "September", "November" => "November", "Filter" => "Filter", "standard" => "standard", "Wiki RSS" => "Wiki RSS", "cache" => "cache", "pdf" => "pdf", "Data" => "Data", "chat" => "chat", "dump" => "dump", "Prefs" => "Prefs", "dls" => "dls", "URI" => "URI", "RSS" => "RSS", "XMLRPC API" => "XMLRPC API", "OS" => "OS", "Unix" => "Unix", "Windows" => "Windows", "port" => "port", "LDAP Scope" => "LDAP Scope", "LDAP Base DN" => "LDAP Base DN", "LDAP User DN" => "LDAP User DN", "LDAP User Attribute" => "LDAP User Attribute", "LDAP User OC" => "LDAP User OC", "LDAP Group DN" => "LDAP Group DN", "LDAP Group Attribute" => "LDAP Group Attribute", "LDAP Group OC" => "LDAP Group OC", "LDAP Member Attribute" => "LDAP Member Attribute", "LDAP Member Is DN" => "LDAP Member Is DN", "LDAP Admin User" => "LDAP Admin User", "LDAP Admin Pwd" => "LDAP Admin Pwd", "Status" => "Status", "full" => "full", "MultiPrint" => "MultiPrint", "x" => "x", "ID" => "ID", "prio" => "prio", "type" => "type", "URL" => "URL", "Cookie" => "Cookie", "cookie" => "cookie", "Ver" => "Ver", "dsn" => "dsn", "extwiki" => "extwiki", "min" => "min", "avatar" => "avatar", "Database" => "Database", "Start" => "Start", "Admin layout" => "Admin layout", "url" => "url", "POP server" => "POP server", "Port" => "Port", "SMTP server" => "SMTP server", "wiki-get" => "wiki-get", "wiki-put" => "wiki-put", "wiki-append" => "wiki-append", "status" => "status", "Id" => "Id", "isMain" => "isMain", "Tbl vis" => "Tbl vis", "admin" => "admin", "popup" => "popup", "semester" => "semester", "h" => "h", "+" => "+", "Font" => "Font", "URL:" => "URL:", "sites" => "sites", "cType" => "cType", "Style Sheet" => "Style Sheet", "Original" => "Original", "Page alias" => "Page alias", "Admin FAQ" => "Admin FAQ", "id" => "id", "normal" => "normal", "start" => "start", "Int" => "Int", "#" => "#", "inter" => "inter", "ver:" => "ver:", "auto" => "auto", "int" => "int", "hist" => "hist", "Program" => "Program", "Dls" => "Dls", "adm" => "adm", "Com" => "Com", "msgs" => "msgs", "Site" => "Site", "Send blog post" => "Send blog post", "site" => "site", "CMS" => "CMS", "pvs" => "pvs", "Mb" => "Mb", "bytes" => "bytes", "Avatar" => "Avatar", "Pos" => "Pos", "pos" => "pos", "pre" => "pre", "chg" => "chg", "Dif" => "Dif", "pop" => "pop", "cc" => "cc", "bcc" => "bcc", // ### // ### end of possibly untranslated words // ### "Re:" => "Sv:", "Missing title or body when trying to post a comment" => "Tittel eller brødtekst savnes når kommentaren ble lagt inn", "The copyright management feature is not enabled." => "Copyrightadministrasjonsfunksjonen er ikke aktivert.", "You do not have permission to use this feature." => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å bruke denne funksjonen.", "You do not have permission to use this feature" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å bruke denne funksjonen", "This feature is disabled" => "denne funksjon er ikke aktivert", "None" => "Ingen", "Simplified Chinese" => "Forenklet kinesisk", "Chinese" => "Kinesisk", "Czech" => "Tsjekkisk", "Danish" => "Dansk", "German" => "Tysk", "English" => "Engelsk", "English British" => "Britisk-engelsk", "Spanish" => "Spansk", "Greek" => "Gresk", "French" => "Fransk", "Hebrew" => "Hebraisk", "Croatian" => "Kroatisk", "Italian" => "Italiensk", "Japanese" => "Japansk", "Korean" => "Koreansk", "Dutch" => "Nederlandsk", "Norwegian" => "Norsk", "Polish" => "Polsk", "Português" => "Portugisisk", "Brazilian Portuguese" => "Brasiliansk-portugisisk", "Russian" => "Russisk", "Slovak" => "Slovakisk", "Serbian" => "Serbisk", "Serbian Latin" => "Serbisk m. lat. alfabet", "Swedish" => "Svensk", "Traditional Chinese" => "Tradisjonell kinesisk", "Activity" => "Aktivitet", "Role" => "Rolle", "by" => "av", "refresh" => "oppdater", "locked" => "låst", "locked by" => "låst av", "continued" => "fortsatt", "in" => "i", "new image uploaded by" => "nytt bilde lastet opp av", "uploaded by" => "lastet opp av", "new item in tracker" => "nytt element i sporhund", "new subscriptions" => "nye abonnementer", "not specified" => "ikke spesifisert", "The file is not a CSV file or has not a correct syntax" => "File er enten ikke en CSV-fil eller har ikke en korrekt syntaks", "article" => "artikkel", "directory" => "katalog", "poll" => "avstemning", "quiz" => "spørrelek", "image" => "Bilde", "calendar" => "kalender", "Cannot upload this file maximum upload size exceeded" => "Du kan ikke laste opp denne filen fordi den overskrider maksimal filstørrelse for opplasting", "Anonymous" => "Anonym", "Newsletter subscription information at " => "Informasjon om nyhetsbrevabonnement på ", "Cannot write to this file:" => "Kan ikke skrive til denne filen:", "Wiki Home" => "Wiki hjemmeside", "Home" => "Hjem", "Blogs" => "Blogger", "previous page" => "forrige side", "next page" => "neste side", "posted on" => "lagt inn den", "Articles" => "Artikler", "By:" => "Av:", "Read" => "Les", "List articles" => "List opp artikler", "Forums" => "Fora", "Last post" => "Siste innlegg", "Invalid imagename (using filters for filenames)" => "Ugyldig bildenavn (bruk av filtre for filnavn)", "Errors detected" => "Feil oppdaget", "Upload was not successful" => "Feil under opplastingen", "No image yet, sorry." => "Ikke noe bilde enda, beklager.", "NONE" => "INGEN", "Wiki top pages" => "Wiki toppsider", "Hits" => "Treff", "Most relevant pages" => "Mest relevante sider", "Relevance" => "Relevans", "Wiki last pages" => "Wiki siste sider", "Modified" => "Modifisert", "Forums last topics" => "Forumets siste emner", "Topic date" => "Emnedato", "Forums most read topics" => "Forum: mest leste emner", "Reads" => "Lesinger", "Forums best topics" => "Forum: beste emner", "Score" => "Poeng", "Forums most visited forums" => "Forum: mest beøkte forums", "Visits" => "Besøk", "Forums with most posts" => "Forum: flest innlegg", "Posts" => "Innlegg", "Wiki top galleries" => "Wiki toppgallerier", "Wiki top file galleries" => "Wiki topp filgallerier", "Wiki top images" => "Wiki toppbilder", "Wiki top files" => "Wiki toppfiler", "Downloads" => "Antall nedlastinger (downloads)", "Wiki last images" => "Wiki siste bilder", "Upload date" => "Opplastingsdato", "Wiki last files" => "Wiki siste filer", "Wiki top articles" => "Wiki toppartikler", "Most visited blogs" => "Mest besøkte blog'er", "Most active blogs" => "Mest aktive blog'er", "Blogs last posts" => "Blogens siste innlegg", "Post date" => "Skrevet dato", "Wiki top authors" => "Wiki toppforfattere", "Pages" => "Sider", "Top article authors" => "Topp artikkelforfattere", "Make friends" => "Få venner", "Send message" => "Send melding", "Attach file" => "Legg ved fil", "Tracker" => "Sporhund", "Unknown" => "Ukjent", "Image Gallery" => "Bildegalleri", "Image" => "Bilde", "Article" => "Artikkel", "Directory category" => "Katalogkategori", "Directory" => "Katalog", "File Gallery" => "Filgalleri", "Gallery" => "Galleri", "File" => "Fil", "Blog post" => "Bloginnlegg", "help" => "hjelp", "from" => "fra", "Priority" => "Prioritert", "Friend" => "Venn", "unlocked" => "låst opp", "Help" => "Hjelp", "You are banned from" => "Du er bannlyst fra", "faqs" => "faq'er", "quizzes" => "spørreleker", "blogs" => "blog'er", "forums" => "fora", "games" => "spill", "picture not found" => "bildet ble ikke funnet", "drawing not found" => "tegning ble ikke funnet", "Created" => "Opprettet", "new" => "nytt", "show" => "vis", "hide" => "skjul", "Click here to confirm your action" => "Klikk her for å bekrefte handlingen", "Item" => "Element", "Tracker was modified at " => "Sporhund ble modifisert på ", "text field" => "tekstfelt", "size" => "størrelse", "textarea" => "tekstareal", "checkbox" => "sjekkboks", "drop down" => "nedrullende", "user selector" => "brukervalg", "group selector" => "gruppevalg", "date and time" => "dato og tid", "action" => "handling", "category" => "kategori", "Category options: parentId" => "Kategorivalg: parentId", "email" => "e-post", "open" => 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to join my network of friends!" => "Du er invitert til å bli med i min vennegjeng!", "The user" => "Brukeren", "registered at your site" => "registret på din side", "New user registration" => "Ny brukerregistrering", "Bye bye!" => "Ha det bra!", "This email address has been removed to the list of subscriptors of:" => "Denne epostadressen har blitt fjernet fra listen over abonnenter på:", "Newsletter:" => "Nyhetsbrev:", "Bye bye from %s at %s" => "Ha det godt fra %s på %s", "You can unsubscribe from this newsletter following this link" => "Du kan avslutte abonnementet på dette nyhetsbrevet ved å følge denne lenken", "Welcome to our newsletter!" => "Velkommern til vårt nyhetsbrev!", "This email address has been added to the list of subscriptors of:" => "Denne epostadressen har blitt lagt til listen over abonnenter på:", "You can always cancel your subscription using:" => "Du kan uansett avbryte ditt abonnement ved å bruke:", "Welcome to %s at %s" => "Velkommen til %s på %s", "Tiki email notification" => "Tiki emailpåminnelse", "Your Tiki account information for %s" => "Din Tiki-kontoinformasjon for %s", "A new article was submitted by {\$mail_user} to {\$mail_site} at {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}" => "En ny artikkel ble sendt inn av {\$mail_user} til {\$mail_site} {\$mail_date|tiki_short_datetime}", "You can edit the submission following this link:" => "Du kan redigere denne innsendingen ved å følge denne lenken:", "you or someone registered this email address at" => "du eller noen andre registrerte denne epostadressen på", "If you want to be a registered user in this site you will have to use the following link to login for the first time:" => "Dersom du ønsker å bli en registrert bruker på siden må du bruke følgende lenke for å logge på den første gangen:", "Your Tiki information registration" => "Din Tiki informasjonsregistrering", "You will receive an email with information to login for the first time into this site" => "Du kommer til å motta en email med instrukser for å logge inn for første gang til denne siden", "Name" => "Navn", "File Description" => "Filbeskrivelse", "Size" => "Størrelse", "New name" => "Nytt navn", "Thank you for you registration. You may log in now." => "Takk for at du regisrerte deg. Du kan nå logge deg på.", "Comments" => "Kommentarer", "Last modification date" => "Sist endret dato", "Actions" => "Handlinger", "hits" => "treff", "No records found" => "Søket ga ingen resultater", "create" => "lage", "History" => "Versjoner", "save" => "lagre", "of" => "fra", "Version" => "Versjon", "compare" => "sammenlikn", "current" => "aktuell", "Versions are identical" => "Versjonene er identiske", "User" => "Bruker", "Action" => "Handling", "view" => "vis", "diff" => "forskjell", "Directories" => "Kataloger", "Files" => "Filer", "Unread" => "Ulest", "Flagged" => "Flagget", "Unflagged" => "Umarkert", "Containing" => "Inneholdende", "sender" => "avsender", "subject" => "emne", "date" => "dato", "No messages to display" => "Ingen meldinger å vise", "Broadcast message" => "Kringkast melding", "Group" => "Gruppe", "All users" => "Alle brukere", "Lowest" => "Lavest", "Low" => "Lav", "High" => "Høy", "Very High" => "Svært høy", "send" => "sende", "Compose message" => "Forfatt 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"referanser", "view comments" => "vis kommentarer", "email this post" => "email dette innlegget", "Viewing blog post" => "vis bloginnlegg", "Return to blog" => "Returner til bloggen", "Trackback pings" => "Trackback ping", "Blog name" => "Blognavn", "Translate in" => "Oversett i", "babelfish it" => "babelfisk det", "User Bookmarks" => "Brukerdefinerte bokmerker", "Welcome to" => "Velkommen til", "Click here to create it" => "Klikk her for å lage det", "Enlarge area height" => "Øk områdehøyde", "Reduce area height" => "Reduser områdehøyde", "Features" => "Funksjoner", "General" => "Generelt", "Home Blog" => "Hjemmeblog", "Home Blog (main blog)" => "Hjemmeblog (hovedblog)", "ok" => "OK", "Blog features" => "Blogfunksjoner", "Blog level comments" => "Blog nivå kommentarer", "Post level comments" => "Post nivå kommentarer", "Spellchecking" => "Stavekontroll", "Default ordering for blog listing" => "Forvalgt (default) sortering av bloglistor", "Creation date (desc)" => "Opprettet dato 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"Rediger CSS", "Banning System" => "Bannlysnings-system", "Banning system" => "Bannlysnings-system", "Communications (send/receive objects)" => "Kommunikasjon (sende/ta imot objekter)", "Theme Control" => "Stilkontroll", "Referer Stats" => "Henvisningsstatistikk", "User Preferences Screen" => "Brukers preferanser", "User Tasks" => "Brukeroppgaver", "User Messages" => "Brukerbeskjeder", "User Files" => "Brukerfiler", "User Notepad" => "Bruker notisblokk", "General Layout options" => "Generelle layout-innstillinger", "Left column" => "Venstre kolonne", "Layout per section" => "Layout per seksjon", "Right column" => "Høyre kolonne", "Admin layout per section" => "Administrere layout per seksjon", "Top bar" => "Sidehode", "Bottom bar" => "Sidefot", "Home Gallery (main gallery)" => "Hjemmegalleri (hovedgalleri)", "Galleries features" => "Gallerifunksjoner", "Use database to store files" => "Bruk databasen til å lagre filer", "Use a directory to store files" => "Bruk en katalog til å lagre filer i", "Directory path" => "Katalogens sti (path)", "Uploaded filenames must match regex" => "Navn på filer som skal legges inn må stemme med regulært uttrykk", "Uploaded filenames cannot match regex" => "Navn på filer som skal legges inn får ikke stemme med regulært uttrykk", "please read" => "vennligst les dette", "Gallery listing