File: commentslib.php
<?php //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } // A library to handle comments on object (notes, articles, etc) // This is just a test class Comments extends TikiLib { # var $db; // The PEAR db object used to access the database var $time_control = 0; function Comments($db) { if (!$db) { die ("Invalid db object passed to CommentsLib constructor"); } $this->db = $db; } /* Functions for the forums */ function report_post($forumId, $parentId, $threadId, $user, $reason = '') { $now = date("U"); $query = "delete from `tiki_forums_reported` where `forumId`=?"; $bindvars=array($forumId); $this->query($query,$bindvars,-1,-1,false); $query = "insert into `tiki_forums_reported`(`forumId`, `parentId`, `threadId`, `user`, `reason`, `timestamp`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $bindvars=array($forumId,$parentId,$threadId,$user,$reason,$now); $this->query($query,$bindvars); } function list_reported($forumId, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " and `reason` like ? or `user` like ?"; $bindvars=array($forumId, $findesc, $findesc ); } else { $mid = ""; $bindvars=array($forumId); } $query = "select `forumId`, tfr.`threadId`, tfr.`parentId`, tfr.`reason`, tfr.`user`, `title` from `tiki_forums_reported` tfr, `tiki_comments` tc where tfr.`threadId` = tc.`threadId` and `forumId`=? $mid order by ". $this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` tfr, `tiki_comments` tc where tfr.`threadId` = tc.`threadId` and `forumId`=? $mid"; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars); $now = date("U"); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function is_reported($threadId) { return $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=?",array($threadId)); } function remove_reported($threadId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_forums_reported` where `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query,array((int) $threadId)); } function get_num_reported($forumId) { return $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_forums_reported` where `forumId`=?",array((int) $forumId)); } function mark_comment($user, $forumId, $threadId) { if (!$user) return false; $now = time(); $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_reads` where `user`=? and `threadId`=?"; $bindvars=array($user,(int) $threadId); $this->query($query,$bindvars,-1,-1,false); $query = "insert into `tiki_forum_reads`(`user`,`threadId`,`forumId`,`timestamp`) values(?,?,?,?)"; $bindvars=array($user,(int) $threadId,(int) $forumId,(int) $now); $this->query($query,$bindvars); } function unmark_comment($user, $forumId, $threadId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_reads` where `user`=? and `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($user,(int) $threadId)); } function is_marked($threadId) { global $user; if (!$user) return false; return $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_forum_reads` where `user`=? and `threadId`=?",array($user,$threadId)); } function add_thread_attachment( $forum_info, $threadId, $fp = '', $data = '', $name, $type, $size, $inbound_mail = 0 ) { global $smarty; // Deal with attachment if( $forum_info['att'] == 'att_all' || ($forum_info['att'] == 'att_admin' && $tiki_p_admin_forum == 'y') || ($forum_info['att'] == 'att_perm' && $tiki_p_forum_attach == 'y') ) { $fhash = ''; if ($forum_info['att_store'] == 'dir') { $fhash = md5(uniqid('.')); // Just in case the directory doesn't have the trailing slash if (substr($forum_info['att_store_dir'], strlen($forum_info['att_store_dir']) - 1, 1) == '\\') { $forum_info['att_store_dir'] = substr($forum_info['att_store_dir'], 0, strlen($forum_info['att_store_dir']) - 1). '/'; } elseif ( substr($forum_info['att_store_dir'], strlen($forum_info['att_store_dir']) - 1, 1) != '/') { $forum_info['att_store_dir'] .= '/'; } @$fw = fopen($forum_info['att_store_dir'] . $fhash, "wb"); if (!$fw && ! $inbound_mail ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Cannot write to this file: '). $forum_info['att_store_dir'] . $fhash); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } if( $fp ) { while (!feof($fp)) { if ($forum_info['att_store'] == 'db') { $data .= fread($fp, 8192 * 16); } else { $data = fread($fp, 8192 * 16); fwrite($fw, $data); } } fclose ($fp); } else { fwrite($fw, $data); } if ($forum_info['att_store'] == 'dir') { fclose ($fw); $data = ''; } if ($size > $forum_info['att_max_size'] && ! $inbound_mail ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Cannot upload this file maximum upload size exceeded')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } return $this->attach_file($threadId, 0, $name, $type, $size, $data, $fhash, $forum_info['att_store_dir'], $_REQUEST['forumId']); /* attachment */ } else { return false; } } function attach_file($threadId, $qId, $name, $type, $size, $data, $fhash, $dir, $forumId) { $now = time(); if ($fhash) { // Do not store data if we have a file $data = ''; } $query = "insert into `tiki_forum_attachments`(`threadId`, `qId`, `filename`, `filetype`, `filesize`, `data`, `path`, `created`, `dir`, `forumId`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query,array($threadId,$qId,$name,$type,$size,$data,$fhash,$now,$dir,$forumId)); // Now the file is attached and we can proceed. } function get_thread_attachments($threadId, $qId) { if ($threadId) { $cond = " where `threadId`=?"; $bindvars=array($threadId); } else { $cond = " where `qId`=?"; $bindvars=array($qId); } $query = "select `filename`,`filesize`,`attId` from `tiki_forum_attachments` $cond"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } return $ret; } function get_thread_attachment($attId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `attId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($attId)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); $forum_info = $this->get_forum($res['forumId']); $res['forum_info'] = $forum_info; return $res; } function remove_thread_attachment($attId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `attId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($attId)); } function parse_output(&$obj, &$parts, $i) { if (!empty($obj->parts)) { $temp_max = count($obj->parts); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) $this->parse_output($obj->parts[$i], $parts, $i); } else { $ctype = $obj->ctype_primary . '/' . $obj->ctype_secondary; switch ($ctype) { case 'text/plain': case 'TEXT/PLAIN': if (!empty($obj->disposition)AND $obj->disposition == 'attachment') { $names = split(';', $obj->headers["content-disposition"]); $names = split('=', $names[1]); $aux['name'] = $names[1]; $aux['content-type'] = $obj->headers["content-type"]; $aux['part'] = $i; $parts['attachments'][] = $aux; } else { if(isset($obj->ctype_parameters) && ($obj->ctype_parameters['charset'] == "iso-8859-1" || $obj->ctype_parameters['charset'] == "ISO-8859-1")) { $parts['text'][] = utf8_encode($obj->body); } else { $parts['text'][] = $obj->body; } } break; case 'text/html': case 'TEXT/HTML': if (!empty($obj->disposition)AND $obj->disposition == 'attachment') { $names = split(';', $obj->headers["content-disposition"]); $names = split('=', $names[1]); $aux['name'] = $names[1]; $aux['content-type'] = $obj->headers["content-type"]; $aux['part'] = $i; $parts['attachments'][] = $aux; } else { $parts['html'][] = $obj->body; } break; default: $names = split(';', $obj->headers["content-disposition"]); $names = split('=', $names[1]); $aux['name'] = $names[1]; $aux['content-type'] = $obj->headers["content-type"]; $aux['part'] = $i; $parts['attachments'][] = $aux; } } } function process_inbound_mail($forumId) { // require_once ("lib/webmail/pop3.php"); require_once ("lib/webmail/net_pop3.php"); require_once ("lib/mail/mimelib.php"); //require_once ("lib/webmail/mimeDecode.php"); include_once ("lib/webmail/class.rc4crypt.php"); include_once ("lib/webmail/htmlMimeMail.php"); $info = $this->get_forum($forumId); // for any reason my sybase test machine adds a space to // the inbound_pop_server field in the table. $info["inbound_pop_server"]=trim($info["inbound_pop_server"]); if (!$info["inbound_pop_server"] || empty($info["inbound_pop_server"])) return; $pop3 = new Net_POP3(); $pop3->connect($info["inbound_pop_server"]); $pop3->login($info["inbound_pop_user"], $info["inbound_pop_password"]); if (!$pop3) return; $mailsum = $pop3->numMsg(); $pop3->disconnect(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $mailsum; $i++) { // Just changed the code to close and re-open the POP3 session for // each message; it used to try to retrieve everything in one // session. // // We close and re-open for each message because POP3 won't // delete mail until the client quits (so you can back out of // accidental deletions in a real user client). This doesn't apply // here, and as it stands if the mailbox gets very full, we end up // hitting the mailbox over and over without changing anything, // because eventually the session times out. // // As a side effect, $i doesn't really get used (we're always // retrieving the first message). // // -Robin Powell, 8 Nov 2004 $pop3->connect($info["inbound_pop_server"]); $pop3->login($info["inbound_pop_user"], $info["inbound_pop_password"]); $aux = $pop3->getParsedHeaders( 1 ); // If the connection is done, or the mail has an error, or whatever, // we try to delete the current mail (because something is wrong with it) // and continue on. --rlpowell if( $aux == FALSE ) { $pop3->deleteMsg( 1 ); continue; } if (!isset($aux["From"])) { $aux['From'] = $aux['Return-path']; } preg_match('/<?([-!#$%&\'*+\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'*+\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'*+\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)>?/',$aux["From"],$mail); $email = $mail[1]; $full = $pop3->getMsg( 1 ); $message = $pop3->getBody( 1 ); // print( "<pre>" ); // print_r( $full ); // print( "</pre>" ); $output = mime::decode($full); //unset ($parts); //$this->parse_output($output, $parts, 0); // print( "<pre>" ); // print_r( $output ); // print( "</pre>" ); if (isset($output["text"][0])) { $body = $output["text"][0]; } elseif (isset($output['parts'][0]["text"][0])) { $body = $output['parts'][0]["text"][0]; } elseif (isset($output['body'])) { $body = $output['body']; } else { $body = ""; } // print( "<pre>" ); // print_r( $body ); // print( "</pre>" ); // Remove 're:' and [forum]. -rlpowell $title = trim( preg_replace( "/[rR][eE]:/", "", preg_replace( "/\[[-A-Za-z _:]*\]/", "", $output['header']['subject'] ) ) ); if (stristr($aux['Subject'], "=?iso-8859-1?") == $aux['Subject']) $title = utf8_encode($title); //Todo: check permissions $message_id = substr($output['header']["message-id"], 1, strlen($output['header']["message-id"])-2); if( isset( $output['header']["in-reply-to"] ) ) { $in_reply_to = substr($output['header']["in-reply-to"], 1, strlen($output['header']["in-reply-to"])-2); } else { $in_reply_to = ''; } // Determine user from email $userName = $this->getOne("select `login` from `users_users` where `email`=?",array($email)); if (!$userName) $user = ''; // Determine if the thread already exists. $parentId = $this->getOne( "select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `object`=? and `objectType` = 'forum' and `parentId`=0 and `title`=?", array($forumId, $title) ); // print( "<pre>parentid:" ); // print_r( $parentId ); // print( "</pre>" ); if (!$parentId) { // No thread already; create it. $temp_msid = ''; $parentId = $this->post_new_comment( 'forum:' . $forumId, 0, $userName, $title, sprintf(tra("Use this thread to discuss the %s page."), "[tiki-index.php?page=$title|$title]"), $temp_msid, $in_reply_to ); $this->register_forum_post($forumId,0); // First post is in reply to this one $in_reply_to = $temp_msid; } // post $threadid = $this->post_new_comment( 'forum:' . $forumId, $parentId, $userName, $title, $body, $message_id, $in_reply_to); $this->register_forum_post($forumId,$parentId); // Process attachments if( array_key_exists( 'parts', $output ) && count( $output['parts'] ) > 1 ) { foreach( $output['parts'] as $part ) { if( array_key_exists( 'disposition', $part ) && $part['disposition'] == "attachment" ) { if( strlen( $part['d_parameters']['filename'] ) > 0 ) { $part_name = $part['d_parameters']['filename']; } else { $part_name = "Unnamed File"; } $forum_info = $this->get_forum( $forumId ); $this->add_thread_attachment( $forum_info, $threadid, '', $part['body'], $part_name, $part['type'], strlen( $part['body'] ), 1 ); } } } // Deal with mail notifications. if( array_key_exists( 'outbound_mails_reply_link', $info ) && $info['outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails'] == 'y' ) { //phpinfo(); include_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); sendForumEmailNotification('forum_post_thread', $threadid, $info, $title, $body, $userName, $title, $message_id, $in_reply_to, $threadid, $parentId); } $pop3->deleteMsg( 1 ); $pop3->disconnect(); } } /* queue management */ function replace_queue($qId, $forumId, $object, $parentId, $user, $title, $data, $type = 'n', $topic_smiley = '', $summary = '', $topic_title = '') { // timestamp $hash2 = md5($title . $data); if ($qId == 0 && $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_forums_queue` where `title`=? and `data`=?",array($title,$hash2))) return false; $now = date("U"); if ($qId) { $query = "update `tiki_forums_queue` set `object` = ?, `parentId`=?, `user`=?, `title`=?, `data`=?, `forumId`=?, `type`=?, `hash`=?, `topic_title`=?, `topic_smiley`=?, `summary` = ?, `timestamp` = ? where `qId`=? "; $this->query($query,array($object,$parentId,$user,$title,$data,$forumId,$type,$hash2,$topic_title,$topic_smiley,$summary,$now,$qId)); return $qId; } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_forums_queue`(`object`, `parentId`, `user`, `title`, `data`, `type`, `topic_smiley`, `summary`, `timestamp`, `topic_title`, `hash`, `forumId`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($object, $parentId, $user, $title, $data, $type, $topic_smiley, $summary, $now, $topic_title, $hash2, $forumId)); $qId = $this->getOne("select max(`qId`) from `tiki_forums_queue` where `hash`=? and `timestamp`=?",array($hash2,$now)); } return $qId; } function get_num_queued($object) { return $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_forums_queue` where `object`=?",array($object)); } function list_forum_queue($object, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " and `title` like $findesc or `data` like $findesc"; $bindvars=array($findesc,$findesc,$object); } else { $mid = ""; $bindvars=array($object); } $query = "select * from `tiki_forums_queue` where `object`=? $mid order by ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_forums_queue` where `object`=? $mid"; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset ); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars ); $now = date("U"); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $res['parsed'] = $this->parse_comment_data($res['data']); $res['attachments'] = $this->get_thread_attachments(0, $res['qId']); $ret[] = $res; } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function queue_get($qId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_forums_queue` where `qId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $qId)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); $res['attchments'] = $this->get_thread_attachments(0, $res['qId']); return $res; } function remove_queued($qId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_forums_queue` where `qId`=?"; $this->query($query,array((int) $qId)); $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `qId`=?"; $this->query($query,array((int) $qId)); } //Approve queued message -> post as new comment function approve_queued($qId) { $info = $this->queue_get($qId); $message_id = ''; $threadId = $this->post_new_comment( 'forum:' . $info['forumId'], $info['parentId'], $info['user'], $info['title'], $info['data'], $message_id, '', //in_reply_to $info['type'], $info['summary'], $info['topic_smiley'] ); $this->remove_queued($qId); /* This all looks redundant to me -dheltzel if ($threadId) { $query = "update `tiki_forum_attachments` set `threadId`=$threadId where `qId`=$qId"; $this->query($query); $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `qId`=$qId"; $this->query($query); } */ } function get_forum_topics($forumId, $offset = 0, $max = -1, $sort_mode = 'commentDate_asc') { if ($sort_mode == 'points_asc') { $sort_mode = 'average_asc'; } if ($this->time_control) { $limit = time() - $this->time_control; $time_cond = " and a.`commentDate` > ? "; $bind_time = array((int) $limit); } else { $time_cond = ''; $bind_time = array(); } $ret = array(); foreach (array('=', '<>') as $stickytest) { $query = "select a.`threadId`,a.`object`,a.`objectType`,a.`parentId`, a.`userName`,a.`commentDate`,a.`hits`,a.`type`,a.`points`, a.`votes`,a.`average`,a.`title`,a.`data`,a.`hash`,a.`user_ip`, a.`summary`,a.`smiley`,a.`message_id`,a.`in_reply_to`,a.`comment_rating`,". $this->ifNull("max(b.`commentDate`)","a.`commentDate`")." as `lastPost`, count(b.`threadId`) as `replies` from `tiki_comments` a left join `tiki_comments` b on b.`parentId`=a.`threadId` where a.`object`=? and a.`type` $stickytest ? and a.`objectType` = 'forum' and a.`parentId` = ? $time_cond group by a.`threadId`"; global $ADODB_LASTDB; if($ADODB_LASTDB != 'sybase') { $query .=",a.`object`,a.`objectType`,a.`parentId`,a.`userName`,a.`commentDate`,a.`hits`,a.`type`,a.`points`,a.`votes`,a.`average`,a.`title`,a.`data`,a.`hash`,a.`user_ip`,a.`summary`,a.`smiley`,a.`message_id`,a.`in_reply_to`,a.`comment_rating` "; } $query .="order by ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode).", `threadId`"; $result = $this->query($query, array_merge(array((string) $forumId, 's', 0), $bind_time), $max, $offset); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $tid = $res['threadId']; if ($res["lastPost"]!=$res["commentDate"]) { // last post data is for tiki-view_forum.php. // you can see the title and author of last post $query = "select * from `tiki_comments` where `parentId` = ? and `commentDate` = ? order by `threadId` desc"; $r2 = $this->query($query, array($tid, $res['lastPost'])); $res['lastPostData'] = $r2->fetchRow(); } // Has the user read it? $res['is_marked'] = $this->is_marked($tid); $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } function get_last_forum_posts($forumId, $maxRecords = -1) { $mid = " where `objectType` = ? and `object`=? "; $bind_mid = array('forum', $forumId); $sort_mode = 'commentDate_desc'; $query = "select * from `tiki_comments` $mid order by ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $result = $this->query($query, $bind_mid, $maxRecords, 0); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } return $ret; } function replace_forum($forumId, $name, $description, $controlFlood, $floodInterval, $moderator, $mail, $useMail, $usePruneUnreplied, $pruneUnrepliedAge, $usePruneOld, $pruneMaxAge, $topicsPerPage, $topicOrdering, $threadOrdering, $section, $topics_list_reads, $topics_list_replies, $topics_list_pts, $topics_list_lastpost, $topics_list_author, $vote_threads, $show_description, $inbound_pop_server, $inbound_pop_port, $inbound_pop_user, $inbound_pop_password, $outbound_address, $outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails, $outbound_mails_reply_link, $outbound_from, $topic_smileys, $topic_summary, $ui_avatar, $ui_flag, $ui_posts, $ui_level, $ui_email, $ui_online, $approval_type, $moderator_group, $forum_password, $forum_use_password, $att, $att_store, $att_store_dir, $att_max_size,$forum_last_n) { if ($forumId) { $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `name` = ?, `description` = ?, `controlFlood` = ?, `floodInterval` = ?, `moderator` = ?, `mail` = ?, `useMail` = ?, `section` = ?, `usePruneUnreplied` = ?, `pruneUnrepliedAge` = ?, `usePruneOld` = ?, `vote_threads` = ?, `topics_list_reads` = ?, `topics_list_replies` = ?, `show_description` = ?, `inbound_pop_server` = ?, `inbound_pop_port` = ?, `inbound_pop_user` = ?, `inbound_pop_password` = ?, `outbound_address` = ?, `outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails` = ?, `outbound_mails_reply_link` = ?, `outbound_from` = ?, `topic_smileys` = ?, `topic_summary` = ?, `ui_avatar` = ?, `ui_flag` = ?, `ui_posts` = ?, `ui_level` = ?, `ui_email` = ?, `ui_online` = ?, `approval_type` = ?, `moderator_group` = ?, `forum_password` = ?, `forum_use_password` = ?, `att` = ?, `att_store` = ?, `att_store_dir` = ?, `att_max_size` = ?, `topics_list_pts` = ?, `topics_list_lastpost` = ?, `topics_list_author` = ?, `topicsPerPage` = ?, `topicOrdering` = ?, `threadOrdering` = ?, `pruneMaxAge` = ?, `forum_last_n` = ? where `forumId` = ?"; $result = $this->query( $query, array( $name, $description, $controlFlood, (int) $floodInterval, $moderator, $mail, $useMail, $section, $usePruneUnreplied, (int) $pruneUnrepliedAge, $usePruneOld, $vote_threads, $topics_list_reads, $topics_list_replies, $show_description, $inbound_pop_server, $inbound_pop_port, $inbound_pop_user, $inbound_pop_password, $outbound_address, $outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails, $outbound_mails_reply_link, $outbound_from, $topic_smileys, $topic_summary, $ui_avatar, $ui_flag, $ui_posts, $ui_level, $ui_email, $ui_online, $approval_type, $moderator_group, $forum_password, $forum_use_password, $att, $att_store, $att_store_dir, (int) $att_max_size, $topics_list_pts, $topics_list_lastpost, $topics_list_author, (int) $topicsPerPage, $topicOrdering, $threadOrdering, (int) $pruneMaxAge, (int) $forum_last_n, (int) $forumId ) ); } else { $now = date("U"); $query = "insert into `tiki_forums`(`name`, `description`, `created`, `lastPost`, `threads`, `comments`, `controlFlood`,`floodInterval`, `moderator`, `hits`, `mail`, `useMail`, `usePruneUnreplied`, `pruneUnrepliedAge`, `usePruneOld`,`pruneMaxAge`, `topicsPerPage`, `topicOrdering`, `threadOrdering`,`section`, `topics_list_reads`, `topics_list_replies`, `topics_list_pts`, `topics_list_lastpost`, `topics_list_author`, `vote_threads`, `show_description`, `inbound_pop_server`,`inbound_pop_port`,`inbound_pop_user`,`inbound_pop_password`, `outbound_address`, `outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails`, `outbound_mails_reply_link`, `outbound_from`, `topic_smileys`,`topic_summary`, `ui_avatar`, `ui_flag`, `ui_posts`, `ui_level`, `ui_email`, `ui_online`, `approval_type`, `moderator_group`, `forum_password`, `forum_use_password`, `att`, `att_store`, `att_store_dir`, `att_max_size`,`forum_last_n`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $bindvars=array($name, $description, (int) $now, (int) $now, 0, 0, $controlFlood, (int) $floodInterval, $moderator, 0, $mail, $useMail, $usePruneUnreplied, (int) $pruneUnrepliedAge, $usePruneOld, (int) $pruneMaxAge, (int) $topicsPerPage, $topicOrdering, $threadOrdering, $section, $topics_list_reads, $topics_list_replies, $topics_list_pts, $topics_list_lastpost, $topics_list_author, $vote_threads, $show_description, $inbound_pop_server, $inbound_pop_port, $inbound_pop_user, $inbound_pop_password, $outbound_address, $outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails, $outbound_mails_reply_link, $outbound_from, $topic_smileys, $topic_summary, $ui_avatar, $ui_flag, $ui_posts, $ui_level, $ui_email, $ui_online, $approval_type, $moderator_group, $forum_password, $forum_use_password, $att, $att_store, $att_store_dir, (int) $att_max_size,(int) $forum_last_n); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); $forumId = $this->getOne("select max(`forumId`) from `tiki_forums` where `name`=? and `created`=?", array($name,(int) $now)); } return $forumId; } function get_forum($forumId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_forums` where `forumId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $forumId)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } function remove_forum($forumId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_forums` where `forumId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array((int) $forumId ) ); $this->remove_object("forum", $forumId); $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `forumId`=?"; $this->query($query, array((int) $forumId ) ); return true; } function list_forums($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where `name` like ? or `description` like ? "; $bindvars=array($findesc,$findesc); } else { $mid = ""; $bindvars=array(); } $query = "select * from `tiki_forums` $mid order by `section` asc,".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_forums` $mid"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $now = date("U"); $ret = array(); $count = 0; $off = 0; while (($res = $result->fetchRow()) && ($maxRecords == -1 || $count < $maxRecords)) { global $user; if ($this->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $res['forumId'], 'forum', 'tiki_p_forum_read')) { if ($off++ < $offset) continue; $forum_age = ceil(($now - $res["created"]) / (24 * 3600)); $res["age"] = $forum_age; if ($forum_age) { $res["posts_per_day"] = $res["comments"] / $forum_age; } else { $res["posts_per_day"] = 0; } // Now select users $query = "select distinct `userName` from `tiki_comments` where `object`=? and `objectType` = 'forum'"; $result2 = $this->query($query,array((string) $res["forumId"])); $res["users"] = $result2->numRows(); if ($forum_age) { $res["users_per_day"] = $res["users"] / $forum_age; } else { $res["users_per_day"] = 0; } $query2 = "select * from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where `object`=".$this->sql_cast('`forumId`','string')." and `objectType` = ? and `commentDate`=?"; $result2 = $this->query($query2,array('forum',(int) $res["lastPost"])); $res2 = $result2->fetchRow(); $res["lastPostData"] = $res2; $ret[] = $res; ++$count; } } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function list_forums_by_section($section, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where `section`=? and `name` like ? or `description` like ?"; $bindvars=array($section,$findesc,$findesc); } else { $mid = " where `section`=? "; $bindvars=array($section); } $query = "select * from `tiki_forums` $mid order by ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_forums`"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,array()); $now = date("U"); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $forum_age = ceil(($now - $res["created"]) / (24 * 3600)); $res["age"] = $forum_age; if ($forum_age) { $res["posts_per_day"] = $res["comments"] / $forum_age; } else { $res["posts_per_day"] = 0; } // Now select users $query = "select distinct(`username`) from `tiki_comments` where `object`=? and `objectType` = 'forum'"; $result2 = $this->query($query, array( $res["forumId"] )); $res["users"] = $result2->numRows(); if ($forum_age) { $res["users_per_day"] = $res["users"] / $forum_age; } else { $res["users_per_day"] = 0; } $query2 = "select * from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where `object`=`forumId` and `objectType` = 'forum' and `commentDate` = ?"; $result2 = $this->query($query2, array($res["lastPost"])); $res2 = $result2->fetchRow(); $res["lastPostData"] = $res2; $ret[] = $res; } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function user_can_edit_post( $user, $threadId ) { $result = $this->getOne( "select `userName` from `tiki_comments` where `threadId` = ?", array( $threadId ) ); if( $result == $user ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function user_can_post_to_forum($user, $forumId) { // Check flood interval for the forum $forum = $this->get_forum($forumId); if ($forum["controlFlood"] != 'y') return true; if ($user) { $query = "select max(`commentDate`) from `tiki_comments` where `object` = ? and `objectType` = 'forum' and `userName` = ?"; $maxDate = $this->getOne($query, array( $forumId, $user) ); if (!