File: searchlib.php
<?php //test //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class SearchLib extends TikiLib { function SearchLib($db) { # this is probably uneeded now if (!$db) { die ("Invalid db object passed to SearchLib constructor"); } $this->db = $db; } function register_search($words) { $words = addslashes($words); $words = preg_split("/\s/", $words); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = trim($word); $cant = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_search_stats` where `term`=?",array($word)); if ($cant) { $query = "update `tiki_search_stats` set `hits`= `hits` + 1 where `term`=?"; } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_search_stats` (`term`,`hits`) values (?,1)"; } $result = $this->query($query,array($word)); } } /** * \brief generic search function * \param $h the table containing the search parameter 'from': the table or tables to be looked (ex: 'tiki_pages') (ex: 'tiki_comments c, tiki_pages p' 'name': the column that contains the name 'data': the column that contains the data that will be displayed as description (the first characters only) 'hits': the column that contains the number that will be displyed as hits 'lastModif': the column that contains the date that will be displayed 'href': the link that will be displayed (each parameter is in the array id 'id': the list of parameters used in href 'pageName': the value that will displayed as title 'search': the columns taht are searched (the index columns) 'orderby': a ordereing (will be added to relevance ordering) 'permName': the permission the user needs to see each result 'objectKey': the field corresponding to objectId according to users_objectpermissions table 'objectType': the object type according to users_objectpermissions * \param fulltext: if true a full text search is done, if no result, a simple search is done * \param $words the list of words * //todo: extract the short words from the list and do a simple search on them, them merge with the full search results on the remaining words * \return the nb of results + array('name', 'data', 'hits', 'lastModif', 'href', 'pageName', 'relevance' **/ function _find($h, $words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { global $tiki_p_admin, $feature_categories, $feature_search_show_forbidden_obj, $feature_search_show_forbidden_cat, $userlib, $user, $categlib; if (!is_object($categlib)) { require_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } $words = trim($words); $sqlJoin = ''; $sqlGroup = ''; $sqlHaving = ''; $bindFields = array(); $bindJoin = array(); $bindHaving = array(); $sqlFields = sprintf( 'SELECT %s AS name, LEFT(%s, 240) AS data, %s AS hits, %s AS lastModif, %s AS pageName', $h['name'], $h['data'], $h['hits'], $h['lastModif'], $h['pageName']); $id = $h['id']; $temp_max = count($id); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; ++$i) $sqlFields .= ',' . $id[$i] . ' AS id' . ($i + 1); if (count($id) < 2) $sqlFields .= ',1 AS id2'; $sqlFrom = ' FROM ' . $h['from']; $groupList = $userlib->get_user_groups($user); $groupStr = ''; if (count($groupList) > 0) { $groupStr = '?' . str_repeat(',?',count($groupList)-1); } $permName = isset($h['permName']) ? $h['permName'] : ''; $permNameGlobal = isset($h['permNameGlobal']) ? $h['permNameGlobal'] : ''; $permNameObj = isset($h['permNameObj']) ? $h['permNameObj'] : ''; $objType = isset($h['objectType']) ? $h['objectType'] : ''; $objKey = isset($h['objectKey']) ? $h['objectKey'] : ''; $objKeyPerm = isset($h['objectKeyPerm']) ? $h['objectKeyPerm'] : ''; $objKeyGroup = isset($h['objectKeyGroup']) ? $h['objectKeyGroup'] : ''; $objKeyCat = isset($h['objectKeyCat']) ? $h['objectKeyCat'] : ''; if (!empty($permName)) { global $$permName; $globalPerm = $$permName; } elseif (!empty($permNameGlobal)) { global $$permNameGlobal; $globalPerm = $$permNameGlobal; } else { $globalPerm = ''; } if (empty($permNameObj)) { $permNameObj = $permName; } if (empty($objKeyPerm)) { $objKeyPerm = $objKey; } if (empty($objKeyGroup)) { $objKeyGroup = $objKey; } if (empty($objKeyCat)) { $objKeyCat = $objKey; } $chkObjPerm = $feature_search_show_forbidden_obj != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y' && (!empty($permName) || (!empty($permNameGlobal) && !empty($permNameObj))) && !empty($objType) && !empty($objKeyPerm) && !empty($objKeyGroup); if ($chkObjPerm) { $sqlJoin .