configuration" => "Oppsett for gallerilister", "File galleries comments settings" => "Kommentarinnstillinger i filgallerier", "Home Forum (main forum)" => "Hjemmeforum (hovedforum)", "Accept wiki syntax" => "Aksepter wiki-syntaks", "Forum quick jumps" => "Hurtighopp i forum", "Ordering for forums in the forum listing" => "Sortering av fora i forumliste", "Creation Date (desc)" => "Opprettet dato (synkende)", "Topics (desc)" => "emner (synkende)", "Threads (desc)" => "Tråder (synkende)", "Last post (desc)" => "Nyeste innlegg (synkende)", "Name (desc)" => "Navn (synkende)", "Name (asc)" => "Navn (stigende)", "Forum listing configuration" => "Oppsett for 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"Slideshow-stil", "Use URI as Home Page" => "Bruk URI som hjemmeside", "Home page" => "Hjemmeside", "Custom home" => "Egen startside", "Use database for translation" => "Bruk database til oversettelse", "Record untranslated" => "Ta opp uoversatt", "Unknown/Other" => "Ukjent/Annet", "General Settings" => "Generelle innstillinger", "Open external links in new window" => "Åpne eksterne linker i et nytt vindu", "Display modules to all groups always" => "vis alltid alle gruppers moduler", "Use cache for external pages" => "Bruk cache til eksterne sider", "Use cache for external images" => "Bruk cache til eksterne bilder", "Use direct pagination links" => "Bruk sidebrytingslenker", "Display menus as folders" => "Vis menyer som kataloger", "Use gzipped output" => "Bruk gzippet utdata", "Count admin pageviews" => "Tell administratorens sidevisninger", "Server name (for absolute URIs)" => "Server-navn (for absolutte URI'er)", "No" => "Nei", "Yes" => "Ja", "Browser title" => "Browserens titel", "Wiki_Tiki_Title" => "Wiki_Tiki_Tittel", "Temporary directory" => "Midlertidig katalog", "Sender Email" => "Senderepost", "Contact user" => "Kontakt bruker", "contact feature disabled" => "Kontaktfunksjon deaktivert", "Maximum number of records in listings" => "Maks antall rader i lister", "Long date format" => "Langt datoformat", "Short date format" => "Kort datoformat", "Long time format" => "Langt tidsformat", "Short time format" => "Kort tidsformat", "Change admin password" => "Endre admin passord", "New password" => "Nytt passord", "Change password" => "Endre passord", "Reg users can change language" => "Registrerte brukere kan endre språk", "Edit or ex/import Languages" => "Rediger eller or eks/importer språk", "path" => "katalog", "groups" => "grupper", "Contact" => "Kontakt", "Admin groups" => "Admin grupper", "Admin users" => "Administrere brukere", "User registration and login" => "Brukerregistrering og innlogging", "Authentication method" => "Autentiseringsmetode", "Just Tiki" => "Bare Tiki", "Web Server" => "Web-tjener", "Tiki and PEAR::Auth" => "Tiki og PEAR::Aut", "Tiki and HTTP Auth" => "Tiki og HTTP Aut", "Use WebServer authentication for Tiki" => "Bruk Webtjenerautentisering for Tiki", "Users can register" => "Brukere kan registrere seg", "Request passcode to register" => "Be om innmeldingskode for å registrere", "Prevent automatic/robot registration" => "Forhindre automatisk/robot-registrering", "Validate users by email" => "Valider brukere via e-post", "Store plaintext passwords" => "Lagre passord som råtekst", "Reg users can change theme" => "Registrerte brukere kan endre stil", "Use challenge/response authentication" => "Bruk challenge/response autentisering", "Force to use chars and nums in passwords" => "Tving passordet til å inneholder tall og bokstaver", "Minimum password length" => "Minimal passordslengde", "Password invalid after days" => "passordet ugyldig etter dager", "Require HTTP Basic authentication" => "Krev HTTP grundleggende autentisering", "Allow secure (https) login" => "Tillat sikre (https) innlogginger", "Require secure (https) login" => "Krev sikre (https) innlogginger", "HTTP server name" => "HTTP server-navn", "HTTP port" => "HTTP-port", "HTTP URL prefix" => "HTTP URL-prefiks", "HTTPS server name" => "HTTPS server-navm", "HTTPS port" => "HTTPS-port", "HTTPS URL prefix" => "HTTPS URL-prefiks", "Remember me feature" => "Husk meg-funksjon", "Only for users" => "Kun for brukere", "Users and admins" => "Brukere og administratore", "Duration:" => "Varighet:", "day" => "dag", "week" => "uke", "month" => "måned", "year" => "år", "PEAR::Auth" => "PEAR::Aut", "Create user if not in Tiki?" => "Opprett bruker om ikke i Tiki?", "Create user if not in Auth?" => "Opprett bruker om ikke i Aut?", "Just use Tiki auth for admin?" => "Bare bruk Tiki aut for admin?", "<b>Feed</b>" => "<b>Nyhetskilde</b>", "<b>enable/disable</b>" => "<b>aktivere/deaktivere</b>", "<b>Max number of items</b>" => "<b>Max antall elementer</b>", "Feed for Articles" => "Mating til Artikler", "Feed for Weblogs" => "Mating til Weblogss", "Feed for Image Galleries" => "Mating til bildegallerier", "Feed for File Galleries" => "Mating til filgallerier", "Feed for the Wiki" => "Mating til Wiki", "Feed for individual Image Galleries" => "Mating til personlige bildegallerier", "Feed for individual File Galleries" => "Mating til personlige filgallerier", "Feed for individual weblogs" => "Mating til personlige weblog'er", "Feed for forums" => "Mating til fora", "Feed for individual forums" => "Mating til personlige fora", "Full Text Search" => "Fullstendig tekstsøk", "Content" => "Innhold", "Publish" => "Publiser", "Path" => "Sti (path)", "change" => "endre", "Quota (Mb)" => "Kvote (Mb)", "Use database to store userfiles" => "Bruk database til å lagre brukerfiler", "Use a directory to store userfiles" => "Bruk en katalog til å lagre brukerfiler", "Allow viewing HTML mails?" => "Tillat visning av HTML-epost?", "Maximum size for each attachment" => "Maksimal størrelse for hvert vedlegg", "Unlimited" => "Ubegrenset", "Dumps" => "Dumper", "Generate dump" => "Generer dump", "Download last dump" => "Last ned siste dump", "restore" => "gjenopprett", "Export Wiki Pages" => "Eksporterer Wiki-sider", "Export" => "Exporter", "Remove unused pictures" => "Ta bort ubrukte bilder", "Wiki Home Page" => "Wiki hjemmeside", "Wiki Discussion" => "Wiki-diskusjon", "Discuss pages on forums" => "Diskuter sider i fora", "Creator" => "Opprettet av", "Last version" => "Siste versjon", "Versions" => "Versjon", "Backlinks" => "Refererende sider", "Wiki Features" => "Wiki Egenskaper", "Undo" => "Angre", "PDF generation" => "PDF-generering", "mins" => "minutter", "Pictures" => "Bilder", "Use page description" => "Bruk sidebeskrivelse", "Show page title" => "Vise sidens tittel", "Users can lock pages (if perm)" => "Brukere kan låse sider (om tillatt)", "Automonospaced text" => "Automonospaced tekst", "Tables syntax" => "Tabellsyntaks", "|| for rows" => "|| for rader", "Page creators are admin of their pages" => "Sidemakere er admin for egne sider", "Import HTML" => "Importer HTML", "Wiki History" => "Wiki-historie", "Maximum number of versions for history" => "Maks antall versjoner som lagres i loggen", "Never delete versions younger than days" => "Fjern aldri versjoner yngre enn dette antall dager", "Copyright Management" => "Copyrightadministrering", "Enable Feature" => "Aktiver funksjon", "License Page" => "Lisensside", "Submit Notice" => "Send notis", "Wiki attachments" => "Wiki vedlegg", "Add or edit a rule" => "Legg til eller rediger en regel", "Rule title" => "Regelnavn", "Username regex matching" => "Brukernavn regex-matching", "IP regex matching" => "IP regex-matching", "Banned from sections" => "Bannlyst fra følgende seksjoner", "check / uncheck all" => "merk / fjern merking for alle", "Rule activated by dates" => "Regel aktivert av datoer", "Rule active from" => "Regelen er aktiv fra", "Rule active until" => "Regelen deaktiveres", "Custom message to the user" => "Egendefinert melding til brukeren", "Rules" => "Regler", "User/IP" => "Bruker/IP", "Sections" => "Seksjoner", "Admin Calendars" => "Admin kalendere", "List of Calendars" => "Liste over kalendere", "loc" => "lok", "cat" => "kat", "lang" => "sprk", "permissions" => "tillatelser", "Create/edit Calendars" => "Opprett/rediger kalendere", "Custom Locations" => "Egendefinerte lokaliteter", "yes" => "ja", "Custom Categories" => "Egendefinerte kategorier", "Custom Languages" => "Egendefinerte språk", "Custom Priorities" => "Egendefinerte prioriteter", "admin categories" => "admin kategorier", "Current category" => "Aktuell kategori", "Child categories" => "Underkategorier", "Edit this category:" => "Rediger denne kategorien:", "create new" => "lag ny", "Add new category" => "Lag ny kategori", "Parent" => "Forelder", "Objects in category" => "Objekt i kategorien", "Add objects to category" => "Legg til objekt til kategorien", "image gal" => "bildegal", "file gal" => "filgal", "Admin chart items" => "Admin diagramelementer", "charts" => "diagrammer", "edit chart" => "rediger diagram", "Add or edit an item" => "Legg til eller rediger et element", "update" => "oppdater", "Chart items" => "Diagramelementer", "No items defined yet" => "Ingen elementer definert enda", "Admin charts" => "Admin diagrammer", "Add or edit a chart" => "Legg til eller rediger et diagram", "Active" => "Aktiv", "Users can suggest new items" => "Brukere kan foreslå nye elementer", "Auto validate user suggestions" => "Autogodkjenn brukerforslag", "Ranking shows" => "Rankering vises", "All items" => "Alle elementer", "Top 10 items" => "Topp 10 elementer", "Top 20 items" => "Topp 20 elementer", "Top 40 items" => "Topp 40 elementer", "Top 50 items" => "Topp 50 elementer", "Top 100 items" => "Topp 100 elementer", "Top 250 items" => "Topp 250 elementer", "Voting system" => "Stemmesystem", "Vote items" => "Stem over elementer", 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"bruk i wiki", "use in newsletters" => "bruk i nyhetsbrev", "use in HTML pages" => "bruk i HTML-sider", "template" => "mal", "Templates" => "Maler", "last modif" => "sist endret", "sections" => "seksjoner", "Admin cookies" => "Administrere cookies", "Create/edit cookies" => "Opprett/redigere cookies", "Upload Cookies from textfile" => "Send cookies fra tekstfil", "Upload from disk:" => "Last opp fra disk:", "upload" => "last opp", "Remove all cookies" => "Fjern alle cookies", "Available drawings" => "Tilgjengelige tegninger", "Create/edit dsn" => "Opprett/rediger dsn", "Admin external wikis" => "Admin eksterne wiki'er", "URL (use \$page to be replaced by the page name in the URL example: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=\$page)" => "URL (bruk \$page som erstatning for sidenavnet i URL-eksemplet: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=\$page)", "Admin Forums" => "Admin Fora", "There are individual permissions set for this forum" => "Individuelle tillatelser er satt for dette forumet", "Show description" => "Vis beskrivelse", "Prevent flooding" => "Forhindre oversvømming (flooding)", "Minimum time between posts" => "Minimal tid mellom innlegg", "Topics per page" => "emner per side", "Section" => "Seksjon", "Create new" => "Opprett ny", "Moderator user" => "Moderatorbruker", "Moderator group" => "Moderatorgruppe", "Password protected" => "Passordbeskyttet", "Topics only" => "Bare emner", "All posts" => "Alle innlegg", "Forum password" => "Forumpassord", "Default ordering for topics" => "Forvalgt (default) sortering av emner", "Date (desc)" => "Dato (synkende)", "Date (asc)" => "Dato (stigende)", "Score (desc)" => "Poeng (synkende)", "Replies (desc)" => "Svar (synkende)", "Reads (desc)" => "Leste (synkende)", "Title (desc)" => "Tittel (synkende)", "Title (asc)" => "Tittel (stigende)", "Default ordering for threads" => "Forvalgt (default) sortering av tråder", "Send this forums posts to this email" => "Send innlegg i dette forumet til e-post", "Prune unreplied messages after" => "Fjern ubesvarte beskjeder etter", "Prune old messages after" => "Fjern gamle beskjeder etter", "Topic list configuration" => "Oppsett for emnelister", "Replies" => "Svar", "Add messages from this email to the forum" => "Legg til meldinger fra følgende epost til forumet", "POP3 server" => "POP3-tjener", "Use topic smileys" => "Bruk emnesmileys", "Show topic summary" => "Vis emneoppsummering", "User information display" => "Brukerinformasjonvisning", "flag" => "marker", "online" => "innlogget", "Approval type" => "Godkjenningstype", "All posted" => "Alle postede", "Queue anonymous posts" => "Sett anonyme innlegg i kø", "Queue all posts" => "Sett alle innlegg i kø", "Attachments" => "Vedlegg", "No attachments" => "Ingen vedlegg", "Everybody can attach" => "Alle kan legge ved filer", "Only users with attach permission" => "Bare bruker med vedleggstillatelse", "Moderators and admin can attach" => "Moderatorer og admin kan legge ved filer", "Store attachments in:" => "Lagre vedlegg i:", "Max attachment size (bytes)" => "Maks vedleggsstørrelse (bytes)", "topics" => "emner", "coms" => "kommentarer", "age" => "alder", "ppd" => "tillatelsesbegrensning", "last post" => "nyeste innlegg", "Admin Hotwords" => "Administrere nøkkelord", "Add Hotword" => "Legg til nøkkelord", "Word" => "Ord", "Add" => "Legg til", "Admin HTML pages" => "Administrere HTML sider", "Edit this page" => "Rediger denne siden", "View page" => "vis side", "Edit zone" => "Rediger sone", "Zone" => "Soner", "Dynamic zones" => "Dynamiske soner", "zone" => "sone", "content" => "innhold", "Mass update" => "Masseoppdatering", "Page name" => "Sidenavn", "Dynamic" => "Dynamisk", "Static" => "Statisk", "Refresh rate (if dynamic) [secs]" => "Oppdateringshastighet (om dynamisk) [sek]", "Cacheable" => "Kan mellomlagres", "layout options" => "layoutinnstillinger", "Generate positions by hits" => "Generere rangordningen utfra antall besøkere", "List of featured links" => "Liste over