File: tiki-browse_image.php
<?php // $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-browse_image.php,v 2006/11/02 14:35:43 sylvieg Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al. // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // Initialization require_once('tiki-setup.php'); include_once("lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php"); include_once ('lib/stats/statslib.php'); if ($feature_categories == 'y') { global $categlib; if (!is_object($categlib)) { include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } } if ($feature_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_galleries"); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['imageId'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No image indicated")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $imageId = $_REQUEST['imageId']; // always get gallery from image so no user can fake the galleryid // and get an image that is truly in another (forbidden) gallery $galleryId = $imagegallib->get_gallery_from_image($imageId); if (!$galleryId) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("picture not found")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $smarty->assign('individual', 'n'); if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($galleryId, 'image gallery')) { $smarty->assign('individual', 'y'); if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { // Now get all the permissions that are set for this type of permissions 'image gallery' $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', 'image galleries'); foreach ($perms["data"] as $perm) { $permName = $perm["permName"]; if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $galleryId, 'image gallery', $permName)) { $$permName = 'y'; $smarty->assign("$permName", 'y'); } else { $$permName = 'n'; $smarty->assign("$permName", 'n'); } } } } elseif ($tiki_p_admin != 'y' && $feature_categories == 'y') { $perms_array = $categlib->get_object_categories_perms($user, 'image gallery', $galleryId); if ($perms_array) { $is_categorized = TRUE; foreach ($perms_array as $perm => $value) { $$perm = $value; } } else { $is_categorized = FALSE; } if ($is_categorized && isset($tiki_p_view_categories) && $tiki_p_view_categories != 'y') { if (!isset($user)){ $smarty->assign('msg',$smarty->fetch('modules/mod-login_box.tpl')); $smarty->assign('errortitle',tra("Please login")); } else { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("Permission denied you cannot view this page")); } $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } if ($tiki_p_admin_galleries == 'y') { $tiki_p_view_image_gallery = 'y'; $smarty->assign("tiki_p_view_image_gallery", 'y'); $tiki_p_upload_images = 'y'; $smarty->assign("tiki_p_upload_images", 'y'); $tiki_p_create_galleries = 'y'; $smarty->assign("tiki_p_create_galleries", 'y'); } if ($tiki_p_view_image_gallery != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you can not view this section")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $gal_info = $imagegallib->get_gallery($galleryId); $scalesize = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST["scalesize"])) { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST["scalesize"]) && $_REQUEST["scalesize"] > 0) { $scalesize = $_REQUEST["scalesize"]; } else { } } elseif ($gal_info['defaultscale'] !=='o') { $scalesize = $gal_info['defaultscale']; } $arrscales = $imagegallib->get_gallery_scale_info($galleryId); // adjust scale size to existing ones if ($scalesize) { $testscale = 0; for ($iscale = 0; $iscale < count($arrscales); $iscale++) { if ($scalesize <= $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']) { $testscale = $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']; break; } } $scalesize = $testscale; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('scalesize', $scalesize); $smarty->assign('same_scale', "&scalesize={$scalesize}"); if (!isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { $_REQUEST["sort_mode"] = $gal_info['sortorder'].'_'.$gal_info['sortdirection']; } $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; $listImgId = $imagegallib->get_gallery_image($galleryId, 'all', $sort_mode); $offset = array_search($imageId, $listImgId); if ($offset) { $smarty->assign('previmg', $listImgId[$offset-1]); } else { $smarty->assign('previmg', ''); } if (count($listImgId) > $offset + 1) { $smarty->assign('nextimg', $listImgId[$offset+1]); } else { $smarty->assign('nextimg', ''); } $smarty->assign('firstId', $listImgId[0]); $smarty->assign('lastId', $listImgId[count($listImgId)-1]); $smarty->assign('sort_mode', $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]); $smarty->assign('galleryId', $galleryId); $popup = isset($_REQUEST['popup']) && $_REQUEST['popup'] ? 