= " JOIN `users_objectpermissions` u ON u.`objectId` = md5(" . $this->db->concat("'$objType'", "lower($objKeyPerm)") . ") AND u.`objectType`= ? "; $bindJoin[] = $objType; if ($globalPerm == 'y') { $sqlJoin = ' LEFT ' . $sqlJoin; $sqlFields .= ", count(u.`objectId`) as perms, max(u.`permName`=? and u.`groupName` IN ($groupStr)) as allow "; $bindFields[] = $permNameObj; $bindFields = array_merge($bindFields, $groupList); $sqlGroup = " GROUP BY $objKeyGroup "; $sqlHaving = " HAVING perms=? or allow=? "; $bindHaving = array(0,1); } else { $sqlJoin = ' INNER ' . $sqlJoin; $sqlJoin .= " AND u.`permName`=? "; $bindJoin[] = $permNameObj; } } $chkCatPerm = $feature_search_show_forbidden_cat != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y' && !empty($objType) && !empty($objKeyCat) && !empty($objKeyGroup) && $feature_categories == 'y' && $globalPerm == 'y'; if ($chkCatPerm) { $sqlJoin .= " LEFT JOIN `tiki_categorized_objects` co ON co.`type`=? AND co.`objId`=$objKeyCat "; $sqlJoin .= " LEFT JOIN `tiki_category_objects` cat ON co.`catObjectId`=cat.`catObjectId` "; $bindJoin[] = $objType; $forbiddenCatList = $categlib->list_forbidden_categories(); $forbiddenCatStr = ''; if (count($forbiddenCatList) > 0) { $forbiddenCatStr = '?' . str_repeat(',?',count($forbiddenCatList)-1); } if( $forbiddenCatStr == "" ) $forbiddenCatStr = '\'\''; $sqlFields .= ', co.`objId` IS NOT NULL as categorized, MAX(cat.`categId` IN ('.$forbiddenCatStr.')) as forbidden '; $bindFields = array_merge($bindFields, $forbiddenCatList); $sqlGroup = " GROUP BY $objKeyGroup "; if ($chkObjPerm) { $sqlHaving = " HAVING (perms=? AND (NOT categorized OR NOT forbidden)) or allow=? "; $bindHaving = array(0, 1); } else { $sqlHaving = " HAVING NOT categorized OR NOT forbidden "; $bindHaving = array(); } } $sqlWhere = ' WHERE '; $sqlWhere .= (isset($h['filter']))? $h['filter'] : '1'; $orderby = (isset($h['orderby']) ? $h['orderby'] : $h['hits']); if ($fulltext) { $qwords = $this->db->quote($words); $sqlft = 'MATCH(' . join(',', $h['search']). ') AGAINST (' . $qwords . ')'; $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sqlft ; $sqlFields .= ', ' . $sqlft . ' AS relevance'; $orderby = 'relevance desc, ' . $orderby; } else if ($words) { $sqlFields .= ', -1 AS relevance'; $vwords = split(' ', $words); foreach ($vwords as $aword) { //$aword = $this->db->quote('[[:<:]]' . strtoupper($aword) . '[[:>:]]'); $aword = preg_replace('/([\*\.\?\^\$\+\(\]\|])/', '\\\\\1', $aword); $aword = $this->db->quote('.*' . strtoupper($aword). '.*'); $sqlWhere .= ' AND ('; $temp_max = count($h['search']); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; ++$i) { if ($i) $sqlWhere .= ' OR '; $sqlWhere .= 'UPPER(' . $h['search'][$i] . ') REGEXP ' . $aword; } $sqlWhere .= ')'; } } else { $sqlFields .= ', -1 AS relevance'; } $bindVars = array_merge($bindFields, $bindJoin, $bindHaving); $sql = $sqlFields . $sqlFrom . $sqlJoin . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlHaving . ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby; $result = $this->query($sql, $bindVars); $cant = $result->numRows(); if (!$cant) { // no result if ($fulltext && $words) // try a simple search return $this->_find($h, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, false); else return array( 'data' => array(), 'cant' => 0 ); } $result = $this->query($sql, $bindVars, $maxRecords, $offset); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $href = sprintf(urldecode($h['href']), urlencode($res['id1']), $res['id2']); // taking first 240 chars of text can bring broken html tags, better remove all tags. $res['data'] = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/","",$res['data']); $res['data'] = preg_replace("/<[^>]+$/","",$res['data']); $ret[] = array( 'pageName' => $res["pageName"], 'data' => $res["data"], 'hits' => $res["hits"], 'lastModif' => $res["lastModif"], 'href' => $href, 'relevance' => round($res["relevance"], 3), ); } return array( 'data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant ); } function find_wikis($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { $rv = array(); $search_wikis_comments = array( 'from' => '`tiki_comments` c, `tiki_pages` p', 'name' => 'c.