File: tikineat.css
/* $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/styles/tikineat.css,v 2006/11/25 14:41:26 mose Exp $ Simple basic theme for generic tiki IE hacks applied ! read http://glish.com/css/hacks.asp changing colors ? you can list them with grep -i " #[0-9a-f]\{3,6\};" styles/tikineat.css | cut -d\# -f2 | sort | uniq -c and change them with perl -pi -e 's/AAAAAA/bbbbbb/g' styles/tikineat.css */ body { background-color : #E9ECEF; font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin : 0; padding : 0; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin : 0; margin-bottom : 3px; } H1 { font-size : 24px; color : #436976; } H2 { font-size : 18px; color : #234956; } H3 { font-size : 14px; color : #032936; } H4 { font-size : 12px; color : #032936; } H5 { font-size : 11px; color : #032936; } H6 { font-size : 10px; color : #032936; } ul { margin-top : 2px; margin-bottom : 6px; } a { color : #225566; font-weight : bold; } a:hover { color: #224466; background-color: #FFFFF1; } small { font-size : .8em; } hr { width : 100%; height : 1px; background-color : #8CACBB; border-width : 0px; padding : 0px; color : #8CACBB; } td { color : #000000; font-size : 11px; vertical-align : top; text-align : left; } th { color : black; background-color : #DEE7EC; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; padding : 0 2px; } caption { font-weight : bold; } /* General form elements */ FORM { margin : 0px; padding : 0px; } input, textarea, select { font-size : 10px; color : #112233; } input { text-indent : 2px; } input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio] { border : 0; } input[type=submit] { border : 1px solid #46596f; background-color: #C7D0D9; font-weight : bold; } input[type=submit]:hover { background-color : #FFFFFF; cursor : pointer; } textarea { width : 100%; } label { cursor : pointer; } /* GENERAL LAYOUT EXPLANATION * * The tiki application is enclosed as a whole in tiki-main * tiki-main contains three divs: tiki-top, tiki-mid and tiki-bot * that will be used for the header, application and footer. * * tiki-mid contains a 3-column table, the columns are called (ids) * leftcolumn, centercolumn and rightcolumn * centercolumn contains tiki-center where the main area is displayed. * */ /*********************** GENERAL LAYOUT ************************************/ DIV#tiki-main { margin : 0px; } DIV#tiki-top { font-size : 10px; background-color : #C7D0D9; padding-bottom : 1px; border-bottom : 1px solid #8CACBB; } DIV#tiki-top a { text-decoration : none; } DIV#tiki-mid { margin : 0; padding : 0; } DIV#tiki-bot { padding-top : 10px; padding-bottom : 5px; background-color : #C7D0D9; margin : 0; border-top : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-bottom : 1px solid #8CACBB; } #leftcolumn { width : 180px; padding : 0px; border-right : 1px solid #8CACBB; } #centercolumn { background-color: #F3F6F9; margin : 0; width : 100%; } #rightcolumn { width : 180px; padding : 0px; border-left : 1px solid #8CACBB; } DIV#tiki-center { padding : 10px 0; } DIV#tiki-mid > table { width : 100%; border-spacing : 0; margin : 0; padding : 0; } div#debugconsole { position: absolute; background-color: #F3F6F9; top: 0px; left: 20px; right: 310px; height: auto; z-index: 1; padding: 5px; border: 6px ridge #996600; font-size: 12px; } #overDiv table { width : auto !important; } /********************************************* GENERAL STYLE PROPERTIES **********************************************/ /* Boxes used for modules (modules are those boxes in the left/right columns) */ div.box { background-color : white; overflow : hidden; _overflow : visible; /* IE hack */ margin : 3px; border : 1px solid #ACCCDD; width : 174px; font-size : 10px; } div.box-title { background-color: #F3F6F9; border-bottom : 1px solid #ACCCDD; overflow : hidden; font-size : 10px; text-align : center; margin : 0; } div.box-title table { width : 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border-spacing: 0; } div.box-title table td { text-align: center; } div.box-data { overflow : hidden; _overflow : visible; /* IE hack */ color : black; padding : 5px; _padding : 0px 0px 0px 0px; /* IE hack */ font-size : 10px; } div.separator, div.separatorline { background-color: #FFFFFF; color : black; padding : 2px; border-top : 1px dashed #8CACBB; } .linkmenu, .rsslink { font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; font-weight : normal; } .rsslist { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin : 0; margin-right : 10px; padding : 1px; } .rssitem { font-weight : normal; padding : 1px 6px 1px 6px; border-top : 1px dashed #DADAC9; } .rssitem:first-child { border-top: 0; } .rssdate { color: #999999; font-style: italic; } .separator { font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; } .flip { font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; } span.user-box-text { color: black; } /* When modules display a list of items each item is enclosed in a cell with the following style */ TD.module { font-size : 10px; color : black; text-align : left; } .linkmodule, .linkmodule:visited { font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; } /* Now the boxes for the rest of Tiki (non-modules */ div.cbox { background-color : white; margin : 3px; margin-bottom : 6px; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; overflow : hidden; } div.cbox-title { color : black; border-bottom : 1px solid #8CACBB; overflow : hidden; text-align : center; padding : 0px; margin : 0px; } .cboxtlink { color : black; font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; } div.cbox-data { overflow : hidden; padding : 0 5px; font-size : 10px; color : black; width : 100%; } /** rbox: remarks box (note/warning/tip/comment) */ .rbox { margin-top: 10px; } .rbox-data { padding: 2px; } .rbox-title, .rbox-title[name="warning"] { border: 0; border-radius-topright : 1ex; -moz-border-radius-topright : 1ex; -khtml-border-radius-topright : 1ex; font-size : 10px; padding : 0 10px; position : relative; display : inline; margin : 0; font-weight : bold; background-color: #eeee99; } .rbox-data, .rbox-data[name="warning"] { background-color: #eeee99; border: 1px solid #DDDDCC; } .rbox-title[name="note"] { background-color: #CCCCDD; } .rbox-data[name="note"] { background-color: #ECECEF; border: 1px solid #CCCCDD; } .rbox-title[name="comment"], .rbox-title[name="tip"] { background-color: #CCCCDD; } .rbox-data[name="comment"], .rbox-data[name="tip"] { background-color: #ECEFEC; border: 1px solid #CCDDCC; } /* Some boxes are identified by an ID, for example the boxes in the main application menu, we set display to none to make the menu appear collapsed initially, change this to 'block' if you want it to be extended fully */ /* Banners of type text (textadds) are displayed as links using the following style */ .bannertext { font-size : 10px; color : #424242; text-decoration : none; } .bannertext:hover { color : black; } div.imagerank { margin : 10px 5px; } /* A simple box is just a div with a border around and some margin * used for example for wiki ^box^ quicktag and in the admin screen */ div.simplebox { padding : 8px; color : black; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; background-color : white; } /* General tables */ /* These styles apply to tables used to display common listings such as the wiki page listing, last changes, listings in admin screens, etc. */ /* The table */ table.normal { padding : 0px; margin : 0px; border-collapse : collapse; width : 100%; voice-family : "\"}\""; voice-family : inherit; width : 97%; } html>body table.normal { width : 100%; } table.listgallery, table.creategalform, table.gallerylisting, table.bloglist, table.editblogform, table.editfgalform, table.listfgal, table.listfiles, table.listarticles, table.forumstable, table.forumformtable, table.viewthread, table.jukeboxlist { padding : 0px; margin : 0px; border-collapse : collapse; width : 100%; } TABLE.admin { width : 100%; } TABLE.normalnoborder { } /* Cells in forms without background color (inside a div for example) */ .form td { background-color : transparent; } /* Cells in forms using a background color */ .formcolor td, .galform td, .editblogform td, .editfgalform td, .comform td, .forumform td { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; background-color : #DEE7EC; } table.email { border: 1px solid #8CACBB; } table.email td.body { border: 1px solid #8CACBB; } table.email td.heading { text-align: left; width: 15px; } table.email td.closeButton { text-align: right; width: 100%; } /* Table headings */ DIV.heading, TD.heading, td.gallistheading, td.listgalheading, td.bloglistheading, td.listfgalheading, td.jukeboxlistheading, td.listfilesheading, td.listartheading, td.forumheading, td.viewthread { color : black; background-color : #DEE7EC; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; padding : 0 2px; } DIV.heading { margin: 3px 2px; } th.gallistheading, th.listgalheading, th.bloglistheading, th.listfgalheading, th.jukeboxlistheading, th.listfilesheading, th.listartheading, th.forumheading, th.viewthread { } TD.button { background-color : #DEE7EC; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; padding : 0 2px; text-align : center; vertical-align : middle; } /* Links to view an object from a table listing objects can be generalized to this link */ a.tablename, a.galname, a.imagename, a.jukeboxname, a.blogname, a.fgalname, a.artname, a.forumname { font-weight : bold; color : black; } a.forumnameread { letter-spacing : 1px; color : black; } /* Links in table headings */ .tableheading, .gallistheading, .listgalheading, .bloglistheading, .llisfgalheading, .llistfileslink, .llistart, .lforumheading { } table.findtable { margin-bottom : 1px; padding-bottom : 10px; } .findtable td { } /* Odd rows in several listings */ tr.odd { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; color : black; background-color : #F7F9FA; } tr.odd:hover { background-color: #FFF7E6; } tr.even { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; background-color : #E7E9EA; color : black; } tr.even:hover { background-color: #FFF7E6; } TD.odd,td.gallistnameodd,td.gallistdescriptionodd,td.gallistcreatedodd,td.gallistlastModifodd, td.gallistuserodd, td.gallistimagesodd, td.gallisthitsodd, td.gallistactionsodd, td.listgalidodd, td.listgalnameodd, td.listgalcreatedodd, td.listgalhitsodd, td.listgaluserodd, td.listgalfilesizeodd, td.bloglistnameodd, td.bloglistdescriptionodd, td.bloglistcreatedodd,td.bloglistlastModifodd,td.bloglistuserodd,td.bloglistpublicodd,td.bloglistpostsodd, td.bloglistvisitsodd, td.bloglistactivityodd, td.bloglistactionsodd, td.listfgalnameodd, td.listfgaldescriptionodd, td.listfgalcreatedodd, td.listfgallastModifodd, td.listfgaluserodd, td.listfgalfilesodd, td.listfgalvisitsodd, td.listfgalactionsodd, td.listfilesnameodd,td.listfilesdescriptionodd,td.listfilesidodd,td.listfilesfilenameodd, td.listfilesfilesizeodd,td.listfilescreatedodd,td.listfilesdlsodd,td.listfilesnameodd,td.listfilesuserodd,td.listfilesactionsodd, td.listarttitleodd,td.listarttopicodd,td.listartpublishDateodd,td.listartauthorodd,td.listartreadsodd,td.listarthasimageodd, td.listartuseimageodd,td.listartactionsodd,td.listartsizeodd,td.forumstableodd,td.forumstableinfoodd,td.topictitleodd, td.topicrepliesodd,td.topicreadsodd,td.topicscoreodd,td.topiclastpostodd,td.topicauthorodd, td.jukeboxlistnameodd, td.jukeboxdescriptionodd, td.jukeboxcreatedodd, td.jukeboxlastmodifodd, td.jukeboxlistuserodd, td.jukeboxlisttracksodd, td.jukeboxlistvisitsodd { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #F7F9FA; } TD.even,td.gallistnameeven, td.gallistdescriptioneven, td.gallistcreatedeven,td.gallistlastModifeven, td.gallistusereven , td.gallistimageseven,td.gallisthitseven, td.gallistactionseven, td.listgalideven, td.listgalnameeven, td.listgalcreatedeven, td.listgalhitseven, td.listgalusereven,td.listgalfilesizeeven, td.bloglistnameeven, td.bloglistdescriptioneven, td.bloglistcreatedeven,td.bloglistlastModifeven,td.bloglistusereven,td.bloglistpubliceven,td.bloglistpostseven, td.bloglistvisitseven, td.bloglistactivityeven, td.bloglistactionseven, td.listfgalnameeven, td.listfgaldescriptioneven, td.listfgalcreatedeven, td.listfgallastModifeven, td.listfgalusereven, td.listfgalfileseven, td.listfgalvisitseven, td.listfgalactionseven,td.listfilesnameeven ,td.listfilesdescriptioneven,td.listfilesideven,td.listfilesfilenameeven, td.listfilesfilesizeeven,td.listfilescreatedeven,td.listfilesdlseven,td.listfilesnameeven,td.listfilesusereven,td.listfilesactionseven, td.listarttitleeven,td.listarttopiceven,td.listartpublishDateeven,td.listartauthoreven,td.listartreadseven,td.listarthasimageeven, td.listartuseimageeven,td.listartactionseven,td.listartsizeeven,td.forumstableeven,td.forumstableinfoeven,td.topictitleeven, td.topicreplieseven,td.topicreadseven,td.topicscoreeven,td.topiclastposteven,td.topicauthoreven, td.jukeboxlistnameeven, td.jukeboxdescriptioneven, td.jukeboxcreatedeven, td.jukeboxlastmodifeven, td.jukeboxlistusereven, td.jukeboxlisttrackseven, td.jukeboxlistvisitseven { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; background-color : #E7E9EA; color : black; border-collapse : collapse; } TD.third { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; color : Black; background-color : #8CACBB; } /* When the page title is a link this is the style */ .pagetitle, .forumspagetitle { font-size : 24px; color : #234956; margin : 0 10px; margin-bottom : 3px; } .link, .gallink, .bloglink, .fgallink, .trailer, .opencomlink, .commentslink, .admlink,.forumbutlink { font-weight : normal; padding : 0; } div.searchdate { font-size : 10px; color : #333333; } /* Pagination for listings */ .mini { font-size: 9px; color : Black; } .prevnext, .galprevnext, .blogprevnext, .fgalprevnext, .artprevnext, .forumprevnext, .jukeboxprevnext { font-size: 12px; padding: 1px 6px; } .attention { color: red; } .highlight { background-color : #eeee99 !important; color : #000000; } div#edithelpzone { display : none; } div#attzone { display : none; margin-top : 10px; } div#attzoneopen { display : block; margin-top : 10px; } a.tikihelp, a.tikihelp:visited { border : 0; vertical-align: text-top; } a.tikihelp:hover { color : #224466; cursor : help; vertical-align: text-top; } /*********************************************** THE WIKI ***********************************************************/ div.titlebar { background-color: #C7D0D9; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #46596f; letter-spacing : 1px; padding : 0 6px 1px 6px; margin : 3px 0 6px 0; font-weight : bold; } /* The bar where the actions for a page are displayed */ DIV#page-bar { margin : 0 5px; } DIV#page-bar table, DIV#page-bar td, DIV#page-bar tr { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* Wiki action buttons (the buttons displayed at the end of each page to edit/print/remove/etc a page */ .button2, .button3 { font-size : 10px; margin : 0; padding : 0 2px; border : 1px solid #999; } .button2 a { text-decoration:none; } .button3 { border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -moz-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -khtml-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; } .button3 .linkbut { border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -moz-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -khtml-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; padding-bottom : 2px; border-bottom : 0; } body .button2 { margin-left : 5px; } /* Links in buttons */ /*.linkbut, .linkbut:visited { font-size : 10px; color : #223344; background-color : #C7D0D9; padding : 1px 4px; font-weight : normal; text-decoration : none; border : 1px solid #46596f; } */ .linkbut:hover { } .tab1 form { display : inline; } div.cache { background-color : #DEE7EC; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; padding : 10px margin : 4px; } div.cachedpage { border : 1px solid black; padding : 10px margin : 20px; } .wikicache, .wikicache:visited { font-size : 9px; font-weight : normal; color : #998833; text-decoration : none; } .wikicache:hover { color : #000000; background-color: transparent; } table.wikitable { border-collapse : collapse; } td.wikicell { border-collapse : collapse; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; background-color : #F7F9FA; } div.wikitext { font-size : 12px; padding : 10px; clear : both; width : auto; } div.wikitext div.img { overflow: auto; /* for Netscape, Firefox, Opera */ overflow-y: auto; /* for IE */ overflow-x: hidden; /* for IE */ } .wikitext div.box { width : auto; } .wikitopline table { width : 100%; voice-family : "\"}\""; voice-family : inherit; width : 97%; } html>body .wikitopline table { width : 100%; } #description { margin : 0 10px; font-size : 11px !important; color : #666; } .wiki { } .wikinew { color : #CC0000; } textarea.wikiedit { font-size:1em; } p.editdate { color : #223344; border-top : 1px solid #8CACBB; font-size : 9px; padding : 0 10px; } div.wiki-edithelp { background : white; border : 1px solid black; padding : 10px; } img.externallink { margin : 0 2px; } div.tocnav { font-size : 10px; border-top : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-bottom : 1px solid #8CACBB; color: black; padding: 2px 0; margin-bottom: 2px; } .tocnavlink { color : black; } /* wiki diff styles */ .diff td { border: 1px solid #A9B8C2; } .diff div { border-top : 1px solid #A9B8C2; } .diffheader { background-color : #A9B8C2; font-weight: bold; } .diffadded { background-color : #CCFFCC; } .diffdeleted { background-color : #FFCCCC; } .diffbody { background-color : #F2F4F5; } .diffchar { color : red; } /**** coloration for c o d e plugin *****/ div.code { font-size : 10px; padding : 3px; border : 1px dashed #CCCCCC; background-color : #F4F4F4; font-family : monospace; } .codelisting { font-family : monospace; padding : 10px; background-color : #FFFFFF; margin : 0; border : 1px solid #ADACAF; overflow: auto; /* for Netscape, Firefox, Opera */ overflow-y: auto; /* for IE */ overflow-x: hidden; /* for IE */ } .codecaption { font-size : 10px; padding : 0 10px; background-color : #FFFFFF; position : relative; bottom : -5px; display : inline; border : 1px solid #ADACAF; border-bottom : 0; margin : 0; color : #666666; background-color: #E9ECEF; font-weight : bold; border-radius-topright : 1ex; -moz-border-radius-topright : 1ex; -khtml-border-radius-topright : 1ex; } /******************************************************* IMAGE GALLERIES **********************************************/ TABLE.galtable { border-collapse : collapse; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; width : 100%; voice-family : "\"}\""; voice-family : inherit; width : 97%; } html>body .galtable { width : 100%; } TD.oddthumb { background-color : #E7E9EA; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; text-align : center; } TD.eventhumb { background-color : #F7F9FA; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; text-align : center; } div.thumbnails { border : 1px solid white; margin : 10px; } img.athumb { border : 1px solid white; } .caption { color : black; } p.norecords { font-weight : bold; } div.imagetitle { font-weight : bold; font-size : 26px; } div.gallerylink { } div.showimage { text-align : center; margin : 5px 0; } div.imgaldescr { margin : 10px; } .sorttitle { margin-left : 10px; } /******************************************************* WEBLOGS **********************************************************/ div.blogtitle { color : black; font-weight : bold; font-size : 26px; margin : 0 10px; } div.bloginfo { font-size : 10px; color : #424242; margin : 10px; } div.blogdesc { clear : both; margin : 0 10px; } div.blogtools { background-color: #C7D0D9; border-top : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-bottom : 1px solid #8CACBB; font-size : 10px; margin : 10px 0; padding : 0 10px; } div.posthead { color : black; overflow : hidden; padding : 0 10px; } div.posthead td[align=right] { vertical-align : bottom; margin : 0 10px; } span.posthead { font-weight : bold; } span.posthead small { font-size : 9px; color : #666666; font-weight : normal; } .blogt { } div.postbody { overflow : hidden; border-top : 1px solid #AEAEAE; border-bottom : 1px solid #AEAEAE; font-size : 10px; color : black; padding : 10px; width : auto; } /****************************************************** CMS ***************************************************************/ div.articletitle { border-top : 1px solid #46596f; clear : both; } span.titlea { background : #C7D0D9; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-left : 0; border-top : 0; padding : 0px 20px; margin : 3px 0 6px 0; font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold; border-radius-bottomright : 20px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright : 20px; -khtml-border-radius-bottomright : 20px; } span.titleb, span.titleb:after { font-size : 10px; color : #666666; margin : 5px 20px; } div.articleheading { margin : 5px 20px 5px 20px; clear : both; } div.articleheadingtext { display : inline; } div.articletrailer { border-top : 1px solid #C7D0D9; margin-bottom : 10px; clear : both; } span.trailer { } .articleimage { margin-right : 20px; } div.articlebody { border : 1px solid #AEAEAE; border-left : 0; border-right : 0; background-color : #FFFFFF; padding : 20px; margin : 10px 0; clear : both; } .articletopline { text-transform : uppercase; color : #666666; font-size : 80%; font-weight : bold; margin : 0 20px; } .articlesubtitle { color : #666666; margin : 0 20px; } .articlesource { padding : 0px 20px; margin-bottom : 10px; font-style : italic; } /******************************************************* CALENDAR **********************************************************/ .day, .day:visited { font-weight : normal; font-size : 10px; color : black; } .today { font-size : 10px; color : black; } .nav { font-size : 10px; color : black; } .changedate { font-size : 9px; color : black; } .date { font-size : 10px; color : black; font-weight : bold; } /*************************************************** COMMENTS **************************************************************/ #comzone { display : none; margin : 5px 0px; padding : 0; } #comzoneopen { display : block; margin : 5px 0px; padding : 0; } span.commentstitle { font-weight : bold; font-size : 12px; } .subcomment { margin-left: 10px; } /************************************************************ CHAT *********************************************************/ table.chatroom { border-color : 2px solid #334455; width : 100%; } td.chatchannels { background-color : #C7D0D9; } td.chatarea { padding-left : 0px; margin-left : 0px; color : black; background-color : #FFFFFF; } table.chatform { border : 1px solid #00639C; width : 100%; border-top : 0px; } td.tdchatform { color : Black; background-color : #EEEEEE; } span.chnormal { color : black; } span.chuser { color : black; font-weight : bold; } /********************************************************** POLLS ********************************************************/ div.pollresults { margin-top : 5px; font-size : 12px; padding : 0 5px; } table.pollresults { width : 100%; } td.pollr { color : black; } #pollopen { display : block; } #pollzone { display : none; } #polledit { display : none; } .pollnav { } /***************************************************** FORUMS *****************************************************/ div.forumspagetitle { } table.threads { width : 100%; } td.viewthreadl { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #EEEEEE; height : 10px; } td.viewthreadr { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #EEEEEE; height : 10px; } td.threadsevenl { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #EEEEEE; } td.threadsevenr { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #EEEEEE; } td.threadsoddl { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #DDDDDD; } td.threadsoddr { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #DDDDDD; } td.threadseparator { border : 1px solid #8CACBB; border-collapse : collapse; background-color : #EEEEEE; height : 5px; } #forumpost { display : none; } #forumpostopen { display : block; } div.forumtoolbar { background-color : #395AAD; margin-bottom : 20px; border : 0px; } td.forumtoolbar { color : white; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; vertical-align : bottom; } .toolbarlink, .toolbarlink:active { color : white; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; } .toolbarlink:hover { color : #00FFFF; } .forumvotelink { color : black; } /************************************************ CATEGORIES **************************************************************/ table.tcategpath { margin-bottom : 40px; border : 1px solid #8CACBB; width : 100%; border-collapse : collapse; } td.tdcategpath { color : #578308; font-weight : bold; background-color : #CDE2A7; padding : 0 3px; margin : 0px; border-spacing : 0px; } .categpath { } table.subcats { padding : 20px 0; width : 100%; border-spacing : 0px; margin-bottom : 10px; border : 1px solid #46596f; background-color : #CDE2A7; border-collapse : collapse; } td.tdsubcat { width : 25%; background-color : #8CACBB; } .categlink { } table.catobjects { width : 100%; border-spacing : 0px; padding-right : 0px; margin-bottom : 10px; border : 1px solid #46596f; border-collapse : collapse; } td.categobjectsnameeven, td.categobjectsnameodd { color : black; } td.categobjectsdataeven, td.categobjectsdataodd { background-color : #F7F9FA; color : black; } .catname { color : #46596f; } .catblock { border : 1px solid #AAAAAA; } .catlists { border-top : 1px solid #FFFFFF; padding : 1px 6px 1px 6px; background-color : transparent; color : #666666; } .catlists:last-child { border-bottom : 1px solid #FFFFFF; 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font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calgal a { font-weight : normal; color : #303F49; } .Calgal:before { content : "i"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calart a { color: #304F30; font-weight: normal; } .Calart:before { content : "a"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calforum a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calforum:before { content : "o"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Caldir a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Caldir:before { content : "d"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calfgal a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calfgal:before { content : "f"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calfaq a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calfaq:before { content : "q"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calquiz a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calquiz:before { content : "z"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Caltrack a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Caltrack:before { content : "t"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calsurv a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calsurv:before { content : "s"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calnl a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calnl:before { content : "n"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Caleph a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Caleph:before { content : "e"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .Calchart a { color : #304F30; font-weight : normal; } .Calchart:before { content : "c"; font-family : monospace; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .calweb { font-weight : bold; font-size : 10px; text-decoration : none; padding-left : 3px; padding-right : 3px; color : #336699; } .calweb:hover { color : #996633; } #calprio { margin-left : 7px; padding : 0 5px; color : black; } .calprio1 { background-color : #DAE0E0; } .calprio2 { background-color : #DADCDC; } .calprio3 { background-color : #DAD0D0; } .calprio4 { background-color : #DACACA; } .calprio5 { background-color : #DAC0D0; } .calprio6 { background-color : #DABABA; } .calprio7 { background-color : #DAB0B0; } .calprio8 { background-color : #DAAAAA; } .calprio9 { background-color : #DA9A9A; } .calprio1 a, .calprio2 a, .calprio3 a, .calprio4 a, .calprio5 a, .calprio6 a, .calprio7 a, .calprio8 a, .calprio9 a { color : #000000; font-weight : normal; } div.tabrow { margin-left : 29px; background-color : #EEEEEE; border : 1px solid #787878; border-bottom : 0; font-size : 11px; } td.middle { vertical-align : middle; } .daterow { background-color : #fff; border : 1px solid #999; padding : 0 5px; } .daterow:hover { background-color : #ddd; cursor : pointer; } .mininotes { font-size : 9px; color : #666666; } .opaque { background-color: #FFFFFF; width : auto; border : 1px solid #666666; border-radius : 10px; -moz-border-radius : 10px; -khtml-border-radius : 10px; padding : 5px; } .opaque .box-title, .opaque .box-data { width: auto; } /* hack for IE http://www.wellstyled.com/css-underscore-hack.html */ .calcontent { min-height: 60px; height: auto; _height: 60px; } .viewmodeon { padding : 0px; } .viewmodeoff { padding-left : 0px; } a.viewmodeon img { margin : 0; padding : 0; } a.viewmodeoff img { margin : 0; padding : 0; } #caltable { } /*************************** user menu ***************/ .option { } .optionline { border-top : 1px dashed #8CACBB; margin-top : 2px; padding-top : 2px; } /*************************** other misc styles ***************/ div.tree { text-align : left; padding-left : 1.5em; } div.tree#top { border : 1px outset #46596f; padding : 10px; } /* TikiIntegrator: By default copy rules dialog not shown */ div#rules-copy-panel { displayi : none; } /* JsCalendar wrapper */ #datrigger { border : 1px outset #666666; padding : 1px 3px 1px 5px; margin : 2px; cursor : pointer; font-weight : bold; } .calendar { z-index: 200; } table.commentinfo { width : 100%; background-color: #FFF7E6; } div#loadstats { color : #666666; padding : 5px; } /* phplayers style */ .box-data table { width : 100%; } .mdkverbar { margin : 0px; } .mdksubmenu { z-index : 999; position : absolute; left : 0; top : 0; background-color : #FFFFFF; visibility : hidden; } .mdksubmenu table { width : auto; } .mdksubframe { z-index : 1000; position : relative; display : block; border : 1px solid #000000; } .mdkitem { border-top : 1px solid #DEDEDE; position : relative; text-align : left; white-space : nowrap; } .mdkitem a { padding : 2px 5px; position : relative; display : block; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px; } .mdkitem a:visited { } .mdkitem a:hover { } .mdkitem a:active { color : #993300; } .mdkitem .mdkfwdarr { position : absolute; top : 5px; right : 12px; } /* toc */ .toc { } .toc li { margin-top : 3px; } .tocnav { background-color : #EEEEEE; margin-bottom : 16px; } .tocnav table { width : 100%; background-color : #FFFFFF; } .tocnav a { font-size : 10px; color : #424242; } .fancytoclevel { list-style-image: url(../img/icons/footprint.gif); } #clear { clear : both; } /***************** tiki tabs ***************/ .tabs { padding : 1px 5px; } .tabmark { display : inline; font-size : 10px; background-color : #DDDDDD; border : 1px solid #666666; margin : 0px; margin-right : 5px; padding: 2px 0; border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -moz-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -khtml-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; } .tabmark a { border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -moz-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; -khtml-border-radius : 5px 5px 0 0; border-bottom : 0; color : #666666; font-weight : bold; padding : 1px 5px; } .tabmark a:active { background-color : white; color : red; } .tabmark a:hover { color : black; background-color : #CCCCCC; } .tabcontent { z-index : 200; position : relative; border : 1px solid #999999; padding: 6px 2px 2px 2px; margin: 5px; margin-top : 0; background-color : #EEEEEE; border-radius : 0px 4px 4px 4px; -moz-border-radius : 0px 4px 4px 4px; -khtml-border-radius : 0px 4px 4px 4px; } /*********************** Version Plugin Style **********************/ .versions { border-top : 1px dashed #999999; border-bottom : 1px dashed #999999; min-height : 142px; } .versionav, .versionav:after { display : inline; float : right; border-left : 1px dashed #999999; } .versionav .button2 { display : block; border : 0; border-bottom : 1px dashed #999999; background-color : none; } .versionav .button2 .linkbut { border : 0; background-color : inherit; padding : 0 10px; } .versionav .highlight { background-color : #CCCCCC; font-weight : bold; } .versiontitle, .versiontitle:after { font-weight : bold; border-bottom : 1px dashed #999999; border-left : 1px dashed #999999; padding : 2px 30px; float : right; } /**** coloration for QUOTE plugin *****/ .quoteheader { margin: 10px 5px 0px 5px; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #A9B8C2; color: black; font-weight: bold; background-color: #A9B8C2; font-size: 8pt; } .quotebody { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; padding: 5px; border-color: #A9B8C2; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; color: black; background-color: #edeeef; } /* TikiSheet Default Style {{{1 */ table.default thead td, table.default tfoot td { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #E5EEF6; } table.default td { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #8CACBB; background-color: #FFFFFF; } /* }}}1 */ /*** style for 'advanced feature' divs ***/ .advanced { margin: 20px; padding: 5px; border-color: #A9B8C2; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; background-color: #dee7ec; } .advanced:before { content:url(../img/icons/mini_blue_diamond.gif)" "; } /* end of css file */