File: tiki-admin_security.php
<?php // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); // do we need it? require_once('lib/admin/adminlib.php'); if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // get all dangerous php settings and check them $phpsettings=array(); // register globals $s=ini_get('register_globals'); if ($s) { $phpsettings['register_globals']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('register_globals should be off by default. See the php manual for details.')); } else { $phpsettings['register_globals']=array('risk' => tra('safe'), 'setting' => $s); } // trans_sid $s=ini_get('session.use_trans_sid'); if ($s) { $phpsettings['session.use_trans_sid']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('session.use_trans_sid should be off by default. See the php manual for details.')); } else { $phpsettings['session.use_trans_sid']=array('risk' => tra('safe'), 'setting' => $s); } // check file upload dir and compare it to tiki root dir $s=ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'); $sn=substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],0,-23); if (strpos($sn,$s) !== FALSE) { $phpsettings['upload_tmp_dir']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('upload_tmp_dir is probably within your TikiWiki directory. There is a risk that someone can upload any file to this directory and access them via web browser')); } else { $phpsettings['upload_tmp_dir']=array( 'risk' => tra('unknown'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('cannot check if the upload_tmp_dir is accessible via web browser. To be sure you should check your webserver config.')); } $s=ini_get('xbithack'); if($s==1) { $phpsettings['xbithack']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('setting the xbithack option is unsafe. Depending on the file handling of your webserver and your tiki settings, it may be possible that a attacker can upload scripts to file gallery and execute them')); } else { $phpsettings['xbithack']=array('risk' => tra('safe'), 'setting' => $s); } $s=ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); if($s==1) { $phpsettings['allow_url_fopen']=array('risk' => tra('risky'), 'setting' => $s, 'message' => tra('allow_url_fopen may potentially be used to upload remote data or scripts. If you dont use the blog feature, you can switch it off.')); } else { $phpsettings['allow_url_fopen']=array('risk' => tra('safe'), 'setting' => $s); } ksort($phpsettings); $smarty->assign_by_ref('phpsettings',$phpsettings); // tikiwiki preferences check // do we need to get the preferences or are they already loaded? $tikisettings=array(); if($feature_file_galleries=='y' && !empty($fgal_use_dir) && substr($fgal_use_dir,0,1)!='/') { // todo: check if absolute path is in tiki root $tikisettings['fgal_use_dir']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => $fgal_use_dir, 'message' => tra('The Path to store files in the filegallery should be outside the tiki root directory')); } if($feature_galleries=='y' && !empty($gal_use_dir) && substr($gal_use_dir,0,1)!='/') { $tikisettings['gal_use_dir']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => $gal_use_dir, 'message' => tra('The Path to store files in the imagegallery should be outside the tiki root directory')); } if($feature_edit_templates=='y') { $tikisettings['edit_templates']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => tra('on'), 'message' => tra('The feature "Edit Templates" is switched on. Do not allow anyone you cannot trust to use this feature. It can easily be used to inject php code.')); } if(file_exists('lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_snarf.php')) { $tikisettings['wikiplugin_snarf']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => tra('installed'), 'message' => tra('The "Snarf Wikiplugin" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to include pages from the local network and via regex replacement create any html.')); } if(file_exists('lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_regex.php')) { $tikisettings['wikiplugin_regex']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => tra('installed'), 'message' => tra('The "Regex Wikiplugin" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to create any html via regex replacement.')); } if(file_exists('lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_lsdir.php')) { $tikisettings['wikiplugin_lsdir']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => tra('installed'), 'message' => tra('The "Lsdir Wikiplugin" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to view the contents of any directory.')); } if(file_exists('lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bloglist.php')) { $tikisettings['wikiplugin_bloglist']=array('risk' => tra('unsafe'),'setting' => tra('installed'), 'message' => tra('The "Bloglist Wikiplugin" is installed. It can be used by wiki editors to disclose private blog posts.')); } ksort($tikisettings); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tikisettings',$tikisettings); // array for severity in tiki_secdb table. This can go into a extra table if // the array grows to much. $secdb_severity=array( //1000 Path disclosure 1000=>tra('Path disclosure'), 1001=>tra('Path disclosure through error message'), //2000 SQL injection 2000=>tra('SQL injection'), 2001=>tra('SQL injection by authenticated user'), 2002=>tra('SQL injection by authenticated user with special privileges'), 2003=>tra('SQL injection without authentication'), //3000 command injection 3000=>tra('PHP command injection'), 3001=>tra('PHP command injection by authenticated user'), 3002=>tra('PHP command injection by authenticated user with special privileges'), 3003=>tra('PHP command injection without authentication'), //4000 File upload 4000=>tra('File upload') ); // dir walk & check functions function md5_check_dir($dir,&$result) { // save all suspicious files in $result global $tikilib; global $tiki_versions; $c_tiki_versions=count($tiki_versions); $query="select * from `tiki_secdb` where `filename`=?"; $d=dir($dir); while (false !== ($e = $d->read())) { $entry=$dir.'/'.$e; if(is_dir($entry)) { if($e != '..' && $e != '.' && $entry!='./templates_c') { // do not descend and no checking of templates_c since the file based md5 database would grow to big md5_check_dir($entry,$result); } } else if(substr($e,-4,4) == ".php") { if(!is_readable($entry)) { $result[$entry]=tra('File is not readable. Unable to check.'); } else { $md5val=md5_file($entry); $dbresult=$tikilib->query($query,array($entry)); $is_tikifile=false; $is_tikiver=array(); $valid_tikiver=array(); $severity=0; // we could avoid the following with a second sql, but i think, this is faster. while($res=$dbresult->FetchRow()) { $is_tikifile=true; // we know the filename ... probably modified if($res['md5_value']==$md5val) { $is_tikiver[]=$res['tiki_version']; // found $severity=$res['severity']; } $k=array_search($res['tiki_version'],$tiki_versions); if($k>0) { //record the valid versions in this array if($res['md5_value']==$md5val) { $valid_tikiver[$k]=true; } else { $valid_tikiver[$k]=false; } } } // echo "<pre>";print_r($valid_tikiver);echo"</pre>"; if($is_tikifile==false) { $result[$entry]=tra('This is not a TikiWiki file. Check if this file was uploaded and if it is dangerous.'); } else if($is_tikifile==true && count($is_tikiver)==0) { $result[$entry]=tra('This is a modified File. Cannot check version. Check if it is dangerous.'); } else { // check if we have a most recent valid version $most_recent=false; for ($i=$c_tiki_versions;$i>0;$i--) { // search $valid_tikiver top to down to find the most recent version if(isset($valid_tikiver[$i])) { if($valid_tikiver[$i]==false) { //$most_recent stays false. we break break; } else { $most_recent=true; // in this case we have found the most recent version. good break; } } } // use result of most_recent to decide if($most_recent==false) { $result[$entry]=tra('This file is from another TikiWiki version: ').implode(tra(' or '),$is_tikiver); } } } } } $d->close(); } // if check installation is pressed, walk through all files and compute md5 sums if (isset($_REQUEST['check_files'])) { global $tiki_versions; $tiki_versions=array( 1=>'1.9.1', 2=>'', 3=>'1.9.2', 4=>'', 5=>'', 6=>'1.9.4', 7=>'1.9.5', 8=>'1.9.6' ); // all valid versions. Newer versions have a higher array index $result=array(); md5_check_dir(".",$result); // echo "<pre>"; print_r($tikimd5);echo "</pre><br />"; // echo "<pre>"; print_r($result);echo "</pre><br />"; $smarty->assign('filecheck',true); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tikifiles',$result); } // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-admin_security.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); ?>