`title`', 'data' => 'c.`data`', 'hits' => 'p.`hits`', // c.hits is always null for a page comment!! 'lastModif' => 'c.`commentDate`', 'href' => 'tiki-index.php?page=%s#comments', 'id' => array('p.`pageName`', 'c.`threadId`'), 'pageName' => $this->db->concat('p.`pageName`', "': '", 'c.`title`'), 'search' => array('c.`title`', 'c.`data`'), 'filter' => 'c.`objectType` = "wiki page" AND p.`pageName`=c.`object`', 'permName' => 'tiki_p_view', 'objectType' => 'wiki page', 'objectKey' => 'p.`pageName`', ); $rv = $this->_find($search_wikis_comments, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); static $search_wikis = array( 'from' => '`tiki_pages` p', 'name' => '`pageName`', 'data' => '`data`', 'hits' => 'p.`hits`', //'pageRank', pageRank is updated not very often since the line below is in comment 'lastModif' => '`lastModif`', 'href' => 'tiki-index.php?page=%s', 'id' => array('`pageName`'), 'pageName' => '`pageName`', 'search' => array('p.`pageName`', 'p.`description`', '`data`'), 'permName' => 'tiki_p_view', 'objectType' => 'wiki page', 'objectKey' => 'p.`pageName`', ); // that pagerank re-calculation was speed handicap (timex30) //$this->pageRank(); if (!$rv['cant']) return $this->_find($search_wikis, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); else { $data = array(); $data = $this->_find($search_wikis, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); if (!$data['cant']) return $rv; // merge // todo - take away the double entries and sort but comment relevance must be lower) foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { array_push($data['data'], $a); } $data['cant'] += $rv['cant']; return $data; } } function find_relevance_cmp($a, $b) { return ($a['relevance'] > $b['relevance']) ? -1 : (($a['relevance'] < $b['relevance']) ? 1 : 0); } function find_galleries($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_galleries = array( 'from' => '`tiki_galleries` g', 'name' => 'g.`name`', 'data' => 'g.`description`', 'hits' => 'g.`hits`', 'lastModif' => '`lastModif`', 'href' => 'tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=%d', 'id' => array('galleryId'), 'pageName' => 'g.`name`', 'search' => array('g.`name`', 'g.`description`'), 'permName' => 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery', 'objectType' => 'image gallery', 'objectKey' => '`galleryId`', ); return $this->_find($search_galleries, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_faqs($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { $search_faqs = array( 'from' => '`tiki_faqs` f , `tiki_faq_questions` q', 'name' => 'f.`title`', 'data' => 'f.`description`', 'hits' => 'f.`hits`', 'lastModif' => 'f.`created`', 'href' => 'tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=%d', 'id' => array('f.`faqId`'), 'pageName' => $this->db->concat('f.`title`', "': '", 'q.`question`'), 'search' => array('q.`question`', 'q.`answer`'), 'filter' => 'q.`faqId` = f.`faqId`', ); return $this->_find($search_faqs, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_directory($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_directory = array( 'from' => '`tiki_directory_sites` d', 'name' => 'd.`name`', 'data' => 'd.`description`', 'hits' => 'd.`hits`', 'lastModif' => 'd.`lastModif`', 'href' => 'tiki-directory_redirect.php?siteId=%d', 'id' => array('`siteId`'), 'pageName' => 'd.`name`', 'search' => array('d.`name`', 'd.`description`'), ); return $this->_find($search_directory, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_images($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_images = array( 'from' => '`tiki_images` i', 'name' => 'i.`name`', 'data' => 'i.`description`', 'hits' => 'i.`hits`', 'lastModif' => 'i.`created`', 'href' => 'tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=%d', 'id' => array('`imageId`'), 'pageName' => 'i.`name`', 'search' => array('i.`name`', 'i.`description`'), 'permName' => 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery', 'objectType' => 'image gallery', 'objectKey' => '`galleryId`', ); return $this->_find($search_images, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_forums($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { $search_forums = array( 'from' => '`tiki_comments` c, `tiki_forums` f', 'name' => 'c.