File: decodemessage.php
<?php //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } /**************************************************************************/ # Mailbox 0.9.2a by Sivaprasad R.L (http://netlogger.net) # # eMailBox 0.9.3 by Don Grabowski (http://ecomjunk.com) # # -- A pop3 client addon for phpnuked websites -- # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # # # Copyright (C) by Sivaprasad R.L # # Script completed by Ecomjunk.com 2001 # /**************************************************************************/ ######################################################### # Class DecodeMessage: Mime message decoder # # by AKAN NKWEINI # # akan@p3mail.com # # http://www.p3mail.com # ######################################################### class DecodeMessage{ var $header; var $body; var $fullmessage; var $auto_decode = true; var $attachment_path; var $choose_best = true; var $best_format = "text/html"; function InitHeaderAndBody($header, $body) { $this->header = $header; $this->body = $body; $this->fullmessage = chop($header)."\t\n\t\n".ltrim($body); } function Body() { return trim($this->body); } function InitMessage($msg) { global $download_dir; $i = 0; $m = ""; $messagebody = ""; $line = explode("\n",trim($msg)); for ($j=0;$j<count($line);$j++) { if (chop($line[$j]) == "" AND $i < 1) : $this->header = $m; $i++; endif; if ($i > 0) $messagebody .= $line[$j]."\n"; $m .= $line[$j]."\n"; } $this->body = $messagebody; $this->fullmessage = $msg; $this->attachment_path = $download_dir; } function Headers($field="") { if ($field == "") : return $this->header; else : $hd = ""; $field = $field.":"; $start = 0; $j=0; $header = eregi_replace("\r", "\n", $this->header); $p = explode("\n", $header); do { for ($i=$start;$i<count($p);$i++) { if (ereg("^($field)", $p[$i])) : $position = $i; $hd .= ereg_replace("$field", "",$p[$i]); break; endif; } if (ereg("^($field)", $p[$i])) : for ($i=$position+1;$i<count($p);$i++) { $tok = strtok($p[$i], " "); if (ereg(":$", $tok) AND (!(eregi("^($field)", $tok)))) break; $hd .= ereg_replace("$field", "",$p[$i]); } $start=$i+1; endif; } while ($j++ < count($p)); return $hd; endif; } function ContentType() { $c = $this->Headers("Content-Type"); $ct = ereg_replace("[[:space:]]", "", $c); if (!(ereg(";", $ct))) : $content["type"] = trim($ct); else : $p = explode (";", $ct); for ($i=0;$i<count($p);$i++) { if (eregi("^(text)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(multipart)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(application)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(message)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(image)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(audio)", $p[$i])) : $content["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(charset)", $p[$i])) : $content["charset"] = eregi_replace("(charset=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(report-type)", $p[$i])) : $content["report-type"] = eregi_replace("(report-type=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(type)", $p[$i])) : $content["subtype"] = eregi_replace("(type=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(boundary)", $p[$i])) : $content["boundary"] = eregi_replace("(boundary=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(name)", $p[$i])) : $content["name"] = eregi_replace("(name=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(access-type)", $p[$i])) : $content["access-type"] = eregi_replace("(access-type=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(site)", $p[$i])) : $content["site"] = eregi_replace("(site=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(directory)", $p[$i])) : $content["directory"] = eregi_replace("(directory=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); elseif (eregi("^(mode)", $p[$i])) : $content["mode"] = eregi_replace("(mode=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); endif; } endif; return $content; } function ContentDisposition() { $c = $this->Headers("Content-Disposition"); $c = ereg_replace("[[:space:]]", "", $c); if (!(ereg(";", $c))) : $cd["type"] = $c; else : $p = explode(";", $c); for ($i=0;$i<count($p);$i++) { if (eregi("^(inline)", $p[$i])) : $cd["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("^(attachment)", $p[$i])) : $cd["type"] = $p[$i]; elseif(eregi("^(filename)", $p[$i])) : $cd["filename"] = eregi_replace("(filename=)|(\")", "", $p[$i]); endif; } endif; return $cd; } function my_array_shift(&$array) { reset($array); $key = key($array); $val = current($array); unset($array[$key]); return $val; } function my_array_compact(&$array) { while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) : if (chop($val) == '') unset($array[$key]); endwhile; } function my_in_array($value, $array) { while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) : if (strcmp($value, $val) == 0) return true; endwhile; return false; } function Result() { global $attachments_view; $is_multipart_alternative = false; $is_multipart_related = false; $found_best = false; do { $next_message = ""; do { $next_multipart = ""; $content = $this->ContentType(); $cd = $this->ContentDisposition(); if ( eregi("^(multipart)", $content["type"]) ) : if ( eregi("multipart/alternative", $content["type"]) ) : $is_multipart_alternative = true; endif; if ( eregi("multipart/related", $content["type"]) ) : $is_multipart_related = true; endif; $boundary = "--".