prominente lenker", "title" => "tittel", "position" => "posisjon", "Add Featured Link" => "Legg til utvalgt link", "Position" => "Posisjon", "disables the link" => "deaktiverer lenken", "Link type" => "Lenketype", "replace current page" => "erstatt nåværende side", "framed" => "innrammet", "open new window" => "åpne nytt vindu", "Account name" => "Kontonavn", "SMTP requires authentication" => "SMTP krever autentisering", "Article Topic" => "Artikkelens emne", "Article Type" => "Artikkeltype", "Allow anonymous acces" => "Tillat anonym tilgang", "Allow attachments" => "Tillat vedlegg", "Check automatically" => "Sjekk automatisk", "Frequency" => "Frekvens", "List menus" => "Menyoversikt", "Edit this menu" => "Rediger denne meny", "Edit menu options" => "Rediger menyens valgmuligheter", "Some useful URLs" => "Nyttige URL'er", "Permissions" => "Rettigheter", "section" => "seksjon", "option" => "valgmulighet", "Choose" => "Velg", "Home Page" => "Hjemmeside", "Home Image Gal" => "Hjemmebildegalleri", "Home Image Gallery" => "Hjemmebildegalleri", "Home File Gal" => "Hjemmefilgalleri", "Home File Gallery" => "Hjemmefilgalleri", "User preferences" => "Brukerinnstillinger", "User prefs" => "Bruker innstillinger", "List image galleries" => "List opp bildegallerier", "Upload" => "Legg inn", "Gallery Rankings" => "Rangordning av gallerier", "Browse a gallery" => "Bla i ett galleri", "All articles" => "Alle artikler", "Submit" => "Send inn", "List Blogs" => "Blogliste", "Create blog" => "Opprett blog", "File galleries" => "Filgallerier", "View a forum" => "Vis et forum", "View a thread" => "Vis en tråd", "View a FAQ" => "vis en FAQ", "Take a quiz" => "Delta i spørrelek", "Stats for a Quiz" => "Statistikk for en spørrelek", "Preview menu" => "Forhåndsgransk meny", "Menu options" => "Menyvalg", "group" => "gruppe", "Admin Menus" => "Admin Menyer", "dynamic collapsed" => "dynamiskt kollapsete", "dynamic extended" => "dynamisk utviklete", "fixed" => "fast", "options" => "valgmuligheter", "Admin Modules" => "Administrer moduler", "assign module" => "tildel modul", "left modules" => "venstremoduler", "right modules" => "høyremoduler", "edit/create" => "rediger/opprett", "clear cache" => "tøm cache", "\n<b>Note 1</b>: if you allow your users to configure modules then assigned\nmodules won't be reflected in the screen until you configure them\nfrom MyTiki->modules.<br />\n<b>Note 2</b>: If you assign modules to groups make sure that you\nhave turned off the option 'display modules to all groups always'\nfrom Admin->General\n" => "\n<b>Merknad 1</b>: hvis du tillater brukere å konfigurere moduler så vil ikke\ntildelte moduler vises på skjermen før du konfigurerer dem i\nMinTiki->moduler.<br />\n<b>Merknad 2</b>: hvis du tildeler moduler til grupper må du forsikre deg\nom at du har skrudd av 'vis alltid moduler til alle grupper'-opsjonen i\nAdmin->Generelt\n", "User Modules" => "Brukermoduler", "assign" => "tildel", "Assign new module" => "Tildel ny modul", "Edit this assigned module:" => "Rediger denne tildelte modulen:", "Module Name" => "Modulnavn", "left" => "venstre", "right" => "høyre", "Order" => "Ordning", "Cache Time" => "Cachens tidsstempel", "Rows" => "Rader", "Parameters" => "Parametere", "Assigned Modules" => "Tildelte Moduler", "Left Modules" => "Venstremoduler", "order" => "ordning", "rows" => "rader", "Right Modules" => "Høyremoduler", "Use wysiwyg editor" => "Bruk wysiwyg-redigerer", "Use normal editor" => "Bruk normaleditor", "create/edit" => "lage/redigere", "Objects that can be included" => "Objekter som kan inkluderes", "Available polls" => "Tilgjengelige avstemninger", "use poll" => "bruk avstemninger", "Random image from" => "Tilfeldig bilde fra", "use gallery" => "bruk galleri", "Dynamic content blocks" => "Dynamiske innholdsblokker", "use dynamic content" => "bruk dynamisk innhold", "use rss module" => "bruk rss moduler", "use menu" => "bruk meny", "Banner zones" => "Bannersoner", "use banner zone" => "bruk bannersoner", "Admin newsletter subscriptions" => "Admin nyhetsbrevsabonnementer", "list newsletters" => "list opp nyhetsbrev", "admin newsletters" => "administrer nyhetsbrev", "send newsletters" => "send nyhetsbrev", "Add a subscription newsletters" => "Legg til prenumeration på nyhetsbrev", "Subscriptions" => "Abonnementer", "subscribed" => "abonnert", "Create/edit newsletters" => "Opprett/redigere nyhetsbrev", "There are individual permissions set for this newsletter" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for dette nyhetsbrevet", "editions" => "utgaver", "last sent" => "senest sent", "subscriptions" => "abonnement", "Add notification" => "Legg til beskjed", "Event" => "Hendelse", "A user registers" => "En bruker registererer sig", "A user submits an article" => "En bruker bidrar med en artikkel", "use admin email" => "bruk administratorens e-post", "event" => "hendelse", "object" => "objekt", "Admin Polls" => "Admin avstemninger", "List polls" => "Avstemningslister", "Edit this poll" => "Rediger avstemninger", "Preview poll" => "Vis avstemninger", "Edit or add poll options" => "Rediger eller legg til valgmuligheter", "Option" => "Valg", "Poll options" => "Avstemningsopsjoner ", "votes" => "stemmer", "Set last poll as current" => "Sett siste avstemning som nåværende", "Close all polls but last" => "Steng alle untatt den siste avstemningen", "Activate all polls" => "Aktiver alle avstemninger", "Create/edit Polls" => "Opprett/redigere avstemninger", "PublishDate" => "PubliseringsDato", "Admin Quicktags" => "Admin hurtigmerker", "admin QuickTags" => "admin HurtigMerker", "Category" => "Kategori", "Admin RSS modules" => "Admin RSS-moduler", "Content for the feed" => "Innhold for matingen", "Rss channels" => "Rss-kanaler", "Last update" => "Seneste oppdatering", "Filename" => "Filnavn", "Admin Shoutbox Words" => "Megafonsensur", "admin shoutbox words" => "megafonsensur", "Add Banned Word" => "Forby ord", "Are you sure you want to delete this word?" => "Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette ordet?", "export pages" => "eksportér sidene", "dump tree" => "lag dump av treet", "Destroy the structure leaving the wiki pages" => "Tilintetgjør strukturen som forlater wiki-sidene", "Destroy the structure and remove the pages" => "Tilintetgjør strukturen og fjern sidene", "Create new structure" => "Opprett en ny struktur", "Use single spaces to indent structure levels" => "Bruk enkle mellomrom for å indentere strukturnivåer", "tree" => "tre", "Edit survey questions" => "Rediger spørsmål i spørreundersøkelsen", "survey stats" => "undersøkelsestatistikk", "this survey stats" => "denne undersøkelsens statistikk", "edit this survey" => "redigere denne undersøkelsen", "admin surveys" => "Administrere undersøkelser", "Create/edit questions for survey" => "Opprett/rediger spørsmål i undersøkelsen", "Question" => "Spørsmål", "One choice" => "Ettvalgsspørsmål", "Multiple choices" => "Flervalgsspørsmål", "Short text" => "Kort tekst", "Rate (1..5)" => "Gi karakter (1..5)", "Rate (1..10)" => "Gi karakter (1..10)", "Options (if apply)" => "Valgmuligheter (om mulig)", "Questions" => "Spørsmål", "question" => "spørsmål", "list surveys" => "list opp undersøkelser", "There are individual permissions set for this survey" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for denne undersøkelsen", "questions" => "spørsmål", "Empty" => "Tøm", "files" => "filer", "Admin Topics" => "Administrer emner", "Create a new topic" => "Opprett nytt emne", "Topic Name" => "Emnenavn", "Upload Image" => "Last opp bilde", "List of topics" => "Liste over emner", "Active?" => "Aktiv?", "Articles (subs)" => "Artikler (emner)", "topic image" => "emnebilde", "Remove with articles" => "Fjern med artikler", "Activate" => "Aktiver", "Deactivate" => "Deaktiver", "Admin tracker" => "Admin sporhund", "Edit this tracker" => "Rediger denne sporhunden", "View this tracker items" => "vis denne sporhundens elementer", "Edit tracker fields" => "Rediger sporhundens poster", "Is column visible when listing tracker items?" => "Er kolonne synlig når man lister sporhundselementer", "Column links to edit/view item?" => "Kolonnelenker til redigere/vis post?", "Tracker fields" => "Sporhundsfelt", "Public" => "Offentlig", "Import" => "Importer", "created" => "opprettet", "items" => "elementer", "fields" => "felt", "Create/edit trackers" => "Opprett/redigere sporhunder", "There are individual permissions set for this tracker" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for denne sporhunden", "Show creation date when listing tracker items?" => "vis opprettelsesdato ved listing av sporhundselementer?", "Show lastModif date when listing tracker items?" => "vis seneste forandrete dato ved listing av sporhundselementer?", "Tracker items allow comments?" => "Tillater sporhundselementer kommentarer?", "Tracker items allow attachments?" => "tillater sporhundselementer vedlegg?", "downloads" => "nedlastinger", "version" => "versjon", "List" => "List opp", "Add a new group" => "Legg til en ny gruppe", "List of existing groups" => "Liste over eksisterende grupper", "Number of displayed rows" => "Antall viste rader", "Includes" => "Inkluderer", "Include" => "Inkluder", "Edit item" => "Rediger post", "Add a new user" => "Legg til en ny bruker", "Batch Upload Results" => "Resultater for opplasting av batch", "Added users" => "Brukere som ble lagt til", "Rejected users" => "Avviste brukere", "Reason" => "Grunn", "Pass" => "Passord", "Again" => "Igjen", "Overwrite" => "Overskriv", "Show image" => "Vis bilde", "Show topic or own image" => "Vis eller emne eget bilde", "Show avatar" => "Vis avatar", "Show author's avatar" => "Vis forfatterens avatar", "Show author" => "Vis forfatter", "Show author name" => "Vis forfatterens navn", "Show publish date" => "Vis publikasjonsdato", "Show expire date" => "Vis utløpsdato", "Show reads" => "Vis lesinger", "Show the number of times the article was read" => "Vis antall ganger artikkelen ble lest", "Show size" => "Vis størrelse", "Show the size of the article" => "Vis artikkelens størrelse", "Show topline" => "Vis topplinje", "Show a small title over the title" => "Vis en liten tittel over hovedtittelen", "Show subtitle" => "Vis undertittel", "Show the subtitle" => "Vis undertittelen", "Show source" => "Vis kilde", "Show link to source after article body" => "Vis lenke til kilden etter brødteksten", "Show Image Caption" => "Vis bildetekst", "Show a legend under the image" => "Vis en beskrivelse under bildet", "Show Language" => "Vis språk", "Show the language" => "Vis språket", "Creator can edit" => "Skaper kan redigere", "The person who submits an article of this type can edit it" => "Personen som sender inn en artikkel av denne typen kan redigere den", "Delete" => "Slett", "Delete this type" => "Slett denne typen", "List of types" => "Liste over typer", "Review" => "Gransk", "Create a new type" => "Lag ny type", "Assign permissions to group" => "Tildel tillatelser til gruppe", "Edit Article" => "Rediger artikkel", "Back to groups" => "Tilbake til grupper", "Desc" => "Beskrivelse", "Create level" => "Opprett nivå", "all permissions in level" => "alle tillatelser i nivå", "all" => "alle", "level" => "nivå", "Assign user" => "Tilknytt bruker", "to groups" => "til grupper", "User Information" => "Brukerinformasjon", "Default Group" => "Standard gruppe", "Available groups" => "Tilgjengelige grupper", "assign perms to this group" => "gi gruppen tillatelser", "to" => "til", "backlinks to" => "referanser til", "No backlinks to this page" => "Ingen referanser til denne siden", "List of available backups" => "Liste over tilgjengelige backup'er", "Restoring a backup" => "Gjenoppretter en sikkerhetskopi", "Warning!" => "Advarsel!", "Restoring a backup destoys all the data in your Tiki database. All your tables will be replaced with the information in the backup." => "Å gjenopprette en backup ødelegger alle data i Tikidatabasen. Alle tabellene kommer til å bli erstattet med informasjonen i backup'en.", "Click here to confirm restoring" => "Klikk her til å bekrefte innlesingen", "Create new backup" => "Opprett en ny sikkerhetskopi", "Creating backups may take a long time. If the process is not completed you will see a blank screen. If so you need to increment the maximum script execution time from your php.ini file" => "Å generere backup'er kan ta lang tid. Hvis prosessen ikke fullføres kommer du til å se en blank skjerm. I så tilfelle må du øke den maksimale script-eksekveringstiden i php.ini-filen", "Your image gallery storage is set to \"{\$gal_use_dir}\", you will need to backup this using FTP or SCP." => "Lageret for bildegalleriet er satt til \"{\$gal_use_dir}\", du vil måtte ta sikkerhetskopi av dette med FTP eller SCP.", "Your file gallery storage is set to \"{\$fgal_use_dir}\", you will need to backup this using FTP or SCP." => "Lageret for filgalleriet er satt til \"{\$fgal_use_dir}\", du vil måtte ta sikkerhetskopi av dette med FTP eller SCP.", "If any of your forums have attachments stored in the directory you will need to backup these using FTP or SCP." => "Hvis noen av dine fora har vedlegg lagret i katalogen vil du måtte ta sikkerhetskopi av dette med FTP eller SCP.", "Upload a backup" => "Last inn en sikkerhetskopi", "Upload backup" => "Last inn sikkerhetskopi", "Browse gallery" => "Vis galleri", "Upload from disk" => "Send fra disk", "Process" => "Prosess", "Edit Post" => "Rediger innlegg", "view blog" => "vis blog", "list blogs" => "list opp blog'er", "Note: if you want to use images please save the post first and you\nwill be able to edit/post images. Use the <img> snippet to include uploaded images in the textarea editor\nor use the image URL to include images using