'y' : ''; $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $foo2 = str_replace("tiki-browse_image", "show_image", $foo["path"]); $smarty->assign('url_browse', $tikilib->httpPrefix(). $foo["path"]); $smarty->assign('url_base', $foo["path"] . "?galleryId={$galleryId}&sort_mode={$sort_mode}" . ($popup ? '&popup=y' : '') . '&imageId='); $smarty->assign('url_show', $tikilib->httpPrefix(). $foo2); $imagegallib->add_image_hit($imageId); $info = $imagegallib->get_image_info($imageId); $maxgal = $gal_info['maxRows'] * $gal_info['rowImages']; $smarty->assign('offset', $maxgal ? $offset - ($offset % $maxgal) : 0); //$smarty->assign_by_ref('theme',$gal_info["theme"]); //$smarty->assign('use_theme','y'); if ($feature_gal_slideshow != 'n') { // Require js slideshow library middle priority 50 $head_extra_js['lib/imagegals/imagegallib.js'] = 50; $listImgId = implode(',', $listImgId); $smarty->assign('listImgId', $listImgId); } // Everybody can browse images if (isset($_REQUEST["move_image"])) { check_ticket('browse-image'); if ($tiki_p_admin_galleries != 'y' && (!$user || $user != $gal_info["user"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you cannot move images from this gallery")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (isset($_REQUEST["newname"]) and $_REQUEST["newname"] != $info["name"]) { if ($imagegallib->edit_image($imageId, $_REQUEST['newname'], $info['description'],$info['lat'],$info['lon'])) { $info['name'] = $_REQUEST['newname']; } } $imagegallib->move_image($imageId, $_REQUEST["newgalleryId"]); $info['galleryId'] = $_REQUEST["newgalleryId"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('owner', $gal_info["user"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('defaultscale', $gal_info["defaultscale"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('imageId', $imageId); $smarty->assign_by_ref('name', $info["name"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('title', $info["name"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleryId', $info["galleryId"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('description', $info["description"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('lat', $info["lat"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('lon', $info["lon"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('created', $info["created"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filename', $info["filename"]); $smarty->assign('xsize', $info["xsize"]); $smarty->assign('ysize', $info["ysize"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('hits', $info["hits"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('image_user', $info["user"]); $galleries = $imagegallib->list_visible_galleries(0, -1, 'lastModif_desc', $user, ''); $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleries', $galleries["data"]); // Init vars $smarty->assign('popup', $popup); $smarty->assign('popupsize', ''); $winxsize = 0; $winysize = 0; // Calculate PopUp Window size for the popup link $winx = $info['xsize']; if ($winx < 320) { $winx = 320; } $winy = $info['ysize']; if ($winy < 200) { $winy = 200; } // Give it some more pixels for the links and a little margin $winx += 40; $winy += 80; // Now get'em to the template $smarty->assign('winx', $winx); $smarty->assign('winy', $winy); // adjust scale size to existing ones according to image if smaller $maxsize = max($info['xsize'], $info['ysize']); $resultscale = $scalesize < $maxsize ? $scalesize : 0; // build previous and next scale according to current and existing ones $scaleinfo['nextscale'] = 0; $scaleinfo['prevscale'] = 0; $testscale = $resultscale ? $resultscale : $maxsize; for ($iscale = 0; $iscale < count($arrscales); $iscale++) { if ($testscale == $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']) { continue; } if ($testscale > $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']) { $scaleinfo['prevscale'] = $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']; continue; } if ($maxsize > $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']) { $scaleinfo['nextscale'] = $arrscales[$iscale]['scale']; } break; } $scaleinfo['clickscale'] = $scaleinfo['nextscale'] ? $scaleinfo['nextscale'] : ($resultscale ? 0 : ( $arrscales ? $arrscales[0]['scale'] : -1) ); $smarty->assign('resultscale', $resultscale); if ($resultscale) { $info = $imagegallib->get_image_info($imageId, 's', $resultscale); $smarty->assign('xsize_scaled', $info["xsize"]); $smarty->assign('ysize_scaled', $info["ysize"]); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('scaleinfo',$scaleinfo); $section = 'galleries'; include_once('tiki-section_options.php'); if ($feature_theme_control == 'y') { $cat_type = 'image gallery'; $cat_objid = $galleryId; include('tiki-tc.php'); } // now set it if needed if ($popup) { $smarty->assign('feature_top_bar', 'n'); $smarty->assign('feature_left_column', 'n'); $smarty->assign('feature_right_column', 'n'); $smarty->assign('feature_bot_bar', 'n'); } ask_ticket('browse-image'); //add a hit $statslib->stats_hit($info["name"],"image",$imageId); // Display the template if ($popup) { $smarty->display("tiki-browse_image.tpl"); } else { $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-browse_image.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); } ?>