$content["boundary"]; $p = explode($boundary, $this->body); for ($i=0;$i<count($p);$i++) { $this->InitMessage($p[$i]); $content = $this->ContentType(); $this->ContentDisposition(); if ($is_multipart_related AND (chop($this->Headers("Content-ID")) != '')) : $cont["id"] = ereg_replace("[<>]","", $this->Headers("Content-ID")); $cont["name"] = $content["name"]; $contentid[] = $cont; unset($cont); endif; if (eregi("multipart", $content["type"])) : $multiparts[] = $p[$i]; elseif (eregi("message", $content["type"])) : $messages[] = $p[$i]; elseif ($this->choose_best AND eregi("text/plain", $content["type"]) AND $is_multipart_alternative AND !($found_best)) : $best = $p[$i]; elseif ($this->choose_best AND eregi($this->best_format, $content["type"]) AND $is_multipart_alternative ) : if (eregi("[[:alpha:]]", chop($p[$i]))) : $best = $p[$i]; $found_best = true; endif; elseif (chop($content["type"]) != '' AND chop($this->body) !='') : $parts[] = $p[$i]; endif; #echo "<pre>($i)###".htmlspecialchars($this->header)."</pre>--###<hr>"; } if (chop($best) != '') : $parts[] = $best; endif; else : if (eregi("(message)", $content["type"])) : $messages[] = $this->fullmessage; elseif (chop($this->body) != '') : $parts[] = $this->fullmessage; endif; endif; unset($is_multipart_alternative); unset($best); unset($found_best); if (count($multiparts) > 0) : $next_multipart = $this->my_array_shift($multiparts); $this->InitMessage($next_multipart); endif; } while ($next_multipart != ""); if (chop($parts) != '') : for ($i=0;$i<count($parts);$i++) {; $this->InitMessage($parts[$i]); $ct = $this->ContentType(); $cd = $this->ContentDisposition(); if (eregi("text/html", $ct["type"]) AND count($contentid > 0)) : for ($k=0;$k<count($contentid);$k++) { if (ini_get(file_uploads) AND $attachments_view == 1) { $filelocation = $this->attachment_path."/".$contentid[$k]["name"]; } $cid = $contentid[$k]["id"]; $cid = ereg_replace("[[:space:]]", "", $cid); $this->body = str_replace("cid:", "", $this->body); if (ini_get(file_uploads) AND $attachments_view == 1) { $this->body = str_replace($cid, $filelocation, $this->body); } } endif; if ($this->auto_decode AND eregi("attachment", $cd["type"]) OR eregi("base64", $this->Headers("Content-Transfer-Encoding")) ) : $filename = chop($ct["name"]) ? $ct["name"] : $cd["filename"]; if (eregi("base64", $this->Headers("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))) : $file = base64_decode($this->body); elseif (eregi("quoted-printable", $this->Headers("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))) : $file = quoted_printable_decode($this->body); $file = ereg_replace("(=\n)", "", $this->body); $file = $this->body; elseif (eregi("7bit", $this->Headers("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))) : $file = $this->body; endif; if (ini_get(file_uploads) AND $attachments_view == 1) { $filepath = $this->attachment_path."/".$filename; @unlink($filepath); if (chop($filename != '')) : $fp = @fopen($filepath, "a") OR die("Cannot open file \"$filepath\""); fwrite($fp, $file); fclose($fp); if (eregi("attachment", $cd["type"]) OR eregi("inline", $cd["type"])) : #echo "\n<p><a href=\"$filepath\">$filename</a><p>"; $decoded_part["attachments"] = $filename; endif; endif; } endif; if (eregi("^(text)", $ct["type"] ) AND !(eregi("text/html", $ct["type"] )) AND !(eregi("attachment", $cd["type"] )) OR (chop($ct["type"]) == "") ) : $decoded_part["body"]["type"] = $ct["type"]; $decoded_part["body"]["body"] = $this->body; elseif (eregi("text/html", $ct["type"] ) AND !(eregi("attachment", $cd["type"] ))) : $decoded_part["body"]["type"] = $ct["type"]; $decoded_part["body"]["body"] = $this->body; #echo "<pre>($parts_count)###".htmlspecialchars($ct["type"])."</pre>--###<hr>"; endif; $dp[] = $decoded_part; unset($decoded_part); } endif; $message[] = $dp; unset($dp); unset($is_multpart_related); unset($contentid); unset($parts); if (count($messages) > 0) : $this->my_array_compact($messages); $next_message = $this->my_array_shift($messages); $this->InitMessage($next_message); $this->InitMessage($this->body); endif; } while ($next_message != ""); return $message; } function MessageID() { return ereg_replace("[<>]","",$this->Headers("Message-ID")); } }; ?>