`title`', 'data' => 'c.`data`', 'hits' => 'c.`hits`', 'lastModif' => 'c.`commentDate`', 'href' => 'tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=%d&comments_parentId=%d', 'id' => array('f.`forumId`', 'c.`threadId`'), 'pageName' => $this->db->concat('f.`name`', "': '", '`title`'), 'search' => array('c.`title`', 'c.`data`'), 'filter' => 'c.`objectType` = "forum" AND f.`forumId` = c.`object`', 'permName' => 'tiki_p_forum_read', 'objectType' => 'forum', 'objectKey' => 'f.`forumId`', ); return $this->_find($search_forums, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_files($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_files = array( 'from' => '`tiki_files` f', 'name' => 'f.`name`', 'data' => 'f.`description`', 'hits' => 'downloads', 'lastModif' => 'f.`created`', 'href' => 'tiki-download_file.php?fileId=%d', 'id' => array('`fileId`'), 'pageName' => '`filename`', 'search' => array('f.`name`', 'f.`description`', 'f.`search_data`'), 'permName' => 'tiki_p_download_files', 'objectType' => 'file gallery', 'objectKey' => '`galleryId`', ); return $this->_find($search_files, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_blogs($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_blogs = array( 'from' => '`tiki_blogs` b', 'name' => '`title`', 'data' => 'b.`description`', 'hits' => 'b.`hits`', 'lastModif' => '`lastModif`', 'href' => 'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=%d', 'id' => array('`blogId`'), 'pageName' => '`title`', 'search' => array('`title`', 'b.`description`'), 'filter' => '`use_find` = "y"', 'permName' => 'tiki_p_read_blog', 'objectType' => 'blog', 'objectKey' => '`blogId`', ); return $this->_find($search_blogs, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_articles($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { static $search_articles = array( 'from' => '`tiki_articles` a', 'name' => 'a.`title`', 'data' => 'a.`heading`', 'hits' => 'a.`nbreads`', 'lastModif' => 'a.`publishDate`', 'href' => 'tiki-read_article.php?articleId=%d', 'id' => array('a.`articleId`'), 'pageName' => 'a.`title`', 'search' => array('a.`title`', 'a.`heading`', 'a.`body`'), 'permNameGlobal' => 'tiki_p_read_article', 'permNameObj' => 'tiki_p_topic_read', 'objectType' => 'topic', 'objectKeyPerm' => 'a.`topicId`', 'objectKeyGroup' => 'a.`articleId`', 'objectKeyCat' => 'a.`articleId`', ); return $this->_find($search_articles, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_posts($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { global $user; $site_timezone_shortname = $this->get_site_timezone_shortname(); $site_time_difference = $this->get_site_time_difference($user); # TODO localize? $pagename = "CONCAT(b.`title`, ' [', " . "DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.created + $site_time_difference), " . "'%M %d %Y %h:%i'), ' $site_timezone_shortname', '] : ', p.`user`)"; $search_posts = array( // why using left join here? //'from' => 'tiki_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN tiki_blogs b ON b.blogId = p.blogId', 'from' => '`tiki_blog_posts` p, `tiki_blogs` b', 'name' => 'p.`data`', # to simplify the logic, won't hurt performance 'data' => 'p.`data`', 'hits' => '1', 'orderby' => 'p.`created` DESC', 'lastModif' => 'p.`created`', # TODO double up %'s from urlencode() return value 'href' => 'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=%d&find=' . urlencode($words), 'id' => array('p.`blogId`'), 'pageName' => $pagename, 'search' => array('p.`data`','p.`title`'), 'filter' => 'b.`use_find` = "y" AND b.`blogId` = p.`blogId`', 'permName' => 'tiki_p_read_blog', 'objectType' => 'blog', 'objectKey' => 'b.`blogId`', ); return $this->_find($search_posts, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); } function find_trackers($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { global $trklib; require_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); global $tiki_p_view_trackers_pending; global $tiki_p_view_trackers_closed; static $search_trackers = array( 'from' => '`tiki_tracker_item_fields` ttif LEFT JOIN `tiki_tracker_items` tti ON (ttif.`itemId`=tti.`itemId`) LEFT JOIN `tiki_trackers` tt ON (tti.`trackerId`= tt.`trackerId`) LEFT JOIN `tiki_tracker_fields` ttf ON (ttf.`fieldId`= ttif.`fieldId`)', 'name' => 'ttif.