the WYSIWYG editor. " => "OBS: Hvis du vil bruke bilder, lagre dette innlegget først og du\nvil kunne redigere/legge ut bilder. Bruk koden <img> for å inkludere bilder i tekstfeltet eller\nbruk bildets URL for å legge inn bilder med WYSIWYG-redigereren. ", "Use ...page... to separate pages in a multi-page post" => "Bruk ...page... for å dele opp i flere sider", "Upload image for this post" => "Last opp bilde for dette innlegget", "Trash" => "Søppel", "Mark entry as private:" => "Merk innlegg som privat:", "Send trackback pings to:" => "Send tilbakesporte pings til:", "(comma separated list of URIs)" => "(kommaseparert liste over URI'er)", "save and exit" => "lagre og gå ut", "Image galleries" => "Bildegallerier", "search category" => "søkekategori", "deep" => "dyp", "Objects" => "Objekter", "Browsing Gallery" => "Ser gjennom galleri", "edit gallery" => "rediger galleri", "rebuild thumbnails" => "bygg thumbnails på nytt", "upload image" => "Laste opp bilde", "list gallery" => "Gallerioversikt", "Sort Images by" => "Sorter bilder etter", "hit" => "treff", "original size" => "original størrelse", "rotate right" => "roter til høyre", "rotate" => "roter", "Browsing Image" => "Ser på bilde", "return to gallery" => "tilbake til galleriet", "edit image" => "redigere bilde", "first image" => "første bilde", "smaller" => "mindre", "bigger" => "større", "prev image" => "forrige bilde", "Popup window" => "Popup-vindu", "popup window" => "popup-vindu", "next image" => "neste bilde", "last image" => "siste bilder", "stop" => "stopp", "Direction" => "Retning", "Click to zoom" => "Klikk for å zoome", "Image Name" => "Navn på bilde", "Image size" => "Bildestørrelse", "imagescale" => "bildeskala", "Latitude (WGS84/decimal degrees)" => "Breddegrad (WGS84/desimal-grader)", "Longitude (WGS84/decimal degrees)" => "Lengdegrad (WGS84/desimal-grader)", "Move image" => "Flytt bildet", "You can view this image in your browser using" => "Du kan se dette bildet i din browser ved hjelp av", "You can include the image in an HTML page using one of these lines" => "Du kan inkludere et bilde i en HTML-side med en av disse linjene", "You can include the image in a tiki page using one of these lines" => "Du kan inkludere et bilde i en tiki-side med en av disse linjene", "Edit/Create" => "Rediger/Lag", "Date Selector" => "Datovelger", "click to navigate" => "klikk for å navigere", "End" => "Avslutt", "details" => "detaljer", "Hours" => "Timer", "Group Calendars" => "Gruppekalendere", "Tools Calendars" => "Verktøykalendre", "Duration" => "Varighet", "Location" => "Plassering", "Organized by" => "Sortert etter", "Participants" => "Deltagere", "Tentative" => "Forsøksvis", "Confirmed" => "Bekreftet", "Cancelled" => "Avbrutt", "Edit Calendar Item" => "Rediger kalenderelement", "New Calendar Item" => "Nytt kalenderpunkt", "or create a new category" => "eller opprett en ny kategori", "or create a new location" => "eller opprett en ny lokasjon", "comma separated usernames" => "kommaseparerte brukernavn", "comma separated username:role" => "kommaseparert brukernavn:rolle", "with roles" => "med roller", "Chair" => "Stol", "Optional" => "Valgfri", "duplicate" => "dupliser", "import" => "importer", "Current permissions for this category" => "Nåværende tillatelser for denne kateogri", "permission" => "tillatelse", "No individual permissions global permissions apply" => "ingen individuelle tillatelser, globale tillatelser gjelder", "Assign permissions" => "Tilordne rettigheter", "to group" => "til gruppe", "Change password enforced" => "Passordsendring kreves", "Old password" => "Gammelt passord", "Again please" => "Igjen, takk", "Welcome to the Tiki Chat Rooms" => "Velkommen til Tikis Chatrom", "Please select a chat channel" => "Vennligst velg en chatkanal", "Nickname" => "Kallenavn", "enter chat room" => "gå inn i chatroom", "Chatroom" => "Chat-rom", "Browser not supported" => "Tiki støtter dessverre ikke nettleseren din", "Active Channels" => "Aktive kanaler", "Users in this channel" => "bruker på denne kanal", "Channel" => "Kanal", "Ratio" => "Rate", "Use :nickname:message for private messages" => "Bruk :kallenavn:beskjed for private beskjeder", "Use [URL|description] or [URL] for links" => "Bruk [URL|lenketekst] eller [URL] til lenker", "Create PDF" => "Lag PDF", "PDF Settings" => "PDF-innstillinger", "Textheight" => "Teksthøyde", "Height of top Heading" => "Høyde for toppoverskrift", "Height of mid Heading" => "Høyde for midtoverskrift", "Height of inner Heading" => "Høyde for indre overskrift", "tbheight" => "tabellhøyde", "Select Wiki Pages" => "Velg Wiki-sider", "add page" => "legg til side", "remove page" => "fjern side", "reset" => "nullstill", "Send a message to us" => "Send en melding til oss", "Contact us by email" => "Kontakt oss via email", "Structure" => "Struktur", "Current URL" => "Nåværende URL", "Command" => "Kommando", "Type <code>help</code> to get list of available commands" => "Tast inn <code>help</code> for å få en liste over tilgjengelige kommandoer", "Add a new site" => "Legg til en ny site", "Site added" => "Site lagt til", "The following site was added and validation by admin may be needed before appearing on the lists" => "Følgende site ble lagt til og godkjennelse fra admin kan trenges før den vises på listen", "Add or edit a site" => "Legg til eller rediger en site", "Name:" => "Navn:", "Categories:" => "Kategorier:", "Is valid" => "Er gyldig", "Directory Administration" => "Katalogadministering", "Statistics" => "Statistikk", "There are" => "Det finnes", "invalid sites" => "ugyldige sites", "valid sites" => "gyldige sites", "Users have visited" => "Brukere har besøkt", "sites from the directory" => "sites fra katalogen", "Users have searched" => "Brukere har søkt", "times from the directory" => "ganger fra mappen", "Admin sites" => "Administrer sites", "Admin category relationships" => "Administrer kategoriavhengigheter", "Validate links" => "Validier lenker", "Settings" => "Innstillinger", "browse" => "se igjennom", "related" => "relatert", "validate" => "godkjenn", "Admin directory categories" => "Administrer katalogkategorier", "Parent category" => "Opphavskategori", "Children type" => "Barnetype", "Most visited sub-categories" => "Mest besøkte underkategorier", "Category description" => "Kategoribeskrivelse", "Random sub-categories" => "Tilfeldige underkategorier", "Maximum number of children to show" => "Maksimalt antall barn å vise", "Allow sites in this category" => "Tillat sites i denne kategorien", "Show number of sites in this category" => "Vis antallet sites i denne kategorien", "Editor group" => "Rediger gruppe", "Subcategories" => "Underkategorier", "allow" => "tillat", "count" => "st", "editor" => "redaktør", "relate" => "relater", "Admin related categories" => "Adminrelaterte kategorier", "Add a related category" => "Legg til en relatert kategori", "Mutual" => "Gjensidig", "Related categories" => "Relaterte kategorier", "country" => "land", "new sites" => "nye sites", "cool sites" => "knall sites", "add a site" => "legg til en site", "any" => "valgfri", "in entire directory" => "i hele katalogen", "in current category" => "i nåværende katalog", "search" => "søk", "Sort by" => "Sorter etter", "name (desc)" => "navn (synkende)", "name (asc)" => "navn (stigende)", "hits (desc)" => "treff (synkende)", "hits (asc)" => "treff (stigende)", "creation date (desc)" => "opprettelsesdato (synkende)", "creation date (asc)" => "opprettelsesdato (stigende)", "last updated (desc)" => "sist oppdatert (synkende)", "last updated (asc)" => "sist oppdatert (stigende)", "sort" => "sorter", "Added" => "Lagt til", "Last updated" => "Sist oppdatert", "Total categories" => "Totalt antall kategorier", "Total links" => "Totalt antall lenker", "Links to validate" => "Lenker til godkjennelse", "Searches performed" => "Antall søk utført", "Total links visited" => "Totalt antall lenker besøkt", "Directory ranking" => "Katalogrankering", "Search results" => "Søkeresultat", "Validate sites" => "Godkjenn siter", "list articles" => "list opp artikler", "view articles" => "vis artikler", "Topline" => "Topplinje", "Subtitle" => "Undertittel", "Source" => "Kilde", "Author Name" => "Forfatterens navn", "Own Image" => "Eget bilde", "Use own image" => "Bruk eget bilde", "Float text around image" => "La teksten flyte rundt bildet", "Own image size x" => "X-størrelse på eget bilde", "Own image size y" => "Y-størrelse på eget bilde", "Image caption" => "Bildetekst", "Heading" => "Rubrikk", "Body" => "Brødtekst", "Use ...page... to separate pages in a multi-page article" => "Bruk ...page... for å dele opp sider i en flersideartikkel", "Expiration Date" => "Utløpsdato", "Edit or create banners" => "Rediger eller opprett bannere", "List banners" => "List opp bannere", "URL to link the banner" => "URL som lenkar til banneret", "Client" => "Kunder", "Max impressions" => "Maks visninger av banneret", "create zone" => "opprette sone", "Show the banner only between these dates" => "Vis banneret bare mellom disse datoene", "From date" => "Fra dato", "To date" => "Til dato", "Use dates" => "Bruk dato", "Show the banner only in this hours" => "Vis banneret bare ved disse tidpunkter", "Show the banner only on" => "Vis banneret eksklusivt på", "Mon" => "Man", "Tue" => "Tir", "Wed" => "Ons", "Thu" => "Tor", "Fri" => "Fre", "Sat" => "Lør", "Sun" => "Søn", "Select ONE method for the banner" => "Velg EN metode for banneret", "Use HTML" => "Bruk HTML", "HTML code" => "HTML kode", "Use image" => "Bruk bilde", "Image:" => "Bilde:", "Current Image" => "Nåværende bilde", "Use image generated by URL (the image will be requested at the URL for each impression)" => "Bruk bilde generert av URL (bildet vil bli forespurt den angitte URL'en for hvert avtrykk)", "Use text" => "Bruk tekst", "Text" => "Tekst", "save the banner" => "lagre banneret", "Edit Blog" => "Rediger blog", "Current heading" => "Nåværende overskrift", "There are individual permissions set for this blog" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for denne blogen", "Number of posts to show" => "Antall innlegg som skal vises", "Allow other user to post in this blog" => "Tillat andre brukere å skrive innlegg i denne blog'en", "Use titles in blog posts" => "Bruk titler i blog-innlegget", "Allow search" => "Tillat søk", "Allow comments" => "Tillat kommentarer", "Blog heading" => "Blogoverskrift", "Edit Style Sheet" => "Rediger Style Sheet", "Cancel" => "Avbryt", "choose a stylesheet" => "velg et stylesheet", "try" => "prøv", "display" => "vis", "File with names appended by -{\$user} are modifiable, others are only duplicable and be used as model." => "File med navn tilføyd -{\$user} er modifiserbare, andre er bare dupliserbare og kan brukes som modeller.", "Show Plugins Help" => "Vis hjelp til plugg-inn", "some text" => "noe tekst", "Creates a box with the data" => "Opprett en boks med dataene", "Box content" => "Boksens innhold", "Title bar" => "Tittelhode", "creates a title bar" => "lag en tittellinje", "Colored text" => "Farget tekst", "Lists" => "Lister", "for bullet lists" => "for punktliste", "for numbered lists" => "for nummerert liste", "for definiton lists" => "for definisjonsliste", "Wiki References" => "Wiki referanser", "JoinCapitalizedWords or use" => "SettSammenOrdMedStoreBokstaver eller bruk", "page|desc" => "side|beskrivelse", "for wiki references" => "som wiki refererer", "SomeName" => "EttNavn", "prevents referencing" => "forhindrer referanser", "External links" => "Eksterne lenker", "use square brackets for an external link: [URL] or [URL|link_description] or [URL|description|nocache] (that last form prevents the local Wiki from caching the page; please use that form for large pages!)." => "bruk klammeparentes: [URL] eller [URL|lenkebeskrivelse] eller [URL|beskrivelse|nocache] (den siste formen forhindrer at siden blir lagret i Wiki; vennligst bruk den formen for store sider!).", "Tables" => "Tabeller", "col" => "kol", "creates a table" => "lag en tabell", "displays an image" => "viser et bilde", "height width desc link and align are optional" => "høyde, bredde, beskrivelse, link og justering er valfritt", "Non cacheable images" => "U-cachede bilder", "makes a horizontal rule" => "lager en horisontal strek", "creates the editable drawing foo" => "skaper den redigerbare tegningen foo", "Multi-page pages" => "Flerside-sider", "RSS feeds" => "RSS mating", "displays rss feed with id=n maximum=m items" => "vis rss-mating med id=n maximum=m elementer", "Will be replaced by the actual value of the dynamic content block with id=n" => "Kommer til å erstattes av den faktiske verdien av den dynamiske innholdsblokk med ID=n", "Dynamic variables" => "Dynamiske variabler", "Inserts an editable variable" => "Setter inn en redigerbar variabel", "Non parsed sections" => "Ikke analyserte seksjoner", "Prevents wiki parsing of the enclosed data." => "Forhindrer at omsluttet data blir tolket som wiki-kode.", "Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki processing is done inside these sections (as with np), and the spacing is fixed (no word wrapping is done)." => "Viser ferdigformatert tekst/kode; ingen wiki-tolkning gjøres i disse seksjonene (som med np), og med faste mellomrom (ingen linjebrytning).", "Square Brackets" => "Klammearentes", "Use [[foo] to show [foo]." => "Bruk [[foo] for å vise [foo].", "Block Preformatting" => "Ferdigformatert blokk", "Indent text with any number of spaces to turn it into a monospaced block that still follows other Wiki formatting instructions. It will be indended with the same number of spaces that you used. Note that this mode does not preserve exact spacing and line breaks; use ~pp~...