$maxDate) { return true; } $now = date("U"); if ($maxDate + $forum["floodInterval"] > $now) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { // Anonymous users if (!isset($_SESSION["lastPost"])) { return true; } else { $now = date("U"); if ($_SESSION["lastPost"] + $forum["floodInterval"] > $now) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } function register_forum_post($forumId, $parentId) { $now = date("U"); if (!$parentId) { $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `threads`=`threads`+1, `comments`=`comments`+1 where `forumId`=?"; } else { $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `comments`=`comments`+1 where `forumId`=?"; } $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $forumId)); $lastPost = $this->getOne("select max(`commentDate`) from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where `object` = ".$this->sql_cast("`forumId`","string"). "and `objectType` = 'forum' and `forumId` = ?", array( (int) $forumId ) ); $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `lastPost`=? where `forumId`=? "; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $lastPost, (int) $forumId )); $this->forum_prune($forumId); return true; } function register_remove_post($forumId, $parentId) { $this->forum_prune($forumId); } function forum_add_hit($forumId) { global $count_admin_pvs; global $user; if ($count_admin_pvs == 'y' || $user != 'admin') { $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `hits`=`hits`+1 where `forumId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $forumId ) ); $this->forum_prune($forumId); } return true; } function comment_add_hit($threadId) { global $count_admin_pvs; global $user; if ($count_admin_pvs == 'y' || $user != 'admin') { $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `hits`=`hits`+1 where `threadId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $threadId ) ); //$this->forum_prune($forumId); } return true; } function forum_prune($forumId) { $forum = $this->get_forum($forumId); if ($forum["usePruneUnreplied"] == 'y') { $age = $forum["pruneUnrepliedAge"]; // Get all unreplied threads // Get all the top_level threads $now = date("U"); $oldage = $now - $age; $query = "select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `parentId`=0 and `commentDate`<?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $oldage )); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { // Check if this old top level thread has replies $id = $res["threadId"]; if ($id == 0) continue; // in the case there is an error ... $query2 = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `parentId`=?"; $cant = $this->getOne($query2, array( (int) $id )); if ($cant == 0) { // Remove this old thread without replies $query3 = "delete from `tiki_comments` where `threadId` = ?"; $result3 = $this->query($query3, array( (int) $id )); } } } if ($forum["usePruneOld"] == 'y') { // this is very dangerous as you can delete some posts in the middle or root of a tree strucuture $maxAge = $forum["pruneMaxAge"]; $old = date("U") - $maxAge; $query = "delete from `tiki_comments` where `object`=? and `objectType` = 'forum' and `commentDate`<?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($forumId, (int) $old)); } if ($forum["usePruneUnreplied"] == 'y' || $forum["usePruneOld"] == 'y') { // Recalculate comments and threads $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object`=?"; $comments = $this->getOne($query, array( $forumId ) ); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object`=? and `parentId`=0"; $threads = $this->getOne($query, array( $forumId )); $query = "update `tiki_forums` set `comments`=?, `threads`=? where `forumId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $comments, (int) $threads, (int) $forumId) ); } return true; } // FORUMS END function get_comment($id, $message_id=null) { if ($message_id) { $query = "select * from `tiki_comments` where `message_id`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($message_id ) ); } else { $query = "select * from `tiki_comments` where `threadId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $id ) ); } $res = $result->fetchRow(); if($res) { //if there is a comment with that id $this->add_comments_extras($res); } return $res; } function add_comments_extras(&$res) { // this function adds some extras to the referenced array. // This array should already contain the contents of the tiki_comments table row // used in $this->get_comment and $this->get_comments $res["parsed"] = $this->parse_comment_data($res["data"]); // these could be cached or probably queried along with the original query of the tiki_comments table $result2=$this->query("select `posts`, `level` from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=?", array( $res['userName'] ) ); $res2=$result2->fetchRow(); $res['user_posts'] = $res2['posts']; $res['user_level'] = $res2['level']; if ($this->get_user_preference($res['userName'], 'email is public', 'n') == 'y') { $res['user_email'] = $this->getOne("select `email` from `users_users` where `login`=?", array( $res['userName'] ) ); } else { $res['user_email'] = ''; } $res['attachments'] = $this->get_thread_attachments($res['threadId'], 0); // is the 'is_reported' really used? can be queried with orig table i think $res['is_reported'] = $this->is_reported($res['threadId']); $res['user_online'] = 'n'; if ($res['userName']) { $res['user_online'] = $this->is_user_online($res['userName'])? 