File: wikiplugin_attach.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_attach.php,v 2006/09/08 08:51:30 sylvieg Exp $ // Displays an attachment or a list of attachments // Currently works with wiki pages and tracker items. // Parameters: ln => line numbering (default false) // inline => puts the stuff between {ATTACH} tags as the link text instead of the file name or description. // name => Gives the name of the attached file to link to. // file => Same as name. // image => Says that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag. // showdesc => shows the description as the link text instead of the file name // icon => shows a file icon // dls => ???? // id => Gives the actual id of the attachment to link in. Might as well just do a straight link in this case... // num => Gives the number, in the list of attachments, of the attachment to link to // page => Gives the name of another page the attached file is on. The file on that page is linked to instead. Only works with wiki pages. // Example: // {ATTACH(name=>foobar.zip)} // comment about attachment, that will be display under attachment informations // {ATTACH} function wikiplugin_attach_help() { $help = tra("Displays an attachment or a list of them").": "; $help.= "~np~{ATTACH(name|file=file.ext,id=1|num=1,showdesc=0|1,dls=0|1,icon=0|1,inline=0|1)}".tra("comment")."{ATTACH}~/np~ "; $help.= tra("num is optional and is the order number of the attachment in the list. If not provided, a list of all attachments is displayed. Inline makes the comment be the text of the link."); return $help; } function wikiplugin_attach($data, $params) { global $atts; global $mimeextensions; global $wikilib; global $tikilib; global $user; include_once('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); extract ($params,EXTR_SKIP); $loop = array(); if (!isset($atts)) $atts = array(); if( ! is_array( $atts ) || ! array_key_exists( "data", $atts ) || count( $atts["data"] ) < 1 ) { # We're being called from a preview or something; try to build the atts ourselves. # See if we're being called from a tracker page. if( strstr( $_REQUEST["SCRIPT_NAME"], "tiki-view_tracker_item.php" ) ) { $atts_item_name = $_REQUEST["itemId"]; # Get the tracker info. $tracker_info = $trklib->get_tracker($atts_item_name); $tracker_info = array_merge($tracker_info,$trklib->get_tracker_options($atts_item_name)); $attextra = 'n'; if (strstr($tracker_info["orderAttachments"],'|')) { $attextra = 'y'; } $attfields = split(',',strtok($tracker_info["orderAttachments"],'|')); $atts = $trklib->list_item_attachments($atts_item_name, 0, -1, 'comment_asc', ''); } # See if we're being called from a wiki page. if( strstr( $_REQUEST["SCRIPT_NAME"], "tiki-index.php" ) || strstr( $_REQUEST["SCRIPT_NAME"], "tiki-editpage.php" ) || strstr( $_REQUEST["SCRIPT_NAME"], 'tiki-pagehistory.php') ) { $atts_item_name = $_REQUEST["page"]; $atts = $wikilib->list_wiki_attachments($atts_item_name,0,-1,'created_desc',''); } } # Save for restoration before this script ends $old_atts = $atts; $url = ''; if( isset( $page ) ) { if($tikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$page,'wiki page','tiki_p_wiki_view_attachments') || $tikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $_REQUEST['page'], 'wiki page', 'tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments')) { $atts = $wikilib->list_wiki_attachments($page,0,-1,'created_desc',''); $url = "&page=$page"; } } if( ! array_key_exists( "cant", $atts ) ) { if( array_key_exists( "data", $atts ) ) { $atts['cant'] = count($atts["data"]); } else { $atts['cant'] = 0; $atts["data"] = ""; } } if (!isset($num)) $num = 0; if (!isset($id)) { $id = 0; } else { $num = 0; } if( isset( $file ) ) { $name = $file; } if( isset( $name ) ) { $id = 0; $num = 0; } else { $name = ''; } if (!$atts['cant']) { return "''".tra('no such attachment on this page')."''"; } elseif ($num > 0 and $num < ($atts['cant']+1)) { $loop[] = $num; } else { $loop = range(1,$atts['cant']); } $out = array(); if ($data) { $out[] = $data; } foreach ($loop as $n) { $n--; if ( (!$name and !$id) or $id == $atts['data'][$n]['attId'] or $name == $atts['data'][$n]['filename'] ) { if(isset($image) and $image ) { $link = '<img src="tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId='.$atts['data'][$n]['attId'].$url.'" class="wiki"'; $link.= ' alt="'; if (isset($showdesc)) { $link.= $atts['data'][$n]['filename']; } else { $link.= $atts['data'][$n]['comment']; } if (isset($dls)) { $link.= " ".$atts['data'][$n]['downloads']; } $link.= '"/>'; } else { $link = '<a href="tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId='.$atts['data'][$n]['attId'].$url.'" class="wiki"'; $link.= ' title="'; if (isset($showdesc)) { $link.= $atts['data'][$n]['filename']; } else { $link.= $atts['data'][$n]['comment']; } if (isset($dls)) { $link.= " ".$atts['data'][$n]['downloads']; } $link.= '">'; if (isset($icon)) { if (!isset($mimeextensions)) { require("lib/mime/mimeextensions.php"); } $ext = $atts['data'][$n]['filetype']; if (isset($mimeextensions["$ext"]) and (is_file("img/icn/".$mimeextensions["$ext"].".gif"))) { $link.= '<img src="img/icn/'.$mimeextensions["$ext"].'.gif" border="0" /> '; } else { $string = strtolower(substr($atts['data'][$n]['filename'], strlen($atts['data'][$n]['filename'])-3)); if (is_file("img/icn/".$string.".gif")) $link.= '<img src="img/icn/'.$string.'.gif" border="0" /> '; else $link.= '<img src="img/icn/else.gif" border="0" /> '; } } if (isset($showdesc) && !empty($atts['data'][$n]['comment'])) { $link.= strip_tags($atts['data'][$n]['comment']); } else if( isset( $inline ) ) { $link.= $data; } else { $link.= strip_tags($atts['data'][$n]['filename']); } $link.= '</a>'; } $out[] = $link; } } $separator = " "; if( isset( $inline ) ) { $data = $out[1]; } else { $data = implode($separator,$out); } if( strlen( $data ) == 0 ) { $data = "<strong>".tra('no such attachment on this page')."</strong>"; } $atts = $old_atts; return $data; } ?>