~/pp~ for that." => "Rykk inn tekst med flere mellomrom for å gjøre det til en monospaced blokk som fremdeles følger Wikis formateringsregler. Den blir rykket inn med antallet mellomrom som du brukte. Merk at dette ikke bevarer eksakte mellomrom og linjeskift; brik ~pp~...~/pp~ for det.", "Misc" => "Div.", "Show Text Formatting Rules" => "Vis formateringsregler", "No description available" => "Ingen beskrivelse tilgjengelig", "Quicktags" => "Hurtigmerker", "bold" => "fet", "italic" => "kursiv", "underline" => "understreket", "table" => "tabell", "external link" => "eksterne linker", "heading1" => "overskrift1", "title bar" => "tittelhode", "box" => "boks", "rss feed" => "rss mating", "dynamic content" => "dynamisk innhold", "tagline" => "sitat", "hr" => "horisontal linjal", "center text" => "sentrer tekst", "colored text" => "farget tekst", "special chars" => "spesielle tegn", "special characters" => "spesialtegn", "Edit Image" => "Rediger bilde", "Edit successful!" => "Redigering fullført!", "The following image was successfully edited" => "Det følgende bilde ble redigert uten feil", "Image Description" => "Beskrivelse av bilde", "Edit and create Languages" => "Rediger og opprett språk", "Im- Export Languages" => "Im- eksporter språk", "Edit and create languages" => "Rediger og opprett språk", "Create Language" => "Opprett språk", "Shortname" => "Kort navn", "like" => "likt", "Longname" => "Langt navn", "Select the language to edit" => "Velg språk å redigere", "Add a translation" => "Legg til en oversettelse", "Edit translations" => "Rediger oversettelser", "Translate recorded" => "Oversett opptak", "Translation" => "Oversettelse", "translate" => "oversett", "reset table" => "nullstill tabell", "Program dynamic content for block" => "Programmer dynamisk innhold for blokk", "create new block" => "lag ny blokk", "Return to block listing" => "Returner til blokklista", "Block description: " => "Blockbeskrivning: ", "Create or edit content" => "Opprett eller redigere innhold", "You are editing block:" => "Du redigerer blokk:", "Publishing date" => "Publiseringsdato", "Publishing Date" => "Publiseringsdato", "Edit question options" => "Rediger spørsmålsinnstillinger", "list quizzes" => "Spørreleksliste", "quiz stats" => "Spørreleksstatistikk", "this quiz stats" => "statistikk for denne spørreleken", "edit this quiz" => "redigere denne spørreleken", "admin quizzes" => "admininistrera spørreleker", "Create/edit options for question" => "Opprett/rediger valgmuligheter for spørsmålet", "points" => "poeng", "Admin quizzes" => "Admin spørreleker", "Create/edit quizzes" => "Opprett/redigere spørreleker", "There are individual permissions set for this quiz" => "Der finnes individuelle tilgangstillatelser for denne spørreleken", "Quiz can be repeated" => "Spørreleken kan repeteres", "Store quiz results" => "Lagre resultat for spørreleken", "Questions per page" => "Svar per side", "Quiz is time limited" => "Spørreleken er tidsbegrenset", "Maximum time" => "Maksimal tid", "canRepeat" => "kanRepeteres", "timeLimit" => "tidsFrist", "results" => "resultat", "Edit quiz questions" => "Rediger spørsmål i spørrelek", "Create/edit questions for quiz" => "Opprett/rediger spørsmål til spørreleken", "maxScore" => "maksPoeng", "From Points" => "Fra poeng", "To Points" => "Til poeng", "Answer" => "Svar", "Results" => "Resultat", "answer" => "svar", "You will remove" => "Du vil fjerne", "and its subpages from the structure, now you have two options:" => "og dennes underliggende sider fra strukturen. Du har nå to valgmuligheter:", "Remove only from structure" => "Ta tuelukkende bort fra strukturen", "Remove from structure and remove page too" => "Ta bort både fra strukturen og siden", "Previous" => "Forrige", "After page" => "Etter side", "create page" => "opprette side", "list submissions" => "list opp bidrag", "Template listing" => "Malliste", "Available templates" => "Tilgjengelige maler", "Template" => "Mal", "Edit Translation:" => "Rediger oversettelse:", "edit translations" => "rediger oversettelser", "Set of Translations" => "Mengde av oversettelser", "Translation of:" => "Oversettelse av:", "Admin ephemerides" => "Admin ephemerider", "All ephemerides" => "Alle ephemerider", "Browse" => "Bla gjennom", "View FAQ" => "Vis FAQ", "Edit this FAQ" => "Rediger denne FAQ'en", "new question" => "nytt spørsmål", "Edit FAQ questions" => "Rediger FAQ spørsmål", "Use a question from another FAQ" => "Bruk et spørsmål fra en annen FAQ", "FAQ questions" => "FAQ spørsmål", "Suggested questions" => "Foreslåtte spørsmål", "approve" => "godkjenn", "No suggested questions" => "Ingen foreslåtte spørsmål", "configure listing" => "endre listeoppsett", "create new gallery" => "opprett nytt galleri", "There are individual permissions set for this file gallery" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for dette filgalleriet", "Gallery is visible to non-admin users?" => "Galleriet er synlig for ikke-administratorer?", "Listing configuration" => "Listeoppsett", "icon" => "ikon", "Name-filename" => "Navn-filenanv", "Filename only" => "Bare filnavn", "Max description display size" => "Maks størrelse for beskrivelsesvisning", "Max Rows per page" => "Maks antall rader per side", "Other users can upload files to this gallery" => "Andre brukere kan legge til filer i dette galleriet", "You can access the file gallery using the following URL" => "Du kan få tilgang til dette filgalleriet med følgende URL", "Available File Galleries" => "Tilgjengelige filgallerier", "Message queue for" => "Meldingskø for", "back to forum" => "tilbake til forum", "Edit queued message" => "Rediger melding i kø", "topic" => "emne", "make this a thread of" => "gjør dette til en tråd innenfor", "None, this is a thread message" => "Ingen, dette er en trådmelding", "summary" => "oppsummering", "announce" => "kunngjøring", "hot" => "het", "sticky" => "klebrig", "no feeling" => "intet humørikon", "frown" => "nedlatende", "exclaim" => "utbryt", "idea" => "idé", "mad" => "sint", "neutral" => "nøytral", "sad" => "trist", "happy" => "glad", "wink" => "blunk", "save and approve" => "lagre og godkjenn", "convert to topic" => "konverter til emne", "List of messages" => "Liste over meldinger", "new topic" => "nytt emne", "no summary" => "ingen oppsummering", "No messages queued yet" => "Ingen meldinger er lagt i kø enda", "reject" => "forkast", "Reported messages for" => "Rapporterte meldinger for", "Reported by" => "Rapportert av", "Pending requests" => "Ventende forespørsler", "Request Time" => "Tid for forespørsel", "accept" => "godkjenn", "refuse" => "avvis", "Your friends" => "Dine venner", "Real Name" => "Ekte navn", "break friendship" => "avbryt vennskap", "Activity completed" => "Aktivitet fullført", "Admin process activities" => "Admin prosessaktiviteter", "Add or edit an activity" => "Legg til eller rediger en aktivitet", "end" => "avslutt", "activity" => "aktivitet", "split" => "splitt", "join" => "sett sammen", "standalone" => "frittstående", "interactive" => "interaktiv", "auto routed" => "autorutet", "Days" => "Dager", "Add transitions" => "Legg til overganger", "Add transition from:" => "Legg til overganger fra:", "Add transition to:" => "Legg til overgang til:", "roles" => "roller", "No roles associated to this activity" => "Ingen roller assosiert med denne aktiviteten", "Add role" => "Legg til rolle", "add new" => "legg til ny", "add role" => "legg til rolle", "Process activities" => "Prosessaktiviteter", "Routing" => "Ruting", "Interactive" => "Interaktiv", "Automatic" => "Automatisk", "Auto routed" => "Autorutet", "Manual" => "Manuell", "route" => "rute", "(no roles)" => "(ingen roller)", "No activities defined yet" => "Ingen aktiviteter definert enda", "Process Transitions" => "Prosessoverganger", "List of transitions" => "Liste over overganger", "From:" => "Fra:", "Origin" => "Opprinnelse", "No transitions defined yet" => "Ingen overganger definert enda", "Add a transition" => "Legg til en overgang", "This process is invalid" => "Denne prosessen er ugyldig", "List of processes" => "Liste over prosesser", "Inactive" => "Inaktiv", "act" => "han", "val" => "ver", "active process" => "aktive prosesser", "invalid" => "ugyldig", "invalid process" => "ugyldig prosess", "valid process" => "gyldig prosess", "activities" => "aktiviteter", "graph" => "graf", "new minor" => "ny underordnet", "new major" => "ny overordnet", "No processes defined yet" => "Ingen prosesser definert enda", "Admin instance" => "Admin instans", "Process:" => "Prosess:", "Instance" => "Instans", "Workitems" => "Arbeidselementer", "exception" => "unntak", "completed" => "ferdige", "aborted" => "avbrutt", "Owner" => "Eier", "Send all to" => "Send alle til", "Don't move" => "Ikke flytt", "Activities" => "Aktiviteter", "Started" => "Startet", "Act status" => "Handlingsstatus", "Properties" => "Egenskaper", "Property" => "Egenskap", "Value" => "Verdi", "Add property" => "Legg til egenskap", "value" => "verdi", "run instance" => "kjær instans", "Add or edit a process" => "Legg til eller rediger en prosess", "Process Name" => "Prosessnavn", "is active?" => "er aktiv?", "Or upload a process using this form" => "Eller last opp en prosess ved hjelp av dette skjemaet", "Admin process roles" => "Admin prosessroller", "Add or edit a role" => "Legg til eller rediger en rolle", "Process roles" => "Prosessroller", "No roles defined yet" => "Ingen roller definert enda", "Map users to roles" => "Knytt brukere til roller", "Map" => "Kart", "Roles" => "Roller", "map" => "knytt", "Map groups to roles" => "Knytt grupper til roller", "Operation" => "Operasjon", "Warning" => "Advarsel", "No roles are defined yet so no roles can be mapped" => "Ingen rollere er definert enda så ingen roller kan knyttes opp mot noe annet", "List of mappings" => "Liste over tilknytninger", "No mappings defined yet" => "Ingen tilknytninger definert enda", "Admin process sources" => "Admin prosesskilder", "select source" => "velg kilde", "Shared code" => "Delt kode", "Set next user" => "Sett neste bruker", "Get property" => "Hent egenskap", "Set property" => "Sett egenskap", "Complete" => "Fullført", "Process form" => "Prosesskjema", "Set Next act" => "Sett Neste handling", "If:SetNextact" => "Dersom:SettNestehan", "Switch construct" => "Bytt konstruksjon", "Map process roles" => "Kartlegg prosessroller", "admin processes" => "admin prosesser", "admin activities" => "admin aktiviteter", "admin roles" => "admin roller", "edit this process" => "rediger denne prosessen", "List of activities" => "Liste over aktiviteter", "proc" => "pros", "routing" => "ruting", "Instances" => "Instanser", "run" => "kjør", "run activity" => "kjøreaktivitet", "monitor" => "overvåk", "monitor processes" => "overvåk prosesser", "monitor activities" => "overvåk aktiviteter", "monitor instances" => "overvåk instanser", "monitor workitems" => "overvåk arbeidselementer", "List of instances" => "Liste over instanser", "No instances created yet" => "Ingen instanser opprettet enda", "Valid" => "Gyldig", "Invalid" => "Ugyldige", "processes" => "prosesser", "being run" => "kjøres", "exceptions" => "unntak", "Monitor workitems" => "Overvåk arbeidselementer", "List of workitems" => "Liste over arbeidselementer", "instance" => "instans", "exception instance" => "unntaksinstans", "exceptions instance" => "instans for flere unntak", "send instance" => "send instans", "abort instance" => "avbryt instans", "grab instance" => "grip instans", "release instance" => "slipp instans", "activate" => "aktiver", "User Activities" => "Brukeraktiviteter", "process" => "prosess", "user processes" => "brukerprosesser", "user activities" => "brukeraktiviteter", "user instances" => "brukerinstanser", "Inst Status" => "Inst.status", "No instances defined yet" => "Ingen instanser definert enda", "Browsing Workitem" => "Ser gjennom arbeidselement", "Workitem information" => "Arbeidselementsinformasjon", "There are individual permissions set for this gallery" => "Det finnes individuelle tillatelser for dette galleriet", "Images per row" => "Bilder per rad", "Thumbnails size X" => "Thumbnail størrelse X", "Thumbnails size Y" => "Thumbnail størrelse Y", "Filesize" => "Filstørrelse", "Available scales" => "Tilgjengelige skaleringer", "No scales available" => "Ingen skaleringer tilgjengelig", "Other users can upload images to this gallery" => "Andre brukere kan laste opp bilder til dette galleriet", "You can access the gallery using the following URL" => "Du kan aksessere galleriet med følgende URL", "Available Galleries" => "Tilgjengelige gallerier", "Imgs" => "Bilder", "Im- Export languages" => "Im/eksporter språk", "Select the language to Import" => "Velg språket som skal importeres", "Select the language to Export" => "Velg språket som skal eksporteres", "Overwrite existing pages if the name is the same" => "Skriv over eksisterende sider hvis navnet er det samme", "Previously remove existing page versions" => "Ta bort eksisterende versjoner av siden", "excerpt" => "utdrag", "result" => "resultat", "Weeks" => "Uker", "Search by Date" => "Søk etter dato", "Found" => "Funnet", "LastChanges" => "SenesteEndringer", "rollback" => "endre tilbake", "source" => "kilde", "Pages like" => "Lignende sider", "No pages found" => "Fant ingen sider", "edit new article" => "rediger ny artikkel", "AuthorName" => "ForfatterNavn", "Create banner" => "Opprett banner", "Method" => "Metode", "Use Dates?" => "Bruk datoer?", "Max Impressions" => "Maks antall visninger", "Impressions" => "Visninger", "Clicks" => "Klikk", "create new blog" => "opprett ny blog", "Last Modified" => "Sist endret", "Dynamic content system" => "Dynamisk innholdshåndtering (CMS)", "Create or edit content block" => "Opprett eller rediger