'y' : 'n'; } } function get_comment_father($id) { static $cache; if ( isset($cache[$id]) ) { return $cache[$id]; } $query = "select `parentId` from `tiki_comments` where `threadId`=?"; $ret = $this->getOne($query, array( $id )); $cache[$id] = $ret; return $ret; } function count_comments($objectId) { $object = explode( ":", $objectId, 2); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType`=? and `object`=?"; $cant = $this->getOne($query, $object ); return $cant; } function count_comments_threads($objectId) { $object = explode( ":", $objectId, 2); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType`=? and `object`=? and `parentId`=0"; $cant = $this->getOne($query, $object ); return $cant; } function get_comment_replies($id, $sort_mode, $offset, $orig_offset, $maxRecords, $orig_maxRecords, $threshold = 0, $find = '', $message_id = "", $forum = 0 ) { $retval = array(); if( $maxRecords <= 0 && $orig_maxRecords != 0) { $retval['numReplies'] = 0; $retval['totalReplies'] = 0; return $retval; } if( $forum ) { $real_id = $message_id; } else { $real_id = (int) $id; } $query = "select `threadId` from `tiki_comments`"; if( $forum ) { $query = $query . " where `in_reply_to`=? and `average`>=? "; } else { $query = $query . " where `parentId`=? and `average`>=? "; } if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $query = $query . " and (`title` like ? or `data` like ?) "; $bind=array($real_id, (int) $threshold, $findesc, $findesc); } else { $bind=array($real_id, (int) $threshold ); } $query = $query . " order by " . $this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); if($sort_mode != 'commentDate_desc') { $query.=",`commentDate` desc"; } $result = $this->query($query,$bind); $ret = array(); global $userlib; while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $res = $this->get_comment( $res['threadId'] ); /* Trim to maxRecords, including replies! */ if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0 ) { $offset = $offset - 1; } $maxRecords = $maxRecords - 1; if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0) { $res['doNotShow'] = 1; } if( $maxRecords <= 0 && $orig_maxRecords != 0) { $ret[] = $res; break; } if( $forum ) { $res['replies_info'] = $this->get_comment_replies($res['parentId'], $sort_mode, $offset, $orig_offset, $maxRecords, $orig_maxRecords, $threshold, $find, $res['message_id'], $forum); } else { $res['replies_info'] = $this->get_comment_replies($res['threadId'], $sort_mode, $offset, $orig_offset, $maxRecords, $orig_maxRecords, $threshold, $find); } if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0 ) { $offset = $offset - $res['replies_info']['totalReplies']; } $maxRecords = $maxRecords - $res['replies_info']['totalReplies']; if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0) { $res['doNotShow'] = 1; } if( $maxRecords <= 0 && $orig_maxRecords != 0) { $ret[] = $res; break; } $ret[] = $res; } $retval['replies'] = $ret; $retval['numReplies'] = count( $ret ); $retval['totalReplies'] = $this->total_replies( $ret, count( $ret ) ); return $retval; } function total_replies( $reply_array, $seed = 0 ) { $retval = $seed; foreach ( $reply_array as $key=>$res ) { if( is_array( $res ) && array_key_exists( 'replies_info', $res ) ) { if( array_key_exists( 'numReplies', $res['replies_info'] ) ) { $retval = $retval + $res['replies_info']['numReplies']; } $retval = $retval + $this->total_replies( $res['replies_info']['replies'] ); } } return $retval; } function flatten_comment_replies(&$replies, &$rep_flat, $level = 0) { $reps = $replies['numReplies']; for ($i = 0; $i < $reps; $i++) { $replies['replies'][$i]['level'] = $level; $rep_flat[] = &$replies['replies'][$i]; if (isset($replies['replies'][$i]['replies_info'])) { $this->flatten_comment_replies( $replies['replies'][$i]['replies_info'], $rep_flat, $level + 1); } } } function parse_smileys($data) { global $feature_smileys; if ($feature_smileys == 'y') { $data = preg_replace("/\(:([^:]+):\)/", "<img alt=\"$1\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_$1.gif\" />", $data); } return $data; } function pick_cookie() { $cant = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_cookies`",array()); if (!$cant) return ''; $bid = rand(0, $cant - 1); $cookie = $this->query("select `cookie` from `tiki_cookies`",array(),1,$bid); $cookie = str_replace("\n", "", $cookie); return 'Cookie: ' . $cookie . ''; } function parse_comment_data($data) { global $feature_forum_parse; global $tikilib; if ($feature_forum_parse == 'y') { return $this->parse_data($data); } // Cookies if (preg_match_all("/\{cookie\}/", $data, $rsss)) { $temp_max = count($rsss[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { $cookie = $this->pick_cookie(); $data = str_replace($rsss[0][$i], $cookie, $data); } } // Fix up special characters, so it can link to pages with ' in them. -rlpowell $data = htmlspecialchars( $data, ENT_QUOTES ); $data = preg_replace("/\[([^\|\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]/", '<a class="commentslink" href="$1">$2</a>', $data); // Segundo intento reemplazar los [link] comunes $data = preg_replace("/\[([^\]\|]+)\]/", '<a class="commentslink" href="$1">$1</a>', $data); // Llamar aqui a parse smileys $data = $this->parse_smileys($data); $data = preg_replace("/---/", "<hr/>", $data); // Reemplazar --- por <hr/> return nl2br($data); } /*****************/ function set_time_control($time) { $this->time_control = $time; } function get_comments($objectId, $parentId, $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'commentDate_asc', $find = '', $threshold = 0, $style = 'commentStyle_threaded', $reply_threadId=0) { global $userlib; // Turn maxRecords into maxRecords + offset, so we can increment it without worrying too much. $maxRecords = $offset + $maxRecords; $orig_maxRecords = $maxRecords; $orig_offset = $offset; if ($sort_mode == 'points_asc') { $sort_mode = 'average_asc'; } if ($this->time_control) { $limit = date("U") - $this->time_control; $time_cond = " and `commentDate` > ? "; $bind_time = array($limit); } else { $time_cond = ''; $bind_time = array(); } $old_sort_mode = ''; if (in_array($sort_mode, array( 'replies_desc', 'replies_asc' ))) { $old_offset = $offset; $old_maxRecords = $maxRecords; $old_sort_mode = $sort_mode; $sort_mode = 'title_desc'; $offset = 0; $maxRecords = -1; } // Break out the type and object parameters. $object = explode( ":", $objectId, 2); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType`=? and `object`=? and `average` < ? $time_cond"; $below = $this->getOne($query, array_merge( array($object[0], $object[1], (float) $threshold), $bind_time) ); if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where tc1.`objectType` = ? and tc1.`object`=? and tc1.`parentId`=? and tc1.`average`>=? and (tc1.`title` like ? or tc1.`data` like ?) "; $bind_mid=array($object[0], $object[1], (int) $parentId, (int) $threshold, $findesc, $findesc); } else { $mid = " where tc1.`objectType` = ? and tc1.`object`=? and tc1.`parentId`=? and tc1.`average`>=? "; $bind_mid=array($object[0], $object[1], (int) $parentId, (int) $threshold); } if( $object[0] == "forum" && $style != 'commentStyle_plain' ) { $query = "select `message_id` from `tiki_comments` where `threadId` = ?"; $parent_message_id = $this->getOne($query, array( $parentId ) ); $query = "select tc1.