File: mail.php
<?php /* TikiMail class * * This is the core class for TikiWiki Mail handling. It takes care of all the * connection faced stuff. * */ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class TikiMail { var $debug = true; // Defines if we are on a debuggin state or not. var $connection; // the mail stream. var $type; // Type of mail server (pop3, imap, nntp, ...) var $options; // Options given (no-tls, no-validate-cert, ..) var $state; // How do we feel. var $server; // Server we should connect to. var $port; // Uhmm.. TCP seems to require a port to knock at. var $user; // Username to tell when somebody opens the door. var $pass; // That somebody may ask for a password.. var $mailbox; // Some somebody's accept different mailboxes/folders. /* * Our constructor class. Takes as params: * $type - mandatory, type of server by now imap or imaps. * $server, $user, $pass - mandatory and self explanatory. * $mailbox - optional. Defaults to INBOX. * $options - optional. Options to give to imap_open() */ function TikiMail($type, $server, $port, $user, $pass, $mailbox = "INBOX", $options = '') { $this->server = $server; $this->port = $port; $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; $this->mailbox = $mailbox; $this->options = $options; $this->type = $type; $this->connection = 0; $this->state = 'new'; if($this->debug) { echo "Created new TikiMail object in which:<br>"; echo " Type = $type<br> User = $user<br> Mailbox = $mailbox<br> Options are: $options<br>"; } } /* * connect() knock at servers door and present ourselves. */ function connect() { $this->connection = imap_open("\{$this->server:$this->port/$this->type/$this->options}$this->mailbox", "$this->user", "$this->pass"); if (!($this->connection)) { if($this->debug) { echo "Something bad happened while connecting!<br>"; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); } return false; } $this->state = 'online'; return true; } /* * disconnect() * We took coofe with the neighboor and talked about things, now it's time to leave */ function disconnect() { if(($this->connection == 0) || $this->state = 'new') { if($this->debug) { echo "We should first connect to server before disconnecting I think...<br>"; } return false; } imap_close($this->connection); // TODO: Error checking. $this->connection=0; return true; } /* * mailbox_create() * On servers supporting that create a new mailbox/folder. * IMAP is an example of that. */ function mailbox_create($mailbox) { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } if(!imap_createmailbox($this->connection, "\{$this->server:$this->port}$mailbox")) { if($this->debug) { echo "We had problems creating the mailbox: $ourbox$mailbox<br>"; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); } return false; } return true; } /* * mailbox_check() * Check a mailbox for new messages */ function mailbox_check($mailbox = '') { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } if($mailbox == '') $mailbox = $this->mailbox; $status = imap_status($this->connection, "\{$this->server:$this->port}$mailbox", SA_UNSEEN); if(!$status) { echo "I smell problems when looking for unseen messages<br>"; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); return -1; } return $status->unseen; } /* * mailbox_delete() * Delete a mailbox from the server. */ function mailbox_delete($mailbox) { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } if(!imap_deletemailbox($this->connection, "\{$this->server:$this->port}$mailbox")) { if($this->debug) { echo "We had problems deleting the mailbox: $mailbox<br>"; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); } return false; } return true; } /* * mailbox_expunge() * expunge deleted messages from mailbox. */ function mailbox_expunge() { if($this->state == 'new' || $this->connection == 0) { return false; } imap_expunge($this->connection); return true; } /* * mailbox_get_info() * Mainly it retrieves headers of mailbox messages... ALL * It returns al 'objects' collected in an array, the object spec can be * seen at: http://es2.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-headerinfo.php */ function mailbox_get_info() { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } $total = $this->mailbox_get_total(); $headers = array(); $count=0; //my array domination is clear here... again for($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { $thismsg = imap_headerinfo($this->connection, $i); // TODO: Error checking. $headers[$i] = $thismsg; } return $headers; } /* * mailbox_get_total() * A shortcut to get the total messages inside a mailbox. */ function mailbox_get_total() { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } $count = imap_num_msg($this->connection); // TODO: Error checking... return $count; } /* * mailbox_rename() * Renames a mailbox */ function mailbox_rename($oldname, $newname) { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } if(!imap_renamemailbox($this->connection, "\{$this->server:$this->port}$oldname", "\{$this->server:$this->port}$newname")) { if($this->debug) { echo "We had problems renaming the mailbox: $oldname to $newname<br>"; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); } return false; } return true; } /* * mailboxes_check() * Check mailboxes for new messages */ function mailboxes_check() { if(!$this->mailboxes_list()) { return false; } $boxes = $this->mailboxes_list(); $boxes_c = array(); $msg_c = array(); $count=0; //my array domination is clear here... reset($boxes); foreach($boxes as $box) { $boxes_c[$count]['mailbox'] = $box; $boxes_c[$count]['unseen'] = $this->mailbox_check($box); $count += 1; } return $boxes_c; } /* * mailboxes_list() * get a list of the mailboxes avaible on the server */ function mailboxes_list() { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } $boxes = array(); $list = imap_list($this->connection, "\{$this->server:$this->port}", "*"); if (is_array($list)) { reset($list); while (list($key, $val) = each($list)) { $boxes[] = substr(strstr(imap_utf7_decode($val), '}'), 1); } } else { if($this->debug) { echo "Had problems collecting mailboxes list.."; echo implode("<br />\n", imap_errors()); } return false; } return $boxes; } /* * message_get_headers() * Get the headers of a specifyc message * Look at mailbox_get_info() about data returned. */ function message_get_headers($msgno) { if($this->connection) { return false; } $headers = imap_headerinfo($this->connection, $msgno); // TODO: Error checking. return $headers; } /* * message_get_body() * fetch the contents of a message, say: the body */ function message_get_body() { //this is hard... what to do with attachments? also what to do when plain/text body and html body? } /* * message_delete() * Delete a message */ function message_delete() { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } imap_delete($this->connection, $msgno); // TODO: Error checking. return true; } /* * message_undelete() * UnDelete a message */ function message_undelete($msgno) { if($this->connection == 0) { return false; } imap_undelete($this->connection, $msgno); // TODO: Error checking. return true; } } ?>