File: imagegallib.js
// $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.js,v 2006/08/13 17:52:04 toggg Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // Author: bertrand Gugger /** * Image/Slideshow handler * You must instantiate it naming the handler the same as the id of the image to anime: * var thepix = new Diaporama('thepix', arrPixId, options); * - arrPixId is an array of images Id * - options is an object with optional properties: * - startId: the image id to start with * - root: a document element (or document itself) or its id as string * If given , by start its children elements of class "noslideshow" will be hidden * and those of class "slideshow" or "slideshow_i" will be display: block or inline * By image change , the children of class "pixurl" are updated with current image id * - resetUrl: if set the document url will be updated with current id by slide stop * - delay: sliding delay in milliseconds , default 3000 */ function Diaporama(imgName, arrPixId, options) { this.name = imgName; this.arrPixId = arrPixId; this.length = arrPixId.length; this.startId = 0; this.delay = 3000; this.sliding = 0; this.backward = 0; this.toTheEnd = 0; for (opt in options) { this[opt] = options[opt]; } for (this.curPix = 0; this.curPix < this.length && arrPixId[this.curPix] != this.startId; this.curPix++) ; this.curPix = this.curPix % this.length; this.hopePix = 0; this.thePix = null; this.timerPix = null; this.arrPix = new Array(); } Diaporama.prototype.setClassStyle = function(className, prop, val){ var elts = this.root.all? this.root.all : this.root.getElementsByTagName('*'); var reg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); for(var i=0; i<elts.length; i++){ if(reg.test(elts[i].className)){ elts[i].style[prop] = val; } } } Diaporama.prototype.toggle = function(modPix) { clearTimeout(this.timerPix); switch (modPix) { case 'stop': this.sliding = 0; if (this.resetUrl) { document.location.href = document.location.href.replace( /imageid=\d+/i, 'imageId='+this.arrPixId[this.curPix]); } return; case 'backward': this.backward = ! this.backward; break; case 'toTheEnd': this.toTheEnd = ! this.toTheEnd; break; } this.sliding = 1; if (this.root) { if (typeof(this.root) == 'string') { this.root = document.getElementById(this.root); } this.setClassStyle('noslideshow', 'display', 'none'); this.setClassStyle('slideshow', 'display', 'block'); this.setClassStyle('slideshow_i', 'display', 'inline'); } this.thePix = document.getElementById(this.name); this.arrPix[this.curPix] = new Image(); this.arrPix[this.curPix].src = this.thePix.src; this.nextPix(); } Diaporama.prototype.nextPix = function() { this.hopePix = (this.curPix + (this.backward ? this.length -1 : 1)) % this.length; if (!this.arrPix[this.hopePix]) { this.arrPix[this.hopePix] = new Image(); this.arrPix[this.hopePix].src = this.thePix.src.replace(/\?id=\d+&/, '?id='+this.arrPixId[this.hopePix]+'&'); } this.timerPix = setTimeout(this.name + '.putPix();', this.delay); } Diaporama.prototype.setUrlPix = function(){ var elts = this.root.all? this.root.all : this.root.getElementsByTagName('*'); var reg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)pixurl(\\s|$)"); for(var i=0; i<elts.length; i++){ if(reg.test(elts[i].className)){ if (elts[i].href) { elts[i].href = elts[i].href.replace(/imageid=\d+/i, 'imageId='+this.arrPixId[this.curPix]); elts[i].href = elts[i].href.replace(/edit=\d+/i, 'edit='+this.arrPixId[this.curPix]); } else { elts[i].innerHTML = elts[i].innerHTML.replace(/#\d+/i, '#'+this.arrPixId[this.curPix]); } } } } Diaporama.prototype.putPix = function() { if (!this.arrPix[this.curPix].complete) { this.timerPix = setTimeout(this.name + '.putPix();', 100); return; } this.curPix = this.hopePix; this.thePix.src = this.arrPix[this.curPix].src; if (this.root) { this.setUrlPix(); } if (!this.toTheEnd || (this.backward && this.curPix) || (!this.backward && ((this.curPix + 1) % this.length)) ) { this.nextPix(); } else { thepix.toggle('stop'); } }