`itemId`', 'data' => 'tt.`name`', 'hits' => 'tt.`trackerId`', 'lastModif' => 'tti.`lastModif`', 'href' => 'tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=%d', 'id' => array('tti.`itemId`'), 'pageName' => 'tti.`itemId`', 'search' => array('`value`'), 'filter' => 'ttf.`isSearchable` = "y"', 'permName' => 'tiki_p_view_trackers', 'objectType' => 'tracker', 'objectKey' => 'tt.`trackerId`', 'objectKeyPerm' => 'tt.`trackerId`', 'objectKeyCat' => 'tt.`trackerId`', 'objectKeyGroup' => 'tt.`trackerId`', ); if ($tiki_p_view_trackers_closed != 'y') $search_trackers['filter'] .= " AND tti.`status` != 'c'"; if ($tiki_p_view_trackers_pending != 'y') $search_trackers['filter'] .= " AND tti.`status` != 'p'"; $ret = $this->_find($search_trackers, $words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($ret['data'] as $i=>$res) { $ret['data'][$i]['pageName'] = '(#'.$res['pageName'].')'.$trklib->get_isMain_value($res['hits'], $res['pageName']); $ret['data'][$i]['hits'] = 'Unknown'; } return $ret; } function find_pages($words = '', $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $fulltext = false) { $data = array(); $cant = 0; global $feature_wiki, $feature_directory, $feature_galleries, $feature_file_galleries, $feature_articles, $feature_forums, $feature_blogs, $feature_faqs, $feature_trackers; global $tiki_p_view_directory, $tiki_p_read_article, $tiki_p_view_faqs, $tiki_p_view_trackers; if ($feature_wiki == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_wikis($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Wiki'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_galleries == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_galleries($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Gallery'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_faqs == 'y' && $tiki_p_view_faqs == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_faqs($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('FAQ'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_galleries == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_images($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Image'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_forums == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_forums($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Forum'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_file_galleries == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_files($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('File'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_blogs =='y') { $rv = $this->find_blogs($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Blog'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_articles == 'y' && $tiki_p_read_article == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_articles($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Article'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_blogs == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_posts($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Blog post'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_directory == 'y' && $tiki_p_view_directory == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_directory($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Directory'); $a['relevance'] *= 0.7; // decrease artifically the relevance because as description is shorter than a wiki data, a directory is returned before wiki page array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($feature_trackers == 'y' && $tiki_p_view_trackers == 'y') { $rv = $this->find_trackers($words, $offset, $maxRecords, $fulltext); foreach ($rv['data'] as $a) { $a['type'] = tra('Tracker item'); array_push($data, $a); } $cant += $rv['cant']; } if ($fulltext) { function find_pages_cmp($a, $b) { return ($a['relevance'] > $b['relevance']) ? -1 : (($a['relevance'] < $b['relevance']) ? 1 : 0); } usort($data, 'find_pages_cmp'); /* # this doesn't work, because 'hits' aren't the same across different sections, right? } else { function find_pages_cmp ($a, $b) { return ($a['hits'] > $b['hits']) ? -1 : (($a['hits'] < $b['hits']) ? 1 : 0); } usort ($data, 'find_pages_cmp'); */ } return array( 'data' => $data, 'cant' => $cant, ); } } # class SearchLib ?>