File: lslib.php
<?php class Lslib extends TikiLib { function Lslib($db) { if (!$db) { die ("Invalid db object passed to Lslib constructor"); } $this->db = $db; } function set_operator_id($reqId, $senderId) { $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `operator_id` = ? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($senderId, $reqId)); } function set_user_id($reqId, $senderId) { $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `user_id` = ? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array( $senderId, $reqId)); } function new_user_request($user, $tiki_user, $email, $reason) { $reqId = md5(uniqid('.')); $now = (int) date("U"); $query = "insert into `tiki_live_support_requests`(`reqId`,`user`,`tiki_user`,`email`,`reason`,`req_timestamp`,`status`,`timestamp`,`operator`,`chat_started`,`chat_ended`,`operator_id`,`user_id`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query,array($reqId,$user,$tiki_user,$email,$reason,$now,'active',$now,'',0,0,'','')); return $reqId; } function get_last_request() { $x = $this->getOne("select max(`timestamp`) from `tiki_live_support_requests`",array()); if ($x) return $x; else return 0; } function get_max_active_request() { return $this->getOne("select max(`reqId`) from `tiki_live_support_requests` where `status`=?",array('active')); } // Remove active requests function purge_requests() { $now = (int) date("U"); $min = $now - 60 * 2; // 1 minute = timeout. $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `status`=? where `timestamp` < ?"; $this->query($query,array('timeout',$min)); } // Get status for request function get_request_status($reqId) { return $this->getOne("select `status` from `tiki_live_support_requests` where `reqId`=?",array($reqId)); } function set_request_status($reqId, $status) { $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `status`=? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($status,$reqId)); } // Get request information function get_request($reqId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_live_support_requests` where `reqId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($reqId)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } /* accepted_requests integer(10), status varchar(20), longest_chat integer(10), shortest_chat integer(10), average_chat integer(10), last_chat integer(14), time_online integer(10), votes integer(10), points integer(10), status_since integer(14), primary key(user) */ function set_operator_status($user, $status) { $now = (int) date("U"); // If switching to offline then sum online time for this operator if ($status == 'offline') { $query = "update `tiki_live_support_operators` set `time_online` = ? - `status_since` where `user`=? and `status`=?"; $this->query($query,array($now,$user,'online')); } $query = "update `tiki_live_support_operators` set `status`=?, `status_since`=? where `user`=?"; $this->query($query,array($status,$now,$user)); } function get_operator_status($user) { $status = $this->getOne("select `status` from `tiki_live_support_operators` where `user`=?",array($user)); if (!$status) $status = 'offline'; return $status; } // Accepts a request, change status to op_accepted function operator_accept($reqId, $user, $operator_id) { $now = (int) date("U"); $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `operator_id`=?,operator=?,status=?,timestamp=?,chat_started=? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($operator_id,$user,'op_accepted',$now,$now,$reqId)); $query = "update `tiki_live_support_operators` set `accepted_requests` = `accepted_requests` + 1 where `user`=?"; $this->query($query,array($user)); } function user_close_request($reqId) { if (!$reqId) return; $now = (int) date("U"); $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `status`=?,timestamp=?,chat_ended=? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array('user closed',$now,$now,$reqId)); } function operator_close_request($reqId) { if (!$reqId) return; $now = (int) date("U"); $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `status`=?,timestamp=?,chat_ended=? where `reqId`=?"; $this->query($query,array('operator closed',$now,$now,$reqId)); } function get_requests($status) { $this->purge_requests(); $query = "select * from `tiki_live_support_requests` where `status`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($status)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } return $ret; } //EVENT HANDLING function get_new_events($reqId, $senderId, $last) { $query = "select * from `tiki_live_support_events` where `senderId`=? and reqId=? and `eventId`>?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($senderId,$reqId,$last)); $ret = ''; $ret = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'; $ret .= '<events>'; while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret .= '<event>' . '<data>' . $res['data'] . '</data></event>'; } $ret .= '</events>'; return $ret; } function get_last_event($reqId, $senderId) { return $this->getOne("select max(`seqId`) from `tiki_live_support_events` where `senderId`<>? and reqId=?",array($senderId,$reqId)); } function get_event($reqId, $event, $senderId) { return $this->getOne( "select `data` from `tiki_live_support_events` where `senderId`<>? and `reqId`=? and `seqId`=?",array($senderId,$reqId,$event)); } function put_message($reqId, $msg, $senderId) { $now = (int) date("U"); $seq = $this->getOne("select max(`seqId`) from `tiki_live_support_events` where `reqId`=?",array($reqId)); if (!$seq) $seq = 0; $seq++; $query = "insert into `tiki_live_support_events`(`seqId`,`reqId`,`type`,`senderId`,`data`,`timestamp`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query,array($seq,$reqId,'msg',$senderId,$msg,$now)); } function operators_online() { return $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_live_support_operators` where `status`=?",array('online')); } } global $dbTiki; $lslib = new Lslib($dbTiki); ?>