File: parse_tiki.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/parse_tiki.php,v 1.5 2004/06/16 01:24:10 teedog Exp $ // heaviled modified get_strings.php // dedicated as a tool for use in an eventual test suite // mose@tikiwiki.org require_once('tiki-setup.php'); if($tiki_p_admin != 'y') die("You need to be admin to run this script"); $logfile = 'temp/tiki_parsed.txt'; $logfilehtml = 'temp/tiki_parsed.html'; function collect($dir) { global $dirs; if (is_dir($dir) and is_dir("$dir/CVS")) { $list = file("$dir/CVS/Entries"); foreach ($list as $l) { // if (count($dirs) > 20) return true; if (strstr($l,'/')) { $s = split('/',rtrim($l)); $filepath = $dir.'/'.$s[1]; if ($s[0] == 'D') { collect($filepath); $dirs["$dir"][] = $s[1]; $dirs["$dir"]['FILES'] = array(); } else { if (is_file($filepath)) { $stat = stat($filepath); $files["$filepath"]["mtime"] = $stat['mtime']; $files["$filepath"]["ctime"] = $stat['ctime']; $files["$filepath"]["atime"] = $stat['atime']; $files["$filepath"]["size"] = $stat['size']; $files["$filepath"]["rev"] = $s[2]; $files["$filepath"]["date"] = $s[3]; $files["$filepath"]["flags"] = $s[4]; $files["$filepath"]["tag"] = $s[5]; clearstatcache(); $dirs["$dir"]['FILES'] = $files; } } } } } } function echoline($fd, $fx, $outstring, $style='', $mod='', $br=true) { if ($br) { $br = "\n"; } else { $br = ''; } fwrite ($fd, $outstring.$br); if ($mod == 'd') { $outstring = date('D M d H:m:s Y',trim($outstring)); } if ($style == 'eob') { $htmlstring = "</div>"; } elseif ($style) { if ($style == 'dir') { $htmlstring = "<span class='$style' onclick=\"javascript:toggle('".$outstring."');\">". sprintf(" %-16s : ",$style). htmlspecialchars($outstring)."</span>"; $htmlstring.= "<div class='box' id='".$outstring."'>"; $br = ''; } else { $htmlstring = "<span class='$style'>". sprintf(" %-16s : ",$style). htmlspecialchars($outstring)."</span>"; } } else { $htmlstring = htmlspecialchars($outstring); } fwrite ($fx, $htmlstring.$br); } $display = 'none'; if (isset($_REQUEST['all'])) $display = 'block'; ?> <html><head><style> pre { padding : 10px; border: 1px solid #666666; background-color: #efefef; } .dir { font-weight : bold; background-color: #ffffff; cursor : pointer; } .box { padding : 10px; border : 1px solid #999999; background-color: #f6f6f6; display : <?php echo $display ?>; } .file { font-weight : bold; } .php { background-color: #AACCFF; } .smarty { background-color: #FFccAA; } .other { background-color: #cccccc; } .image { background-color: #aaffcc; } .sub { padding-left : 20px; font-size : 80%; } .var { background-color: #FFFFAA; } .url { background-color: #FFAAAA; } .action { background-color: #AACCFF; } .form { background-color: #AABBFF; } .atime, .ctime, .mtime, .date { background-color: #dedede; } .size, .rev, .tag { background-color: #ededed; } </style><script type="text/javascript" src="lib/tiki-js.js"></script></head> <body><form action="parse_tiki.php" method="post"><input type="submit" name="action" value="process" /></form> <a href="<?php echo $logfile; ?>">raw report</a> <pre> <?php if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $files = $dirs = array(); collect('.'); @unlink ($logfile); $fw = fopen($logfile,'w'); $fx = fopen($logfilehtml,'w'); foreach ($dirs as $dir=>$params) { $dirname = basename($dir); $path = dirname($dir); echoline($fw,$fx,$dir,'dir'); echoline($fw,$fx,''); if (isset($dirs["$dir"]['FILES'])) { foreach ($dirs["$dir"]['FILES'] as $file=>$params) { $fp = fopen ($file, "r"); $data = fread ($fp, filesize ($file)); fclose ($fp); $requests = array(); $urls = array(); if (preg_match("/\.(tpl|ph(p|tml))$/", $file)) { if (preg_match("/\.ph(p|tml)$/", $file)) { echoline($fw,$fx, $file,"file php"); $data = preg_replace ("/(?s)\/\*.*?\*\//", "", $data); // C comments $data = preg_replace ("/(?m)^\s*\/\/.*\$/", "", $data); // C++ comments $data = preg_replace ("/(?m)^\s*\#.*\$/", "", $data); // shell comments $data = preg_replace('/(\r|\n)/', '', $data); // all one line preg_match_all('/\$_(REQUEST|POST|GET|COOKIE|SESSION)\[([^\]]*)\]/', $data, $requests); // requests uses $max = count($requests[0]); for ($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) { echoline($fw,$fx,$requests[1][$i]." = ".$requests[2][$i],'sub var'); } } elseif (preg_match ("/\.tpl$/", $file)) { echoline($fw,$fx,$file,'file smarty'); $data = preg_replace('/(?s)\{\*.*?\*\}/', '', $data); // Smarty comment $data = preg_replace('/(\r|\n)/', '', $data); // all one line } preg_match_all('/<(a[^>]*)>[^<]*<\/a>/im', $data, $urls); // href links foreach ($urls[1] as $u) { echoline($fw,$fx,$u,'sub url'); } preg_match_all('/<(form[^>]*)>/', $data, $forms); // form uses foreach ($forms[1] as $f) { echoline($fw,$fx,$f,'sub action'); } preg_match_all('/<((input|textarea|select)[^>]*)>/', $data, $elements); // form elements uses $max = count($elements[0]); for ($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) { echoline($fw,$fx,$elements[1][$i],'sub form'); } echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['atime']),'sub atime','d'); echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['mtime']),'sub mtime','d'); echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['ctime']),'sub ctime','d'); echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['date']),'sub date'); echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['size']),'sub size'); echoline($fw,$fx,trim($params['rev']),'sub rev'); echoline($fw,$fx,substr(trim($params['tag']),1),'sub tag'); } elseif (preg_match ("/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/i", $file)) { echoline($fw,$fx,$file,'file image'); } else { echoline($fw,$fx,$file,'file other'); } echoline($fw,$fx,''); flush(); } } echoline($fw,$fx,'end of box','eob'); } fclose($fw); fclose($fx); } if (is_file($logfilehtml)) { readfile($logfilehtml); } ?> </pre> </body></html>