`threadId`, tc1.`object`, tc1.`objectType`, tc1.`parentId`, tc1.`userName`, tc1.`commentDate`, tc1.`hits`, tc1.`type`, tc1.`points`, tc1.`votes`, tc1.`average`, tc1.`title`, tc1.`data`, tc1.`hash`, tc1.`user_ip`, tc1.`summary`, tc1.`smiley`, tc1.`message_id`, tc1.`in_reply_to`, tc1.`comment_rating` from `tiki_comments` as tc1 left outer join `tiki_comments` as tc2 on tc1.`in_reply_to` = tc2.`message_id` and tc1.`parentId` = ? and tc2.`parentId` = ? $mid and (tc1.`in_reply_to` = ? or (tc2.`in_reply_to` = \"\" or tc2.`in_reply_to` is null or tc2.message_id is null or tc2.parentid = 0)) $time_cond order by tc1.".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode).",tc1.`threadId`"; $bind_mid_cant = $bind_mid; $bind_mid = array_merge(array($parentId,$parentId), $bind_mid, array($parent_message_id)); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` as tc1 $mid $time_cond"; } else { $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` as tc1 $mid $time_cond"; $query = "select * from `tiki_comments` as tc1 $mid $time_cond order by tc1.".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode).",`threadId`"; $bind_mid_cant = $bind_mid; } $ret = array(); $logins = array(); $threadIds = array(); // if ($parentId > 0 && $style == 'commentStyle_threaded' && $object[0] != "forum") { if ($reply_threadId > 0 && $style == 'commentStyle_threaded') { $ret[] = $this->get_comments_fathers($reply_threadId, $ret); $cant = 1; } else { $result = $this->query($query,array_merge($bind_mid,$bind_time)); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,array_merge($bind_mid_cant,$bind_time)); while ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $this->add_comments_extras($row); $ret[] = $row; } } // print "<pre>query: "; // print_r($query_cant); // print "\n,"; // print_r(array_merge($bind_mid,$bind_time)); // print "\n,"; // print_r($cant); // print "</pre>"; foreach ( $ret as $key=>$res ) { if( $offset > 0 && $orig_offset != 0 ) { $ret[$key]['doNotShow'] = 1; } if( $maxRecords <= 0 && $orig_maxRecords != 0 ) { array_splice( $ret, $key ); break; } // Get the grandfather if ($res["parentId"] > 0) { $ret[$key]["grandFather"] = $this->get_comment_father($res["parentId"]); } else { $ret[$key]["grandFather"] = 0; } /* Trim to maxRecords, including replies! */ if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0 ) { $offset = $offset - 1; } $maxRecords = $maxRecords - 1; if( !( $maxRecords <= 0 && $orig_maxRecords != 0 ) ) { // Get the replies if ($parentId == 0 || $style != 'commentStyle_threaded' || $object[0] == "forum") { if( $object[0] == "forum" ) { // For plain style, don't handle replies at all. if( $style == 'commentStyle_plain' ) { $ret[$key]['replies_info']['numReplies'] = 0; $ret[$key]['replies_info']['totalReplies'] = 0; } else { $ret[$key]['replies_info'] = $this->get_comment_replies($res["parentId"], $sort_mode, $offset, $orig_offset, $maxRecords, $orig_maxRecords, $threshold, $find, $res["message_id"], 1); } } else { $ret[$key]['replies_info'] = $this->get_comment_replies($res["threadId"], $sort_mode, $offset, $orig_offset, $maxRecords, $orig_maxRecords, $threshold, $find ); } /* Trim to maxRecords, including replies! */ if( $offset >= 0 && $orig_offset != 0 ) { $offset = $offset - $ret[$key]['replies_info']['totalReplies']; } $maxRecords = $maxRecords - $ret[$key]['replies_info']['totalReplies']; } } if (empty($res["data"])) { $ret[$key]["isEmpty"] = 'y'; } else { $ret[$key]["isEmpty"] = 'n'; } } if ($old_sort_mode == 'replies_asc') { usort($ret, 'compare_replies'); } if ($old_sort_mode == 'replies_desc') { usort($ret, 'r_compare_replies'); } if (in_array($old_sort_mode, array( 'replies_desc', 'replies_asc', ))) { $ret = array_slice($ret, $old_offset, $old_maxRecords); } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["below"] = $below; $retval["cant"] = $cant; $msgs = count($retval['data']); for ($i = 0; $i < $msgs; $i++) { $r = &$retval['data'][$i]['replies_info']; $retval['data'][$i]['replies_flat'] = array(); $rf = &$retval['data'][$i]['replies_flat']; $this->flatten_comment_replies($r, $rf); } return $retval; } /* @brief: gets the comments of the thread and of all its fathers (ex cept first one for forum) */ function get_comments_fathers($threadId, $ret = null, $message_id = null) { $com = $this->get_comment($threadId, $message_id); if ($com['objectType'] == 'forum' && $com['parentId'] == 0 ) {// don't want the 1 level return $ret; } if ($ret) { $com['replies_info']['replies'][0] = $ret; $com['replies_info']['numReplies'] = 1; $com['replies_info']['totalReplies'] = 1; } if ($com['objectType'] == 'forum' && $com['in_reply_to']) { return $this->get_comments_fathers(null, $com, $com['in_reply_to']); } else if ($com['parentId'] > 0) { return $this->get_comments_fathers($com['parentId'], $com); } else{ return $com; } } function lock_comment($threadId) { $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `type`='l' where `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query, array( (int) $threadId ) ); } function set_comment_object($threadId, $objectId) { // Break out the type and object parameters. $object = explode( ":", $objectId, 2); $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `objectType` = ?, `object`=? where `threadId`=? or `parentId`=?"; $this->query($query, array( $object[0], $object[1], (int) $threadId, (int) $threadId ) ); } function set_parent($threadId, $parentId) { $query = "select `message_id` from `tiki_comments` where `threadId` = ?"; $parent_message_id = $this->getOne($query, array( $parentId ) ); $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `parentId`=?, `in_reply_to`=? where `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query, array( (int) $parentId, $parent_message_id, (int) $threadId ) ); } function unlock_comment($threadId) { $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `type`='n' where `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query, array( (int) $threadId ) ); } function update_comment($threadId, $title, $comment_rating, $data, $type = 'n', $summary = '', $smiley = '') { $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `title`=?, `comment_rating`=?, `data`=?, `type`=?, `summary`=?, `smiley`=? where `threadId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $title, (int) $comment_rating, $data, $type, $summary, $smiley, (int) $threadId ) ); } function post_new_comment($objectId, $parentId, $userName, $title, $data, &$message_id, $in_reply_to = '', $type = 'n', $summary = '', $smiley = '' ) { if (!$userName) { $_SESSION["lastPost"] = date("U"); } if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; // Check for banned userName or banned IP or IP in banned range // Check for duplicates. $title = strip_tags($title); if (!