innholdsblokk", "Available content blocks" => "Tilgjengelige innholdsblokker", "Current ver" => "Aktuell versjon", "Next ver" => "Neste versjon", "Old vers" => "Gammel versjon", "Users can suggest questions" => "Brukere kan foreslå spørsmål", "Available FAQs" => "Tilgjengelige FAQ'er", "Listing Gallery" => "Galleriliste", "upload file" => "send fil", "Edit a file using this form" => "Rediger en fil med dette skjemaet", "Gallery Files" => "Gallerifiler", "move selected files" => "flytt valgte filer", "delete selected files" => "slett valgte filer", "Move to" => "Flytt til", "browse gallery" => "vis galleri", "Gallery Images" => "Galleribilder", "All games are from" => "Alle spill er fra", "visit the site for more games and fun" => "besøk siten for å få tilgang til flere spill og mer underholdning", "Upload a game" => "Legg til et spill", "Upload a new game" => "Legg til et nytt spill", "Flash binary (.sqf or .dcr)" => "Flash binærfil (.sqf eller .dcr)", "Thumbnail (if the game is foo.swf the thumbnail must be named foo.swf.gif or foo.swf.png or foo.swf.jpg)" => "Indeksbilde (om spillet heter fil.swf må bildet hete fil.swf.gif eller fil.swf.png eller fil.swf.jpg)", "Edit game" => "Rediger spill", "Played" => "Spilt", "times" => "ganger", "If you can't see the game then you need a flash plugin for your browser" => "Om du ikke kan se spillet, mangler du en flash-plugin til din browser", "edit blog" => "rediger blog", "Blog Title" => "Blogtittel", "edit new submission" => "rediger nye bidrag", "Approve" => "Godkjenn", "Survey stats" => "Undersøkelsesstatistikk", "users registered" => "brukere registrert", "Distance (km)" => "Avstand (km)", "Last mod" => "Seneste endringer", "Last author" => "Sist endret av", "Last ver" => "Seneste versjon", "Vers" => "Versjon", "with checked" => "markerte", "Open client window" => "Åpne klientvindu", "Generate HTML" => "Generer HTML", "Transcripts" => "Sammendrag", "Support tickets" => "Støtt tickets", "Online operators" => "Påloggede operatører", "Operator" => "Operatør", "Accepted requests" => "Godkjente forespørsler", "transcripts" => "sammendrag", "Offline operators" => "Avloggede operatører", "Add an operator to the system" => "Legg til en operatør til systemet", "Operators must be tiki users" => "Operatører må være tikibrukere", "set as operator" => "sett som operatør", "Chat started" => "Chat startet", "User:" => "Bruker:", "Operator:" => "Operatør:", "Request live support" => "Forespør live support", "Request support" => "Forespør support", "Open a support ticket instead" => "Åpne en support ticket istedet", "Your request is being processed" => "Din forespørsel er under behandling", "cancel request and exit" => "avbryt forespørsel og avslutt", "cancel request and leave a message" => "avbryt forespørsel og legg igen en beskjed", "Live support:Console" => "Live support:Konsoll", "be online" => "vær innlogget", "be offline" => "vær avlogget", "Support requests" => "Supportforespørsler", "Requested" => "Forespurt", "Accept" => "Aksepter", "Join" => "Bli med", "Support chat transcripts" => "Support chat-sammendrag", "back to admin" => "tilbake til admin", "started" => "startet", "reason" => "grunn", "Transcript" => "Sammendrag", "Remove old events" => "Fjern gamle hendelser", "duration" => "varighet", "Add or edit event" => "Legg til eller rediger emne", "Mini Calendar: Preferences" => "Minikalender: Innstillinger", "Calendar Interval in daily view" => "Kalenderintervall i daglig visning", "Start hour for days" => "Starttime for dager", "End hour for days" => "Sluttime for dager", "Reminders" => "Huskelapper", "no reminders" => "ingen huskelapper", "Import CSV file" => "Importer CSV-fil", "Or enter path or URL" => "Eller skriv inn sti/URL", "add topic" => "legg til emne", "My pages" => "Mine sider", "Last modification" => "Siste endring", "My items" => "Mine elementer", "My tasks" => "Mine oppgaver", "Thanks for your subscription. You will receive an email soon to confirm your subscription. No newsletters will be sent to you until the subscription is confirmed." => "Takk for ditt abonnement. Du vil om kort tid motta en email for å bekrefte abonnementet. Ingen nyhetsbrev vil bli sendt før abonnementet er bekreftet.", "Your email address was removed from the list of subscriptors." => "Din e-postadresse har blitt fjernet fra listen over abonnenter.", "Subscription confirmed!" => "Abonnement bekreftet!", "Subscribe to newsletter" => "Abonner på ett nyhetsbrev", "Email:" => "E-post:", "Subscribe" => "Abonner", "Select news group" => "Velg news-gruppe", "Back to servers" => "Tilbake til tjenere", "Msgs" => "Mldr", "Save position" => "Lagre posisjon", "Reading article from" => "Leser artikkel fra", "Back to list of articles" => "Tilbake til liste over artikler", "First" => "Først", "Newsgroup" => "Nyhetsgruppe", "Configure news servers" => "Konfigurer news-tjenere", "Select a news server to browse" => "Velg news-tjener å se gjennom", "server" => "tjener", "Add or edit a news server" => "Legg til eller rediger en news-tjener", "News server" => "News-tjener", "Notes" => "Notater", "quota" => "kvote", "Write a note" => "Skriv et notat", "No notes yet" => "Ingen notater enda", "merge selected notes into" => "før sammen notater i", "Reading note:" => "Leser notat:", "List notes" => "List opp notater", "Write note" => "Skriv notat", "wiki create" => "wiki opprett", "wiki overwrite" => "wiki overskriv", "Assign permissions to " => "Tildel tillatelser til ", "back" => "tilbake", "Current permissions for this object" => "Nåværende tilgangstillatelser for dette objektet", "Assign permissions to this object" => "Tildel tilgangstillatelser til dette objektet", "Published" => "Publisert", "Votes" => "Stemmer", "Orphan Pages" => "Urefererte sider", "Assign permissions to page" => "Tildel tillatelser til side", "Current permissions for this page" => "Nåværende tillatelser for denne siden", "remove from this page" => "gjern fra denne sidee", "remove from this structure" => "fjern fra denne struktur", "No individual permissions; category or global permissions apply" => "Ingen individuelle tillatelser; kategori eller globale tillatelser gjelder", "this page" => "denne side", "this structure" => "denne struktur", "Current permissions for categories that this page belongs to" => "Nåværende tillatelser for kategorier som denne siden tilhører", "No category permissions; global permissions apply" => "Ingen tillatelser for kategori; globale tillatelser gjelder", "Send email notifications when this page changes to" => "Send email-varsel når denne siden forandres til", "add email" => "legg til email", "Notifications" => "Varslinger", "Pick your avatar" => "Velg din avatar", "Your current avatar" => "Din nåværende avatar", "no avatar" => "ingen avatar", "Pick avatar from the library" => "Velg avatar fra biblioteket", "icons" => "ikoner", "Show all" => "Vis alle", "Avatar Image" => "Avatarbilde", "random" => "tilfeldig", "Upload your own avatar" => "Legg inn din egen avatar", "lastModif" => "senestForandret", "Average" => "Gjennomsnitt", "List Attachments" => "List opp vedlegg", "View Results" => "Vis resultater", "Vote poll" => "Avstemning", "Other Polls" => "Andre avstemninger", "Print multiple pages" => "Skriv ut flere sider", "Print Wiki Pages" => "Skriv ut Wiki Sider", "clear" => "nullstill", "Quiz result stats" => "Statistikk på spørreleksresultat", "Quiz" => "Spørrelek", "Time" => "Tid", "User answers" => "Brukersvar", "Stats for quizzes" => "Spørreleksstatistikk", "taken" => "besvart", "Av score" => "Gjennomsnittlig poengscore", "Av time" => "Gjennomsnittlig tid", "Stats for quiz" => "statistikk for spørreleker", "clear stats" => "Nullstill statistikk", "Stats for this quiz Questions " => "Statistikk for spørsmål i denne spørreleken ", "Top 10" => "Topp 10", "Top 20" => "Topp 20", "Top 50" => "Topp 50", "Top 100" => "Topp 100", "Received Articles" => "Mottatte artikler", "Edit received article" => "Rediger mottatt artikell", "Use Image" => "Bruk bilde", "Image x size" => "Bildets x størrelse", "Image y size" => "Bildets y størrelse", "Image name" => "Bildenavn", "Accept Article" => "Godkjenn artikkel", "Edit received page" => "Rediger mottatt side", "last" => "siste", "I forgot my password" => "Jeg har glemt passordet", "send me my password" => "send meg passordet mitt", "Return to HomePage" => "Returner til hjemmesiden", "Remove page" => "Fjern side", "You are about to remove the page" => "Du er i ferd med å fjerne siden", "permanently" => "permanent", "Remove all versions of this page" => "Fjern alle versjoner av denne siden", "Rename page" => "Omdøp side", "Rollback page" => "Opprinnelig side", "to_version" => "til versjon", "searched" => "søkte", "Search in" => "Søk i", "galleries" => "gallerier", "blog posts" => "bloginnlegg", "articles" => "artikler", "trackers" => "sporhunder", "entire site" => "hele stedet", "wiki pages" => "wikisider", "No pages matched the search criteria" => "Ingen sider matchet søkekriteriene", "A link to this post was sent to the following addresses:" => "En lenke til dette innlegget ble sendt til følgende epostadresser:", "Send post to this addresses" => "Send post til disse adressene", "List of email addresses separated by commas" => "Liste over epostadresser oppdelt med komma", "Send objects" => "Send objekt", "Transmission results" => "Overføringsresultat", "Send objects to this site" => "Send objekt til denne site", "password" => "passord", "Send Wiki Pages" => "Send Wiki sider", "Send Articles" => "Send artikler", "add article" => "legg til artikkel", "Tiki Shoutbox" => "Tiki Megafon", "Change shoutbox general settings" => "Endre generelle innstillinger for megafonen", "Post or edit a message" => "Send eller rediger en beskjed", "cool" => "knall", "Site Stats" => "Sitestatistikk", "Days online" => "Dager i bruk", "Total pageviews" => "Totalt antall viste sider", "Average pageviews per day" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall sidevisninger per dag", "Best day" => "Beste dag", "Worst day" => "Dårligste dag", "Wiki Stats" => "Wiki statistikk", "Size of Wiki Pages" => "Størrelse på Wiki-sider", "Average page length" => "Gjennomsnittlig sidelengde", "Average versions per page" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall versjoner per side", "Visits to wiki pages" => "Besøk til wiki-sider", "Average links per page" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall lenker per side", "Image galleries Stats" => "Billedgalleristatistikk", "Average images per gallery" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall bilder per galleri", "Total size of images" => "Bildenes totale størrelse", "Average image size" => "Gjennomsnittlig bildestørrelse", "Visits to image galleries" => "Antall besøk i bildegallerier", "File galleries Stats" => "Filgalleristatistikk", "Average files per gallery" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall filer per galleri", "Total size of files" => "Filenes totale størrelse", "Average file size" => "Gjennomsnittlig filstørrelse", "Visits to file galleries" => "Antall besøk i filgallerier", "CMS Stats" => "CMS statistikk", "Total reads" => "Totalt antall visninger", "Average reads per article" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall visninger per artikkel", "Total articles size" => "Total artikkelstørrelse", "Average article size" => "Gjennomsnittlig artikkelstørrelse", "Forum Stats" => "Forumstatistikk", "Total topics" => "Totalt antall emner", "Average topics per forums" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall emner per forum", "Total threads" => "Totalt antall tråder", "Average threads per topic" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall tråder per emne", "Visits to forums" => "Antall besøk i fora", "Blog Stats" => "Blogstatistikk", "Weblogs" => "Weblogger", "Total posts" => "Totalt antall innlegg", "Total size of blog posts" => "Total størrelse på bloginnleggene", "Average posts size" => "Gjennomsnittlig størrelse på bloginnleggene", "Visits to weblogs" => "Antall besøk i weblog'er", "Poll Stats" => "Avstemningsstatistikk", "Total votes" => "Totalt antall stemmer", "Average votes per poll" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall stemmer per avstemning", "Faq Stats" => "FAQ statistikk", "Total questions" => "Totalt antall spørsmål", "Average questions per FAQ" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall spørsmål per FAQ", "User Stats" => "Brukerstatistikk", "User bookmarks" => "Brukerdefinerte bokmerker", "Average bookmarks per user" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall bokmerker per bruker", "Quiz Stats" => "Spørreleksstatistikk", "Average questions per quiz" => "Gjennomsnittlig antall spørsmål per spørrelek", "Quizzes taken" => "Gjennomførte spørreleker", "Average quiz score" => "Gjennomsnittlig spørreleksresultat", "Average time per quiz" => "Gjennomsnittlig tid per spørrelek", "Object" => "Objekt", "Usage chart" => "Bruksdiagram", "Stats for surveys" => "Statistikk for undersøkelser", "Survey" => "Undersøkelse", "Last taken" => "Senest tatt", "Stats for survey" => "Statistikk for undersøkelsen", "Stats for this survey Questions " => "Statistikk for denne undersøkelsens spørsmål ", "Time Left" => "Resterende tid", "send answers" => "sende svar", "Result" => "Resultat", "Theme Control Center: categories" => "Stilkontrollsenter: kategorier", "Theme is selected as follows" => "Stilen er valgt som følger", "If a theme is assigned to the individual object that theme is used." => "Hvis et stil er tildelt et individuelt objekt brukes den stilen.", "If not then if a theme is assigned to the object's category that theme is used" => "Hvis ikke brukes en stil tildelt objektets kategori dersom denne finnes", "If not then a theme for the section is used" => "Hvis ikke brukes en stil for seksjonen", "If none of the above was selected the user theme is used" => "Dersom ikke noe av det ovenfor er valgt brukes brukerens stil", "Finally if the user didn't select a theme the default theme is used" => "Om brukeren til sist ikke valgte en stil brukes standardstil", "Control by Sections" => "Kontroller med Seksjoner", "Assign themes to categories" => "Tildel stil til kategorier", "Assigned categories" => "Tildelte kategorier", "theme" => "stil", "Theme Control Center: Objects" => "Stilkontrollsenter: Objekter", "Control by Categories" => "Kontroller med kategorier", "Assign themes to objects" => "Tildel stil til objekter", "Assigned objects" => "Tildelte objekter", "Theme Control Center: sections" => "Stilkontrollsenter: seksjoner", "Assign themes to sections" => "Tildel stiler til seksjoner", "Assigned sections" => "Tildelte seksjoner", "Upload File" => "Send fil", "File Title" => "Filtittel", "Now enter the file URL" => "Skriv inn filens URL", " or upload a local file from your disk" => " eller sende en lokal fil fra din disk", "Batch upload" => "Klumpinlegging", "The following file was successfully uploaded" => "denne filen ble sendt uten feil", "You can download this file using" => "Du kan hente denne filen med", "You can include the file in an HTML/Tiki page using" => "Du kan legge inn filen i en HTML/Tiki-side med", "Now enter the image URL" => "Skriv inn bilde-URL", " or upload a local image from your disk" => " eller last opp et bilde fra maskinen din", "Thumbnail (optional, overrides automatic thumbnail generation)" => "Indeksbilde (valgfritt, har foregangsrett framfor automatisk genererte indeksbilder", "Upload successful!" => "Bildet ble lastet opp!", "The following image was successfully uploaded" => "Følgende bilde ble lastet opp", "Thumbnail" => "Forhåndsvisning", "User assigned modules" => "Brukertildelte moduler", "Restore defaults" => "Last inn forvalgte verdier", "move to right column" => "flytt til høyre kolonne", "unassign" => "utildelt", "move to left column" => "flytt til venstre kolonne", "Assign module" => "Tildel modul", "Module" => "Modul", "Column" => "Kolonne", "Current folder" => "Nåværende katalog", "Folders" => "Kataloger", "remove folder" => "fjern katalog", "refresh cache" => "oppfrisk cache", "Admin folders and bookmarks" => "Admin kataloger og bokmerker", "Add or edit folder" => "Legg til eller redigere en mapp", "Add or edit a URL" => "Legg til eller redigere en URL", "Personal Wiki Page" => "Personlig Wiki-side", "Displayed time zone" => "Vist tidssone", "This user is your friend" => "Denne brukeren er din venn", "Send me a message" => "Send meg en melding", "User Preferences" => "Brukerinnstillinger", "Personal Information" => "Personlig informasjon", "General preferences" => "Generelle preferanser", "Other preferences" => "Andre preferanser", "Pick user Avatar" => "Velg brukerens avatar", "HomePage" => "Hjemmeside", "Your personal Wiki Page" => "Din personlige Wiki-side", "Change information" => "Endre informasjon", "Is email public? (uses scrambling to prevent spam)" => "Er eposten offentlig? (bruker scrambling for å forebygge spam)", "Unavailable - please set your e-mail below" => "Utilgjengelig - vennligst sett din e-post under", "Does your mail reader need a special charset" => "Trenger din epostleser et spesielt tegnsett", "Number of visited pages to remember" => "Antall besøkte sider som skal huskes", "UTC" => "UTC/GMT", "Local" => "Lokal", "User information" => "Brukerinformasjon", "private" => "privat", "public" => "offentlig", "Use double-click to edit pages" => "Bruk dobbeltklikk for å redigere sider", "Account Information" => "Kontoinformasjon", "Leave \"New password\" and \"Confirm new password\" fields blank to keep current password" => "La \"Nytt passord\"- og \"Bekreft nytt passord\"-feltene være tomme for å beholde nåværende passord", "Email address" => "Epost-adresse", "Confirm new password" => "Bekreft nytt passord", "Current password (required)" => "Nåværende passord (påkrevet)", "Change administrative info" => "Endre administrativ info", "Messages per page" => "Beskjeder per side", "Allow messages from other users" => "Tillat meldinger fra andre brukere", "Send me an email for messages with priority equal or greater than" => "Send meg en epost med meldinger med prioritet høyere eller lik", "Tasks per page" => "Oppgaver per side", "My messages" => "Mine meldinger", "Percentage completed" => "Prosent fullført", "priority" => "prioritet", "No tasks entered" => "Ingen oppgaver skrevet inn", "May need to refresh twice to see changes" => "Må muligens trykke 'oppdater' to ganger for å se forandringene", "Add top level bookmarks to menu" => "Legg til øverste nivås bokmerker til meny", "Mode" => "Modus", "replace window" => "erstatt vindu", "User_versions_for" => "Brukerversjoner for", "expires:" => "utløper:", "no comments" => "ingen kommentarer", "Create new banner" => "Lage nytt banner", "Click ratio" => "Klikkfrekvens", "Weekdays" => "Ukedager", "mon" => "man", "tue" => "tir", "wed" => "ons", "thu" => "tor", "fri" => "fre", "sat" => "lør", "sun" => "søn", "Banner raw data" => "Rådata til banner", "Cached" => "Mellomlagret", "This is a cached version of the page." => "Dette er en mellomlagret versjon av siden.", "Click here to view the Google cache of the page instead." => "Klikk her får å se Googles kopi av siden istedet.", "viewed" => "vist", "edit items" => "rediger elementer", "list charts" => "list opp diagrammer", "last chart" => "siste diagram", "previous chart" => "forrige diagram", "Chart created" => "Diagram opprettet", "next chart" => "neste diagram", "item" => "elem", "avg" => "gjn", "info/vote" => "info/stem", "Next chart will be generated on" => "Neste diagram genereres", "View or vote items not listed in the chart" => "Vis eller stem på elementer som ikke står i diagrammet", "Select something to vote on" => "Velg noe å stemme over", "Item information" => "Elementinformasjon", "Chart" => "Diagram", "Permanency" => "Permanenthet", "Best Position" => "Beste posisjon", "Vote this item" => "Stem over dette elementet", "Highest" => "Høyeste", "Q" => "Sp", "A" => "Sv", "Forum List" => "Forumliste", "Edit Forum" => "Rediger forum", "monitor this forum" => "overvåk dette forumet", "stop monitoring this forum" => "stopp overvåkingen av dette forumet", "Your message has been queued for approval, the message will be posted after\na moderator approves it." => "Din melding har blitt lagt i godkjenningskøen, meldingen vil bli postet etter at\nen moderator godkjenner den.", "You have to enter a title and text" => "Du må skrive inn tittel og tekst", "post new comment" => "legge opp ny kommentar", "Summary" => "Oppsummering", "HTML tags are not allowed inside comments" => "HTML-tagger er ikke tillatt i kommentarer", "moderator actions" => "moderatorhandlinger", "move selected topics" => "flytt valgte emner", "unlock selected topics" => "lås oppp valgte emner", "lock selected topics" => "lås valgte emner", "delete selected topics" => "slett valgte emner", "merge" => "sammensmelt", "merge selected topics" => "smelt sammen valgte emner", "reported messages:" => "rapporterte meldinger:", "queued messages:" => "meldinger i kø:", "Merge into topic" => "Smelt inn i emne", "pts" => "poeng", "No topics yet" => "Ingen emner enda", "topics in this forum" => "emner i dette forumet", "Show posts" => "Vis innlegg", "Last hour" => "Sist time", "Last 24 hours" => "Siste døgn", "Last 48 hours" => "Siste to døgn", "Jump to forum" => "Hopp til forum", " unread private messages" => " uleste private meldinger", "prev topic" => "forrige emne", "next topic" => "neste emne", "monitor this topic" => "overvåk dette emnet", "stop monitoring this topic" => "stopp overvåkingen av dette emnet", "Comments below your current threshold" => "Kommentarer som er under din nåværende terskelverdi", "IRC log" => "IRC-logg", "Select" => "Velg", "Show All" => "Vis alle", "Insert new item" => "Legg inn nytt element", "View item" => "vis post", "Add a comment" => "Legg til kommentar", "Attach a file to this item" => "Legg ved en fil til dette elementet", "No attachments for this item" => "ingen vedlegg til dette elementet", "settings" => "innstillinger", "mailbox" => "postboks", "compose" => "komponer", "contacts" => "kontakter", "Contacts" => "Kontakter", "Add new mail account" => "Legg til en ny postkonto", "User accounts" => "Brukerkonti", "account" => "konto", "View All" => "Vis alle", "Msg" => "Melding", "back to mailbox" => "tilbake til postboks", "full headers" => "fullstendig meldingshode", "normal headers" => "normalt meldingshode", "reply all" => "svar til alle", "forward" => "videresend", "Create/edit contacts" => "Opprett/redigere kontakter", "First Name" => "Fornavn", "Last Name" => "Etternavn", "select from address book" => "velg fra adresseboken", "Use HTML mail" => "Bruk HTML i post", "The following addresses are not in your address book" => "Følgende adresser finnes ikke i din adressebok", "add contacts" => "legg til kontakter", "Attachment 1" => "Vedlegg 1", "Attachment 2" => "Vedlegg 2", "Attachment 3" => "Vedlegg 3", "Address book" => "Addressebok", "General preferences and settings" => "Generelle preferanser og innstillinger", "Wiki settings" => "Wiki innstillinger", "Poll comments settings" => "Kommentarinnstillinger for avstemninger", "Forums settings" => "Innstillinger for fora", "No chart indicated" => "Ikke noe diagram valgt", "Upload failed" => "Uploadingen var mislykket", "No page indicated" => "Ingen side ble valgt", "Detected, Version:" => "Påvist, Versjon:", "The passwords don't match" => "Passordene stemmer ikke over ens", "Password should be at least" => "Passordet bør være minst", "characters long" => "tegn langt", "Your admin password has been changed" => "Ditt administratorpassord ble endret", "Tag already exists" => "Bokmerket finnes allerede", "Tag not found" => "Bokmerket mangler", "File not found " => "Fil ikke funnet ", "Frequency should be a positive integer!" => "Frekvens skulle være et postitivt heltall!", "No menu indicated" => "Ingen meny valgt", "No newsletter indicated" => "Intet nyhetsbrev valgt", "No poll indicated" => "Ingen avstemning valgt", "You have to provide a word" => "Du må oppgi et ord", "You must specify a page name, it will be created if it doesn't exist." => "Du må angi et sidenavn, det vil bli laget hvis det ikke finnes.", "page not added (Exists)" => "siden ble ikke lagt til (Finnes allerede)", "No survey indicated" => "Ingen undersøkelse valgt", "You don't have permission to use this feature" => "Du ha'kke tillatelse til å bruke denne funksjonen", "No tracker indicated" => "Ingen sporhund valgt", "Group already exists" => "Gruppen finnes allerede", "No records were found. Check the file please!" => "Ingen arkiverte data funnet. Vennligst sjekk filen!", "User login is required" => "Brukerinnlogging er påkrevd", "Password is required" => "Passord er påkrevd", "Email is required" => "Epost er påkrevd", "User is duplicated" => "Brukeren er duplisert", "User %s already exists" => "Brukeren %s eksisterer allerede", "New %s created with %s %s." => "Ny %s laget med %s %s.", "Impossible to create new %s with %s %s." => "Umulig å lage ny %s med %s %s.", "%s %s successfully deleted." => "%s %s ble slettet.", "%s %s removed from %s %s." => "%s %s fjernet fra %s %s.", "User already exists" => "Brukeren finnes allerede", "The passwords dont match" => "Passordene er ulike", "Password must contain both letters and numbers" => "passordet må innholde både tall og bokstaver", "%s modified successfully." => "%s ble modifisert.", "%s modification failed." => "%s modifisering feilet.", "%s changed from %s to %s" => "%s endret fra %s til %s", "Impossible to change %s from %s to %s" => "Umulig å endre %s fra %s til %s", "Permission denied you cannot view this section" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se denne seksjonen", "Last articles." => "Siste artikler.", "Unknown group" => "Ukjent gruppe", "Group doesnt exist" => "Gruppen finnes ikke", "Unknown user" => "Ukjent bruker", "User doesnt exist" => "Brukeren finnes ikke", "You have to indicate a group" => "Du må velge en gruppe", "This group is invalid" => "Denne gruppen er ugyldig", "Permission denied you cannot view backlinks for this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se refererende lenker til denne siden", "The page cannot be found" => "Systemet klarer ikke å finne siden", "Permission denied you cannot post" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å opprette innlegg", "Permission denied you cannot edit this post" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere dette innlegg", "You can't post in any blog maybe you have to create a blog first" => "Du kan ikke opprette innlegg i noen blog - kanskje du må opprette en blog først", "Top visited blogs" => "Mest besøkte blog'er", "Last posts" => "Siste innlegg", "Top active blogs" => "Topp aktive blog'er", "No blogId specified" => "Ingen blogId spesifisert", "TOP" => "TOPP", "Permission denied you cannot access this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å aksessere dette galleriet", "No gallery indicated" => "Intet galleri valgt", "Please login" => "Vennligst logg inn", "Permission denied you cannot view this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se denne siden", "Permission denied you can not view this section" => "Tilgang nektet; du kan ikke åpne denne seksjonen", "Permission denied you cannot remove images from this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta bort bilder fra dette