$userName) { $userName = tra('Anonymous'); } else { $now = (int) date("U"); if ($this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=?", array( $userName ),false)) { $query = "update `tiki_user_postings` ". "set `last`=?, `posts` = `posts` + 1 where `user`=?"; $this->query($query, array( $now, $userName ) ); } else { $posts = $this->getOne("select count(*) ". "from `tiki_comments` where `userName`=?", array( $userName),false); if (!$posts) $posts = 1; $query = "insert into `tiki_user_postings`(`user`,`first`,`last`,`posts`) values( ?, ?, ?, ? )"; $this->query($query, array($userName, (int) $now, (int) $now,(int) $posts) ); } // Calculate max $max = $this->getOne("select max(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`",array()); $min = $this->getOne("select min(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`",array()); if ($min == 0) $min = 1; $ids = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_user_postings`",array()); $tot = $this->getOne("select sum(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`",array()); $average = $tot / $ids; $range1 = ($min + $average) / 2; $range2 = ($max + $average) / 2; $posts = $this->getOne("select `posts` ". "from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=?", array($userName),false); if ($posts == $max) { $level = 5; } elseif ($posts > $range2) { $level = 4; } elseif ($posts > $average) { $level = 3; } elseif ($posts > $range1) { $level = 2; } else { $level = 1; } $query = "update `tiki_user_postings` ". "set `level`=? where `user`=?"; $this->query($query, array( $level, $userName ) ); } $hash = md5($title . $data); $query = "select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `hash`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $hash ) ); // print( "<pre>result:" ); // print_r( $result ); // print( "</pre>" ); // Check if we were passed a message-id. if ( ! $message_id ) { // Construct a message id via proctological // extraction. -rlpowell $message_id = $userName . "-" . $parentId . "-" . substr( $hash, 0, 10 ) . "@" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; } // If this post was not already found. if (!$result->numRows()) { $now = (int) date("U"); // Break out the type and object parameters. $object = explode( ":", $objectId, 2); $query = "insert into `tiki_comments`(`objectType`, `object`, `commentDate`, `userName`, `title`, `data`, `votes`, `points`, `hash`, `parentId`, `average`, `hits`, `type`, `summary`, `smiley`, `user_ip`, `message_id`, `in_reply_to`) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $object[0], (string) $object[1],(int) $now, $userName, $title, $data, $hash, (int) $parentId, $type, $summary, $smiley, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $message_id, $in_reply_to) ); } $threadId = $this->getOne("select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `hash`=?", array( $hash ) ); /* Force an index refresh of the data */ include_once("lib/search/refresh-functions.php"); refresh_index_comments( $threadId ); return $threadId; //return $return_result; } // Check if a particular topic exists. function check_for_topic( $title, $data ) { $hash = md5($title . $data); $threadId = $this->getOne("select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `hash`=?", array( $hash ) ); return $threadId; } function remove_comment($threadId) { if ($threadId == 0) return false; $query = "delete from `tiki_comments` where `threadId`=? or `parentId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int) $threadId, (int) $threadId ) ); $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `threadId`=?"; $this->query($query, array( (int) $threadId ) ); $this->remove_reported($threadId); return true; } function vote_comment($threadId, $user, $vote) { // Select user points for the user who is voting (it may be anonymous!) $query = "select `points`,`voted` from `tiki_userpoints` where `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $user ) ); if ($result->numRows()) { $res = $result->fetchRow(); $user_points = $res["points"]; $user_voted = $res["voted"]; } else { $user_points = 0; $user_voted = 0; } // Calculate vote weight (the Karma System) if ($user_voted == 0) { $user_weight = 1; } else { $user_weight = $user_points / $user_voted; } $vote_weight = ($vote * $user_weight) / 5; //print("User weight: $user_weight<br />"); //print("Vote: $vote vote_weight: $vote_weight<br />"); // Get the user that posted the comment being voted $query = "select `userName` from `tiki_comments` where `threadId`=?"; $comment_user = $this->getOne($query, array( (int) $threadId ) ); if ($comment_user && ($comment_user == $user)) { // The user is voting a comment posted by himself then bail out return false; } //print("Comment user: $comment_user<br />"); if ($comment_user) { // Update the user points adding this new vote $query = "select `user` from `tiki_userpoints` where `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $comment_user ) ); if ($result->numRows()) { $query = "update `tiki_userpoints` set `points` = `points` + ?, `voted`=`voted`+1 where `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $vote, $user ) ); } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_userpoints`(`user`,`points`,`voted`) values( ?, ?, 1 )"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $comment_user, $vote ) ); } } $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `points` = `points` + ?, `votes` = `votes`+1 where `threadId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $vote_weight, $threadId ) ); $query = "update `tiki_comments` set `average` = `points`/`votes` where `threadId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $threadId ) ); return true; } } function compare_replies($ar1, $ar2) { if (($ar1['type'] == 's' && $ar2['type'] == 's') || ($ar1['type'] != 's' && $ar2['type'] != 's')) { return $ar1["replies_info"]["numReplies"] - $ar2["replies_info"]["numReplies"]; } else { return $ar1['type'] == 's' ? -1 : 1; } } function compare_lastPost($ar1, $ar2) { if (($ar1['type'] == 's' && $ar2['type'] == 's') || ($ar1['type'] != 's' && $ar2['type'] != 's')) { return $ar1["lastPost"] - $ar2["lastPost"]; } else { return $ar1['type'] == 's' ? -1 : 1; } } function r_compare_replies($ar1, $ar2) { if (($ar1['type'] == 's' && $ar2['type'] == 's') || ($ar1['type'] != 's' && $ar2['type'] != 's')) { return $ar2["replies_info"]["numReplies"] - $ar1["replies_info"]["numReplies"]; } else { return $ar1['type'] == 's' ? -1 : 1; } } function r_compare_lastPost($ar1, $ar2) { if (($ar1['type'] == 's' && $ar2['type'] == 's') || ($ar1['type'] != 's' && $ar2['type'] != 's')) { return $ar2["lastPost"] - $ar1["lastPost"]; } else { return $ar1['type'] == 's' ? -1 : 1; } } ?>