galleriet", "Permission denied you cannot rebuild thumbnails in this gallery" => "Tilgang nektet; du kan ikke gjenoppbygge indeksbilder i dette galleriet", "Permission denied you cannot rotate images in this gallery" => "Tilgang nektet; du kan ikke rotere bilder i dette galleriet", "No image indicated" => "Ingen bilder valgt", "Permission denied you cannot move images from this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å flytte bilder fra dette galleriet", "Permission denied you cannot view the calendar" => "Tilgang nektet kalenderen kan ikke vises", "event without name" => "hendelse uten navn", "No category indicated" => "Ingen kategori valgt", "Permission denied; you cannot assign permissions for this category" => "Nei; du kan ikke tildele tillatelser for denne kategorien", "The passwords didn't match" => "Passordene stemte ikke", "You can not use the same password again" => "Du kan ikke bruke samme passord omigjen", "Invalid old password" => "Ugyldig gammelt passord", "Permission denied to use this feature" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å bruke denne funksjonen", "No channel indicated" => "Ingen kanal valgt", "No nickname indicated" => "Intet kallenavn valgt", "Top authors" => "Topp forfattere", "Message sent to" => "Melding sendt til", "This feature has been disabled" => "denne funksjonen har blitt deaktivert", "Must select a category. " => "Må velge en kategori. ", "Must enter a name to add a site" => "Du må skrive inn et navn for å legge til en site", "Must enter a url to add a site" => "Du må skrive inn en url for å legge til en site", "URL already added to the directory. Duplicate site?" => "URL'en er allere lagt til katalogen. Dupliser site?", "Must select a category" => "Du må velge en kategori", "No site indicated" => "Ingen site indikert", "You can not download files" => "Du kan ikke laste ned filer", "Permission denied you cannot edit this article" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere denne artikkelen", "Banner not found" => "Bannern finnes ikke", "Permission denied you cannot create or edit blogs" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å opprette eller redigere blog'er", "Permission denied you cannot edit this blog" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere denne blog'en", "Invalid request to edit an image" => "Ugyldig forespørsel om å redigere et bilde", "Permission denied you cannot edit images" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere bilder", "Permission denied you can edit images but not in this gallery" => "Du har tillatelse til å redigere bilder men ikke i dette galleriet", "Failed to edit the image" => "Redigeringen av bildet mislyktes", "Shortname must be 2 Characters" => "Kortnavnet må være eksakt to tegn langt", "You must provide a longname" => "Du må gi språket et fullt navn", "Language created" => "Språk opprettet", "No content id indicated" => "Ingen innholdsID valgt", "No question indicated" => "Ingen spørsmål valgt", "No quiz indicated" => "Ingen spørrelek valgt", "No structure indicated" => "Ingen struktur valgt", "Permission denied you cannot send submissions" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å sende bidrag", "Permission denied you cannot edit submissions" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere bidrag", "You have to create a topic first" => "Du må opprette et emne først", "Article not found" => "Artikkelen finnes ikke", "Permission denied you cannot edit this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere denne siden", "page imported" => "siden er importert", "created from import" => "laget med utgangspunkt i importert fil", "You cannot edit this page because it is a user personal page" => "Du kan ikke redigere denne siden fordi det er en personlig brukerside", "The SandBox is disabled" => "Sandkassen er stengt", "Cannot edit page because it is locked" => "Kan ikke redigere siden fordi den er låst", "Permission denied you cannot create galleries and so you cant edit them" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å opprette eller redigere gallerier", "Permission denied you cannot edit this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å redigere dette galleriet", "Permission denied you cannot remove this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å slette dette galleriet", "No forum indicated" => "Intet forum valgt", "Forum posts" => "Forumposter", "Accepted friendship request from %s" => "Godtok vennskapsønske fra %s", "Refused friendship request from %s" => "Avviste vennskapsønske fra %s", "Broke friendship with %s" => "Avbrøt vennskap med %s", "I have broken our friendship!" => "Jeg har slått opp vårt vennskap!", "You must be logged in to use this feature" => "Du må være logget inn for å bruke denne funksjonen", "You're already friend of %s" => "Du er allerede en venn av %s", "Invalid username" => "Ugyldig brukernavn", "I have accepted your friendship request!" => "Jeg har godtatt ditt vennskapsønske!", "I have refused your friendship request!" => "Jeg har avvist ditt vennskapsønske!", "No process indicated" => "Ingen prosess valgt", "Activity name already exists" => "Aktivitetsnavnet er allerede i bruk", "indicates if the process is active. Invalid processes cant be active" => "indikerer om prosessen er aktiv. Ugyldig prosesser kan ikke være aktive", "No instance indicated" => "Ingen instants valgt", "No activity indicated" => "Ingen aktivitet", "The process name already exists" => "Prosessnavnet er allerede i bruk", "Process already exists" => "Prosessen finnes allerede", "You cant execute this activity" => "Du kan ikke utføre denne aktiviteten", "No user indicated" => "Ingen bruker valgt", "No item indicated" => "Du har ikke valgt noe", "overwriting old page" => "skriver over gammel side", "page created" => "side opprettet", "Permission denied you cannot view pages like this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se sider som denne", "Permission denied you cannot remove articles" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta bort denne artikkelen", "Permission denied you cannot remove banners" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta bort banner", "Permission denied you cannot remove this blog" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å fjerne denne blog'en", "Permission denied you cannot remove files from this gallery" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å slette filer fra dette galleriet", "Permission denied you can't upload files so you can't edit them" => "Du har ikke adgang til å laste opp filer så du kan heller ikke redigere dem", "Permission denied you cannot edit this file" => "Du har ikke adgang til å redigere denne filen", "The thumbnail name must be" => "Indeksbildets navn må væra", "You cannot admin blogs" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å administrere blogger", "Permission denied you cannot remove submissions" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta bort bidrag", "Permission denied you cannot approve submissions" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å godkjenne bidrag", "Permission denied you cannot view pages" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se sider", "Permission denied you cannot remove pages" => "Du har ikke adgang til å fjerne sider", "You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site" => "Du må slå på \"cookies\" for å logge inn på dette nettstedet", "changed" => "endret", "You dont have permission to do that" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å gjøre dette", "About" => "Om", "You must log in to use this feature" => "Du må være innlogget for å bruke denne funksjonen", "You must be logged in to subscribe to newsletters" => "Du må være innlogget til å abonnere på nyhetsbrev", "No server indicated" => "Ingen tjener indikert", "Cannot connect to" => "Kan ikke koble til", "Missing information to read news (server,port,username,password,group) required" => "Manglende informasjon for å lese news (tjener,port,brukernavn,passord,gruppe) påkrevd", "Cannot get messages" => "Kan ikke hente meldinger", "No note indicated" => "Intet notat indikert", "merged note:" => "sammenslått notat:", "File is too big" => "Filen er for stor", "created from notepad" => "laget med notatblokk", "No name indicated for wiki page" => "Navn ikke angitt for wikiside", "Page already exists" => "Siden finnes allerede", "Permission denied you cannot assign permissions for this page" => "Du har ikke rett til å tildele andre tillatelser for denne siden", "Not enough information to display this page" => "ikke nok informasjon til å vise denne side", "Permission denied you cannot browse this page history" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å se denne sidens versjoner", "No article indicated" => "Ingen artikkel valgt", "Article is not published yet" => "Artiklen er ennå ikke publisert", "No post indicated" => "Ikke noe innlegg valgt", "Blog not found" => "Blogen finnes ikke", "No pages indicated" => "Ingen sider er valgt", "No result indicated" => "Intet resultat valgt", "Permision denied" => "Utilstrekkelige tillatelser", "Wrong registration code" => "Feil registreringskode", "Username is too long" => "Brukernavnet er for langt", "Username cannot contain whitespace" => "brukernavn kan ikke inneholde mellomrom", "Wrong passcode you need to know the passcode to register in this site" => "Feilaktig innmeldingskode. Du må vite innmeldingskoden for å kunna registere deg på denne hjemmesiden", "Invalid email address. You must enter a valid email address" => "Ugyldig epostadresse. Du må skrive inn en gyldig epostadresse", "to the registered email address for" => "til den registerte emailaddressen til", "Invalid or unknown username" => "Ugyldig eller ukjent brukernavn", "Permission denied you cannot remove versions from this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta bort versjoner fra denne siden", "Cannot rename page maybe new page already exists" => "Kan ikke omdøpe siden, mulig den nye siden allerede finnes", "Non-existent version" => "Versjonen finnes ikke", "Permission denied you cannot rollback this page" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å skifte tilbake til tidligere version av denne siden", "Post recommendation at" => "Post anbefaling til", " successfully sent" => " sendt med hell", " not sent" => " ikke sendt", "Error: " => "Feil: ", "Page must be defined inside a structure to use this feature" => "Siden må være definert innenfor en struktur for å bruke denne funksjonen", "You cannot take this quiz twice" => "Du kan ikke delta i denne spørreleken to ganger", "You cannot take this survey twice" => "Du får ikke delta i denne undersøkelsen mer enn en gang", "Please create a category first" => "Vær vennlig å lage en kategori først", "No permission to upload zipped file packages" => "Du har ikke adgang til å laste opp zippete filpakker", "Cannot read file" => "Kan ikke lese filen", "Permission denied you cannot upload files" => "Du har ikke adgang til å laste opp filer", "Permission denied you can upload files but not to this file gallery" => "Du har tillatelset til å legge inn filer men ikke til dette galleriet", "Error processing zipped image package" => "Feil under behandlig av zippet bildepakke", "No permission to upload zipped image packages" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å laste opp bildepakker", "Permission denied you cannot upload images" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å legge inn bilder", "Permission denied you can upload images but not to this gallery" => "Du har tillatelse til å legge inn bilder, men ikke i dette galleriet", "Cannot get image from URL" => "Kan ikke overføre bildene fra URL", "That is not an image (or you have php < 4.0.5)" => "Det der er ikke et bilde (eller du har gammel php < 4.0.5)", "cannot process upload" => "kan ikke utføre overføringen", "No url indicated" => "Ingen URL er valgt", "The user has chosen to make his information private" => "Brukeren har valgt å holde denne informasjonen privat", "The passwords did not match" => "Passordene stemte ikke", "Cannot upload this file not enough quota" => "Filkvoten din er for liten til å laste opp denne filen", "No banner indicated" => "Ingen bannere valgt", "No blog indicated" => "Ingen blog valgt", "Permission denied you cannot remove the post" => "Du har ikke tillatelse til å fjerne innlegget", "No cache information available" => "Ingen cache-informasjon tilgjengelig", "No faq indicated" => "Ingen faq er valgt", "Wrong password. Cannot post comment" => "Feil passord. Du kan ikke poste kommentaren", "Please wait 2 minutes between posts" => "Vennligst vent 2 minutter mellom innlegg", "No thread indicated" => "Ingen tråd valgt", "Your email address has been removed from the list of addresses monitoring this tracker" => "Din epostadresse har blitt fjernet fra listen over adresser som overvåker denne sporhunden", "Your email address has been added to the list of addresses monitoring this tracker" => "Din epostadresse har blitt lagt til i listen over adresser som overvåker denne sporhunden", "Cancel monitoring" => "Avbryt overvåking", "Monitor" => "Overvåk", "Your email address has been removed from the list of addresses monitoring this item" => "Din epostadresse har blitt fjernet fra listen over adresser som overvåker dette elementet", "Your email address has been added to the list of addresses monitoring this item" => "Din epostadresse har blitt lagt til i listen over adresser som overvåker dette elementet", "No subject" => "Manglende emne", "Your email was sent" => "Din epost ble sendt", "Top pages" => "Topp sider", "Last pages" => "Siste sider", "###end###"=>"###end###"); ?>